Feast of Sacrifice go kurbon. Feast of Sacrifice Go Kurbon Mayor of Dushanbe allows slaughter of cattle for holiday

History of Eid al-Adha

Once the prophet Ibrahim had a dream in which he was ordered to sacrifice his eldest son Ismail. Thinking that this was an illusion, he decided to wait, but the dream was repeated over and over again. Then Ibrahim decided to make the dream a reality. At that moment, when Ibrahim raised the knife over his son, he heard a voice: "O Ibrahim, you have already fulfilled your dream ...".

After that, the prophet saw a lamb, with which he was ordered to perform a kurban (sacrifice). According to the Muslim interpretation, Allah did not need any sacrifices, he only tested the strength of the faith of his prophet.

This story took place near Mecca. Since then, Muslims have been performing the ritual of sacrifice, paying tribute to the feat of the prophet Ibrahim, who showed the highest degree of righteousness and love for Allah.

However, not everyone can make the Hajj to Mecca and participate in the main holiday, so the canons of Islam require Muslims to perform the culminating part of the ceremony not only in Mecca, but wherever they may be.

Before the holiday, it is customary to fast for 10 days, and spend the night before in prayers.

Eid al-Adha Celebration

The holiday starts early in the morning. Upon waking up, Muslims are advised to cut their hair and nails, take a bath, anoint themselves with incense if possible, and put on their best clothes. Then everyone goes to the mosque for the holiday prayer, before which they cannot have breakfast.

After its completion, believers return home, and then, if desired, gather in groups on the street or in the yards, where they sing praises to Allah (takbir) in chorus.

Then they again go to the mosque or to a specially designated area (namazgah), where the mullah or imam-khatib delivers a sermon (khutba), which usually begins with the glorification of Allah and his prophet, then the origin of the hajj and the meaning of the rite of sacrifice are explained.

Sacrificial animal on Eid al-Adha

Muslims perform the sacrifice shortly before sunset on the third day, immediately after the completion of the Eid prayer.

The victim can be a ram, a camel or a cow. The animal must be at least six months old, it must be healthy. If funds permit, believers sacrifice one sheep or goat for each member of the family.

It is desirable that the animal be slaughtered by the one who sacrifices it. If for some reason a person is not able to do this, then he instructs someone else to do it. Above the sacred gift, prepared for slaughter, the clergyman of the mosque - mullah or muezzin - reads a special prayer.

The victim is laid on the left side, with his head towards Mecca, and the ceremony is performed. The meat is divided into three parts: one is distributed to the poor, a treat is prepared from the second for relatives, neighbors, friends, and a Muslim can keep the third.

Usually the skins of sacrificial animals are given to the mosque. The meat is boiled and eaten at a common meal, which can be attended by any Muslim, and the imam usually sits at the head of the table.

Eid al-Adha traditions

Also, much attention is paid to the festive decoration of the table and the preparation of numerous sweets. Close friends and relatives need to make gifts.

In the days following the holiday, visits are usually made to relatives, friends and acquaintances.

Drinking alcohol on this day is blasphemy and a mockery of the norms of Islam.

Avesta.Tj | 08/28/2017 | 1 September is the day of knowledge. Traditionally, this day is marked as the beginning of a new school year. Children go to school, students go to universities, as well as teachers.

September 1 this year coincided with the Muslim holiday "Go Kurbon". Last week, or rather on August 23, the Ulema Council of the Islamic Center of Tajikistan announced that Idi Kurbon will be celebrated in Tajikistan on September 1.

And then many began to wonder what to do from September 1 - the Day of Knowledge, whether the children will go to school or not, because according to the law "On Holidays" Go Kurbon is a holiday, which means a day off.

Oddly enough, representatives of our clergy, and not the Ministry of Education and Science, were the first to answer this question. Last Friday, at the Friday prayer, the imam-khatibs of the cathedral mosques urged parents to send their children to school on September 1.

The Ministry of Education and Science made public its decision on the same day, in the late afternoon. The Board of the Ministry decided not to postpone the Day of Knowledge and announced that on September 1, students will go to school, and students to universities. On Saturday, September 2, students and teachers will have a rest

This decision, judging by the mood in society, according to the responses in social networks, somewhat confused people. After all, the Day of Knowledge coincided with the Idi Kurbon holiday, and Friday, September 1, according to the law "On Holidays" was declared a non-working day.

Professor Jovid Mukim believes that the decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science contradicts several laws at once. “Here we see contradictions with Article 3 of the Law “On Holidays”, Articles 14 and 37 of the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, Article 9 of the Law “On Normative Legal Acts”, Article 89 of the Labor Code,” notes Jovid Mukim

“It should be said that the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science infringes on the rights of millions of our fellow citizens. It turns out that on a holiday, teachers, pupils and students are required to come to class, ”says the professor.

According to Article 14 of the Constitution of the country, “Restriction of the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen is allowed solely for the purpose of ensuring the rights and freedoms of others, maintaining public order, protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, the security of the state, the defense of the country, society, the health of the population and the integrity of the state.” Article 89 of the Labor Code states: “On a non-working holiday, work is allowed that cannot be suspended due to production and technical complexity (continuous production), work to provide services to the population, urgent repair work, loading and unloading.”

“The procedure for transferring a day off to another working day in order to effectively use working time on non-working days and holidays is determined by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. It follows from this that the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science did not have a legal basis for involving institutions, students and teachers subordinate to it to work on a holiday (Idi Kurbon)," emphasizes Jovid Mukim.

“According to Article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Normative Legal Acts”, the Constitution is the highest legal document, the norms of which should not contradict other legal acts. Also, according to Article 9 of the Law “On Regulatory Legal Acts”, which determines the procedure for the application of regulatory legal acts, the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science on “status” is lower than the norms of the Constitution, codes, laws, Presidential Decrees,” states the professor .

“In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Science should, in accordance with Articles 85 and 86 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On Normative Legal Acts”, suspend the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry, or by amending it, harmonize it with the Constitution and other existing laws and codes,” Jovid Mukim believes.

Also, Doctor of Law, Professor Shokirjon Khakimov considers the said decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science to be a restriction of the rights and freedoms of citizens. “According to the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan, we live in a state of law. In this regard, taking into account the technique of legislation, it would be advisable that, at the beginning, the Parliament adopt the relevant law or amend the law, otherwise no state department, including the Ministry of Education and Science, has the right to declare a holiday guaranteed by the legislation to workers. for teachers and students. It would be right if the government of the country, on the basis of the Constitutional Law “On Government”, annulled this decision, and the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan should make a legal assessment of this decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Education and Science,” Shokirjon Khakimov believes.

Independent expert Mahdi Sobir, in turn, supports the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the country. “Responsible for the celebration of “Go Kurbon” are parents, not children. On such holidays, people should visit homes that have recently buried their loved one. Children are exempt from such responsibility. We violate this requirement of religion. Children go home in groups, they are given sweets and other "gifts", although the law "On the regulation of folk traditions, celebrations and ceremonies" sets aside 2 hours for children's holiday "campaigns". Then they have to go to school. It is very important. After all, the Minister of Education, by virtue of his duties, primarily cares about the knowledge that children should receive in schools. The summer holidays have passed, the children have had a rest, and now it is time to study, and according to the tradition that has developed over the years, the children go to school on September 1. I don’t see any violation of their rights in this,” said Mahdi Sobir.

He called for the study of modern sciences and reminded that one should not get carried away with food and drinks. And his son allowed cattle to be slaughtered in Dushanbe.

"In the context of the accelerated development of technology and technology, leading humanity to unprecedented discoveries and inventions, we also need to keep up with progress and, through a deep study of various sciences, strive to expand and enrich the scientific and technical worldview as much as possible," the president's official website quotes the statement. .

Along with this, Rahmon called for protecting the national culture, "of which religious values ​​are a part, and mobilizing them for the interests of society and the state."

"Our people, professing Islam, thanks to state independence and with gratitude for the atmosphere of peace and stability, freely perform their traditional rites and easily meet Idi Kurbon (Kurban Bayram. - Note. website) and other holidays," Rahmon said.

The President recalled that the amendments and additions to the law "On streamlining traditions, celebrations and rituals" adopted on August 29 took into account the proposals of the country's population.

According to him, the purpose of the adopted changes and additions was to improve the standard of living of the people, especially low-income families. Changes are called upon during ceremonies and celebrations to alleviate the hardships of people and prevent the waste and excess that occur in individual cases. The changes and additions made are also related to religious holidays and provide for the holding of holidays and mourning rites without extra costs.

"We should not turn holidays into weddings and pompous treats, banquets, but decorate spiritual dastarkhans (served table. Note. website) and pay more attention to educational and moral aspects. On the days of the Idi Kurbon celebration, we should not allow excesses, but attach more importance to its spiritual values," Rahmon stressed. "Do not forget that patriotism is one of the conditions of faith," the president added.

The amendments adopted the other day do not allow waste and excess during the holidays of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha, as well as at weddings, commemorations, and during the ceremony of circumcision. In addition, weddings and ceremonies must be held before 22:00 and last no more than three hours.

The mayor of Dushanbe allowed the slaughter of cattle for the holiday

The mayor of Dushanbe, the eldest son of the President of Tajikistan, Rustam Emomali, on the eve of Eid al-Adha allowed the sale and slaughter of livestock in the city, but only in specially designated places, Interfax-Religion reports citing the press service of the mayor.

Previously, under the former mayor, the sale of livestock in the city was strictly prohibited.

The sale and slaughter of small cattle on the eve of the Muslim holiday will be carried out under the strict control of the sanitary authorities at the Yovar-11 CJSC slaughterhouse, at the Angara CJSC and at the city veterinary center.

"The heads of the capital's districts, together with the sanitary services, have been instructed to prepare temporary points for slaughtering livestock in honor of the Idi Kurbon holiday. Slaughtering livestock in unauthorized places is strictly prohibited. In addition, in honor of Idi Kurbon, from August 26 to September 5, food fairs will be organized in the markets of the city The farms of Sughd, Khatlon regions and regions of republican subordination will present their agricultural products to the residents of the capital," the press service said.

At the same time, for slaughtering livestock in the wrong place, a fine of eight to 16 thousand somoni (approximately from 53 thousand to 106 thousand rubles) threatens, News.tj reports. Announcements on the ban on slaughter in the residential sector appeared in each mahalla (quarter. - Note. website) and in each housing department.

In the capital's mayor's office, the publication clarified that 93 places have been allocated in the city where slaughter of livestock is allowed for the feast of sacrifice. Residents of Dushanbe can get the addresses of these places in their housing department or in the district administration.

In Tajikistan, Eid al-Adha will be celebrated on September 1st. At the same time, schools will not postpone Knowledge Day and cancel classes.

Eid al-Adha is a holiday of sacrifice, celebrated 70 days after Eid al-Adha, on the 10th day of the month of Zul-Hijjah in memory of the sacrifice of the Prophet Ibrahim. According to the Koran, Allah, testing the prophet, ordered him to sacrifice his son, but at the last moment he replaced his son with a ram. Eid al-Adha also marks the end of the annual pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca, which every Muslim should make at least once in his life if possible.

On this day, believers must sacrifice a ram, a cow or a camel, perform a full bath, put on clean festive clothes. Divine services in mosques begin early in the morning.

The participants of the Seventh Conference on Interregional Cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan signed a number of agreements and memorandums. During the conference, a cooperation agreement was signed between Russian Export Center JSC and the Export Agency under the Government of Tajikistan in the field of comprehensive support for Russian-Tajik foreign economic projects. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic and VEB Engineering Limited Liability Company signed a memorandum of cooperation […]

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  • 20.08.2018

Happy Holidays Go Kurbon!

Dushanbe, August 20, tajikistantimes.com — Congratulations to the people of Tajikistan on the Great Holiday of Idi Kurbon! This is a holiday of peace, goodness and mercy. On the days of the holiday, it is customary to surround with special attention and care for relatives and friends, to pay tribute to the memory of ancestors. On this blessed day, we sincerely wish you, all your relatives and friends good health, happiness, prosperity, success in all […]

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"Go Kurbon" in Tajikistan will be celebrated on August 21

Dushanbe, August 14, tajikistantimes.com - “Go Kurbon” in Tajikistan this year will come on August 21. Saidmukarram Abdukodirzoda, head of the Ulema Council of the Islamic Center of Tajikistan, announced this. According to him, the festive prayer in honor of Idi Kurbon will be held in all cathedral and Friday mosques in Tajikistan on August 21 at 6:30 am.

  • 13.08.2018

For generously covered dastarkhans - a fine

Dushanbe, August 13, tajikistantimes.com — The Committee for Religious Affairs, Streamlining Traditions and Rites has warned the population of large fines for generously covered dastarkhans on the main Muslim holiday, Idi Kurbon. According to the press secretary of the Committee for Religious Affairs Afshin Mukim, raids will be carried out this year in order to prevent price increases in the markets on the eve of holidays. When […]

  • 06.08.2018

Named places where you can slaughter cattle on Idi Kurbon

Dushanbe, August 6, tajikistantimes.com — On the eve of the Muslim holiday Idi Kurbon (Feast of Sacrifice), Dushanbe Mayor Rustam Emomali allowed the slaughter of livestock in the city, but only in specially designated places, the press service of the city administration reported. In the Firdavsi region, cattle can be slaughtered along the street. Fuchik next to the building of the meat-packing plant. Slaughterhouse in the Sino region […]

  • 31.08.2017

Happy Holidays Go Kurbon!

Dear Tajiks! Please accept our most sincere and warm congratulations on the Great Holiday of Idi Kurbon! This is a holiday of peace and kindness, mercy and harmony. We wish everyone health, happiness, prosperity, grace, peace and stability.

  • 31.08.2017

E. Rahmon congratulated the Tajik people on Idi Kurbon

Dushanbe, August 31, website - President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon today congratulated the people of Tajikistan on the upcoming Idi Kurbon holiday, which will be celebrated tomorrow on September 1. In his congratulations, published on the official website of the president, the head of state called on the people to be pious and sincere in their actions. In particular, E. Rahmon called on everyone who has such an opportunity to provide material assistance to […]

  • 23.08.2017

Go Kurbon in Tajikistan will be celebrated on September 1

Dushanbe, August 23, tajikistantimes.tj — The Ulema Council of the Islamic Center of Tajikistan has announced the date for the celebration of Idi Kurbon (the feast of sacrifice). In Tajikistan, Idi Kurbon, as in other Muslim countries, will be celebrated on September 1 this year. The corresponding decision was made following the meeting of the Ulema Council of the Islamic Center of Tajikistan today, August 23, in Dushanbe. Eid prayer in all […]

The most important holiday of all Muslims - Kurban Bayram, is a holiday of joy and love for God - Allah, which is why he is so revered in the Islamic tradition. This is one of the most revered holidays among Muslims and at the same time it is one of the most famous (recognizable) among all Muslim holidays in the world.

What date is Kurban Bayram celebrated in 2017

Every year, the holiday of Kurban Bayram (or Eid al-adha) is celebrated on the seventieth day after, that is, on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Zul-Hijja, i.e. Kurban Bayram in 2017 falls on September 1, i.e. on Friday.

The origin of the holiday

The holy Muslim book, the Quran, describes the events that formed the basis of the Eid al-Adha holiday. It tells about the prophet Ibrahim, who had a wife and son Ismail.
Once Ibrahim saw in a dream a divine angel who told him to sacrifice his beloved child. At first, the prophet did not believe his own eyes, but the vision repeated again and again until Ibrahim realized that Allah wanted him to make this sacrifice. Ibrahim always honored traditions, but such an act was too difficult for him. However, he decided on it, despite the excuses of his wife. They say that seeing off her son and husband on this difficult journey, the unfortunate woman threw stones at Ibrahim, not wanting to say goodbye to her beloved child. Ismail submitted to the will of his father and followed him to certain death.
After they reached the right place where the altar was located, Ibrahim laid his son on a stone and raised a knife for a terrible act. But at that moment, Allah sent an angel to Ibrahim, who did not allow his beloved son Ismail to be killed.

A young lamb was sacrificed, and the prophet received another son, Isaac, as a reward.

What does Kurban Bayram mean?

You should know that the word "bayram" means "holiday". In turn, Kurban Bayram is translated from Arabic. How feast of sacrifice, that is, an offering to Allah, as well as a spiritual appeal to him.

Celebration traditions

The holiday begins ten days before it begins. From this moment on, believers observe fasting and carry out general cleaning of their homes.

Eid al-Adha begins to meet even before dawn, when all Muslims wash the body, put on the best clothes and go to the mosque for the morning prayer - prayer.

First holiday prayer should be done hungry. After the Muslims gather at home and have breakfast, then return to the mosque again to listen to a solemn sermon about the events and history of the holiday.

On this Muslim holiday, it is considered obligatory to sacrifice to Allah a young lamb, a cow or a camel up to a year old, without external defects and without offspring. The sacrifice is divided into three parts: the owner of the house keeps the first, donates the second to the community, and distributes the third to the poor on the street. If after the feast a part of the sacrificial animal was not eaten, then the next day it cannot be eaten.

Congratulations on the holiday of Eid al-Adha 2017

Watch a very beautiful musical congratulation on the Eid al-Adha holiday!