Mystical love stories. Mystical stories from life

About the existence of other worlds and the mysticism associated with this, a small percentage of the population denies this fact, and someone believes in the presence of other forces. Each of us had phenomena, for example, how he put something, and it suddenly disappeared. Or, sitting at home in silence, one can hear sounds that are inexplicable to oneself. There are many such examples and eyewitness accounts. Once my housemate told me: "When they and their family moved into their apartment, they assembled a bookcase with shelves for shoes, collecting it all, they did not find one leg, having searched everything they could not find it, and then after a while the leg lay right in the middle of the room. "

Here is another mystical story, one family was sitting in an apartment in the kitchen drinking tea and suddenly from somewhere they heard a whistle, which was repeated periodically. All family members were on their guard, only one grandmother says that he brought the house message, if it is good, then he will no longer whistle. And in truth, he fell silent, and we did not hear such a whistle anymore, and three days later we learned about the addition of a member to the family, our niece was born. "

In many cases, otherworldly forces want to save us from harm, this is the story my friend told me. They had a dog very beloved by all family members, she lived with them for almost 18 years, and now she died of old age. The husband of my friend worked as a truck driver and after the death of the dog he sets off. At night, when he was driving, there was a heavy fog, visibility was zero. And suddenly his dog appears on the road and runs away, he, forgetting for a moment that she was dead, went after her, after about a hundred meters she disappeared. Having reached the object safely and unloading the goods, the husband hurried back. And what a surprise he had when, having arrived at the place where he had seen the dog at night, there was a huge block of stone that had broken off from the rock and fell on the road. His beloved dog saved him from death, having gone after her, he drove around this stone.

Another terrible story that shocked me, after hearing it from her employee, her grandmother was engaged in the treatment of people with non-traditional medicine, such as conspiracies, prayers. Having come to her one day, her grandmother told her a story and said that on such and such a day she would die and asked her to prepare for her death. This is exactly what happened, as my grandmother said, she died that day, and the story she told her was like that. Grandmother lived alone in the house and at night she heard a dog barking, going out into the yard, she saw the appearance of a man in a white robe in the garden, she came up and asked if she needed any help? The image stood with her back to her and did not say anything, then she walked around it from the other side and saw that there was no face in the hood and realized that death had come for her. And she heard the voice at once, which told her when she died.

And how many inexplicable fortune-telling about suitors are there. One of my friends so dreamed of getting married quickly and so she wanted to see him that she was not even afraid to perform a ritual with a mirror at night. Taking a mirror and candles, she went to the bathhouse alone at night. And there she performed a ritual, put a mirror and lit 13 candles. She began to read the conspiracy for each candle and extinguish it at the same time. Having extinguished 12 candles, suddenly someone knocked hard on the window. The friend was very frightened and flew home from the bathhouse with a bullet. In the morning she went to look and saw such a picture, the window was broken, and her little kitten was lying all over in blood on the ground. He, sacrificing his life, saved her from an unknown force, which she wanted to know from her ignorance. The conclusion itself suggests itself, you need to approach everything inexplicable with caution.

In our world, interesting and funny situations often occur that amuse many people. But in addition to such curiosities, there are moments that make you think or simply scare, driving you into a stupor. For example, some item mysteriously disappear t, although a couple of minutes ago I was in place. Unexplained and sometimes strange situations happen to everyone. Let's talk about real life stories told by people.

Fifth place - Death or not?

Lilia Zakharovna- a well-known primary school teacher in the district. All local residents tried to send their children to her, as she aroused honor and respect, trying to teach children wisdom not according to the usual program, but according to her own. Thanks to their development, children quickly learned new knowledge and skillfully applied it in practice. She managed to do what no teacher could do - to make the children work beneficially and gnaw the granite of science.

Recently Lilia Zakharovna reached retirement age, and she happily took advantage of it, having gone on a legal vacation. She had a sister, Irina, to whom she went to see. This is where the story starts.

Irina had a mother and daughter who lived next door on the same staircase. Lyudmila Petrovna, Irina's mother, had been seriously ill for a long time. The doctors did not know the exact diagnosis, because the symptoms with each visit to the hospital were completely different, which did not allow them to give a 100% answer. The treatment was very varied, but even it did not help to put Lyudmila Petrovna on her feet. After several years of painful procedures, she died. On the day of her death, the cat living in the apartment woke her daughter up. She caught herself and ran to the woman and found that she was dead. The funeral took place near the city, in his native village.

The daughter and her friend visited the cemetery for several days in a row, without accepting the fact that Lyudmila Petrovna no more. On their next visit, they were surprised that there is a small pit on the grave, the depth of which was about forty centimeters. It was evident that it was fresh, and near the grave was sitting the same cat that had awakened the daughter on the day of her death. It immediately became clear that it was she who dug the hole. The hole was filled up, but the cat never got into the hands. It was decided to leave her there.

The next day, the girls again went to the cemetery in order to feed the hungry cat. This time there were already three of them - one of the relatives of the deceased joined them. They were very surprised when there was a pit on the grave larger than the last time. The cat still sat there with a very exhausted and tired look. This time she decided not to resist and voluntarily climbed into the girls' bag.

And then strange thoughts begin to creep into the heads of the girls. Suddenly Lyudmila Petrovna was buried alive, and the cat was trying to get to her. Such thoughts did not give rest, and it was decided to dig up the coffin to be sure. Several homeless people found the girl, paid them money and brought them to the cemetery. They dug up the grave.

When the coffin was opened, the girls were in complete shock. The cat was right. Traces of nails on the coffin were visible, which indicates that the deceased was alive, trying to escape from captivity.

The girls grieved for a long time, realizing that they could still save Lyudmila Petrovna, if they immediately dug up the grave. These thoughts haunted them for a very long time, but nothing could be returned. Cats always feel in trouble - this is a scientifically proven fact.

Fourth place - Forest paths

Ekaterina Ivanovna is an elderly woman living in a small village near Bryansk. The village is located around forests and fields. My grandmother lived here all her long life, so she knew all the paths and roads up and down. Since childhood, she walked around the neighborhood, picking berries and mushrooms, which made excellent jam and pickles. Her father was a forester, so Ekaterina Ivanovna was in harmony with mother nature all her life.

But one day a strange incident happened that my grandmother still remembers and crosses over. It was early autumn when it was time to mow the hay. Relatives from the city came to the rescue, so as not to leave all the care of the household to an elderly woman. The whole crowd went to the forest clearing to collect hay. In the late afternoon, my grandmother went home to cook dinner for her tired helpers.

It takes about forty minutes to walk to the village. Of course, the path ran through the forest. Here Ekaterina Ivanovna has been walking since childhood, so, of course, there was no fear. On the way to the forest, a familiar woman met more often, and a dialogue began between them about all the events taking place in their native village.

The conversation lasted for about half an hour. And it was already getting dark outside. Suddenly, the unexpectedly met woman screamed and laughed as best she could and evaporated, leaving a strong echo. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete horror, realizing what had happened. She was already lost in space and was simply nervous, not knowing which way to go. For two hours my grandmother walked from one corner of the forest to another, trying to get out of the thicket. In a toga, she simply fell to the ground with no strength. Already the thought came to mind that she would have to wait until morning for someone to save her. But the sound of the tractor turned out to be salutary - it was at him that Ekaterina Ivanovna headed, soon leaving the village.

The next day, my grandmother went home to the woman she met. She rejected the fact that she was in the forest, justifying this by the fact that she looked after the beds and simply did not have time. Ekaterina Ivanovna was in complete shock and already thought that against the background of fatigue, hallucinations had begun, leading astray. For several years now, these events have been told to local residents with fear. Since that moment, my grandmother has never been in the forest again, as she was afraid of getting lost or, worse, dying of extreme fear. In the village even appeared the proverb "Katerina the goblin leads." I wonder who was actually in the woods that evening?

Third place - a dream come true

In the life of the heroine, various situations constantly occur, which simply cannot be called ordinary: they are strange. In the early eighties of the last century, Pavel Matveyevich died, who was the husband of his mother. The morgue workers donated his things and a gold watch to the heroine's family, which the deceased loved very much. Mom decided to keep them for herself and keep them as a memory.

As soon as the funeral is over, the heroine of strange stories has a dream. In it, the late Pavel Matveyevich demands from his mother to take the watch back to where he originally lived. The girl woke up in the morning and ran to tell her mother a dream. Of course, it was decided that the watch must be returned. Let them be in their place.

At the same time in the yard (and the house was private) a dog barked loudly. When one of her own comes, she is silent. But then, apparently, someone else came. Indeed, my mother looked out the window and saw that a man was standing under the lantern, waiting for someone to leave the house. Mom went out and it turned out that this mysterious stranger was the son of Pavel Matveyevich from his first marriage. He was passing through the village and decided to stop by. The only interesting thing is how he found a home, because no one knew him before. In memory of his father, he wanted to take him some thing. And my mother gave the watch. On this strange stories in the life of the girl are not going to end. At the beginning of the 2000s, Pavel Ivanovich, her husband's father, fell ill. On New Year's Eve, he ended up in the hospital awaiting his surgery. And the girl again has a prophetic dream. There was a doctor there who informed the family that the operation would take place on January 3rd. In a dream, another man furiously demanded the question of what interests the girl the most. And she asked how many years the parents would live. No reply was received.

It turned out that the surgeon had already told the father-in-law that the operation would be performed on January 2. The girl said that something will definitely happen, which will force the operation to be rescheduled the next day. And so it happened - the operation took place on January 3rd. The relatives were stunned.

The last story happened when the heroine was already fifty years old. The woman no longer had special health. As soon as the second daughter was born, the parent had a headache. The pain was so strong that there were already thoughts of giving an injection. In the hope that the pains will subside, the woman went to bed. Dozing off a little, she heard that the little child was awake. There was a night light over the bed, and the girl reached out to turn it on, and she was immediately thrown back onto the bed, as if there was an electric shock. And it seemed to her that she was flying somewhere high above the house. And only a strong child's cry returned her from heaven to earth. Waking up, the girl was very wet, thinking that there was clinical death.

From 28-12-2019, 21:28

Any doctor knows that there are no healthy people. Moreover, mentally healthy ...
I'll tell you a story heard from the lips of one of my St. Petersburg acquaintances. For obvious reasons below, I will change her name a little.

Alina has been divorced for more than three years. After ten years of joint and quite normal family life, their paths with her husband parted ways. Maybe because they knew each other from childhood and during this time they got fed up with each other. Maybe because the spouse sometimes gave reason for justified jealousy. Yes, and Alina herself several times instructed the faithful of the horns. True, not as frankly as he ...

In three years of freedom from the bonds of marriage, a thirty-five-year-old woman has seen many peasants. Of course, not in the full sense of the word. Most of the meetings ended with the first innocent date in a cafe or park. Why waste time on a lousy option in advance?
With each new cavalier, experience was added. Alina learned in the first ten minutes of communication to imagine what kind of fruit or vegetable cheeks are blowing here. How correct her assessment turned out to be, she did not double-check, completely relying on her female intuition.

Story 1:

When I was young, when I was about 19, I went to study in England, in the glorious city of Bath.

And then one late evening, after a day-to-day sitting in a local pub, my friends and I (from Russia), the same degradants as me, of course, having put a couple of pints on our chest first ... went home.

We were (at least considered ourselves) decent people, so we were not drunk, but at best, funny. And so we rush home to our host families, we go for a very long time, since from the center of even small Bath to the sleeping areas we still have to walk by pawn, and we see the cemetery.

The Cemetery is healthy, old, beautiful ... and locked up. On the huge gate was a lock and an inscription, something like "I did not call you, go away, until nine o'clock in the morning." The good fellows were bored, and the cemetery was too beautiful to just walk by, and there was still some church, and here it was just a green hedge. In general, we found a tree, climbed over, began to cultivate. The spaciousness and neatness of the place today impressed the Russian fellows so much. Without any vandalism, of course.

We walk, look at the gravestones drowning in the grass, marvel at the dates of deaths that go back centuries, and it seems that the cemetery is patrolled by a watchman, also with a dog. Well done, they quickly merged with the area, hiding behind the bushes, and think about their fate. And these fellows are sitting on the graves, looking through the bushes at the watchmen and the dog, who have not yet seen them.

And here I see that on the next grave, a meter away from me, between me and my friend, there is a figure of a brown-earthy color, as if a shadow rising from the ground, in exactly the same position as me (if in Russian - on courts), and I see it for exactly a second, while others do not notice at all. And at that moment I was penetrated by a very unpleasant and difficult to describe feeling, but which made it clear to me that someone did not like me here very much and that he / she was very dissatisfied not so much with my actions, but with the presence of the earth on this heel.

I briefly, without unnecessary details, outlined my feelings and considerations to my comrades, who by that time intended to continue exploring the cemetery, after which they, surprisingly easily, agreed with my proposal to leave. Here.

Story 2. Short. What happened not so much to me as to my mother.

It was a long time ago. I was so much then that they drove me in a wheelchair, and the times were still such that they were not afraid to leave their children on the street.

It was winter, my mother needed to go to the store and she wanted to take me with her so as not to leave me at home. For one and breathe air. But on the other hand, she did not want to do the same for some reason. And my mother, to this day, does not like to do what she really does not want. She went to the store, so alone, and did not leave me on the street in front of the store, where she always left, and where everyone else then left their children in the same way, so as not to drag them to this very store.

Upon my return, my mother sees a picture, the description of which only terrifies me more as I get older. In the place where the stroller with little me should have stood, there is another, pierced through by a huge icicle, on which blood is poured onto the ground. The feeling of such a bad feeling that visited my mother that day, she remembers very well.

History 2.5. Also short and again about my mother, but I took more part in it.

I was then a few years older, and no longer a kid, but a b * tuk who didn’t want to, but sometimes did find trouble on his head. And we also had a stunning and beloved by his mother Doberman, with whom she loved to walk for a long time, at least 40 minutes.

And then it was the late summer month of August, I was at home alone, my mother had just gone for a walk with the dog, and I wanted to eat a watermelon. And somehow my head did not smooth out like his, new and not yet opened to cut, and I came up with the simplest option - to press him to the chest with my left hand and cut on it with a knife with my right. No sooner said than done, and I opened a vein on my left arm almost to the tendon, very effectively sprinkling myself and everything around me as I ran around the apartment in search of a bandage. After all, do not get the same clothes, tablecloth or sheets, right?

According to the description of my mother, who had obviously skipped her letter to Hogwarts, she suddenly felt an urge to go home, although she hadn’t walked our lovely half-centner dog for ten minutes. Returning home, she sees that everything was not in vain - the door to the apartment is open, very quiet and there is literally blood everywhere. I can hardly imagine what was going on in her head then, but the mother's mother was a nurse, and now only a red pink strip on her hand reminds me of those days, which every year creeps closer to the elbow.

Story 3. Even shorter, but only about me.

I was already older, no longer a b * tch, but not a boy yet, and that day, as expected, I went to school. Why did I need to cross a calm road (along the lane in both directions), but which did not have any pedestrian crossing. Despite the headphones, with which I never parted, from which neither Ramstein nor Bi-2 sounded, I crossed it calmly, since the lane "to the city" stood dead, being clogged with cars. And now I pass between two bumpers, they are already raising my leg to take a quick step into the "oncoming" lane (I only looked in the right direction, in the direction of travel), as something literally pulls me. Such a cold feeling, it looks like neither a gust of wind, nor a shake, as if someone grabbed the shoulders and pulled. Not back or forward, but as if to bring me to my senses, from which I just froze in place. The main point is that the next second, in which I should have been on the road, a car rushed along it at full speed against the movement. Despite the fact that after catching my breath a little, I went to school, I was so shocked by the fact that I was still alive, and that "something" kept me from this fatal accident, I gave myself lunch not to swear and followed it for many more months.

So many things happen in life. Sometimes - sheer mysticism.

Read mystical stories with a good ending.

Clairvoyant taxi driver

I have always disliked my appearance. It seemed to me that I was the most - the ugliest girl in the Universe. Many people told me that this was not true, but I could not believe it. I hated mirrors. Even in cars! I avoided any mirrors and reflective objects.

I was twenty-two, but I hadn't met anyone. Guys and men ran away from me the way I ran from my own appearance. I decided to go to Kiev to be distracted and dispersed. I bought a train ticket and went. I looked out the window, listened to pleasant music ... .. I don't know what exactly I expected from this trip. But my heart yearned for this city. It is in this one, and not in the other!

Travel time passed quickly. I really regretted that I had not had time to enjoy the road as it should. And nothing happened to take pictures, as the train was rushing unbearably fast. Nobody was waiting for me at the station. I even envied those whom I met.

I stood for three seconds at the train station and headed to the taxi rank to get to the hotel I had booked in advance. I got into a taxi and heard: "are you the girl who is not sure of her appearance, and who still does not have a half?" I was surprised, but answered yes. Now I am married to this man.

And how he knows all this about me is still a secret.

The most mystical stories

Pray, or stories of miraculous salvation

I was orphaned in early childhood. One old woman took pity on me and taught me to read the amulet prayer, she said:
- Do not be lazy. Legs out of bed - and read. The tongue won't fall off. But you will always be protected from trouble.
This is what I have always done. And now I will tell you about two unusual cases from my life.

Inner voice. First story

In my early youth, I swam in the Amur. Nearby, a steamer was pulling a barge upstream. I did not know that the barge, which has a rounding at the bottom of the bottom, pulls under itself when moving, and swam close to it. Felt that I was pulled under the bottom of the ship. An inner voice said, "Dive." I breathed in as deeply as possible and dived. I endured as much as I could. I surfaced - the barge was about fifteen meters from me. If not for the inner voice, I would have drowned.

Inner voice. Second story

And the second case. The area in which I live is replete with stone deposits (something like limestone). From time immemorial, cellars have been built from this stone. The stones were tightly fitted to each other, no cementing solution was used. To disassemble such a basement, you need to excavate a large layer of earth on top. And experienced craftsmen do this. From the inside of the basement, they break out the back wall, and then, retreating to the exit, gradually, one meter at a time, they bring down the vault. When I needed to break up the basement, I did just that. He broke the back wall, and then someone called me:
- Grigorich!

I climbed out of the basement - no one was there. He stood and looked around - no one was there. Weird. I distinctly heard that they had called me. I stand in bewilderment, I even took on some shyness. And then there was a crash. The entire vault of the basement collapsed. Would stay inside - perish! After that, decide whether to believe or not to believe in otherworldly forces ...

New mystical story

Once on Christmas the girls were wondering

This story took place on the eve of the brightest holiday of the year - Christmas! And it cannot be called otherwise than a miracle. I was 19 years old and at that time I was experiencing a personal tragedy, a guy very cruelly left me, went to my best friend.

The mood was not at all festive. I took a bottle of semi-sweet and alone, sitting in the kitchen, began to sob over my bitter fate.

Then the doorbell rang, it was my friends who came to visit me to share with me my grief, well, and a bottle of wine, of course.

Having got drunk a little, someone offered to tell fortunes on the betrothed. Everyone laughed amicably, but agreed.

Having written the names of the men on pieces of paper, they took turns taking them out of an impromptu bag. I came across the name "Andrey". At that time, of the acquaintances of Andreev, I had only a cousin, and I was skeptical about such fortune-telling.

Suddenly one of the friends suggested that we continue the fun on the street and we set off in a crowd in search of adventure. In continuation of Christmas divination, they began to run up to passers-by and ask for a name. And what do you think? "My" passer-by's name was Andrey. It was getting more interesting.

That evening, in the park, I met my future husband ... no, not Andrey! His name was Artyom and I happily forgot about all these fortune-telling.

It took 5 years and on Christmas Eve, my husband and I sat and talked about the baptism of children. Artem invited me to give our daughter a middle name when baptized. To my dumb question, he replied that he himself was given two names, the first Artem, and the second ANDREY!

When I remembered the history of five years ago, goose bumps ran through my body. And how can you not believe in the Christmas miracle ?!