Sandra is a personal biography. Singer Sandra: biography, personal life, what is he doing now? Star Trek actress Sandra Oh, filmography

Sandra is a German pop singer.

After the breakup of the disco group "Arabesque", in which in 1979-84. Sandra was the lead vocalist, the singer began a successful solo career, becoming one of the most popular singers in Europe in the second half of the 1980s - early 90s. In the 1990s.
To find out the conditions for inviting singer Sandra to your event, call the phones posted on the official website of the concert agent of the singer Sandra. Information about the fee and the concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite the singer Sandra to an event or order Sandra's performance for an anniversary or a party. The official site of the singer Sandra carries information, videos and photos. Rider-singers Sandra will be sent upon your request. We ask you to clarify and book free performance dates in advance.
Sandra also took part in the Enigma project, created by her husband Michael Cretu.
Sandra attracted the attention of audiences and music critics at the age of thirteen when she performed at the Saarbrücken Young Star Festival. Inspired by the success, immediately after the festival in August 1976, she released a single titled "Andy, Mein Freund" about her favorite pet, Andy the puppy (the single also included the song "Ich Bin Noch Ein Kind"). However, the single failed to win the hearts of the public, and Sandra disappears from sight for several years.
In 1979, Sandra accepted an invitation to join the Arabesque group, in which she took a leading position. The Arabesque group gained the greatest popularity in the countries of Asia (especially in Japan) and the USSR.
Sandra met Michel Cretu, who would become not only a producer of her solo work after she left Arabesque, but also her husband. Almost immediately after they met, in April 1984, Sandra and Cretu released their first single titled "Japan Ist Weit", a German-language cover version of Alphaville's hit "Big In Japan". The single failed completely (it was reported that only 125 copies were sold). Then Sandra and Michelle returned to the English-language Eurodisco format. The result was Sandra's first solo album "The Long Play", which was released in November 1985 and immediately climbed into the "twenty" charts in Germany and other countries of the world (for example, in Israel it took 1st place). Success awaited subsequent albums, but for a while Sandra left her solo career, helping her husband (Sandra and Michelle got married in January 1988) in his new project called "Enigma" as the main vocalist and backing vocalist.
The return to her solo career was not very successful, and Sandra takes a break, focusing on the family. In July 1995, twins Nikita and Sebastian are born to her.
In 2007, Sandra divorced her husband and currently lives with another chosen one on the island of Ibiza. For the past three years she has been actively touring and preparing for the release of a new album, which she recorded in America.
In 2009, Sandra's long-awaited new album "Back to Life" was released. According to the singer herself, the songs from the new album are dance music, but created without the participation of Michel Cretu. However, this fact does not exclude the possibility of further musical cooperation of the former spouses. Performs songs in English, German and French.

For a charming Single

She was called the "European Madonna". She is one of the most popular and at the same time not scandalous stars of world pop music. Her hits have long been included in all kinds of "golden collections" and to this day they sound on the radio. Finally, she is a happy wife and mother of two twin sons. She is Sandra Ann Cretu... Or simply - Sandra... It is by this name that we know her. Unlike many pop singers of the 80s, she is still remembered and loved. And this is not surprising: Sandra- not only a performer of melodic, catchy songs, she is a very charming person and just a beautiful woman.

Sandra's family is truly international. Sandra herself is a native of Germany, half German, half French. Her husband is a renowned composer, arranger and producer Michael Cretu, originally from Romania. The couple and their children - Nikita and Sebastian - live in their own house on the island of Ibiza (Spain). Here is also the studio where Michael Cretu works and new musical creations are born. If anyone does not know - Michael is not only the author of his wife's hits. His brainchild is also the world-famous project "Enigma", almost entirely recorded in his home studio. By the way, Sandra's vocals can also be heard on all five Enigma albums.

Sandra can be called a lucky girl without exaggeration. Born in 1962 in the city of Saarbrücken (Germany), in an ordinary, average German family - Sandra's mother, Karen, worked in a shoe store, and her father, Robert Lauer, was engaged in the wine trade - the girl, with all the severity of her upbringing, was not deprived of the pleasure of listening music. "When I was little, I already knew all the lyrics of the hits of that time, I constantly listened to the radio, even at night!" - she says. When Sandra was ten, she was given a guitar, and she began to take lessons and a music teacher who lived on their street. She soon began writing her own songs.And one day Sandra accidentally found out about a children's talent contest held by a local radio station. “And I just took Olivia Newton-John’s record and went there with it, even though I wasn’t included in the competition program at all. I came and told the DJ that I wanted to sing this song, ”she recalls. Even Sandra's parents did not know about this performance. And she, in turn, completely unafraid of either the stage or the audience, sang to the record set by the DJ - and the audience liked how the little, desperate girl sings. A couple of months later, a producer appeared who helped Sandra record the first disc in her life - a single with the song “Andy, my friend”.

It was in 1974, Sandra was barely twelve. True, the single was not at all successful, and the contract with the young singer was not renewed. But the girl was not at all upset. Among friends and acquaintances, she was already a star.Parents began to let their daughter go to earn extra money for weddings and holidays. And four years later, the girl had a new chance. When 16-year-old Sandra was finishing school, she was invited to audition by the producer of the then popular pop trio Arabesque (Remember the cheerful song “Midnight Dancer”? they urgently looked for a replacement for her. Sandra was offered a contract and, although at first her parents did not really want to let her go to such a job (especially since for this Sandra had to move to Frankfurt and live alone). But - it was a great opportunity to start a serious musical career. In the period from 1979 to 1984, "Arabesques" toured and appeared regularly on television, not only in Europe, but also in East Asia. “In Japan, we were generally like the Spice Girls in Europe in the 90s,” says Sandra.

In 1982, when recording a disc in one of the studios in Frankfurt, a meeting took place that determined the whole future of Sandra. She met Michael Creta. “By chance we recorded together, at the same time - he is in studio 1, I am in studio 2. We often went to dinner together ...” The meals together grew into mutual sympathy. Sandra later said that she immediately felt that Michael was the man of her whole life ... Young people began to meet more often. Michael, an aspiring composer and producer, almost immediately saw the potential of a solo performer in his new girlfriend. And when in 1984 "Arabesques" broke up, he invited Sandra to cooperate with him. The first joint single was a cover version of the then hit all Europe hit of the group "Alphaville" - "Big in Japan". But, contrary to expectations, the single failed miserably. And then Sandra and Michael decided to approach the issue in more detail, for which they went to work in Munich. In 1985 the single “Maria Magdalena” was released. Unlike the previous one, this song easily took off to the first places of the charts. It was then that the music media began to call Sandra "European Madonna": at the same moment, Sandra's overseas colleague, Madonna, released the hit "Like a Virgin". During 1986-1988 Sandra and Michael recorded two successful albums, and the young singer was recognized all over the world, from South America to Japan, not as a member of Arabesque, but as a solo performer. It makes no sense to list the hits that were released: they are all still heard - and “Little Girl”, and “Everlasting Love”, and “Hi! Hi! Hi! ”, And others.

On January 7, 1988, the long-awaited event took place: the wedding of Sandra and Michael Cretu. Soon after the wedding, the couple moved from Germany to Ibiza. "This is one of the most beautiful places in Europe!" - says Sandra.

In September 1989, Sandra first came to the Soviet Union. Five evenings in a row she performed in Moscow, and all five evenings the Olympic sports complex was packed to capacity. For Sandra, all this was a complete surprise - she could not imagine that she was so well known and loved in the country, which at that time was still behind the Iron Curtain.

In 1990 Sandra recorded the song "Hiroshima". After a string of light and dance hits, this was a serious statement. Some radio stations even refused to air the song. Sandra explained her step: "Hiroshima for me is a symbol of human destructive power ... I am scared, because we are all sitting on a large atomic bomb that can explode at any moment!" And listeners appreciated Sandra's emotional impulse - the song took high places in the charts. The next hit was the song "Johnny Wanna Live" - ​​in which the singer expressed her protest against the abuse of animals. In the 90s, Sandra was generally carried away by the struggle for the preservation of nature. In particular, she forbade those who wear furs from entering her concerts. And she herself starred for youth magazines in faux fur clothes. Sandra continues to be an active member of WWF and campaigns for the public at every opportunity. And it seems that for her this is not just a tribute to fashion ...

On July 6, 1995, something happened that Sandra had been waiting for and wanted for many years: her twin boys were born.The news that she was expecting not one, but two children, both made Sandra and Michael happy and frightened. “I found out about it very early, it seems, in the second month,” she recalls. - The doctor showed me two dots on the ultrasound image. After one second of horror, Michael and I were brutally happy! " When Sandra and Michael told their friends about this, they thought that the couple were joking ... Pregnancy went well, Sandra even continued to work - singing and recording a new album, since the studio was in the house.During her pregnancy, Sandra recorded another hit of hers - the tender, touching song "First Lullaby", dedicated to the future twins. “I have - one hand for each of you, and one lullaby for two” - the singer addresses the unborn babies. - "One day you will go after the sun - and I will always be on your side ... and sometimes you will remember your first lullaby ..."

A new life has begun for the pop star Sandra - with diapers, diapers, bottles and sleepless nights. Shortly after the birth of the twins, all three returned home to Ibiza. “I've never had such stress before…” Sandra recalls. - Two children at once - at the same time! A bit too much for a novice mom, isn't it?But - like, probably, all mothers, Sandra safely survived the infancy in the life of her boys. Not without the help of the mother, who for the sake of this purposefully moved closer to her daughter, to Ibiza, and her beloved spouse. “Michael is a good father, the best one I know. He fusses so touchingly, looks after the children and helps as much as he can! " she says with a smile.

When Nikita and Sebastian were born, Sandra did not think about continuing her musical career. It seemed enough for her to periodically record for "Enigma", which Michael was actively involved in. But - the children grew up, more and more time was freed up. And in 2002, Sandra's next album, “Wheel Of Time,” was released, completely recorded at home.

“We cannot leave our job,” she says of their joint activities with Michael. - We are a family of musicians, we have our own studio, music is always heard ... I decided to record my album “Wheel Of Time” because I constantly received letters from my fans. During the years that I spent at home with the children, they did not forget me, they wanted to hear me. For me, first of all, it was a great compliment, and also an incentive to work further. "

At one time, Sandra was very fond of fortune telling on Tarot cards. Even in her youth, her uncle taught her fortune-telling, and since then this occupation could never get bored with Sandra. What is curious, as she says, according to the Tarot cards, it turned out that she would be successful as a solo performer six months earlier. And yet - trying to predict her own fate and the fate of Michael, she saw that they would have to live together for a long time ... It seems that sometimes the cards do not even lie at all. When Sandra, who has been married to Michael Cretu for 17 years, is asked: are they really still very much in love with each other after such a long period of living together and working together, she answers with a happy laugh: “Yes! We all also love each other with all our hearts! "

And Sandra calls the greatest material value ... her wedding ring!

Recently, Sandra once again delighted fans - a DVD with a complete collection of video clips, including the most recent ones, appeared on sale. I would like to hope that Michael Cretu still has new songs for his wife in stock - and we will hear them soon.

As the lead singer of Arabesque, Sandra has made a brilliant career in music. Her popularity went through the roof, and the German singer of the 80s was famous all over the world. However, the performer herself is sure that for success only a beautiful voice is not enough, it is also necessary to be unique and constantly improve your skills.

Sandra, often touring, has been to Russia many times, having visited many cities. She especially liked Moscow, which reminds the singer of her beloved Paris. Sandra's personal life was not entirely successful: two marriages were unsuccessful, and now she is not married. However, the artist is not alone, as she has children. The sons have already finished school and are getting higher education.

In the photo, singer Sandra in her youth

Sandra Cretu was born in 1962 in the city of Saarbrücken, located on the border of Germany and France. Her father, a Frenchman, had his own liquor store, and her mother, a German, was a salesman in a shoe store. Her brother also grew up in the family. Even in childhood, the future star showed the ability to sing, in addition, the girl loved to dance. Parents sent her to music and dance schools, where she successfully studied. Speaking at various competitions, Sandra won over not only the audience, but also critics. At the age of 17, she was invited to the Arabesque group, with which she performed for five years. Then she took up a solo career, performing in the Enigma group, however, this project did not have much success. In the 2000s, Sandra toured extensively and released new albums.

In the photo, Sandra with ex-husband Michel Cretu

Sandra's personal life is closely intertwined with her creative activities. The star's first husband was her producer, Michel Cretu. The lovers got married in early 1988. She helped her husband develop his Enigma project, becoming his backing vocalist. However, the artist dreamed of children, and when the long-awaited pregnancy came, she gave up her musical career and plunged into household chores. In the summer of 1995, twin sons, Nikita and Sebastian, were born by cesarean section.

But in 2007, Sandra divorced her husband, who soon went to live in Germany with a young passion. The artist was also not left alone: ​​at one social party she met her future husband Olaf Menges. The lovers left for Ibiza, and three years later they formalized their marriage.

German singer with her second husband Olaf Menges

The second husband did a lot for her: he inspired her and helped her return to her musical career, thanks to which the singer released three new albums. Sandra's second union also ended in divorce, however, the 54-year-old star is confident that she will still meet her female happiness.

see also

Material prepared by the editors of the site site

Posted on 08/20/2016

At the junction of the borders of France and Germany in the town of Saarbrücken, on May 18, 1962, a girl, Sandra Ann Lauer, was born to Robert and Karin Lauer, now known as the singer Sandra.

The child grew up talented, from an early age she began to attend a music school, took guitar lessons, and seriously studied ballet. With age, music for the future singer began to play a big role, in comparison with dancing and ballet, and from the age of 10 she plunged into the musical field with her head - her parents encouraged her in every possible way.

Her hobbies and activities were not in vain - thirteen-year-old Sandra participated in the festival, which was in her town.

The singer told that she heard about the festival-competition and came to it with Olivia Newton-John's record, told the DJ to put it on and sang a song. A year later, at the age of 14, the girl recorded her song about Andy's puppy, alas, the song did not gain popularity.

Sandra (center) with mom and brother

At school

One of the first performances

Sandra turned 17 years old, the girl's parents signed a contract with producer Frank Farian, she became the soloist of the German girl group "Arabesque".

Sandra (right) in the Arabesque group

Her appearance, slender figure and chiseled legs, dressed in sexy outfits, did not leave indifferent the male contingent of Asia - it was there that the group was most popular.

Sandra herself said that not a single young artist said thank you for having to dress up like this on stage, but for the sake of performances it was necessary.

Sandra's personal life

At that time, the young and handsome Michel Cretu was a keyboard player in the Arabesque group; he had previously worked in the famous Boney M group.

The young man was in love with the singer, Sandra reciprocated and after much persuasion they left the group for free bread, after their departure "Arabesque" eventually ended its existence.

Michel Cretu quickly found his beloved musical team, who wrote the song "Mary Magdalene" and the recording instantly spread throughout the world.

Clip "Mary Magdalene"

This video contains the best performances by Sandra:

According to Sandra's recollections, Michel understood her at the level of intuition, revealed her as a talented singer and opened her to the whole world. The union of the singer with the producer is comparable to jewelry work, in 1988 the couple got married and changed their place of residence - they left Germany for the island of Ibiza.

In 1990, Sandra Cretu became the vocalist of the Enigma group, her husband Michel Cretu was a producer and composer.

The group in the 90s was quite popular, but specific because of the unusual music with Gregorian chants.

Sandra in Moscow in 1989

Sandra boasted that she earned 100,000 marks and bought a car of the famous BMW brand. Five years later, in 1995, at the age of 33, the Cretu family had twin boys, Nikita and Sebastian.

Difficult childbirth, postpartum condition and children did not let the singer on stage for 10 years. Over the years, problems began in the family.

year 2001

In 2005, Sandra and Michelle dispersed to different homes, and in 2007 an official divorce followed.

2006 year

Second husband

The ex-husband did not grieve for a long time, he found himself a young model and flew to Germany, and Sandra built her relationship with a certain Olaf Menges - they met at a social event.

She lived with children and Olaf in Ibiza and in 2010 they got married.

Sandra said:

“Michelle lives in Germany, I am in Spain in Ibiza. I have a new husband and I have no idea how to work with him again. I'm happy to be able to record and work on my own! "

Unfortunately, in 2014, the singer's second marriage falls apart and at her 52 years old she is left without a husband, but the star is sure that she will find her personal happiness!

Singer now

The singer has bad habits, loves to smoke and prefers the famous brand of cigarettes - Marlboro. Of the good ones, she loves swimming, alpine skiing, a convinced vegetarian, thanks to this she has an excellent figure and well-being. But once Sandra recovered, at that moment she was treating knee bursitis with hormones.

Favorite perfume - Ombre Rose.

Now the singer participates in group concerts in the disco style of the 80s, travels to European countries and often comes to Russia.

With a fan

Performance in 2018

On the border with France in the family of Robert and Karin Lauer. My father was the owner of a liquor store, my mother worked in a shoe store. The future singer also had an older brother, Gaston (died in 1995 from paralysis). Since childhood, Sandra showed great ability to sing and dance, so from the age of 7 she began to attend a music school, a dance school, as well as guitar courses. Already at the age of thirteen, Sandra attracted the attention of audiences and music critics during her performance at the Saarbrücken Young Stars Festival. Inspired by the success, immediately after the festival in August 1976, she released a single titled "Andy, Mein Freund" ("Andy, my friend") about her favorite pet - puppy Andy (the single also included the song " Ich Bin Noch Ein Kind" ("I'm still a child")). However, the single did not become widely known, and Sandra has been trying to re-enter the stage for several years.


In 2007, Sandra divorced her husband and lives with Olaf Menges on the island of Ibiza. Later, in 2010, she is legally married to Menges, but in August 2014 they separate.

In the 2000s, Sandra visited Moscow several times as part of various festivals such as "Retro FM Legends".

Since the beginning of 2010, she has been actively touring and preparing for the release of a new album, which she is recording in America. In 2009, Sandra's long-awaited new album "Back to Life" is released. According to the singer herself, the songs from the new album are dance music, but created without the participation of Michel Cretu. However, this fact does not exclude the possibility of further musical cooperation of the former spouses. Sandra's new album is being recorded at the end of August 2011, but the release has been postponed due to disagreements with the label and Black & Jones are hired to record the disc. On April 27, 2012, under their supervision, a collection with remastered hits of the 1980s is released, and on May 11, a new single "Maybe Tonight" is released.

September 22, 2012 live on Polish TV channel TVN Sandra presents her new song "Infinite Kiss". On the same day, a video clip for a new song presented to fans is being filmed. A couple of weeks before the filming of the video, Sandra and her team invite fans from Warsaw and the surrounding area to take part in the filming.

On October 26, 2012 the world release of her long-awaited 10th studio album "Stay In Touch" takes place. The album is presented in two versions - "normal" on 1 CD and "Deluxe Edition" on 2 CDs. There is a special release for Russia, which includes a bonus track "Russian Eyes".

She sings songs in English, and in the songs "Moscow Nights" and "Russian Eyes" from the album "Stay In Touch" (2012) Sandra sang several phrases in Russian.

During the tour dedicated to the release of the album, in 2013-2014 Sandra visited a number of cities in Russia and the former republics of the USSR: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Volgograd, Chelyabinsk, Ukhta, Berezniki, Rostov-on-Don, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Sochi , Essentuki, Vologda, Vladivostok, Alma-Atu (Kazakhstan), Kapchagai (Kazakhstan), Tallinn, Parnu (Estonia), Riga (Latvia) and others.