8th Nevsky International Ecological Congress. VIII Nevsky International Ecological Congress

Over the past two years alone, about a dozen models of such legislative acts have been adopted at the Tauride Palace, and in total, during the work of the IPA, over 50 documents of this nature have been prepared, which have been “picked up” by national parliaments. According to the Speaker of the Federation Council and Chairman of the Council of the IPA CIS Valentina Matvienko, the northern capital not only stores standards of basic physical quantities, but also creates legislative standards for many countries.

However, it was in 2017 that serious turning points began. They are associated with the adoption of the Environmental Safety Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 and a phased transition to a sustainable development model, which is supposed to be implemented on the basis of “green” technologies and the closed-cycle concept. Many similar programs were adopted in our country, but over time the good impulses faded away. This time this will not happen, the head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, is sure, since both the authorities and the business community are aware that there is no other way.

After all, we are talking not only about the health of the nation, but also about such tangible, pragmatic things as the efficiency and competitiveness of the entire economy. The environmental component becomes a priority in any significant economic model, which is confirmed by foreign experience. In the European Union, the “green industry” produces products worth 300 billion euros per year and creates 3.5 million jobs, and up to a quarter of all investments there are directed to clean technologies.

To reach these parameters, we must first make a huge leap in working with municipal waste and modernize large enterprises. These main directions of Russia's environmental strategy echo those contained in the IPA program documents. Plus the development of domestic ecotourism (its potential is estimated at 20 million people per year) and the Russian nature reserve system, the generation of renewable energy, and the elimination of garbage dumps scattered throughout all cities and villages.

The northern capital also made attempts to get closer to solving the “garbage” problem. “When we launched a project for separate waste collection in St. Petersburg, the townspeople immediately responded: they began putting glass, plastic, and paper in containers near their houses,” recalled Valentina Matvienko. “And in the morning the garbage collector came and dumped everything into one bin, which discouraged people from doing so in the future...”

There is only one reason: neither then nor today did the appropriate infrastructure appear. The recently adopted amendments to the law on the waste management system will make it possible to create it, according to participants of the Nevsky Congress. Such an integrated system in Russia is now being formed on the basis of updated territorial schemes and holistic management - a single operator will appear in several pilot regions by the end of this year.

The useful components in the waste will have to be collected and processed, turning into valuable recyclable materials, and everything else will be subject to heat treatment. Four such high-tech enterprises are planned to be built with federal funds in the Moscow region within the framework of the “Zero Waste Disposal” project, and another plant will appear in Kazan. By “absorbing” garbage without harm to nature, they will generate heat and energy, which was noted by the President’s Special Representative for Nature Conservation Sergei Ivanov.

By the end of the year, it is planned to complete the construction of alternative facilities (solar panels and the first large wind farm in Russia) with a total capacity of 125 MW. It seems like crumbs, but this is one and a half times more than was commissioned a year ago (70 MW).

Sergei Ivanov, head of the organizing committee for the Year of Ecology, outlined the total amount of investment that will be allocated to implement the relevant federal program: 347 billion rubles. Including 200 billion from extra-budgetary sources - this is mainly money from large companies planning to switch to “green” technologies in metallurgy and other “smoky” industries. Such technologies are more effective, and the state is going to encourage environmental “propensity” with tax incentives. The Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation proposes to introduce, in addition, “green” bonds and preferential loans for special projects (the loan rate will not exceed 6%), create trust funds, build a system of “green” government procurement, etc.

Increased motivation will also affect the housing and communal services sector: ministerial officials announced plans in St. Petersburg to reduce utility tariffs for people sorting garbage for recyclables.

In matters of environmental management, the government seems to be beginning to show firmness, intending to restore order, in particular, in the timber industry. The principle “how much you cut down, so much you restore” may become dominant here. The same rule will apply during the construction of roads and power lines. Such bills are being developed, and the law on the “green belt”, according to which all large cities will be surrounded by a wall of trees, has already been adopted.

Russia is the largest country in the world, 20% of the forests of the entire earth grow here, and Baikal contains 25% of all fresh water on the planet, but this does not justify wastefulness, noted Valentina Matvienko. To develop a caring attitude towards nature, everyone needs, in her words, an environmental “inoculation” - similar to that provided by the Soviet education system with its stations for young naturalists, clubs and forest hikes.

Something similar is being revived in St. Petersburg: the ecological and biological center “Krestovsky Island”, where 1.7 thousand children study, school events, an environmental shift in the “Zerkalny” camp, etc.

When new education standards are introduced in Russia (33 models of “green” school programs have already been created), the young generation of eco-children, as young people are called in some regions, will become stronger, says First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Valentina Pereverzeva. And these are future officials, businessmen, scientists.

The Nevsky Congress contributed one of the bricks to the currently constructed “building” of Russian environmental education.

The fourth Nevsky International Ecological Congress will be held in St. Petersburg on May 16-17, 2011. It is held by the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States together with the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The official partner of the congress is the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Round table “From MEGApolis to ECOpolis”

On May 16, 2011, within the framework of the IV Nevsky International Ecological Congress, a round table “From MEGApolis to ECOpolis” will be held (St. Petersburg, Parliamentary Center, Exhibition Hall, Shpalernaya St., 53).

Environmental threats have become one of the most serious problems of our time. This is especially acute in large cities around the world. Residents of large cities are increasingly thinking about “escape” to nature.

Is it possible that life in environmentally friendly conditions will not be associated with the loss of the achievements of civilization? Are there urban planning solutions that will not harm the environment?

We invite you to attend round table No. 8 (“From MEGApolis to ECOpolis”), where issues of development and practical application of the latest green construction technologies, innovative environmental projects and much more will be discussed.

Round table “Black List of the Red Book”

On May 17, 2011, within the framework of the IV Nevsky International Ecological Congress, a round table “The Black List of the Red Book and the conservation of rare species of animals” will be held (St. Petersburg, Tavrichesky Palace, Shpalernaya St., 47).

The earth is approaching an environmental catastrophe. Humanity's demands for natural resources have already exceeded by a third what our planet can provide. The “black list” of the Red Book increases every year.

What needs to be done to preserve the flora and fauna that nature has created over millions of years? Is it possible for a future in which unique species of animals and plants can safely coexist with civilization? Quite. But for this you need to make every effort now. Including in international legal regulation of environmental issues.

We invite you to visit round table No. 7 (“The Black List of the Red Book and the conservation of rare species of animals”), where the issues of protecting rare species of animals and human responsibility for nature and its conservation will be discussed.

The moderator of the round tables is a member of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Constitutional Legislation, Chairman of the IPA CIS Standing Commission on Culture of Information, Tourism and Sports Evgeniy Georgievich Tarlo.

The congress is also expected to consider current problems in the formation of innovative mechanisms for the development of the social and environmental sphere, including the innovative concept of UNIDO “Green Industry”.

Additional information about the congress can be obtained on the website of the CIS Interparliamentary Assembly www.iacis.ru and the website of the Nevsky International Environmental Congress www.ecocongress.info

Details: 26.05.2017. 10:04

On May 25–26, 2017 in St. Petersburg, at the Tauride Palace, the VIII Nevsky International Ecological Congress was held under the motto “Environmental education - a clean country”, dedicated to issues of environmentally responsible behavior, the development of a “green economy”, culture of production and consumption, healthy lifestyle .

The main goal of the VIII Nevsky International Environmental Congress is to develop a broad discussion, organize the exchange of information and experience on the formation of an environmental education system as a guarantee of environmental safety, preservation of public health, implementation of successful strategies and programs for improving the waste management system, and introduction of the best available technologies.

By decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, 2017 was declared in Russia as the Year of Ecology and the Year of Protected Natural Areas, therefore, much attention at the congress was paid to the issues of improving legislation in the field of development of the protected area system and maintaining biological diversity.

As part of the business part of the program, a plenary session and thematic round tables were held, at which the most pressing issues were discussed by the heads of legislative and executive government bodies, representatives of international organizations, business circles, educational and research institutions, the media, public associations of the participating states Commonwealth of Independent States and other countries.

Chairman of the Central Council of the Environmental Union, SPbRO Russian Ecological Academy, Professor Veronika Tarbaeva spoke at the section “Modern system of environmental education and awareness”. It showed the role and significance of the all-Russian environmental campaign “Water of Russia” in the formation of an environmental culture of the population and instilling a careful attitude towards water. V.M. Tarbaeva demonstrated, using examples of the implementation of environmental and educational projects within the framework of the Federal Target Program “Water of Russia,” how much attention S.E. Donskoy and D.M. Kirillov pay to the issues of education and informing the population in the field of use and protection of water bodies. She also praised the regions of the Russian Federation, which took the first ten places in the regional ranking, for their active participation in the Promotion.

Based on the results of the discussions, proposals were formed to improve legislation aimed at further developing environmental education, strengthening interregional and cross-border cooperation in the Commonwealth of Independent States, introducing environmentally oriented, resource-saving technologies, ensuring a healthy living environment and improving the quality of human life.

Representatives of the Presidium of the Russian Ecological Academy Veronika Tarbaeva and Olga Plyamina took part in the Action to restore lost trees in the Tauride Garden. The event was headed by Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, Chairman of the Federation Council.

The plenary session of the VIII Nevsky International Environmental Congress was held at the Tauride Palace, the headquarters of the IPA CIS.

The President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev sent greetings to the participants and guests of the forum.

President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin noted that “over the past time, this traditional forum has earned high authority and recognition, and has become a major event in the public life of our country and other states.”

“I hope that this year, which in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology and the Year of Protected Natural Areas, you will give priority attention to issues related to the introduction of “green” technologies, the improvement of contaminated areas, the reduction of the negative impact of humans on nature, and the transition to a model of sustainable development,” the document notes. The greeting was announced by the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Northwestern Federal District Nikolai Tsukanov.

Dmitry Medvedev emphasized that the “green” vector of development has become for most countries not a tribute to fashion, but a requirement of the time, a condition for stable and safe economic growth and people’s well-being.

“It is important that the main topic of the forum is environmental education. Not only young people, but also all inhabitants of our planet, first of all, business representatives, managers at all levels who make decisions and bear responsibility for environmental damage, need to open their eyes to global threats and challenges associated with environmental pollution,” says in a greeting announced by the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy.

Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Council of the Interparliamentary Assembly of States - Members of the Commonwealth of Independent States Valentina Matvienko in her speech noted that today environmental problems and climate change throughout the world are coming to the fore, and they can only be solved together, expanding international cooperation in this important area.

According to Valentina Matvienko, there should be more joint environmental projects. “They can also be carried out in the format of other integration associations, primarily the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States.”

The Chairman of the Council of the IPA CIS emphasized that in the Commonwealth space, countries have made serious progress in coordinating actions in the environmental sector. “In the CIS countries, important decisions have been made in the field of rational environmental management, environmental conservation and ensuring environmental safety. The work was carried out in such areas as land reclamation, emissions reduction and safe waste disposal, promoting the introduction of “green technologies”, development of protected areas and eco-tourism.”

Touching upon the topic of model legislative acts affecting environmental issues, Valentina Matvienko noted that over the years of work of the CIS IPA, more than fifty of them have been adopted. “It is time to conduct a thorough review of what the Assembly has done in the environmental field, to assess how effectively our model laws are being implemented into national legal systems.” She believes that the closer environmental norms and standards are to each other, the easier it is to form a single, coordinated policy in this area.

We should think, added the Chairman of the Council of the IPA CIS, about the development of international programs for training specialists in the field of environmental safety and environmental law, internships in leading universities of the CIS countries, and the creation of international camps for environmental students.

Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on environmental issues, ecology and transport Sergei Ivanov noted that the congress has become an authoritative platform for strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation in the field of harmonization of environmental legislation of the CIS countries and the Council of Europe. “We are obliged to ensure the conservation and reproduction of natural resources, to achieve a more prudent and careful attitude towards nature,” he said.

Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko spoke about the experience of St. Petersburg in the field of environmental education and training. “Only joint efforts will help us solve existing environmental problems.”

The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy made a report on measures aimed at ensuring environmental safety in the Russian Federation.

Among the incentives for the transition to a “green economy”, a circular economy, Sergei Donskoy named the environmental modernization of enterprises.

Deputy Chairman of the Majlisi Namoyandagon of the Majlisi Oli of the Republic of Tajikistan Akramsho Felaliev spoke about the role of government agencies and citizens in creating a favorable environmental situation. He noted that a lot of work is being done in Tajikistan in the field of improving the environmental culture of the population, and an effective legislative framework has been created. According to Akramsho Felaliev, the country has a comprehensive environmental education program.

Governor of the Vladimir Region Svetlana Orlova informed about the measures being taken in the region in the field of environmental protection, about projects being implemented in the region for processing wood and waste, clearing rivers, and preserving national reserves.

Chairman of the Federation Council Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Agricultural and Food Policy and Environmental Management Mikhail Shchetinin noted that issues of environmental awareness and education should be addressed primarily to the younger generation. “The development of environmental education and culture are very important aspects in the formation of environmental consciousness in children and youth,” the senator believes.

The President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Madagascar, Jean Max Rakutumamundzi, emphasized the importance of holding environmental congresses that allow the exchange of experience in the field of ecology. He said that Madagascar has more than 12 thousand plant species and more than a thousand animal species. “The island is also rich in forestry, fishing and coastal resources.” Jean Max Rakutumamundzi informed the congress participants about the implementation of the Madagascar Ecological School program, coordinated, in particular, by the World Wildlife Fund. Touching upon the topic of waste disposal, he emphasized that in this area Madagascar should learn from the experience of other countries.

Deputy Chairman of the Second Standing Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Elena Avlonitou, noted that one of the important problems of our time is the human impact on the environment. “We believe it is time to act. It is necessary to analyze priorities in order to prevent a global catastrophe. It is important to explore new technologies and future opportunities. Russia is very competent in the field of new technologies, and we are interested in its experience,” she emphasized.

During the plenary session, the Deputy Minister of Nature Protection of Armenia Khachik Hakobyan, Chairman of the Committee on Agrarian Issues of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sergei Plotnikov, Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Boriy Alikhanov, Director for Environmental Activities of the Office of the Coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities Ralph Ralph Ernst.

There was also a live connection via video conferencing from school No. 354 named after D. M. Karbyshev (Moscow). Valentina Matvienko thanked the schoolchildren for the presented projects. “Your school can be an example for others in the field of environmental education and awareness. After all, taking care of the environment is one of the state’s priorities.”

Bilateral meetings took place on the sidelines of the congress.

Chairman of the Council of the IPA CIS Valentina Matvienko held a meeting with the Chairman of the National Assembly of the Republic of Madagascar Jean Max Rakutumamundzi. The parties discussed issues of nature conservation and climate.

The signing of an agreement on cooperation within the framework of the development of the Belarusian reserve "Krasny Bor" and the Russian reserve "Seversky" was discussed by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Donskoy and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus Andrei Kovkhuto.

Greetings to the Congress participants

To participants and guests of the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress

Dear friends!

I cordially greet you on the occasion of the opening of the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress.

In a relatively short period of time, the congress has deservedly acquired a reputation as an authoritative and representative international forum. Heads of government departments, parliamentarians, public figures, scientists and businessmen from 32 countries of the world gather to participate in its work in St. Petersburg.

I am confident that the congress will be held in a constructive manner and will contribute to uniting the efforts of national environmental services and the expert community in protecting nature and preserving its invaluable resources.

I wish you fruitful work and all the best.

President of Russian Federation


Moscow Kremlin

To the participants and guests of the seventh Nevsky International
environmental congress

Dear friends!

I welcome you to St. Petersburg at the Nevsky International Ecological Congress.

Only two years have passed since the previous forum, but in this short period of time, the most important environmental decisions for the country were made. At the legislative level, a system of measures has been developed aimed at preserving our forests, which should become a serious obstacle to illegal timber trafficking. Qualitative changes have also occurred in the area of ​​waste management; a lot of work has begun to eliminate accumulated environmental damage and eliminate landfills.

The need to adopt these laws has been repeatedly discussed at your congresses. And the fact that they came into force is a considerable achievement of yours. Now you have the opportunity to begin to implement them, and also to outline the next tasks on which the health and quality of life of millions of people directly depends.

I wish you fruitful communication and interesting discussions that will form the basis of new socially significant initiatives.

Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation

D. Medvedev



VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress

On behalf of the CIS Executive Committee, I cordially welcome the participants and organizers of the VII Nevsky International Environmental Congress.

In modern conditions, the importance of broad cooperation in the field of environmental protection is objectively increasing. Modernization and technical re-equipment of production, improvement of legislation in the environmental sphere, formation of an environmental culture, stimulation of the transition to a “green” economy will be able to protect and preserve the natural environment for future generations.

Only by joining forces can we count on real success in creating favorable living conditions for people, preventing negative changes in nature, and ensuring the sustainable development of our countries.

The Commonwealth of Independent States has adopted a number of documents aimed at improving environmental protection. The concept for the further development of the CIS determines that interaction in the environmental sphere is an essential part of the cooperation of the participating states, which will intensify joint activities to prevent and combat natural and man-made disasters. The action plan for the implementation of the CIS Economic Development Strategy for the period until 2020 provides for a number of measures to improve the efficiency of use of natural resources.

Environmental protection issues are also reflected in such CIS documents as the Concept of Coordinated Social and Demographic Policy of the CIS Member States, the Convention on Cross-Border Cooperation of the CIS Member States, and the Interstate Program for Innovative Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period until 2020.

Close attention is paid to environmental education of the population and especially youth. In accordance with the Strategy for International Youth Cooperation of the CIS Member States for the period until 2020, one of the main tasks of international youth cooperation is to develop healthy lifestyle skills, environmental consciousness and positive social motives among young people.

I am convinced that the issues discussed at the Congress will allow us to combine the accumulated experience in the field of regulatory support for environmental protection, integrated water resources management, ensuring environmental safety during the development of mineral deposits, mitigating the consequences of man-made environmental disasters and natural disasters.

I wish all participants of the Congress successful work and fruitful cooperation.


Executive Committee -

Executive Secretary of the CIS S. Lebedev

To participants and guests of the seventh Nevsky International Ecological Congress

I cordially welcome the participants and guests of the seventh Nevsky International Environmental Congress.

Over the past years, the Congress has established itself as an authoritative dialogue platform for discussing topical issues of environmental conservation and finding optimal ways to solve them. Today, when environmental issues play an increasingly important role on the agenda of the world community, the demand for such activities is obvious. The key to success is the active participation in it of representatives of government bodies, international organizations, business circles, and civil society. Russia is firmly committed to deepening mutually respectful multilateral cooperation in ensuring environmental safety based on the principles of international law, in the interests of creating favorable preconditions for ensuring sustainable development and prosperity of current and future generations.

I am confident that your forum will make a useful contribution to these comprehensive efforts. I wish you fruitful work and all the best.

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

S. Lavrov

To the organizers, participants and guests of the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress

Dear friends!

I cordially welcome you to the VII Nevsky International Ecological Congress.

Over the years of its existence, your forum has become a major platform for discussing issues of environmental safety and improving legislative activities in the field of environmental protection in the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The busy business program of the congress with the exchange of experience and information is complemented by thematic exhibitions that provide a visual representation of advanced technologies in the field of environmental protection and natural resource management.

The Moscow government pays priority attention to improving the ecology of the Russian capital. The city is rehabilitating reservoirs and sections of small rivers, and measures are being taken to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment. The implementation of the Million Trees program and other important projects that contribute to the formation of a comfortable urban environment have a great environmental effect.

I am convinced that the decisions of the VII Nevsky International Environmental Congress will serve to ensure global environmental and climate security and improve the quality of life of the population in our countries.

I wish you, dear friends, fruitful work of the congress, successful business contacts and new achievements in your work.

Mayor of Moscow