Love, family and other eternal values \u200b\u200bin the perception of Oblomov and Stolz are a document. Social ideals of Stolz in the novel "Oblomov What kind of life Oblomov considers ideal

Oblomov Stolz
origin from a wealthy noble family with patriarchal traditions. his parents, like grandfathers, did nothing: serfs worked for them from a poor family: father (Russified German) was the manager of a wealthy estate, mother was an impoverished Russian noblewoman
education his parents accustomed him to idleness and peace (they did not allow him to pick up the dropped thing, dress, pour himself water), labor in the wreck was a punishment, it was believed that he was branded with slavery. the family had a cult of food, and after eating, a deep sleep his father gave him the upbringing that he received from his father: he taught all the practical sciences, forced him to work early and sent his son, who had graduated from the university, away from him. his father taught him that the main thing in life is money, strictness and accuracy
pledged program vegetation and sleep-passive beginning energy and vigorous activity - active principle
characteristic the kind, lazy one worries most about his own peace. happiness for him is complete peace and good food. he spends his life on the couch without taking off his comfortable robe. does nothing, has no interest in anything. loves to withdraw into himself and live in the world of dreams and dreams created by him. the amazing childish purity of his soul and introspection, worthy of a philosopher the embodiment of gentleness and meekness. strong and smart, he is in constant activity and does not shun the most dastardly work. thanks to his hard work, willpower, patience and enterprise, he became rich and famous person... a real "iron" character was formed. but in some way he resembles a machine, a robot, his whole life is so clearly programmed, verified and calculated in front of us is a dryish rationalist
love test he needs love not equal, but maternal (the kind that Agafya Pshenitsyna gave him) he needs a woman equal in views and strength (Olga Ilyinskaya)
    • Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna Character traits Captivating, delightful, promising, good-natured, cordial and unfeigned, special, innocent, proud. Kind, open, trusting, sweet and restrained, caring, thrifty, neat, independent, constant, stands her ground. Appearance Tall, light face, delicate thin neck, gray-blue eyes, fluffy eyebrows, long braid, small compressed lips. Gray-eyed; nice face; well-fed; […]
    • Despite the significant volume of the work, there are relatively few characters in the novel. This allows Goncharov to give detailed characteristics of each of them, to compose detailed psychological portraits. They were no exception and female images in the novel. In addition to psychologism, the author widely uses the method of oppositions and the system of antipodes. Such pairs can be called "Oblomov and Stolz" and "Olga Ilyinskaya and Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna". The last two images are complete opposites of each other, their [...]
    • Andrey Stolts is Oblomov's closest friend, they grew up together and carried their friendship through life. It remains a mystery how such dissimilar people with such different outlooks on life could have retained a deep affection. Initially, the image of Stolz was conceived as a complete antipode to Oblomov. The author wanted to combine German prudence and the breadth of the Russian soul, but this plan was not destined to be realized. As the novel developed, Goncharov realized more and more clearly that under these conditions it was so simple [...]
    • Wonderful Russian prose writer II half of XIX century Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov in the novel "Oblomov" reflected the difficult time of transition from one era of Russian life to another. Feudal relations, the estate type of economy were replaced by the bourgeois way. For centuries, the established views of people on life were crumbling. The fate of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov can be called an "ordinary story" typical of landowners who lived serenely at the expense of the labor of serfs. The environment and upbringing made them weak-willed, apathetic people, not [...]
    • Oblomov's image in Russian literature closes the row of "superfluous" people. An inactive contemplator, incapable of active actions, at first glance really seems incapable of a great and bright feeling, but is this really so? In the life of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, there is no place for global and cardinal changes. Olga Ilyinskaya, an extraordinary and beautiful woman, strong and strong-willed nature, undoubtedly attracts the attention of men. For Ilya Ilyich, an indecisive and timid person, Olga becomes an object [...]
    • IA Goncharov's novel is all permeated with various opposites. The reception of the antithesis on which the novel is built helps to better understand the character of the characters, the author's intention. Oblomov and Stolz are two completely different personalities, but, as they say, opposites converge. They are connected by childhood and school, which you can learn about in the chapter “Oblomov's Dream”. From it it becomes clear that everyone loved little Ilya, caressed, did not let him do anything himself, although at first he was eager to do everything himself, but then they resorted to him [...]
    • In the novel "Oblomov", the mastery of Goncharov as a prose writer was fully manifested. Gorky, who called Goncharov "one of the giants of Russian literature," noted his special, plastic language. The poetic language of Goncharov, his talent for figurative reproduction of life, the art of creating typical characters, compositional completeness and the enormous artistic power of the picture of Oblomovism and the image of Ilya Ilyich presented in the novel - all this contributed to the fact that the novel "Oblomov" took its rightful place among the masterpieces [...]
    • In the novel by I. A. Goncharov “Oblomov” one of the main methods for revealing images is the method of antithesis. With the help of opposition, the image of the Russian master Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is compared with the image of the practical German Andrei Stolz. Thus, Goncharov shows what is the similarity and what is the difference between these heroes of the novel. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a typical representative of the Russian nobility of the 19th century. His social position can be briefly characterized as follows: “Oblomov, a nobleman by birth, a collegiate secretary by rank, [...]
    • There is a type of book where the reader is carried away by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think Oblomov is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that Oblomov's laziness would lead him to some kind of sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel gripped me, I read it with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me. It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, [...]
    • Introduction. Some people find Goncharov's novel Oblomov boring. Yes, indeed, the entire first part of Oblomov lies on the couch, receiving guests, but here we get to know the hero. In general, there are few intriguing actions and events in the novel that are so interesting to the reader. But Oblomov is “our people's type”, and it is he who is a bright representative of the Russian people. Therefore, the novel interested me. In the main character, I saw a particle of myself. Do not think that Oblomov is only a representative of Goncharov's time. And now they live [...]
    • Oblomov's personality is far from ordinary, although other characters treat him with slight disrespect. For some reason, they read it almost flawed in comparison with them. This was precisely the task of Olga Ilyinskaya - to wake Oblomov, make him show himself as an active person. The girl believed that love would move him to great achievements. But she was deeply mistaken. It is impossible to awaken in a person what he does not have. Because of this misunderstanding, people's hearts broke, the heroes suffered and hard [...]
    • By the middle of the XIX century. Under the influence of the realistic school of Pushkin and Gogol, a wonderful new generation of Russian writers grew up and formed. The genius critic Belinsky already in the 40s noted the emergence of a whole group of talented young authors: Turgenev, Ostrovsky, Nekrasov, Herzen, Dostoevsky, Grigorovich, Ogarev, etc. Among these promising writers was Goncharov, the future author of Oblomov, the first novel which “ An ordinary story”Aroused high appraisal of Belinsky. LIFE AND CREATIVITY I. [...]
    • Raskolnikov Luzhin Age 23 About 45 Occupation Former student, dropped out due to inability to pay. Successful lawyer, court counselor. Appearance Very handsome, dark blond hair, dark eyes, slender and thin, above average height. Dressed extremely poorly, the author points out that another person would even be ashamed to go out into the street wearing one. Middle-aged, dignified and prim. The expression of grumpiness is constantly on the face. Dark sideburns, curled hair. The face is fresh and [...]
    • Nastya Mitrasha Nickname Golden Hen Peasant in a bag Age 12 years 10 years Appearance A beautiful girl with golden hair, her face is all freckled, but only one nose is clean. The boy is of short stature, dense build, has a large forehead and a wide back of the head. His face is freckled and his clean nose looks up. Character Kind, judicious, overcame greed in himself Brave, savvy, kind, courageous and strong-willed, stubborn, hardworking, purposeful, [...]
    • Luzhin Svidrigailov Age 45 About 50 Appearance He is no longer young. A prim and dignified man. Obese, which is reflected on the face. He wears curled hair and sideburns, which, however, doesn't make him funny. The whole appearance is very youthful, it does not look at its age. Partly also because all clothes are exclusively in light colors. Loves good things - a hat, gloves. A nobleman, who used to serve in the cavalry, has connections. Occupation Very successful lawyer, court [...]
    • Olesya Ivan Timofeevich Social status Simple girl. Urban intellectual. "Barin", as Manuilikha and Olesya call him, "Panych" calls Yarmila. Lifestyle, occupations Lives in the forest with her grandmother and is happy with her life. Doesn't recognize hunting. He loves animals very much and takes care of them. A city dweller who, by the will of fate, found himself in a remote village. Tries to write stories. In the village he hoped to find many legends, stories, but very quickly got bored. The only entertainment was [...]
    • The name of the hero How did you get "to the bottom" Features of speech, characteristic remarks What Bubnov dreams of In the past, he owned a dye shop. Circumstances forced him to leave in order to survive, while his wife got along with the master. He claims that a person cannot change his fate, therefore he floats with the flow, sinking to the bottom. Often shows cruelty, skepticism, lack of good qualities. "All people on earth are superfluous." It's hard to say that Bubnov is dreaming of something, given [...]
    • Bazarov E. V. Kirsanov P. P. Appearance Tall young man with long hair. The clothes are poor and unkempt. Doesn't pay attention to his own appearance. Handsome middle-aged man. Aristocratic, "thoroughbred" appearance. Carefully looks after himself, dresses fashionably and expensively. Origin Father is a military doctor, a poor simple family. A nobleman, the son of a general. In his youth, he led a noisy metropolitan life, built a military career. Education A very educated person. […]
    • Troekurov Dubrovsky Quality of characters Negative hero Main positive hero Character Spoiled, selfish, dissolute. Noble, generous, determined. Has a hot temper. A person who knows how to love not for money, but for the beauty of the soul. Occupation A wealthy nobleman, spends his time in gluttony, drunkenness, leads a dissolute life. Humiliation of the weak brings him great pleasure. Has a good education, served as a cornet in the guard. After […]
    • Character Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov Napoleon Bonaparte The appearance of the hero, his portrait "... simplicity, kindness, really ...". This is a living, deeply feeling and experiencing person, the image of a "father", an "old man" who understands and has seen life. The satirical image of the portrait: "fat thighs of short legs", "fat short figure", unnecessary movements, which are accompanied by vanity. The hero's speech Simple speech, with unambiguous words and a confidential tone, respectful attitude towards the interlocutor, the group [...]
  • The characters of the main characters in Goncharov's novel Oblomov are portrayed by the author exceptionally true and talented. If the artist's task is to snatch and capture the essence of life, inaccessible to the understanding of the layman, then the great Russian writer coped with it brilliantly. His the main character, for example, personifies a whole social phenomenon named in his honor “Oblomovism”. No less noteworthy is the phenomenal friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, two antipodes, who, it would seem, should have irreconcilably argue with each other or even despise each other, as is often the case in communication completely different people... However, Goncharov goes against stereotypes, tying the antagonists with a strong friendship. Throughout the novel, observing the relationship between Oblomov and Stolz is not only necessary, but also interesting for the reader. The clash of two life positions, two worldviews - this is the main conflict in Goncharov's novel Oblomov.

    Differences between Oblomov and Stolz are easy to find. First, the appearance catches the eye: Ilya Ilyich is a burly gentleman with soft facial features, plump hands, and slow gestures. His favorite clothing is a spacious robe that does not restrict movement, as if it protects and warms a person. Stolz is fit and slender. Constant activity and business acumen characterize his practical nature, so his gestures are bold, and his reaction is quick. He is always dressed appropriately to spin in the light and make the right impression.

    Secondly, they have different upbringing. If little Ilyusha was cared for and cherished by parents, nannies and other inhabitants of Oblomovka (he grew up as a pampered boy), then Andrei was brought up in severity, his father taught him how to conduct business, leaving him to make his own way. Stolz, in the end, did not have enough parental affection, which he was looking for in his friend's house. Oblomov, on the contrary, was too kind, his parents were spoiled: he is not fit either for the service or for the labor of the landowner (taking care of the estate and its profitability).

    Thirdly, their attitude to life is different. Ilya Ilyich does not like vanity, does not spend efforts to please society, or at least to wedge himself into it. Many condemn him for laziness, but is it laziness? I think not: he is a nonconformist who is honest to himself and to the people around him. A nonconformist is a person who defends his right to behave differently from what is customary in his contemporary society. Oblomov had the courage and resilience to silently, calmly adhere to his position and go his own way, not exchanging for trifles. In his demeanor to behave, a rich spiritual life is guessed, which he does not put on the social showcase. Stolz lives in this window, because fiddling in a good society always benefits the businessman. We can say that Andrei had no other choice, because he is not a master, his father earned capital, but no one will leave villages to him by inheritance. From childhood, he was taught that he himself must earn his own living, so Stolz adapted to the circumstances, developing hereditary qualities: perseverance, hard work, social activity. But if he is so successful by modern standards, why does Stolz need Oblomov? From his father, he inherited an obsession with business, the limitations of a practical person, which he felt, and therefore subconsciously reached for the spiritually rich Oblomov.

    They were drawn to the opposite, feeling a lack of certain properties of nature, but they could not adopt good qualities from each other. None of them was able to make Olga Ilyinskaya happy: she felt dissatisfaction with both one and the other. Unfortunately, this is the truth of life: people rarely change in the name of love. Oblomov tried, but still remained true to his principles. Stolz was also only enough for courtship, and after that the routine of joint life began. Thus, in love, the similarities between Oblomov and Stolz were manifested: they both failed to build happiness.

    In these two images, Goncharov reflected the contradictory trends in the society of that time. The nobility is the mainstay of the state, but its individual representatives cannot take an active part in its fate, if only because it was trivial and petty for them. They are gradually being replaced by people who have gone through a harsh life school, more skillful and greedy Stolz. They do not have the spiritual component that is needed for any useful work in Russia. But apathetic landowners will not save the day either. Apparently, the author believed that the merger of these extremes, a kind of golden mean, is the only way to achieve the well-being of Russia. If we consider the novel from this angle, it turns out that the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz is a symbol of the unification of different social forces for a common goal.

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    Oblomov and Stolz

    Stolz - the antipode of Oblomov (Principle of the antithesis)

    The entire figurative system of Ivan Goncharov's novel Oblomov is aimed at revealing the character and essence of the protagonist. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a bored gentleman, lying on a sofa, dreaming of transformations and a happy life with his family, but doing nothing to make dreams come true. The antipode of Oblomov in the novel is the image of Stolz. Andrei Ivanovich Stolts is one of the main characters, a friend of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, the son of Ivan Bogdanovich Stolts, a Russified German who manages an estate in the village of Verkhlevo, which is five miles from Oblomovka. The first two chapters of the second part contain a detailed account of Stolz's life, of the conditions in which his active character was formed.

    1. General features:

    a) age ("Stolz is the same age as Oblomov and he is already over thirty");

    b) religion;

    c) training at the Ivan Stolz boarding house in Verkhlev;

    d) service and quick retirement;

    e) love for Olga Ilyinskaya;

    f) kind attitude towards each other.

    2. Various features:

    and ) portrait;

    Oblomov ... “He was a man, thirty-two or three years old, of average height, pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with lack of: any definite idea, any concentration in facial features. "

    «… flabby beyond his yearswhether from lack of movement or air. In general, his body, judging by the matte, too white necks, small plump arms, soft shouldersseemed too pampered for a man. His movements, when he was even alarmed, were also restrained. gentlenessand laziness is not devoid of a kind of grace. "

    Stolz - the same age as Oblomov, he is already over thirty. Sh .'s portrait is in contrast to Oblomov's: “It is all composed of bones, muscles and nerves, like a blood English horse. He is thin, he has almost no cheeks at all, that is, bone and muscle, but not a sign of fat roundness ... "

    Getting acquainted with the portrait characteristics of this hero, we understand that Stolz is a strong, energetic, purposeful person who is alien to dreaminess. But this almost ideal personality resembles a mechanism, not a living person, and this repels the reader.

    b) parents, a family;

    Oblomov's parents are Russian, he grew up in a patriarchal family.

    Stolz. - a native of the bourgeois class (his father left Germany, wandered around Switzerland and settled in Russia, becoming the manager of the estate). “Stolz was only half German by his father; his mother was Russian; he professed the Orthodox faith, his native language was Russian ... ”.Mother was afraid that Stolz, under his father's influence, would become a rude burgher, but Stolz's Russian entourage prevented.

    c) education;

    Oblomov moved “from embraces to the embraces of family and friends,” his upbringing was of a patriarchal nature.

    Ivan Bogdanovich raised his son strictly: "From the age of eight he sat with his father at a geographical map, sorting through the warehouses of Herder, Wieland, biblical verses and summing up the illiterate accounts of peasants, bourgeois and factory workers, and with his mother he read sacred history, taught Krylov's fables and sorted out Telemac's warehouses."

    When Stolz grew up, his father began to take him to the field, to the market, forced him to work. Then Stolz began to send his son to the city with errands, "and it never happened that he forgot something, altered, overlooked, made a mistake."

    Upbringing, like education, was twofold: dreaming that a "good bursh" would grow out of his son, the father encouraged boyish fights in every possible way, without which his son could not do a day. If Andrei appeared without a lesson prepared "by heart" sent his son back where he came from - and each time young Stltz returned with lessons learned.

    From his father he received a "labor, practical education", and his mother introduced him to the beautiful, tried to put into the soul of little Andrei love for art, for beauty. His mother "in her son ... dreamed of the ideal of a gentleman," and his father taught him to hard, not lordly work.

    d) attitude towards studying in a boarding house;

    Oblomov studied "out of necessity," "serious reading bored him," "but the poets hurt him ... for a living"

    Stolz always studied well, was interested in everything. And was a tutor at my father's boarding house

    e) further education;

    Oblomov lived in Oblomovka until he was twenty, then graduated from the university.

    Stolz graduated brilliantly from the university. Parting with his father, who sent him from Verkhlev to Petersburg, Stolz. says that he will certainly follow his father's advice and will go to Ivan Bogdanovich's old friend Reingold - but only when he, Stolz, will have, like Reingold, a four-story house. Such independence and independence, as well as self-confidence. - the basis of the character and worldview of the younger Stolz, which his father so fervently supports and which Oblomov lacks so much.

    f) lifestyle;

    "Lying at Ilya Ilyich's was his normal state"

    Stolz has a thirst for action

    g) housekeeping;

    Oblomov did not do business in the village, received an insignificant income and lived on credit.

    Stolz serves successfully, retires to pursue his own business; makes a house and money. He is a member of a trading company that sends goods overseas; as an agent of the company, Sh. travels to Belgium, England, throughout Russia.

    h) life aspirations;

    Oblomov in his youth "prepared for the field", thought about the role in society, about family happiness, then he excluded social activities from his dreams, his ideal was a carefree life in unity with nature, family, friends.

    Stolz, chose an active principle in his youth ... The ideal of Stolz's life is incessant and meaningful work, it is "the image, content, element and purpose of life."

    i) views on society;

    Oblomov believes that all members of the world and society are "dead, sleeping people", they are characterized by insincerity, envy, a desire by any means to "get a loud rank", he is not a supporter of progressive forms of economic management.

    According to Stolz, with the help of the organization of "schools", "piers", "fairs", "highways", the old, patriarchal "ruins" should be turned into comfortable estates that bring income.

    j) attitude towards Olga;

    Oblomov wanted to see loving womanable to create a serene family life.

    Stolz marries Olga Ilyinskaya, and Goncharov tries to present in their active, full of work and beauty alliance ideal family, a true ideal that does not work out in Oblomov's life: “We worked together, dined, went to the fields, played music< …> as Oblomov dreamed ... Only there was no slumber, despondency, they spent their days without boredom and without apathy; there was no sluggish look, no word; the conversation did not end with them, it was often hot. "

    k) relationship and mutual influence;

    Oblomov considered Stolz his only friend, able to understand and help, he listened to his advice, but Stolz failed to break Oblomovism.

    Stolz highly appreciated the kindness and sincerity of the soul of his friend Oblomov. Stolz does everything to awaken Oblomov to activity. In friendship with Oblomov Stolz. he also turned out to be at his best: he replaced the rogue manager, destroyed the intrigues of Tarantyev and Mukhoyarov, who deceived Oblomov to sign a fake loan letter.

    Oblomov is used to living on Stolz's orders in the smallest matters, he needs the advice of a friend. Without Stolz, Ilya Ilyich cannot decide on anything, however, and Oblomov is in no hurry to follow Stolz's advice: they have too different concepts about life, about work, about the application of strength.

    After the death of Ilya Ilyich, a friend takes on the education of Oblomov's son, Andryusha, named in his honor.

    m) self-esteem ;

    Oblomov constantly doubted himself. Stolz never doubts himself.

    m) character traits ;

    Oblomov is inactive, dreamy, slovenly, indecisive, soft, lazy, apathetic, not devoid of subtle emotional experiences.

    Stolz is active, sharp, practical, neat, loves comfort, is open in emotional manifestations, reason prevails over feeling. Stolz could control his feelings and was "afraid of every dream." Happiness for him was constancy. According to Goncharov, he "knew the value of rare and expensive properties and wasted them so sparingly that he was called an egoist, insensitive ...".

    The meaning of the images of Oblomov and Stolz.

    Goncharov reflected typical features in Oblomov patriarchal nobility... Oblomov has absorbed the contradictory features of the Russian national character.

    Stolz in Goncharov's novel was assigned the role of a man capable of breaking Oblomovism and reviving the hero. According to critics, the ambiguity of Goncharov's idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of "new people" in society led to the unconvincing image of Stolz. As conceived by Goncharov, Stolz is a new type of Russian progressive figure. However, he does not portray the hero in specific activities. The author only informs the reader about what Stolz was, what he achieved. Showing Stolz's Parisian life with Olga, Goncharov wants to reveal the breadth of his views, and in fact reduces the hero

    So, the image of Stolz in the novel not only clarifies the image of Oblomov, but is also interesting to readers for its originality and the complete opposite of the main character. Dobrolyubov says about him: “He is not the person who will be able, in a language understandable for the Russian soul, to tell us this almighty word“ forward! ” Dobrolyubov, like all revolutionary democrats, saw the ideal of a "man of action" in serving the people, in the revolutionary struggle. Stolz is far from this ideal. However, next to Oblomov and Oblomovism, Stolz was still a progressive phenomenon.

    The novel "Oblomov" is one of the iconic works of the 19th century, covering many social and philosophical themes... An important role in revealing the ideological meaning of the work is played by the analysis of the relationship in the book of the two main male characters... In the novel Oblomov, the characterization of Oblomov and Stolz reflects their completely different natures, opposed by the author.
    According to the plot of the work, the heroes are best friends from an early age, helping each other as much as possible even in adulthood: Stolz Oblomov - by solving many of his pressing problems, and Ilya Ilyich to Andrei Ivanovich - with pleasant conversations, allowing Stolz to restore peace of mind.

    Portrait characteristics of heroes

    Comparative characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz in Goncharov's novel Oblomov are given by the author himself and is most remarkable when comparing their portrait characteristics, as well as characters. Ilya Ilyich is a soft, quiet, kind, dreamy, reflective goof who makes any decision at the behest of his heart, even if his mind leads the hero to the opposite conclusion. The appearance of the introverted Oblomov fully corresponds to his character - his movements are soft, lazy, round, and the image is inherent in excessive effeminacy, not typical for a man.

    Stolz, both internally and externally, is completely different from Oblomov. The main thing in the life of Andrei Ivanovich is the rational grain, in all matters he relies only on reason, while the dictates of the heart, intuition and the sphere of feelings for the hero are not only something secondary, but are also inaccessible, incomprehensible to his rational reflections. Unlike Oblomov, "flabby beyond his years," Stolz seems to be made up of "bones, muscles and nerves." His life is a rapid race forward, an important attribute of which is the constant self-development of the individual and continuous work. The images of Oblomov and Stolz seem to be mirror image each other: active, extroverted, successful in society and in the career field, Stolz is opposed to the lazy, apathetic, unwilling to communicate with anyone, let alone re-enter the service, Oblomov.

    Differences in raising heroes

    When comparing Ilya Oblomov and Andrei Stolz, as well as for a better understanding of the characters' images, it is important to briefly describe the atmosphere in which each of the characters grew up. Despite the "addictive", as if covering with a shroud of half-sleep and laziness, Oblomovka's environment little Ilya was a cheerful, active and curious child, which at first is very similar to Stolz. He wanted to learn as much as possible about the world around him, but the excessive care of his parents, the "hothouse" upbringing, the inculcation of obsolete, obsolete and aimed at the ideals of the past, made the child a worthy successor of the traditions of "Oblomovism", the bearer of the "Oblomov" worldview - lazy, introverted, living in his own illusory world.

    However, Stolz also did not grow the way he could have grown. At first glance, the combination in his upbringing of the strict approach of a German father and the tenderness of a noble mother of Russian origin would allow Andrei to become a harmonious, comprehensively developed personality. Nevertheless, as the author points out, Stolz grew "a cactus accustomed to drought." The young man lacked love, warmth and gentleness, since he was mainly raised by his father, who did not believe that a man needed to be instilled in sensitivity. However, Stolz's Russian roots until the end of his life were looking for this warmth, finding it in Oblomov, and then in the idea of \u200b\u200bOblomovka, which he denied.

    Hero education and career

    The inconsistency of the characters of Stolz and Oblomov manifests itself already in his youth, when Andrei Ivanovich, trying to learn as much as possible about the world around him, tried to instill in Ilya Ilyich a love of books, ignite a flame in him that would make him strive forward. And Stolz succeeded, but for a very short time - as soon as Oblomov remained on his own, the book became less important for him than, for example, a dream. Somehow, more likely for his parents, Ilya Ilyich graduates from school, and then the university, where he was absolutely not interested, since the hero did not understand how mathematics and other sciences could be useful to him in life. Even a single failure in the service was the end of his career for him - it was too hard for the sensitive, soft Oblomov to rebuild under the strict rules of the capital world, far from the norms of life in Oblomovka.

    Stolz, on the other hand, with his rational, active outlook on the world, is much easier to move up the career ladder, because any failure was more likely another incentive for him than a defeat. Andrei Ivanovich's continuous activity, high efficiency, ability to please others made him a useful person at any workplace and a pleasant guest in any society, and all thanks to the purposefulness laid down by his father and the continuous thirst for knowledge, which his parents developed in Stolz as a child.

    Characteristics of Oblomov and Stolz as carriers of two opposite principles

    In the critical literature, when comparing Oblomov and Stolz, it is widely believed that the characters are two opposites, two types of “superfluous” heroes who, in their “pure” form, cannot be found in real life, even though Oblomov is a realistic novel , and, therefore, the described images must be typical images. However, when analyzing the upbringing and formation of each of the characters, the reasons for Oblomov's apathy, laziness and dreaminess become clear, as well as excessive dryness, rationality, even a similarity with a certain Stolz mechanism.

    Comparison of Stolz and Oblomov makes it possible to understand that both heroes are personalities not only typical of their time, but also tendentious images for any time. Oblomov is a typical son of wealthy parents, brought up in an atmosphere of love and heightened care, protected by his family from the need to work, decide something and actively act, because there will always be "Zakhar" who will do everything for him. Stolz, on the other hand, is a person who is taught from an early age to the need to work and work, while being deprived of love and care, which leads to a certain inner callousness of such a person, to a misunderstanding of the nature of feelings and emotional deprivation.

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    Love, family and other eternal values \u200b\u200bin the perception of Oblomov and Stolz

    The friendship between such dissimilar people as Ilya Oblomov and Andrey Stolts is amazing. They have been friends since early childhood, and yet they have so little in common! One of them is surprisingly lazy, ready to spend his whole life on the couch. The other, on the other hand, is active and active. Andrei from a young age firmly knows what he would like to achieve in life. Ilya Oblomov did not face problems in childhood and adolescence. In part, this calm, easy life, along with an overly gentle character, turned out to be the reason that Oblomov gradually became more and more inert.

    Andrei Stolz's childhood was completely different. From a young age he saw how hard the life of his father was and how much effort it took to “push off the bottom and emerge,” that is, to earn a decent social status, capital. But the difficulties not only did not frighten him, but, on the contrary, made him stronger. As he grew older, the character of Andrei Stolz became more and more solid. Stolz knows very well that only in constant struggle can he find his happiness.

    The main human values \u200b\u200bfor him are work, the ability to build a prosperous and happy life for himself. As a result, Stolz gets everything he dreamed of in his distant youth. He becomes a rich and respected person, wins the love of such an outstanding and unlike other girls as Olga Ilyinskaya. Stolz cannot stand inaction, he would never have been attracted by a life that seems to be the height of happiness for Oblomov.

    But is Stolz so perfect in comparison with Oblomov? Yes, he is the embodiment of activity, movement, rationalism. But it is this rationalism that brings him into the abyss. Stolz gets Olga, organizes their life according to his own will and discretion, they live according to the principle of reason. But is Olga happy with Stolz? Not. Stolz lacks the heart that Oblomov had. And if in the first part of the novel, Stolz's rationality is affirmed as a denial of Oblomov's laziness, then in the last part the author is increasingly on the side of Oblomov with his "heart of gold."

    Oblomov cannot understand the meaning of human vanity, a constant desire to do something and achieve something. He was disappointed in such a life. Oblomov often recalls his childhood, when he lived in the village with his parents. Life there flowed smoothly and monotonously, not shaken by any noteworthy events. Such calmness seems to Oblomov the ultimate dream.

    In Oblomov's mind, there are no definite aspirations about the arrangement of his own existence. If he has plans for transformations in the village, then these plans very soon turn into a series of regular fruitless dreams. Oblomov resists Olga's intentions to make him a completely different person, because this is contrary to his own life attitudes. And Oblomov's very unwillingness to connect his life with Olga suggests that he understands deep down in his soul: family life with her will not bring him peace and will not allow him to selflessly indulge in his beloved business, that is, absolute inaction. But at the same time Oblomov, this dove, has a "golden heart". He loves with his heart, not his mind, his love for Olga is sublime, enthusiastic, ideal. Oblomov goes with the flow and becomes Agafia's husband, because this fait accompli does not threaten his comfortable and calm existence.

    Such family life does not scare Oblomov, Agafya's attitude towards him fits well into his ideas of happiness. Now he can continue to do nothing, degrading more and more. Agafya takes care of him, being the ideal wife for Oblomov. Gradually, he stops even dreaming, his existence is almost completely similar to that of plants. However, this does not frighten him at all, moreover, he is happy in his own way.

    Thus, Goncharov in his novel does not condemn either Oblomov or Stolz, but he does not idealize either of them. He only wants to show different views on the moral and spiritual values \u200b\u200bof two opposite people. At the same time, the author says that a rational attitude to life, feelings (Stolz) impoverishes a person no less than endless daydreaming (Oblomov).