Presentation on theme: "The city we live in." Theme "The city we live in The city we live in"

30.10.2013 18810 0

Goals:to form the ability to combine the use of different materials in one work (colored paper and gouache), to consider the street from the position of the Master of Construction; develop observation and creative imagination.

Equipment: gouache, brushes, colored paper, glue, scissors; photographs of the native city; poems and songs about the native city.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

1. A short walk through the streets of his native city near the school.

2. Checking the readiness of students for the lesson.

II. The topic of the lesson.

- Today at the lesson a very interesting work awaits you, you will draw your hometown.

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. opening talk.

- Listen to the poem "Beloved City".

Favorite city - Volgograd!

Your outfit is always beautiful.

It snows, it rains,

Draw the shadows of a mirage.

Houses, flowers - your face.

And the Volga splashes into the porch.

Delighting us, the gardens are blooming.

Favorite profile here and there.

Natalia Asinichenko

- What is this poem about? (About our city.)

What feelings do these poems evoke? (Sense of pride.)

What do you remember most about the tour?

- What memorable places did you visit with your parents?

What place do you like the most in our city?

Where do you like to be with your family on Sundays?

The teacher shows pictures of his hometown.

- Name the places shown in the photo.

– The Master of Construction helps us to examine the houses, compare them with each other, surprise them with their features.

By the external signs of structures, can we guess what is inside?

2. Textbook work.

Consider the group work for children on p. 88–89.

- What do you see in the picture? Describe.

– All the houses in this work are made of colored paper and glued, everything else is painted in gouache.

What season is shown in the picture? (Winter.)

What colors did the children choose to work with?

– What mood did the children want to convey in their picture?

Pay attention to the location of houses and people in the picture.

Hands raised and shook -

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the side of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they quietly sit down, we'll show -

Fold the wings back.

IV. Pedagogical drawing.

- I'll take a blue sheet of paper as a background.

I will mark the horizon line, outline where in my drawing there will be houses, trees, where there is a playground for children or a park.

The closer the objects are, the larger they are.

We have prepared applications for houses in advance, which I am now gluing. But you can also draw houses with paints.

At the next stage of work, I need to draw a playground: a sandbox, a fungus, benches, and beautiful trees nearby. It will be a place of rest and play for children.

After working with a pencil, I start working with paints.

V. Creative practical activity of students.

Subsequenceapplication execution:

1. Take the prepared tinted sheets of paper as a background.

2. Arrange ready-made applications of houses in your works, stick them on.

3. Draw the road, people, trees with gouache.

You can draw your favorite street in your hometown.

VI. Summary of the lesson.

1. Exhibition of students' work and their discussion.

The teacher notes whose group worked more cohesively, more friendly, who did the most interesting work.

2. Generalization.

- What did you learn in class today? (Learned to portray the city.)

3. Workplace cleaning.

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Purpose: Educational: - to accumulate geographical knowledge about the native city and region; - expand children's knowledge on this topic. Developing: - to develop children's interest in acquiring new knowledge; - activate the emotional-sensual sphere of children; - to arouse interest in their Earth, in their native land, in the people of the Earth, in their past. Educational: - to develop the communication skills of children; - a sense of belonging to what is happening in our home; - to teach children to evaluate the product of their own activity. Equipment: - maps: physical map of the hemispheres, Russia, the Republic of Tuva; - map of the city - tasks for each group; - crosswords for each student; - cards with the name of the cities of the Republic. The expediency of using the media product in the classroom: 1. the lack of information material in the existing teaching aids for the national-regional component; 2. the effectiveness of an individual approach to the work of students at this stage of the lesson; 3. intensification of the educational process; 4. increasing the efficiency of assimilation of educational material due to the simultaneous presentation by the teacher of the necessary information and the display of demonstration fragments; 5. formation of information culture and competence of schoolchildren; development of visual-figurative thinking by increasing the level of visibility.

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During the classes

I. Motivation (self-determination) for learning activities. Target. Include students in learning activities through a game situation. U. - Dunno came to our lesson today. Dunno. - Guys, help me guess the crossword puzzle that Znayka gave me, if I don’t guess it, then they won’t take me on a balloon trip. U. - Guys, let's help Dunno, and at the same time remember geographical objects and names. What do we need to win? II. Actualization and fixation of the individual difficulty of the Goal. - Summarize the knowledge of students obtained in previous lessons, motivate them to a trial educational action and its independent implementation; - fix individual difficulties in the implementation of a trial educational action or its justification. 1. Solving the crossword U. Where do we start our work? D. From reading the tasks of the crossword puzzle. (a crossword puzzle is solved on the topic: Planet Earth. One student reads the task aloud, then the children work independently and compare their answer with the answer on the screen. Similarly, work is done with each crossword puzzle.) D. We need a victory. Knowledge and ingenuity Will always help us!

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PANGEYA ISLAND OSTR O V M A T E R I K M O R E E K O L U O S T R V l b u i h i k a t y s

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2. Statement of the problem. Goals. Restore the execution of the operation and fix (symbolically) the place where the difficulty arose, identify the cause to justify the correct execution. U. Where did the difficulty arise? Why? Find a way out of the difficulty. 3. Work with the map. Target. To develop the ability to show geographical objects on the map, to form geographical literacy. U. Show on the map the geographical objects that were in the crossword puzzle. U. Name and show the continents and oceans. 4. Statement of the problem. Goals. To fix the cause of the difficulty in external speech - he does not know how to navigate on a map or does not know how to distinguish geographical objects. U. Why is there a difficulty? Find a way out of the difficulty. What will help us? U. You helped Dunno well, showing both ingenuity and attention. He thanks you for your help, but he has time left before the balloon flight and he decided to work with us. D. Textbook, work with the map.

Slide 7

III. Updating of basic knowledge. Goals. - To organize communicative interaction with the aim of: - to accumulate geographical knowledge about the native city and the republic, - to arouse interest in the native land, in people, in their past, a sense of belonging to what is happening in our native home. 1. A poem about Kyzyl - cheat. teacher. Blue blue satin azure, What spilled around. So this is where the middle of Asia is - She is a friend in Kyzyl! U. I read you a poem. Think about what we will work on today, what we want to know D. We want to know about our native land, our native city. W. Right. U. What is the name of our country? And the republic? U. Look at the map of our Republic and the country, how do they differ? E. On the map of the republic, a part of the country is depicted - our Republic, on both maps - objects of the same type (rivers, cities, roads), but on the map of our Republic, the objects are shown large, more detailed.) U. What is the name of the capital of our Republic? D. City of Kyzyl. 2. Viewing a video about Kyzyl U. Watch a video about the sights of our city.

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Sights of the city of Kyzyl

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Old local history museum named after 60 heroes

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New museum building

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Khuree building

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Republican Library named after A.S. Pushkin

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3. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. U. What sights of our city do you remember? E. Center of Asia, park, Arata square, theater, museum, bridge, etc. U. Great! You know the sights of our city very well. IV. Practical work with self-test according to the standard. (Work in groups.) Goals. To organize a reflection on the assimilation of the new based on the results of practical work. Check your ability to navigate in space based on a comparison with a sample. 1.U. - We make a drawing of a city similar to our city, with geographical objects that are on the territory of the city. You can draw individually, or you can draw on a large drawing paper. We draw a collective drawing, having previously distributed objects for the image. To complete the work, you need to be divided into groups using the Molecules game. (The game also plays the role of a physical minute.) - On the “start” command, you get up and begin to randomly move around the class, on the “molecule” command, you unite into fours. You need to unite with those who are closest to you. Otherwise, you may not be in time, but here the main thing is reaction and speed. - Started. - Name the objects you will draw.

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2. Placement of objects on the map of the city and its comparison with the standard.U. - Place the objects of the city on the map of the city and compare with the standard. U. - Well done! You all did a very good job together.

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V. Expanding the horizons of students about the cities of the republic. 1. U.-Kyzyl is a major transport hub of the republic. Highways radiate from it in all directions, which connect the city with other cities of the republic. - Guys, what do you think, what I want to tell you now? D. - About other cities of our region. (The teacher names the cities of the republic, attaches a card with the names of the cities and shows them on the physical map of the Republic.) The city of Turan was founded by Russian peasant settlers in 1880. The city of Shagonar - nearby is the reservoir of the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station - the Shagonar Sea. The city of Chadan is a city of miners. The city of Ak-Dovurak was founded in 1964. 2. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. Target. To organize the assimilation by children of new geographical concepts and orientation on the map in finding these objects. U. Name the city, tell us what you remember about it. U. What do we need to do now? D. Find its location on the physical map of Tuva. (Children work at the blackboard, commenting on their actions) U. Who found, named and correctly showed the cities? Who had difficulty? What is their reason? Don't worry, we'll keep practicing. And you will succeed.

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VI. Reflection of educational activity. Goals. - Record new content learned in the lesson; - to conduct a reflexive analysis of educational activities in terms of fulfilling the requirements known to the student; - Evaluate your own performance in the classroom; - fix unresolved difficulties as directions for future learning activities; - Discuss homework. U. - Do you remember what was the topic of our lesson? D. - The city in which we live. W. - What did we want to learn? D. - Accumulate geographical knowledge about your city. U. - Did we succeed in doing this? Prove it. Remind Dunno about what sights of our city he needs to tell his friends during a balloon flight. U. - Did we succeed in the lesson? What is our goal for the next lesson? (Children answer.) U. - Well done! You worked very hard, helped Dunno and showed him what knowledge is for.

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Lesson on the topic "The city in which we live ..."

in the creative studio "Children on the planet are friends"

Lesson Logic

"Let's say hello"

Target. Relieve muscle tension, develop the ability to switch attention.

The group members move randomly around the classroom. The host holds three "palms" (blue, red, yellow), cut out of colored cardboard. The host raises the “palm” of a certain color up. Everyone should say hello to as many players as possible. You have to say hello in different ways. Signal options: Red palm - you need to shake hands. Blue palm - pat on the partner's shoulder. Yellow palm - say hello "backs". During this exercise, a ban on conversations is introduced.

A variety of tactile sensations accompanying this game will allow the child to feel his body, relieve muscle tension. Changing partners in the game helps to get rid of the feeling of alienation. For completeness of tactile sensations, it is desirable to introduce a ban on conversations during this game.

After completing the exercise, the children sit on chairs.


I saw a passer-by on the street yesterday.

He carried a box, on the box it says: "Game"

I followed him for two blocks, believe me, I'm not lying.

Having caught up, I asked him: “How to play the game?”

He only smiled back.

And gave you a gift.

A box of balls is brought in. Leaflets with the names of the games that the children will play today in class are tied to the balls.

*Game communication exercise "Interview"

(Child - correspondent, microphone, notebook)


Hello guys! I came to you from Moscow. Do you know what kind of city Moscow is?

(children's answers)

- Moscow is the capital of our Motherland. The main city of the country. Where does the President live? There is Red Square in Moscow. I was in Moscow.


Well done! But I don’t know anything about your city at all, could you tell me about it. Yes, I forgot to say, I managed to take a few photos.

Children's stories. (2 - 3 sentences for each photo)* Communication exercise "Let's build a city." Description of the game. With the help of a counting rhyme, two children are selected - an “architect” and a “construction manager”. The task of the "architect" is to tell the "construction manager" what city needs to be built. For example: - 4 construction projects are planned in this city. There should be a two-story hospital in the center of the city. To the right of the hospital is a street, at the beginning of which there are three five-story houses. To the left is the library. In front of the hospital there is an alley and a fountain.

The “head of construction”, taking into account the personal characteristics of the children, assigns roles and explains to each participant what and why he will build. For example: Kolya and Alyosha will build a house because they are good at it. Tanya, Lena and Lyuda will build a library because they love to read books.... When the construction is completed, the “construction manager” thanks everyone for their work, and the “architect” evaluates the correctness of the given construction.


Guys, you did a great job. And do you like to relax? And where do you like to relax most of all in your city?


At the fountain.

caregiver (points to a piece of cloth lying on the floor).

This is a green meadow near our fountain. What mood do you have when you look at this clearing? (Sad, sad, boring). educate l. What do you think it lacks? (Colors)

caregiver . Not a fun life in such a clearing. This is how it is between people: life without respect and attention turns out to be gloomy, gray and sad. And would you like to please each other now?

*Let's play "Compliments".

Children take turns taking one flower at a time, say a phrase that begins with the words: “I like you ...” to any peer and lay it out in a clearing. Kind words should be said to every child. “Thank you, I am very pleased,” the child replies. The exercise helps the child to see his positive sides and feel that he is perceived by other children.

Children take turns taking one flower at a time, say a phrase that begins with the words: “I like you ...” to any peer and lay it out in a clearing. Kind words should be said to every child. “Thank you, I am very pleased,” the child replies. The exercise helps the child to see his positive sides and to feel that he is perceived by other children.


- Look guys, what beautiful flowers have grown from your words in this clearing. What is your mood now?


Cheerful, happy.

The teacher thus leads to the idea that you need to be more attentive to each other and say good words

*Dynamic exercise "Flowers".Educator:

There was no spring rain for a long time, our flowers began to wither.

First the heads were lowered, then the leaves.

Children lower their heads, shoulders, arms along the torso.

And then the whole stem bent to the ground.

They squat down.

Suddenly it began to rain.

Stand up slowly, raise your hands

And the flowers began to come to life

Then they raise their heads.

The wind blew.

Hands above head, pronounce the sound "sh"

The stems rustled.

shaking their hands

The breeze subsided

Calmly put your hands down.

One two Three! We became children again.

*Game communication exercise "Flower - seven-flower"

The teacher draws attention to an unusual flower, which also ended up in a basket of flowers.

*Relaxation exercise "Plant" Children take rugs and sit down on them.


Imagine that you are small seeds of the most beautiful plants. A warm ray of sun hit the ground. The sunbeam warmed the seed. A sprout hatched from a seed (children slowly raise their hands, connected by an arrow). A beautiful plant has grown from a sprout (children stand up, depict a wave). Each of its leaves basks in the sun, substituting heat and light for each half, turning after the sun. This is where our seedlings have grown.

Children remember from which work this flower is and how it was used by the heroine.

The teacher, together with the children, pronounces a quatrain from the story "Flower - seven-flower"

Fly, fly petal through the west to the east,

Go around the earth and find me soon ...

The child tears off the petal and pronounces his desire.

let everyone get rid of diseases

May they never die

May everyone live long

May everyone have a home

Let everyone have lunch

May everyone live well

Let everyone live together

May everyone be happy


I have prepared for you such flowers - seven-flowers. You decorate them yourself. Do you remember what color the petals were? As soon as you want to help someone, you want to do a kind and useful deed, tear off one petal at a time and say the magic words and you will definitely succeed! Don't just pick off the petals! Much of what you desire can happen without the help of magic! You just need to try, work hard, earn with your kind, good deeds!

On this, the work of our studio has come to an end and we can only say goodbye.

* Ending ritual.

Children stand in a circle, hold hands and say: “Goodbye to everyone, everyone!”

, Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

Presentation for the lesson

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Lesson Objectives:

  • Acquaintance of students with the infrastructure of the city.
  • To promote the development of the ability to navigate in an urban environment.
  • To cultivate love for your city, respect for the history of the city, for people of any profession.

Equipment: textbook A.A. Vakhrushev, O.V. Bursky "The world around", 1 class, computer, projector, presentation "The city in which we live."

During the classes

1. Organization for the lesson.

There are many interesting things in the world
Sometimes unknown to us.
The world of knowledge has no limit.
So hurry, friends, get to work!

2. Actualization of knowledge and problem statement.

Look at the board, what do you see? (Map)

What does the map show? (Scheme of our city.)

Who can tell us where our city is? (In Russia, in the Volgograd region.)

What do you see on the map? (houses, streets)

Look at the photos. What do they show? (On the 1st photo - the city, on the 2nd photo - the village).

How do you determine which is a city and which is a village? (City, because tall houses, many streets, lanes, etc.)

Do you know what city this is? (Yes. This is the city of Volzhsky)

Slide number 4-6

Guys, I'll tell you a secret. On the 2nd photo is the village of Bezrodnoye, which used to exist on the site of the city of Volzhsky.

Have you already guessed what we are going to talk about today? (About our city.)

What will we learn in the lesson? (Children make their guesses.)

3. Joint discovery of new knowledge.

Slide number 7-8

I suggest you make a short trip around the city of Volzhsky. We will start our journey with the symbols of the city. Solve riddles.

A banner attached to a pole? (Flag)

The official emblem of the city? (Coat of arms)

What is there in the city for the convenience of residents?

Where do they sell cereals, butter, sugar and other products? ( IN grocery store.)

Where can I buy medicines, glasses, bandages? (In a pharmacy, optics.)

There are many people on the streets of our city. Tell me, where can they hurry? (To work, home, etc.)

Do you know where your parents work? (In a store, in a library, in transport, at a factory.)

Slide #10

The city of Volzhsky is a large industrial center. There are many businesses here. Europe's largest hydroelectric station and pipe plant operate in Volzhsky.

Volzhanin buses known all over the country are produced at the Volzhsky bus production. Not a single city can exist without plants and factories that produce everything from food to the construction of large machines, ships, where a large number of people work.

We are convinced that people of different professions live in our city. How do they help us?

Could we have lived in the city without their help? (No. Every adult works for the benefit of the city and its inhabitants.)

Slide №11-12

What helps Volzhans to quickly move around the city? (Urban transport.)

Solve riddles and find out what kind of transport is in our city.

House on rails right there
He will kill everyone in five minutes.
You sit down and don't yawn - it's leaving ... (tram)

What a miracle - a long house!
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And powered by gasoline (bus)

Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands. (trolleybus)

Guys, what type of transport is not in our city? (Trolleybus)

Slide #13

What transport comes to the aid of people in case of danger? How to call it? (Fire trucks - 01, police - 02, ambulance - 03)

Let's check.

What other machines help people? (crane, roller, excavator, street cleaning machines) Slide number 14-15

What memorable places in the city do you know? (children's answers)

Slides #16-20

Do your parents work every day? (No. They have days off.)

Slides #21-27

Where in the city can you spend a day off? (Go to the cinema, take a walk in the park, in squares, etc.)

4. The result of the lesson.

What new did you learn about the city? (Children's answers.)

Slide #28

Let's once again remember the people of what professions can be found in the city. (Guess riddles.)

Well done! You did a good job today.

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 1 named after. V.Ya. Shishkov"

city ​​of Bezhetsk, Tver region

creative project
on the topic: "The city in which we live"

Completed by students

1b and 2a classes under the guidance

primary school teachers:

Morokhovoy L.L. and Aleshina Yu.V.

Brief summary of the project.

Each person has a Motherland - the land where he was born and where everything seems special, beautiful and dear. Everything in it is painfully familiar, there is no time to stop, look back ... But there are moments when our own home becomes more precious than anything in the world, and we associate the concept of human happiness with our father's house, street, village, city ...

Methodological passport of the project.

    Rationale for the relevance of the project:

One of the urgent problems of modern life is the memory of one's native places, one's native city. Local history is a topical problem of our time. Very often children cannot tell about the city in which they live.

    Problem Statement.
Insufficient level of knowledge of children about their hometown.

3. Setting the goal of the project:

To form an understanding of the expression "small motherland".

Education of civil-patriotic feelings, respect for the traditions and customs of the native city.

Raising interest in the history of their region.

4.Project objectives:

    Development of creativity, abilities for fine arts, aesthetic taste of students.

    To give children information about the history of the origin of the city, accessible to children's perception.

    Find out what socially significant objects were and are in your hometown; what buildings are monuments of architecture; what famous people lived, live in the city.

    Formation of intellectual, emotional, business and communicative readiness of students, scientific knowledge of local lore.

    Development and production of the intended product of the project.

5. Project type:





    Creative, practice-oriented


Project participants:

Students of grades 1b and 2a MOU Gymnasium No. 1 named after V.Ya. Shishkov city of Bezhetsk, Tver region.

Project work plan.

    Launch of the project.

    Work planning.

    Determining the level of readiness for search work.

    Collection of information.

    Information expansion.

    Formulation of work results.

    Project presentation.


Stage 1.

Questioning students "Do you know your city?"

Excursions: around the city of Bezhetsk, to the museum of V.Ya.Shishkov

Meeting with employees of the children's library. Conversation "Walking around

Bolshoy Street"

Stage 2.

Find out the historical past and present of the city;

Why is the city so called;

What socially significant objects were, are in my city;

Which buildings are architectural monuments;

What famous people lived, live in my city.

Stage 3.

Exhibition of creative works on the theme "My city";

creation of the booklet "The city in which we live"

Intended product of the project:

Creating an information booklet

"The city we live in"

Each person has a corner dear to his heart - this is his small homeland, the land where he was born, where he spent his childhood and youth. Fate gave us the happiness that we were born in the wonderful provincial town of Bezhetsk!

Life sometimes pass

Surprisingly difficult

Only easy ways

I don't ask her.

And without Bezhetsk to me

To be at all


For by the air of this

I breathe.

Where did such an interesting name – Bezhetsk – come from?

The word "Bezhetsk" comes from the verb "to run".

Who ran where, from whom did they run?

Once in Veliky Novgorod there was a strife between the inhabitants; the defeated had to yield to the strong side, but some of the dissatisfied fled from their city and settled on the banks of the two rivers Mologa and Ostrechina. These people gave the name to their settlement Bezhitsa.

The Bezhetsk region was first mentioned in the Novgorod chronicles in 1137.

Bezhitsy - Gorodetsko - Bezhetsky top - Bezhetsk

Do you know what the coat of arms of the city of Bezhetsk is?

In the red field, a green raspberry bush growing on a golden tip, burdened with three flax flowers, and bordered by greenery and accompanied at the head by a silver princely hat with an ermine edge between two golden doves flying towards it.

The red field reminds of the reign of Dmitry the Red, which had a beneficial effect on the well-being of Bezhetsk. The princely crown symbolizes the fact that Bezhetsk used to have a princely throne. Two doves are reminiscent of their own coins, minted in Bezhetsky Verkh in the 15th century. The green belt symbolizes the beauty and wealth of the region. Flax flowers-processing of flax in the area.

Coat of arms of the city of Bezhetsk

In a scarlet (red) field, green with black stems and with fruits in the color of the field, a raspberry bush thinly bordered with silver, growing on a golden tip, burdened with three azure flax flowers with a golden core, and bordered with greenery and accompanied at the head by a silver, with an ermine edge and a scarlet, with golden folds, princely cap between two golden doves flying towards it with upraised wings.

By the end of the 19th century, Bezhetsk became a merchant town, one of the largest linen trade centers in Russia. England, Belgium, Germany, France, Italy were well aware of fleece flax. The names of the merchants Nevorotin, Korovkin, Postnikov, Bobunov, Rudakov are known to this day. They built houses that adorn our city today.

Sleeping, carved

screwed up, old

the buildings

In memory of greatness

true creators.


galloped mad


Announcing the air

ringing bells.

Bezhetsk land has given the world many talented people. The writer Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov was born in our city - the author of the famous works “Emelyan Pugachev”, “Gloom is a river”, an explorer of Siberia. The city of Bezhetsk is the birthplace of Vasily Vasilyevich Andreev, the founder of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments. The work of the great Russian poets Anna Andreevna Akhmatova and Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov is closely connected with Bezhetsk and its environs. Their son, the outstanding scientist Lev Gumilyov, spent his childhood and youth in Bezhetsk. The future soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, opera singer A. Ivanov was born here

Kuznetsov, Tyranov,

Ivanov, Andreev,

The set of names is crowned

Gumilyov, Shishkov.

The city is small, yes

road list


Don't squander

memory is our destiny

such is .

Bezhetsky Krai is rich in historical sights. There used to be more than 20 temples in the city. But most of them were destroyed. People with a healthy mind cannot put up with the desecration of the memory of their fathers and grandfathers, they cannot admit that everything is lost forever, they cannot put up with it and turn sour in their own impotence and laziness! The essence of this sentiment is in the following lines:

Narrow roads lead us to Christ

We know death, persecution and captivity!..

We are Russians!.. We are Russians!.. We are Russians!.

We will still rise from our knees! ..

Temples, churches and monasteries began to actively revive in our city.

Walls of old

temples remember the days


Rushing into blue

heavenly church


Quiet in the graveyard:

lie here


And, disturbing the soul,

the bells are ringing.

The history of the city keeps the memory of the terrible, unforgettable days of the Great Patriotic War. 12 thousand refugees fought at the front. Of these, about 7 thousand people died on the battlefields, 14 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Time is relentless. The soldiers of the war who saved Russia and the world are dying. They go into legends, memories, songs, under the granite slabs of memorials. But the memory of the past does not fade away, obelisks and temples rise proudly. This is necessary for those who live on earth, so that their hearts do not harden, the fire of filial gratitude trembled inextinguishably in them.

Memory stuck the bayonet of the Obelisk

In the blue sky, and the sky does not hurt.

I worship this memory


Tears cloud the eyes involuntarily.

Carnations redden with drops of blood

In the green of the needles, in the spring


Great feat and holiday


Peaceful sky, happy children.

Eternal flame is our eternal


To all who are involved, bow


An unquenchable flame will sink to the ground,

The stars are on fire


Each city has its own

where he was happy


where everything seemed to be


And love, and flowers in spring.

Here everyone has friends

The joy of the days and


I don't believe that time heals

I don't believe, I don't believe!

Whether he be small


He is dear to everyone in his own way.

Of course he needs


The result of all the work done was the creation of a booklet and presentation "The city in which we live."

The future tense can only be a dream.

Changes in the life of all can not be counted ...

You just need to remember, believe and be proud

The fact that Russia has the city of Bezhetsk!

Project results:

The result of the project is positive for everyone. The preservation of the heritage and its use in the upbringing and formation of the personality of the younger generation will lead to an improvement in the quality of the social environment. Actualization of knowledge of the cultural and historical heritage of one's native land is aimed at enriching the spiritual world and raising the cultural level of the younger generation.

The project serves to unite, unite people in order to preserve the cultural heritage for future descendants and plays a huge role in shaping peace and harmony among people.

Work on the project contributes to the development of students' interest in history, research, scientific and educational activities, the development of self-government, increasing the level of knowledge of information and communication technologies and the use of social services on the Internet. Network communication - increasing motivation to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities, enhancing the cognitive activity of students, strengthening the family, increasing family values, erasing the difference in computer knowledge between parents and children, increasing the computer literacy of the project participants - parents, changing their attitude to computer technologies, instilling the skills of conscious and active use of the computer, professional orientation.