Sambo given. What parents should know when bringing their child to the sambo wrestling section

The International SAMBO Federation (FIAS) has identified seven reasons that force people to engage in SAMBO wrestling. Interestingly, these findings largely coincide with the results of a survey recently conducted by our site.

1. SAMBO - universal martial arts

If you want to successfully master techniques from several dozen sports and national martial arts, as well as various self-defense systems, then just take up SAMBO. Over the years, enthusiasts have carried out careful selection work to collect and harmoniously combine a huge number of elements, creating on their basis a universal martial arts, whose name is SAMBO. Moreover, thanks to unique pedagogical developments, sambo wrestlers not only perfectly master a rich arsenal of techniques, but also acquire the skills of successful tactical thinking on the mat.

2. SAMBO allows you to see the world

Having absorbed techniques from many national martial arts, SAMBO initially became an international sport. Today, fans of this self-defense system have appeared in more than 80 countries around the world, and their number is constantly growing. National SAMBO championships are held in many countries, and the culmination for all sambo wrestlers is international tournaments that take place in different parts of the world. That is why athletes who practice SAMBO professionally travel quite a lot. And the fans are trying to keep up with them.

3. SAMBO helps you make real friends

The “spirit of camaraderie” with which SAMBO is associated is like a special club chosen by athletes involved in this martial art. The members of this club are united by friendship, solidarity and mutual assistance. A sambist’s friends are his mentor, his training comrades and even his rivals on the mat. Success in battle is impossible without respect for the enemy and the recognition that he is a mirror image of the fighter himself and is engaged in a task that requires no less sacrifice. This attitude towards an opponent is noble and admirable.

4. SAMBO teaches you how to stand up for yourself

Already in the name of the martial arts SAMBO, which stands for “self-defense without weapons,” lies the philosophy of this sport. SAMBO is the science of defense, not attack, which allows you to effectively defend yourself without resorting to obvious aggression. This comprehensive system helps to cope with the complexities of the modern world, when society can be indifferent to the problems of an individual. Moreover, SAMBO not only teaches self-defense, it also provides rich life experience that contributes to the formation of a strong character, as well as stamina and endurance.

5. SAMBO insures against injuries

Danger can await us at any moment, even if we are just walking down the street. According to statistics, fall injuries occupy one of the leading positions among the total number of household injuries. Athletes involved in SAMBO are insured against such accidents thanks to the safe fall technique, which is a mandatory and fundamental element of this martial art. It is with this that sambo athletes begin their training and then apply the acquired skills not only in sports, but also in everyday life. Today, the International SAMBO Federation (FIAS) has developed a special training program that helps prevent injuries from falls and can be useful for absolutely everyone - from a child to an elderly person.

6. SAMBO develops strong-willed qualities

Sambo wrestlers constantly work on themselves, improving both physical and moral-volitional qualities. Each athlete undergoes comprehensive tests of his own endurance, will and hard work. Self-discipline, perseverance in achieving a set goal, as well as proper self-control - these character traits are developed in people who practice SAMBO. They are essential in order to progress in training and perform successfully in competitions. In addition, developed strong-willed qualities become the key to worthy self-realization outside the wrestling mat.

7. SAMBO lays the foundation for success in life

For some, SAMBO is a professional sport and the meaning of life. For others, it is a favorite hobby and the best activity in their free time, contributing to overall development. Be that as it may, hundreds and thousands of people who have strengthened their character in SAMBO today confidently walk through life, realizing themselves in a wide variety of areas. Businessmen and politicians, doctors and pilots, lawyers and police officers, scientists and teachers... The list of professions in which people closely associated with SAMBO have achieved success is endless. However, no matter what different areas of activity they are engaged in, they are all united by one philosophy - the philosophy of SAMBO.

The name of which stands for “self-defense without weapons.” Both adults and children can do it. But at what age is it better to start training? What are the pros and cons of this sport and how to choose a section?


Sambo originated in the 1920s and 1930s in the USSR. And it incorporated techniques from various national and world martial arts: from Armenian to Buryat wrestling, Japanese judo and other types.

From the very beginning it developed in two directions: sports and combat. In 1923, V. A. Spiridonov began teaching the discipline of “self-defense.” This type of fighting was closed and was used to train special forces.

At the same time, sports sambo appeared. V. S. Oshchepkov, teaching judo, looked for other methods of self-defense and gradually moved away from the rules of Japanese martial art. Over time, his system merged with the system of V. A. Spiridonov, and thanks to the contribution of other coaches (A. A. Kharlampiev, E. M. Chumakov), modern sambo was formed.

Types of sambo

Now Sambo is also divided into sports and combat. In sports sambo, throws, painful holds and holds are used. Sports-related classes are offered by children's schools and sections. Combat sambo is a tougher form; kicks, punches and choking techniques are allowed in it. People come to it with experience, and there are no competitions for children.


Sambo develops the child physically and... Classes develop children's endurance, flexibility, coordination, increase reaction speed, teach self-defense skills, and help to splash out aggression and emotions. Like other martial arts, they teach self-control, restraint and peaceful resolution of conflicts.


There is a risk of injury, especially to the knees, elbows and shoulders. This occurs due to constant falls or non-compliance with the rules. Even during Sambo training, bruises, contusions and minor sprains are inevitable.

Medical contraindications

Sambo has a number of contraindications: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, internal organs, vision problems. Therefore, to start classes at a sports school, you will need to provide a certificate stating that the child is allowed to engage in this sport.

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Girls and boys

Both boys and girls can practice Sambo. It is most suitable for a physically strong child whose temperament is closer to individual sports. At the same time, the nature of the competition is not only personal, but also team and individual-team.

From what age

Age groups

Most sports schools accept children from 10 years old. Some sections accept younger athletes. They are engaged in general physical training, children are taught simple technical elements, the basics of self-insurance, and are trained in gymnastics and acrobatics.

Then the athletes learn basic wrestling techniques and move on to sparring, during which protective equipment is required. Only adult athletes over 18 years of age can participate in combat sambo tournaments.

Competition participants are divided into groups depending on age:

Weight categories

Teenagers Cadets Boys
11-12 years old
13-14 years old
15-16 years old 17-18 years old
small dev small dev small dev small dev
31 26 35 34 42 38 48 40
34 29 37 37 46 41 52 44
38 34 42 40 50 44 56 48
42 37 46 43 55 48 60 52
46 40 50 47 60 52 65 56
50 43 54 51 66 56 70 60
55 47 59 55 72 60 75 65
60 51 65 59 78 65 81 70
65 55 71 65 84 70 87 75
+65 +55 +71 +65 +84 +70 +87 +75

Stages of sports training

There are 4 stages that all athletes go through:

Stages of sports training Duration of stages (in years) Minimum age for enrollment in groups (years) Group occupancy (persons)
Initial training stage
Training stage (sports specialization stage)
Stage of improving sportsmanship

No limits

Stage of highest sportsmanship

No limits

Determines the conditions and requirements for sports training in organizations providing sports training in accordance with the Federal Law of December 4, 2007 No. 329-FZ “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.”

How much do classes cost and how to choose a section?

Youth and Youth Sports Schools conduct classes for free. In sports clubs, a subscription costs from 3,500 per month.

When choosing a section, you can focus on a specific coach or sports school. While public schools offer classes for free, private clubs usually offer the first free lesson, at which you and your child can evaluate the equipment of the gym and how the trainer conducts the training and how he communicates with the children.

In any school, the training process must be consistently organized. In this case, classes begin with a warm-up, since preparation is an important part of a full workout, the main and final part. The amount of training should not tire the child; 2-3 sessions per week are considered optimal.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the equipment of the sports organization that trains sambo athletes. In addition to the gym, it should have locker rooms and showers.

What difficulties might you encounter?

For a child, difficulties in sports can be objective and subjective. Objective difficulties are caused by external circumstances: the child may not cope with the requirements for strength and speed, or feel excessive in front of his parents or coach.

Difficulties on the subjective side arise from the child’s attitude to events. He may be afraid of getting injured or inflicting it on his opponent. Among other things, a young athlete may lose motivation.

Psychological portrait of an athlete

Sambo wrestlers are characterized by a number of personal qualities: persistence, discipline, courage, willpower and self-control. The philosophy of combat instills in them moral and strong-willed qualities and teaches them to treat other people and their opponents with respect.

“Don’t prove anything to anyone. Just silently walk towards your goals. Your actions will tell about you,” advises Fedor Emelianenko, a Russian athlete, four-time world champion and seven-time Russian champion in combat sambo, honored master of sports in sambo and international master of sports in judo.

Let's sum it up

If a child likes martial arts, has good strength abilities and is close to individual sports, then he can try himself in sambo. At a minimum, during the training he will learn tactics, wrestling philosophy and will be physically developed, since all muscle groups are involved in training.

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How to self-defense without weapons. Thus, the very name contains the principle of sambo - self-defense, because sambo does not teach you to fight, but only to defend yourself. This is very correct from a psychological point of view, because a person trained in the correct traditions of this martial arts develops physical skills and realizes the need to be able to defend himself, and not attack. The founders of this sport pieced it together, borrowing various techniques, techniques and styles from other types of martial arts, such as jiu-jitsu, boxing, judo, sumo, and other international types of wrestling.

What does sambo give?

Like many types of martial arts, sambo has its own philosophy and separate teaching methods. Sambo trains will and endurance. This is very good physical training and is not excruciating or painful (as, for example, in various types of combat). Indeed, according to statistics, sambo is one of the least traumatic types of martial arts, because it is a little static, but it cannot be called boring. In modern times, knowledge of Sambo techniques helps to protect yourself and your loved ones, and often save lives, because in the fight it is not strength that wins, but knowledge and dexterity, which will be taught in this section.

Age restrictions in sambo

Students are enrolled in the preparatory Sambo section from the age of 6-7, but at this stage they are given physical training and minimal self-defense techniques. More serious training begins at the age of 8, while professional training begins only at the age of 10. Both boys and girls can practice. Sambo has no maximum age; many older people take part in Sambo competitions for veterans. But the sooner a child starts classes, the stronger his character will be and the better his physical fitness.

Where to go to practice sambo

If there is a desire to really engage in this type of martial arts professionally, you need to contact a regional, city or district sports school or sports and recreation complexes that have a sambo section on the basis of a sports school. There are, of course, private coaching bases, but only a sports school will give you the opportunity not only to learn self-defense techniques, but also to show your achievements at competitions of various levels, including world ones.

What is needed for sambo training

As in other sports sections, it is necessary to provide a medical certificate from a pediatrician confirming the child’s good health, allowing him to engage in such a sport. Sports uniform is also important, because it will give the child more confidence and a sense of full participation, and it will also protect against injury. The sambo uniform includes a sambo jacket (similar to a judo kimono), shorts (short, without zippers or pockets, preferably special ones), and wrestling boots with soft soles. The quality of the form is of great importance, because some grapplings in sambo are carried out by grabbing the jacket, and special shoes will help not to slip on the tatami. The remaining requirements depend on where you apply; at the sports school you will also need to submit a copy of your birth certificate and a photo on your personal card. If necessary, if the group is paid, you will need to deposit the appropriate amount at the cash desk.

When choosing a sport for a child, parents often pay attention to sambo, since it is a fight with “Russian roots.” However, parents are concerned about how safe training is for a growing body, which children's sambo kimono is best to buy, and whether there are contraindications for training. We will try to answer these and other questions that concern parents of future champions.

Sambo coaches recruit 6-7 year old boys into preparatory groups. There are no restrictions on the physical condition of the child. The only exception may be a therapist’s ban for medical reasons.

In preparatory groups the main emphasis is on:

  • general physical training, developing all muscle groups and ligaments;
  • learning the basics of self-insurance (the ability to fall “correctly”);
  • acrobatics classes;
  • learning simple techniques.

In addition to physical training, during Sambo training, children learn discipline and respect for elders. Attention is also paid to nurturing the strong-willed qualities of young athletes - determination, perseverance. Coaches recommend buying a children's sambo uniform at the very beginning of training, as this disciplines the child and makes him feel like he belongs to the team.

At the age of 10-12 years, when the articular-ligamentous apparatus is already well developed, full-fledged sports sambo training begins. At this stage, it is welcome to have two sets of uniforms, blue and red.

What Sambo does: choosing equipment

Traditionally, sambists must wear special uniforms during training and competitions. It can be red or blue.

The equipment of a sambist consists of:

  • sports jacket (sambovka);
  • shorts covering a third of the thigh;
  • wrestling shoes with leather or suede soles.

During training, it is allowed to use regular shorts without zippers, pockets, or stripes. At the same time, replacing the sambo uniform with a T-shirt or judo kimono is undesirable, since the sambo uniform has its own design features. Thus, the protruding bars help to practice and carry out grips during sparring.
It is not advisable for a child to train in regular socks instead of special shoes. Wrestling shoes with soft soles tightly fix the ankle and toes, help to stand confidently on the mat, and protect the boy’s feet from injury.

Sambo, according to statistics, is a less traumatic sport than hockey, gymnastics, and football. However, this is still a contact sport, so every sambist has bruises, contusions, and minor sprains.

As you can see, there are no particularly difficult requirements for a child to practice Sambo. Even if the boy does not become a champion, he will definitely learn to be responsible, purposeful, and will be able to protect himself and his loved ones.

Often, when choosing a particular sport for their child, parents ask a number of natural questions. In this section we tried to answer some of them.

One of the first questions that loving mothers often ask is:What is SAMBO and will my baby be beaten there?

SPORTS SAMBO is a type of wrestling; there are no strikes in this sport. Sambo's technical arsenal includes a variety of throws, holds, painful holds on the arms and legs. Like any type of wrestling, SAMBO ensures the harmonious development of all physical and personal qualities of a person.

My child is so small, frail, frail, will you take him?

When accepting children into the SAMBO section, we do not impose any restrictions on the level of development of physical qualities. The only thing that can interfere with training is contraindications from doctors (a certificate from a therapist is discussed below), and physical qualities will develop during the training process.

At what age can a child start practicing sambo?

We accept children from 7 years old into our section. It should be noted that in the training program for children of this age, the main emphasis is on general physical training. All physical qualities are trained, the basics of self-insurance are studied (children learn to fall correctly), acrobatics and simple technical actions. Full-fledged wrestling training is recommended from the age of 10, since before this age the joint-ligamentous apparatus and many body systems are not yet ready for such loads.

How is the training process organized?

Children need to arrive 10 - 15 minutes before the start of classes in order to have time to change clothes before the start of training. The training consists of a preparatory part (drill exercises, warm-up); the main part (study and improvement of technical actions) and the final part (for young children this is a game).

What kind of clothing is required for classes?

The classic SAMBO uniform: a red or blue sports jacket (sambovka), shorts to match the jacket (should cover a third of the thigh) and wrestling shoes (with soft soles) on the legs.

To get started, all you need to do is come in shorts, a T-shirt and socks. Be sure to have replacement shoes (slippers) with you. It is advisable to acquire a uniform as quickly as possible, SAMBO is a fight in clothes, and for full training it is necessary to have a uniform. Remember that uniform is an important psychological and disciplinary moment for a child; its presence allows him to feel like he belongs to this sport!

For children (7-10 years old) it is enough to have only a sambovka. They can train in their shorts and socks.

How dangerous is this sport?

According to statistics, SAMBO is less dangerous than football, hockey, gymnastics and many other sports. You should always remember that this is wrestling, a contact form of martial arts,so tobruises, contusions, and minor sprains need to be prepared. Serious injuries do sometimes occur, both in training and in competition. Despite all precautions, the incidence of injuries cannot be measured by statistics. It happens that during an entire sports career a person has not had a single serious injury, but sometimes there are several injuries.

We always give one real example to answer this question. A young man was practicing SAMBO, saw how another athlete was injured during training, decided for himself that this sport was too dangerous for him and started playing chess. Once, while playing another game, our hero was swinging on a chair, the leg of the chair broke, and the young chess player fell, while the table also fell on top of him. As a result of this incident, our hero broke his arm and leg. Unfortunately, in our life no one is immune from anything, although safety measures must always be observed!

Speaking of insurance:Do I need to undergo a medical examination and insure my child?

To start classes, you need to get a certificate from your local therapist that your child has no contraindications for playing sports; in the future, you should undergo a medical examination once a year and monitor your health!

As for insurance, you will need it when your child starts participating in competitions (this is a mandatory requirement of the competition organizers and the federation). In any case, having insurance is welcome.

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