Similar do not dig a hole for another. Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself

Don't dig holes for another, you yourself will get there. Wed Whoever worked to dig a hole for others, He himself fell into it, the writing says so. M. Yu. Lermontov. Epitaph. The drowned player. Wed So schadet meist der böse Rat Dem selbst, der ihn gegeben hat, Denn wer ... ...

do not dig holes for another, you will get yourself- Wed Whoever worked to dig a hole for others, He himself fell into it, says the Scripture so. M.Yu. Lermontov. Epitaph. The drowned player. Wed So schadet meist der böse Rat Dem selbst, der ihn gegeben hat, Denn wer einem andern Fallstricke legt, Sich selbst ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

Repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow) from 1825 to 1900

Repertoire of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)- This article contains an incomplete list of the repertoire of the Moscow Bolshoi Theater. It should be borne in mind that at first the troupe of the Maly Theater (the Maly Theater opened on October 14, 1824) and the Bolshoi Theater (the Bolshoi Theater opened a little later than the Maly Theater ... Wikipedia

Retribution- this is the principle of life, according to which evil is paid for with evil, and good - with good. Retribution is understood as retribution, punishment, retribution for a crime, evil, violation of the moral foundations of life. Retribution is like a compensation, a return, a return of that ... Fundamentals of Spiritual Culture (Teacher's Encyclopedic Dictionary)

Babylonian-Assyrian literature- BABYLONO ASSYRIAN LITERATURE, preserved to this day in a huge number of the most diverse works, reveals before us various aspects of the economic, social and everyday life of the peoples who inhabited Mesopotamia in the first ... ... Literary encyclopedia

PIT- PITS, pits, wives. 1. A depression dug or formed in the ground. "A deep hole was dug by a spade." I. Nikitin. Potato pit (for storing potatoes). Coal pit (for burning charcoal). Waste pit. Cesspool. 2. Specially ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

pit- Dig a hole (to whom) transfer. to cook to whom n. nuisance, seek to cause harm. Do not dig holes for another, you yourself will fall into it. Proverb ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

DO NOT COLLECT INTO COMPOT - WATCH TOMATOES- do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself ... The language of Odessa. Words and Phrases

Drown (whom)- To drown (whom) the sock. enter into loss (in cards); to tear apart, destroy, destroy (as if immersed in water). Wed Please do not regret (that I have not learned the legal profession)! And what good is possible? Help one out, swamp the other ... Lѣskov. Smѣkh and ... Michelson's Big Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

PIT- wives. or yamina, yamurina and yamina, dimple, dimple, dimple; pit; pits; hollow, vlumina, hole, dip, pothole, any deepening, · opposite. hump, bump, bump, etc. The pits in the floor are groomed. The silver dishes are all beaten, in the pits. Eye pits ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary


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  • Crocodile Tears, Juan Antonio Laiglesia. Readers will find in the book two fairy tales by the Spanish writer Juan Antonio Laiglesia. The heroes of the first fairy tale "Half a kilo of sugar" are Dwarf Jerome and Beaver. Beaver always comes to thrifty ...

0 Humans are inherently envious and petty creatures. We desperately dislike it when our neighbor suddenly leaves to rest on tropical islands or buys an expensive business-class car. Irritation and anger ooze from all our pores, but we understand that there is nothing we can do about it, and we just have to grin our teeth like a mangy dog. However, some citizens go further, and begin to actively intrigue those people who did not please them in some way, write denunciations, arrange an accident, but they just come up and beat them in the face, and sometimes with their feet. However, even our ancestors realized that we should not wish another evil, because it can come back to haunt us ourselves. Therefore, another winged expression was born, this, which means you can find out a little below. Add our resource site to your bookmarks to always have access to fresh and new information.
However, before I continue, I would like to point out to you a couple of our interesting publications on the topic of winged sayings and phraseological units. For example, what does it mean Every sandpiper praises his swamp; how to understand dotted I; the meaning of the expression If the stars are lit, it means that someone needs it; which means we do not store what we have, having lost it by crying, etc.
So, let's continue, Do not dig another hole, you yourself will fall into it, meaning?

Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself- means that you should not plot against another, because it can turn out sideways for you

Analogue of a proverb:

The more you play, the more you get hurt.

Do not spit in the well, it will come in handy to drink water.

You will go through the light with a lie, but you will not turn back.

This proverb was recorded in " Russian proverbs“Dalia. True, in his work it sounds a little differently:“ Whoever digs a hole for another will fall into it himself. ”In fact, this idea is inherent in different nations of the world, and it can be heard in many other languages. For example, in English, Bulgarian, Polish, Spanish, French, Ukrainian, Belarusian, etc. Therefore, any intelligent person simply needs to know about the origin of this catch phrase.

Indeed, this statement was first mentioned in the most read book on Earth, the Bible. It can be found more than once in the pages of the Old Testament. In the book of Proverbs of Solomon you can find the following sentence: " Whoever begins to roll a stone uphill, to that he will return, whoever digs a hole for another, he can fall into it".
In another chapter of this great book you can read: " The one who advises the righteous to take the path of evil himself will find himself in a pit, and the innocent will inherit kindness.".

Such phraseological unit emphasized in a simple and accessible form, useful and applicable wisdom in various life situations. Most likely, this phrase was used in this people long before it hit the pages " Proverbs of Solomon".
If we open " The Book of Ecclesiastes", then we can read another clever thought in which they represent the behavior of a fool and a sage:" Whoever destroys the fence will be bitten by a snake, and whoever digs a hole will fall into it himself". This statement can be interpreted that the one who is plotting unkind and unkind actions against another person can easily and simply harm himself, without even noticing how everything turned out.

In general, in our world, everything is interconnected, and trying to set up the intrigues of others, you yourself can easily find yourself in a situation that you carefully prepared for another. Our ancestors believed that any evil comes back like a boomerang, that is, doing something bad, it will definitely come back to you.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that the above proverb reflects long-term people's observations associated with the strong desire of some citizens to harm their neighbors. Usually, such plans turned into the fact that the villain himself fell into the traps set for another.
This phraseological unit, as it were, warns all individuals that they will surely experience on their own skin everything that the people for whom he prepared his own " present".

After reading this straightforward article, you learned what it means Do not dig a hole for another, you will fall into it yourself, and now you can explain to your friends and acquaintances its hidden meaning.

Once upon a time there was a man who was incredibly rich. Flocks of sheep, herds of horses, beehives, mills - everything, wherever you looked, belonged to him, and people pointed their fingers at him. He also had two sons. Both were unlucky, from morning till night they wandered around and did not want to put their hands to anything. Years began to put pressure on my father's shoulders, his strength began to wane. An ailment twisted him once, and did not let him go already. The man understood that the hour of death was approaching, prayed for his sons and gave his soul to God.

The father's sons were buried with great honors.

And life went on. Days and weeks passed, and a month had passed since then, and six had passed, and the sons dangled around, eating up their father's fortune.

One fine day (only a year has passed since the death of his father), the elder brother calls the younger and says to him:

I'm tired of feeding you, brother, from now on you are your own head, go your own way and God help you.

How dare you say that, we have something in common. There is my share of the inheritance. And besides, I am your younger brother, you are obliged to take care of me and help me. From the same father-mother, you and I, you shouldn't say that ...

You have eaten your share, and all that remains of your father is mine. Only my. My father bequeathed to me. I'm alone.

The pleas of the younger brother were in vain: the elder was greedy to the point of unconsciousness. I put my brother out penniless.

The younger did not grieve for long. I found an abandoned torna on the edge of the village, moved there with my wife and children and began to establish a new life. Undertook any job, they fed somehow, barely making ends meet. And they never turned to the elder for help.

And the elder brother gnaws at anger. He knows that his brother - you never know a lot - has a piece of his daily bread for his living, he sees: the younger's family eats for a day, the other is fasting, but they live, they endure. And they work. And chokes him with bile. He doesn’t even know what attack to send, what trouble to call on his younger brother - to butter up his heart.

“I’ll send him to the top of a distant mountain, if I’m lying that the treasure is buried there, maybe he won’t come back. They say that there are wild beasts prowling, let them devour him alive. "

Conceived and done. He comes to his younger brother in his dilapidated shack, inquires about life.

I live, as you can see, I'm not complaining. God is merciful and people are kind ...

And you won't get tired of vegetating in poverty, bending a piece of bread for the sake of bending your back on strangers ?!

Would you like to help me?

You would help, but I'm afraid, you are proud, you will not accept any help or advice ...

What did you come with, brother?

But with what. There is a cave at the top of the distant mountain. I heard that there are many piles of gold and precious stones. Try your luck, suddenly you get rich - then you have no worries, no sorrows ...

If what you say is true, why don't you try to get rich ?!

True, pure truth.

If so - tomorrow I'll start on the road.

As soon as the east turned red, the younger brother said to his wife:

Bring the sack and give me some bread for the journey.

Where are you from dawn?

And where the elder brother said. There is a cave on the far mountain, and in that cave there is a pile of gold. And precious stones are countless.

And why does he not take such wealth himself ?! You will not be lost for a penny, you foolish head! ..

Hold your tongue and don't get involved in men's affairs. Do what they say.

The wife was displeased, but did not argue with her husband. I gave him some bread, a piece of cheese. And she handed in a bag - the largest in the house.

For a long time - short, or far away - close, the younger brother found the way to that mountain and came to the very cave about which the elder spoke.

The place was wild, and his younger brother cursed. “But here the animals will devour me and leave no bones,” he thought. He began to search - where to hide. He sees: a large stone has been turned out of the ground, just at the very entrance to the cave. He hid behind him, threw the bag over his head, shrank into a ball. An hour passes, another, maybe an eternity - only after a while wild animals - a mouse, a wolf, a fox and a bear - come to the cave. They sit in a circle. The soul of the younger brother, as they say, is gone.

Of, of, of, - the mouse complains. - You just do not know how to be.

What are you talking about?

And the fact that in my hole I even roll like a ball, my stomach is empty, and next to some fool a jug of gold buried. Only he is of no use to me.

You have no trouble, but only half the trouble. But in one place there is a tree, and in the hollow of honey. How many years have I been getting close to him, but every time I leave without salt: it hurts the bees to sting.

The younger brother listens to their complaints, but his heart rejoices: “No, he is not my enemy, older brother. He told me the truth: go and get rich. "

In the morning, the animals scattered about their business, and the youngest got down to business. I looked, I looked, I finally found a mouse hole, I began to dig around it. I dug for a long time, dug deep, until I found that jug. He poured himself a handful, and buried the jug again. He himself went to a nearby village, hired people and ordered him to build houses on that very mountain.

Craftsmen - carpenters and masons worked, raised house after house. And the younger also ordered that there should be extensions to the houses - for the servants who would look after the houses. And he ordered a lot of beehives, went to that tree, planted bees in his hives, poured all the honey into jugs, and it was there - you couldn't get it out. The man got rich. And I finally decided to visit my native village.

I came to my elder brother and, as I told you, I laid it out to him.

And such contentment was on the face of the younger brother that it was hard not to believe him. The elder's soul was seized with greed. “I sent him to certain death to be devoured by wild animals, and he was overgrown with wealth, bathed in gold. I'll go too. Maybe I'll be luckier. "

Conceived - done. Unbeknownst to his wife, the elder brother slipped out of the house and rushed like a spirit to the top of a distant mountain. He walks up the hill for a day, two, three - he does not remember how long, only the entrance to that very cave suddenly opens before him. He also sees that big stone. Hiding behind him. Soon the animals are gathering.

Who has what's new - put it out!

There is already nothing to spread: people came, dug my hole, took all the gold and built houses - there is nowhere to hide. Nobody had lurked here that night and overheard our conversation.

It's the same story with me, - cried the bear, - someone from that hollow took out all the honey clean. If only I could leave it on the bottom ...

Since such a thing, it would be necessary to inspect everything around, - said the wolf.

It was then that they pulled out from behind the stone of the elder brother and tore it to pieces.

The younger waited, waited, but did not wait for his elder brother. I realized that he had become the prey of those very animals. He tore his hair, grieved, but the grief could not be helped: he went to the elder's wife and told everything as it was. And she listened, listened and said: "Do not dig another hole - you yourself will fall into it."

What happened will not return, let us not remember evil. Collect your belongings: I built houses on that mountain, you will live next to us, and I will not let your children starve to death.

Be it your way, ”said the older brother’s wife.

The next morning, in ten carts, they moved to a new place. People heard about this and began to flock to that mountain. So the village grew up in a new place, the Nobility opened the way to wealth for the younger, and the elder was punished for his greed and cruelty.

Three apples fell from the sky: one to the one who spoke, the second to the one who listened, and the third to the one who remembered.

Translated by A. Sagratyan



The room was dark. Only the monitor of a personal computer was shining, dimly illuminating the face of the person working on it. In that shimmering bluish light, it looked strange and eerie. As if not a man, but a ghost, intently pounded on the keys in the stillness of the night. He was apparently twenty-two - twenty-four years old. The soft features of the face retained something childish, and round glasses with thick lenses only complemented the type of a large child who, slightly hunched over, sat in front of a computer screen.

Come on faster, ”his irritated voice broke the silence. - I want to sleep, but you, fool, all hang and hang!

These words, of course, referred to a computer, which all male programmers, due to some of their professional psychological characteristics, consider a woman. For ten minutes already, on the monitor screen, there was a moving picture, depicting a small globe, from which pieces of paper were flying into an equally small folder. This meant that information is being received from the Internet at the moment.

Come on, come on! - the owner of the computer, whose name was Nikolai, fidgeted impatiently in his chair.

At this time, someone nervously knocked on the closed door.

Kolya! I need a phone! Stop occupying it with your Internet! Again the bill will come mad!

Now, Olga Vasilievna! Only five minutes! By the way, my sessions are not reflected in any way on the state of your phone bills! I've told you this many times! And I pay everything for the Internet separately, to the company that connects me! ..

The landlady was annoyed by all these technical innovations of her tenant. She systematically tried to get rid of the infection from her home, referring to the large telephone bills, which in fact did not refer to the work of Kolya's computer, but to her own long conversations with her daughter in Baku.

Lenochka, that was the name of Olga Vasilievna's daughter, a few years ago jumped out to marry a handsome Azerbaijani who sold butter at the Tarasov covered market. When her faithful Albai realized that in order to live well in Tarasov one had to work hard and honestly, he decided to repatriate to his historical homeland. And poor Lenochka had to, gritting her teeth, go with him to live in "Caspian Kuwait". Almost every day, my mother called her daughter who had flown into somewhere in order to hear from her another batch of horror stories about the antics of her son-in-law. And every time when she was about to call, instead of the usual long beep, there was some kind of mad noise in the receiver - it was Colin's computer diligently exchanging information with the World Wide Web.

And now Kolya was receiving e-mails from his mailbox in one of the Internet free mail systems. However, the connection that evening was unimportant, and the reception of a relatively small amount of information was delayed for a long time. Moreover, it was difficult to say who was more annoyed by this circumstance - Olga Vasilievna or Kolya himself. But finally, a beep sounded confirming the end of the reception. The young man, sighing with relief, pressed the "Disconnect" button, freeing up the long-awaited telephone line for his impatient mistress. Now it was possible to read the received mail calmly.

But, having opened the list of incoming correspondence, Nikolai was disappointed - the long-awaited letter from a friend in Germany never arrived. Either Martin had lost his address, or he simply had no time to write - but there was no letter from Munich. Instead, there were about twenty stupid advertising messages in the folder. For example, some idiot once again for some reason offered to buy Kolya a scale for weighing wagons. They also suggested organizing a personal node on the network in order to more effectively promote your product to the market. And all the other letters contained something similar.

The latter generally stated: “The time has come to do your job. As we agreed, the fee will be credited to the account that you indicate in your reply to this letter. If you do not answer, we will assume that there was no deal. "

What kind of nonsense is this? - Kolya muttered in surprise.

He read the message again, but did not understand anything.

What job? What is the fee? God knows! Ah, so this is not my message, then! Wow? Does that happen? - He was completely sincerely surprised, because his identifier was not in the addressee column.

Here they give! This is the first time I've seen this! To "soap" got to the wrong address!

It should be noted here that "soap" computer scientists call messages received by e-mail.

Maybe we can answer for fun? - Nikolay turned to his computer. - Let's try, what if we get lucky? Where is my unfortunate account?

Nikolay took out a notebook from the table, rummaged in it and, having found the necessary information, pressed the "Answer" button.

What is it to write to be believed? - he said thoughtfully, looking at the original message on the screen.

His fingers quickly ran across the keyboard, displaying the following:

“The deal remains in effect. The work will be done after the deposit is transferred to ... ”, and then Nikolai entered the number of his account in the local bank, which he took from his notebook.

Well, come on, get it! - With these words, Kolya pressed the "Send mail" button, after which a picture appeared on the monitor, on which the globe was spinning, now taking leaves from a small folder. This meant that mail was being sent to the network.

Nikolai did not even suspect that along with this globe, such serious mechanisms began to spin and began to gain momentum, the operation of which, until recently, he learned only from television crime reports.

* * *

Nightclub "Rhino" this evening did not suffer from an excessive influx of visitors. Representative waiters slowly moved between the few occupied tables, delivering orders to regulars from the righteous and not very righteous labors. The latter were absorbed in a kind of erotic dance performed on the stage. Several half-naked girls depicted on stage either lesbian love, or something like that, accompanied by space music. Their flexible bodies, covered with sparkles, seductively shimmered in the rays of laser illumination, in their passionate interweaving forming constantly changing bizarre plastic figures.

However, this bright, exciting sight did not at all attract the attention of an obese, balding man, gloomily sitting at a separate table in the back of the room. No, the chairman of the board of the commercial bank "Konus" Alexander Vasilyevich Mishin was not an ascetic, moreover, in other, better times, all these dancers would have been in Mishin's huge bed in his personal apartments, which he kept in the "Rhino" especially for meetings with such beauties, and sometimes with beauties.

Better late than never. American political scientist and ex-State Department adviser Nikolai Petro saw the Ukrainian sanctions against Russia as a threat to the United States. In his column in the media, he warned what the restrictive measures could lead to, offering to look at Ukraine as an example.

"Stupidity and Betrayal". Political scientist on the sanctions of Ukraine against RussiaFormer adviser to the US State Department Nikolai Petro told how Ukraine harmed itself with sanctions. On the air of Sputnik radio, political scientist Vladimir Kornilov noted that Kiev only introduces part of the sanctions on its own, and the rest - at the behest of Washington.

Petro recalled that four years ago Kiev began to impose sanctions on Russia. Among other things, he imposed restrictions on the activities of Russian banks and payment systems in Ukraine, blocked social networks and TV channels, and also closed air traffic between the two countries and threatens to stop all rail transportation to Russia. However, in reality, according to the American, only ordinary Ukrainians have become worse, who now have to spend more money on these services, if they still have them. But Russian companies, which have come under Ukrainian restrictions, run their own business.

At the same time, Ukraine itself is ready to sell its products anywhere and to anyone. And without much regard for the United States. Take the recent story of the sale of engines for combat aircraft to China. The contract for 380 million dollars was signed by the Ukrainian company Motor Sich. But if for her this deal was clearly successful, then in Washington they think differently. Former adviser to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, William Triplett, commenting on this information, noted that, in fact, Ukrainians are taking money from American taxpayers and at the same time stabbing the United States in the back. And it doesn't matter that cooperation with Beijing is legal and does not fall under international sanctions. The main thing is to be careful, taking into account their relationship with the White House. And the United States and China now know what they are.

How this story will come back to haunt Kiev is an open question. The Americans, of course, if they give money, it is only at interest, or it is only financial guarantees. Although even if such a tap is shut off from overseas, Ukraine will have a very difficult time. And whatever one may say, the main hope is only in Russia, which, according to the calculations of the former adviser to the State Department, is still the main investor in Ukraine. And if Kiev continues to worsen trade relations with the "neighboring country", then the Ukrainian treasury will finally become empty. There has not been so little money in the accounts of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance as it is today for the last four years, and all plans to fill the budget have been thwarted.

"Offended by fate". Deputy from Crimea on Kiev's plans to introduce new sanctionsKiev wants to impose sanctions against 19 Russian companies and 22 individuals over the Crimean bridge. Stepan Kiskin, a deputy of the Simferopol City Council, commented on the plans of the Ukrainian authorities on Sputnik radio.

However, Nikolai Petro calls to reason not Ukraine (which is useless), but his native United States. It's just that Ukraine is a good example of the ineffectiveness of sanctions. The former State Department adviser recalls the famous saying, slightly paraphrasing it in a modern way: when you follow the path of sanctions, you must dig two graves. One for your competitor's economy and one for yourself. So, Petro concludes, the sanctions today help to provide only the illusion of peace for politicians. At the same time, creating a lot of very real problems for their own country. Will Washington listen to the ex-adviser? It must be assumed, in general, that people there understand everything themselves. But they start talking about it frankly only after they get the prefix "ex".

Radio Sputnik has a great public in