Children's contests for February 23 for boys. Games and contests for discos and parties

The last winter holiday is the day of the defender of the fatherland. In schools, this holiday is taken with all seriousness. Girls prepare a holiday for their boys, come up with a script and contests. It is difficult to do this, because every year we have to come up with more and more new contests. To make it easier for you, we have new contests for February 23rd for 5th grade boys. Funny, drinking and lively contests are the best option for a holiday.

Assembly and disassembly of the machine.
In this competition, your boys will be able to collect the machine against the clock. But don't think he's not real.
First, find the picture of the machine. Then you print it on a printer and cut it into 9-12 pieces. Mix all parts and lay out on the table. At the command of the leader, the boys must connect their parts to get a picture of the machine. The one who coped first wins.

Competition - who knows best.
Divide the boys into teams. It is possible for three teams. Blow a whistle to each team. The presenter reads out the question, and if any team has an answer, it blows the whistle. If the answer is correct. It's a point. If the answer is not correct, then the command skips the next question. This is so that the teams do not just whistle and do not answer constantly without thinking.

Fell-wrung-out-stood up.
Everyone knows these three magic words. So the boys will get to know them. Only girls will help them. Each boy has two girls in his team. 5 inflated balloons lie nearby. At the command of the presenter, the girls help the boys to shove the ball under their shirt. After that, the boy should fall to the floor and squeeze out so that the ball bursts. Then he gets up and again shoves a ball under his shirt. And so on until someone bursts all five balls. And whoever has burst wins the competition and thanks the girls for their help.

And there will be no real bow in this competition. From which they shoot. You need an onion that grows in your garden bed. You also need big sacks of potatoes. The team consists of 2 people. One has 5 onions and the other is holding a bag. We draw two lines and the participants disagree for them. At the command of the leader, the time is recorded and the first throws the bow to the second, and the second catches it immediately into the bag. When all five bulbs are bagged, then time stops. For each uncaught onion, a penalty of 5 seconds. When all teams have played, that one wins. Which took the least time to get the bulbs into the bag.

Gifts for boys.
Now is the time to give gifts. They can be distributed to all the boys at once, or you can play. To do this, each girl takes any one gift and holds it behind her back. They take turns asking riddles. First, the first girl makes her own riddle. Which of the boys guessed. This girl comes up to that and gives a gift. And so on, everyone thinks of gifts and presents gifts.

Parties and corporate parties,dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, this is not only an occasion to meet and have fun with a family or a cheerful youth company, but also a chance to glorify the courage and beauty of a strong half of humanity.

Therefore, those are selected in which men of all ages can show off their erudition, artistry, romance, dexterity and strength.

Our collection contains cool games and contests for February 23, which are suitable for both youth and older companies.

1.Funny competition on February 23 "Knight on horseback".

For this competition, the host must take care of the props in advance: "armor" and two "horses" (the funnier these creatures are, the better: horse heads can be sewn by themselves, stuffing them with foam rubber and putting them on any stick). You can use cake boxes as armor. And the spears will be long balloons.

We choose the future knights from among the guests, they themselves appoint ladies for themselves, in whose name they will fight.

The essence of the tournament lies in the fact that, sitting on a "horse", knock down the enemy's armor with inflatable spears. The winner is the one who gets the job done faster.

As a reward to the winner, the lady hands over her flower (first to hand out small flowers to the ladies of the heart) and, as a sign of special disposition, agrees to make a circle of honor on his horse, or he does it alone to a solemn gallant melody, sending her air kisses. And the lucky man is declared a knight of the "Scarlet Rose"

The battle can be repeated several times. The participants were rewarded with applause and pleasure from the audience, and the winners were awarded certificates of the "knight" and the favor of the "lady of the heart".

For a close adult company, instead of flowers, ladies can give red garters, then the title will be appropriate - "Knight of the scarlet garter."

2. Cheerful game for February 23 "General's pants are equal on all sides."

For this game you need huge "general" pants with stripes. Each leg should be so large that an adult man can fit into it, and the “trousers” themselves are made of durable fabric, because the applicants “threaded” into the legs will pull each other in them.

The presenter invites two people who want to become a general, each fits into one of their legs. The goal of the players: to the song “How good it is to be a general”, to “overwhelm” the opponent, pulling over to your side, and get the coveted “general's shoulder straps” (you can make specially fake shoulder straps for encouragement).

3. Competition for February 23 "Cowboy fun".

For this fun, the presenter chooses men (boys) dressed in jeans and announces that, with the help of simple tests, he will now identify "real cowboys" among them.

At the beginning- warm-up: each player must write on a piece of paper all the colors of horses known to him. For each suit named, the player receives a point.

Then we evaluate the jeans worn by the participants, by the degree of wear (or by the number of rivets) on a five-point scale. The points earned are also credited to the players' account.

Real cowboy does not part with Marlboro cigarettes, so we check the number of cigarettes in men's pockets. The points are awarded as follows: one point for three cigarettes, who has "Marlboro" + 5 points. Non-smokers - we give 10 points for a healthy lifestyle.

And for a "snack" we arrange a rodeo, only instead of horses and bulls, each has one chair: we put it at a distance of five to six meters from the participant, in our hands - a rope tied into a lasso. The player's task is to throw his disastrous lasso on the peacefully grazing chair. Three attempts are given. The maximum score is ten.

To calculate points, it is most convenient to organize a jury of spectators, they will calculate the points and summarize the results.

And as a gift to real cowboys, of course, you need to present something "cowboy" - toy pistols, a horse, hats or a branded label for jeans.

4. "Noble Cossack".

7. "Our heroic strength".

This is an exclusively male competition, because here you have to do push-ups. The presenter is recruiting five to seven contenders for the title of hero. They are assigned one at a time - two observers, it is better to let them be ladies.

For the first time, men do push-ups for three minutes. The number of exercises done is recorded by observers. The results are immediately announced to the public. After a minute of rest and encouraging chatter, the toastmaster begins the second round. It lasts

two minutes. Only a minute is given for the third round, and during this time passions among the fans are heating up to the limit.

Of course, the winner is the one of the men who squeezes the most times in the sum of three rounds. In a solemn atmosphere he is awarded a souvenir medal and the title of "Hero".

8. "I paint, I paint you."

For this small competition, you will need two or three easels, on which different types of women's faces are already applied: oval, round, pear-shaped.

We call two or three volunteers. The host announces that male volunteers need to draw their beloved woman blindfolded. They can choose the type of face that suits them.

We turn on the music - you can use Yaka Yola's old song "I draw, I draw you", as soon as the song ends, the bandages are removed from the men and everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the works of the hands of men in love.

9. "Pirates of the 21st century".

For the competition, from 4 to 6 men are selected (depending on how many props are). Each of them is given pirate hats and a pirate name is assigned: Bloodthirsty Joe, Ruthless Sue, Merry Smith, etc.

Participants stand in a circle, each comes up with "his" greeting with a hat. The host then warns that a real pirate needs to be very careful and have a good reaction in order to survive. It should be remembered that when the presenter says "one" - everyone raises their hat and shouts "Hey!" "4" means that you need to grab the neck of a comrade standing on the left hand and shout "Rhea!"

The presenter tries to confuse the players to the music playing in the background. The game goes to elimination, made a mistake - "died", hands over his hat, and his comrades tell him; “Hey-hey, Bloody Joe! (name of a particular pirate) ”and wave their hats goodbye to him. So, until the most attentive remains - a prize and applause for him.

10. "This guy is the most accurate."

This one too. To measure the degree of accuracy of the amused defenders of the fatherland, you can use "Darts". In this case, the distance between the target and the player should be a meter - one and a half, so as not to throw it in vain.

As an option: throwing open (that is, without a cap) markers or markers: glue a homemade target drawn on a regular sheet of Whatman paper on the wall and hand the players “darts” - markers. The winner, of course, is determined by the sum of the points scored.

11. "Tank battle".

The presenter needs to prepare in advance a couple of large easels with large blank sheets of Whatman paper (or simply large sheets of paper fixed on something), so that there is a "field" for creativity, because they will draw with their eyes closed and collectively. It is advisable to unfold the easels to the audience so that the participants in the game have their backs to everyone, and the process is clearly visible to the fans.

So, the rules of the game: first, we recruit two mixed teams of equal number. We propose to inspect the toy tank (especially the ladies need it), and then we announce that each member of the team will draw a certain part of this combat vehicle with their eyes closed. The presenter invites the players to agree among themselves who draws what and, with the help of assistants, blindfolds the participants.

To the cheerful music and comments of the leader, the teams “create” when the last participant finishes drawing his part - everyone takes off the bandages and the teams admire their “masterpieces”.

The winners can be proposed to the guests with the help of applause. Let the losing team "fire" the winners with kisses, as a prize to give everyone toy tanks.

12. "Funny divers".

For this fun competition a "strip" of obstacles is being prepared: pins, bottles, etc. (or simply read aloud the route for the participants to memorize and follow as accurately as possible). Participants are given equipment, for example, fins and goggles for swimming or binoculars, which must be held, on the contrary (if possible: lifebuoy, vest, rubber gloves). The exit of the “divers” can be decorated with the song “Wow, you, we left the bay”.

First task: complete an obstacle course or a developed route

Second task“To find treasure” - in full ammunition to collect as many pearls as possible in a minute (these can be balls or balls), for example, to the song “There under the ocean”,

Third task- dance your dance (draw out cards with the names of songs and dance to it). It's better to take songs


1. Development of skills to work in a team, rallying a classy team.

2. Strengthening a favorable psychological climate in the classroom, humanizing relationships.

3. Education in schoolchildren of universal and moral values, the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Duration: 60 minutes.

Role set: hosts, jury, 3 teams.

Material used: three A4 sheets, three scarves, three felt-tip pens - for the competition of captains, three packs of paper clips - for the competition "Chain", cards with questions - for the competition "Quiz", three balls and three pins - for the relay "If way ... ", three rolls of toilet paper - for the competition" Mummy ", a score sheet for the jury.

Preparatory stage:

Each team is given a task - to prepare a name and motto; fans (girls) prepare posters on the theme: "Defenders of the Fatherland Day" for the poster competition.

Evaluation criteria:

Presentation of teams - max 10 points.

Competition 1 - warm-up "Word battle" - I place - 5 points;

II place - 4 points; III place - 3 points.

Competition 2 - "Competition of captains" - for each of the tasks - 5 points.

Competition 3 - "Chain" - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points,

III place - 3 points.

Competition 4 - "Quiz" for each correct answer - 1 point.

Competition 5 - relay race "If you went out with a friend ..." - I place - 5 points, II place - 4 points, III place - 3 points.

Competition 6 - "Mummy" - max 10 points.

Fan Contest - Poster Contest - max 10 points.

Event progress

1st presenter. Today is not just a February day, today is a special day. We have gathered to congratulate our boys on the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland!

On February 23, 1918, the Red Army was formed. And this day began to be celebrated as the birthday of the Red Army.

After the formation of the USSR, this holiday was renamed into the Day of the Soviet Army. Later it was named the Day of the Armed Forces and the Navy. And now February 23rd is the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.

But this day has always been a holiday for men. And today we glorify the defenders of the Fatherland.

We wish you all to become strong, courageous, brave, to protect the weak, to become worthy representatives of our Motherland.

And now you can show your courage, courage, resourcefulness and solidarity.

1st student.

We admonish you amicably -

A great success awaits

Who, without flinching, if necessary,

Will join the battle one for all.

2nd student.

Let the jury fight the whole course of the battle

She will follow without a mistake

Who will be friendlier -

He will win in battle.

1st presenter... Dear teams, now you need to choose a captain and represent your team with dignity.

In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we present you with the jury.

2nd presenter... Often the defenders of the Fatherland have to deal with weapons. Do you know many types of weapons? Let's check it out.

Our the first competition is called "Word battle"... You should remember as many names of weapons as possible and, without repeating yourself, name them in turn. The team that remembers more names wins.

1st presenter... Our the second competition - "Competition of captains"... Indeed, quite often the success of the whole team depends on the captains, how they show themselves.

If the captain proves himself strong, courageous and resourceful, then his team will be cohesive and successful. We ask the captains to come out, and let the teams support them.

a) Every captain, first of all, must be strong. Therefore, let's see which of you will squeeze out more times from the floor. (Captains take turns doing push-ups while teams and fans count.)

b) Also, the captain must be tough. Which one of you can hold a girl in your arms longer?

c) In order to find a way out of a difficult situation and not let down his comrades, the captain must be resourceful.

We found out that you know many types of weapons, but can you draw a tank with your eyes closed?

The captains are blindfolded, brought to the board, on which the A4 sheet is attached. give in hand a felt-tip pen.

2nd leader. The success of our soldiers in battle is determined by the fact that they support each other, do not abandon their comrades in trouble.

In our next competition, called "Chain", we will test the cohesion of the team, the ability to help each other and act in concert.

You are offered the same number of staples. The team that will quickly assemble one chain from them will win this competition.

On the count of "three" teams begin to complete the task.

1st presenter. Defenders of the Fatherland are distinguished not only by strength, courage and endurance. A true defender of the Fatherland must be smart and well-read.

Next competition - "Quiz".

Captains receive cards with questions and the whole team will answer them.

The answer is written on the card. The captains read the answers aloud. If the answer is not recorded on the card, the verbal answer will not be defended. You are given three minutes for this task.

Time has gone!


1. What formidable weapon is the girl's name? (Katyusha.)

2. In what year was the Red Army formed? (In 1918)

3. What weapon is named after its inventor? (Kalashnikov assault rifle.)

4. What are the names of shoulder insignia in the Russian army? (Shoulder straps.)

5. What is the name of a teenager studying marine science? (Cabin boy.)

6. What do a tree and a rifle have in common? (Trunk.)

7. What device can be used to determine the cardinal points? (Using a compass.)

1st presenter. Fighting bravely on the battlefield, a soldier may be injured. And who will help him if not a friend?

Our final competition - "Mummies".

Imagine that your captain is wounded in the arm. You need to bandage it, do it quickly and efficiently.

Each team is given one roll of toilet paper. After the students have bandaged the captain's hand, they go to the jury, which evaluates the quality of the assignment.

1st presenter. While the teams are doing the task, let's run a Fan Contest - a poster contest.

The jury evaluates this competition.

2nd presenter... So, now let's give the distinguished jury time to sum up the results of the tournament. And at this time we will hold a "war song contest". Let's split into two teams by class with the fans. Your task is to remember as many military songs as possible and hum them.

1st presenter. And now we give the floor to the jury.

The jury announces the winners of the tournament and awards them with diplomas.

1st student.

Thank you all for your attention,

For the enthusiasm and ringing laughter,

For the fire of the competition.

Ensuring success.

2nd student.

The moment of goodbye has come

Our speech will be brief:

We say goodbye to everyone

Until a happy new meeting! ".

Defender of the Fatherland Day (game - competition for primary school students)

Target: Create a party atmosphere in a competitive game.


Development of memory, attention, organization, independence;

Formation of collectivism;

Development of speech, creativity, cognitive interest of students;

Formation of an attentive and careful attitude towards your classmates

1. Performance of girls with congratulations:

There is one funny class

We have 12 boys.

Congratulations to them today

This is what we wish them.

Learn only 5

We will help you.

Only, mind you, do not ask

And never fight with us.

Good health

We want to wish you

Best of all to ski

And beat everyone in football!

May good luck be with you

Only you are friends with us.

You help us in everything,

Protect us from others.

In general, lovely boys,

We will reveal a secret for you

Best of all in this world

No one, of course!

Competitive program (all boys in the class are divided into 2 teams.)

Best Fisherman

Team members take turns calling fishing items... The last one won.

- Agree proverb(the teams take turns completing the task, if the team finds it difficult, the fans help)

Birds of a feather flock together)

That's why the pike in the lake, so that ... (the crucian did not doze)

Without fish and ... (fish cancer)

You can't catch it without difficulty ... (fish from the pond)

A fish is looking for where it is deeper, but a man ... (better)

The fish goes out from ... (head)

You can see a chatterbox by a word, and a fisherman by ... (catch)

There is a bite, there will be ... (catch)

Any fish is good if ... (hook went)


What kind of fish did the godfather carry in the Russian folk song "Along the Piterskaya"? (zander)

What kind of fish develops a speed of up to 100 km / h? (sword)

Which fish lies on one side? (flounder)

Which fish has hot blood? (tuna)

Fish herd? (cant)

The biggest fish in the river? (som)

Male name and fish? (Carp)

Stargazer and aquarium fish (telescope)

- Game "Catch a fish"

The teams stand up. Opposite each team there is a basin of water, where “fish” - matches - swim. You need to catch a match with a spoon, bring it and put it on a plate. Who quickly.

2. Nomination "Best Culinary Specialist"

- Bake the cake

Each team writes on a piece of paper in one minute the names of the products that are needed to make the cake.

- Build a bagel pyramid

Opposite each team is a stick from the pyramid. Each team has bagels on the table. Participants take a bagel with their mouths without using hands, run to the pyramid, put on a bagel. .Who quickly.

3. Nomination "Best Driver"

- Formula 1

Use the string to hold the machine between the pins without dropping them.

- Race

A pencil is tied to the typewriter. Who will bring the machine to his place faster, winding the rope around a pencil.

4. Nomination "Secret Agent"

- Explainers

Explain the words with facial expressions:



An airport

- Pantomime


Chess duel

On the table, each team has a chessboard drawn on a piece of paper and cut into irregular figures. Who will collect faster.

5. Nomination "Intellectual"

Tricky question

If the chair is below the table, then the table ... (above)

If the river is deeper than the stream, then the stream ... (smaller)

If a sister is older than a brother, then a brother ... (younger)

If the right hand is on the right, then the right leg ... (right)

Which five-letter word is 5 -O (again)

What is between the river and the bank? (letter I)

What is the product of all numbers? (0)

What kind of dish can you not eat anything from? (from empty)

Collect the word

Collect the word on the board the letters O M K D A R IN. Who quickly.


Summing up the game. Girls give gifts.


1. Magazine "We read, learn, play" 1998. # 1

2. V. Georgievsky Holding holidays in elementary school. Moscow, education 1988

3. EI Romashova Happy birthday for children. Moscow ART-PRESS.

February 23 is a holiday for all men. To diversify the party dedicated to the Defenders of the Fatherland Day, mobile and table contests will help. In them, representatives of the strong half of humanity get the opportunity to show off their intelligence and ingenuity, strength and dexterity, artistry, romance. Games for February 23 at school or kindergarten reveal the most dexterous, strong, hardy, erudite boy.

    The presenter invites all interested men and explains the concept of the game. He tells them that this is a competition for the most dexterous. He suggests that they imagine that they need to fish out all the little things scattered by a woman from the river. Tennis balls, sweets, boxes, and various small objects are scattered on the floor. To create a real picture of fishing, the host asks the men to roll up their pants as high as possible. He gives them a bag to collect, and the bustle begins. When they complete the task, the host announces that it was a competition for the slender legs. The winner is determined by the female half of the hall.

    Fisherman fisherman game

    The game is played by two men. To carry it out, you will need 2 fishing rods with hooks and a box with comedy things: children's tights, family shorts, a wide hat, a skirt, etc.

    Fishermen pick up fishing rods. A box with things is placed at a certain distance from them. On the whistle, the fishermen begin to throw their fishing rods into the box. The participant who pulls out the thing gives it to his opponent. He must wear it. After that, the game continues.

    The task of each participant is to dress their opponent beautifully. "Fishing" lasts 5 minutes. The fisherman who has managed to better dress the opponent wins. The audience decides the winner.

    The competition involves 2 teams of 4 boys. It requires a lot of free space. From the props you will need 2 stools, 8 sheets, 8 tubes, 2 liter cans, sweet water. Stools are placed in a row at a certain distance from each other. Sheets are put underneath. Jars filled with sweet water are placed on the stools. Next to each jar, you need to put 4 tubes.

    Teams line up in 2 lines at the same distance from the stools. At the “start” command, the first participants must, spreading their arms to the sides and imitating the roar of an airplane, run to their “own” stool, make an eight and stand next to them. After that the next player of the team can "fly out". When all the participants in this way fly to the stool, the "planes" will need refueling. Boys should take straws in their mouths and drink all the water from the can together. After that, the participants take a sheet each. They attach two edges of the sheet to the belt, and take the other two in their hands. The players take turns to jump from the stool and return back from where they started at the beginning of the competition. The winner is the team whose members return to the start faster.

    The competition is attended by men. Participants go to the center of the room or hall and take turns complimenting the women. Ladies at this time make sure that the words are not repeated. The winner of the competition is the man who said the most compliments to women.

    Examples of words: desirable, considerate, charming, attractive, beautiful, beautiful, prosperous, charming.

    Participants are divided into teams. The facilitator prepares one word for each team (the number of letters must correspond to the number of participants) and plates with letters (letters can be written on sheets of paper). Each player receives one letter. The task of the team is to make a word from the letters received and line up with the signs in the appropriate order. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

    Men are divided into 2 teams. They are given a pound weight. They take turns lifting it over their heads with one hand. Each lift gives the participant 1 point. The player can approach the projectile 1 time. After the performance of all team members, the points of its players are added up. The team with the most points wins.

    Game "Funny congratulations"

    The competition is attended by women. The presenter gives each participant a men's congratulation on February 23, in which adjectives are missing, and cards with adjectives. The player's task is to choose adjectives and fill in the blanks to his taste (each adjective is allowed to be used 1 time). The contestant wins with the funniest congratulations.

    On this _____ and _____ day, we congratulate our _____ and _____ men on February 23rd. We wish you _____ health, _____ love and _____ life! May each day bring _____ experiences and _____ experiences. May all _____ dreams come true.
    Your _____ women.

    Adjectives: sour, drunk, lazy, dear, harmful, affectionate, honest, cheerful, invigorating, costly, happy, precious, correct, funny, rich, good.

    Ready-to-use text option:
    In that happy and invigorating day congratulations to our harmful and lazy men from 23 February. We wish you funny health, costly love and honest life! May every day bring correct impressions and sour an experience. Let all be fulfilled drunk dreams.
    Your affectionate women.

    Congratulations text and a list of adjectives, you can think of others.

    The competition is attended by 4 people. Each participant can choose an opponent for himself.

    The first 2 contestants sit opposite each other at the same table, the second 2 - at the other. 4 small cream cakes are brought into the room. Each participant is put on a plate for 1 cake.

    The task of each participant is to eat the sweetness as quickly as possible without using the hands. There are 2 rounds in the competition. In the first round, 2 winners are determined, who will then compete with each other, eating the second portion of the cakes.

    The participant who eats the sweetness faster in the second round becomes the winner.

    Word Search Game

    Students are divided into 2 teams. The presenter announces to each of them one word with the same number of letters, and the letters should not be repeated. The task of the participants is to find the cards with letters from the announced words, previously hidden by the presenter, within 5 minutes. If a player finds a letter from his word, the team is awarded 1 point. If the letter of the opponent is hit, the team gets 2 points. After the time expires, the points are calculated. The team with the most points wins.