Is there love between a guy and a girl at a distance? Problems and difficulties of long separation from a loved one - is love possible at a distance? Can a guy love from a distance?

Being close to your loved one, feeling his breath and even his heartbeat is true happiness for all lovers. However, not everyone is destined for such a happy fate. Sometimes it happens that loved ones are separated by merciless kilometers of distance for months, years or for life. Therefore, such couples often wonder whether love at a distance exists and whether it is possible. The answer to this question varies from person to person.

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    Reasons for separation

    Almost any situation can be a reason for ending a relationship. For example, he or she was offered a job in another city or country, but the other half is not ready to say goodbye to the “familiar” office. Another factor is a long trip (business trip) to another continent or traveling at a favorable rate. Less rosy reasons also exist, for example, caring for a sick relative.

    Ways to keep love at a distance:

    1. 1. Regularly send declarations of love in poetic form via SMS.
    2. 2. Call each other and take an interest in your partner’s life.
    3. 3. Make video calls on Skype.
    4. 4. Order gifts from the online store for your loved one.

    Unconditional love

    What is the main problem in separation?

    The main disadvantage of such relationships is the impossibility of personal communication, touching and misunderstanding of marital status. There is no one to visit the theater, exhibition, go to the cinema or restaurant with. You even have to fall asleep in bed alone. Communication mostly carried out via the Internet: mail, video calls, regular calls and SMS.

    Unpleasant moments

    When people are put to the test of strength, it greatly affects their bond. There are several disadvantages of long distance relationships:

    1. 1. Lack of intimacy. This factor is very burdensome for a couple who have been separated for a long time. There is no opportunity to make love with a loved one. Very often this becomes the reason for betrayal in relationships. Guys are more likely to become attracted to others, while girls are more likely to remain faithful.
    2. 2. Deprivation of “live” communication. When a partner leaves, he changes, meets new people, gets acquainted and acquires connections. The other one worries, gets bored, indulges in past memories and maintains the illusion of an existing relationship.
    3. 3. Different goals and priorities. For example, this happens when a young man joins the army. He is constantly busy with worries and activities, and finds an interesting social circle for himself.

    Positive points

    If the separation of lovers cannot be avoided, it is worth thinking about what good can be learned from the current situation. Many partners are in no hurry to break off long-distance relationships and try to find inspiration in such love. Here are the most important positive aspects of a relationship when separated:

    1. 1. Rebirth of partners' feelings. Constantly being close by turns the couple's life into a routine. So a little shake-up won't hurt.
    2. 2. The benefits of solitude. This is a great opportunity to enjoy solitude and think about your innermost thoughts.
    3. 3. The value of every meeting. It’s enough to remember the pleasant chores of a first date: trying on an outfit, excitement and a flushed face.
    4. 4. Attention to the good. When your significant other leaves, everything bad is forgotten, and only good memories remain in your memory. Annoying factors in your partner fade into the background or disappear altogether.

    Is loneliness really the eternal companion of online feelings?

    If the absence of a loved one is torture, then most likely the relationship will not resolve for the better. Perhaps he or she has overestimated the depth of feelings and is carrying an unbearable burden. Left alone, it is easier for a person to weigh and evaluate his situation. Mutual reproaches, disappointment and resentment towards the partner begin in the relationship. There is a desire to quarrel, be indignant, or reproach your loved one for something. You can constantly quarrel and eventually break off the relationship, or you can try to overcome your anger, talk calmly and understand the situation. If people need each other, temporary quarrels will not prevent them from being together.

    But there is another situation. One of the couple begins to idealize the partner and the connection between them. Past meetings seem like a dream, touches seem like pleasure, and in the end the next date turns out to be a severe disappointment. There is an opinion that without separation it is impossible to check how sincere and deep the feelings of lovers for each other are. True love will endure trials, and weak relationships are not worth continuing.

Our century is the century of technology, one of which is the Internet. With its help we learn a lot of new things, expand our horizons and communicate with friends. Also, the Internet has become one of the main ways to meet and find a loved one.

Often this really succeeds, but fate does not always bring us together with a person who lives next to us, and what to do if you find your love in another city or even in another country. How to understand whether this is real love and whether it has a continuation, because at a distance of hundreds of kilometers from each other, it is too difficult to understand feelings and understand whether love has a continuation at a distance.

Love at a distance: does it have a continuation?

Young people and girls write letters to our website asking us to help them figure it out. How to develop such relationships, how to live in such relationships and understand whether it is even worth living and building your love at a distance.

It is clear that these are not simple questions, and each situation is individual, but nevertheless, emerging love at a distance, of course, maybe, moreover, such love can be much stronger than the one that we give to each other, being in direct proximity. However, the strength of such love and what it rests on can be very, very fragile.

1. It is very difficult to create something real and tangible from a distance. From a distance it is difficult to show yourself and see your partner. And our true feelings and their strength are shaped by direct communication, communication in which we recognize a person from all sides, both negative and positive.

Agree, if seeing a person and constantly communicating with him, at the beginning of our relationship, we fantasize, assume and anticipate a lot about our loved one, then when a person is away from us, we do not have the opportunity to learn about him everything that shapes human relationships, and we fantasize and invent even more, and it seems to us that we completely know this person.

Unfortunately, this feature is an inevitable fact in relationships that begin at a distance, so they often do not have a happy ending. However, this does not mean that if a relationship begins at a distance, it cannot form and form a happy and strong union.

It's just something that adds risk to a relationship, something that should make you be more vigilant and attentive to the person you have feelings for.

2. Love at a distance does not last very long, because to maintain it you need communication, you need real, not virtual, actions. Learning about each other while communicating at a distance is interesting and even exciting, but at a certain stage in the relationship this becomes not enough, and real presence and real actions are required to develop the relationship.

3. Close relationships need the close proximity of a loved one, so that you can take him by the hand, cuddle him, hug him, kiss him, this is not just a desire or a whim, it is a need without which a person cannot feel completely happy.

From the above, we can conclude that love at a distance can begin, but it will continue only if those who love each other decide to reunite.

They also don’t have much time for this, and in order not to lose a loved one, the decision to come, take with them or stay should be made in the first 3-6 months of communication.

Of course, it’s not so easy to make such a decision, to pick up and leave or bring him to you, what if it’s not so serious, what if it’s a mistake, but everyone must decide for themselves. Ask yourself the question: “Am I ready to take a girl from another city with me” or “Am I ready to go to a guy, leave my family and friends for him?”

It is only important to understand, do not have illusions and do not think that you can maintain love at a distance for a long time and be truly happy at the same time, sooner or later you will want more, and the main thing then is not to regret the time that has passed.

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Find out whether love is possible at a distance, whether it passes and whether a man can love at a distance. Here you can read expert advice and learn all the intricacies.


Anything can happen in life, and there is even the possibility that two hearts in love will burn with feelings for each other over long distances. This may happen because one of them moved to another city or was forced to go abroad. In order not to torment yourself and your man with dreams that they will someday meet and be together again, you need to know for sure whether love is possible at a distance?

This action is quite possible, but does not last long. If you communicate via the Internet, and there are no friends or acquaintances in the new city, then most likely the communication will be very close and quite frequent. But gradually, as new faces appear in their lives, messages will arrive less and less often, and then stop altogether. Thus, you can definitely get a positive answer to the question of whether love lasts at a distance.

Almost all couples are susceptible to this problem; according to social research, 96% of couples who did not pass the test of distance stopped communicating. According to the same studies, the longer such a test lasts, the greater the chance that the couple will break up and love will gradually fade away.

Regarding online dating, we can say that this is a rather risky way of starting a relationship. This is due to the fact that a person does not know the habits and preferences of the object of his adoration in real life, but only learns about them from his interlocutor. A real meeting and everyday life with long-term communication through social networks can become a real problem for one of the members of the couple.

Can a man love from a distance?

Thanks to the development of the virtual network, people have much more opportunities to communicate. Now almost every person has the Internet on their phone, at work and at home, which allows them to be in touch 24 hours from anywhere in the world.

Of course, such wide distribution has allowed for a large amount of virtual dating, and in some cases, love. Of course, every woman, before connecting her life with any man, must make sure whether he really has serious intentions for her or whether it is just flirting and a small affair. Such doubts worry the fair sex even more when it comes to dating through instant messengers or virtual networks. So, can a man love from a distance?

This fact is true, but a real meeting can seriously change his opinion. Real acquaintance allows each of the participants to evaluate all the existing shortcomings and advantages of their opponent. In the case of online dating, all conclusions are drawn based on the words of the interlocutor.

According to psychologists, strong sympathy at a distance can arise in people who are quite lonely. If we consider them as a possible husband or wife, then they can become an ideal candidate, since they will not have the desire to leave the family. But, at the same time, they will have a desire to find a new interlocutor on the Internet, since they can get used to constant communication using a virtual network.

An unusual love story... You are far from each other, you communicate only on the Internet. But a real feeling has already arisen between you, which will eclipse the whole world. Is there love at a distance? I’ll answer this: for someone - Yes, but for some - No.

One way or another, love is more beautiful than anything beautiful on earth. And how it unexpectedly comes into hearts, how it knows how to cover with a wave and absorb everything in its path...

Emails fly endlessly, various chats do not stop, the hand never tires of writing lines of love poems, the soul and heart sing, merging together, from the thoughts of that half who is so far away now, but at the same time so close...

Stories, stories about love at a distance. Is there such a love and how to preserve it?

Psychology of love at a distance. A couple of years ago I didn’t believe in such love. In general, I was very skeptical and sometimes even mocking about Internet dating. I loved reality and lived in it, using the virtual world as a means of relaxation and information exchange.

One day, He knocked on the chat. Everything is as usual: acquaintance, communication, “duty” phrases…. But then we exchanged photos and the ground disappeared from under our feet... I fell in love! I fell in love like never before. This feeling was probably my first and only love.

Love at a distance and through distance. Love on the Internet.

Somehow I got a little distracted and completely forgot to tell you about what types of Internet love there are.

  1. Love by correspondence. It's simple: you fall in love with letters. In the manner of writing a letter, in letters, in phrases.... It seems to you that the person who is “hiding” behind the lines of the email is the hero of your novel.
  2. Love on « Sometimes" This is the case when you meet somewhere on vacation, have a great time and agree to meet again. Well, accordingly, you maintain communication via the Internet.
  3. Online - love. Yes, we are talking about chats. Nowadays, they are very popular. And it has become much easier to meet people via chat than in real life. This is how love is born from “emoticons”.

By the way, you know that Scottish scientists have created a special device that simulates touch. Rings are placed on the bodies of women and men that react to the slightest touch. They are transmitted instantly from woman to man.

Is there still meaning in long-distance love? If you have enough patience, check it out. Anything can happen. It is impossible to predict anything here one hundred percent. Those who have experienced disappointment in such love claim, of course, that it does not exist. And those who are already married and happy in their marriage idolize the Internet and are ready to shout to the whole world that love at a distance exists.

The only downside to all this: considerable financial costs (for travel, for gifts and souvenirs, for tickets). However, naturally, no one thinks about this. Love. What could be more important and more expensive? “Spreading the wings of love,” people who love each other rush through thousands of kilometers and obstacles to meet. Need to experience this feeling to understand how strong and “burning” it is.

It all starts out trite, of course., romantic, and according to the same scenario. After a long conversation (and sometimes even a very short one), people meet. The meeting takes place either at her home, or at his place, or even somewhere on neutral territory. And after the meeting - 2 options for the rapid development of events. It happens that a person falls in love with one person, and when they meet, it turns out that he is not at all like that (either the photo failed, or the feelings were simply confused). It happens that everything ends with a wedding: flowers, courtship, romance, gifts, confessions and vows of eternal love... Everything is beautiful, like in a movie. This, by the way, was the case with a very good friend of mine. They met on the Internet, talked. Then she took her daughter and moved to live with him, in a completely different country. They got married and now live very happily. It would be good if the story of online lovers ends this way, and not in some sad and ugly way.

Believe in love, despite the distance, but be prepared for any turn of events. Make plans, dream, but remember that anything can happen. Be realistic, then, if something happens, you will not be so hurt and not so offended. While you have the opportunity, live with your loved one, dissolve in him and don’t think all the time that something bad might happen. Whether you are destined to be together or not, your meeting is not accidental, it happened for a reason. Perhaps in order to understand something and reconsider your life positions and views.

Remember: It is not distance that brings people together, as many people believe, but rather proximity. Therefore, try, despite the kilometers, to see each other as often as possible, so as not to let the flame of love “go out” (unless, of course, it is confused with falling in love). Don't swear, don't quarrel, don't shower each other with reproaches. After all, you have been waiting for this meeting for so long, dreaming about it so much. Why now darken it with all sorts of unnecessary words? Touches, hugs, kisses, glances.... This is what is so missing in these exciting, long-awaited minutes (even seconds). Don't pay attention to the rain: it is happy for you. Don't mind the cold: you will be warmed by each other. You are together again. This is perhaps the most important thing in the “period of unceasing hearts.”

Live, feel, experience, love, enjoy!

And now about passion, for those looking for passion :

I inform you: she is everywhere, there is a lot of her.

Passion for food…. How many people living on our planet love to eat. It’s strange, but there are those who simply live to feel the taste of foods and dishes. The main contingent of such people are men. This is not difficult to guess. They will never miss the restaurant, which is located on the way home. The refrigerator is their best friend. But how irritated they are if their beloved woman “raids” food. And not because they feel sorry for the amount of food they ate: they are afraid that their passion will gain weight (in terms of weight category).

Passion for photography. Camera in hand - the world has flown. A person who loves to take photographs, in general, does not need anything other than photographs. Beautiful landscapes, unusual angles, natural beauty... Everything that “fits” in the camera is an unearthly, priceless treasure for a person passionate about the art of photography. By the way, I know one “photomaniac”. Even at twenty-eight, he is not going to get married, because he believes that a woman will greatly interfere with his hobby. He recently opened a workshop and bought a very expensive camera. This is how the happiest people on earth appear.

Passion between a man and a woman. Female and male passion.

But there is a passion that is more interesting, more pleasant and more mysterious: the passion of a man and a woman... How, immediately after writing these words, the lines gave off a whiff of romance and tenderness... There is so much of it that even the eyes reading this begin to dream of passion. Let's give your eyes a little passion and romantic mood. Just don’t get too carried away: reading about passion and experiencing it are two big differences that cannot be compared.

Passion is very often confused with love. But this cannot be done: love and passion go side by side, and are not synonymous. I'll try to explain the difference.

Love is a feeling that loves to give. She is selfless, pure, immaculate and light. When you love, you do anything for the sake of your loved one. When you love, reciprocity is not a necessary component of the feeling. People who love “grow wings.” These wings are invisible, but they carry a person in love high, beyond the clouds.

Passion - a wonderful, but selfish feeling. It “takes” everything from a person: time, space, thoughts, sensations, consciousness, inner world..... And it does not exist without reciprocity. It is reciprocity that gives rise to passion. It is like fire, an endless, incredibly powerful flame that burns everything in its path. It's very difficult not to get burned in it. If this is familiar to you, you will understand the meaning of each word and feel it.

Passion is like a candle that lights up quickly, but can just as quickly go out with a breeze. You never predict the moment when passion will “say goodbye” and disappear.

A woman's passion for a man. Women's passion.

Women's passion is easier to maintain for a longer time. She can live with the help of love. When a woman falls in love, she does everything so that her feelings are in perfect harmony with each other and do not “kill” each other. When a woman feels that passion is cooling, she “conjures” the following:

  1. She devotes more of her attention and time to her chosen one. She already tries to always be there, but here is a special occasion that must not be missed.
  2. See friends and acquaintances less often. Someone understands her such behavior, someone condemns her, believing that it is impossible to exchange friends for a man. But she simply has no other choice or exit.
  3. Tries not to stay late at work on the occasion of a corporate party. It cannot be said that she is a lover of a quiet life. Many women simply cannot live without holidays
  4. He writes beautiful messages to his beloved, in which he touches on the topic of love and its relationship to him. Women, as a rule, know how to write beautifully. And not just messages to a mobile phone. Remember how many of you wrote down everything that happened to you in your personal diary and hid it so that no one would “stole” secret information from it.
  5. He often remembers the first meeting, the first kiss, and romantic moments. In general, it’s sad to admit that, most often, it is the woman who remembers such moments. A man prefers to live exclusively in the present and future.
  6. Conducts intimate experiments in bed. Perhaps this moment is more than pleasant for a man. By the way, statistics claim that many males adore various products from intimate stores. But the huge minus here is that not all “lovely creatures” understand and accept such “adoration.”

A man's passion for a woman. Male passion.

A man has a different passion. He experiences it by being close to every woman he likes. What cannot be said about women: when they fall in love, they keep this passion, carrying it even through many years. Not everyone is like that, of course. I'm talking about those women and girls who know how to truly love.

Passion is not very important for a man in his intimate life. For him, the main factor is sympathy for the woman with whom he is in a relationship. Does he care about reciprocity? Yes, but he is not dominant.

Both men and women know that passion is not an eternal feeling. And when the moment comes when it is no longer possible to return it with any “tricks,” they compensate for the feeling of passion with love, which still burns (or tries to burn) in their hearts.

Passion cannot be bought or artificially created. She either exists or she doesn’t. Without love, of course, it is more difficult to live than without passion. However, there are many men and women for whom passion is an unusual and necessary drug. Passion in the eyes, facial features, facial expressions and gestures is important for them. When she is gone, it begins to seem to them that the feelings have passed, and there is no point in continuing the relationship.

Everyone has their own priorities. You can't argue with them, you can't change them. And this, strictly speaking, is of no use: passion is not a construction set, and not plasticine from which you can mold anything you want, whenever you want. But when LOVE is combined with PASSION, it is of course a huge force.

P.S. It turns out that love is not only a state of mind that can be experienced in relation to a person, but also a necessary state for performing certain actions... and much, much more.

There is a funny Jewish parable on this topic:

“A teenager came to Rabbi Levi and groaned sorrowfully:

- Rabbi! Why doesn't anyone love me, especially girls?

And the rabbi answered him:

“Because you don’t love anyone, especially yourself.”

The invention of the telephone and the Internet has erased the boundaries in communication between people. Knowing foreign languages, you can make friends at the end of the world. Some manage to have an affair and even... But such cases are rare. What can we say if, even when two loving people are separated, problems arise.

Is there love that is not afraid of thousands of kilometers and language barriers, or happy families where the spouses are separated by distance - exceptions to the rules. The answer to this question varies from person to person.

Couples who have overcome the hardships of separation clearly answer yes. They were able to prevent melancholy and jealousy from ruining the relationship they had built. And they managed to do this only because love stands above other values. If you are sure that your partner has the same opinion, then you can be calm about the relationship.

Loving people can be forced to separate by: a business trip, illness of a loved one, family reasons, study and other troubles. But it also happens that love begins on the World Wide Web. But the statistics are disappointing. Only 2 out of 10 couples manage to survive a breakup for a long time. Therefore, it is impossible to say unambiguously about whether love is possible at a distance.

Positive points

If you are facing separation from your loved one and there is no way to avoid it, then think about what good the situation will bring. If you think that it’s nothing, then you are very mistaken. When two people do not see each other for a long time, feelings intensify significantly and love experiences a rebirth.

Love at a distance will be a real test of the authenticity of feelings.

What are the positive aspects of love at a distance:

  1. This is a great way to refresh your senses. Constantly being close by turns the life of even a very loving couple into a routine. Therefore, any relationship can benefit from a shake-up from time to time.
  2. Breaking up will help you enjoy the solitude that is sometimes lacking. Even when you love very much, sometimes you want to retire and think about your innermost thoughts.
  3. Every meeting will be your first. Remember how you were going to a party, choosing an outfit, blushing, afraid of not being liked. Now there is an opportunity to repeat these wonderful moments.
  4. You wanted romance, you'll get it. Love at a distance is wonderful because you can send each other love SMS, flirt, and do it by mail. These delights of relationships were forgotten thanks to routine and everyday life.
  5. Distance makes you appreciate a person. The brain is designed in such a way that over time, bad things are forgotten, only good memories remain. The shortcomings that annoyed you in your chosen one or chosen one will sink into oblivion.

The difficulty that arises along the way is a test, overcoming which we will receive a long-awaited reward. In love, this is a strong and long relationship that is not afraid of any adversity.

Negative points

Why do most couples decide to separate when they can't stand the separation? Every situation has positive and negative sides. Many people are not ready for the latter. But if you take them into account, there is a high probability of saving the relationship.

Negative points that you will have to face:

  1. The first thing your loved ones think about is: “what about sex.” After all, you can talk on the phone. But no technology can replace physical touch.
  2. Chances are that your significant other and you will enjoy the freedom. Left alone, you suddenly realize that a heavy burden has been lifted from your shoulders.
  3. When a breakup lasts for a long time, you gradually get used to being alone, and it stops embarrassing you.
  4. Being far away, your loved one will not be able to support you in difficult times. Subconsciously you will reproach him for this, although with your mind you understand that he is not to blame.
  5. Being separated for a long time, we see only the good in our loved one. This can play a cruel joke and bring disappointment when meeting.

These conclusions sound disappointing, because you don’t want to ruin a relationship built with love and care due to a coincidence of circumstances.

How to keep love at a distance

If you don’t want to end up in 80% of the statistics surveyed, then listen to the advice of family psychologists. Who else but they will help you see the current situation from the outside and give instructions.

  1. Talk on the phone as if you were nearby. When calling each other, don’t spend a lot of time talking about how bored you are. Share interesting observations of the day, impressions of watching a movie, greetings from friends. Maintain common interests that connect you.
  2. Don't be jealous. Couples break up because of each other. Although there is no reason for this.
  3. Master sex by phone or on the Internet. This way you will maintain love and open yourself from a new perspective.
  4. Dream about the future together. Distance cannot prevent you from making joint plans.
  5. Meet as soon as possible. Spend your vacation or weekend together. It doesn’t matter whether you go on excursions or lie on the couch.

In love, the main thing is not distance, but the desire to preserve feelings and warmth between each other. Never forget this, and your relationship will become a true love story that you will happily tell to your children and grandchildren.