Basta (Noggano) - biography, photos, songs, personal life, clips, albums, height, weight. Basta - biography, family, personal life, career, income and photo Basta was in the center

Basta (Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko) is a famous Russian musician, producer and TV presenter. A man in a short period of time has become a real idol for millions of people.

Crowded halls and stadiums gather at his performances. He toured not only in Russia, big concerts thundered in the USA and Europe. It was this rapper who became a truly folk performer.

Photo: Alina Platonova /

What is the secret of a musician's success?

The text of this article contains the most Interesting Facts about the biography, career and personal life of Basta.

Biography of Vasily Vakulenko

The boy was born on April 20, 1980 in the city of Rostov-on-Don. His father was in the military and was often on the road, and his mother worked in the market. The guy was raised by his grandfather (who also used to be a military man). It was he who came to the parents' meetings of his grandson and helped him with his homework.

2. Start learning music.

In parallel with studying at secondary school No. 32, the guy began to comprehend the art of music. At first, the teenager did not want to attend boring lessons, but Vasily was particularly influenced by his grandmother, who made him go to classes regularly.

After some time, he entered a specialized school for a conductor, but never completed his studies.

3. Teenage hobbies.

The young man was very fond of listening to rap. At this time, hip-hop artists from the United States began to rapidly gain popularity in Russia. The guy's favorite musicians were the Wu-tang clan and Busta Rhymes. The boy recorded the first tracks at school.

4. Passion for drugs.

Vasily first used illegal substances at the age of 18. During his life, he tried most of the common types of hallucinogens. The novice drug addict was on the verge of death several times, frequent overdoses rapidly destroyed his health. It was only in 2003 that the bad habit was completely overcome.

5. Anthropometric data.

The height of a man is 181 centimeters, and his weight is 95 kilograms.

Vasily Vakulenko's career

6. The beginning of the creative path.

The musician's career began in 1997, when he became one of the members of the Psycholyric rap group. The first track of the teenager was called "City", the future idol of millions then performed under the pseudonym Basta Khryu.

After some time, Vasily suggested renaming the group. The new name - "Kasta", was liked by all members of the association.

7. First hit.

The young man wrote the song "My Game" at the age of 18, he first performed it in the Rostov Palace of Sports. Great success gave rise to the beginning of the tour, about 6 thousand people came to each concert of the young performer.

8. Cooperation with "Gazgolder".

Drug problems caused the guy's creative crisis, he disappeared from large venues for several years. In 2002, the rapper moved to Moscow with a close friend to find an opportunity to prove himself to a wider audience.

Basta's tracks fell into the hands of Bogdan Titomir in time, who invited the songwriter to become part of the Gazgolder creative association. A couple of months later, the rapper's debut album appeared.

At the moment, Vasily Vakulenko is the owner of this record label. It includes many famous musicians(Scryptonite, Smokey Mo, T-Fest).

9. Aliases.

Basta is not the only creative name of the artist. He recorded several compositions as Noganno. These songs are characterized by rudeness and prerogative lyrics. The new lyrical hero actively cursed and was a real bastard.

N1NT3ND0 is another pseudonym for Vasily, the cyber-gang tracks released were very brutal. They were distinguished by unique music and specific performance.

10. Creative success.

In 2010, Basta has already become famous throughout the country. Celebrity musical compositions were played on the radio, he was often invited to various events. Now Vasily begins to develop in other areas of life. He works as a director, screenwriter, composer, producer and actor on the film "Gasholder".

During this time, he also recorded several collaborative tracks with Smokey Mo, Boombox, Rem Digga and 25/17.

11. The most recognizable rapper in the country.

In 2015, Basta became the first rap artist who managed to hold a concert at the Olimpiysky Stadium in Moscow. He also took part as a mentor in the television show "Voice".

The famous musician does not forget to write tracks, the songs "Graduation" and "Samsara" gained wide popularity.

Personal life of Vasily Vakulenko

12. Family, children.

Vasily met his future wife Elena Pinskaya in a nightclub. A wealthy girl (her dad is a well-known businessman) got used to the new living conditions for a long time. At the moment, the couple is raising two daughters - Marina and Vasilisa.

Other facts about Bast

13. Main hobbies.

The rapper loves to skate and snowboard. He is also an avowed football fan. The public chose Basta as the ambassador of the 2018 World Cup from Rostov-on-Don.

His favorite clubs are CSKA and Rostov. The star has been a fan of these teams since childhood and sometimes attends matches at the stadium. In addition, the man is interested in European championships, he occasionally watches Liverpool FC matches on TV.

14. Scandal with Decel.

In 2016, Gazgolder held a large musical event in a large open space. The concert was a little delayed, thus the organizers violated the “Law on Silence”. Rapper Kirill Tolmatsky (Decl) dedicated a couple of posts on his Twitter with negative reviews about a creative association that keeps the locals awake at night.

Basta did not remain silent, he stated that "Decl is a shaggy schmuck." This event gave Tolmatsky a reason to file a lawsuit against Vasily for moral damage and public insults. According to the court decision, the rapper was obliged to pay the victim 50,000 rubles.

This scandalous situation was not completed, Decl continued to write negatively about the Gas Holder (for example, he called Scryptonite an ordinary visiting worker from the east). Basta again continued to troll his opponent on Twitter, which Tolmatsky again sued.

15. Conflict with Nonmagic.

Well-known video bloggers from Kemerovo rudely criticized Basta's film "Gazgolder", the guys tried to hurt the rapper's dignity as much as possible.

After they began to compare Vasily's mother with a porn actress, the celebrity could no longer endure. A competition was announced on Twitter, the winner of which was supposed to take an extreme photo with bloggers.

A big scandal arose, as YouTubers could be in danger. The rapper himself soon called this incident an unsuccessful joke.

Vasily Mikhailovich Vakulenko, better known as Basta. Also, his work has other, no less famous pseudonyms - Noggano and Nintendo.

Singer-rapper, musician, actor and radio host. He is actively engaged in producing under his own brand Gazgolder.

Childhood and youth

The future representative of rap culture was born in Rostov-on-Don on April 20, 1980. His parents were military men.

The grandmother had a great influence on the boy. It was she who convinced Vasily to start studying at a music school.

There he first went on stage and realized that this is what he would like to do in life.

In childhood

As a teenager, he began to listen to the work of Ol' Dirty Bastards, Busta Rhymes and the Wu-Tang Clan.

It was they who inspired at the age of 15 to make his first debut in rap reading.

He turned out to be successful, and Vasily decides to develop in this particular musical genre.

At the insistence of the family, after school, he submits documents for admission to a music school.

It was boring for him to comprehend the intricacies of the conductor's profession. Having passed the summer session and having completed only 1 course, Vasily quits his studies.

He is attracted by rap culture, and at the age of 17 the young man is already creating his first track "City".

The beginning of the creative path

In 1997, Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) became a full-fledged member of the Psycholyric group.

After 2 years, this team, at the suggestion of Vasily, will be renamed "Casta".

The track "City" was included in the group's debut album - "First Strike". At this time, Vasily takes on the pseudonym Basta Khryu.

The first popularity comes, but everyone knows him under an assumed name.

At the age of 18, Basta writes the work that he considers the most important in his career - "My Game".

He performed it at the local Sports Palace during some festive mass event.

This brings him great success and recognition on the street. The inspired young man begins to work even more actively.

Having created a concert program with Igor Zhelezka, he begins to organize the first tour. At first they perform at small venues in their native Rostov.

Seeing the success and demand from the public, they give concerts throughout the Krasnodar Territory.

They began to be trusted with large venues where the group could gather up to 7 thousand people.

Then Basta took a breather. For some time nothing was known about him. He retired from concert activity.

The history of the creation of the Basta group

In 2002, Vasily's friend, Yuri Volos, suggested that he organize a home studio and record new tracks without leaving his home.

Yuri installed sound equipment and a computer, and Basta again took up creativity.

He began to write new compositions and restore old tracks.

However, they failed to find producers for the release and promotion of new songs. It was decided to try their luck in the capital.

Basta and Y. Volos leave for Moscow with the hope of signing a contract with some recording studio there.

However, everything is not going very well. Then a young rapper PKK joins the friends.

Basta will subsequently write many joint compositions with him.

One of the draft versions of the disc falls into the hands of Bogdan Titomir. It is he who brings the guys to the Gazgolder recording association.

In 2006, the first album of the Basta group was presented to the public. He had great success. The entire edition sold out in a few weeks.

Soon the musicians are shooting a video clip for the song "Autumn". He immediately appears on the air of music channels.

In 2007, the Basta group is finishing work on the next album, Basta-2. Here you can hear joint tracks with KRP, Maxim, Lesya Verba.

A year later, the clip "City of Roads" was awarded the prestigious MTV Russia Music Awards.

This gave an additional impetus to further development in this area. In the spring of 2010, Basta presents the next disc - "Basta 3".

This year, Vasily begins to work as a composer. He records music and soundtracks for films.

Joint work with Guf results in a new album 'Basta / Guf' (release date: 11/10/2010).

Participation in other projects

Basta has a unique performance. In addition to music, he is engaged in dubbing.

In 2009, he worked on the soundtrack for the film District 13: Ultimatum. At the beginning of 2011, Basta creates new project with the name Bratia Stereo.

Coupet and other musicians also participate in it. Together they create a mix of a variety of musical styles.

Already in October, the release of the album N1NT3ND0 (Nintendo) took place. In 2013, the documentary film “Vladimir Mayakovsky. Third wheel".

In this picture, Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) himself reads the poet's poems. In September of this year, he writes music for the film "Spring in Florence", dedicated to the life of the artist E. Bulatov.

In 2014, Basta, together with the Gazgolder team, creates his full-length film "Gazgolder".

Here the rapper tries himself as a director, screenwriter and producer.

Moreover, he performs leading role in your painting. The film was a box office failure and received a negative response from critics.

In 2015, he received invitations to participate as a mentor in the TV project "Voice". Basta occupied the red chair for 4 months.

In 2017, a presentation of a new video for the song "Samsara" took place. In it, the singer focused on family values.

Baby photos of Basta and his friends appear in the video.

Basta's personal life

Married to Elena Pinskaya. Their acquaintance happened by chance in one of the Moscow restaurants in November 2007.

And the initiative was shown by the girl who was there with her friend. The rapper also came to the restaurant not alone, but with a companion.

With Elena Pinskaya

Elena had previously been interested in Basta's work, so she immediately recognized him as a famous person.

When the singer went outside, the girl followed him. She introduced herself first, and expressed her admiration for the musician's talent.

I left my phone number. Thus began their romance, which six months later turned into a civil marriage.

Vasily already understood that Elena would become his wife. He made proposals to the girl several times, but received a polite refusal.

She was married in her youth, and this experience turned out to be negative. Elena was not ready to go to the registry office, as she was afraid to make a mistake again.

However, Basta stubbornly sought the girl's hand. He also insisted on the wedding.

With kids

Only when Elena found out about the pregnancy, the young people were able to sign. Official registration took place on 11.06.2009.

The couple got married the next day. They did not organize a wedding celebration, they just went to the club in the evening to have fun.

A few months later, the family was replenished with a beautiful daughter, Maria. On this Elena and Vasily decided not to stop.

Vasilisa was born 4 years later. The musician considers his daughters and wife the main value in life.

It is in the family that he draws strength and inspiration for new musical achievements. He had an excellent relationship with his mother-in-law.

Elena's mother lives in Paris and is a famous journalist. Sometimes she asks him to compose music for her documentaries.

The real name of the singer Basta is Vasily Vakulenko. He is a well-known domestic rap artist, mentor of the popular vocal show "Voice" and a showman.

Childhood and youth

The future celebrity spent his childhood in Rostov, his parents were military. His parents had nothing to do with creative professions, but having seen talent in Bast, they sent the little boy to a music school.

After graduating from ten classes, Noggano decided to enter a music school in the Don capital. Vasily Vakulenko chose the conductor's department as his profile. However, after a certain period of time, he realized that he would not be able to realize himself in this direction. In the 90s, when rap culture gradually began to spread, Basta, like many others, succumbed to this phenomenon.


Vakulenko wrote his first text at the age of 15. Two years later, the talented musician was accepted into the Psycholyric group, which was eventually renamed Casta. Among fans of rap art, the Rostovite was known as Basta Khryu. During this period, his iconic track "City" was born.

Then, together with his friend rapper Igor Zhelezka, the artist went on a small tour, the performers had to perform at a variety of concert venues, among which were stadiums of 6-7 thousand fans in size. Vakulenko dreamed that this moment would last as long as possible, but soon the idyll ended. As a result, Basta did not perform for a long time.

In 2002, the creative activity of Vasily Vakulenko resumed. Then one of his friends suggested that Noggano create a recording studio. Having purchased special equipment, the artist restored his old demos and created many new ones. But after a while, almost no one remembered the performer, and it was not easy to find a mentor. Quite by chance, Basta's demos ended up with Bogdan Titomir. He liked the tracks of the novice artist, and he called the native of the Don capital to Moscow. There, Vakulenko visited the studio of the Gazgolder collective, where they showed increased attention to him.

In 2007, the artist became recognizable as Noggano. Over the next three years, the public heard three of his albums. At the same time, Basta tried himself as a film producer, screenwriter, director and actor. We are talking about the shooting of his own film called "Tea Drunkard". It should be noted that the artist really liked writing scripts. He started doing it more often. Further, Vakulenko had a chance to work in the film project "Tales for Adults". Now on account of Basta shooting in six films, producing and directing work.

Along with success in this area, the artist strengthens partnerships with colleagues in the shop. In 2010, connections were made with rapper Guf. In the autumn of the same year, an untitled album was released in a regular gray booklet.

A year later, the public saw the work of Nintendo, in which Basta showed a completely different style. After that, fans began to wait for other experiments.

In 2016, Vasily Vakulenko signed a contract with Channel One, according to which he became one of the mentors of the Voice show. He was accompanied by Grigory Leps, Polina Gagarina and Alexander Gradsky.

Hits and clips

Vakulenko celebrated his coming of age with the track "My Game". This track is a landmark in the career of the Russian artist, some still consider this composition one of the best.

In 2006, two new clips of Basta "Once and For All" and "Autumn" were released. The artist promoted the video works via the Internet. The musical composition "Mom" also became very famous.

The main track is the song "Graduation". Netizens called him legendary. Many have suggested that this composition will not leave the walls of schools during graduation parties for a long time.

Basta does not forget about cooperation with colleagues. He had a chance to work with Polina Gagarina, the Nerva group, Alena Omargalieva ("Paradise Between Us").

Vasily Vakulenko distinguished himself by singing songs from the Soviet period. Fans were struck by his number for the song "Dark Night".

Basta today

Basta is actively working on a new album. He announced many unique innovations. One of the last musical works of the Rostovite "Master and Margarita". In it, Vakulenko sounded completely different. Fans expect from Basta and new productions. Everyone remembers April 2015, when the rapper was the first of the artists of his style to put together a complete "Olympic". The rapper's performance was accompanied by a symphony orchestra. The live sound and the scale of the show literally captivated the fans of the Rostovite.

Personal life

Vasily Vakulenko is happily married, his wife's name is Elena. He met her quite unexpectedly. The initiator of the relationship was the girl herself, who is a longtime fan of his work.

The rapper's wife is the daughter of a popular columnist Tatyana Pinskaya. She now lives in France. At first, the future mother-in-law, when she saw Basta in tattoos, was literally horrified, but, having familiarized herself with his creative sketches, she admitted that her daughter's chosen one is a very talented musician and lyricist.

Noggano also managed to work with his mother-in-law. He composed several soundtracks for her films.

Vasily Vakulenko married Elena Pinskaya in 2009. The couple made the decision to get engaged before God. Soon children were born in a young family. The first daughter, who was named Maria, was born in 2009. Four years later, the wife gave her beloved daughter Vasilisa.


Now blogging is a popular trend. Basta decided not to give in to fashion trends and started his own channel on the popular YouTube video hosting. The project was named Gaslife. The shows are held in the format of interviews with the stars, where there are various entertaining inserts. Philip Kirkorov, Yuri Dud, Olga Buzova and many others have already visited the impromptu studio. The last Basta even decided to write a song, supporting the aspiring artist.

“Soviets are the most destructive thing of mankind”

Real name:Vasily Vakulenko
Alias:Basta x Basta Khryu x Basta Bastilio x Noggano x N1NTENDO
Date of Birth: 20.04.1980
Zodiac sign: Aries/Taurus
City: Rostov-on-Don
Nationality: Russian
Growth: 181 cm
Weight: 95 kg

3 part biographyBasts from the siteyou will learn about who and what Vasily Vakulenko lives with. After all, in addition to music - Basta is still a great family man and a father with many children, for whom the family is the most important achievement.

Read also:

Basta often talks about the duality of his hero, about two states of mind. When he is in the warmth of the hearth -he is a gentle husband, a loving son and a good father. In a word - Basta. In the rest of his life - Noggano.

Basta - Personal Life

As we wrote earlier,Basta was a very shy teenager. His first girlfriend appeared only at the age of 16, the second at the age of 20-25 years. The third one became his wife.

“Respect is the highest stage of love”

Almost nothing is known about the intermediate relationship, except that the second girl left him when Vasya had already moved to Moscow.She did not want to wait for him, and she went to his friend Max.

Basta's wife - Elena Pinskaya (Vakulenko)

As you know, opposites attract. But who knew that so much? In 2007Basta performed in a cozy club "Simachev", where his future darling was resting that day.

She has long listened to the work of Bastaand treated him positively. After the performance, the girl approached Vasily toexpress your love for his music, absolutely not embarrassed by the rapper's other girlfriend who was there at the moment.

A strong feeling flared up between people. Fate decreed that Vasya and Lenalived almost in the same block. She is on Aptekarskaya, and he is on Gorokhovskaya.

It turned out that Basta and Lena Pinskayawere absolutely from different planes, because he was “Rostov hooligan" and she is the daughter winery owner and fashion journalist living in France.

But this did not frighten Basta in the slightest. At first, friends did not want to accept Lena's chosen one, but after that he found a common language with everyone, including his parents. By the wayElena's mother was also a fan of his work.

Interesting fact:

Likes to snowboard

After 2 years, Lena became pregnant, and they signed, and then got married in the church.

“Here we are a couple, although not a couple at all”

Basta - Eldest Daughter

Eldest daughter Basta and Elensky Pinskoy (Vakulenko)was born on December 3, 2009. Her parents gave her a nameMaria(Masha) Vakulenko. Like her father, she shows an interest in music.The baby has already managed to perform with her dad in front of a crowd of 30,000 at the Olympic.

“I don't care how you sing. If you like it, do it. I will always support”

Basta says that the girl went to him andShe has a complex personality.

Basta - Youngest Daughter

January 21, 2013 another daughter was bornBasta and Helena - Vasilisa. Thus Vasily becamefather of two girls.

“I thank God for my family. We have everything we need to be happy.”

Basta - Attitude towards Children

Vasily Vakulenko confessesthat he does not devote much time to his womenas you would like. The touring schedule, production and musical work eat up almost all the forces.But they remain a major part of his life.

Interesting fact:

At concerts, all children are invited to the stage and put on high chairs.

In raising children, he tries to profess the philosophy of wise Chinese upbringing,with which his mother once did not lose.

He does not love scolding and yelling at children,trying to teach them something. Enough of the elementary foundations of humane behavior,and life will teach you everything else.

Probably in this family children love more dad 🙂

HELLO.RU continues to acquaint readers with the style of the most fashionable celebrity children. Following the daughter of the singer Anna Sedokova and businessman Maxim Chernyavsky - Monica, the daughters of the rapper and jury member of the show "Voice" Vasily Vakulenko, better known as Basta or Noggano, and the business lady Elena Pinskaya - Maria and Vasilisa become the heroines of our column.

click on photo to view gallery:

Basta met his future wife Elena Pinskaya in November 2007. They met at a restaurant, and the rapper came there with another girl. On Pinskaya Street, she approached Basta and confessed her love ... to his songs. Since then, they have not parted, and on June 11, 2009 they played a wedding and got married in the Elokhov Church.

7 months after the wedding - December 4, 2009 - the happy newlyweds had a daughter. The baby was named Masha, and it was she, according to Basta, who changed his life:

A daughter is the best thing I've ever done. She changed my life ... The further, the more I fall in love with Marusya, with my own, the best vermin.

Despite the fact that Basta positions himself as a harsh rapper, in family life he is an insanely loving, caring and gentle husband and father. In one of the interviews, Basta's wife admitted that after the birth of Masha, he looked after his daughter better than any nanny:

We have a nanny, but Vasya looked after Marusya better than both of us. He got up at night, took her to his bed. When the little girl caught a cold in the summer, her husband could not find a place for himself, he wiped her with wet rags ... And this love is mutual: when a daughter looks at dad, no one else exists for her.

Basta with daughter MariaBasta with daughter MariaMasha Vakulenko
Masha Vakulenko
Basta's daughter - MariaMasha Vakulenko

On January 21, 2013, another happy event happened in the Vakulenko family - the second daughter of the couple was born, who was given the name Vasilisa. Basta shared his experiences, and then boundless happiness, with fans during the day. At 9 am on his Twitter page, he wrote - "Well, with God!", And 6 hours later he announced the birth of Vasilisa and wished the fans to experience similar feelings.

Everything is super, mom and daughter feel great,

The manager of Basta shared with the press. For the first time, Vasilisa met the followers of dad and mom 4 months after birth. Elena posted a photo of her daughter on Instagram, and the followers could not help but note their images: both Elena and Vasilisa were dressed in similar striped outfits.

Since then, netizens could not as often as they would like, but admire the stylish ensembles of Elena and her daughters. Despite the fact that Masha and Vasilisa are the daughters of a real rapper, they are more like little princesses. No wide trousers, hoodies and men's caps - girls are much closer to delicate dresses, flowered sundresses and fluffy skirts. They are very fond of accessories, including bows, headbands and hats, and Masha has a special passion for all kinds of handbags.

Elena Pinskaya with her daughter VasilisaMasha and Vasilisa Masha and Vasilisa
Vasilisa Vakulenko
Vasilisa Vakulenko with dadElena Pinskaya with her daughters - Maria and Vasilisa

In addition to truly girlish outfits, there are a lot of comfortable things in the wardrobe of girls. Both of them are very active and inquisitive, and, as you know, it is much more convenient to explore the world in jeans, shorts, T-shirts and cardigans. Very often, their images are similar to the images of their mother - the same restrained, concise and stylish.

Since childhood, the hand reaches for the good!

Elena wrote under a photo in which Vasilisa is sitting surrounded by Chanel bags. Vasilisa's older sister, Masha, also loves to dress up, and according to her mother, going to a beauty salon and shooting in magazines is her "favorite thing." Perhaps Masha and Vasilisa will want to connect their lives with fashion or follow in the footsteps of their father and one day sing on stage - in any case, their talented parents will surely support their daughters in any endeavors.

Vasilisa VakulenkoMasha Vakulenko on the setVasilisa Vakulenko with dad
Basta with her daughters - Maria and Vasilisa
Basta with daughter MariaMasha and Vasilisa
Vasilisa Basta with his wife Elena and daughters - Maria and Vasilisa