VTB Bortnikov Denis school years. Children of Russian officials and businessmen holding high positions

Bortnikov Denis Aleksandrovich (born November 19, 1974, Leningrad region, RSFSR, USSR) is a Russian statesman, manager, deputy chairman of the board. The only son of the head of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

In 1996 he graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in national economics.

From 1996 to 2004, he worked at the Industrial Construction Bank: as a consultant in the liquidity management department, then held a similar position in the transfer operations and financial instruments departments, then became a leading consultant in the brokerage operations department. Later he continued to work as the chief expert in acquiring and authorization, and then became the head of the department of the same name.

In 2004, he moved to the post of advisor to the manager, deputy manager of the North-West branch. Since 2006, he became deputy manager of the Vneshtorgbank branch in St. Petersburg. Since 2007 he has been working in VTB structures. Until 2011, he was an employee of OJSC VTB Bank North-West, holding the post of deputy chairman of the board - head of department, first deputy chairman and chairman of the board.

Since 2011, he has been the head of the North-West regional center, senior vice president of VTB Bank. In November of the same year he joined the board. Since the end of 2014, he has been a member of the board of trustees of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics and the board of the Leningrad Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Association.

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Alexander Vasilyevich Bortnikov - director of the FSB, army general, colleague of the head of state Vladimir Putin. According to his powers and position, he chairs the National Anti-Terrorism Committee and the Council of Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of the CIS Member States.

Experts from Minchenko Consulting in November 2015 emphasized the growing influence of security forces in the state and made a forecast that the FSB chief has become a potential candidate for membership in the so-called “Politburo 2.0,” an unofficial community surrounded by the president, which actually makes decisions and leads the country .

Childhood and family of Alexander Bortnikov The future head of the main Russian intelligence service was born in Perm on November 15, 1951. There is little publicly available information about his childhood and parents. It is known that after school he ended up in Leningrad, where in 1973 he graduated from the oldest higher educational institution, founded in 1809, the Institute of Railway Engineers. From a young age, he was distinguished by modesty, logical thinking, and highly developed intuition. These features did not go unnoticed by the intelligence service.

For some time he worked as an engineer at the railway station in Gatchina, then received an invitation to the state security authorities. At the age of 24, he graduated from the KGB Higher School in the capital.

Alexander Bortnikov's career in the FSB Alexander began his service in counterintelligence agencies, holding various senior positions in operational departments, first in the Directorate of the State Security Committee, after renaming - in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation for the city on the Neva and the Leningrad region. In 2003, he was appointed head of the above-mentioned Directorate. Among his work colleagues at that time were many later high-ranking politicians, including the president of the country himself.

In 2004, Bortnikov was transferred to Moscow, where he received the position of deputy director of the FSB - head of the Department of Economic Security. After the reorganization of the department, he began to head the Economic Security Service of the FSB.

The head of the intelligence service was a member of a number of state commissions (on combating the financing of terrorism, on developing measures regarding bans, restrictions, export controls, on regulating economic interstate interaction, on problems of the fuel and energy complex). In the period 2004-2008. he was in the leadership of one of the largest shipbuilding companies in the country, Sovcomflot.

In May 2008, a career intelligence officer was appointed to the post of head of the FSB, became a permanent member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, joined the Councils under the head of state to combat corruption, develop the financial assets market, and others. Having headed the Service, he approved a new black uniform for FSB officers.

Alexander Bortnikov: The fight against terrorists must be comprehensive

Earlier, with reference to unnamed sources, the name of the head of the department, then a lieutenant general, was named in the media as the head of the operation to organize the murder of state security lieutenant colonel Alexander Litvinenko in London. The incident was also associated with Bortnikov’s promotion to the rank of army general on December 20, 2006, almost immediately after the death of the mentioned former officer, which occurred on November 23. The FSB denied involvement in the poisoning of its former serviceman.

The media also noted that during the current leadership, the Service allegedly became not so much a body countering Western intelligence services, but rather a structure “overseeing” commercial firms that generate billionaires in uniform. The director was also mentioned in connection with the initiation of criminal proceedings in 2006 on the facts of laundering and transferring funds abroad with the help of shell companies. The case was allegedly hushed up because high-ranking officials (Igor Sechin, Viktor Ivanov) were involved in it.

Alexander Bortnikov reported to Vladimir Putin about the terrorist attack

The long-term work of the head of the FSB was rewarded with awards, including the Order of I-IV degrees “For Merit to the Fatherland”, the Order of “Military Merit” and the Order of Honor.

Personal life of Alexander Bortnikov The FSB director is married. His life partner Tatyana Borisovna is a housewife and is currently retired. The couple has an only son, Denis, born in 1974. He chose the path of an intelligence officer to become a financier, entered the University of Economics and Finance in the Northern capital and successfully graduated, receiving a degree in economics.

The son worked in various banking institutions - PSB, Guta-Bank, Vneshtorgbank. Since 2011, he has been the head of VTB Bank North-West.

The head of the FSB significantly improves his financial situation every year. So in 2009 he earned 4.723 million, in 2012 - 5.184 million, and a year later - 8.723 million Russian rubles. The wife’s income in the corresponding periods was 90,452 thousand, 228 and 168 thousand rubles.

The security officer has had an apartment with an area of ​​99 square meters for several years, and his wife has a slightly larger living space - an apartment of 115 square meters, a house, and also a plot of land.

According to unofficial information from the media, they have at their disposal two executive cars of the Mercedes-Benz S-Class 500L 4Matik and S 600L, purchased in 2009 for the FSB at a cost of about 13 million rubles.

Alexander Bortnikov is now Alexander Vasilyevich, despite his high position, and perhaps due to the specifics of his work, he is one of the most non-public persons in the country’s leadership.

At the beginning of his career, he focused on combating fraud in the banking sector, and in 2015, on the enthusiasm of young people for radical ideas. Thus, the head of the FSB spoke in favor of changing articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in order to tighten responsibility for supporting terrorism, and also noted the existence of the problem of growing recruitment of Russian citizens to participate in international extremist organizations.

He informed the public that this year about three thousand Russians fought in the ranks of militants in Syria and Iraq. At the same time, during the military operations, about 200 people were killed outside the country and 156 inside, from among the participants of the terrorist underground.

FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov in an interview about the conflict in Iraq

In 2014, sanctions were imposed against the FSB chief by the EU countries and Canada. In 2015, he participated in a summit on countering extremism in the US capital, leading the Russian delegation and making a proposal for progressive technologies for exchanging information on this issue between intelligence agencies.

According to analysts, Bortnikov is a compromise figure who suits the political elite and the Center, so he has every chance of retaining his seat until 2018.

At least he managed to find a place for his unlucky son Denis Bortnikov somewhere. Bortnikov Jr., who is already more than forty years old, actually received a sinecure - he will be responsible for the regional network and medium-sized businesses in the Vneshtorgbank (VTB) group. These issues were previously dealt with by Mikhail Oseevsky, who headed Rostelecom in March.

“The supervisor of small and medium-sized businesses will be Denis Bortnikov from St. Petersburg, the supervision will be from St. Petersburg, he is a member of the board today, the group of small and medium-sized businesses will be located here, on the basis of the North-West Regional Center,” said the head of the Management of the Future at the conference “Management of the Future” at the Higher School of Management VTB (quote from Interfax). Bortnikov will oversee medium-sized businesses, the bank’s regional network and head the VTB North-West Center, the bank’s press service clarified.

The appointment has taken place; additional approval of Denis Bortnikov from the Central Bank is not required, since he is already a member of the VTB board, the bank’s press service says.

“Among the tasks set for Denis Bortnikov is the growth of overall business performance and the implementation of the tasks outlined in the VTB strategy,” the press service added. The press service did not comment on which candidates were still being considered to replace Oseevsky. Bortnikov will continue to lead the North-West regional center of VTB, the bank clarified.

Denis Bortnikov is the son of the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Alexander Bortnikov.

The VTB North-West Regional Center is an independent structural unit of the bank’s parent organization, created in March 2011 on the basis of VTB North-West Bank, where Bortnikov worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board. According to VTB NWRC, the volume of the division’s total loan portfolio in December 2016 was about 250 billion rubles, the volume of funds raised was about 300 billion rubles.

Bortnikov has extensive management experience in the banking business and great internal support, so the appointment was expected, says HR bp Managing Director Andrey Shcherbakov. Running a regional network requires organizational effort and strategy, says a St. Petersburg banker who asked not to be named. According to him, competition in regional markets is growing, including due to the development of technology, and VTB faces many challenges in this area. Bortnikov has 20 years of banking experience, he recalled.

The expansion of powers, according to Shcherbakov, will generally add significance to the North-Western regional center, which is important against the backdrop of the trend towards optimization in the banking sector. Managing a regional network in isolation from the decision-making center is quite difficult, the expert adds. He does not rule out the further relocation of the top manager to Moscow.

“It will not be easy for Denis Bortnikov to combine two positions,” believes a top manager of another bank. Now banks save more on personnel and when a top manager of a level similar to Oseevsky’s leaves, they try to assign his responsibilities to other members of the board; this is a common practice, says another Vedomosti source in the St. Petersburg banking market.

VTB, according to the Central Bank website, has 34 branches, including two abroad, four representative offices, 210 additional offices, five operational cash desks and 126 operational offices.

The regional network is an important part of the bank’s business, since it is it that sells banking services and serves bank clients. Despite the development of remote channels, most services are still provided only in offices, notes Frank Research Group CEO Yuri Gribanov.

As the Ruspres agency previously reported, Denis Bortnikov is 42 years old. He graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance. From 1996 to 2004 he worked at Promstroybank (in 2007 it became part of the VTB Group, renamed OJSC VTB Bank North-West), in 2004 he worked at Guta Bank (also part of the VTB Group), in 2005 - at "Vneshtorgbank retail services." In 2006, Bortnikov was appointed deputy manager of the VTB branch in St. Petersburg, in 2007 he became deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West bank, and in 2010 - first deputy chairman of the board of VTB North-West. There is reason to believe that Bortnikov Jr. came to Guta Bank to facilitate its further takeover by VTB.

Participation in business: until 2008, he was on the board of directors of one of the largest shipbuilding companies in Russia - OJSC Soviet commercial fleet» (« Sovcomflot»).
Impact on business: Together with former Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman, Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev and Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) Konstantin Romodanovsky lobbied for the appointment of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise " Research Institute "Voskhod"» operator of the biopassport system. Reiman's group managed to obtain a positive visa for Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, but after failure "Sunrise"at the competition and the refusal of the FAS to cancel its result, the president refused to issue a confirming decree. An auction for the construction of departmental housing for FSB employees in Novosibirsk was held with the participation of the only company LLC Kraftstroy", the deal with which was concluded at the maximum price. The contract for the development of the FSB Internet portal was also issued with Systematika LLC after an auction without competitors.
Family: Wife, Tatyana Borisovna Bortnikova, housewife. According to income information, the director of the FSB earned 4 million 723 thousand 400 rubles in 2009. 50 kopecks, his wife - 90 thousand 452 rubles. 76 kop. Bortnikov owns an apartment with an area of ​​99 sq.m., his wife owns an apartment with an area of ​​115 sq.m. m and a plot of 1198 sq. m. According to media reports, Alexander Bortnikov can use Mercedes-Benz S500L 4Matik and Mercedes-Benz S600L cars purchased for the Russian FSB for 13.34 million rubles. in 2009
Son, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, banker. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in national economics. In 1996-2004 worked at the St. Petersburg Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). In 2004-2005 - Advisor to the manager of the northwestern branch " Guta Bank" In 2005-06 - Deputy Manager of JSC " Vneshtorgbank retail services" In 2006-2007 – Deputy Branch Manager of VTB Bank in St. Petersburg. In 2007-2010 Deputy Chairman of the Board, 2010-2011 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board, since 2011 Chairman of the Board of OJSC VTB Bank North-West" There is reason to believe that after the acquisition " VTB» controlling interest « Promstroibank" and renaming the purchased structure to " VTB Bank North-West" Denis Bortnikov initially planned a career in this company, and in " Guta Bank" moved to facilitate his upcoming takeover " VTB" However, Denis Bortnikov himself denies this.
Closest partners In 1996-2004. Denis Bortnikov worked under the guidance of the owner " Promstroibank» Vladimir Kogan. After the sale of PSB shares to the bank " VTB» Kogan switched to public service, remaining the owner of large property. As deputy director of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) and head of the department of the Ministry of Regional Development, until recently he oversaw the construction of a complex of protective structures (KPS) in St. Petersburg from floods, the directorate of which he headed in October-December 2005. Media claimed that in fact, the former vice-president of the St. Petersburg Banking House CJSC, owned by Vladimir Kogan, and his cousin Yuri Sverdlov, who has been a deputy of the State Duma since 2007, actively participated in the project for a long time.
During an audit by the Accounts Chamber, the funds allocated for the project were almost doubled; the cost of the dam increased from 55 to 109 billion rubles. In particular, the price of the contract with the Metrostroy company and the associated JSC Compact" increased almost threefold, exceeding $1 billion. Owner " Metrostroy" was originally " Promstroybank"and created by a group of its managers, JSC " Baltic Financial Agency"(BFA). According to SPARK-Interfax, Vladimir Kogan personally, through Petrovsky Little Trade House LLC, owns the BFA-Development company, the general director is the wife of a civil servant, Lyudmila Valentinovna Kogan. Center-Invest-Stroy LLC, which received the contract for the construction of the KZS directorate building in Kronstadt, belongs to Nikolai Kazanir, who is part of the management of Papyrus LLC, whose owner is Vladimir Kogan’s uncle, Yuri Sverdlov’s father, Vladimir Sverdlov.
Now Vladimir Kogan heads the board of directors of Moscow Metrostroy OJSC; the tender for the acquisition of this company was won by a company controlled by him, according to media reports. The main patrons of Vladimir Kogan are considered to be former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and the current head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Naryshkin, who worked at Promstroybank.

Alexey Leonidovich Kudrin Place of work: Government of the Russian Federation Position: since 2000 – Minister of Finance, since 2007 – Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.
Participation in business: as a civil servant, he personally did not have the right to engage in business. The declared income of Alexey Kudrin in 2008 amounted to 5.690 million rubles, in 2009 - 9.239 million rubles, in 2010 - 7.857 million rubles. At the end of 2009, the minister owned an Audi A6 car, and since 2010, a Ford Thinkcity-Electric electric car, the car is not yet sold in Russia, the estimated cost is more than 2 million rubles. Kudrin does not own any real estate - his wife provided him with an apartment with an area of ​​327.9 square meters for free use. m.
Impact on business: since 1991, Alexey Kudrin worked in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg, and since 1993 - as chairman of the Committee on Economics and Finance (KEF). This structure appeared in an investigation into the activities of a real estate company. Renaissance" Its owner is Anna Evglevskaya, according to the newspaper “ Kommersant», « built luxury housing and donated it to city officials as bribes", for which she was arrested and convicted. During the investigation, Evglevskaya named the leaders of the St. Petersburg mayor's office whose services she paid for. According to press publications, she said that for $54 thousand she organized the resettlement of an apartment that bordered the mayor’s apartment through the wall, which was very profitable for the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak. According to the testimony of a realtor, the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the mayor of St. Petersburg, who fled the country. A number of city hall employees, including the future head of the department for ensuring the activities of the reception and office of the President of Russia, Viktor Kruchinin, were arrested.
Chairman of the St. Petersburg Creative Union of Journalists, head of the media holding " OPENWORK"Andrei Bakonin (Konstantinov), citing sources in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, indicates that " in March-April 1995, Anna Anatolyevna [Evglevskaya] donated 10 thousand dollars to one of the leaders of the Committee of Economics and Finance of St. Petersburg. The official facilitated the illegal signing of documents,” according to which several hundred million rubles were received, allegedly intended for the repair of the heating main. This episode was described in the press with a mention of KEF Deputy Chairman Sergei Vyazalov in 1996, during the election of the mayor of St. Petersburg. Vyazalov and Kudrin were not charged. Two years later, Kudrin testified in criminal case No. 694259, which was conducted regarding abuses in the funeral industry. This area of ​​urban management was supervised by the former vice-mayor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Putin. The order signed by him dated October 7, 1994 was attached to the case. “ About the activities of the Specialized Production and Household State Enterprise"(SPBGP). The document mentioned the disposal of unclaimed bodies and the need to make changes to budget expenditures. Putin entrusted control over the implementation of his orders to Alexei Kudrin. According to investigators, the number of unclaimed bodies in St. Petersburg was systematically inflated, and funding was embezzled.
According to the story of Alfred Nobel’s family members living in Sweden, during their visit to St. Petersburg they had a personal meeting with the Chairman of the KEF. At the same time, Alexei Kudrin’s assistant took foreign currency (in Swedish kronor) to restore the neglected graves of the Nobels at the Smolensk Lutheran cemetery. According to the cemetery workers, this financial assistance did not reach them - minor repairs to the graves were carried out free of charge, by the ministers. According to the memoirs of the relatives of the founder of the Nobel Prize, during the investigation they were informed that in total it was a question of $40 thousand spent inappropriately. During interrogation, Alexei Kudrin admitted the fact of his contacts with the Nobels, but denied that he received money from them.
The head of the KEF and Vice-Mayor Vladimir Putin appear in the materials of criminal case No. 144128, initiated in 1999 in connection with the activities of the construction corporation “ Twentieth Trust"(the head of the trust, Sergei Nikeshin, is a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg). The investigation used the results of an inspection of the enterprise, organized on behalf of the city UBEP by the Control and Audit Department (KRU) of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. According to the KRU act, Kudrin signed agreements to provide the corporation with state loans worth several million dollars. Money " Twentieth Trust» were translated to more than two dozen companies in Spain, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and the USA. The investigation was closed after the inauguration of Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. According to the leaders of the investigation team, unprecedented pressure was put on them.
In 2000, Alexey Kudrin was involved in criminal case No. 31913, having been summoned for questioning. The investigation was conducted regarding housing loans that Kudrin, while working at the mayor's office, distributed from the budget to his St. Petersburg employees since 1993. Critics accused the finance minister of lobbying the investment bank. KIT Finance. "Kommersant"" and other business media indicated that " KIT Finance"there was a "very strong lobby in the government." Alexey Kudrin was a public supporter of the bank.
The activities of KIT Finance managers are connected with the history of the St. Petersburg bank " Palmyra", registered April 29, 1992. Its founder and member of the board of directors in 1994-2004. there was a businessman Otar Margani - I came from a well-represented economic and informal power elite of St. Petersburg in the 1990s. communities of "Ebraeli" (Georgian Jews). He graduated from the same university with Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, maintaining close personal and business ties after the latter moved to Moscow. In 2000, Alexander Vinokurov, an acquaintance of Otar Margania, who worked at the investment company BALTONEXIM Finance, became the chairman of the board of directors of the bank. A year later, the institution was renamed " Web-invest Bank" In 2005, the bank again changed its name to KIT-Finance.
After the appointment of Alexey Kudrin as minister, the mentioned persons figured in financial and political conflicts related to the struggle for control over the assets of the Russian diamond monopolist, AK ALROSA. A significant stake in the company belonged to the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In 2001, during the presidential elections in Yakutia, BALTONEXIM Finance Investment Company Alexander Vinokurov filed a statement with the prosecutor’s office demanding that the head of the region, Mikhail Nikolaev, be brought to criminal liability under a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - it was about late payments by the local Ministry of Finance. The Company magazine wrote that the actions of BALTONEXIM Finance could have been carried out at the request of Otar Margania, a freelance adviser to Alexey Kudrin. Under the threat of criminal prosecution, Nikolaev withdrew his candidacy, the election of the head of the republic was won by Vyacheslav Shtyrov, after which the board of directors of the company " ALROSA" was headed by the Minister of Finance of Russia.
After Kudrin entered the diamond mining industry in 2002, Web-Invest Bank, being a small St. Petersburg credit organization, became the underwriter of the bond issue of AK ALROSA and the general agent for organizing the bond issue of Yakutia. AK ALROSA began placing large sums on deposits in the bank of Alexander Vinokurov, supervised by Otar Marganiya - in particular, in 2004, temporarily available funds in the amount of $75 million were transferred to Web-Invest Bank.
Simultaneously with Alexey Kudrin, Fedorov Andreev was appointed to AK ALROSA - in the company he took the position of first vice president for finance. According to SPARK-Interfax, Alexander Vinokurov from April 1999 to January 2002. was listed as the general director of CJSC LenRos Invest" The founder of the CJSC was Fedor Andreev, Vinokurov’s colleague from work at Tveruniversalbank and BALTONEXIM Bank. From the quarterly reports of KIT-Finance it follows that in 2002 Andreev, through Composition-Asset Management LLC, controlled 19.99% of the bank.
In 2003-09. Vinokurov’s friend worked at Russian Railways OJSC, whose shares were placed with him by the same “ Web-invest bank" Since July 2009, Fedor Andreev returned to AK ALROSA, becoming its president and is currently the president. Until 2011, the Minister of Finance remained the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Directors of ALROSA.
The role of Alexander Vinokurov and his colleagues was considered technical - there is reason to believe that the strategy of property and financial transactions was formulated by Otar Margania on the basis of his relationship with Alexei Kudrin. Magazine " Forbes" described the system for making key decisions in the Russian diamond industry: " The name...Otara Margania is well known in the gemstone industry. He works as a freelance adviser to Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin. Kudrin heads the supervisory board of ALROSA and oversees the industry. And Margania, according to experts interviewed by Forbes, has great influence on the minister. Forbes' interlocutors are also confident that it is his companies that now own a significant share of the shares of the investment group not controlled by ALROSA».

“Investment group” means OJSC IG ALROSA. The main owner of this joint-stock company, according to SPARK-Interfax, turned out to be private capital not associated with AK ALROSA. The monopoly transferred the largest promising deposits of gold and precious stones to the control of the group - up to 200 million carats of diamonds in the Arkhangelsk region and 700 tons of gold in Yakutia.
The ALROSA IG was formed from the structures of the Moscow Sobinbank, which was involved in the scandal of laundering billions of dollars through the American Bank of New York (BoNY). As Forbes reports, “at a hearing in the court of the Southern District of New York in the case of $15.3 million seized from the Sobinbank correspondent account in BoNY... the court agreed with the opinion of the American authorities that the Sobinbank correspondent account, like a number of other accounts , served as a “conduit for the clandestine transfers of approximately $7 billion from Russia to finance suspicious or illegal transactions.”
Since 2001, the chairman of the board of IG ALROSA has been the co-owner of Sobinbank, Khalid Aprilevich Omarov - in various official documents this person appears as Khalid April-ogly Omarov and Khalid Oprel-ogly Omarov. Until 1997, the banker lived in St. Petersburg, where, according to media reports, he met Otar Margania. The founder of the ALROSA IG was considered a businessman close to the Chechen community. In addition, information that has not been refuted until now has been published many times that Khalid Omarov is a close relative of cousins ​​Georgy Safiev and Imran Ilyasov. The first of them is the head of the Russian Capital bank, who was killed in 2002 in the USA. The second was convicted as the leader of the Kingisepp organized crime group, which specialized in contract killings.

IG ALROSA, whose curator Forbes calls Otara Margania, according to SPARK-Interfax, controlled shares of the KIT Finance bank through a number of legal entities. Thus, it can be assumed that the source of funds for the development of the KIT Finance bank could be income derived from the diamond mining industry. The mechanism of transactions is described in open sources. Otar Margania is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bank Vozrozhdenie. In 2003, AK ALROSA placed 1.6 billion rubles into a deposit account with this organization. at 2% per annum in rubles. In any Russian bank under similar circumstances, ALROSA could receive at least 10% per annum.
According to one of the versions cited by “ Kommersant", the deposit became a condition for issuing loans for the purchase of 75% shares of the Moscow Stud Farm No. 1 (MKZ). This enterprise occupied land in the Rublevo-Uspenskoe highway area. By purchasing shares, their new owners intended to use the area for commercial development. As a result, as the Vedomosti newspaper reported, 900 hectares of land were bought by a group of investors led by Bank Vozrozhdenie and IG ALROSA. The total value of the land asset was determined at $3 billion.
News agencies at the same time described the assumptions of the former head of the legal department of AK ALROSA, Hamlet Akopyan, that “Alexey Kudrin and ALROSA President Alexander Nichiporuk were directly involved in the theft of company funds, possibly used to seize the lands of the Moscow Stud Farm No. 1.” In his statement addressed to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Akopyan revealed the mechanism for purchasing the territory of the MKZ. According to this appeal, “money from Vozrozhdenie Bank was transferred to five companies (Avtodorpostavka LLC, Multifunctional Systems LLC, MIR Consulting LLC, Energogroup LLC, Sinist LLC) that were engaged in purchasing land shares Moscow stud farm No. 1 ... These five companies together own 21.06% of the Entrepreneurship Development Bank. At the same time, the directors of the LLC, I. Kulakov, A. Pankin, S. Ioganson, V. Arnautov, were simultaneously employees of JSCB BRP, that is, subordinates of Alexander Nichiporuk, who then headed the board of this bank.”

Alexander Nichiporuk has indeed served as Chairman of the Board of the Entrepreneurship Development Bank since 1994. Since 2003, he was vice president of AK ALROSA, in 2004-07. headed the company. The media have repeatedly called Nichiporuk “a protégé of Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin” and his longtime associate.
Based on the testimony of Hamlet Hakobyan in 2005. a criminal case of embezzlement has been opened. According to the investigation, thanks to placing a deliberately unprofitable deposit in Vozrozhdenie Bank, ALROSA lost 153 million rubles. That same year, the prosecutor's office closed the case "due to the absence of a crime." In an interview with Kommersant, Hamlet Akopyan noted that he was not surprised by this procedural decision: “As soon as they realized that Kudrin himself should be a defendant in this case, everyone ran in. After that, the investigator was replaced...”
Minister Alexei Kudrin did everything possible to prevent the bankruptcy of KIT Finance when the bank was unable to fulfill its financial obligations to its partners. As a result of a series of actions, on October 8, 2008, a consortium of investors consisting of ALROSA Investment Group and Russian Railways OJSC acquired 45% of the shares of KIT Finance. The heads of the railway department were asked to intervene - the rehabilitation of KIT Finance took place at public expense. Subsequently, IG ALROSA withdrew from the capital of the bank, the only shareholders of which were structures close to JSC Russian Railways.
The reorganization of the private bank KIT Finance, close to Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, which owed debt to counterparties, cost the state an unprecedented amount of 130 billion rubles. – more than $4.3 billion.

Family: First wife, Veronika Olegovna Sharova, businessman. He is listed as the director and co-owner of the Brothers Karamazov Hotel in St. Petersburg. Anna Astanina, the ex-wife of former first deputy president of VTB Bank Vadim Levin, owns a share in the same hotel. In 2008, as a result of a family conflict (after the divorce, the spouses disputed the right to raise children), she was illegally placed in a psychiatric hospital. As the media wrote, this happened with the participation of her ex-husband, who in this way could have tried to take Astanina’s children away.
Veronika Sharova is the founder of Leader LLC, the owner of the St. Petersburg socio-political newspaper Delo. The publication was published from 1995-2009. and closed due to the cessation of funding. The newspaper's co-founders were also Mikhail Manevich, the former head of Svyazinvest Valery Yashin, the current owner of the International Bank of St. Petersburg and member of the Federation Council Sergei Bazhanov, another current member of the Federation Council Vyacheslav Shverikas and other persons.
Second wife, Irina Igorevna Tintyakova, philanthropist. Before her marriage to Alexei Kudrin, she worked as an assistant for Andrei Trapeznikov, a member of the board of RAO UES of Russia, in whose reception she met her future husband. Tintyankova is the president of the Northern Crown charity foundation. The foundation has branches in London and New York. According to SPARK-Interfax, the founders of the organization, in addition to the wife of the Minister of Finance, are Elena Voitsekhovich and Maria Margevich. The first of them was previously an employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, her husband Konstantin Voitsekhovich was an assistant and press secretary to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov, and later became director of Medialogia LLC.
The Foundation does not publish on its website reports on the expenditure of collected funds. Fundraising, which is carried out by Northern Crown, occurs mainly at parties and VIP events.

According to Irina Tintyakova, as quoted by Vedomosti, the annual budget is $150-250 thousand, 80% of the funds go to help orphanages and 20% to administrative expenses. It is known that in 2003, Alexander Lebedev’s National Reserve Bank transferred money to this organization, and in 2006, Philip Morris donated $52 thousand.

Northern Crown owns LLC Center for Analysis and Forecasting.

In 2001, Tinyakova, together with Murtazali Rabadanov, established the company Ambi XXII LLC (now excluded from the register) for the production of artificial sapphires. Rabadanov then headed the X-ray diffraction analysis laboratory at the Institute of Crystallography of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Now he is the rector of Dagestan State University.
From 2002 to the present, according to SPARK-Interfax, Irina Tintyakova has been registered as a co-founder of Valentin Yudashkin Group (13.5% of shares), whose main activity is investment in securities. Tintyakova refers to a long-standing personal friendship with Yudashkin - according to her, they decided to create a joint company to produce casual clothing, but the business was unsuccessful. Valentin Yudashkin Group has two subsidiaries: Valentin Yudashkin Trade House and Yudashkin Fashion House.

In 2010, Irina Tintyakova joined the small jury of the Russian literary award “National Bestseller”.
The wife of the Minister of Finance in 2010 reported an income of 222 thousand rubles. She owns two plots of land, two residential buildings (one of which was not included in the 2009 declaration) and two apartments, one of them with an area of ​​327.9 square meters. m. Kudrin’s wife has an Audi A5 Coupe car and an MV Augusta motorcycle at her disposal.

Daughter, Polina Alekseevna Kudrina, businessman. In October 2009, together with friends, she founded Art Center Grand Prix LLC, which offers vocal training, acting and music theory training. In April 2010, she was involved in a high-profile accident in St. Petersburg: her acquaintance, businessman Mikhail Matvienko, lost control of his Range Rover car and drove into the window of a lingerie store on Nevsky Prospekt. Mikhail Matvienko is not a relative of the Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko, he is the stepson of Vadim Novinsky, a major Russian-Ukrainian businessman, president of the Smart Holding Group of Companies, whose fortune in 2011 was estimated by Forbes at $2.7 billion.

Son, Artem Alekseevich Kudrin, schoolboy. Born in 1998. Minister Kudrin’s declaration for 2009 states that Artem is the sole owner of an apartment of 120 square meters. m, and in 2010 - the sole owner of, apparently, another apartment - 127.6 sq. m. m.

Friends: Deputy Minister of Finance Sergei Storchak is accused of attempting to steal from the federal budget under the pretext of covering losses of Sodexim Bank. This private lending institution bought from several African countries their debts to the former USSR. According to investigators, the amount that the bank demanded to be paid from the Russian budget as compensation was inflated by $43.4 million. In 2007, Storchak was arrested, Minister Alexei Kudrin actively supported his subordinate, and the following year he was released from custody . Currently, Storchak continues to familiarize himself with the collected evidence base. According to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the person involved in the investigation is deliberately delaying the case in the hope that the Arbitration Court will satisfy the claim of Sodexim to the Ministry of Finance for recognition of the debt, including the disputed $43.4 million. The wife of the accused, Lyudmila Storchak, filed a lawsuit against the Ministry of Finance demanding payment to her 5 million rub. The wife of Deputy Kudrin does not agree that during the search $1 million that belonged to her was seized and kept for a long time.

The criminal case of the Twentieth Trust corporation, investigated in 1999, involved employees of Alexei Kudrin, who subsequently moved to Moscow and were employed by the Ministry of Finance. Thus, Kudrin’s St. Petersburg deputy Dmitry Pankin (he put his signature on the payment orders for which money was allocated) works as Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Now Pankin’s candidacy is being considered for the post of head of the Federal Service for Financial Markets (FSFM).

The case also involved Nadezhda Savolainen, the future deputy director of the administrative department of the Ministry of Finance. Subsequently, she was deputy head of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development, and is now director of the department of accounting policy and control of the Ministry of Health.
Zhanetta Krolli, also a defendant in the criminal case, became an adviser to the manager of Vneshtorgbank. The media call the former deputy president of this financial organization, St. Petersburg resident Vadim Levin, a personal friend of the chairman of the supervisory board of VTB Bank Alexei Kudrin. In turn, businessman Shota Boterashvili is a close acquaintance of Levin and a likely acquaintance of Kudrin in St. Petersburg, as is Otar Margania, a representative of the city’s “Ebraeli” community. In the 1990s. Boterashvili, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, was a business partner of Mikhail Mirilashvili, the son of the head of the World Congress of Georgian Jews, a public figure and philanthropist. In 2001-09 Mirilashvili was in prison, having been convicted of kidnapping two subsequently killed immigrants from Georgia.
Companies of the Boterashvili family figured in the schemes through which ownership of the assets of the Shaumyan plant was registered. In the property conflict for control over this enterprise, as St. Petersburg media reported, “one suicide occurred (the deceased committed suicide on September 11, 2001, writing a suicide note that he could not survive the terrorist attack on America), and several murders,” which had a resonant character.

Later, the commercial transactions of Shota Boterashvili and his relatives are closely connected with VTB Bank. In 2005, the entrepreneur, in his words, as the “chief advisor” to the chairman of the board of Vsheshtorgbank, became one of the founders of the VTB Capital company (renamed VTB Development) and a full partner of the bank in the project approved by Vladimir Putin “ Embankment of Europe" - development of the Malaya Nevka area. The original beneficiary of Embankment of Europe, businessman Sergei Lvov, is trying to prove in courts that his assets, owned by VTB, were seized by criminal means.

Companies affiliated with the structures of the Boterashvili family provided Aeroflot with an electronic payment system, in St. Petersburg - the installation of a heating main from the North-Western Thermal Power Plant to the Primorskaya Boiler House, the construction of residential real estate at 139 Moskovsky Prospekt. VTB Bank took part in lending to the projects "

Shota Boterashvili was registered as a member of the board of directors of VTB Armenia and the United Georgian Bank (now VTB Georgia), and together with his wife Victoria Shamlikashvili was a member of the board of directors of Well Drilling Corporation. In 2009, a major scandal occurred around the cooperation between Boterashvili and VTB Bank, implemented under Vadim Levin. The incident is related to an agreement concluded in 2007 by VTB-Leasing and the Cypriot Clusseter Limited for the purchase of 30 ZJ50DBS drilling rigs at a price of $15 million per unit (excluding customs duties). According to the agreement, the installations were to be leased to Well Drilling Corporation. The contract was valued at $456.9 million, with customs duties and fees - $650 million.

It turned out that the Cypriot company is an intermediary, the drilling rigs are produced by the Chinese Sichuan Honghua Petroleum Equipment, and the manufacturer’s unit of production costs about $10 million. Thus, the total damage during the purchase could amount to about $160 million. Despite the appeals, no criminal case was opened. In 2010, Well Drilling Corporation LLC was declared bankrupt. In March 2011, VTB minority shareholder Alexey Navalny filed a lawsuit in the Moscow Arbitration Court against VTB-Leasing, the Cyprus company Clusseter Limited and Well Drilling Corporation, trying to challenge the deal to purchase drilling rigs.
Boterashvili, as Novaya Gazeta points out, allegedly participated in an attempt to improve relations between Anna Astanina and the first deputy president of VTB Bank Vadim Levin, which ended in the forced hospitalization of Levin’s wife in a psychiatric institution. The Chairman of the Management Board of CJSC VTB Development is Sergei Matvienko, the son of the Governor of St. Petersburg.

Alexander Vasilievich Bortnikov

Place of work: Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.

Positions: since 2008 - Director of the FSB of Russia.

Participation in business: until 2008, he was a member of the board of directors of one of the largest shipbuilding companies in Russia - OJSC Soviet Commercial Fleet (Sovcomflot).

Impact on business: Together with former Minister of Communications Leonid Reiman, Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliev and Director of the Federal Migration Service (FMS) Konstantin Romodanovsky, he lobbied for the appointment of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Research Institute Voskhod" as the operator of the biopassport system. Reiman's group managed to obtain a positive visa from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev , but after the failure of Voskhod at the competition and the refusal of the FAS to cancel its result, the president refused to issue a confirming decree. The auction for the construction of departmental housing for FSB employees in Novosibirsk was held with the participation of the only company Kraftstroy LLC, the deal with which was concluded at the maximum price The contract for the development of the FSB Internet portal was also issued with Systematics LLC after an auction without competitors.


Wife, Tatyana Borisovna Bortnikova, housewife. According to income information, the director of the FSB earned 4 million 723 thousand 400 rubles in 2009. 50 kopecks, his wife - 90 thousand 452 rubles. 76 kop. Bortnikov owns an apartment with an area of ​​99 sq.m., his wife owns an apartment with an area of ​​115 sq.m. m and a plot of 1198 sq. m. According to media reports, Alexander Bortnikov can use Mercedes-Benz S500L 4Matik and Mercedes-Benz S600L cars purchased for the Russian FSB for 13.34 million rubles. in 2009

Son, Denis Aleksandrovich Bortnikov, banker. Graduated from the St. Petersburg University of Economics and Finance with a degree in national economics. In 1996-2004 worked at the St. Petersburg Industrial Construction Bank (PSB). In 2004-2005 - Advisor to the manager of the northwestern branch of Guta Bank. In 2005-06 - Deputy Manager of Vneshtorgbank Retail Services CJSC. In 2006-2007 - Deputy Branch Manager of VTB Bank in St. Petersburg. In 2007-2010 Deputy Chairman of the Board, 2010-2011 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board, since 2011 Chairman of the Board of OJSC VTB Bank North-West. There is reason to believe that after VTB acquired a controlling stake in Promstroybank and renamed the purchased structure to VTB Bank North-West, Denis Bortnikov initially planned a career in this company, and moved to Guta-Bank to contribute to his future takeover of VTB. However, Denis Bortnikov himself denies this.

Closest partners

In 1996-2004 Denis Bortnikov worked under the leadership of the owner of Promstroibank, Vladimir Kogan. After the sale of PSB shares to VTB Bank, Kogan moved to public service, remaining the owner of large property.

As deputy director of the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Communal Services (Rosstroy) and head of the department of the Ministry of Regional Development, until recently he oversaw the construction of a complex of flood protection structures (KPS) in St. Petersburg, the directorate of which he headed in October-December 2005.

The media claimed that in fact, the former vice-president of the St. Petersburg Banking House CJSC, owned by Vladimir Kogan, and his cousin Yuri Sverdlov, who has been a member of the State Duma since 2007, actively participated in the project for a long time.

During an audit by the Accounts Chamber, the funds allocated for the project were almost doubled; the cost of the dam increased from 55 to 109 billion rubles. In particular, the price of the contract with the Metrostroy company and the associated Kompakt CJSC almost tripled, exceeding $1 billion. The owner of Metrostroy was initially Promstroybank and the Baltic Financial Agency (BFA) CJSC created by a group of its managers. According to SPARK-Interfax, Vladimir Kogan personally, through Petrovsky Little Trade House LLC, owns the BFA-Development company, the general director is the wife of a civil servant, Lyudmila Valentinovna Kogan. Center-Invest-Stroy LLC, which received the contract for the construction of the KZS directorate building in Kronstadt, belongs to Nikolai Kazanir, who is part of the management of Papyrus LLC, whose owner is Vladimir Kogan’s uncle, Yuri Sverdlov’s father, Vladimir Sverdlov.

The main patrons of Vladimir Kogan are considered to be former Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin and the current head of the Russian Presidential Administration Sergei Naryshkin, who worked at Promstroibank.