How to improve memory and thinking in adults. Memory training or how to learn to remember? Mnemonics techniques and memory development exercises

Hello to all my readers! Every day you and I learn something, develop, discover the world for ourselves and move towards our high goals. To do this, we need not only perseverance and energy, but also a good memory. The brain needs to be constantly trained and kept in good shape. Exercises are the best way to develop memory.

Features of human memory

Do you remember how many poems you learned during school time? You need to learn poetry not only to instill a love of literature. This is how memory develops.

Unfortunately, the older a person gets, the more difficult it is for him to learn the same two-page poems. Let's look at why this happens in adults:

Unfortunately, this applies to everyone. We are surprised that our grandmother remembers how much bread cost 40 years ago and what the weather was like on your fifth birthday. And we forget what the boss told us yesterday.

However, this can be fixed. You just have to want it and start working. You will immediately realize that life has become easier, you will no longer forget about birthdays and you will not need to make a shopping list before going to the store. And in general, developing your mind will help you avoid memory problems in old age.

What should be done? Now let's look at it in detail.

TOP 10 exercises and methods for memory development for adults and children

Developing memory is the same as pumping up your abs. The process requires exercise and constant training.

The following tasks will help you tone your brain and learn to remember even large amounts of information.

So, I show you the most effective exercises:

1.Describe the picture

This is a simple visual exercise. Choose any picture. Look at her for 3 minutes. Then turn away or close your eyes and try to describe it in as much detail as possible. Have someone supervise you. After checking, do the same thing a few more times, and you will notice that with each subsequent attempt your result will improve. You need to do this every day. And lying on the couch and looking at pictures is completely easy.


For many people, remembering a date or phone number is very difficult. And all because there is little training. Open your history book and choose any 10 dates. Try to remember them. Build associations, remember visually. And over time, you will surprise everyone with your abilities.


To make it easier to remember numbers, you need to come up with an association for each number. Write numbers from 0 to 10 on a piece of paper. Then come up with and sign what each of them looks like. For example, 8 is a snowman and 0 is an egg. Next, try to write down your phone number, but not with numbers, but with these associations.


Find a picture of different animals: from a butterfly to an elephant. Look at the illustration and try to remember all the representatives of the fauna. Next, take a sheet of paper and write their names, but in alphabetical order. Do this once a day until you get 100% results.


Well, let's go back to school? Learning poetry is a simple but effective method that has been proven over the years. Schoolchildren spent the evenings poring over books to develop their memory. You will have to do the same. Choose your favorite author whose works you like. Read a certain verse many times a day: on the minibus, at work, before going to bed. Then try to tell it to someone. Do this with different poems. Over time, you will notice that you begin to remember them much faster. This way your memory will improve and a hobby will appear.


This is an excellent method to develop your mind and learn a language. And as you know, it is impossible to learn a language without the ability to memorize information. Write words on small pieces of paper and stick them around the house. Pay attention to them every day and try to repeat them out loud. This way you practice and learn new words. Even foreign language teachers recommend this system.


There are many games to improve concentration and memory skills. . One of them is “Couples”. The point is that in front of you, for example, are 16 upside down cards. They need to be unfolded one by one and memorized. And then your task is to find their pairs. For example, two butterflies, two balls. Such an application can be found online or downloaded to your phone and practice anywhere.

8.Reading out loud

In addition to visual memory, you also need to work on auditory memory. To do this, choose a work and read it out loud every day for 15 minutes. Then try to retell this passage as accurately as possible. Remember how at school we retold entire paragraphs? It turns out that it was not in vain.

Experts often draw parallels between strengthening the mind and body. Their strength and endurance can dry up from inactivity or increase from targeted training. Solving problems to strengthen memory and attentiveness activates the brain, develops imagination, creative activity, and protects against age-related changes.

The importance of memory and attention

Unlike animals, whose worldview is limited to momentary sensations, people are able to record previously acquired knowledge and experience, and use them when planning further actions. Only thanks to memory does a person retain memories of surrounding phenomena and the laws of their existence.

Physiologist I.M. Sechenov considered memory the main condition of mental life, the force that underlies all human development.

She is also directly involved in the process of perceiving the surrounding reality. Memory and attention play a particularly important role during learning.

Efficiency of memory and attention development

Some people are able to remember large amounts of information without much effort. However, most people have to work hard to learn new information, and this process becomes more difficult with age. Exercises will not be effective if you do not pay attention to the following aspects:

  1. Proper nutrition. Natural foods are needed for brain activity: nuts, vegetables, fruits, honey, fatty fish, liver, beef, eggs.
  2. Healthy sleep. It is recommended to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  3. Physical activity and walks in the fresh air.

When setting a task, it is better to focus your efforts on solving one problem rather than trying to do everything at once. It is important to learn to separate unnecessary information from useful information and not load your head with it. Training must be combined with rest, since a tired brain is not able to work effectively.

Exercises to develop visual memory

Scientists claim that people receive more than 80% of information from the outside world through the organs of vision. Visual memory is responsible for fixing, retaining and reproducing visual images. With its help, a person remembers faces, surrounding objects, and navigates the area. People with photographic memory have a great competitive advantage over others. This type of memorization of the surrounding reality is necessary for representatives of many professions: conductors, detectives, surgeons, pilots, air traffic controllers.

Exercises for training:

  1. Find the differences. The most popular memory development game that trains attention to detail. A person needs to compare 2 similar pictures and find a given number of differences in them (5, 10, 15).
  2. Attention test for a group of people. The subject remembers the appearance of other players and leaves the room. While he is away, the participants change small parts in their toilet. The returnee's task is to guess what has changed in the appearance of the other players.
  3. Remembering people's appearance. Most cannot accurately describe even their friends and acquaintances. Isolating and fixing in memory the most characteristic features of people is an excellent trainer for brain development. You can practice at any time (for example, on passers-by or fellow travelers in transport).
  4. Memory training through drawing. It is especially useful to depict irregularly shaped objects with curves and irregularities on paper. You can start with a tree branch, flower or natural stone.
  5. Exercise with matches. You need to throw a few matches on the table and remember in a few seconds what order they were in. Then the resulting figure should be reconstructed from memory. If it turns out well, the number of matches can be increased.
  6. Visual gymnastics using the Aivazovsky method. This marine painter painted pictures from memory after long observations of the sea. You need to look at the object for about 5 minutes, then close your eyes and imagine it as clearly as possible. The image is transferred to paper with all the details.
  7. Memory development game “25 letters”. Participants are shown a table with 25 cells (5x5) for half a minute, in which the following words are written horizontally: tin, wind, arena, garbage, omega. The table is removed, and the players visually imagine the picture. Their task is to create a new word by moving up, down, right or left from the assigned letter along the table.

Exercises for memory development in preschool children

Children are able to remember large amounts of information, but their thinking has its own characteristics.

Since a small child does not set himself the task of remembering something consciously, this process occurs spontaneously, against his will. Therefore, it is much easier for a preschooler to record in memory what evokes strong feelings and emotions. Experts recommend presenting attentiveness tasks in a playful, entertaining form.

Since thinking and memory are closely related at a young age, such activities train ingenuity, intelligence, and logic. Exercises for the brain of preschoolers should develop all types of memory: visual, auditory, motor, figurative and verbal. As we grow older, involuntary memorization is replaced by logical thinking, and both hemispheres of the brain are involved.

Exercises for preschoolers:

  1. Remember the sound. A game for developing memory, when an adult invites the child to voice this or that phenomenon. For example, how a cat meows, the wind blows, rain knocks on the roof, a fly buzzes. To diversify the game, you can invite the child to change places and give tasks himself.
  2. Association game. The parent or teacher reads to the preschooler pairs of words that are related in meaning (for example, winter - snow, pen - notebook, spoon - lunch, tree - forest). At the next stage, only one word is pronounced, and the child, by association, must name the second.
  3. Draw and remember. The adult names objects that are well known to the preschooler (chair, house, scooter, sun), and the preschooler must quickly sketch them. The drawing should subsequently help the child name the thing. For children going to 1st or 2nd grade, you can make wishes not only for objects, but also for abstract concepts (walk, sleep, joy).
  4. Shop game. The child is given the task of shopping in a store; in each department there are several items that he must remember. For example, in the fruit department you need to buy a banana, apple, orange, pineapple and lemon.
  5. Items in a bag. Things familiar to the child (for example, an apple, a spoon, a spatula, a pencil) are placed in a canvas bag. A preschooler, without looking inside, must determine by touch what is in the bag.
  6. Incomplete row. 5-10 objects are placed in front of the child, which he must remember in half a minute. Then the preschooler should be asked to turn away and, in the meantime, remove 2-3 things from the table. It will be interesting for the child to guess what items are missing.
  7. Description of the item. The child is named a thing familiar to him, and he tries to talk about it in detail. The color, shape, smell, taste of the object are important. An adult can ask a preschooler leading questions that will force him to look for new definitions and associations.

Exercises for attention and memory for schoolchildren

Memory in school-age children is most often better developed than in preschoolers. The main difficulty is to arouse a child’s interest in information, to encourage him to analyze and structure the information received, and to highlight the main thing from it. Constant rote learning leads to the fact that the student’s attention is switched to foreign objects, and he forgets the material.

The development of memory in children of primary school age and adolescents is impossible without training in concentration. When completing this task, exercises to train logical thinking will help. The student must be able to draw up a story plan, highlight the main points from it, and briefly outline the content of the material. Children in grades 1-4, who have especially well-developed figurative and visual memory, can draw up a plan in pictures.

Exercises for children of primary school age:

  1. Find the extra word. The child is offered a series of 4 words, combined according to some characteristic. For example: cat, dog, cow, wolf. You need to find a word that is out of logical order. In this case it is a wolf (a wild animal, while others are domestic).
  2. Camera. 10 objects are placed on the table in random order. The child looks at them for a few seconds, and then closes his eyes and lists the things he remembers. It would be good if the items were combined thematically. This way you can play detective, spy, nurse, etc.
  3. Nonverbal fantasy. The student is asked to show some object or process (for example, a car, a train, a cat, washing). To diversify the exercise, you can switch places: the adult shows, and the child guesses. The game develops imagination and creativity.
  4. An exercise to develop perseverance. The child is given a small text and asked to cross out a letter in it (for example, “e”). The exercise is repeated regularly for a month, and the letter can be changed. The results are recorded in a special journal. They should improve over time.
  5. An exercise to develop verbal and logical thinking. The child is asked questions from a variety of areas. For example, what color is a sunflower, who is bigger: an elephant or a lion, what a saw and a screwdriver are, etc. This type of training is good to do competitively in a class or group.

Games for teenagers:

  1. Logically connected text. In the text presented to the student, 10 main theses are identified in numbers (from 1 to 10). The teenager must read the article and then retell the main points in the given order from memory. Reproduction of 7 or more theses can be considered a good result.
  2. Memorizing words. The student is offered a list of 20 words with serial numbers. You have a minute to remember them. Then the teenager must reproduce the words and their associated serial numbers. To get the percentage result, the number of correct answers is multiplied by 5.
  3. Who will remember more? Participants sit in a circle. The first player names any word (for example, “cinema”). The second one repeats it and says his own (“cinema”, “operator”). The third participant already names 3 words (“cinema”, “operator”, “script”). The player who fails to repeat all the words is eliminated.
  4. We draw and remember. The presenter slowly reads out a list of 15 words. The participants’ task is to quickly sketch the listed items. The quality of the drawing is not important, the main thing is that the player can correctly name the encrypted word. The participant who correctly remembers the largest number of items wins.
  5. Words with one letter. Participants sit in a circle. The presenter announces a letter, and the players’ task is to name an object in the room whose name begins with this letter. Participants who fail to name the word are eliminated from the game until one winner remains.

Memory and attention training for adults

A modern person has to keep in his head a lot of information necessary for work and study.

With age, memory most often deteriorates, which is associated both with a decrease in the number of nerve cells in the brain and with stress, bad habits, poor lifestyle, and insufficient time for sleep. Therefore, memory and cognitive abilities must be constantly improved with the help of special training.

Exercises for adults:

  1. Training can be combined with household chores. For example, when shopping in a store, many take with them cheat sheets with a list of necessary products or call home. You need to try to think through everything in advance and do without prompts.
  2. Careful reading trains your memory well. You can read at any time: on the road, during your lunch break or before bed. Having learned the information, you need to mentally retell it as accurately as possible. In order not to waste time, this can be done on the street or on the road. Gradually the volume of text should be increased.
  3. Memorizing various details is extremely beneficial for the brain. When talking with a person, it is recommended to pay attention to his clothes, shoes, eye color, manner of expression, etc. Then all this should be mentally reproduced. On the street you can pay attention to house numbers, bus routes, and car license plates. And remembering price tags in the store will also help you save money.
  4. This exercise requires a calm environment. You need to choose an object and carefully study it for 30 seconds. Then, turning away, you should describe the thing in as much detail as possible. Every detail matters.
  5. Psychologists recommend exercises that involve several senses at once. For example, in a perfume store you can spray the perfume you like on a strip and then try to remember its name. When trying a new dish, it is recommended to associate its taste with some interesting image.

Brain exercises for older people

Research by scientists shows that nerve cells in the brain are capable of creating neural connections at any age. The quality of life of an elderly person directly depends on the ability to remember and reproduce information.

Solving various intellectual problems is an excellent prevention of many age-related pathologies, including multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease.

Exercises for older people:

  1. Constantly focusing on details. For example, it is useful to count the trees in the yard or the objects on the table. You should pay attention to the shape and color of things.
  2. All actions should be completed. If something is lost, you need to find it without being distracted by other matters.
  3. The Aivazovsky method is used to train visual memory.
  4. Memorizing and structuring information. For example, in the evening it is useful to record all the actions performed during the day.
  5. Computer games for developing attention and memory. Popular free online games: “Quick Memory”, “Village Puzzles”, “Memory Solitaire”.
  6. Solving crosswords, scanwords, sudoku.
  7. Board games: chess, checkers, lotto, preference, bridge, card solitaire.
  8. Memorizing short texts, songs, poems.
  9. A good workout is playing with words or cities.
  10. Games are the opposite. You can count from 50 to 1 or list the letters of the alphabet from Z to A.
  11. Putting together puzzles and puzzles.
  12. Hobby. The main thing is that it is interesting to the person. Gardening, floriculture, embroidery, knitting, sculpting figures, sawing with a jigsaw, and assembling models of cars and ships are well suited.

Poems for memory development in adults

This method of improving memory has been used for a long time. Thanks to its rhythmic pattern, emotional component and rhymes, poetry is remembered much better than prose. During the learning process, neurons receive additional blood supply and their activity is activated. New connections are formed between brain cells, stimulating the development of other cognitive abilities.

When studying poetry, speech develops, vocabulary is replenished, and erudition expands. According to Brodsky, a person, by passing through himself the informational and emotional content of poetry, enriches the brain. And reading poetry out loud stimulates oratory abilities and expands communication skills. Although this technique is used primarily in teaching children, it will be useful for people of any age.

As practice shows, well-known works by favorite poets are best remembered. It is no coincidence that many people remember entire chapters of “Eugene Onegin” or even the entire poem by heart. At the same time, to train your memory and improve your brain potential, it is useful to take more difficult and less favorite poems. The works of classics are well suited for these purposes: Pushkin, Lermontov, Blok, Pasternak, Yesenin, Mayakovsky.

Exercises for memory development

The list includes educational games for adults from the book “Memory Does Not Change.”

Strange Zoo

A person is shown for a minute a picture depicting different animals: mammals, reptiles, insects, arthropods, fish. When the drawing is removed, the participant in the game must list all the creatures seen in alphabetical order on a piece of paper.

Memorable moment

The player is shown a list of significant events from the lives of different people. He must read the text 3 times and state what he remembers as accurately as possible. Example task:

  • Kolya and Masha got married on October 15, 2002;
  • Dasha entered the university on September 3, 1995;
  • Vasya was born on November 4, 1982;
  • City Day will be celebrated on February 28, 2017.

White Bim Black Ear

The participant is shown a picture with different animals and their names (Skakun horse, Astor dog, etc.). It takes half a minute to memorize them.

Writing history

The person is shown a list of historical figures (from Cardinal Richelieu to Thomas Edison) with their dates of birth. Then the list is “shuffled”, and the dates no longer correspond to the names. The player must restore historical justice by correctly placing the correct year of birth against the name of each historical figure.

The imaginary carpet is divided into black and white squares, which contain schematic images of flowers. The player studies the drawing as much as he needs. Then he will have to answer several questions. For example, how many flowers with 3 petals are shown in the picture.


This is the most difficult exercise, which will require you to train every day for several weeks.

You need to memorize a code in which each of the 15 letters corresponds to an icon. The task can be considered completed when a person can decipher words of 9 letters.

Attention games for children 10 years old

Computer game developers offer effective exercises for training memory and concentration.

These are tables with randomly arranged numbers or letters. The test subject's task is to quickly find these objects in the required order. The simplest Schulte table is a square of 25 fields (5x5). Exercises with such tables improve peripheral perception and serve to teach speed reading.


The game is a square board divided into 16 fields (4x4). The player has 15 numbered dominoes (from 1 to 15), which can be moved up, down, right and left on 1 field. One of the fields always remains free. The goal of the game is to place the dominoes in order from 1 to 15.

Spatial speed comparison

This game improves memory, teaches you to concentrate, and speeds up your reaction. A figure is shown on the screen, which must be compared with the previous one as quickly as possible. If the figures coincide, press the “Yes” button; if they are different, press the “No” button.

Numeric and letter coverage

The display shows a set of letters or numbers in random order, which the player must remember in strict sequence and then restore it. The game starts with 2 numbers, then it becomes 3, 4, etc.

Remember and call

The player is required to restore the sequence of numbers in ascending order in the proposed table. The exercise effectively trains spatial memory.

Complex high-speed traffic

The player quickly compares the current item with the previous one. He has 3 answer options: “Yes”, “No” and “Partially matches”. If 3 incorrect answers are given, the game ends.

Quick addition

The goal of the game is to choose the correct terms whose sum will be equal to a given number. At each subsequent stage this number increases.


The playing field consists of space divided into cells. The player needs to remember the sequence of appearance of the shaded areas and, after a signal, reproduce them as they appear.

The difficulty of the tasks adapts to the player's level.

3 ago

Here you need to remember the current sequence of numbers and compare it with the one that was shown earlier (for example, 2 or 3 cards ago). There are 2 buttons for answers: “Yes” and “No”. The difficulty of the game is that the tasks are constantly changing.

Memory is the most necessary thing for a person; probably no one can imagine how one can live without memory. Just imagine for a moment that you don’t remember anything, don’t remember your name, who you are, where you live, who you work for, it’s probably very difficult to imagine that your memory has disappeared.

To prevent this from happening, let's develop our memory, let's give it tasks so that it works and remembers. Human memory has always been called the storehouse of knowledge; over the course of his long life, a person constantly adds something to this storehouse, he accumulates more and more new knowledge. This is very good for memory development; you can also do various exercises to train your memory.

Older people often complain about poor memory, but why? Because they stop developing: they retire and stop reading, memorizing, they believe that they don’t need it, while in fact it is simply necessary to engage in self-development and develop their memory.

Memory also depends on the functioning of your body; if you are tired or lack sleep and rest, this also affects your memory; stressful situations can also affect your memory.

Scientists believe that if you lead the right lifestyle, develop and train your brain, then your memory will be excellent both at 60 and at 80 years old.

Exercises for memory development

When a person experiences strong emotions, he remembers new information well. The brain can remember a large amount of information and store it. You should never memorize material by heart - this will not help develop your brain; understanding the subject being studied will help develop your brain; the deeper you understand the topic, the more benefits it will have for your brain and memory.

To develop memory, we offer you the following exercises.

Exercise 1. Memorizing words

In this exercise, twenty different words are given, look carefully and remember them. Forty seconds are given to memorize:

Magpie, sky, African, sea, step, cookie, creator, verb, spacesuit, shock, silhouette, horizon, furniture, engraving, sand, horizon, proton, second, potato, zinc.

Now close these words and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your word memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of words that you remember by 20 (the number of words that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result as a percentage (this is your percentage of memorization). For example, you memorized 10 words.

Now remember these same words in reverse order, we will put a number for each word, remember it along with the number.

1. Zinc 2. Potato 3. Second 4. Proton 5. Sky 6. Sand 7. Engraving 8. Furniture 9. Horizon 10. Sky 11. Shock 12. Spacesuit 13. Verb 14. Creator 15. Cookie 16. Stage 17. Sea 18. African 19. Sky 20. Magpie.

Now cover the words and write them in the same order along with the numbers and see what you get. You can then calculate your word memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of words that you remember by 20 (the number of words that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

Exercise 2. Memorizing numbers

In this exercise, different twenty numbers are given, look carefully and remember them. Forty seconds are given to memorize.

2,5 5,75 6,55 9,65 4,21 6,32 8,45 8,2 9,6 7,4 9,4 5,87 4,37 6,4 8,2 9,45 3,65 4,3 2,4 1,76

Now close these numbers and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your number memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of numbers that you remember by 20 (the number of numbers that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

Exercise 3. Memorizing phrases

In this exercise you need to remember ten different phrases. You are given one minute to memorize phrases.

The red cat is sleeping; Sergei came home from work; We'll have dinner together; They flew into space; a bumblebee flies above you; the parcel arrived on time; The guys were tired in training; the ship is heading north; The dog was offended by the neighbor; the horses galloped.

Now close these phrases and write them in the same order and see what you get. You can then calculate your phrase memorization efficiency using the following formula:

Divide the number of phrases that you remember by 10 (the number of phrases that need to be remembered), multiply by 100% and get the result in % (this is your percentage of memorization).

Exercise 4. Name the word

In this exercise, you need to name a word and find three definitions for this word, or do the opposite - say any three definitions and choose a word for it.

For example:Cat - soft, fluffy, gray
Dog - ?
Rocket - ?
Museum - ?
Cinema hall - ?
Black, edible, soft - bread
Green, prickly, beautiful - ?
Blue, affectionate, warm - ?

Using these definitions, name all the animals in order.

Try to come up with ten words and ten definitions yourself.

Exercise 5. Count from memory

Place any five objects in front of you, look at them carefully, then turn away from these objects and describe these objects in detail. Turn around and look at the objects again. What did you forget to tell? Look at the objects again and turn away from them again and tell us in more detail.

This exercise can be used to remember and describe a beautiful vase or painting. Ten seconds are given to memorize.

Exercise 6. Remember and count

Place ten dominoes in front of you, look at them carefully, then turn away, remember what bones were there and count them from memory. This exercise can be repeated, just always change the bones. Ten seconds are given to memorize.

Exercise 7. Remember the person

In this exercise, you must remember any person, for example, who is traveling with you on the bus. Try to remember as much as possible about this person.

What is he like? His hair color? Eye color? Facial features and special features, if any (mole, scar, etc.). What is this person wearing? How does he behave?

In the evening, when you come home from work, remember this person and describe him.

Exercise 8. Listen and analyze

People, especially older people, often watch various programs or news on TV. Watch the program carefully and remember: “What is said in the program? Who are the heroes of this program? and so on. After the end of the program, tell us what you remember, try to remember every little detail. This exercise is a good memory training.

Super memory in 30 days

Remember the necessary information quickly and for a long time. Wondering how to open a door or wash your hair? I’m sure not, because this is part of our life. Easy and simple exercises for memory training can be made part of your life and done a little during the day. If you eat the daily amount of food at once, or you can eat in portions throughout the day.

How to improve memory and develop attention

Free practical lesson from advance.

10 games to develop memory in adults

Game 1: Numerical Reach Revolution

The game "Numeric Span Revolution" develops memory. The main point of the game is to remember the numbers on the screen and dial them correctly. In this game, numbers are displayed on the screen for a few seconds in turn, these numbers must be remembered, then you must enter these numbers in an empty window in order.

Look carefully at what numbers will be on the screen, first two numbers are displayed in order, then three numbers, then four numbers, then again there may be two numbers. Below the picture there is a board with numbers, using the mouse, you can click the numbers you need.

If you remember the numbers correctly, you continue to play and score points, but if you get the numbers wrong three times, the game ends.

Game 2. Quick addition reload

The game “Fast addition reboot” develops thinking, memory and attention. The main essence of the game is to choose the correct terms, the sum of which will be equal to a given number. In this game, at the top of the screen the task is written: add a number and the number is indicated. Below are three more numbers. You need to add the sum of these three numbers to get the given number.

The game starts with a prime number and with each subsequent game this number increases, first the count goes to twenty, then to thirty and so on. Using your mouse, you can click on the numbers of your choice and answer. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 3. Letter span

The game “Letter Span” develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game is to remember the letters and write them correctly. In this game, there is a black scoreboard on the screen; on this scoreboard, different letters are displayed for a few seconds, you need to remember these letters and when the letters disappear, write them on the black scoreboard.

The letters are located at the bottom of the screen; use the mouse to click on the desired letters and they will appear on the black board. The game starts with fewer letters, first two letters appear on the screen, then three letters, then four and so on. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 4. 3 ago

The game "3 back" develops memory. The main essence of the game is to remember the sequence of numbers and compare the number on the last card with the previous card. In this game, cards with numbers are given on the screen, the numbers on the cards are revealed for a few seconds, then disappear and other numbers appear.

You need to remember the entire sequence of numbers that was shown on the screen and compare the number of the last card with the previous card. Read the question on the screen carefully. At the bottom of the screen there are two buttons “yes” and “no”. Using the mouse, you can press the button you need. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 5. Diamonds

The game "Diamonds" develops memory. The main essence of the game is to remember the order of the figures that light up on the screen and repeat it. There are figures on the screen, they light up one by one, you need to remember the order in which these figures light up, and repeat it. With each subsequent stage of the game, the game becomes more complicated, new figures are added in larger quantities.

Pay close attention to the order in which the figures are lit. Using the mouse or keyboard, you can click through all the figures in order. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 6. Speed ​​comparison

The game "Speed ​​Comparison" develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, an item is displayed on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember this item and compare it with the next item.

At the bottom of the game there are two buttons "yes" and "no". Using your mouse, you can select the correct answer and click on it. If the item is the same, then you answer “yes,” if the items are different, then you answer “no.” The game will end if you answer incorrectly three times. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 7. Complex high-speed movement

The game “Complicated high-speed movement” develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous item and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, a drawing is displayed on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember this drawing and compare it with the next object. At the bottom of the screen there are three buttons “yes” “no” “partially matches”.

If the object is the same, then you answer “yes”; if the objects are different, you answer “no”; if the objects are similar, you answer “partially coincides”. This game is designed to increase speed. If you answer incorrectly three times, the game ends. If you answer correctly, you continue to score points and play further.

Game 8. Remember and call

The game “Memorize and Call” develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the numbers in the table and call them in ascending order. In this game, a table with numbers is given, first the numbers are shown on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember them, then the numbers are closed.

Remember where the smallest number is located and click on that cell, then click on the cell where the next number goes in ascending order. With each subsequent game, the table will increase and there will also be more numbers in it. Look carefully at the order of the numbers. You can answer using the mouse by clicking on the desired cell. If you answered correctly, then you continue to score points and play further.

Game 9. Numerical coverage

The game "Number Span" develops memory and attention. The main point of the game is to remember the previous number and compare it with the current one on the screen. In this game, numbers appear on the screen for a few seconds; you must remember them. At the bottom of the screen there are numbers from 0 to 9. Using the mouse, you can click the numbers you need.

The game starts with two numbers, then the numbers become three, four and so on, the more you play, the more difficult the game becomes. If you get the numbers correctly, then continue playing and score points, but if you get the numbers wrong three times, the game ends.

Game 10. Spatial speed comparison

The game “Spatial Speed ​​Comparison” develops memory and attention. The main essence of the game is a series of drawings on the screen; you need to compare them with the previous drawing and answer whether it is repeated or not. In this game, a figure appears on the screen for a few seconds, you need to remember it, then it disappears and another figure appears. Compare the figure on the screen with the previous figure.

At the bottom of the screen there are two buttons “yes” and “no”. You can answer using the mouse by clicking on the desired button. If you answer correctly, then you continue to collect points and play further.

Courses for the development of memory and attention

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The purpose of the course: to develop the child’s memory and attention so that it is easier for him to study at school, so that he can remember better.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to remember texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to remember for a longer period of time
  3. The speed of recalling the necessary information will increase

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Increase your reading speed by 2-3 times in 30 days. From 150-200 to 300-600 words per minute or from 400 to 800-1200 words per minute. The course uses traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, techniques that speed up brain function, methods for progressively increasing reading speed, the psychology of speed reading and questions from course participants. Suitable for children and adults reading up to 5000 words per minute.

We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

Learn to quickly and correctly add, subtract, multiply, divide, square numbers, and even take roots. I will teach you how to use easy techniques to simplify arithmetic operations. Each lesson contains new techniques, clear examples and useful tasks.

Money and the Millionaire Mindset

Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

Knowledge of the psychology of money and how to work with it makes a person a millionaire. 80% of people take out more loans as their income increases, becoming even poorer. On the other hand, self-made millionaires will earn millions again in 3-5 years if they start from scratch. This course teaches you how to properly distribute income and reduce expenses, motivates you to study and achieve goals, teaches you how to invest money and recognize a scam.

You rarely meet a person who does not complain about bad memory. But not many people want to change anything or work on themselves. But in vain, because memory training is a simple matter. You will have to spend time and effort, but the result is worth it. For those who are ready to act, we have prepared modern methods of memory training. They are distinguished by their simplicity, convenience and variety. Read on to learn how to use them.

How to choose memory training methods?

You should choose exercises or techniques depending on the type that most needs adjustment. Psychology traditionally distinguishes 6 types:

  • verbal-logical;
  • figurative;
  • motor;
  • emotional;
  • arbitrary;
  • involuntary.

Verbal-logical responsible for remembering words, concepts, thoughts. This type is directly related to the learning process.

Figurative associated with the perception of objects, phenomena, images. Depending on the perceptual receptor, it can be visual, auditory, tactile, gustatory, or olfactory.

Motor manifests itself in the brain’s ability to remember and reproduce motor processes. Thanks to him, it is impossible to forget how to ride a bike. This type is basic in the acquisition of any labor.

Emotional– fixation of related objects. This type appears to be the most reliable.

Arbitrary is a deliberate, meaningful attempt to remember specific information.

Involuntary characterized by spontaneity, works regardless of human efforts.

How to train your memory: the main rules for success.

To better store information, you must take into account a few simple but important rules:

  • It can, and most importantly, needs to be trained. Any work on yourself always brings success.
  • Regularity + systematicity is the key to the productivity of any workout. Such activities give a big boost to your overall health and also help your brain function better.
  • Imagination is useful, especially for memory.
  • always helps to move forward, which means it’s impossible without him. Thinking of memory as a muscle is a good motivation. If you train your memory (muscle) constantly, it will become toned, strong and elastic.
  • The more systems are involved, the more effective the training.
  • Perseverance and focus will help you achieve success.

Training your memory correctly: what needs to be done.

1. Study and reproduce logically unrelated elements.

For such training you can use words and numbers. The essence of the method is simple: below are 20 words/numbers, each of which has its own serial number. The condition of the task is to remember the word/number and its number for 40 seconds, and then reproduce it on a separate sheet.

The effectiveness of training is calculated as a percentage using the formula: K/20*100, where K is the number of correct words.

2. Remember faces, names, surnames.

For this method you need 10 photos (google images will do the job). The back of each photo contains inscriptions with the names and surnames of the people depicted on them (possibly fictitious). The task of the method is to sort out the photographs in a chaotic order and try to remember the names and surnames of the people depicted.

3. Read - retell.

This technique is familiar to everyone from school. Its essence is simple - read a fragment of the book, and then try to restore it in as much detail as possible. Such memory training also involves working with text, understanding it, and assimilating it. To make things a little easier, you can take notes on the most important points. They will serve as an outline for the retelling.

Motor memory training consists in repeated repetition, gradual training of the most motor processes. To ensure this type of development is effective, several details need to be observed:

  • Structure. Don't try to learn everything at once. Approach the work measuredly, with many repetitions.
  • Alternate theory with practice. The brain is not able to concentrate on one process for a long time, which means that changing active and passive perception will be more effective.
  • Rest is a change of activity. Changing activities will be a good rest for yourself and excellent work for the brain.
  • Variety + sleep. The combination of a mechanical activity with another monotonous one increases the efficiency of memorization, and sound sleep reduces forgetting by half.

4. Train visual memory.

Thanks to this type, most information is perceived, which means its development is necessary for a person.

Attention is the main motor apparatus of figurative memory. The ability to remember many little things, concentrate on details, and the ability to highlight the main thing is a merit of attention. Memory and attention training is possible anywhere, at any time. To do this, you need to try to concentrate more on the surrounding details: how passers-by are dressed, what colors predominate in your favorite establishment, how things are arranged on your desktop. The result of such training is difficult to verify, but it will make itself felt.

Additional training resources.

How to train your memory when you have little time and a lot of work? In this case, there are many developed programs for PCs and mobile devices. The main advantages of such applications are that they are convenient, easy to use, do not require much time and are always at hand.

Such resources work according to the scheme of initially determining the memory level, and then drawing up an individual program. The most popular and widespread are:

  • Vikium. The site contains not only simulators, but also online schools, courses and a competition system.
  • B-Trainika. A set of techniques and exercises aimed at developing and strengthening neural connections.
  • Memorado. These tests measure memory ability. The results tell you exactly what you need to do, what exercises exist for this.
  • Logic of numbers. The program speeds up the memorization process due to its focus on the numerical information system. A set of exercises that develop logic and attentiveness.
  • Language Memory Bomber helps to learn foreign words through visualization and association.

You should not limit yourself to this list, because at the moment there are a huge number of developed programs that can be selected individually.

How to make memory training effective?

So, there are a huge number of methods and trainings dedicated to improving memory skills. The icing on the cake will be tips, following which the learning process will become more productive.

  • Interesting material is remembered much better than boring, incomprehensible text.
  • Information is remembered more clearly if it is simple, clear and can be structured.
  • When memorizing the material you read, you need to carefully delve into the meaning, read it several times, breaking it into conventional fragments.
  • Information in a familiar area is remembered better than information that is encountered less frequently.
  • Constant repetition is the key to remembering more information.
  • Between the processes of studying and repetition, you need to observe pauses, give rest to the brain and the body as a whole.
  • It’s easier to remember by drawing parallels and associations with familiar objects and phenomena.
  • The information received must be spoken out loud.
  • Reading books and memorizing poetry will definitely be beneficial.
  • You don’t need to cram, but understand the meaning of what you’ve learned.
  • Learning foreign languages ​​will not only improve your memory, but will also be useful in future travels.

Memory is a unique and irreplaceable process. This is a “muscle” of the brain that can be improved with constant training. Developed, good motivation, perseverance and attentiveness will guarantee a good result, and the selection of interesting information and regular repetition will make training more effective. The main thing is not to maintain consistency. Using various techniques helps you choose the right one and develop your memory. Memory training is everyone's business, but if you put in the effort, there will be a result.

Human memory can be compared to a storehouse that stores that vast amount of information that opens people up to the potential for creativity in various directions. But with age, problems arise with memory and attention. Regular work on yourself will help you avoid this. Thus, the development of memorization in adults becomes important. What can you do to preserve your memory for as long as possible?

The main thing is training

Despite the abundance of works on this topic, memory continues to remain a mysterious phenomenon. It is traditionally believed that older people forget new information easily because the ability to remember is lost over time. However, it is known that the state of memory directly depends on a person’s well-being. When overworked, stressed, or lack of sleep, a large number of nerve cells are lost, which naturally affects the ability to remember. However, one should not be discouraged by this. Scientists believe that memory needs to be trained; this will allow one to preserve and improve the ability to memorize even in old age.

Memory development and healthy habits

Memory directly depends on the functioning of the human brain, for the full functioning of which it is necessary continuous saturation with oxygen. This activates mental activity and, therefore,... Regular ventilation of the room and so-called “oxygen breaks” will help you, when a person, after an hour of work, goes out into the fresh air to breathe.

Necessary to refuse from bad habits- smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages (beer is no exception), irregular working hours, leading to overwork. After all, they slow down the activity of the brain, which does not get the opportunity to work at full capacity.

In contrast, regular exercise and sports, healthy eight-hour sleep, and a balanced diet provide good opportunities for developing mental potential, and therefore strengthening memory.

Simple memory development exercises

The answer to the question of how to develop memory in an adult lies in the area of ​​its constant improvement. The same applies to attention and intelligence. Memory training is based on the following principles:

  • interest in the memorized object and its significance;
  • immersion in information, concentration and concentration;
  • sequential reproduction, gradual memorization.

Intellectual game tasks for adults provide invaluable assistance in memory development. It is not difficult to perform them; it is important to do it regularly, and not occasionally. Here are some of them.

  1. Name a couple of words; each of them should be accompanied by, for example, the following adjectives: edible, white, soft.
  2. Place several dominoes on the table surface. Look at them carefully for 10 seconds. Turn around and name the total amount on the knuckles.
  3. A person is usually able to invent and pay close attention to it. For example, smell different things: perfume, flowers, dishes or other objects. Compare the smells with each other, try to describe them in words.
  4. Take your time while eating. Savor your favorite dish or drink and feel the taste. If you do this constantly, you will remember what you eat. The memory will retain the taste of the foods consumed and this will subsequently become one of the many memories. Wine tasting is an effective exercise, but it should not be overdone.
  5. Listen to the sounds around you, try to analyze them. For example, you can identify musical instruments by listening to a symphony or brass band. If you hear the sound of a song in the distance, try to make out the words.
  6. Train your memory by remembering human faces that you often meet along the way. When examining, note something special that dominates your appearance: lips, nose, eyes, luxuriant hair, etc. However, do this unobtrusively, without attracting the person’s attention.
  7. While on the road, observe what is happening without clinging to extraneous thoughts. After this, closing your eyes, try to remember what you saw and heard.
  8. Memorize your favorite poems and catchphrases by reading slowly, highlighting significant words in them, recreating images in your mind.
  9. Remember phone numbers by training your memory for numbers. Add imaginative thinking here, associating the number with something: 1 - with a match, 2 - with a swan, and so on.
  10. Close your eyes and mentally reproduce the page of your work notebook, not forgetting about abbreviations and erasures. After a week, you can rejoice at the success of your memory.

An excellent memory is a great advantage for a person of any age, helping both in everyday life and in successful work. However, adults need to constantly develop it.

Author of the article: Sazonov Mikhail