When the Assumption of the Virgin is celebrated. History of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Dormition Holy Mother of God the last Great Twelfth Feast of the Orthodox Church Year, ending on September 13 according to the new style. The Dormition of the Theotokos is celebrated on August 28 (New Style), has 1 day of pre-feast and 8 days of after-feast, the surrender takes place on August 23 (September 5).

Its full name is the Dormition of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary. The date of the Assumption of the Mother of God is not known for certain, but researchers suggest that by the time of the Assumption she was 72 years old.¹

The Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. The Holy Apostles, filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, went to different countries to preach the Gospel. But in Jerusalem, together with some of the disciples of the Lord, the Most Holy Virgin, His Mother, remained, to whom the eyes of the Apostles and many thousands of Christians turned with reverence, turned by them to the light of truth.

Ural icon "Life and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary"

Her dwelling was in Zion, in the house of St. John the Theologian, whom her Divine Son himself adopted. ancient legend tells that the Mother of God traveled from Jerusalem and to other cities and countries, lived for some time in Ephesus, blessed Mount Athos, visited Cyprus, where St. Lazarus (risen from the dead) was a bishop. Christians saw in her, as it were, the image of Jesus Christ, a mentor and an example of faith and all the virtues.

Until the end of her earthly life, the Most Holy Theotokos was a Virgin not only in the flesh, but also in spirit: humble in heart, God-wise in words spoken without haste, tireless in reading, cheerful in labors, chaste in conversations, offending no one, laughing at no one. , who did not disdain the poor and the wretched, but wished well to everyone, she had the appearance of internal and external perfection Ambrose of Milan

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Annunciation

Finally, the time came when the animate kivot of the holiness of the Lord was to be transferred to the place where the Lord Himself had ascended. Archangel Gabriel, handing her the sign of victory over bodily death - a branch of the date tree of paradise, announced that her Divine son was calling her to him, in the abode of the Heavenly Father. The Blessed Virgin accepted this long-desired message with the liveliest joy. But, leaving this earthly world, she wished once again to see the holy Apostles in it and prayed to the Lord about it.

Arrival of the apostles

Duccio di Buoninsegna. Dormition. Seeing Mary of St. John

By invisible power the Apostles were transferred from different countries to Jerusalem to the habitation of the Ever-Virgin. Saint Paul also appeared, together with his disciples: Hierotheus - marvelous, Timothy - Bishop of Ephesus and Dionysius the Areopagite. “Apostles, united from the end, bury my body in Gethsemane, and you, my Son and God, receive my soul”- said the Blessed Virgin.

The apostles shed tears. But the Most Pure Lady consoled the weeping, telling them that she would not leave them orphans after her death, and not only them, but the whole world would be “visit, nazirat and help the needy”.

Assumption Day. Soul Ascension. Burial.

Fra Angelico. Assumption of the Virgin

The fifteenth of August arrived. The Upper Room of Zion was illuminated by many lamps, filled with fragrances, resounding with fervent prayers of the Apostles: the Most Pure Virgin Mary was waiting for the moment of separation of her soul from her body. Suddenly, heavenly light shone throughout the temple, Jesus Christ himself appeared, surrounded by angels, took the most holy soul of the Mother of God and ascended to heaven.


The apostles now saw before them only the lifeless body of the Mother of God, shining with a wonderful light, fragrant with aromas. It was transferred by the hands of the Apostles to Gethsemane and buried in the cave in which the righteous Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, and her betrothed Joseph were buried.


Carracci, Annibale. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the third day after the burial of the Ever-Virgin, Saint Thomas also arrived in Jerusalem, who, according to God's arrangement, was not at her repose. To console the mourner, the Apostles opened the cave where the body of the Mother of God was buried, and found nothing there but her robe. But on the same day, she herself appeared to them in a heavenly radiance, surrounded by a host of angels.

At the end of their evening meal, the Apostles, lifting up the bread that they laid aside in honor of Jesus Christ, wanted to say as usual: "Lord Jesus Christ, help us." But, seeing the Mother of God, they exclaimed: "Holy Mother of God, help us".

Here is the beginning, which is still performed in some monasteries, the rite of Panagia (of the Most Holy). The death of the Most Pure Virgin was a dream, after which She resurrected and ascended to heaven. “The angels saw the Dormition of the Most Pure, wondering how the Virgin ascends from earth to heaven”.


From the time of the Dormition and Ascension of the Mother of God, her worldwide glory begins, hidden until that time under the cover of the deepest humility. Wherever the preaching of the Gospel reached, where the name of Jesus Christ was glorified, the name of the Ever-Virgin Mary was also glorified there.

The Holy Ecumenical Council (which was in Ephesus in 431) forever approved the name of the Mother of God, or Mother of God, belonging to her. The Orthodox Church every day in all its services implores, thanks and glorifies the Most Honorable Cherubim and the Most Glorious Seraphim.

“Bless Thee all give birth, Virgin Mother of God ... Blessed are we and we, the intercession of Thee is rich. Day and night pray for us, and the scepters of the kingdom are affirmed by your prayers.”

The Blessed Mary brought about a complete change in the fate of the female sex, restoring to it the significance and dignity lost by the fall of Eve. At the same time, the Mother of Christ, our God, is the perfect example of a Christian woman.

By her example, she teaches the maidens good morals, obedience, diligence, virgins and wives - meekness, chastity and piety, mothers - truly maternal love and devotion, the orphans and the poor - patience and selflessness, the great and glorious - humility.

ancient evidence

Although the bodily ascension to heaven of the Mother of God was not included in the Creed, the whole Church agrees that she was resurrected by the Lord after her death and admired to heaven, where he dwells in body and soul. The circumstances of the Dormition of the Mother have been known since ancient times.

In the 4th century, two writings, already ancient at that time, appeared about the bodily migration of the Virgin Mary to heaven, one under the name of John the Theologian, and the other under the name of Meliton, Bishop of Sardis, who lived at the end of the 2nd century. In the 5th century, Juvenal, Patriarch of Jerusalem, testified before the Empress Pulcheria about the reliability of these events, drawn from ancient and immutable sources and traditions.²

What is dormancy

The death of the Mother of God is called the Assumption, because with her holy body she seemed to fall asleep on a short time, and then, having risen from her earthly sleep, she ascended to heaven.

History of the celebration

The Orthodox Church has been celebrating this holiday since ancient times of Christianity. It is mentioned in Canon 431 of the Nomocanon, borrowed from the Council of Gangria, which was in 361, in the writings of Blessed Jerome and Augustine, writers of the Church of the 4th century. In former times, among some peoples, such as the Gauls, Copts and Greeks, this holiday was celebrated, instead of August 15 - January 15.

But in 582, at the request of the Greek Emperor Mauritius, it was moved to August 15, in respect of the fact that in the ancient calendars it is marked on this day. According to other researchers, Mauritius dated it to the day of his victory over the Persians on August 15, 582.

Assumption post

The Orthodox Church, reverent for the day of the Assumption of the Mother of God, prepares itself and the faithful for a worthy remembrance and celebration of this event with a fourteen-day fast, which lasts from August 13 (1) to August 27 (14) and is inferior in holiness (strictness) only to Great Lent, surpassing Christmas Lent. .

During the Dormition Fast, it is forbidden to eat eggs, meat, dairy products, fish and vegetable oil (an exception for fish is only on the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord on August 19). You can eat nuts, honey, bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables.

On August 28 (15), fasting ends if the holiday falls on any day of the week except Wednesday or Friday. If the Dormition falls on Wednesday or Friday, then the breaking of the fast is postponed to the next day, and on this day fish is allowed.³

Folk traditions, backs

They called the holiday in different places in their own way: Big Most Pure, First Most Pure, Dormition Day, Assumption, dozhinki, obzhinki, suppozhinki, ospozhinki, sponzhinki, Mistress, Mrs. day (possibly from the “Mistress”, i. The Third Savior is celebrated the next day, August 16/29 (new) - on the day of the transfer of the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands.

In the old days, with the advent of the fire, the end of the harvest was celebrated.⁵ In the minds of the people, as always, one superimposed on the other - the agricultural and Christian holidays. Agricultural holidays were associated with the calendar work of the villagers. Their rituals expressed gratitude to mother earth for the harvest and were aimed at obtaining the next one.

"Live, live,
The ladies met
Loaf started,
We visited the oatmeal
The guests were treated
They prayed to God!

M. Stakhovich. Dozhinki. 1821. Photo - wikipedia

  • They arranged a clubbing (brotherhood), baked pies from the flour of the new crop, brewed beer.
  • Weaved wreaths of ears, led round dances.
  • In the field, after harvesting, they knitted the last, birthday sheaf, dressed it up, carried it with songs and dances to the master's courtyard, where the landowner treated his peasants and celebrated the end of the harvest with them.
  • The last sheaf was especially revered, and a special role was assigned to it in the ritual. The sheaf was called: dozhinochny or obzhinok, gossip, strawman, Solokha, Ovsei, ergot (from “knotweed” - double grain, king-ear - the embodiment of fertility), beard, beard of God or Elijah, Ivanushka, Christ's shirt, master. It was installed on the festive table, and after the feast was kept until the new harvest in the Red Corner under the images.
  • The “young Indian summer” begins with the Assumption, which will last until Ivan the Lent, August 29. / 11 Sept. (popular name for the day of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist)⁴
  • The girls looked at the guys, choosing suitors: “You won’t look after the Assumption - you’ll sit in the girls for the winter.”

Proverbs, signs

Holy Mother of God, help us!


² Journal "Mirskoy Herald", 1865
³ Wikipedia
⁴ A.A. Corinthian. People's Russia
Sakharov I.P. Tales of the Russian people
Lessons from Archpriest I. Yakhontov, 1864, St. Petersburg.
Dal V.I. Mesyatseslov - Proverbs of the Russian people

The Dormition of the Theotokos is celebrated annually on August 28. Historical event This memorable day is tinged with sadness and joy at the same time. It was on this day that the Most Pure Virgin completed her life path and finally reunited with the Son.

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin is considered one of the most important Orthodox holidays. This feast is related to a story that is not written in the Bible, nevertheless it is known to everyone and everyone, thanks to the stories of church ministers.

The Dormition, or in other words death, of the Mother of God is a holiday of happiness and joy. But not everyone understands how such a sad moment can serve as a legacy for Orthodox Christians. To do this, one should turn to the origins of the life of the Virgin and learn the truth of the Christian faith.

Life of the Virgin

After the crucifixion of Christ, few words are said about the Virgin Mary in the Bible. It is only known that after the Ascension of Jesus into the Kingdom of Heaven, she lived in the capital of Israel, until the persecution of the Christian people began. John the Theologian, who was instructed by Christ himself to protect and take care of the Mother of the Lord, helped her move to Ephesus. Every day, the Ever-Virgin visited Bishop Lazar the Four-day, and also visited Mount Athos, which she later designated as a place for prayers and turning to God.

Before her death, the Blessed Virgin returned to Jerusalem. There she daily indulged in prayers and went to those places that were connected with the life of her Son Jesus Christ. In her prayer requests, the Mother of God begged for a meeting with her Son in heaven.

The Mother of God herself, before her death, left all her savings to her servants - widows. And she instructed them to bury her next to her parents at the foot of the Mount of Olives, in the village of Gethsemane.

History of the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the day when the Virgin Mary died, all the inhabitants of the capital came to say goodbye to her. All preachers and believers under one roof gathered the news that the hour of death had struck for the Mother of God. Everyone watched her dormition, everyone came to say goodbye to the Blessed Virgin. The news of the death of the First Mother spread all over the world, because the miracle that happened that day amazed even the most strict and godless person.

The Mother of God left the world of the living with light, bright, dazzling and pure, she was surrounded by angels, among whom Christ himself appeared before her. Mary turned to her Son with a request for the salvation and blessing of all those who are next to her on this day and who pray for her. The Virgin Mary also called to Jesus in prayer to protect her with the power of the Lord God from demons and Satan, and then, in happiness and ecstasy, she completely surrendered herself into the hands of the Lord. Jesus Christ personally raised his mother in his arms to the Kingdom of Heaven.

For three days and three nights, the apostles sang biblical psalms near the tomb of the Blessed Virgin. And only on the third day did they receive true and complete peace from the Image of the Holy One, which appeared to them in the face of the Mother of God and her speech. She demanded to rejoice and rejoice, to sing in spirit, since from now on she will be next to everyone, always protecting and patronizing. After the resurrection, the body of the Mother left this world, going to the Lord in heaven.

Many people may think that it is completely absurd to celebrate the day of the Assumption, that is, the day when the Mother of God died. After all, for most people, death is nothing but pain, suffering and sadness. But true believers know the truth: death is only the beginning of eternal life. Only after repose begins a real, happy life in heaven, next to our Lord. Christians know that it is not death that brings suffering, but the deeds that people do while living on earth.

The feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary makes us understand that the Virgin Mary left this world in joy and with peace of mind. That life is only a hard, but forced path, to gain eternal and true life. Therefore, the Dormition of the Mother of God is a blessed holiday for Christians, because only through death do we know true happiness. We wish you a great mood, strong faith. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the 12 main Orthodox celebrations, the Mother of God holiday. In 2019, it is celebrated on August 28th. The full church name of the holiday is the Assumption of the Most Holy Lady of Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. It is dedicated to the memory of the death of the Mother of God. The word "assumption" does not symbolize the death of an ordinary person, but the ascension of the spirit and body to God.

history of the holiday

After the ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven, the Blessed Mary remained in the care of the Apostle John. When King Herod began the persecution of Christians, the Mother of God and John settled in Ephesus. There she prayed daily and asked the Lord to take her to him as soon as possible. One day, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her and informed her that after three days her earthly life would end.

Before her death, the Virgin Mary wished to see all the apostles who preached Christianity in different cities. Her wish came true. The apostles gathered at the bed of the Virgin, on which she humbly accepted death. The coffin with the body of the Mother of God was buried in a cave. The apostles remained at its foot for another three days and prayed. The Apostle Thomas was late for the burial. He was allowed to open the entrance to the tomb and bow to the holy remains. There was no body in the cave. The apostles were convinced of the bodily ascension of the Mother of God into heaven.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in the Orthodox Church with special solemnity. The holiday has 1 day of prefeast and 8 days of afterfeast. Priests wear blue clothes.

On the eve of the holiday, the Shroud is brought to the center of the temple, on which the face of the Mother of God is depicted. Then it's done all-night vigil, during which stichera and canons are sung, proverbs are read, and the troparion to the Assumption of the Mother of God is performed. On the 2nd or 3rd day of the feast, in many cathedral and parish churches, the rite of the burial of the Mother of God is performed. During matins, at the great doxology, the clergy go to the Shroud of the Most Holy Theotokos located in the center of the temple and burn it. Then they carry her around the temple. After that, the clergy anoint the parishioners with consecrated oil (oil).

The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos is preceded by a strict Assumption fast. On August 28, parishioners break their fast. The hostesses prepare festive dishes, which they treat to the family and the needy.

By folk tradition, August 28, people harvest vegetables and fruits and make preparations for the winter. In Russia, on this day, the guys got married.

What not to do on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, you should not wear new or uncomfortable shoes, otherwise you will feel discomfort all year.

You can’t swear, offend your neighbors, refuse to help those in need, be rude and be in a bad mood.

In Russia, people compared the Mother of God with Mother Earth. On this holiday, it was forbidden to walk barefoot and stick sharp objects into the soil. These actions offended the land and caused crop failure.

Signs and beliefs on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Rainy weather on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin portends a dry autumn.
  • If the holiday coincides with the "Indian summer", then the winter will be frosty and with little snow.
  • A girl who does not find a boyfriend before the Assumption will be unmarried until spring.
  • Completing previously started business or helping a friend on this holiday is a good omen.
  • If you rub or injure your leg on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, then life's difficulties and failures are expected ahead.

According to BF "Orthodox Heritage of Ukraine on Mount Athos", the church tradition tells about the departure to the Lord and the burial of the Mother of God.

In the manuscripts of the 4th century there is evidence that the Mother of God, after death, went to heaven in body and soul. Three days before her Dormition in Jerusalem, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to Her and said that the day of Her death was approaching. He gave the Mother of God a branch of the tree of paradise shining with an unearthly light - a symbol of the victory of eternal life over death, bestowed by the Savior on the cross. Therefore, the Assumption is not a mourning event, but a holiday.

Then all the apostles arrived in Jerusalem to say goodbye to the Virgin Mary. Only the Apostle Thomas could not come. The roof of the chamber in which they had gathered opened, and an unearthly light shone upon all present. The Savior descended into the upper room, surrounded by angels. The Mother of God prayed to Her Son and gave her soul into His hands.

The apostles buried the body of the Theotokos in Gethsemane, where Her holy parents Joachim and Anna and the betrothed Joseph rested. At the head of the funeral procession was John the Theologian, who carried a branch of paradise, and the coffin with the body of the Mother of God was carried by all the apostles, except for Thomas. Many Christians carried lighted candles and censers. People and angels sang, glorifying the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the funeral procession was the Jewish priest Affoniy, who tried to turn over the bed on which the body of the Mother of God lay. The angel did not allow this and cut off Affoniy's hands at the moment when he touched the coffin. He repented and received healing, after which he converted to Christianity.

The Apostle Thomas arrived in Jerusalem on the third day after the funeral. He wanted to see the tomb of the Mother of God. When the coffin was opened, Her body was not in it, only the shroud remained. The Virgin Mary ascended in body and soul to Her Son.

The Apostle Thomas said that he saw the Mother of God ascend to Heaven. At that moment he asked her to bless him. Then the Mother of God threw off Her belt to him.

The Mother of God also appeared to the apostles, saying: "Rejoice, for I am with you all the days."

On the Holy Mountain on August 28, the Panigir celebrates the Iberian Monastery. As you know, Athos is called the earthly lot of the Mother of God. Many miraculous icons of the Most Holy Theotokos are kept in the monasteries of Athos, and Her belt is kept in the Vatopedi monastery.

The people call the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary "First Clean". Assumption fast ended today.

August 28 Orthodox Church celebrates the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is one of the twelve, that is, 12 important ones. We tell you what the essence of the Assumption is, what you can’t do on this day and what traditions are associated with the Assumption of the Virgin 2018.

What is the essence of the church holiday of the Assumption?

The word dormancy means death. On August 28, Orthodox Christians remember the death of the Mother of God - the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.

According to legend, the death of the Virgin was righteous. She said goodbye to the apostles and rested. And after the burial, the body of the Virgin Mary disappeared from the coffin. Christians believe that the Mother of God ascended to heaven, where she prays for all people, writes the magazine "Thomas".

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary: traditions of celebration

The holiday is preceded by the Dormition Fast. It lasts two weeks, from 14 to 27 August. The Dormition Fast is dedicated to the Theotokos.

If the Assumption falls on a fast day - Wednesday or Friday - then it is advisable to give up meat, dairy food and eggs, but you can eat fish. If August 28 falls on other days of the week, then there are no food restrictions.

In 2018, the Dormition is not a fast day.

In folk creation, the church traditions of the Assumption were mixed with the customs of farmers. At this time, the peasants worked on the harvest. The Eastern Slavs dated the feast of the harvest - "Obzhinki" to the Dormition. This day was also called "Lady" or "Lady Day": the name reflects the popular veneration of the Virgin, writes the magazine "Thomas".

And on August 29, Nut Savior is celebrated, which is also called Khlebny Savior in another way. At this time, they collected nuts and made preparations for the winter.

What can not be done on the Assumption of the Virgin?

The Church advises on the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin not to get carried away by various beliefs and signs. For example, that if you rub your leg on August 28, you will attract trouble: this is superstition.

There is a widespread but incorrect opinion that on Orthodox holidays it is forbidden to work in the garden, sew, and clean up. This is not true. It is recommended to dedicate the holiday to God and communication with loved ones, but if this is not possible, no one will judge.

The church advises on Orthodox holidays (as well as on other days) to refrain from conspiracies, occult and magical rites. This is unequivocally negative in the church.

AT Orthodox holiday Assumption does not need to swear, envy, swear with others.

Is it possible to get married in Assumption-2018?

There is no direct ban on the wedding on August 28. However, in many churches they try not to hold weddings on the days of the twelfth holidays, so that the emotions from a personal celebration do not overshadow the joy of a church holiday.