International Flight Attendant Day May 31st. World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day

One of the most romantic professions in the world is that of a flight attendant. Still: working as a flight attendant, you can not only flaunt in a beautiful uniform of a civil airline company, but also travel the world, and at the same time receive excellent wages. Flight attendants and stewards even dedicated a holiday: World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day, celebrated annually on July 12. Let's find out how this specialty appeared and what people who choose it have to face.

From the history of the profession

World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day is a great opportunity to take a look at the page of history.

Flight attendants exist and successfully perform their official duties for the benefit of passengers of civil aircraft for more than 80 years. Initially, to some extent, the co-pilot took on the function of a flight attendant. Soon, however, it became clear: this option is not very good in terms of the safety of the car and passengers. Then the management decided that the crew of the aircraft should be accompanied in the sky by a steward as the third member of the team in addition to the two pilots. It happened in Germany in 1928.

How did stewardesses appear? The idea of ​​attracting young women of attractive appearance to work as a flight attendant originated in the United States. It was dictated by the desire to make advertising for passenger aviation, and also for reasons of the same notorious, but such important safety: the weight of girls is less than the weight of boys, which in all respects would increase the stability of the aircraft during the flight.

History calls a certain Ellen Church the first flight attendant. This girl worked as a nurse before gaining a new position and made her first flight as a flight attendant on May 15, 1930. Moreover, Ellen was given the task of taking over the recruitment of the first group of stewardesses of young people like themselves. As a result, seven nurses became them, the age of each of which did not exceed 25 years, and weight - 52 kg.

Requirements for candidates

Nowadays, the principles for selecting young women for the position of accompanying passengers on an airliner are somewhat different. The weight of the candidate no longer plays a special role, because the aircraft industry has taken a long step forward in the 21st century compared to the 20th century. But the presence of three O is important: a specific external image (natural attractiveness, makeup, speech, facial expressions), a professional image (professional skills, abilities, knowledge) and an internal image (certain character traits and personal qualities). Physical parameters also matter, such as height (for girls, it should be in the range of 160-175 cm) and clothing size (46-54). As for young men, young men with a height of at least 170 cm and not more than 185 cm are accepted for the position of civil aviation flight attendant. The age of candidates is also taken into account: 18-30 years. However, it is worth noting that all of the above parameters may vary depending on the particular airline.

It is unacceptable for future stewardesses and stewards to have serious physical disabilities, tattoos and piercings, large birthmarks and moles, scars on open areas of the body. A candidate for the position of accompanying passengers of an airliner must be absolutely healthy. This is a necessary requirement due to the difficult working conditions. To control the physical and physiological state of stewards and stewardesses, they are supposed to undergo a medical examination twice a year.

Regarding the education of candidates: it must be at least full secondary. Another important nuance: English proficiency. Level: pre-intermediate or intermediate. At least basic knowledge of a second foreign language significantly increases the candidate's chances of getting the coveted position of a civil aviation flight attendant.

flight attendant (stewardess) training

There are several options for obtaining the skills of the chosen specific profession. The first and most convenient are courses with the airline. Such training is completely free, including training on the equipment, which later becomes a place of work, internship in the company. The main advantage is guaranteed employment. Of the minuses, only a fairly large competition: 7-10 people per seat.

The second option is graduating from an independent school. In this case, training is paid, no one will employ anyone - this is the task and problem of the candidate himself.

Wherever you go to study, you will have to do it for about 3 months. In some private educational institutions, the process takes a month less. They are accepted to a school or to courses with an airline after a person has passed an interview. It consists of traditional questions and a psychological test. Direct training includes theoretical and practical parts. The first includes the study of the technical characteristics and arrangement of airliners, information on the provision of medical care, conflict resolution, and the use of life-saving equipment. At practical classes, future flight attendants train on equipment that is an imitation of an aircraft cabin. At the end of the training, it is required to fly off 30 hours of experience, after which the graduate of the school / courses is given admission to the flight attendant profession.

Pros and cons of the specialty

So, what does a person gain by choosing the profession of a steward / stewardess?

Firstly, this, as already mentioned at the very beginning of this article, is an opportunity to see the world. However, you should not hope that you will walk between flights in hospitable France or sultry Algeria - most often flight attendants do not have excursions and even an elementary walk around their destination. Basically, he does not even leave the building of a foreign airport. So, the main advantage of the profession turns out to be a complete disappointment, if you do not take into account the very fact of travel.

Second bonus: relatively high salary. Its size depends on the length of service, which is measured not in years, but in hours of flights, and class. In addition, any airline, as a rule, provides its employees with a full social package, vacation from 45 to 70 days, and all kinds of benefits.

Well, and the third plus: early retirement. Already at the age of 45, stewards and stewardesses are escorted “to rest”. Accordingly, the size of the pension for flight attendants is also rather big, given such a salary.

Unfortunately, the profession has more disadvantages. This is, first of all, constant physical activity: you have to spend almost all the time on your feet. Again, the endless change of time, climatic zones, a colossal psychological load, a busy working day, sleepless nights, a work schedule in which there is no orderliness ... In general, by the end of the professional path, the well-being of even the most healthy person declines.

Former flight attendants have the opportunity to get a job as instructors in their own airline. They have no other prospects to continue working in the “flight” sphere.

Do not forget to congratulate on July 12 on the World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day your familiar flight attendants and stewardesses on their professional holiday. They deserve your attention and respect!

World Flight Attendant Day is an annual holiday celebrated on July 12th. The full name of the holiday is World Civil Aviation Flight Attendant Day. In 2015, it falls on a Sunday. Stewards and stewardesses have always been considered a true symbol of beauty, courage and courtesy.

Few people know, but this profession is already 80 years old. The first flight attendants appeared in Germany, when they began to take on board a special person who looked after the condition of people, brought the necessary things, drinks, food. Prior to this, these duties were assigned to the co-pilot, but subsequently it was decided that the co-pilot should always remain in the cockpit in case of unforeseen circumstances. Initially, men were taken as flight attendants, but then they decided that it was better to use girls for these purposes. This replacement occurred for several reasons at once: beautiful girls were an additional advertisement for the air carrier, beautiful girls could distract people from the fear of flying, young and slender girls weighed less, which mattered in those days when the planes were not as powerful as they are now. Ellen Church (1904-1965) was the first flight attendant in history.

Everyone who has ever made air travel knows perfectly well that flight attendants create the mood for the whole flight. They do everything to make a person feel comfortable and safe. Beautiful girls have all the necessary knowledge and skills to cope with a difficult situation during the flight. There is a known case when in 2008 a flight attendant herself landed a plane, as the commander's consciousness became clouded and he injured the co-pilot. Both at the dawn of the development of aviation, and in our time, the dream of many girls and young girls is precisely the profession of a flight attendant. If you know stewards and stewardesses, do not forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday!

Aviation is a very necessary profession, as it safely moves cargo and people over very long distances in a short time. This is one of the safest transport services. July 12 is World Flight Attendant Day.

Every year on July 12, the professional holiday of civil aviation is celebrated all over the world, Ros-Register reports. Despite the large role of this branch in the country's development economy, this day is not a national holiday. But many airlines congratulate their employees on this professional day.

Events are organized for civil aviation employees. This day is celebrated by flight attendants and other employees of aviation companies, as well as teachers, students, course participants and graduates of a special educational institution. Close people of aviation professionals and friends join the festive event.

After the appearance of this kind of profession in the 20s of the 20th century, the holiday was officially approved. For the first time this kind of transportation service arose in the countries of Germany. In 1928, the second pilot performed the service function and soon a special person was trained for this. They did this so that the crew would not be distracted for the sake of everyone's safety. The events were created to increase the prestige of the flight attendant, the Ros-Registr website writes. To draw as much attention as possible to the companies.

On this day, specialists in this industry receive congratulations from relatives, friends, and colleagues. The main toast on such a day is “so that the number of take-offs converges with the number of landings.” Also, many flight attendants receive well-deserved diplomas and prizes. Senior management personally brings gratitude to their subordinates for their work and professionalism.

On this day, the press and television prepare special issues about this profession. They often shoot stories about aviation veterans, interview them and talk about their achievements. Since the time of celebration is in the summer, often aviation companies take their employees to the beauties of nature so that specialists can relax.

Flight attendants in civil aviation are responsible for the safe and comfortable flight of citizens. They perform all the necessary functions prescribed in their instructions. People turn to such an employee for the necessary information or for needs related to food or drink.

In order to become a flight attendant, you need to take special courses or graduate from a specialized university. After graduating from an educational institution, specialists leave the educational walls with theoretical and practical knowledge. Such specialists get to work only after passing the exams.

When recruiting new employees, civil aviation companies place high demands on their future employees. The flight attendant must know foreign languages ​​and be able to provide first aid. They must also be able to show a high level of service provided.

This profession is dangerous to life and health. The staff is constantly under stress, and besides, they are exposed to radioactive radiation. In other countries, aviation professionals earn high wages and more specialization options due to the presence of numerous airlines.

It is generally accepted that the holiday originated in Germany in 1928. Almost ninety years ago, a special person began to be taken on board the aircraft, who provided maintenance services for the crew and passengers during the flight. Previously, these duties were performed by the co-pilot, which was risky, especially during long flights, and for reasons of flight safety and passenger comfort, the profession of a steward was introduced.

At that time, the flight attendants were men, moreover, from former waiters who had previously worked in expensive restaurants.

But in 1930, in the United States, they began to attract pretty and petite girls, who, firstly, weighed less than men, and secondly, served as a kind of advertisement for passenger air travel. This practice has spread all over the world, giving the profession and flight practice a romantic touch.

The first flight attendant was Helen Church, who completed a nursing course, which was the decisive argument in favor of accepting her as a flight attendant. Her first flight as a flight attendant was May 15, 1930 on a San Francisco to Cheyenne flight.

Now the range of qualities that a flight attendant should have has been significantly expanded. They are selected according to the principle of "three O": external image, that is, speech, facial expressions, attractiveness, neatness and others; an internal image - it includes character traits, and a professional image, which includes specific skills and knowledge.

The duties of flight attendants include: advising on flight program issues, providing food and drinks, and quickly coming to passengers when they call.

In addition, flight attendants must be fluent in foreign languages, be able to provide first aid, be highly professional and composure, and be able to prevent emergency situations.

Despite the romanticism of the profession, it is classified as dangerous to life and health. In addition to stress, emergency situations and the likelihood of disasters, flight attendants, like the entire crew, are exposed to radioactive radiation from the upper atmosphere.

This holiday is celebrated not only by civil aviation flight attendants, but also by students, teachers, as well as students and graduates of courses of specialized educational institutions.

The media prepare programs about this profession, invite civil aviation veterans - former - and current flight attendants to the television studio, who talk about cases of flying life, and about the paths that led them to aviation.

On July 12, the participants of the celebration exchange experiences, discuss innovations. Distinguished employees are awarded certificates and valuable gifts. In a festive feast, different wishes and toasts alternate, but one remains unchanged - so that the number of take-offs coincides with the number of landings.