How I mastered the accordion is the first step. Accordion playing courses How to play the children's accordion tutorial

One of the favorite accessories for every woman is, of course, a bag. A lady's handbag is an integral attribute of almost every woman of the fair sex, because this accessory performs not only a decorative, but also a very important practical function, acting as a capacious storage for a thousand and one little things. There are never many handbags, so every woman will always have at least a couple of them in stock - and often the number of bags of all types and sizes even reaches several dozen. Today we invite lovely ladies to watch a small lesson that tells how to replenish their wardrobe with another wonderful handbag for the spring-summer season.

DIY bags master class

The authors of the lesson titled "Bright spring bag in 15 minutes" talk about how to make a stylish handbag with your own hands with a minimal investment of time and money. Even a novice needlewoman can cope with this task, so this video lesson will be of interest to all the fair sex, regardless of the level of their artistic abilities and design skills. For work, you will need an old handbag, which, due to long-term use, has lost its original appearance, as well as unnecessary leather boots (for example, if they become small or simply out of fashion). Do not rush to throw away these outdated things - they can be given a new life! The authors of this lesson show how you can completely transform an old bag with the help of simple decor made with your own hands from everything that was at hand. One of the "highlights" of the handbag model shown in this master class is, of course, the stylish leather fringe, which has been considered one of the leading fashion trends for several seasons. As a result of the work of the craftswomen, an extremely fashionable and original handbag in ethnic style has turned out, which has a universal purpose: you can take it for a walk, and to work, and during a shopping trip.

Sew a bag with your own hands from fabric

We hope that this master class will help our spectators to discover new resources for hand-made in themselves, have a good time at needlework and, as a result, get a new thing in their wardrobe - a stylish handbag for the spring

Every resident of a big city knows firsthand what a lack of natural surroundings and fresh air is. The same applies to many food products: while the villagers have most of the vitamins in fresh vegetables and fruits at hand, the townspeople are more difficult in this matter - they have to buy everything, risking nitrates and other not very useful additives. Therefore, of course, everything that can be grown independently is better - it is cheaper, more environmentally friendly, and healthier. The short video presented on our website is dedicated to this issue.

Do-it-yourself garden on the windowsill

Video lesson titled “How to make a vegetable garden at home? Growing greens and seedlings ”. This video will be of interest to a very wide range of viewers, since the issues of growing healthy seedlings at home are of equal interest to residents of both large cities and small villages. The invited expert in this video talks about how, with minimal financial investment, to create a special structure at home in which you can successfully grow both high-quality seedlings for planting in the country, and any greens for everyday use. What are the advantages of the method of growing seedlings proposed in this video lesson? Firstly, this method is extremely economical, both from the financial side (does not require large expenditures) and from the point of view of rational spending of time and effort. Arrangement of such a kind of room "bed" will not take much time, caring for it is also not difficult at all, and will not interfere with other daily activities. In addition, such an advantage of the above method as a compact design, which is used for growing greenery and seedlings, is especially important for residents of city apartments. The aforementioned design has small dimensions, is easy to fold and carry, so it will not be at all difficult to choose a suitable corner for it, even in a small apartment or small house.

What can be grown on a windowsill in winter

We are sure that all our viewers who are interested in gardening and who want to provide their family with fresh, environmentally friendly greens, will certainly learn a lot from this video.

All kinds of fraud and deception of gullible citizens have flourished at all times, and usually fraudsters show enviable ingenuity, constantly inventing more and more new ways to illegally take possession of other people's property. In full accordance with the latest trends in the development of society in the twenty-first century, now virtual and mobile fraud has proved to be especially thriving. It is about the latter that is described in this video lesson, which we recommend that everyone, without exception, watch - regardless of gender and age.

How not to become a victim of SMS scammers

A short video called "How not to become a victim of fraudsters" is worth watching for all visitors to our website, because none of us is immune from the possibility of becoming a victim of SMS fraud sooner or later. In addition, the information heard in this video must be conveyed to your friends and loved ones, especially to children and elderly family members, since it is they who most often take the bait of mobile scammers, sometimes transferring very large sums of money to them. The invited experts in this video lesson briefly, but very meaningfully and clearly talk about the most common methods of SMS fraud, about how to behave in such situations in order not to lose your savings. In addition, our viewers will certainly be interested in general recommendations on how to minimize the risk of falling into one of the fraudulent schemes. An extremely important nuance that experts focus on is maintaining a cool head and a sober view of things. Very often fraudsters use the so-called "shock effect" - they try to dazzle the victim with unexpected information and demand immediate action (for example, urgently transfer money) so that the person does not have time to come to his senses and understand the situation. Therefore, in no case should you do hasty actions - it is better to think ten times before doing what your mobile interlocutor demands of you.

How to avoid becoming a victim of online scams

We hope that this video tutorial will help reduce the crime rate and help our viewers to successfully resist SMS scammers in any circumstances.

One of the most important events in the life of every young girl is, of course, the graduation party at school. This event marks the end of an entire school era and is a kind of "bridge" to adulthood. In addition, this is one of the few holidays when you can give free rein to your imagination in choosing an outfit and turn into a real princess for your family and classmates for at least one evening. And, of course, what prom night is complete without a prom dress? It is to him that our lesson is dedicated.

How to choose a dress for prom 2017

Thanks to this video lesson "How to choose a prom dress", future graduates, as well as their mothers, grandmothers and girlfriends, will be able to familiarize themselves with the recommendations of leading stylists on what factors should be taken into account when choosing a prom dress and what rules should be followed. It's no secret that many young ladies begin to think about choosing an outfit for a prom long before the event itself - sometimes even a year in advance. There is no single point of view on what a prom dress should be, because all girls are different, each has its own style, character and appearance. Therefore, it is extremely important not only to blindly follow fashion trends, but to try to make the graduation dress harmonize with the personality of the graduate, reflect her individuality and emphasize her external dignity. Many girls prefer to follow traditional rules in choosing a dress - they choose pastel colors, light fabrics, and feminine silhouettes. Of course, this is already a classic, so such outfits will always be appropriate at the prom. However, if a girl wants to show off originality, then it is quite possible to be creative - to choose more unusual colors and styles. As a rule, black is considered undesirable - it may turn out to be too heavy and gloomy for a young girl during the prom.

How to choose a dress for your figure

We hope that this video tutorial will help each of our spectators make the right choice in favor of the most beautiful and stylish prom dress that will make the girl feel like a true lady.

How to remove a belly for a girl

It is no secret that one of the most problematic areas for most women is the tummy and sides, because it is there that all those “tasty treats” with which we actively indulge ourselves begin to be deposited. Nevertheless, the situation is not critical, and you should not completely abandon your favorite foods - you just need to consume them in moderation and not neglect physical activity. The authors of this video dwell on the last question in detail, telling and showing which physical exercises will be most effective for getting rid of fat folds on the abdomen and sides. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with many hours of training in the gym - such exercises can be successfully performed even at home, and this does not take so much time. All these exercises can be done, for example, while watching a television series - and thus, you can combine business with pleasure. The authors of the lesson offer five of the most effective exercises that help you quickly and reliably make your waist thinner, and your figure as a whole - slimmer. Of course, in order to achieve a good result, it is necessary to adhere to several rules when performing such exercises: firstly, you need to do each exercise correctly, precisely following all the trainer's recommendations; secondly, you should do it regularly, best of all - daily, or at least every other day. Under the condition of constant training, after a short period of time (1-2 weeks), the first improvements will be noticeable, and the waist will begin to decrease.

How to remove belly fat at home

This video lesson will be useful and interesting to almost every woman who wants to have a good figure with a minimum expenditure of effort, time and money.

It is no secret that human health is the most important thing, therefore, you need to start taking care of your own health and your body from a very early age. As they say, many diseases are much easier to prevent in time than to cure later, when the disease has already begun to develop intensively.

High-quality medical services are in demand everywhere and always: both a thousand years ago and now. It is well known that the profession of Aesculapius does not tolerate unprofessionalism and amateurishness, therefore, one should seek medical help only from highly qualified specialists. Otherwise, poor-quality medical care may not only fail to bring the desired improvement, but, on the contrary, further aggravate the situation and harm health.

Today, the services of large medical centers of a wide profile, the so-called family medical centers (or clinics), are extremely in demand, in which high-quality medical services will be provided to all family members: both adults and children.

Among the many advantages of such medical centers, I would like to highlight the following:

  • Extremely high quality of the offered medical services. The entire staff of a large center - from the head physician to the nurse - is highly qualified, rich in practical experience and an impeccable reputation, therefore, specialists of this kind of medical institutions successfully cope with even the most difficult tasks;
  • Versatility. Clients of the aforementioned family-type private clinics can safely apply here with diseases of a wide variety of profiles - from therapeutic to gynecological. At the same time, an integrated approach to each patient is provided, his previous complaints and appeals are taken into account.
  • Comfort. One of the main disadvantages of public hospitals - the lack of the necessary amenities for comfortable treatment - has been completely eliminated in private medical institutions. Both outpatients and inpatients can be in pleasant conditions and enjoy all the necessary amenities.
  • Availability of the most modern medical equipment;
  • Reasonable pricing policy, fixed cost of services and the absence of any fees, additional payments and demands for "gratitude" in envelopes, which are constantly faced by the patients of the so-called "free" polyclinics.

All of the above advantages are fully possessed by the well-known German-Ukrainian medical center Aurora, which offers all comers top-class medical services, consultations and assistance of highly qualified world-class specialists.

Each lady strives to be beautiful and attractive, while following the latest trends in the world of fashion and beauty. It turns out that not only clothes or a handbag can be fashionable - but also eyebrows! Over the past years, well-groomed natural eyebrows of sufficiently large density and width have remained in trend all over the world. Such eyebrows make the look more expressive, and the whole face brighter and more memorable. However, what to do if nature has cheated you with thick eyebrows? Do not worry, there is a solution - and you can learn about it from this video lesson "How to grow thick eyebrows."

How to grow eyebrows quickly

This short video is devoted to such an interesting question for any woman as eyebrow care, in particular, how to become the owner of sable eyebrows without extension, in a natural way. This is quite possible if you use certain traditional medicine to care for your eyebrows, namely, bodyag. Many have already heard about its beneficial properties in cosmetology. Now it can be successfully used as an effective tool for improving the growth and appearance of eyebrows. Qualified experts in this video will tell you exactly how to use the bodyag for the above purpose, how often it is necessary to carry out such procedures and what precautions to follow. A very important nuance is the availability of this method of eyebrow care. Bodyaga is a completely inexpensive publicly available drug that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Therefore, each of the fair sex gets a wonderful opportunity to become even more beautiful with minimal financial costs. Carefully following the beauty tips and recommendations voiced in this video, every woman can, after a short period of time, see positive changes in the condition of her eyebrows - they will become thicker, healthier, and it will be possible to give them a new shape in accordance with the latest world trends in the question of eyebrow stylistics.

How to quickly grow eyebrows at home

We hope that this video lesson will be useful for our spectators and will help to replenish the arsenal of beauty products with another very effective one.

The violin is a wonderful musical instrument that has won millions of hearts thanks to its lyrical sound. However, violinists (both beginners and professionals) are well aware that the violin not only has a delicate and fragile sound. It is also in itself a rather whimsical tool that requires a special approach and care.

First of all, it is worth protecting the violin from direct sunlight in order to avoid drying out. Under no circumstances should this musical instrument be left under the scorching sun. The same applies to severe frosts: the violin generally does not like significant temperature changes, so you need to try to maintain a favorable temperature regime in the place where the instrument is stored. Remember not to leave the violin near open sources of heat: fireplaces, heaters, stoves, etc.

Second, no less important advice: the violinist must constantly monitor the humidity level in the environment where the violin is stored. This musical instrument does not like excessive moisture, because it makes the wood damp, perhaps even the appearance of mold, or too dry air, because in the latter case, cracks and other damage may appear on the wood - and the instrument will become completely unusable. Experts recommend maintaining an optimal humidity level in the room at 45-60 percent.

It is also a vital duty of the violinist to regularly clean the instrument, which should preferably be cleaned and wiped down after each use. Do not neglect this duty in order to avoid the appearance of dirt, scuffs and other unpleasant traces of use on the violin body. To avoid this, we suggest using online stores, for example,

However, even if he fully observes all the basic recommendations for the care of the violin, its owner is not insured against damage to the instrument. As a result of natural wear and tear (if the violin was used for a sufficiently long period of time), and as a result of some unforeseen accidents (impacts, falls, other mechanical damage).

If such troubles occur, you need not hesitate, but turn to a qualified violin maker, who can offer an extensive range of instrument repair services - from changing strings to restoring the varnish.

Harmony playing without notes by ear

The article describes how to learn to play the Harmony without notes by ear Using a tutorial Bayan without notes authors D. G. Parnes E. S. Oskina

The self-instruction book was published in 1998 year and is intended for people with ear for music... Which sometimes can take a button accordion or accordion and choose the melody they like. Or sing to your own accompaniment with friends familiar song.

In electronic form, the book can download on the Internet PDF 20 Mb

The methods and approaches outlined in the self-study guide suitable for Harmony... You only need mark up the right and left keyboards harmonize so as to play the melodies of the tutorial.

The basis of learning is playing, singing and accompaniment of popular songs and melodies. There are more than 500 songs in the tutorial... Produced hearing-motor skills... The accompaniment of songs is remembered. Melody schemes are caught basics of musical harmony... You can play and sing all the songs of the tutorial not once, but several times. Back to favorites... Clarify learned techniques.

In the tutorial notes denoting sounds, replaced by numbers.
Instead of 7 notes do re mi fa sol la si
Given 7 digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It's simple. Sound 3 above sound 1, a sound 2 below sound 6
You learn from the book an old forgotten craft - playing by ear.

The authors are candidates of science and art history and are well aware of musical notation. This method of teaching without notes is approved by the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky, School named after Gnesins, for many years he has been taught at the School. Ippolitova-Ivanova.

Playing shouldn't be looking at the keyboard... Only by hearing and by touch. Imagine that transparent accordion... At first, you can sometimes pry on playing in the mirror... You won't need to look after a few sessions.

Sounds of the right keyboard Harmony (auditory technique)

Rows 1 - 2 Sharps
Rows 2 - 5 low(the most bass) seven sounds.
Rows 5 - 8 middle seven sounds.
Rows 9 - 12 high(the squeakiest) seven sounds.

In the book by Parnes Oskin in the examples of songs, small numbers under the syllables are given exactly sounds of sevens... The sound numbers of low, medium and high sevens are the same. it tips for playing by ear... You will definitely not be mistaken in a melody for a seven. Although according to the laws of musical harmony seven higher or lower is correct.

To navigate the keyboard well blindly and by ear Gotta play scales
Can be in the middle of the keyboard Can be from top to bottom Can be back and forth

Major scale
starting from 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

Minor scale
starting from 6 - 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 (sounds for a rise, the last one is seven higher)

Sounds of the left accordion keyboard (auditory technique)

First row from furs - Bass... From top to bottom 8 keys (6, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) At the very top 9th 4 #

Second couple row Chord - Below is its bass... 4 chords From top to bottom 7s - 7, 3s - 3, 6m - 6, 2m - 2

Third couple row Chord - Below his ba with. 4 chords From top to bottom 2b - 2, 5b - 5 1b - 1, 4b - 4.

Ready accompaniment chord melodies. Is being done special rods of the left mechanics accordion. One key chord - right away 3 sounds.

Bass sound - Number without a letter - (For example 2 )
Minor chord - Number with letter m(For example 2m)
Major chord - Number with letter b(For example 2b)
Sept chord - Number with letter with(For example 3c)

Who before training on the accordion played guitar... Easily play chords... Play the bass along with its chord. In second row those same cherished 3 chords - 3s, 6m, 2m (In letters E7, Am, Dm)
Letters replaced by numbers for beginners... It's easier for them that way. Anyone would guess that the sound 6 above sound 3... But not everyone would guess that the A sound is higher than the E sound.

Melody and accompaniment reading options

The same song Three tankmen

Option 1
Completereading from notes
This is music reading for professionals. The part (melody) of the right hand is given on the stave with treble clef... The left-hand part (bass and chords) is given on the second stave with bass clef... You can play bass and chord accompaniment in elective or finished line tool.

Option 2
Abbreviated (variety)reading accompaniment
The part (melody) of the right hand is given on the stave with treble clef... The left-hand part (bass and chords) is abbreviated. (letter) designation.

Option 3 Conditionalreading in numbers and letters

Right-hand part (melody) given In numbers under the syllables of the words of the song. The numbers for higher or lower octave sounds are the same. Basses and chords of the accompaniment are given Numbers with letters under the syllables of the words of the song. Numbers and letters are not a game program. But just a hint... If the melody has picked up. You don't need to look at numbers and letters.

Option 4 Conditionalreading in numbers 50 accordion keys


Right hand verse:

Right hand chorus:
3-15-4-4-6-6-17-2-17 - repeat 2 times.

Left hand verse:
In the verse we beat off the left hand like a march.

Left hand chorus:
Chorus we play without end.

Reading 25 digits of the left and 25 more digits of the right accordion keyboard reminds mechanical game of the barrel organ.

Option 1- Playing on notes Melody and accompaniment on notes. Exactly this complete and rich sound.
Option 2- Playing by notes and letters. Melody on notes, accompaniment conventionally in letters
Option 3- Playing by ear. Melody in 7 digits of an octave, bass accompaniment in 7 digits of an octave, chords in 3 letters
Option 4- Game by numbers. Melody and accompaniment on 50-digit accordion keys

If as a child you graduated from music school, and you know musical notation. More suitable for you Option 1 or Option 2

However, due to employment, an adult cannot afford 5 years, 2 hours a day engage in children's music school... Unfortunately, he has no time to master musical notation. A the song begs to sing it. Therefore, for an amateur, they are suitable Option 3 and Option 4.

Beginners accordionists prefer Option 4. You can immediately without listening play and learn the song by numbers. You only need to memorize 25 keys of the right keyboard and 25 more keys of the left keyboard. What are the only tricks not undertaken for memorizing numbers 50 keys... Up to painting the keys with multi-colored nail polishes.

And how will digitalists memorize more than 200 keys on the button accordion or accordion? Therefore, who desires music without notes choose Harmony... because fewer keys.

Meanwhile playing by ear is easier than in numbers. And is suitable for button accordion and accordion. And the most important thing. No need to relearn on accordion from digitizer to music notary. You can go straight to sheet music.

From the picture Option 3 Play by ear Three tankmen can be determined. Key La Minor(6m) Main note of solo accent (On gra - NO- tse) Syllable NO this is a note Mi (3)

But since this playing by ear without notes... So as not to load the player with anything other than music, there are no notes in the picture (A minor and E) There is only bass 6, chord m and reference sound 3 During the training, the authors determined that the designation of notes by numbers is perceived better than the letter

The blind auditory method is correct. And we must strive for it. However, for beginners, it can be difficult.

Put a novice accordion player behind an unmarked keyboard with twenty-five white keys in two rows. It's like throwing a man out of a boat in the middle of a river, hoping that he doesn't drown, but learns to swim.

Therefore, in the first 1 - 3 months of training you can mark the right keyboard. As you learn it is better to remove the markup... Not to be dependent on markup. And play freely on any unlabeled tool e
It is important to follow the principles when marking up.

  • Select all means select nothing
  • Mark by the sounds of the octave
  • No colors, just black and white markings
Example of markup.
Black keys.
  • Sharps
  • Octave sounds Salt La Si

Good luck in mastering a musical instrument.

Ivan Kopytin's blog Bayan Accordion Harmony

This master class is simply irreplaceable for all those who want to learn how to play the accordion.

A musical instrument that has a very pleasant sound and great possibilities has always been popular. Learning to play the accordion yourself is possible and not at all difficult! And for those who sings beautifully, study is simply a must! Songs with their own accompaniment will become the hallmark of the singer, who will be invited to many evenings and events.

Video lesson "Accordion Lessons"

Part 1. Combat options

Part 2. Chords on the right

Part 3. "Snakes" from chords

Part 4. Chords of four buttons

Since ancient times, the Russian folk instrument has been an attribute of holidays, fun, and warm, friendly evenings. The exact history of the accordion is unknown. No one can say for sure where and by whom it was invented. However, it is widely believed that the accordion comes from Germany and was born in the early 19th century. There is also an opinion that the accordion first appeared in Russia, namely in St. Petersburg, in the 18th century. An interesting fact is that during the Great Patriotic War, accordions were also massively sent to the front, among ammunition and provisions, to maintain the morale of the population. It was at this time that the accordion gained its wide popularity in Russia, becoming a favorite musical instrument of many people. At this time, many author's songs appeared, which were performed specifically to the accordion.

  1. First, you should familiarize yourself with the structure of this instrument. It is small in size, compact and easy to transport. The harmony consists of a right and left half-body, each of which contains keys or a keyboard with buttons. The musician needs to play with both hands, simultaneously squeezing or unclenching the accordion and pressing the keys or buttons. The main melody is played on the right keyboard, and the left is for accompaniment. The design between the keyboards is called a fur chamber. It is designed to pump air to the sound bars of the accordion.
  2. It is useful to know that accordions can have a certain key (major or minor).
  3. There are two types of Russian accordions, depending on the type of sound extraction: there are accordions on which, when the bellows are stretched and compressed, the button gives the same sound. In other accordions, the pitch can change depending on the position and movement of the bellows.
  4. For the successful mastering of playing the accordion, it is worth intensively developing an ear for music and a sense of rhythm. A musician is simply obliged to hear and feel the music he plays.
  5. It is better to start learning to play the accordion from the very basics: the position of the accordion player during the game. Until now, there is no consensus on this matter. Many tutorials suggest using the same posture as accordion players. However, most professional musicians believe that you should not mix up the accordion and button accordion techniques. The main thing is that the position would be comfortable for the accordion player himself. The most common pose looks like this: the accordion is placed with fur on the left thigh, the neck of the right half-body rests on the thigh of the right leg, and the left hand stretches the fur. At the same time, the instrument is either firmly pressed against the body, or moves slightly forward.
  6. Special shoulder straps are provided in the accordion, which are used to give the harmony reliability and stability. During seated play, one shoulder strap is sufficient. If the musician puts on both, they must be carefully adjusted so that the accordion does not hang, but rests on the thigh.
  7. It is worth paying great attention to the position of the hands. The video shows in detail how to hold your hands while playing the accordion.

These tips, combined with a training video that clearly and in detail shows the basic principles of playing the accordion, will help beginners master the game on this beautiful musical instrument. You should not study only from lessons or books, an important part of the lesson is improvisation, your own musical searches and experiments. Good luck!

The 21st century is in the yard, and the vociferous accordion, like many years ago, pleases us with its iridescent, perky melodies. And the lingering melody performed on the accordion will not leave indifferent any listener. Independent learning to play the harmonica is available to everyone who loves its sound and really wants to play music on this instrument.

For amateurs, several methods of mastering the accordion have been fixed. And therefore, the first thing that needs to be decided at the initial stage of training is what methodology to adhere to.

The first way is learning "by hand"

The first method of learning to play the harmonica is actually built on watching the video lessons of experienced masters, observing their play from the side, and relying on your ear for music. It consists in the fact that, bypassing the stage of studying musical notation, proceed immediately to playing the instrument. This option is suitable for lovers of folk music who have never studied professionally, but are naturally endowed with good musical data.

In this case, by the way, by the way, there will be recordings of authoritative performers in video format, their training video materials. In addition, audio songs and tunes are useful for selecting tunes by ear. And you can master playing the instrument from the notes later, when many technical issues have already been resolved.

Watch the video tutorial by Pavel Ukhanov:

The second way is traditional

The second way of teaching is the most fundamental and traditional, but also more interesting and more effective. And here, of course, you cannot do without self-instruction manuals and musical collections for beginner accordionists and accordion players. At the beginning of this journey, you will get acquainted with the stave and its inhabitants, as well as with the rhythm and durations. It turns out to be much easier to master the musical literacy in practice than many imagine. Most importantly, do not despair!

If you are not familiar with sheet music, self-instruction manuals from such authors as Londonov, Bazhilin, Tyshkevich will come to your aid. In addition, from our site you can get an excellent gift (given to everyone)!

Both of the above options for learning to play the harmonica, with regular and meaningful practice, will give a good result. The speed of training, of course, depends on your ability, the amount and quality of training. Well, if you use both methods, having planned their harmonious combination in advance, then the result will not be long in coming.

The rules of the beginner accordionist

  1. Consistency in classes is the most important rule of any musician. Even if you devote only 10-15 minutes a day to mastering the harmonica, then distribute these small lessons of playing evenly throughout the week. It is better if classes are held every day.
  2. Try to master the entire learning technology slowly, but correctly from the very beginning, without postponing the observance of the rules until later ("later" may not come due to the fact that something will stop coming out). If you are not sure about anything, look for the answer to your question in books, the Internet, or from a musician you know. Otherwise, act independently and boldly!
  3. The first exercise that you need to learn on the instrument is the scale in C major, even if you master the game by ear, and not by notes, it is imperative to train on the scales. Vary them by playing the scale up and down with different strokes (abrupt and coherent). Playing scales will enhance your technique: speed of execution, coherence, control of the fur, etc.
  4. During execution, lead the fur smoothly, do not jerk, do not stretch to the end, leaving a margin.
  5. When learning a scale or melody on the right keyboard, use all your fingers at once, choosing the convenient options, and not one or two, since you simply cannot play at a fast pace with one finger.
  6. Since you are mastering the accordion without a mentor, it will be good to watch your performance in the recording in order to see the playing from the side and correct mistakes.
  7. Hear many harmonica songs and tunes. This will give expressiveness to your playing, will help to correctly build musical phrases.

Well, that's probably all for a start. Go for it! Inspire yourself by listening to popular artists and perky tunes! Work daily, and the results of your labors will be songs that will undoubtedly delight your family and friends, gathered at the family table!

It is difficult to study, and it is even more difficult to start learning musical notation when not young. I would like to quickly, and maybe not in full, but sufficient to play, to understand what is written on the staff.

The teaching methods in the music school are effective, no doubt, but they are designed for a long, gradual study of the material, for the psychology of the child. And they only work when there is a teacher who submits the material, controls the assimilation, and corrects mistakes. In addition, an experienced teacher takes into account the psychological characteristics of the student and will find an individual approach. I am engaged in self-education, and textbooks for music schools and colleges do not suit me, but they are a very useful reference material. We must look for something else.

Self-instruction manuals for accordion: P. Londonov, R. Bazhilin, G. Tyshkevich, as well as self-instruction manuals for playing the accordion by these and other authors were not effective for me. Probably they didn’t fit me psychologically. The purpose of the lesson-lesson is not written, what should be achieved in this lesson? How to control? Notational literacy is given crumpledly, in some snatches. An integral, interconnected system is not created.

I understand and learn better when we follow the scheme: this is the task, and to solve it you need to take such steps. And the diagram: let's do or learn this (I immediately have a question, why?), Then this, etc., and for a long time everything, boringly, without explanation - why. And then, oh shit, it's done. This scheme does not suit me.

I covered myself with books on musical literacy and solfeggio, went to the Internet, began to learn notes, duration, intervals, keys, frets, chords and their inversions, etc. Something, of course, I learned and remembered. All this is necessary, but I can't sight-play the accordion. I'm not doing something right. I thought about the goal and methods of achieving it.

And that's what I realized.

The main tasks, at the first stage:

1. to establish a connection with the image of the note on the staff and the corresponding accordion key. Clear, stable communication.

And the name of the note is secondary, it will come in handy later. Yes, I don't call them differently, here (do-re-mi) or in Europe (C-D-E). (Moreover, the exercises that I used allow you to do this automatically along the way.)

2. duration of notes. It is necessary to clearly learn it and be able to perform it. The matter is not difficult, and this will also be automatically solved in the same exercises as the first task.

Of these two points: note and duration, in general, that is what playing the accordion (and other musical instruments) consists of, everything else is also important, but these are secondary tasks.

I started looking for suitable exercises, found them, tried them. And everything turned out to be very simple - the usual range of DO-MAJOR - do-re-mi, etc. So I have neither invented nor invented anything new.

Everything begins with this scale, in any tutorial it is written - play the scale - and that's it. And everyone misses her, everything is clear, what is there to play that, not a small child, after all. I tried a bunch of ways to learn the notes as quickly as possible and learn how to extract them from the accordion, and, oddly enough, this primitive scale turned out to be the best.

I'll just now describe in more detail the methodology of my own with exercises based on this simple scale. Many words will be written in order to get the most out of this simple thing.

What will it give?

You can learn to play sheet music in two or three days.

Of course, at first it was like a first grader: syllables, slowly, without expression. But after a very short time, both fluency and expressiveness developed.

This is distance learning, there is no teacher who would supervise you (noticed mistakes, their reasons and ways of correcting them). You are a teacher, you are also a controller. Therefore, it is important to understand the purpose of the exercise and the methods for achieving it (goal) for self-control. Deceiving, formally performing the exercise, you can only yourself. Do you need this?

It is well known that a skill is a skill acquired by exercise, that is, repeated repetition, which is based on the theory of the formation and consolidation of a conditioned reflex (in this case, a visual-auditory-motor).

The task is to form and consolidate a skill, that is, to form a system of neural connections (dynamic stereotype), which is a reflection in the brain of real connections (note - location on the staff and finger movements - pressing the desired key)

I will describe the process of forming and developing a technical skill. Therefore, it is necessary first of all to understand the mechanism of this process.


Preparatory steps:

On the right is a picture of the right accordion keyboard - as if through a transparent accordion neck (mirror reflection), 12 buttons closer to the fur, 13 buttons farther from the fur. I printed and put this picture in front of me. After playing a little, I removed it.

By the way: the notes written on the line are located on the keyboard row farthest from the fur, and between the lines - on the keyboard row closer to the fur

I first glued pieces of scotch tape on the keys of notes up to 1, 2 and 3 octaves, in order to correctly, by touch, find these keys. Then you can rip it off.

I looked at the arrangement of the notes, peeked at first, playing the scale 2-3 times, then I did not do it.

In order to sit down with the accordion more conveniently, and not in front of the computer, I printed the scale (it is imperative to look at the notes).

I sat down and took the accordion correctly (as they teach in self-study guides), it is better to beat off the rhythm with the right foot, I did this (at the same time, an even rhythm will be developed).

I also used a metronome. The device is old, musicians use it, but for some reason accordionists do not. There is a heated debate on the Internet whether it is needed or not. But I think it was not fools who invented it and have been using it for two hundred years.

1. Day one

How the scale was played:

slowly, and for each kick of the leg (counting "times", but you do not need to say it out loud) and at the same time;

1. examined the note (remembered its location);

2. pronounced the name of the note aloud (memorized the name of the note);

3. and at the same time pressed the desired button ("fingers" memorized the location of the button for the note);

4. move on to the next note;

A pace of play is needed that would ensure the unity of consciousness and action.

"Mantra" for this scale:

do - re - mi - fa - sol - la - si - la - sol - fa - mi - re - do

As a result of repeated repetition, this goal is achieved, but provided that the game is played without errors.

Hence the conclusion: to play fast, you have to play slowly.

A slow pace is a prerequisite for accuracy, which in turn allows for a gradual increase in the speed of the game. After all, the formation and consolidation of a technical skill does not consist in training fingers, but in training nervous processes that determine the formation of a dynamic stereotype and a reduction in the time of a reflex response, which determines the speed of the game.

On the first day, I played for an hour and a half, but without mistakes. If I played longer, I would start making mistakes, regardless of the speed.

By the way At school, when I was asked to learn a poem, I studied it all evening - but I could not remember it, and in the morning I recited it easily, without hesitation. Therefore, I did not do the exercises for long, tk. no matter how much I repeated, I was still mistaken.

The activity is not fun for, but necessary.

My mistake at this stage:
Scrolling through and looking at the notes for the accordion, I noticed that basically the notes lie within 5 lines of the staff, i.e. the first octave and the first half of the notes of the second octave. At the first stage of mastering the playing of notes, I paid more attention to this section (I wanted to quickly), and now I have difficulties if I have to play notes of the third octave.