A ritual on how to forget a loved one. A conspiracy to forget a loved one

What to do if you need to do it I'll cool it off to myself, I have written more than once. For example, take a look at the link http://ezoterik.com/?p=1059. But the topic has not exhausted its relevance. Just recently, I was once again asked about the topic of unrequited love, how you can get rid of it. So I decided to offer the readers of my site another option.

In general, if such a situation has arisen that no matter how hard you try to care for your beloved, no matter how much you tell her about your feelings, help her solve her problems and no matter what actions you do for her, she never reciprocates your feelings , if you clearly understand that further attempts to win her favor will not lead to anything, but, unfortunately, your love for her is still strong and torments you, not giving you the opportunity to meet and start a relationship with another girl, then perform the ritual chills to forget your beloved.

This magical effect will completely erase and destroy unrequited feelings and emotions, and will give a chance to establish a fulfilling personal life. A significant plus is that, if you wish, you can remain on good friendly terms with your ex-lover, since the ritual will not awaken in you hatred or hostility towards her.

Of course, if you do not have positive experience in carrying out magical work, it is best in such a situation to still look for a good specialist who will completely solve your problem, do everything quickly, efficiently and without any negative consequences. But, if for some reason you do not have such an opportunity and do not foresee it, then strictly follow my instructions, do not make any changes to the magical work, and everything should definitely work out for you.

Ritual of cooling yourself down from your beloved

Buy one white wax candle. Also prepare matches, a deep bowl and about a liter of drinking water. Choose a photo of your beloved whom you want to forget. The photo should be without strangers in the picture and as fresh as possible. Perform the ritual during the waning moon, immediately after midnight.

Tear the photograph into small pieces and pour into a bowl. Fill the top completely with water to the edge. It is not necessary to pour out all the water. Light a candle from a match, take it in your right hand and move it over the bowl for about 5 minutes with the words:

“I’ll talk myself out of “the name of my beloved girl,” I’ll take him away, I’ll drown my love. As soon as the water freezes, my heart will be empty.”

Put out the candle by slightly dipping it into the water and throw away the cinder. Place the bowl in the freezer.

When the water freezes after 24 hours, take a sharp knife and crack the ice. Add a small piece of luda to any drink you drink and drink to the bottom. Get rid of all other ritual accessories in any way convenient for you.

If you did everything correctly, within a week you will feel that your emotions for your beloved girl are slowly leaving. Please note that this is not an instant process and will take some time to achieve the final result. And, of course, do not perform such a ritual if you are simply offended or angry with your girlfriend, but, in fact, everything is in order in your relationship the rest of the time, since this magical work is irreversible and will inevitably lead to a breakup, even if you suddenly change your mind .

There are moments in people's lives when love ends and feelings between loving hearts cool down. At such moments, the other person is very sad and hurt, because his feelings are still “attached to his soulmate,” his heart is “torn to pieces,” and his soul does not find peace. At such a moment, there is a feeling as if “the earth is spreading under your feet” and it seems that life is over... But in fact, this is only the beginning of a new path!

How to stop loving your ex and forget your loved one after breaking up continuing a happy life? There are several options and all methods are successful, the main thing is not to sit with your pillow in your arms mourning unhappy love, but to act! How? You can visit a psychologist and “brainwash” him to start a new life, but he will “go through the forest” along a different road. The magician in such a situation, and there were several of them, uses the help of white magic by reading a conspiracy that helps you erase a person from your memory forever and, having forgotten your ex, move on and enjoy life. I don’t regret breaking up with my exes at all - these were life lessons that made me stronger and awarded me the ability to better understand people and the sincerity of their feelings. Once in church, while talking with Father, he told me a wise phrase: “People are strange creatures, when choosing animals for themselves, they look at their pedigree... Why, when choosing a mate for themselves, do people look at figure, beauty, position and money?” Oh, I got distracted and avoided revealing the way in which you can easily forget and stop loving a person. After reading conspiracies forgotten by people in her notebook Maginya found the text of a magical prayer after which the brain will forgive and quickly forget past love. The plot will help you fall out of love and no longer think about the person after breaking up.

For this conspiracy, you don’t need your ex’s things, especially his photographs - it’s better to give them to him right away, so that their energy doesn’t litter your world and remind you of him. Don’t create illusions, it’s all over, it’s time to let him go and forget, and I’ll tell you how to do this now. The main rule of white magic is to do no harm. That's why a conspiracy to help you break up and forget a person completely safe for both of you, besides, the spell can be read at home on any day, with the exception of Sundays and major church holidays.

Read this plot once at the closed front door, and a second time at the closed window of your bedroom.:

I used to love a man dear to my heart,

From this day on I forgot the servant of God (name).

I won’t love (ex’s name) anymore,

You can’t keep feelings for him in your heart.

I lock my heart away from him,

I take back the love I gave to myself.


The white conspiracy will help you quickly forget the past, fall out of love and get rid of longing for the person with whom something previously connected you.

If you have been betrayed by a loved one and the time has come to leave, do not fall into apathy, look at the situation from the other side. You have become free and do not depend on anyone! You can make your own plans for the day, evening and even week; you no longer need to coordinate them or listen to other people’s opinions. From the moment of separation, you belong only to yourself - 24 hours a day, you are no longer interested in the question of where he is and with whom - that has passed! With every new second you forget him and your feelings for him become a thing of the past.

© Copyright: Magician

  • If you decide to bewitch a person yourself, then it is best to use a strong love spell that will act instantly and which cannot be removed. The effect of the Siberian love spell is immediate and, acting through the subconscious of a person, will very quickly make him feel love attraction and a strong craving for you. With the help of magic and the action of a love spell, his consciousness will constantly think only about his beloved and, not finding peace from the action of the love spell, the person will be forced to turn to you. You will immediately notice manifestations of his love for you, which will be expressed by constant signs of attention, he will constantly call you on the phone and leave messages. Before you begin this really strong love spell, answer yourself once again: are you ready for such a long relationship with by this person. By making a Siberian love spell that cannot be removed, you will instantly and forever connect the fate of a person with your life, and the bewitched person will never be able to leave you and make a lapel. Remember: “you are responsible for those you tamed.” It is easy to abandon a bewitched man or woman, but the person on whom the love spell is cast will only be left with suffering and eternal loneliness and the desire to see his soul mate who bewitched him to himself. If you are ready for such an act, the magician will tell you how to cast an instant love spell.

  • How to quickly and profitably marry a rich groom? A conspiracy to create a family, read as a prayer in church near the icon of the Virgin Mary, is the most powerful and fastest-effective love spell for a guy or man to get married. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or an adult man, make this easy but very effective love spell at home that will help you marry your loved one. For marriage, use this love spell recommended by a Siberian healer and be sure that you will not miss a wedding this year. Open the front door of your house or apartment and read the marriage plot; it helps even a girl with a child get married. Words of a love spell to speed up a wedding and get married quickly, forcing your loved one to quickly marry you:

  • If your husband likes to take a walk from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, dispel them with the help of magic. Every time your loved one leaves the house, whisper after him about your husband’s fidelity, which will allow you to talk him out of betrayal: Go where you went, you will still come back. From me you will go as a gelding, In my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen. Be sure that after these magical words, your husband will be as faithful to you as a dog and will always return home to your family.

  • Today I will tell you about several of the most powerful dry spells that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushki (prisushki - whispers for love) about which we will tell the magician have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly attract a guy or an unmarried man to me. Only here is a proven whisper - the dryness on the man you love or the guy you like will allow you to dry him up for up to 1 month, and the dryness will begin to act the very next day. This is very convenient for approaching a person and getting to know him better. If you are suitable for each other, you can use a strong love spell and, after reading the plot, bewitch your loved one to you. If you are too different, in a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply maintain good relations. The magician started reading sweets and love whispers back in school so that the boy I liked would pay attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and always the expected result. The next day after drying, my beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me obvious and unambiguous signs of attention.

  • A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will be this powerful conspiracy - a prayer for return. This plot is usually read if your husband leaves you or your boyfriend leaves you. I read this plot several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from a young man who abandoned me while studying at the institute, and the plot always worked on the 2nd - 4th day, forcing my dear one to come to me. What needs to be done to get a person back after a quarrel. In church, buy any candle, place it near the icon of the Mother of God and be sure to light it (in some churches they do not light candles, but only burn them during services; such a church is not suitable). Looking at the candle fire, say the words of the conspiracy to return the person and return love feelings to him:

If you understand that your relationship has come to an end, but you can’t forget your loved one, use effective conspiracies to start a new life.

It often happens that the feelings between a couple are not as strong as expected. Or maybe someone even suffers from unrequited feelings. In such situations, many often resort to help save relationships.

But there are situations when all methods have been tried, and there is nothing left but to forget the beloved. Of course, it hurts, and sometimes many people become depressed because they don’t have the strength to start a new life with another partner. In such situations, conspiracies against non-reciprocal love are very helpful.

Conspiracies, lapels and chills for love

All of the methods below are very effective. You can choose any one that you like best.

The first conspiracy is used in cases when you realized that the relationship has reached a dead end and can no longer be saved, even after you have tried all possible rituals. For example, a conspiracy to return a husband to the family. Yes, your soulmate has already become a part of you, but you cannot return the past. It is this conspiracy that will help you not regret anything and move on: “Lord my God, I am a slave... (my name) standing before you. I beg you for mercy, help me forget the slave... (name of beloved). Heal my soul and heart and deliver me from suffering. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, mentally thank your partner for all the good things you had. And start enjoying new events in your life.

The following lapel will help in cases where you have unrequited love, and the young man does not pay any attention to you or is dating someone else. In this case, you need to go to church, light one candle for the health of your beloved, a second candle for yourself, and bring the third home.

In the evening, after sunset, make sure that no one will disturb you, light a candle and say the following phrase: “In the name of God I conjure, God’s servant... (the name of my beloved) I forget. I live happily without you, just as you live without me. We have different roads and different destinies. Amen".

Blow out the candle and go to bed. In the morning, take the candle to the church and put it to burn out near the icon of the Mother of God.

Another cooling option is suitable if you have the opportunity to offer your lover food. Any food or liquid will do. Many people use water because it is most convenient to perform the ritual with. You need to read a spell over a product or water, which you will subsequently treat to the required person: “In the name of the Lord I endow this... (water and the like) with heavenly power. Please, cool down the ardor of the servant of God... (your name) to the servant of God (name of your beloved), separate them into different corners, and so that they would be better apart than together. My word is strong. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, you need to drink some water or eat some food, which you can then treat to the right person. Any remaining water or product should be thrown away so that no one else can try it again.

All methods are very effective, but before using them, think about whether you really want this. After all, there are many love spells that help rekindle feelings between lovers. Follow your heart and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.06.2016 02:57

Psychic and healer Djuna Davitashvili shared the secrets of a happy marriage on her website. According to her,...

A love spell will help you attract attention and even make someone you care about for a long time fall in love with you. Everything, that...

When you can’t forget a person for a long time, longing and sadness sets in

To the photo

To forget a person you only need his photograph

A strong conspiracy to forget a person will help. To implement it, you will need a photograph of someone you need to forget and stop loving. Both men and women can perform such magical actions. Light a candle and turn the photograph upside down next to it. Place a piece of black bread near the image. This magical procedure is performed daily for a week. After reading the spell, give the bread to any animal to eat. In your soul, let him go, mentally imagine the moment of the break. The text is as follows:

“The way your photo stands, doesn’t move, doesn’t turn over. Just as bread lies motionless and does not move, so my passions pass, love passes forever. I’ll let you go, I won’t suffer anymore. I forgot you, like the first feeling, the first failure is forgotten. So let me also forget about you forever. Amen".

Such conspiracies will help even if you love a person very much.

On the water

How to forget a boyfriend or husband? A conspiracy to forget a loved one will help; it is carried out using water. To forget the one who abandoned you, you should wash your face with the charmed water for seven days. You should first speak to the water:

Before washing, you should speak water

“I’m going to wash my face with clean water. Take away, little water, my melancholy, sadness and sorrow, take it with you to a distant place. Hide all your feelings in the depths of the sea, help you forget what will never come true again. Amen".

It is better to use spring, spring or well water to forget the person you love, but he doesn’t love you.

You can use another method to forget a person. To carry out the ceremony, you will need to collect water from a natural reservoir before sunrise. Bring it home and don’t talk to anyone on the way. And when you come home, read on the water:

“Crystal water, you are drawn from the spring. Help us break up, help us forget the person after breaking up. Help those who have abandoned and those who have been abandoned. Help for wives and husbands, sons and daughters. Take away all the troubles and troubles, cool down strong feelings. Tell me how to stop thinking about a person, how to forget forever someone who was once loved and desired. Direct your strength to throw unrequited love out of my heart, out of my soul.”

The collected water should be poured out after sunset

Wait until the sun sets, pour the spell under a bush or tree, while saying the text to kill your beloved man:

“Just as water came from the earth, so it goes into the earth. And so love will go away forever.”

This ritual will help you quickly throw someone who no longer loves out of your heart.

With a candle to release feelings

To perform the next ritual in the church you will need to purchase 13 candles. When leaving the temple, turn around and whisper:

“I will give my melancholy, sadness and sadness to this place, all my mental wounds go away, all melancholy and unrequited love. Amen".

When you get home, light all the candles. Looking at the flame, say these magic words:

Light three candles and read the words

“I will get lightness in my soul and heart. Unrequited love, passion and suffering will no longer torment me. No more suffering will remain, no troubles and misfortunes will come. Let all the bad things go away, let your memory be cleared of bad thoughts. Everything is coming true as I said in a good hour on a bright journey. I'm starting a new life with a clean slate. A new day will bring new happiness. I’m starting a new path.”

Repeat the spells three times. Put out the candles and throw away the cinders. After two weeks, repeat the magical procedure again.

Ritual with blue candles

To quickly get rid of unrequited feelings and cool your heart, you can use the following version of the ritual. Buy three thick blue candles. Scribble on one:

Buy three blue candles

“Pain and suffering, leave me (name).”

Scratch on the surface of the second:

“Mental anguish, burn with a bright flame.”

On the third write:

“Heartfelt, leave me (name).”

Every day you will need to burn one candle and throw the cinders into any body of water. After three days, passion and love should subside.

With poppy seeds

Take a handful of poppy seeds

How to stop loving a married man, the plot will help in such a situation. To prevent people from suffering from unrequited love, you can charm poppy seeds at home. Take a handful of poppy seeds, throw that poppy seed on a saucer, pour hot water over it, reading:

“Forget me and I will forget you. How hot this water is, so are my feelings now. But as the water cools down, so will the feelings. When the water gets cold, my feelings will get cold along with it. Amen"

Pour poppy seeds under an old tree, while reading the prayer:

“Sincere feelings burned strongly for you (name). Melancholy has tormented me, it has eaten me up, there is no peace or joy from it. As the mixture cools on the dish, so do I. My passion and love will break, like a poppy cools down. Then I will only rejoice, there will be no more unrequited affections, and the melancholy will go away forever.”

Such rituals are allowed to be used once. You cannot repeat it, otherwise higher powers may punish you.

Other ritual options

Help yourself get rid of longing for a person

How to forget a loved one, a conspiracy will help you get rid of the problem. To make a guy stop loving a girl, the plot is carried out after sunset. A conspiracy to forget a loved one is carried out using the following attributes:

  • candle;
  • scissors;
  • matches.

When it gets dark, light a candle and take scissors. Moving them along the flame, as if cutting off its edges, say:

“I don’t cut off the flame of a candle, but I drive away frantic love. Help, healing fire, to get rid of heartache and unbearable melancholy. Stop thoughts swirling around unbridled feelings. Stop, my heart, from suffering from severe melancholy. Let the feelings go to a place from which they do not return. Help me, healing candle, to forget the person forever. Whoever does not love, let him lag behind, will forever remain in the past. I curb the desire to meet, the desire for love and passion. When I blow out the candle, I’ll forget (name). May the spoken word come true.”

Throw away the cinder and hide the scissors. Such magical actions should be carried out during the waning moon.

Throw a handful of seeds to the pigeons

Another effective conspiracy to stop loving a person, let him go and not suffer anymore is carried out with the help of seeds. Take a handful of seeds and sprinkle them on the pigeons, while reading the text of the conspiracy to stop loving a person:

“Birds are free and free. Take your melancholy and sadness with you. Let them fly away forever to distant lands. Strong feelings are gone, love is gone, let it never return. May what has been said come true.”

To make a man stop loving a woman or to forget her husband, repeat such manipulations for 9 days in a row.

Another effective conspiracy to forget a person is carried out during the waning moon. Take a piece of bread, put it on the windowsill, leave it overnight, reading these words:

“Bread, absorb all the power of the bright moon, fill yourself up and take my sadness and melancholy with you.”

Bread will help get rid of melancholy

In the morning, crumble the bread and give the crumbs to any birds. If the spell does not bring the desired result, repeat it

If you left your spouse so that your husband would stop loving her and stop suffering, there is a sure way. Say the words out loud three times:

“Go to sleep, love, don’t wake up. Heart, calm down, free yourself from pain. To stop loving your wife, let him separate without pain and suffering. She was nice, now she will be forgotten. My words are strong."

Another effective version of the ritual is the ritual using lemon balm. Tear fresh leaves and put in a bag. Go to the pond, let each leaf float into the water, reading the words of the spell:

“The water floats far, there is no reverse current, fast water, help my feelings evaporate. Let them go completely, to the last drop. Together with the leaves, all my troubles, melancholy, suffering and problems go away. May the spoken word come true.”

Collect water from the pond for washing

Collect some water from the reservoir, every day you will need to wash your face and sprinkle the area of ​​your heart. Carry out such magical actions for three days in a row.

How to stop thinking about a man who doesn't need you? To quickly forget a person who does not reciprocate, you can perform a ritual using a knife. You need to collect spring, well or spring water. Place several silver objects in a container of water. So it will turn silver. Place a knife in a container of water. Let it sit overnight, then remove the knife in the morning. Read magic speeches about him:

“As this knife is cleansed, so let my heart be cleansed of unrequited love. So my soul is cleansed from bottomless melancholy. So my body will be cleansed from strong suffering. The mind will become clear and pure, a new path will open for me, they will now be able to live in a new way. Our paths will diverge, and my path is now only illuminated by light.”

After such a ritual, unrequited love will go away very soon. You will be able to get rid of thoughts about the person who was once loved.

A person cannot live without love. But the feelings are not always mutual. When the relationship doesn't work out and there is no longer hope, there is only one thing left to do: forget this man or woman. But making such a decision with your mind is one thing, but throwing your loved one out of your heart is another thing. To do this, use the old proven method - time. If you wait a little, the feelings will cool down on their own. Or wait for a new meeting, a new relationship, and this love will be mutual. For those for whom these two options are not suitable, a conspiracy to forget a person can help.

A good way to forget a person is a conspiracy

Rules for reading the plot

Take your time to use magic. You should not read conspiracies rashly, think first, weigh the pros and cons. If you are sure that separation is inevitable, and you need to forget your loved one, your relationship has no chance, follow the rules of reading conspiracies so that they work.

Before performing a ritual, think carefully about whether you need it

  1. Consider whether you need this ritual. It is not carried out out of curiosity. Those who want to read conspiracies must believe in their power.
  2. Most ceremonies are performed alone. When performing a ritual, do not think about extraneous things.
  3. Follow the directions. You cannot rearrange the words of the conspiracy, replace one item with another, if this is not indicated in the conditions. Don't have something you need for a plot? Choose another ritual. Pronounce the words clearly, with feeling; you must not rush, stammer, or mumble your words.
  4. Your appearance is also important. Choose plain clothes; the best option is a long shirt. On your feet - no tights or socks, take off your shoes. It’s better to remove all the decorations and the cross. Let your hair down, don’t comb your hair, forget about makeup.
  5. Rituals that are carried out in order to forget the past, a loved one, are done at sunrise or before sunrise, if there are no other instructions in the conspiracy. You should not do magic during your period. A ritual is performed on the waning moon. Then the feelings will melt along with the night luminary. The third quarter of the waning moon is the most favorable time.
  6. After the ritual, you cannot talk about the ritual.

Conducting rituals

Choose the ritual that you like best. You must believe in their power, and only then will they help you forget your loved one.

Ritual with spring water

You will need a source. It is better to choose one that is medicinal or holy. But any spring will do, if the water in it is clean, you can drink it. Before going to the spring, pick up lemon balm leaves. Keep some of the leaves at home, and take the rest to the spring.

For the ritual, medicinal lemon balm leaves are needed.

Go to the water, trying to choose a time when no one is around. Sit next to the water and think about how you want to forget your loved one, about pain, about grief, throw out all your feelings, cry.

Imagine that lemon balm leaves are the image of your beloved man, your tears. Throw one leaf into the water and watch how they disappear in the water. You should feel better.

Sit by the water until you begin to forget your ex, i.e. there will be no feeling of peace and tranquility. When this moment comes, take water with your palm and wipe it on your chest, where your heart is. Fill a bowl with some water and go back.

At home, take a glass, throw the remaining leaves into it and fill the glass with water. Take the glass to the bed where you sleep and keep it there for three days. Morning and evening, repeat one ritual: rub your heart with water, remembering the feeling of peace that you had at the spring. Then take one sip at a time. After 3 days, pour the remaining water, along with lemon balm leaves, into the same spring to get rid of all feelings and forget your loved one. If the feelings remain, albeit not so strong, repeat the ritual again, after 7 days.

Ritual with poppy

It is held on the waning moon. You will need a poppy.

To perform the ceremony you must use a purchased poppy

Take a large bowl and pour 2 handfuls of purchased poppy seeds into it. Fill it with 1 tbsp. boiling water, repeating words to forget a man:

“Hot water is my feelings for you, servant of God (name of your beloved). They are just as hot, but like water, they will cool over time.”

Wait until the pot has cooled down, then take the plate with poppy seeds to a dried tree, pour water under it and say five times:

“My feelings were burning, burning and knew no peace. I wandered through the forests and mountains, longing for my dear one. An Angel came down to me and relieved me of a heavy burden. He broke my feelings into poppy grains and put out the fire in my soul with water. The smoke rose and flew far, far away from me with the wind. Now I walk and don’t know any troubles, I don’t cry, I don’t grieve, I don’t love.”

Simple conspiracies

Often, certain conspiracies that help to forget a loved one are difficult to carry out. In order not to suffer, use simple conspiracies that are also powerful.

Conspiracy at the crossroads. Read it any day, regardless of the moon or time of day, but choose a time when the pedestrian intersection is deserted. Stand where the roads intersect, spit and repeat these words, thinking about how you want to break up with your man:

“I, the Servant of God (my name) will never miss my spit, and I will never miss my former beloved, the Servant of God (the name of my former loved one) again! My Guardian Angel will save my soul, save my heart from melancholy. Amen".

The spell for blue candles is carried out in the morning

Conspiracy with blue candles. You will need 3 blue candles, each of which can burn for at least 5 hours. Write 3 phrases on each candle:

“Spiritual pain, leave the Servant of God (your name)”;

“Melancholy, move away from the Servant of God (your name)”;

“Free the heart of the Servant of God (your name) through suffering.”

Every night you will need to light one candle after another, taking care of your safety in advance to prevent a fire. You don’t need to sit next to a candle all night, but spend some time with it, think about how you want to forget your loved one. In the morning, when the candle burns out, take the stub and take it to the trash container, choosing one that is located away from home. During the time you burn the candles, your feelings will begin to fade.

To perform the ritual you need to take one slice of black bread

Conspiracy with a photo. Take a photo of your loved one and put it upside down, put black bread next to it, one piece is enough. Join your hands on your chest, look at the photo and read the plot. After this, feed the bread to the birds. Repeat the ritual daily for a week:

“Servant of God (name), stand as you stand.

Bread, lie as you lie.

I will remember you not with love, but with cold blood.

How can I, a servant of God, forget

how I walked my first steps as a child,

as my first tooth grew, so from now on forever

forget about this man

servant of God (name). Amen".

Plot with a skein of thread. The ritual is carried out in the morning, it should be the 8th day of the lunar calendar. You got up, washed, go to the mirror. Stand up and imagine the image of your loved one.

You and him are connected by many strings that signify your affection for each other.

You need to visualize how all these threads are burning. Then take a skein of thread, a candle and set the yarn on fire. Think about what is easier for you, you have forgotten the man. Wash away the ashes that remain from the threads, imagining that you are removing melancholy and dependence.

Ritual with a knife

This ritual is suitable only for those who have a real Russian stove in their house, and not a gas boiler, as in modern cottages. And it will be difficult to accomplish. But it is strong enough, so it is suitable for those who have decided to forget their loved one forever.

The ritual with a knife is very powerful

Take the knife. Prepare natural red fabric. Before performing the ritual, you need to dip the knife in 7 waters.

  1. River. Go to any river and scoop up some water.
  2. Silver. Pour water into a bowl and place silver objects in it. Let the bowl stand in a dark place for 3 days.
  3. From a spring. It is collected either from a spring or a well.
  4. From rowan. You will need rowan berries, which can be thrown into water and left for 1 day.
  5. The water you have left after washing your face. Don't pour it out, but collect it in a bowl.
  6. Boiled. Everyone knows how to prepare this water.
  7. Holy water. They bring it from the church.

When you have done all this, wrap the knife in cloth and hide it in a dark place. Perform the ritual in the morning. Light the stove and put the blade in it, repeating the spell:

“Just as smoke does not hold on this knife, so me, (name), does not hold longing. Let it be so".

Repeat this 9 times, and, without wiping, without washing, put it in a cloth. In the evening, say the basic Orthodox prayer over the knife 9 times, then hide it. So your melancholy will disappear, this knife will take it all away.