Wishes before going on stage. Theater for Dummies: Theater signs

Performers, especially beginners, often struggle with their anxiety before performing. All artists differ in character, temperament, level of motivation and volitional qualities.

These personality traits, of course, only partially affect the ability to adapt to public speaking. After all, a successful appearance on the stage of everyone still depends, first of all, on the readiness and desire to play, and besides, on the strength of stage skills (in other words, experience).

Each artist needs to learn how to prepare himself for a performance, learn to easily enter - such a state in which fear and excitement do not spoil the performance ... In this he will be helped as long-term, permanent measures (for example, sports training) and specific local measures , which are resorted to immediately before going on stage (for example, a special concert day mode).

Physical activity for the general tone of the artist

In the process of professional development of a musician, it is important to maintain good muscle tone. To do this, you need: types such as running and swimming are suitable. But with gymnastics and weightlifting, a musician needs to be careful and engage in such sports only with an experienced trainer, so as not to accidentally get any injuries or muscle clamps.

Well-being and performance, in other words, tone allows you to quickly recreate a special feeling of kinship with the keyboard, bow, neck or mouthpiece and avoid any manifestations of lethargy during the game.

How to deal with anxiety before a show?

Preparing mentally and emotionally for an upcoming concert helps to overcome the musician's anxiety before a public performance on stage. There are special psychological exercises - they are not famous for either popularity or effectiveness, among musicians they are considered too formal, nevertheless, they can help some, as they are developed by professional psychologists-trainers. Try it!

Exercise 1. Autogenic Relaxed Training

It's almost like self-hypnosis, you can get a good rest while doing this exercise. You need to sit in a comfortable chair and completely relax (you should not wear more clothes, you should not hold anything in your hands, it is recommended to remove heavy jewelry from yourself). Next, you need to try to free yourself from any thoughts and from the feeling of time. This is the most difficult thing, but if you succeed, you are great! You will be rewarded with a thrill and wonderful relaxation for your mind and body.

If you managed to free yourself from the thought and feeling of time, then sit as much as you can - during this time you will rest and you cannot even imagine how much!

Exercise 2. Role preparation

In this exercise, the musician, in order to overcome the anxiety before the performance, can enter the role of an artist known to him, confident in himself, who is at ease on stage. And in this role, mentally rehearse your number again (or go directly to the stage). In some ways, this approach resembles a madhouse, but again: it helps someone! So try it!

After all, whatever the suggestions are, they are artificial. And the artist should not deceive his viewer and listener. He must, first of all, make your speech meaningful - this can be helped by dedication, and preliminary congratulations, and explaining the concept of the work to the public. You can do without direct expression of all this: the main thing is that the meaning exists for the performer.

Often thoughts works, right set artistic tasks , the attention to detail for some artists is simply leave no room for fear (there is no time to think about risk, there is no time to think about possible failures - there is time to think only about how to play better and how to convey your own and composer's ideas more accurately).

The behavior of the musician in the last hours before the concert is important: it does not predetermine the success of the performance, but affects it. comfort! Everyone knows that, first of all, you need to fully sleep well... It is important to plan diet so as to have lunch in advance, because the feeling of satiety dulls the sensations. On the other hand, a musician should not be exhausted, tired and hungry - the musician must be sober, active and receptive !

It is necessary to limit the time of the last training session: the last technical work should not be done on the day of the concert, but "yesterday" or "the day before yesterday." Why? Therefore, the result of the musician's work appears only on the second or third day (the night must pass) after classes. Rehearsals on the day of the concert are possible, but not very time consuming. It is imperative to rehearse a performance in a new place (especially for pianists).

What to do just before going on stage?

Necessary get rid of any discomfort (keep warm, go to the toilet, wipe off sweat, etc.). Necessarily needed break free : relax (relax body and face), lower shoulders, then straighten posture ... Before that, it was necessary to check whether everything was in order with the concert costume and hairstyle (you never know - something was unfastened).

When you are announced - you need light up a smile and a look ! Now take a look around for any obstacles (step, ceiling, etc.), and easily and simply go out to your audience! She has already been waiting for you! Walk to the edge of the stage, one time feel free to look into the hall, just smile at the audience once, try to see someone ... Now sit down (or get up) comfortable, imagine the key beats (to get the tempo you want), get your hands ready and start ... good luck!

Stage fright also has a positive side, anxiety indicates that the musician is an important result of his playing. The realization of this fact alone helps many young talents to behave with dignity.

The world, as you know, is a theater, and the people in it are Shakespeare, that is, the actors, directors and playwrights of their lives. Every new day we have a premiere and, at the same time, a rehearsal of the next day, the next premiere. Being a human is already a creative profession, which has its own geniuses and mediocrity, its favorites of fortune and those who have been in disgrace for a long time and firmly. But even for a professional actor, every time it is not easy to go out from behind the curtains to the stage, to step from one world to another. (Therefore, by the way, the actors, whose, for the most part, are superstitious). And we, “in the world,” have to move from one world to another every morning when we wake up.

In the light of the above, it is interesting to know with the help of what signs and rituals those for whom theater is not only life but a profession invoke good luck and avoid trouble. Or vice versa.

Let's start with a rehearsal. In no case should an actor drop the text with the role during the rehearsal. If this still happened, you should immediately sit down on a piece of paper with the text and remember seven bald acquaintances. Otherwise, the role will certainly be taken away, which is a shame for any self-respecting actor.

If during a rehearsal or on the set someone gnaws seeds or whistles, most likely the film or play will fail. Bad omens, indicating that the role will be failed, also include feather decorations and fresh flowers in the hands or as decorations.

None of the theaters have a dressing room number 13. It is believed that those who contact this number will be haunted by a wide variety of troubles. The actors call the yellow color and the cross-eyed girl in the corps de ballet the same unhappy.

It is advisable to go into the dressing room with the left foot.

It is categorically impossible to look over the actor's shoulder when he is putting on makeup: this way you can take away not only good luck, but also health from him. Also, you cannot give your soap to anyone. Luck goes along with it.

Make-up scattered on the dressing table is a bad omen, so the actors need to carefully monitor all their jars and boxes.

Any pictures on the dressing room doors are considered a bad omen.

But a cat on stage can be both a good and a bad omen. If he walks across the stage during rehearsals, it is bad luck. If the same cat walks across the stage during the performance, then the premiere will be a success.

The fee for a performance or shooting should never be spent before the premiere of the performance or film. Otherwise, failure is possible.

The directors argue that no one, except the director himself, should sit in the director's chair. If this prohibition is violated, some kind of misfortune will surely happen. To prove the validity of this sign, various creepy stories are cited, they even say that one actress, who sat on the director's chair at the day's rehearsal, was raped in the evening.

At rehearsals or on the set of comedies, actors shouldn't laugh. It is believed that the more fun the actors are at the rehearsal, the more boring the audience in the hall will be. A particularly fierce supporter of this omen was Leonid Gaidai, and he already knew the secrets of making a real comedy.

No matter how the last run-through, for the premiere to be successful, everyone should say together: "The run went badly!" For the premiere to be successful, actors do not have to utter the last phrase of their role at the dress rehearsal either.

When playing in the plays of Gogol and Bulgakov, one must be careful - it is believed that the texts of the authors are surrounded by mysticism. It is also dangerous to play Ivan the Terrible, Don Juan, Ophelia and almost all the roles from Macbeth.

Among children's performances, Robin Hood and Children in the Woods are considered unlucky. But, "" - brings good luck.

You should only enter the stage from the “happy” side of the stage. The "happy" side is the side with which you left when your first success happened. At the same time, according to the old Mkhatov's rule, it is imperative to walk with the right foot and just before leaving - to spit over the left shoulder. Then the performance will be successful and none of the artists will forget the text.

It is considered a bad sign, especially in opera and operetta theaters, if a heel accidentally falls into a crack on the stage. This means that something is holding back the actor and not letting him into the audience.

If during the performance an actor finds a nail on the stage - this is a good sign. The nail should be picked up and secretly hammered in somewhere behind the scenes. Then the further career of the actor will be successful.

Dying on the screen and on the stage is a very bad omen, and the worst thing is to go to bed on the set in a coffin. Very often the actors, having played this scene, soon really died, and the circumstances of their real death repeated those in which they died in the cinema. But there is a way out!

The actors believe: in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to agree with the director and cameraman so that after the command “Stop! Cut! " they didn't turn off the camera right away. If the “deceased” actor has time to look into the lens, smile and show his tongue, everything will be fine with him.

To be sure, before shooting, when you need to lie in a coffin, you need to put a bottle of vodka under your head. After the scene is completely filmed, this bottle is given to friends and colleagues so that they drink to the health of the actor who played his death. In this case, vodka will take over all the troubles and misfortunes. The actor himself also needs to be present in the company, but you cannot drink from this bottle. From the other - you can.

Of course, not all of these signs can be adapted to the theater of everyday life, but the Holy Scriptures do not give direct advice on how to live correctly. Therefore, you need to reflect and use your imagination.

Having met, for example, a cat on the street, you should immediately start the premiere, even if this day was planned only as a rehearsal for something wonderful tomorrow.

Feeling that you are losing yourself, you need to immediately pull yourself together, literally sit on yourself, like an actor sits down on the text of the role, even in the mud and uncomfortableness, until no one else sat on you.

Before settling on someone else's chair, it is worth thinking about what, perhaps, this is the director's chair?

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday for all theater workers, celebrated around the planet every year on March 27. This international day is traditionally held under a single motto: "Theater as a means of mutual understanding and strengthening peace between peoples."

Despite the fact that World Theater Day has no official state status in Russia, officials of the highest echelons of the Russian Federation do not skimp on congratulations on the Day of the theater and compliments addressed to theater workers in the country. In some regions, representatives of the authorities award theater workers with certificates of honor, cash prizes, gratitude and valuable gifts.

For theater lovers Theater day It is also a real holiday, because all kinds of festive events in "temples of culture", various theater festivals are timed to this day, and some theaters try to present premieres of new performances for the holiday.

Congratulations on the World Theater Day poems and prose for the professional holiday for theater workers - directors, costume designers, actors.

Congratulations on the Theater Day in verse, with beautiful wishes of all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyme of poetry for the professional holiday of the theater workers. Congratulations on the Day of the Theater in prose, with sincere wishes of all the best in the service, will be a wonderful speech spoken in their own words on the professional holiday of the theater workers.

Who has not been amazed at least once
Theatrical art?
The theater is beautiful, it is wonderful,
Magnificent, simply unique.
Unanimously, the hall rose
Filled with delights
And every viewer took a chance
Beat off your palms.
Each performance is like a lesson
And that means he is a lot.
We give this greeting
Both for the theater and for theater-goers!

We sincerely congratulate you on World Theater Day! The theater enriches our life with new colors, gives the miracle of conscious empathy, fosters an aesthetic taste. Thanks to you, the true spiritual principle is preserved in society, the ideals of goodness and justice are brought up, cultural values ​​are multiplied. You carefully preserve the centuries-old traditions of the Russian scene, offering a new modern interpretation of the classics. Thank you for the unique atmosphere, for your talent, skill, individual creative handwriting and hard work. We express our love and gratitude to you. We wish you bright new premieres, successful productions, interesting tours, discerning critics, continued interest from the audience, sold-out houses and enthusiastic applause! I wish you good health, happiness, creative creative energy, inspiration, to reach ever new heights in the work that people love and need.

Magic theater atmosphere
Captivates with extraordinary beauty,
And of all arts, perhaps only this
It makes us think about the pleasant.
Happy International Theater Day,
We want to wish you inspiration,
Only with beauty do we personify you ...
It is for us to admire. Well, and you - to shine!
© http://yapozdravil.com/pozdravlenija_s_dnem_teatra/

On this wonderful and joyful World Theater Day, we want to wish you that the audience will always inspire you for new ideas and pay for your work with a thunderous ovation! However, apart from work, anyone has a privacy that can influence their careers. We wish you to have everything in order on your personal front as well. Happy Holidays!

"The whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors",
Shakespeare said, and he was indisputably right;
Your curtain will take a long time to close:
I haven't played my best roles yet,
You go to recognition step by step!
I sincerely wish you now
Benefits, success and notices!
Happy World Theater Day to you!

I sincerely congratulate you on the World Theater Day and wish you a happy life! Indeed, in fact, the theater reflects everything that happens to us in life! So may you have as many successful productions as possible in your life, and there will be no failures at all!
© http://poehali.at.ua/publ/sms_pozdravlenie/pozdravlenie_day_teatra/pozdravlenie_day_teatra_prose/139-1-0-1765

SMS congratulations on Theater Day

World Theater Day! Class!
Well, just creative ecstasy!
I wish you a wonderful day,
To make you feel good!

Exciting scene
Mysterious plot ...
Beckon, no doubt
Performance and ballet!
World theater day
Celebrates the world today!
Be always pleasant
Our theater. You are an idol!

In the morning, a wonderful mood, -
Theater day, grace!
I turn on my brains, I pick up the phone
I am writing SMS, congratulations!

On Theater Day, a worldwide holiday,
I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
To have different heroes
Equally good
So that every performance is a spectator
I was in a hurry to look from the beginning.
Create, play, create
To hear "Bravo" from the audience!

Use the offered audio greetings service to organize a small but truly pleasant surprise for your loved ones.

Congratulations on the Day of the motorist on your phone you can listen to and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a musical or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the Motorist to your phone either immediately or by specifying in advance the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

Just imagine how unusual this option of congratulations will be and how vivid emotions it can evoke in a person. In addition, choosing a unique and cool greeting is actually really easy, so the surprise will not be burdensome for you.

Cool congratulations on Theater Day

Theater is a huge world of mysteries,
Culture regal crown.
And with World Theater Day
Finally I hasten to congratulate you.

I wish you inspiration
Aspirations, joy, love,
As well as eternal luck.
So that all the awards find you.

May the legendary spirit of the theater
Protects you from adversity
Will warm your soul with passion
Success, faith will bring.
© https://zebroo.ru/gratters/holidays/vsemirnyij-den-teatra/verse/

Actors, directors, actresses
Today we call you for an encore!
Artists, prompters, directors,
Dancers, musicians and stunt doubles,
Workers invisible behind the scenes
And dressers with their stitch are priceless.
To you - admiring words and looks,
We are happy to congratulate everyone on Theater Day!
© http://pozdravlenija.su/prazdniki_v_marte/denj_teatra/

Though they say that life is a theater
And we are actors on stage!
Theater is life, guys
And he was created by a true genius!

You brilliant actors
Happy Theater Day!
Let there be no streaks between you,
You are psychiatrists of our thoughts!

We wish you, geniuses of art,
Earthly, material riches,
And surrender to feelings forever
Big ... And the same premium!
© http://www.pozdravuha.ru/p/s-dnem-teatra-147/dlinnye

As early as January 23, 1933, in his letter to the cloakroom attendants of the Moscow Art Theater, the great Russian theater director and acting teacher Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky wrote: “... the performance begins from the moment you enter the theater building. You are the first to meet the coming spectators ... ". This quote, over time, was transformed into a catch phrase: "Theater begins with a hanger", which implies the following: in the theatrical art there are no secondary roles and professions.

That's why World theater day Is a professional holiday for all theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting technicians, sound technicians, set makers and even ushers and cloakroom attendants. But not only ... Theater day is a celebration of millions of viewers.

Avoiding superstition is superstition. Francis Bacon
Actors of theater, cinema and directors are truly superstitious. In a creative environment, superstitions and omens of actors grow like mushrooms after rain, and play, oddly enough, an important role in organizing filming and theatrical performances. Signs are taken so seriously that they are taken into account in everything: from the selection of costumes and scenery to the distribution of roles and the choice of the day of the premiere. There are often cases when the actor himself refuses the role due to superstition. Under the contract system in Russia, actors even stipulated lists of roles that were unacceptable for performance. Learning the most common folk signs of actors for good luck will be useful for students of theater studios, young professionals and everyone whose activities are related to the stage or set. It is known that artists are nervous people: for a simple whistle in the theater or an attempt to gnaw seeds, they can be put out the door and even forbidden to approach the building. Terrible prospect for the first day of work, isn't it? But we should pay tribute to the concern of the ministers of art, many of the signs of the actors do come true. And performances and films with a black reputation, such as Macbeth, Viy and The Master and Margarita, are legendary even among people far from theater and cinema.

Signs in the dressing room and at the rehearsal

The theater begins with a coat rack, and it is born in the make-up room or simply in the dressing room. This is a place with a special atmosphere: there the actor leaves all his fears and worries before going on the big stage. Such a place simply could not but overgrow with superstitions, every step here must be thought out and weighed. By the way, this very step into the dressing room should be done exclusively with the left foot! Also acting signs and superstitions say that the dressing room of the leading artist has mystical power, and if you sit in it for some time alone, you can attract good luck and fame.

Under no circumstances, under any circumstances, do not look into the dressing room mirror over the actor's shoulder. This omen is one of the most terrible: it is believed that a great misfortune will happen to an actor who has been looked over his shoulder.

Bad omen - sprinkle makeup on the dressing table. This is one of the reasons for the neatness and exemplary order in theater rooms.

It is undesirable to glue any kind of pictures on the dressing room door

Neither in the dressing room nor during rehearsals should the text of the play or script be dropped. But if it so happened that he did fall, you can't just pick up the sheet from the floor. Before that, you must definitely sit on it. Into the water, into the mud, into the snow - this is the problem of a careless actor. This ritual is strictly observed by artists of all ages.

If someone brings soap to the dressing room, it will stay there forever. Taking out soap is a bad sign. According to another version, it is not allowed to give your soap to colleagues.

The number 13 terrifies the artists. It is unlikely that you will find a theater where there is a dressing room under this number.

Shakespeare's Macbeth is the most infamous work in theater history. A lot of mystical incidents and tragic events around the world are associated with it. Therefore, in Russian theaters it is strictly forbidden to hum songs from "Macbeth", and in American theaters - to utter the very word "Macbeth" without a good reason. Disrespect for this word, according to the Americans, is fraught with the closure of the theater.

Superstitions on stage and on set

Stage energy is an incomprehensible thing for those who have never stood on a big stage. The atmosphere itself is electrified to such an extent that every detail becomes vital and may well contain the difference between a brilliant performance and a complete failure. The very image and spirit of the theater is thoroughly saturated with superstitions and is unthinkable without them. There are thousands of actors' tales about completely implausible events, some of which actually took place during famous theatrical performances or on the set of films. For centuries, stories about actors whose tragic fates repeat the roles played one-on-one do not subside and fascinate listeners, and not all of these stories are fiction. Do not judge artists harshly for their weakness for superstitions and omens. Such is the specificity of their activity that one cannot do without mysticism and mystery in it.
  1. Entering the stage is a special ritual. Each actor has his own. Here you can find such an assortment of various prejudices that it will take an entire article to list them. Most often, the actor prefers to go on stage from the side from which he entered on the day of his first success, and adheres to this tradition until the end of his career.
  2. There is a tradition on filming, reminiscent of the custom of breaking a bottle of champagne on the hull of a ship on its maiden voyage. Only they beat not a bottle, but a plate, and not against a vessel, but against a camera tripod. The plate, of course, must break, otherwise fate does not bode well for the film at the box office. The fragments with the names of the crew members are taken apart for memory.
  3. Perhaps the largest number of superstitions is associated with death on stage or in film. And this is not surprising, since many actors, having died on stage, soon died for real. A whole arsenal of various ritual techniques helps to resist this destructive effect of the role. If an actor lies down in a coffin in a play, he should put a bottle of vodka under his head, and after the performance present it to his friends, who will drink to his health. And in the cinema, it is enough to show the language to the camera, without interrupting filming, for which you have to negotiate separately with the operator.

World Theater Day is an international professional holiday of all theater workers celebrated all over the planet annually, on March 27. Installed in 1961 at the initiative of the delegates of the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute at UNESCO.

Theater Day is a professional holiday for theater workers: actors, theater directors, producers, lighting technicians, sound engineers, set makers, and even ushers and cloakroom attendants. Theater Day is not only a holiday for professionals, it is also our holiday - a holiday for millions of caring spectators.

I want to congratulate you on the day of the theater. Let you, always surrounded by a magical spirit, soaring beauty and creativity. More of the latest productions, ever-accompanying muse and inspiration. Let the applause never stop, let the audience's delight be your great reward. I wish you success in your work and thunderous applause.

Congratulations to all those who have become forever the servant of the theater, stage and interesting roles. I wish that each performance would have an unprecedented sensation, break avalanches of applause and forever cut into the hearts of grateful spectators. Even if your excellent, talented and selfless work always brings with it recognition, applause and the desire to visit the theater again and again. We wish you a vigilant muse, inexhaustible inspiration and talented play. Happy theater day!

Congratulations on World Theater Day! I wish you brilliant premieres, memorable and vivid roles, loud applause, enthusiastic applause! Let the audience be crazy about you, often call for an encore and give you a sea of ​​flowers!

My dear actors, theater staff and spectators! I congratulate you on the world theater day! And if life is a game, and we are all actors in it, then I wish everyone to choose in life the role that he likes and play, it is impeccable and brilliant. Be happy and healthy, love theater and art!

Happy Theater Day! May any acting roles succeed, life roles will be positive, with a happy ending. I wish you premieres and sold out houses, awards and applause, love of the audience and pleasure from work!

Congratulations to fans and true connoisseurs of theatrical art on the spring holiday, the day when World Theater Day is celebrated. Let your soul always be receptive to beauty, let the theatrical stage amaze you and excite your imagination, touching the strings of your soul, plunging you into the world of the wonderful and unusual.

Let the theatrical art only flourish every day! I wish all employees of the theater a lot of inspiration, interesting work, new achievements and an excellent salary! May you always be accompanied by success and good mood!

Happy World Theater Day! More new productions, interesting works, new discoveries, development in all directions, happiness, new horizons!

I congratulate you on World Theater Day and sincerely wish you wonderful performances, vivid emotions, a life with real feelings and happy events, games with interesting roles and amazing ideas. Let a trip to the theater always give a lot of impressions from pleasant shows, let theatrical creativity inspire us and fill us with light love.

I congratulate you on World Theater Day and sincerely wish you a cheerful, bright, amazing theatrical life, a happy, joyful, supportive fate, which day after day will give you good meetings and loud applause of success.