Wintering birds presentation. Worse than the bitter cold


Completed by a student of class 10 “A”

MBOU gymnasium No. 2, Salsk Seredina Anna

Head: biology teacher Andrienko E.V.

There are different types of birds:

Some people are afraid of blizzards

And they fly away for the winter

To the good, warm south.

Others are a different people:

In the frost they circle over the forest,

For them, separation from their homeland

Worse than a severe cold.

To their ruffled feathers

Snowflakes don't stick,

They are also under the powders

They frolic to warm up.

How can a bird survive the winter?

It is known that birds

there are no wadded robes,

no flannel shirts.

Many don't even have a nest:

they are in thunderstorms and hail,

and in the rain and in the cold they sleep sitting on the branches.

But who will give them shelter when the snow is swept away?

We! But only We we can help the birds. But in order to provide your help, you need to know: what birds winter and what do they feed on?

Among tits, the largest and most noticeable is the great tit.

She will not refuse any treat: seeds, insects, pieces of lard - everything is suitable for her.

Here comes a little girl

Yellow-breasted bird.

She eats lard and wheat

And her name is...


Woodpeckers join flocks of tits in winter. Woodpeckers feed on worms, beetles and other insects that spoil the tree, but it is also difficult for a woodpecker to feed itself in winter; it has to take hold of conifer cones: it will process the cone and throw it away, and other birds will pick up what is left in the gutted cone.

He's wearing a bright red beret,

In a gray satin jacket.

He's a friend to all the trees

And the bird's name is...


Look, there are apples on the branches,

Collect them quickly!

But then the apples fluttered

After all, this is...


A real bullfinch with a bright red chest, a black cap, a black tail and wings. A conspicuous bird. He likes to feed on viburnum and rowan berries, but does not disdain other seeds.

Crows gather in common flocks with jackdaws. At night they sleep, settling on the roofs of houses and trees, and in the morning they fly away in search of food: they feed mainly in garbage dumps.

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black.

Do you see twenty couples circling?

And they shout: “Kar-kar-kar.”


Sparrows have been living next to humans for a very long time. The sparrow is an independent bird: it will not allow itself to be insulted and will not go hungry. If he finds something edible somewhere, he immediately calls others. When a sparrow is cold, it fluffs up its feathers and looks like a fur ball.

Gray little lump.

“Chick-chirp!” - he was very cold!

Sun, come out soon,



I am a peaceful bird

Even though it’s homeless.

I'm not an expert at building nests,

I'll fly to the attic.

The sun will begin to warm up,

I love to coo so much.


The dove has been considered the bird of peace since time immemorial.

These birds live in all parts of the world except extremely cold areas.

No matter how much you feed the pigeon, it still eats.

You will find magpies closer to houses. The bird is smart, dexterous, and careful. In winter it wanders. Eats small rodents, insects, seeds.

The fidget is motley,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most talkative...


“To listen to the birds in the spring, Give them something to eat in winter!”

Winter feeding of birds is already a fairly old tradition. The first initiators of it were the birds themselves. They quickly learned that near human dwellings you can get hold of something - various waste, or something that is not lying around.

To feed birds, you can make a simple feeder from a plastic bottle, boards or cardboard box.

It is hung on trees, poles, and attached to the walls of buildings.

I was standing at the window

And I looked at the spruce.

Sparrows ruffled

They sat on the branches.

I'm so sorry

The sparrows looked.

All day probably

Didn't eat sweeties

I felt very sorry for them.

I went and got dressed.

I picked up some bread crumbs,

So that they can eat.

I'm from the boards for them

I made a feeder.

She hung it herself

Right on top of my head.

And now they're flying here,

Not only sparrows,

And tits, pigeons

And even bullfinches.

Every day I feed the birds.

I give them new food.

So that they don't forget

About my dining room.

Don't forget to feed people

Hungry birds in winter!

And your hearts will be filled

Warmth of soul.

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In a gray feather coat And in the cold he is a hero, Jumps, frolics in flight, Not an eagle, but still a bird. Sparrow

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It produces a variety of chirps, most often the well-known chirp. It feeds on seeds and bread crumbs. It nests near human dwellings - in cities, towns, villages.

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The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish, a black hat and a stripe of a scarf. Tit

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The song is a loud chime of “qi-qi-qi-pi”, “in-chi-in-chi”, a cry is a ringing “pin-pin-chrrrrzh”. It lives in forests and parks, settling next to humans. In winter it feeds on seeds and other plant foods. A common visitor to feeders in city parks. The nest is made in hollows, niches of buildings, old nests of squirrels, birds of prey and other closed places.

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Black-winged, red-breasted, He will find shelter everywhere. He is not afraid of a cold - With the first snow it’s right there. Bullfinch

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Voice - soft drawn-out “day” or “fu-fu”; the song is crackling, with flute and whistle sounds. Lives in forests (only pure pine forests are avoided) with dense undergrowth, in gardens and parks. In winter, it is simply impossible not to notice a colorful flock of bullfinches. It feeds mainly on seeds, buds and berries. Feeding on berries, it eats the seeds from them and throws away the pulp of the fruit. It nests in coniferous and mixed forests, preferring areas dominated by spruce.

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They played the pipes and whistled: “Pipe-pipes! We are pecking the rowan trees. We will have a feast in the forest!” Waxwing

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A gentle murmuring trill “sviriririri”. Lives in coniferous and mixed forests. They feed mainly on berries and fruits, for example, lingonberries, rowan, and viburnum. Birds are unusually voracious and swallow the berries whole without pecking them. It nests in mixed and coniferous forests consisting of pine, birch and spruce.

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Who is jumping there, rustling, gutting pine cones with its beak, and screaming with a whistle in a clear, clear voice. Crossbill

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Voice - loud “hipp-hipp-hipp”, “kle-kle-kle”. The song is a crackling chirping with trills. Lives in coniferous forests. It feeds on seeds and buds of spruce and pine. Having chosen a cone, he splits its scales with his beak and uses his tongue to extract the seed. It nests in spruce or mixed forest areas, but with a significant admixture of spruce or pine.

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A sharp “ki-ki-ki.” The drumbeat is short (about one second), merging. Lives in forests (mostly coniferous) and parks. In winter it feeds on seeds of coniferous trees. In the forest you can find the so-called woodpecker “forges” - stumps or rotten trunks, in the cracks of which he wedges cones and acorns to make it easier to peck. It nests mainly in tall forests and groves, where there are trees suitable for making hollows. Prefers mixed forests and pine forests.

Class notes for primary school students. Topic: “Wintering birds of our region”

Ivanova Natalya Gennadievna, teacher of the extended day group, Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "Urmar Secondary School named after G.E. Egorov" urban settlement. Urmars of the Chuvash Republic
Description of the material: I offer a class summary for students in grades 1-4 on the topic “Wintering birds of our region.” This material will be useful to primary school teachers and teachers of after-school groups.
Class notes for students in grades 1-4 on the topic: “Wintering birds of our region”
Target: expand students’ understanding of wintering birds, their living conditions, and the role of humans in the life of wintering birds.
- systematize and enrich students’ knowledge about the diversity of wintering birds and helping them;
- summarize children’s life observations of wintering birds;
- determine the importance of birds in nature and human life;
- cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards all living things, a desire to read a lot and know about nature.
- develop horizons, curiosity, logical thinking.
presentation, exhibition of drawings of birds, notebook sheet, pen, bags of bird food.

Progress of the lesson

I. Updating knowledge.(1 slide)
Teacher. Today we continue our conversation about birds - the wintering birds of our region. You and I have already gone on excursions - watched the birds, hung bird feeders, laid out food. And, remember, we agreed that we would continue to monitor the behavior of birds in winter and monitor the food in the feeders. We have said more than once, guys, that in winter the food available for birds becomes significantly less, and the need for it increases. Birds are afraid of hunger; they can survive the cold. Hungry, weakened birds quickly freeze. But a well-fed bird is not afraid of frost. So the birds fly closer to human habitation. This means that how the birds survive the winter depends on you and me. Every year our country hosts the All-Russian campaign “Feed the Birds in Winter” so that no one remains indifferent to this problem: neither adults nor children.
So………Let’s play the “Yes-No” game. And we will consolidate our knowledge of how birds differ from other groups of animals.
- If you hear signs of birds, then clap your hands, if not, hide in the house (palms are connected above your head)
The body is covered with fur...
The body is covered with feathers...
They have a beak...
They have two pairs of legs...
They get food using their beak and paws...
There are fangs...
They have a long fluffy tail...
These animals swim, fly...,..., make sounds...,
they run around..., spend the winter with us..., fly away to warmer climes in winter...

Why did you clap when you heard that these animals “fly away from us in winter to warmer climes” and “spend the winter with us”? (Children's answers)
Guys, today I want to tell you about the birds that winter not only in our area, but throughout Chuvashia. We may not see these birds in our area. In Chuvashia, more than 50 species have been recorded in winter, but most often about 30 are found. Let’s take a look at some of them and check our observations: maybe these birds have also visited our region. So, we hung up the feeders, put food there and let's see what kind of guests can fly to us...
II. Show presentation.
Student's speech:
The tit is a very active and fidgety bird: it won’t sit still. Its beak is sharp and strong, and its legs are very tenacious, which allows the bird to cling to a branch and hang upside down. He sings loudly: “Hin-hsin, ping-ping,” and can whistle and crackle. For her singing, she received the name “titmouse”. Tits love dried fruits, berries, nuts, sunflower seeds, melons, pumpkins, watermelon, grated hard-boiled egg yolk, butter, unsalted lard (in weather -5 and colder), lightly salted cheese, cut into small cubes (with a side of 3-5 mm). Berries: red and black rowan, hawthorn, serviceberry. Sunflower seeds, rye, corn, wheat, oats. Tree seeds: pine, spruce, linden, maple, lilac, birch.
Teacher's addition: Tits are forest dwellers; it is more difficult for them to adapt in winter, and therefore in winter tits fly closer to humans. Out of 10 tits, only 2-3 survive until spring. Tits quickly form a conditioned reflex - they clearly remember where the feeder is located and when a fresh portion of food appears. Therefore, feeding them is a pleasure!


Student's speech:
Happy sparrows are frequent guests of our feeders. They fly for the winter closer to human habitation. They create their nests under the roofs of houses, in abandoned buildings, in the cracks of residential buildings and even in empty birdhouses. In winter, they feed on waste in city landfills, leftover food thrown on the street or near shops, and bask under the roofs of houses or on heating mains. If he finds something edible somewhere, he immediately calls other sparrows.
Teacher's addition: It is worth noting that these birds build their nests for the winter in a very short time, so they turn out sloppy and do not have the correct shape. During severe cold weather, sparrows straighten all their feathers, which makes them look like small fluffy balls. The sparrow is an independent bird: it will not allow itself to be insulted and will not go hungry. At night, small birds gather in a dense flock and warm each other: those who are warm inside move outside, and those who are cold outside squeeze deeper. A sparrow's downy coat also protects it from frost.

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Student's speech: Magpies are one of those birds that stay and do not leave their native places, that is, they spend the winter in the same place where they were. These are well-known and quite popular birds that everyone has seen. The magpie is known for its black and white plumage. Magpies can be where there is opportunity to feed. They often settle close to people in order to be able to feed on food waste in the winter, as well as some animal food, even small mammals such as small rodents.
Teacher's addition: Magpies stick together, it’s easier to get food together. Magpies are known for their cunning. Even dogs can have their food stolen. One distracts, the other steals.


Student's speech: The crow is an omnivorous bird. The hooded crow's body is ash gray, and the head, wings, tail, beak, legs, and front of the throat are blue-black. All kinds of food waste are the usual and favorite food of crows, so large concentrations of these birds are often observed in city landfills. In the absence of animal food, the crow eats plants and their seeds, fruits and vegetables. A modern city crow can unseal a carton of milk, crack a walnut, soak a cracker in a puddle, or open a tin can.
Teacher's addition: After observing these birds, scientists found that crows make regular migrations in spring and autumn. In the fall they fly to more southern regions and return in the spring. So, for example, crows from the Moscow region fly to Kharkov or Kyiv, and Arkhangelsk crows settle in the Moscow region. Therefore, the crows that we encounter in winter are not those that originally built their nests here and raised their chicks, but those that flew from places with more severe frosts. However, only young crows make flights. The old ones fly away from human habitation in the spring, and in the winter they return again and join flocks of visiting young crows and jackdaws.
In severe frosts, you can observe huge flocks of them flying from place to place.

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Student's speech: Perhaps the most famous bird for city residents is the pigeon. These birds are so accustomed to life in the city that they are not at all afraid of people, often taking food directly from the palm of a person. In addition to seeds and bread, pigeons eat various grains, seeds, plants, and berries. Pigeons also drink a lot of water to soften solid food faster. These birds find places where they can hide from the cold, but at the same time fly out every day in search of food.


Student's speech: The bird's legs are black and its beak is dark. But the most amazing thing about the jackdaw is its eyes. The black pupil surrounded by a pale blue iris looks very beautiful and creates a feeling of expressiveness. There are birds with green eyes. In autumn and winter, jackdaws feed on seeds and berries. But a landfill or trash can for jackdaws is a real feast. After all, it is there that there is an abundance of the most varied food. You can always have a tasty and satisfying meal.
Teacher's addition: If you describe what kind of bird a jackdaw is, then it is noisy, nimble, sociable and intelligent. Among other birds, their best friends are rooks. Their friendship is very touching. They eagerly await the arrival of rooks from wintering grounds to communicate and jointly search for food in barnyards, thawed areas, roads, fields and vegetable gardens.

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Student's speech: Because of its ability to appear with the first snow, it was called the bullfinch. Males have a bright red, almost scarlet, entire chest. Females are more modestly colored - their breasts are brownish. Rowan berries are their favorite food. Moreover, they do not eat the pulp, but only peck out the seeds. Because of this, gutted red crumbs of berries are always scattered on the snow under the tree. In general, their diet, despite the fact that it is only of plant origin, is quite varied. In winter these are alder, maple, and rowan berries.
Teacher's addition: But in the summer it is difficult to notice them, so some people think that bullfinches fly to other lands. They actually fly, but only deep into the dense spruce thicket, where they will build their nests.

Exercise. Find a bird among the thickets!
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Great Spotted Woodpecker

Student's speech: The most common species in European forests is the Great Spotted Woodpecker. The beak of these birds is thick, long and strong. They are capable of hollowing out a hollow in any tree, although diseased trunks are more often chosen for this purpose. Woodpeckers have short legs with tenacious toes and a strong tail to climb tree trunks well. This forest bird is found wherever there are trees and prefers solitude. But they can also live close to humans, for example, in city parks and squares. He rarely flies far from his place of residence. Most of them are omnivores and easily tolerate frosts. The lifestyle of this bird does not change even in winter. In winter, the woodpecker feeds mainly on pine and spruce seeds and plant fruits. It skillfully removes seeds from cones with its beak and even uses permanent machines for this - forks of branches. Also in winter, he is excellent at finding bark beetles and wood-boring beetles, which hibernate under the bark of trees and hollows them out.

green woodpecker

Teacher's addition: In winter, when the ground is covered with snow and the ants hide underground, woodpeckers dig deep holes in the snowdrifts in search of food. During this period, they also look for sleeping insects in crevices of tree bark and various secluded places. In addition to animal food, green woodpeckers feed on rowan berries.

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Tap dancing

Student's speech: These are quite small birds, their size is only about 5 centimeters, and they weigh 30 grams! Looking at this bird, you can call it a “little red cap” because in the front of its head there are red feathers that form a round spot. And the males have a distinctive mark not only on the head, but also on the chest. During winter migrations, tap dancers feed exclusively on tree seeds and weeds. They are especially attached to birch trees.
Teacher's addition: Despite their small size, tap dancers are not accustomed to behaving cautiously. They quickly adapt to living near people. It is incredibly interesting to watch these little birds feed. They literally stick to the branches of the tree, and, hovering in different positions, peck at berries, cones, and earrings.
But as soon as you move the branch, they immediately take off in unison... but do not fly away to another feeding place, but only make a circle and return to the same place again.
They live in small flocks.

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Student's speech: Nuthatch - this name speaks for itself, it means someone is crawling. But only an unobservant person can say this about this bird. The nuthatch does not crawl, but runs, and very deftly at that. This is the only bird that can move along a trunk upside down as well as upside down. The nuthatch's legs are strong. The back is bluish-gray, the belly is white with an admixture of reddish tones. A black stripe runs from the beak to the back of the head, and the tail seems to be lined with thin white stripes. In order to survive the hungry period, this restless bird stores food for future use. Starting in early autumn, the nuthatch stuffs pine nuts, acorns, as well as linden, hazel and beech fruits into cracks and niches located in tree trunks or carefully places them in a spacious nest. A nuthatch's nest is a pantry that can hold up to 2 kg of food.
Teacher's addition: The nest is built in a hollow and is distinguished by the fact that the entrance, and often even the ceiling and walls in it, are plastered to a shine with soaked saliva or plain water and clay. In such a cozy house, especially when there are rich supplies of food at hand, you don’t mind the severe frost. After all, a well-fed bird is not afraid of the cold.

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Student's speech: The beak of that bird is not simple - it is strong, curved and overlapping, the height of that bird is not great, but the name of that bird is... (crossbill).
The crossbill is always easy to recognize by its beak. Crossbills have a beak that looks like a cross. They need it to get food for themselves - to get seeds from cones. You can't get seeds from a cone with a regular straight beak!
Crossbills are very friendly birds. They love to fly in flocks and always build nests where there are a lot of cones with seeds. Crossbills can also climb branches, even hang upside down! They hang upside down on a branch and eat the seeds!
Crossbills never completely peck out the seeds from the cones. A few seeds will be pecked off, and the rest will be left in the cone. And after eating the cone is dropped on the ground. And therefore we can say that crossbills are very useful birds for the forest. They are like foresters planting forests.

Teacher's addition:
Crossbills are also different. We have three species of crossbills living in Russia. Try to guess from the name why they are called that.
Some crossbills are called like this: “Klest – SosnovIk” (emphasis on the third syllable). Guess why? What does he eat? (Pine seeds). There are other crossbills. They feed on spruce seeds. Guess what they are called? I’ll give you a hint: “The pine seeds are eaten by the crossbill. And the crossbill eats the spruce seeds... ?(elo-vik)"
And the third crossbill is called “white-winged”. Have you already guessed why? That's right, he has two white stripes on his wings. He eats larch seeds. And that’s why they call it, guess what? Because it eats larch seeds, they began to call it larch. A beautiful word – “larch”, isn’t it? Remember which trees crossbills are “friends” with? (With spruce, pine, larch).
If you put small nuts in the feeder and hang a pine cone, then perhaps a rare bird – the crossbill – will come to visit you.
Crossbill is the most amazing bird! And the most seasoned! Not afraid of any frost! And it hatches chicks in the bitter winter during blizzards, blizzards and severe frosts. Crossbills build their nest from dry spruce twigs, moss and lichens, and soft roots. And to make it warmer, they line the inside with wool and feathers. And when the crossbills are born, the mother does not leave them for a minute - she sits on the crossbills and warms them with her body.
Why do crossbills hatch chicks in winter? Because ticks need special food! Of course, there is a special food - children's food - that is given to children so that they grow well. Crossbills need porridge, but another one - bird porridge - spruce porridge! And there is a lot of such porridge only in winter, because it comes from... cones! Parents have to feed their babies for a long time, because they are still small and do not know how to get food from pine cones themselves. After all, adult crossbills have a cross-shaped beak, while chicks have a straight beak. You can’t get a single seed out of a cone with a straight beak! But as the kids grow up, they begin to learn how to extract seeds from cones, their beak will also bend and become like a cross. Then they will begin to get food for themselves, using their cross-shaped beak to push apart the scales of the cone and take out the seeds.

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Student's speech: The jay is similar in size to a jackdaw.
The jay has a wide crest on its head. The feathers above the tail are white, the beak, wings, and tail are black. The color of the plumage is rusty brown, and the feathers on the shoulders are bright blue with narrow black stripes. The bird looks very bright and beautiful in its outfit. However, it is not so easy to see it, because jays are very shy birds.
In winter, when snow cover prevents them from obtaining food, these birds move out of the forest into more open areas and appear near people’s homes. They feed on seeds and berries. The jay is a very smart bird. She makes supplies: she collects and hides acorns. The bird can store up to 4 kg of acorns. Other birds, the ubiquitous squirrels, often find jay supplies and eat them.
Teacher's addition: Birds of this species are able to imitate the singing of other birds and the human voice. During a winter storm or blizzard, birds huddle under spruce branches and wait out the bad weather there.

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Student's speech: Our ordinary sparrows have a close relative - the waxwing bird. They got their name from the sounds they make when singing: svi-ri-ri. But nature gave the waxwings a beautiful outfit: a protruding pink crest on the head and a peculiar coloring: the main color of the body is delicate pink with gray shades, but the wings are multi-colored, with black, yellow-orange and white stripes. There are also stripes at the tip of the tail. In winter, their main food is berries. Waxwings feed in fieldfare, love viburnum berries, rose hips, lingonberries, and indeed any berry bushes.
Teacher's addition: Waxwings eat a lot and fill their stomachs tightly. But most of these berries are not digested, so in winter the place where the crested beauties feasted is easy to recognize. Under a bare tree, the snow is strewn with bright spots of semi-digested berries with seeds and peeled peels. In nature this is of great importance: the fallen seeds then germinate into a new plant. People build feeders for them in parks and forests and feed these beautiful and bright birds, pleasing to the eye. Despite caution and secrecy, waxwings readily fly to feeders.
III. Consolidation.
Teacher. Guys, answer the questions:
1. What birds did we talk about today? What new did you learn?
2. How are birds useful?
Possible children's answers:
1. All birds destroy harmful insects that destroy green spaces.
2. Birds destroy insect larvae and eggs.
3. Birds are orderlies, as they eat insects that carry various diseases.
4. Birds delight us with their singing and beauty.
5. Birds carry tree seeds, from which new plants grow.
6. The bird can be called a forester who carefully looks after the forest.
3. Why do birds need our help in winter?
Possible children's answers:
1. In winter there is snow everywhere, it is cold and there is little food, and the birds die from hunger.
2. During a short winter day, birds are simply unable to find and eat as much food as they need.
4. How can we help birds?
Possible children's answers:
3. In winter it is cold and there is little food, so people should set up bird canteens for birds.
4. You need to hang feeders everywhere.
5. Make sure that there is always food in the feeders.

5. What food can we put in the feeders?
Possible children's answers:
Pieces of lard for tits can be placed in a net and hung directly on a branch. After drying the white bread, crush it finely - they will not be able to peck at large frozen pieces. Birds readily eat Hercules oatmeal and millet, dried fruits and nuts. Birds love to peck rowan berries, birch, pine, spruce, and larch seeds.

Conclusion: So guys......
If we feed the birds in winter, we will save them from death. After all, if there is food, birds can withstand even severe frosts. You see, guys, it also depends on you and me: whether in 10-20-100 years there will be forests, gardens and rivers on our planet. Will the birds fly high up to sing their cheerful, sonorous songs? And it all starts small.
Let's read the poem.
Slide 23 Poem “Feed the birds in winter!”(author A. Yashin)
Feed the birds in winter!
Let it come from all over
They will flock to you like home,
Flocks on the porch.
Train your birds in the cold
To your window.
So that you don’t have to go without songs
Let's welcome spring!

IV. Teacher. Now let’s play the game “Associations” (The teacher reads the riddles, the students write down the answers in the form of drawings or signs by which they can reproduce the entire chain of answers)
Riddles about birds.
1. Sleeps during the day, flies at night - scares people. (Owl)
2. A little boy in a gray ball,
he wanders around the yards, collecting crumbs. (Sparrow)
3. Who is jumping and rustling there?
Does it gut pine cones with its beak?
With a clear, clear voice
"Cool! Cool! Cool!" - sings with a whistle.
4. Spinning, chirping,
He's busy all day. (Magpie)
5. Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,
And the first worker in the forest. (Woodpecker)
6. The back is greenish,
The belly is yellowish,
Little black cap
And a strip of scarf. (Tit)
7. Look at the balcony:
He's been cooing here since the morning.
This bird is a postman,
Any route will fly. (Pigeon)
8. The bird is noisy and whistles.
He was nicknamed the coachman.
Grabs a beetle in its beak - food.
Along the trunks back and forth
He crawls all day
They call it...... (by... zen).
9. Tuft on the head.
The bird is bright. So clever
It's like someone is blowing a pipe,
Sings….. (Svir…l)
10. Coloring - grayish, habit - thief,
The hoarse screamer is a famous person.
Who is she? (Crow)
Checking answers.

V. Result.
Teacher. Now look outside the window - see how many birds are waiting for dinner?! I prepared food in advance and put it in bags. You have learned a lot today, and not a single piece of knowledge gained should be left without applying it in practice! Let's get ready for a walk, and the first thing we will do with you is.... That's right, let's feed the birds!

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Slide captions:

Presentation on the topic “Wintering birds” Prepared by teacher Korosteleva T.I. d/s No. 10, Sim 2013

Educational goals: Reinforce the understanding of wintering birds. Expanding vocabulary on the topic “Wintering birds” (bullfinch, crow, tit, sparrow, dove, feed, hungry, help, feeder, wing, tail, beak).

Corrective and developmental goals: Development of dialogic speech, visual attention, thinking.

Educational goals: Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence. Fostering love and respect for nature.

Equipment: Pictures depicting wintering birds. Presentation. Pieces by P. I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons”

With the onset of winter, many birds leave their native lands. However, many of them remain to spend the winter with us...

Wintering birds In summer, tits feed only on insects. In winter, insects hide, and the birds have a bad time; in winter they fly to our houses for help. They will peck at everything you give: grain, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat, unsalted lard.

The bullfinch is slightly larger than a sparrow, very densely built, with a bluish-gray top with a black cap, chin, wings and tail, white rump and stripe on the wing, the cheeks and chest of males are red or red-pink. Wintering birds

Pigeons have a light gray body, with a whitish rump and two dark stripes on the outer side of the wings. Has excellent vision - distinguishes the colors of wintering birds, rainbows and ultraviolet rays. It feeds on plant foods: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees.

In summer, spotted woodpeckers feed on tree insects, and in winter, on seeds of coniferous trees. In spring, the woodpecker drinks birch sap. This is one of the very useful birds of our forests: it works all year round to destroy pests. Wintering birds

The sparrow is a lively, cheerful, resourceful and sociable bird. It pecks at oats and millet, in winter it settles near a person’s home, pecking at everything it finds - an omnivorous bird. Wintering birds

Crows are very smart. The crow's figure is rather awkward. The crow eats everything. Carrion, mice, birds and their eggs, all kinds of worms and beetles, slugs, fish, vegetables, fruits, cheese, cottage cheese - everything suits her. In nature, the crow is certainly useful, but near human habitation it becomes a thief. Wintering birds

The waxwing lives in sparse coniferous and mixed forests, on overgrown mountains and clearings. In summer they feed on berries, insects and plant shoots. In winter they like to eat rowan berries. In cold weather they move to human habitation. Wintering birds

Wintering birds are not afraid of frost and manage to get food even in the coldest weather. They look for insects hidden in cracks in the bark, in the crevices of houses and fences, they look for fruits and seeds of deciduous plants, cones of coniferous trees with seeds. But during snowfalls, blizzards and severe frosts, birds starve and even die. They fly to our homes for help. And you and I must help our feathered friends survive the winter. Help the birds!

Build feeders! In cold weather, birds will happily feast on food left in feeders by people. This will help them survive extreme cold.

Guess the riddles The back is greenish, the belly is yellowish, the little black cap and the stripe of the scarf. A flock of birds is circling in the sky, a flock that is not at all simple! Don’t hit this flock: A flock of gray ones... .

Guess the riddles You will find it in your yard, It is a delight for the children. Don't you dare offend her! This bird is... In the forest, to the sound of chirping, ringing and whistling, the forest telegraph operator knocks: “Hello, thrush, buddy!” And signs...

Guess the riddles. This bird has wanted to become a famous singer since childhood. Day and night restlessly “Kar-kar-kar!” - sings Black-winged, Red-breasted And in winter he will find shelter: He is not afraid of colds - With the first snow It’s right here!

Guess who's hiding

Guess who's hiding

Guess who's hiding

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Wintering birds Prepared by teachers from GBOU school No. 851 in Moscow: Shamina E.A., Chirkina E.N. and Kazancheva F.B.

Purpose of the presentation 1. To clarify children’s knowledge about the diversity of wintering birds. 2. Expand your understanding of appearance, appearance, habits and habitat. 3. Develop children's cognitive interest.

Siskin Siskin is one of the species of songbirds. The siskin is widespread in coniferous forests. Siskins are often kept at home, in cages, for the sake of their singing. The general color is greenish-yellow or olive-green, with vague dark spots below. The beak is gray. The male is distinguished from the female by a cap of black feathers on his head. In summer they live in pairs; by autumn it gathers in more or less significant flocks. In winter, it migrates in flocks over short distances. It feeds on insects and seeds of coniferous and deciduous trees; In autumn, the siskin’s favorite food is birch and alder seeds.

Crossbill Crossbill is a forest songbird. The bird is slightly larger than a sparrow, but smaller than a starling. The crossbill is remarkable for its unique beak structure. The mandible and mandible cross each other, and their sharp ends protrude from the sides of the beak. Like parrots, it uses its beak for climbing. Crossbills can nest in summer and winter, depending on the harvest of coniferous seeds. The nest is built by the female in dense spruce branches, using thin twigs on the outside and lining the inside with moss, wool and feathers. The female incubates the eggs for two weeks. After hatching, the chicks remain in the nest for another two weeks. Chicks that cannot fly are fed by their parents for a long time.

Eagle The eagle bird is a very famous winged predator. The genus of eagles is distributed throughout the globe. They are birds of prey and have very good eyesight. The body length of an adult eagle reaches 88 cm, the wingspan is up to 2.4 m. When hunting, as a rule, they soar high above the surface of the earth, relying on vision to search for prey. The objects of their hunt can be rodents, snakes, lizards and small mammals. They nest mainly on rocks or trees. Eagles lead a sedentary lifestyle and do not fly anywhere depending on the changing seasons.

Jackdaw Jackdaw is a widespread bird of the raven family. The plumage is black to silver-gray (head and chest). It nests in secluded places in buildings, on poles, bridges, and in the nests of large birds. In April, the female lays 4-6 eggs and incubates them for 17-18 days. The chicks fly out of the nest after 30-35 days. The jackdaw leads a gregarious lifestyle; flocks often team up with rooks in search of food. It feeds on worms, fruits and berries, garbage, and eggs of small birds.

Woodpecker The woodpecker plays an important role in the ecology of the forest, leaving hollows hollowed out by it for other birds, and it also eats large quantities of forest pests - aphids, caterpillars, bark beetles and many others. If in spring and summer the basis of the diet is insects, then in autumn and winter the bird switches to plant foods. Woodpeckers live mainly in forests, in trees, so the legs of woodpeckers are short, with long fingers and tenacious claws. Two toes point forward and two point backward. Well-developed tail feathers serve as support for climbing trees. Woodpeckers have a thin, strong beak, with which they chisel bark and wood. Woodpeckers are helped to extract insects from wood passages by their extremely long tongue, which protrudes far from the beak, which allows them to stick prey to the tongue.

Pigeon Man domesticated the wild rock pigeon more than 5,000 years ago, and possibly 10,000 years ago. The pigeon has excellent vision, it is able to distinguish all the colors of the rainbow. It walks along the ground, constantly shaking its head back and forth (“nods”) due to the peculiarities of its vision. This allows the bird to stabilize the image. Eaves, voids under roofs, unoccupied attics, beams under bridges and other similar structures are chosen as places to build a nest. Both parents incubate the eggs in turn, but the female spends most of the time in the nest. The male, as a rule, sits in the middle of the day, waiting for the female to return from a watering hole. The rock pigeon feeds mainly on plant foods: seeds, berries, fruits of fruit trees. In places where humans live, it easily adapts to eating food waste and waste grain (wheat, barley, corn, etc.). Occasionally eats insects.

Tit The great tit is one of the most famous and popular birds. She lives in parks and gardens. Females begin to build nests. They do not bother themselves with a long choice of place. In addition to a hollow, they can build a nest in a hole in a wall, in an iron pipe, a mailbox, or in a discarded tin can or shoe. Birdhouses are also a pleasure to occupy. Soon 8-10 chicks appear in the nest. Young titmice leave their home 15-20 days after birth and immediately try to fly. Their parents take care of them for some time, and then separate. Tits are very active and dexterous birds. Climbing branches, they search all the cracks in search of insects and their larvae. For the winter, these birds do not fly to warm countries, but in search of food, flocks fly from place to place. Where there is a lot of food, tits linger. Tits bring great benefits to forests, parks and gardens. In winter, tits search for insects, eggs, and larvae in cracks and holes and eat them.

Nuthatch The nuthatch is a sedentary bird; even in winter it moves only short distances from its nesting sites. During the cold season, nuthatches spend the night in hollows, but, interestingly, the male and female have separate bedrooms. In addition to climbing upside down, this bird has another interesting feature. The nuthatch nests in tree hollows, but adjusts the exit from its home to its size by covering it with clay mixed with resin. He does this so that no one else can squeeze through the hole. Typically, the female lays 6-8 white eggs with rusty-red spots. She incubates them for about 20 days, and after the chicks are born, the male helps the female feed the offspring. Compared to the chicks of other passerine birds, it grows very slowly. Young birds leave the nest after about four weeks. Their parents take care of them even when they fly.

Sparrow The sparrow is one of the famous birds; it lives in close proximity to humans. The sparrow is a sedentary bird; it almost never flies beyond the city limits. Sparrows are very sociable; even chicks that have barely left the nest gather in flocks. While there is bread or greens in the fields, the flocks fly into the field. If there are no fields nearby, they feed in the meadow or forest edges. There he collects insects and seeds. Sparrows often help weak, helpless comrades. In winter, sparrows make warm, light nests. Both parents incubate the eggs and feed their chicks together.

Bullfinch Bullfinch is a trusting and sociable bird. If one of the flock falls into a trap, the rest rush to the rescue. In March, bullfinches fly to nests in pairs, and in April the female begins to build a nest. The female most often lays 4-5 eggs. The female incubates them alone: ​​at this time the male feeds and protects her. After a month, the chicks leave the nest. What does a bullfinch eat? With its thick beak it chews berry seeds or small nuts. The bullfinch feeds on buds and seeds of trees and shrubs, berries, from which it selects the seeds and throws away the pulp. After tasting the rowan, the bullfinch cleans its beak: rowan seeds stick to it. When cleaning the beak, they fall to the ground and germinate in the spring.

Eagle owl The eagle owl is a sedentary bird of prey that does not shy away from humans and settles within the city limits. Resident bird. Hunts hares, rodents, hedgehogs, crows, waterfowl and chicken birds. Nesting begins once a year in winter or early spring, when the ground is still covered with snow. The eggs are laid in a small hole in the ground, often using low spruce branches, piles of stones and fallen trunks, crevices and gullies as shelter. Willingly occupies ledges on steep slopes of mountains and river valleys. The eagle owl's eyes are red-yellow and its beak is blackish. On the sides of the head are tufts of elongated feathers that form “ears” (which have nothing in common with real ears). The coloring of males and females is the same.

Owl Owls can be quite large. The eyes are large and yellow; beak and claws are black. The fingers are so covered with long feathers that the claws are almost completely immersed in them. All this helps to withstand severe frosts. The main food for the owl is various birds (partridges, ducks, etc.), their chicks and eggs. Owls attack prey at night. An owl's vision is tens of times better than that of a human. The number of eggs depends on the feed. Incubation of eggs begins immediately with the first, and then the rest in turn.

Capercaillie Capercaillie or otherwise deaf grouse. This bird is a little clumsy, heavy and timid. It is rare for wood grouse to fly long distances. Wood grouse prefer to settle in mountain forests. The food of wood grouse varies depending on the time of year. In summer he eats various wild berries. In autumn, buds and small branches of trees. In winter it is roughage: fir, pine, spruce, pine nuts. Along with food, the capercaillie swallows small pebbles. Pebbles in the stomach of a capercaillie are vital, because without them the stomach cannot cope with such rough food. Wood grouse build their nests right under the trees. The female capercaillie is a very caring mother and never leaves the nest, even if she knows that she will die. The chicks grow very quickly and towards autumn the family separates. Young females remain with their mother, and males begin to roam together

Magpie The magpie is slightly larger in size than the jackdaw. The head, wings and tail behind the arms are black with a greenish tint, and the belly and shoulders are white. Magpies prefer forest edges. The magpie is a sedentary bird and in many ways resembles a crow. In March, Magpies begin to build nests or repair existing ones. Magpies lay 7-8 eggs. The parents feed the chicks very carefully with insects, snails and worms. Magpies are omnivores. During the period of feeding the chicks, they exterminate many forest and field pests. People have a lot of sayings about magpies. Of these, “thief magpie” is an epithet that is associated with the fact that magpies are partial to shiny objects

Crow There is probably no corner where she would not meet. She also lives in big cities because she gets along well with people. Crows choose forest edges for nesting. Both the male and the female participate in the construction of the nest. When the female sits on the eggs, the responsibility of feeding her falls on the male. Both parents feed the chicks, bringing them a variety of food. The crow is a settled bird. It is an omnivorous bird; both plant and animal foods are good for it, including carrion and rotten fish. The crow also destroys nests and steals eggs. But they do not drink the eggs directly in the nest, but carry them away in their beaks and then return for more eggs.

Rook Rooks and ravens are often confused due to their similar appearance. Only a few adults are able to immediately say what kind of bird they see in front of them. Rooks are distributed within temperate climates throughout Eurasia. The Rook species belongs to the genus Raven of the Corvidae family. Color – black, with a characteristic blue-violet tint. The base of the beak of an adult bird is bare. Color – dirty gray or brown. They feed on everything, but prefer insect larvae and annelids. During the cold period, rooks have to feed on grain and food waste left by people.

Crows sit on the pillars, Jackdaws chatter on the branches, Sparrows are free to jump, as if twirling jump ropes. But if it snows for a long time and the blizzard lasts for a long time, then, friends, it’s hard for our birds. Hillocks, courtyards, paths are covered with snowdrifts, The birds cannot find Not a grain, not a crumb. And now the raven, the jackdaw, the sparrow are flying ever weaker... Hurry to the rescue, children! At this most difficult hour, the birds are waiting for you to save them. Feed them! Warm up! Hang the house on the bitch! Scatter crumbs on the snow, Or even semolina... And the poor things will come to life! Gliding merrily across the sky, feathered friends will fly up and sing, chirping: “Thank you very much!” K. Muhammadi