Does the Queen of Spades exist? Who is the Queen of Spades, and does she really exist?

    As children, we scared each other with the Queen of Spades. They also called a foul-mouthed gnome.

    And the Queen of Spades seemed to be summoned using the Queen of Spades card. She had to be put under the pillow and something said (like I call you, Queen of Spades). Those who dared to do this did not wake up in the morning, and the mark of the Pike suit remained on their bodies.

    But this is a purely children's idea, as it was before.

    Well, first of all, the Queen of Spades is just a woman from a deck of cards. However, either she was depicted on the cards as somehow ominous, or the suit of spades with its black color symbolizes evil, but the Queen of Spades has become commonly identified with a witch who brings bad luck. And so the rumor about this terrible woman spread throughout the world. People even began to invent legends about the Queen of Spades, as a spirit living through the looking glass, which can even kill. This is how the image of the Queen of Spades gained mystery and unfavorable energy from hundreds of conversations and legends. Thought, as they say, is material, so you shouldn’t think that children are lying when they say that they saw the Queen of Spades (especially since children’s energy is the strongest). After all, if you don’t believe in not, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. It exists for those who don’t believe in it. And they are able to see it. Otherwise, how can you explain the following story, I don’t remember who told me.

    One day, two girls decided to call the Queen of Spades, for which they put a card with her image on the floor, placed 2 chairs opposite each other and tied them with thread. Next, the girls held hands, sat on chairs and began to repeat Queen of Spades, come to us, after which one of them got an itchy leg, so the girlfriends had to unclasp their hands to scratch it. When they held hands again, they noticed that a bright spot was running along the thread, which, having reached one girl, moved to another, then the friends saw that in place of this spot the clothes were burned, and there was a small burn on the skin. A few seconds later, burns began to appear on the girls’ bodies, and they rushed to run into the street, where they met the grandmother of one of them. The grandmother explained to them that they should not disturb the Queen of Spades, for which they could not unclasp their hands, thereby allowing the lady to leave her circle, and whoever does this will face a long and painful death. When they returned to the room, it smelled of burning, and all the walls were covered in strange brown stains.

    It is not up to me to decide whether to believe in the authenticity of this story. However, this is not the only proof that the woman from the deck of cards exists. The Internet is full of options on how to call the Queen of Spades. It is believed that she mainly comes from the mirror, and for her to come you don’t need much, in some cases lipstick and candles are enough, in others a few sweets, the main thing is that it is midnight and, of course, sincere faith in e existence. However, it is strongly recommended to stop calling the mysterious stranger as soon as you notice her appearance. So you can try it if you are not afraid, of course.

    The Queen of Spades is considered one of the guises of Kalmava, Mary, the Mistress of the Cemetery. She is also called Mother Nature, the Queen of the Elves, and even the wife of the devil. These ideas are partly conveyed in Pushkin’s famous novel The Queen of Spades, where the Queen of Spades embodies the cruel fate that punishes the protagonist.

    Calling a lady is dangerous. But it is believed that she can make wishes come true... But if called several times, she can even strangle...

    The Queen of Spades is a mystical character from a card deck. Pushkin's story of the same name is dedicated to her. The Queen of Spades is asked to fulfill wishes. She personifies the cruel fate of fate. However, it is not worth calling her often. But of course it’s up to you to believe in its real existence.

    The Queen of Spades is a mystical image created by the imagination of people. The Queen of Spades card suit is identified with failure. There are legends and stories about her, like a woman living through the looking glass. They are trying to summon her spirit and ask for the fulfillment of desires. In my opinion, this is all a fairy tale, with a touch of mystery and mysticism.

    You can believe or not believe various legends, be an atheist or, on the contrary, a deeply religious person. It depends on you. But since all this cannot be reliably verified, it is better to exercise reasonable caution and respect.

    The image of the Queen of Spades has always personified evil, the world of evil spirits. Initially, he associated with cards. We all remember well the work of A. S. Pushkin, The Queen of Spades, as well as the opera of the same name by P. I. Tchaikovsky, which presents one of the versions of the legend about the Queen of Spades.

    The Queen of Spades personifies the evil forces to which a person turns in moments of despair, when in order to fulfill his desires he is ready to do anything and does not think about the consequences. But the Queen of Spades is not a good fairy; even if she grants wishes, then retribution comes later.

    We shouldn't forget about this.

    I heard that the Queen of Spades is personified in legends as the wife of Satan himself. She is an evil spirit coming from the Looking Glass, who is not very kind to living people. They see her differently, since everyone imagines her differently: some see an old woman, some see a woman in black, there are references to a black bird, as well as a naked girl. I think it all depends on what form a person is in awaits see her.

    Most likely, the Queen of Spades is an egregor, a soul that comes to life thanks to human emotions and ideas.

    Actually, the Queen of Spades is a playing card of a black suit, which is considered a symbol of death or serious illness. In fact, this mystical story became widely known thanks to the story of the same name by A.S. Pushkin and the opera of P.I. Tchaikovsky. The prototype of the Queen of Spades was Princess Golitsyna.

    In my cards I always have an even attitude towards the suit of spades. Although, to be honest, whenever the Queen of Spades hits, I remember Pushkin. There is a lot of mysticism around this lady, perhaps there is some truth somewhere. I would not call the Queen of Spades. I don’t believe in mysticism, but it won’t hurt to protect yourself once again. Don’t wake up recklessly.

    What is the legend about the Queen of Spades? Who is she?

    Perhaps, since childhood, everyone has heard scary stories about the Queen of Spades. Many people wonder who is the queen of spades, how to call the queen of spades?

    There are many different stories and creepy stories about the Queen of Spades - but, of course, there is no way to know which of them is the most real, and in general it is impossible to say whether there is something hidden behind them.

    The Legend of the Queen of Spades, is believed to have its origins in an ordinary deck of cards. The Queen of Spades card is sometimes compared to a witch, a sorceress who brings bad luck. Perhaps it was just that once upon a time someone lost a large fortune, and this coincided with the fact that the Queen of Spades card played a fatal role in this. And then, over time, the story acquired additional details and turned into an eerie, terrible legend, horror story)

    Many people identify the Queen of Spades with an evil spirit, with the spirit of a woman who supposedly lives through the looking glass.

    I strongly advise against calling the Queen of Spades. The fact is that the other world, the world of evil spirits, is just waiting for some curious person to turn to the spirits and try to summon them himself. As a rule, evil spirits do not bother people if they themselves do not go to meet them, and God does not allow them to do anything and come into physical contact with this world, with people. But if we ourselves undertake to call and invite them to our house, they will come with pleasure - but, as you know, you will not receive goodness and help from them. And even if they help, in return they will demand much more than you would like to give. And it is much more difficult to ward off evil spirits than to summon them, so it is better not to do this at all, especially out of idle curiosity.

    The Queen of Spades is the spirit of an old lady. An evil and merciless spirit. Called out of curiosity. Fulfills wishes for wealth. Capricious spirit. If you don't like it, you'll start dreaming about it. Children believe in the Queen of Spades. Adults read Pushkin about the Queen of Spades.

There are many different stories in the world about a mysterious black woman, whose name is the Queen of Spades. Probably, each of us in childhood heard more than one chilling story about this strange woman. But legends remain legends... Does the Queen of Spades exist? Why is she so scary? Let's try to answer these questions in our article.

No one knows exactly where the story about the Queen of Spades originates. However, there are more than enough people who want to call her! The most interesting thing is that people were not stopped by all the warnings about what consequences they might face! Who is this black woman? Some say it is the ghost of a female fortune teller who was killed at a young age because of her dire predictions. Others claim that it all started with an ordinary deck of playing cards...

Queen of Spades. Legend one

As we know, any card deck contains cards of four different suits: hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. Each of them has a lady. It is from the deck of cards that the legend of the Queen of Spades originates. Interestingly, the queen of spades in almost any game meant loss, failure or significant trouble. But cards, as you know, are used not only for gambling. In fortune telling, the Queen of Spades also does not bring anything good, only grief, misfortune, various vicissitudes of fate. Soon the Queen of Spades began to be personified with a witch. By the way, over time, this legend has become so strongly and strongly overgrown with rumors and superstitions that today the question is: “Does the Queen of Spades exist?” - seriously worries and excites the minds of many paranormalists!

Legend two

Some skeptics mistakenly believe that the image of this woman came from Pushkin’s story of the same name. This is not entirely true, since the legend of the black woman has deep roots in antiquity. It was then that reality and magic were closely intertwined. Since then, the Queen of Spades has been the ghost of a woman coming to the person calling her from the looking glass - an otherworldly portal.

Experts in paranormal phenomena, relying on the theory of the materiality of human thoughts, generally believe that all the legends associated with this woman and constantly acquiring an aura of mystery are more and more saturated with negative energy. “In the end, a human thought can come true in reality,” they believe. In general, there is a risk of translating our thoughts into reality! Be that as it may, it is believed that it was these facts that gave rise to the emergence of certain legends about this black woman.

Does the Queen of Spades exist?

Despite the legends described above, to date there is not a single officially recorded case of a meeting between a living person and this ghost. The video recording allegedly capturing the ghost of this lady is nothing more than an ordinary montage; the photographs are also fake; There were also no real deaths recorded during this fortune telling.

To put it in essence, her entire existence is based only on conversations about her, and on attempts to evoke her, drawing a staircase on a mirror or building a corridor from many mirrors. Psychologists say that the very fear of summoning the ghost of this woman sometimes provokes a play of human imagination. Here a person involuntarily reveals to him that natural and everyday rustles, creaks, and knocks begin to seem completely natural. Sometimes the weather outside changes. Well, he changes himself - and let him change! Same

So, today nothing is known for certain about the existence of a black woman. Despite the existing legends and stories about this terrible woman, today it is generally accepted that it is a superstition or a myth - as you like. However, this does not prevent each of us from believing in her... Do you think the Queen of Spades exists?

"Queen of Spades"

“The Bronze Horseman,” which, as we see, is based on St. Petersburg traditions and legends, was written in 1833. The following year, 1834, in aristocratic and literary salons they talked about “The Queen of Spades,” a story deeply Petersburg not only in spirit, but also in urban folklore - it not only preceded its birth, but also accompanied it after its noisy appearance in print.

The literary news excited St. Petersburg society, already prone to big intrigues and small “family” scandals. The image of an ugly ancient old woman, the happy owner of the mystical secret of three cards, evoked very specific, unambiguous associations, and the mysterious epigraph introduced by Pushkin to the story: “The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence,” and even with reference to the “Newest Fortune-Telling Book,” fueled heated curiosity .

Who was hiding behind the image of Pushkin's countess, or, as Pushkin himself suspiciously often allegedly stipulated, the princess? There were no two opinions on this matter in the society of that time. This is confirmed by the author of the sensational story himself. On April 7, 1834, he wrote a short entry in his diary: “At court they found a resemblance between the old Countess and Princess Natalya Petrovna.”

Since then, in St. Petersburg, Princess Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna has not been called anything other than “The Queen of Spades.”

Princess Golitsyna came from a family of so-called new people, who appeared in abundance at the beginning of the 18th century in the circle of Peter the Great. According to official documents, she was the daughter of the eldest son of Peter I’s orderly, Peter Chernyshev, who in fact, if, of course, you believe one little-known legend, was known as the son of the autocrat himself. Thus, according to urban folklore, Natalya Petrovna was the granddaughter of the first Russian emperor and founder of St. Petersburg. In any case, her manner of demeanor in front of the powers that be, in the style of her despotic and at the same time independent behavior in everyday life, spoke much in favor of this statement, and she herself more than once tried to subtly hint at her legendary origin. So, when the emperor or any other members of the royal family visited her, dinner was served on silver, allegedly given by Peter I to one of her ancestors.

N. P. Golitsyna

Many considered it an honor to attend her dinners, and her son, the famous Moscow Governor-General V.D. Golitsyn, did not even dare to sit in the presence of his mother without her permission. The princess's proud and independent character was evident in everything. One day they decided to introduce her to the Minister of War, Count Chernyshev, who headed the commission of inquiry into the Decembrist case. He was the favorite of Nicholas I, and everyone fawned over him. “I only know the Chernyshev who was exiled to Siberia,” the princess unexpectedly rudely interrupted the performance. We were talking about the count's namesake, the Decembrist Zakhar Grigorievich Chernyshev, who was sentenced to lifelong exile.

Golitsyna's father served as a diplomat, and in her youth Natalya Petrovna lived abroad. She was received with pleasure in many royal houses. But they also knew her because she was a passionate fan of playing cards. In France, she was a regular card partner of Queen Marie Antoinette. She retained her passion for cards until old age and played even when she could not see anything. On the recommendation of the Orphanage, the card factory even produced large format cards especially for her.

In her youth, Natalya Petrovna was known as a beauty, although, in the opinion of many, she was not particularly beautiful, and with age she generally acquired a mustache and beard, for which in St. Petersburg they called her “Princess Mustache” behind her back, or more delicately, in French, “Princess Mustache" (from the French moustache - mustache). It was this image of a decrepit old woman, who had a repulsive, unattractive appearance, combined with a sharp mind and regal arrogance, that arose in the imagination of the first readers of The Queen of Spades.

The plot outline of Pushkin's story in fact did not represent anything unusual for the highest society of St. Petersburg. Gambling card games were at that time perhaps the most fashionable and widespread pastime of the capital’s “golden youth”. As we already know, Pushkin himself and many of his close friends were passionate and unbridled gamblers. If you believe the legends, the epigraph to the first chapter of the story: “And on rainy days they often gathered”, Pushkin composed it while playing cards and wrote it right on the sleeve of his acquaintance, a famous gambler, grandson of Natalya Petrovna, Sergei Grigorievich, nicknamed “Firs” . The most incredible stories happened before the poet’s eyes, each of them could become the plot of a literary work. Due to unexpected losses, people lost huge fortunes, shot themselves and went crazy.

And here the well-known Count of Saint-Germain, one of the most mysterious personalities of France in the 18th century, literally bursts into our narrative. Let us briefly recall his biography. A high-society adventurer, mystic, inventor of the elixir of life and the philosopher's stone, Count Saint-Germain, according to some assumptions, was Portuguese and bore the real name, as he himself claimed, Joseph Rakoczy, Prince of Transylvania. At the same time, over the years he willingly passed himself off as Count Tsarosh, then as the Marquis of Montfer, then as Count Bellamore, Count Saltykof and many others.

There are many biographies of Saint Germain, each incredibly superior to the next. According to some of them, he lived in the 16th century, during the time of the French king Francis I. According to others, later, he worked with the famous Russian writer Helena Blavatsky, she, by the way, was born only three years before the events we are describing, in 1831. Saint Germain himself claimed that he was two thousand years old, and told the details of the wedding in Cana of Galilee, where he almost gave advice to Jesus Christ himself.

Count Saint-Germain allegedly died in London, where he fled after the French Revolution of 1783. According to some sources, he lived for 75 years, according to others - 88, according to others - 93. But even 30 years after his death, “there were people who swore that they had just seen Saint Germain and talked to him.”

Count Saint-Germain left a more or less noticeable mark on St. Petersburg folklore. According to one legend, on the eve of the so-called “revolution of 1762” under the name of Count Saltykof, he secretly came to Russia, became friends with the conspirators and “provided them with some assistance” in the overthrow of Emperor Peter III and the accession of Catherine II to the throne.

According to one legend, Count Saint-Germain was directly related to the plot of Pushkin’s story “The Queen of Spades”. According to legend, the grandson of Natalya Petrovna Golitsyna, having completely lost at cards, in despair rushed to his grandmother with a plea for help. Golitsyna was in Paris at that time. She turned to her French friend, Count Saint-Germain, for advice. The count quickly responded to the request for help and told Natalya Petrovna the secret of three cards - three, seven and ace. According to folklore, her grandson immediately got even.

Soon this whole adventurous story reached St. Petersburg and, of course, became known to Pushkin, who took advantage of it in a timely and successful manner. He himself hints at this in the first chapter of The Queen of Spades. Remember how Tomsky talks about his grandmother, the “Moscow Venus,” who “went to Paris sixty years ago and was in great fashion there”? True, according to Pushkin, the old woman herself played cards, without revealing to anyone the secret of the three cards that Saint Germain had told her. But this is a work of fiction, and the author is free to change the plot of the story he heard. Let us remind readers that in the second chapter of the story, Pushkin, already from his own, that is, the author’s person, reports that it was just “an anecdote (emphasis added - N.S.) about three cards", which "had a strong effect on him (Hermann - N.S.) imagination".

However, according to another version, Pushkin, when working on “The Queen of Spades,” did not need to turn his author’s gaze so far. He had his own, personal biographical legend about the emergence of the idea for the story. And even if we assume that this legend did not have any factual confirmation, that is, it arose out of nowhere, then it is still impossible to exclude it from the poet’s life, because it was slandered from morning to evening in the circles of numerous Moscow and St. Petersburg Golitsyns. The legend has survived to this day and is carefully preserved in the family stories of modern descendants of the ancient family.

According to this legend, Pushkin was once invited to stay in the house of Natalya Petrovna. For several days he lived with the princess and, possessing a hot African temperament, could not deny himself the pleasure of chasing after all the young inhabitants of the hospitable house. For some time the princess tried to turn a blind eye to the tactless antics of the young rake, but finally she could not stand it and, outraged by the unceremonious and defiant behavior of the guest, kicked him out of the house in disgrace. Having harbored a grudge, Pushkin supposedly vowed to someday take revenge on the evil old woman and supposedly came up with the whole story just for this purpose.

It is difficult to say whether the “terrible revenge” was a success. The princess, in her more than advanced age, was apparently deeply indifferent to all this. However, Pushkin managed to glorify Natalya Petrovna forever. In the year the story was written, Golitsyna turned 94 years old. She died at the age of 97 in December 1837, briefly outliving the poet who immortalized her. And house No. 10 on Malaya Morskaya Street, where she lived, will forever remain in the history of the city as the “House of the Queen of Spades.”

To be fair, it must be said that two houses are widely known in St. Petersburg, which urban folklore traditionally associates with the heroine of the famous story by A. S. Pushkin. The second, claiming to be the “House of the Queen of Spades,” is located on Liteiny Prospekt, No. 42. This is the famous mansion of Zinaida Yusupova. According to some legends, it was Princess Yusupova, nicknamed “Moscow Venus” in her youth for her extraordinary beauty, who in her old age became the prototype of the heroine of Pushkin’s story. Incorrigible dreamers even claim that if you peer long and carefully into the windows of the second, master floor of the mansion on Liteiny, you can see a slender old woman against the background of the ancient window frames; she will certainly meet your gaze, and those who do not believe in her existence will be threatened bony finger. And they believed. In any case, the St. Petersburg poet Nikolai Agnivtsev, the author of “Brilliant St. Petersburg,” dreamed while in exile:

On Liteiny, straight, straight,

Near the third corner

Where is the Queen of Spades

According to legend she lived!

At the same time, it is known that the mansion of Princess Zinaida Ivanovna Yusupova, née Sumarokova-Elston, on Liteiny Prospekt was built by architect L. L. Bonstedt only in 1858, more than 20 years after Pushkin’s death. The princess spent most of her life abroad, and the mansion was most often empty. In 1908, its premises were rented by the famous theater of satire and parody “Curves Mirror”. During the First World War, the building housed a military hospital, then, in the 1930s, the House of Political Education was located here, on the basis of which the Central Lecture Hall of the Knowledge Society was opened in 1949; its lectures and concerts were a success in Leningrad.

Since time immemorial, there have been numerous beliefs and traditions among the people; some consider them simply myths, others attach serious sacred significance to them, most people do not have a definite opinion on this issue.

On the one hand, modern science completely denies the existence of the “subtle world”, and on the other hand, the brightest luminaries of the same science (take, for example, Albert Einstein) are keenly interested in spiritualism and various mystical teachings. It is unlikely that the world is as simple and unambiguous as school physics textbooks claim.

There is always room in life for the miraculous and inexplicable, regardless of whether most people believe in it.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

Who is the Queen of Spades and what does she look like?

“The Queen of Spades means secret malevolence.”

This epigraph begins the world-famous story of the great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. In the finale of this work, the Queen of Spades plays a fatal role in the fate of the main character.

Popular beliefs - bizarre and varied - agree on one thing: the Queen of Spades is a dark, malevolent entity. Nevertheless, it is believed that contact with it can be successfully used in some types of fortune telling.

From the depths of the Middle Ages, a mystical belief has reached us that the Queen of Spades is not only a card from a deck, but also a certain demonic female entity, which, however, is directly associated with a playing card.

The Queen of Spades has the characteristic appearance of a young witch or fortune teller. She is usually portrayed as a pale brunette beauty with a detached face. Actually, many of those who, according to them, managed to summon the Queen of Spades describe her slightly differently.

Parapsychology experts explain this by saying that the image of the Queen of Spades is transformed by the consciousness and personal experience of each person who comes into contact with her. People say that she can appear in different guises, but it is always easy to recognize her. Official science denies the existence of the Queen of Spades.

Where did the horror stories about the Queen of Spades come from?

One of the cards in the playing deck, namely the Queen of Spades, has long been associated with a witch and witches' machinations; it was attributed the fatal property of bringing failure and breaking human destinies.

Over time, this vivid image began to be exploited in literature, and eerie legends about the Queen of Spades as the spirit of a woman coming from through the looking glass began to circulate among the people. Gradually, the legend took on more and more concrete form, more and more people claimed to have personally met the Queen of Spades.

Some believe that over time this belief gained such an energetic charge that it turned into the so-called egregor - the embodiment of the emotions and thoughts of a large number of people.

Do egregors really exist? Modern science does not give a clear answer to this question. From an occult point of view, everything that we are able to see, even in our imagination, one way or another exists in some mysterious dimension - the so-called “subtle world”.

How to summon the Queen of Spades?

To summon the Queen of Spades, a few minutes before midnight, a staircase with a door at the top is drawn on the mirror with scarlet lipstick (you need to have a wet towel on hand to wipe off the staircase at the right time). After this, turn off the lights and light a candle in front of the mirror; at this time there should be complete silence in the house.

Exactly at midnight, looking intently into the depths of the mirror, you need to say loudly and clearly three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” After this, you may hear the clicking of high heels or a woman's laughter, while a moving female figure will appear in the mirror, descending a drawn staircase.

As soon as this happens, you need to immediately erase the drawn staircase, depriving the Queen of Spades of the opportunity to penetrate into our world, and it is very important that she does not have time to go down to the bottom step.

Remember that even such a precaution does not give firm guarantees: very little is known about the inhabitants of the subtle world who live in the depths of the looking glass or the human subconscious. To avoid unnecessary risks, it is better not to conduct such experiments.

What kind of fortune telling are there with the Queen of Spades?

There is a belief that the mystical power of the Queen of Spades can be used in fortune telling. There are several methods of fortune telling involving the Queen of Spades. Below are the two most popular and easily implemented methods.

Method one.

In the dead of night, we place the Queen of Spades from a card deck in front of the mirror, and light candles on both sides of it: black on the left and red on the right of the card. Looking closely into the mirror, we say three times: “Queen of Spades, come, look at your card.” If successful, a vague image of a woman will appear in the mirror.

While the Queen of Spades is distracted by her image on the card, you can ask her questions, but if she looks directly at you or if you feel uncontrollable fear, stop the session by switching the candles. Then extinguish the candles and turn the card face down.

Method two.

An hour before midnight, put a glass of cognac in front of the mirror and put three chocolates. Before leaving the room we whisper: “Queen of Spades, come and take a treat.” After this, we turn off the light and leave the room, closing the door tightly.

Returning exactly at midnight, we light a wax candle in front of the mirror and say loudly: “Queen of Spades, I call on you! Try the treat, accept the invitation!”

You need to look in the mirror so that you don’t see your own reflection in it, but only see a glass, candy and a candle. If you notice movement in the mirror, you can ask questions. To stop the session, you should cross the mirror with a burning candle, then extinguish the candle by pressing the wick to the mirror.

Attention! Even if you do not believe in the existence of otherworldly forces, remain extremely careful when calling the Queen of Spades. Both mystics and psychologists unanimously claim that fortune telling and spiritualism can lead to unpredictable consequences.

This story happened to my friend. I ask in advance, never call the Queen of Spades, as Olesya did.
Before the events described here, we had a bachelorette party, where for some reason it occurred to me to talk about the Queen of Spades, I even offered to invite her, but everyone refused. According to legend, the Queen of Spades can answer various questions, however, if she does not have a desire to kill you.
So, Olesya had a boyfriend, Pasha, whom she loved very, very much. On Monday after the bachelorette party, our friend Luda asked us to meet after classes at the university. In the cafe, she said that it turns out that Pasha was dating both her and Olesya at the same time, and today the guy made a choice in favor of Lyuda. Olesya instantly jumped out of the cafe, I followed her. But unfortunately, I couldn’t catch up. I tried to call her, but she didn’t answer the phone. And as luck would have it, her parents left. I was already afraid that she would cut her veins or swallow pills because of Lyudin’s lies. I myself didn’t know whether to believe Lyuda. But I could never have imagined what would come to Olesya’s mind. Call the Queen of Spades to find out if Pasha cheated on her. I assume that Olesya was in so much pain that death did not frighten her. Using scarlet lipstick, which Pasha loved so much, she drew on the mirror what was needed to summon the evil spirit. The Queen of Spades has appeared. Thin, pale, in some kind of white robe, with sharp claws and pitch-black hair. But the sight didn’t frighten Olesya; she asked if the guy had cheated on her. The Queen of Spades answered yes. Olesya began to sob, covering her face with her hands. When she opened her eyes, the Queen of Spades was standing next to her. But Olesya was in so much pain that she said:
-Kill me.
An ominous cold laugh rang out. The spirit looked in the mirror. Olesya clearly remembered that only she was reflected.
“I’ll come in 3 days,” she said. - And I will fulfill your wish.
The next day I met my boyfriend Dima. I've never seen him so upset. It turns out that Dima could not get over the shock. Dima, like Pasha, lived in a dorm. And when he entered the washbasin, he saw a pool of blood in which Olesin’s boyfriend was lying. Dima was told that Pasha had gone too far with shaving, hurt the arteries and was unable to stop the bleeding. Pasha was proud and he would not call anyone for help. I tried my best to console my boyfriend. I still couldn’t get through to Olesya, so I only managed to tell Lyuda about this, who burst into tears and started talking about how little she and Pasha had time to do. I realized that she wasn’t lying about the meetings. Luda and I had to go to the pool, before which she stood for a long time in front of the mirror, putting herself in order after crying.
That day we had to pass the standards, and besides, swimming is a great way to distract ourselves.
Luda was already preparing for the jump, adjusting the straps on her red swimsuit. Splashes, she jumped into the water. Fast strokes, in the middle of the track her pace slowed down, and then I saw a thin strip of some kind of red liquid. At first I thought it was either her swimsuit fading or Lyuda’s period. The people's hands stopped rising above the water. The teacher jumped into the water after her. When they pulled her out, there was no pulse. Luda was dead. Bleeding in the brain.
In the evening I was able to see Olesya and told her everything. She was very pale and could not say a word. I saw that among her golden curls one gray one appeared. That night I stayed overnight with her. I had a very strange dream about a girl in the mirror. The next day, Olesya bought herself a chic black dress, jewelry, and asked me for my favorite shadows. She wanted to take her mind off everything. On the day of the funeral, Olesya wanted to linger at the cemetery. I couldn’t understand my friend, but for a second I saw her smile. After this event, Olesya dragged me to the hairdresser, where she and I had our hair done. No one was going to go for a walk that day. In the evening we sat in a cafe, where Olesya, who always watched her figure, ate two cakes, washed down with a milkshake. Her behavior surprised me; she refused my offer to stay overnight with me.
I saw Olesya the next day, when we met, she hugged me tightly and told me everything. That night the Lady came. Olesya was ready to die, but the Lady did not kill her. When Olesya asked why, she replied that if she did this, then Olesya’s soul would be imprisoned in the mirror. Once upon a time this lady was also a girl, and she summoned the Queen of Spades. She also did it out of love. Having become a spirit, she killed the guy who cheated on her. She decided to provide the same service to Olesya. Before she left, she told Olesya to value her life, and this gray lock of hair would be an eternal reminder. The lady returned to the mirror, which immediately shattered into hundreds of small fragments.
No dye could take away Olesya’s gray hair.
...Oh, I completely forgot: the spirit that appeared to my friend said that there are several Queens of Spades, so don’t call anyone from the mirror, otherwise you may not be as lucky as my friend. By the way, she recently got married...