How long will they check the Unified State Exam in Russian? Who checks the Unified State Examination in mathematics and how?

The Unified State Exam is an important and responsible stage in the life of a high school student. How and when to start preparing to pass the Unified State Exam successfully? What difficulties arise, and what will help solve them? Expert Anton Vladimirovich Potyavin, deputy director of the Regional Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education and Information Technologies, will tell you in detail about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in St. Petersburg.

Corr: Anton Vladimirovich, tell us a little about the regional center. What is its task, what is its essence, and how do you really help conduct the Unified State Exam and its assessment.

Potyavin: The regional center has many tasks. One of them is technical support for the Unified State Examination. Our task is to organize all this, seat the children, check their work and issue certificates with the results of the Unified State Exam.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam begins in September, with the beginning of the school year. A database of students is being collected, a database of exam points, classrooms in which children will later sit, organizers, and experts is being collected. This entire huge database is collected in stages from September to April. We send requests to the district, and they give us the information we need.

As for the Unified State Exam itself. There are 740 schools in St. Petersburg. There are 18 districts in total, and in each there are coordinators and administrators of the Unified State Exam - those people who ensure the conduct of the Unified State Exam. We communicate with these people. Coordinators and administrators determine the points (about 350 schools) where the exam will be held, specific days and specific exams.

Conducting the exam

Reporter: The children came, wrote the required exams and the ones they chose, what happens next?

Potyavin: The forms are packed in the classroom in front of the children. After this, coordinators or administrators bring them to us at the Center for Quality Assessment of Education and Information Technologies. The forms go to the scanner, after which they are converted into electronic form and entered into the computer system.

Once the information was scanned, it ceased to be a form, but became information. The forms themselves, of course, do not go to Moscow, only the recognition results.

The Unified State Exam consists of three parts: A, B, C (choice answer, short answer and extended answer). Parts A and B are checked in Moscow. The verification is automated and does not require people.

In St. Petersburg, experts check the last part with a detailed answer: in Russian it is an essay, in mathematics it is a solution to a problem. Part C is checked at least twice, the verification occurs independently and the experts do not even know whose work they are checking. A small discrepancy is allowed: 1-3 points. If there is a greater discrepancy in points (about 6), a third expert is appointed. The test results are sent to Moscow.

After checking, points are obtained: for part A - one point for each task, in part B there can be two or three points for one task. When these points are added up, the so-called “primary score” is obtained - the sum of points for a correctly completed task. Later, the primary score is converted to a 100-point scale. The maximum initial score in the Russian language is 60. After a full check and connection with the results of part C, the result is transferred to a 100-point system - the same test score that we then receive.

Reporter: How long does it take from the moment of the exam to the receipt of the result?

Potyavin: The region has the right to spend 6 days checking part C of the “big” exams, i.e. Russian language and mathematics, and 4 days of testing part C for other exams. After this period, the data is sent to Moscow. There, too, it takes time to check all of Russia and scale the results. Powerful servers are used, when all regions upload their data, press a button - and off we go...

Correspondent: Were there any mistakes caused by the human factor, the wrong button was pressed, the wrong region was loaded?

Potyavin: No, there were precedents of a different kind. Experts found another correct answer in part B in biology. The Federal Subject Commission confirmed that this answer is also correct. We rechecked some of the work with this issue. It should be borne in mind that rechecking does not cause a clear decrease in the number of points, only an increase.

Appeal - appeal to the conflict commission

Reporter: The same cannot be said about Part C. Rechecking Part C most likely leads to a decrease in points.

Potyavin: Do you mean a re-check in the conflict commission? Well, here you need to clearly understand that applying to the conflict commission can either increase or decrease your final scores. If a person comes to the conflict commission, his work, of course, is examined “under a microscope”; he must be 200% sure that he is right. People also review the work, no one wants to give less points...

Corr: Have there been many appeals to the conflict commission this year?

Potyavin: Like last year, 1-2% of the total number of graduates. This is fine. There are appeals regarding the exam procedure if the child felt that he was treated incorrectly: someone made noise, jumped around, i.e. prevented him from doing his job. The teacher who organized the exam spoke - this is also a violation of the procedure. Such an appeal is submitted directly at the examination point, without leaving it. The entire course of the exam is described in the “Procedure for Conducting the Unified State Exam,” and any deviations from this document are considered a violation of the procedure. There were a total of 10 such appeals, of which only two were satisfied.

The remaining appeals are about disagreement with scores, there are 1999 in total, of which 1301 were rejected, 698 were accepted. 84 appeals were considered with a decrease in score, 48 without changes and 566 with an increase. It is clear that this is all part C.

There are also appeals based on technology, i.e. claims that the computer system incorrectly recognized a character. This happens when the child incorrectly marked the solution, but the system incorrectly recognized it. Here we need to clearly understand that if we make corrections, for example, instead of “2” we add “3”, this does not mean that the answer is correct. We wrote 3 and sent them to Moscow for rechecking. But this “3” can be just as wrong as “2”.

Corr: Is the Regional Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education and Information Technologies not the last authority in St. Petersburg?

Potyavin: In part “C” - the last one. Moscow only requests large increases in points for rechecking as a result of rechecking in the regions (7 points). The difference of 1-2 points is left to the discretion of the regions.

In the second wave, the appeal is a mythical phenomenon. Because an appeal according to the procedure is definitely a retake. While the student files an appeal, it will be processed; he will not have time to retake the exam in time.

The appeal takes place 2 days after the official publication of the results. We post the official publication date of the results on our website, after which we accept appeals for two days, these are working days, including Saturday.

How long to wait for the Unified State Exam result

Correspondent: How long does it take from the day children write the Unified State Exam until they receive points?

Potyavin: For the “big” exams (Russian language and mathematics) there are 12 days, for the rest – 8-10.

Reporter: How does the process of obtaining a certificate work?

Potyavin: Moscow is cherishing the idea of ​​abandoning certificates of Unified State Exam results in principle. That is, there is a federal database of certificates that universities look at and receive information.

Correspondent: So, nothing will be given to the child? Did you go, pass and then be free like the wind?

Potyavin: There is an idea - to abandon “paper”. How is everything going now? This year, data from Moscow arrived to us only on June 25th. We print certificates in about two days, for the whole city. Usually by June 25th we are finished and contact the district coordinator or administrator to distribute them to schools.

Before issuing certificates, we issue a protocol to schools. The school can give an extract from the protocol if the child really wants it. The certificate contains all the results obtained in all exams taken by the child; there is no separate certificate in mathematics or Russian...

Graduation with eyes closed

It turns out that graduates are “walking away” from their graduation ceremony, having not yet received a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam, without knowing the results of their exams. Whether these results give reason to have fun or not remains a mystery for a few more days.

Correspondent: At graduation they issue certificates, as they used to issue certificates?

Potyavin: Not really. By the time the city graduation ceremony, “Scarlet Sails,” takes place, the children do not yet have certificates of their Unified State Examination results. I don’t know why the city thinks that “Scarlet Sails” should be held on June 21? After all, the Unified State Exam schedule is approved at the federal level; it is clear that several exams are held on one day, and they may overlap. Since the exams overlap, a person cannot pass, say, physics and history on the same day. Such an exam is postponed to reserve days (there are only two). In the first wave, a graduate can take a maximum of 9 exams, including Russian and mathematics. If he chose 11 exams and does not have time even on the reserve days, then he falls into the second wave.

The second wave of the Unified State Exam this year began on July 8. It is taken by graduates of previous years, graduates of institutions of primary vocational education, secondary specialized education - they had a session during the first wave. People who did not have the opportunity to get into the first wave and are able to provide an “exculpatory” document can also take the test.

Since July 8, graduates of foreign educational institutions (Belarusians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, etc.) also have the right to take the Unified State Exam. According to the rules for admission to universities, foreigners can enroll without the Unified State Exam, and we provide them with this opportunity.

Last year, the restriction for graduates of previous years was legally abolished. Now those who graduated from school before January 1, 2009 have the right to enroll without the Unified State Exam even as full-time students.

Reporter: Is it possible to find out the results before receiving the certificates?

Potyavin: The St. Petersburg Education portal is being developed. Maybe this year it will be possible to find out the results before receiving certificates.

Corr: Who will own it, the Education Committee or the Committee on Science and Higher School of St. Petersburg?

Potyavin: The regulations stipulate that the education management body - the Education Committee - is responsible in the region for conducting the Unified State Exam. The Committee on Science and Higher Education has nothing to do with the conduct of the Unified State Exam; however, it provides teachers for preparing and checking completed work as experts.

Corr: Prospects for the development of the Unified State Exam?

Potyavin: Since 2001, the essence of the Unified State Exam has not changed; there have always been 14 subjects. St. Petersburg has taken part in the experiment since 2004. Changes in control and measuring materials (CMMs) are correct. Analyzing what happened as a result of the experiment, this year Part A was removed from the Unified State Examination in mathematics, and Part B was slightly simplified.

Corr: Next year will the Unified State Exam procedure be the same as was established in 2009-2010?

Potyavin: There is a website of the FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements), where demo versions of test and measurement materials for each subject are posted. I recommend going to it and taking a look. Maybe something will be different from last year, but there seem to be no fundamental changes.

Corr: Is the introduction of the Unified State Exam somehow connected with the reorganization of the educational process in the direction of the Bologna Convention?

Potyavin: I think it’s not related, the purpose of the Unified State Exam is different. The introduction of the Unified State Exam increases the independence of assessment, because it is difficult for someone to talk with a teacher, and he will fill out the forms better. Since most results are evaluated automatically and not by humans, the problem of bias disappears. The Unified State Exam is an objective assessment of a high school student’s knowledge.

The Unified State Exam 2012 has already died down, but many questions remain regarding its conduct. Let's try to answer at least some of them. The chairman of the subject commission for checking tasks with a detailed answer of the Unified State Exam in mathematics 2012 in the Republic of Mordovia, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics of Moscow State University talks about how the Unified State Examination in mathematics was checked. N.P. Ogareva Syromyasov Alexey Olegovich.

How is the commission responsible for the inspection formed? By what criteria are inspectors recruited and who recruits them?

The commission should include school teachers (usually of the highest category), teachers of secondary secondary schools and universities, and representatives of secondary and higher education - on an approximately parity basis. This is logical: schools graduate students, and universities accept them. This side of the process is somewhat reminiscent of the delivery and acceptance of work: the commission includes both the handing over party (secondary education) and the receiving party (universities).

In winter, several months before the exam, the Ministry of Education turns to the education departments in Saransk, Ruzaevka and regions of the republic with a request to nominate school teachers - members of the commission. It makes the same requests regarding teachers to universities and colleges. The ministry decides to appoint the chairman of the commission.

All experts undergo mandatory preliminary training in the spring according to the FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements) programs. We must immediately clarify that FIPI is precisely the organization that oversees the preparation of exam tasks.

Most of it takes place remotely, via the Internet - at the request of the Ministry of Education, FIPI provides the required number of accounts to enter the training system. The rest of the committee listens to lectures in person. In any case, training takes place on training (approximate) criteria that are publicly available and ends with a test. Experts who have not completed one form of training or have not passed the test are not allowed to check the Unified State Examination papers.

The chairman gets acquainted with the presented list. He may reject any of the candidates or propose someone else's candidacy. But approval of the composition of the commission is the prerogative of the ministry.

All these appointments take place in agreement with the educational institutions where potential experts work.

Who appoints the chairman of the commission? And how did you become chairman?

This is my second year as chairman (that’s why I speak with such confidence about how everything was handled last year). In the winter of 2010-2011, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova turned to the rector of our university S.M. Vdovin and the dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, I.I. Chuchaev, with an official request to approve my candidacy. Perhaps the role was played by the fact that at the Unified State Examination in 2010 I was one of the employees of the RCIO.

This offer was unexpected for me. Of course, at first there were serious doubts whether I could cope or not. Judging by the fact that in the 2011-2012 academic year the ministry again asked to approve my candidacy, it was satisfied with the quality of the work done.

Most schoolchildren and even teachers do not have a complete understanding of how assignments are checked. Where should they get this information? And how is the inspection actually organized?

When the time allotted for completing the Unified State Exam tasks comes to an end, all forms filled out by schoolchildren are taken to the RCPI (regional information processing center). Only copies of forms No. 2 (i.e., forms on which solutions to group “C” problems are written) are received from the RCIO for verification by the commission. Forms No. 1 (with tasks “A” and “B”) are checked automatically on a computer, the commission has nothing to do with them.

Here I would like to immediately draw attention to 2 circumstances:
- The commission checks the copies. The originals are inviolable, so you cannot “add on” anything on the form during verification.
- Answer forms No. 2 (respectively, and their copies) are anonymous. They are combined with registration forms and forms No. 1 only by a special barcode program. Accordingly, experts do not know whose work they are checking.

The criteria for checking the assignments of part “C” are sent to the RCIO mailbox in the evening of the day when the exam for the subject was conducted (naturally, after the exam is completed). The commission gets acquainted with these criteria the next morning. They are printed in the required quantity and verification begins.

The entire procedure takes place in the same building in which the RCIO is located (this is more convenient). A special program automatically assigns work that should be checked by one or another expert, then these works are printed along with a protocol form, where the results of the check are then entered. Those. experts are faced with a fact: you are checking such and such work. There are no names or other data of the Unified State Exam participants in the protocols - only a conditional work code (in my opinion, 12 or 13 digits). Each work is checked independently by two experts, and experts cannot consult with each other. Next, copies of the work are submitted along with completed protocols, the protocols are scanned and automatically checked against each other. If the difference in points for the same task is 2 or more, the work is sent to a “third expert”. Thus, each work is checked at least twice, or even three times.

Web cameras are installed in the classrooms where the commission works, and the image is displayed on the screen to the director of the RCIO. Members of the State Examination Commission (SEC), which in Mordovia includes deputy. Chairman of the Government M.S. Sezganov, the leadership of the Ministry of Education, university rectors, etc. They can also view these videos at any time if they wish. Therefore, the commission’s actions during the inspection are under constant control.

General information about the verification procedure can be obtained on the official Unified State Exam portal:

So, summary:
- works are anonymous;
- copies are checked, not originals;
- the verification criteria become known only after the end of the Unified State Exam;
- verification takes place under external control.

In your personal opinion, how objectively does the Unified State Exam show the knowledge of schoolchildren? Is it safe to say that a stronger student is likely to get a higher score?

Let's put it this way: a stronger student, all other things being equal, will receive a higher score. But all sorts of accidents are possible, not documented in any way: the night before I had a fight in the family, put on a new, unworn shoe that is too tight, etc. There can be many reasons for failure, even absurd ones, and all of them will be valid, although they cannot be confirmed by any certificate. As with any university exam, however.

In addition, there is a small group of guys who are fundamentally unexamined. Simply by their psychological organization - they can solve problems well from the seat and at the board, but they cannot pass the exam (or they can, but show results worse than their usual ones).

The Unified State Exam is standardization. But it is impossible to standardize a million people; there will definitely be deviations in some direction. Therefore, along with the results of the Unified State Exam, all kinds of Olympiads are taken into account when enrolling in universities.

The question of the objectivity of the Unified State Examination is also closely related to the question of the content of the verification criteria. At the end of the Unified State Exam, the commission can express its opinion both on the students’ work and on the criteria themselves. The chairman includes these opinions in a report, which is submitted to the Ministry of Education and sent to Moscow. Thus, FIPI maintains feedback with subject commissions in the regions.

What opinion did the Mordovian commission express about the criteria?

In general, it was proposed to slightly soften the verification criteria. (This opinion is official, it has already gone to Moscow, and Moscow took note of it.)

Were the verification criteria too strict? How did this manifest itself?

Without going into the specifics of specific tasks: in order to get a certain score, the student needed to reach some control point in his decision and get the corresponding intermediate result. If this result was not achieved due to some error (even an accidental typo), the USE participant no longer received the corresponding points. Figuratively speaking, to get 2 points you need to run 2 km over rough terrain. But if you run 1 km 900 m, you will receive no more than 1 point - because the finish line has not been reached!

At the same time, in school, as a rule, not only the result itself is assessed, but also the process of achieving it.

There were cases when, when checking assignment C3, a student made one single mistake, but it turned 3 primary points (which are the maximum value for assignment C3 in mathematics) into 1 point. Naturally, this solution was rated 1 point.

Here it must be said that regardless of whether the commission likes the criteria or not, the commission works according to the criteria sent from Moscow.

As one of the characters of the Strugatsky brothers said, “When I come to another country, I don’t ask whether the laws there are good or bad. I ask whether they are being implemented.”

So, the commission, within the framework of its powers, is trying to influence the criteria and content of tasks, but this may be reflected in the criteria for next year. At the end of the inspection, we expressed our opinion (see above), and until the inspection is completed, we are obliged to adhere to the existing rules.

Is there any control over cheating during the verification process? If, for example, 2 identical works are discovered, can the commission apply any sanctions?

The question is more theoretical.

Experts, as already mentioned, should not confer with each other and compare works, so it is required that two identical works go to one expert. I don’t know how likely this is, because I’m not aware of the details of the program that assigns copies of forms to experts for verification.

When checking papers in mathematics, such situations did not arise.

If any emergency situation arises, the commission will contact the RCIO (to resolve the issue of technical problems) and the State Examination Committee. The task of the subject commission is to check anonymous works in accordance with the criteria developed by FIPI.

How should appeals be filed? How successful were schoolchildren's appeals this year?

As far as I know, in mathematics less than half of the appeals filed were successful (I think about 30%). At the same time, some experts check the work, and others consider appeals. This is natural: an appeal is a kind of quality control of the inspection, and this quality is controlled by other people - not those who participated in the inspection. Of the members of the subject commission, only the chairman is present at appeals: in some controversial cases, he may be contacted for clarification.

It makes sense to file an appeal when the Unified State Examination participant is more or less confident that this can increase his scores. The fact is that during an appeal, all work (tasks “C”) is rechecked. Therefore, a Unified State Exam participant can not only increase, but also lower their scores (if a recheck reveals a previously unnoticed error).

Before filing an appeal (and before writing the exam, for that matter), it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the sample review criteria. Of course, even experts become aware of the “combat” criteria for checking Unified State Examination tasks only after the exam. But the type of tasks for each subject, the demo version and the so-called specification (description - which USE task tests which skills) can be completely freely downloaded from the official website of the previously mentioned Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, at least from December-January. There, in the demo version, there are also approximate criteria by which tasks “C” will be checked. Here is their address.

Usually, from the moment the exam is written until the results are announced, it takes up to two weeks(from 8 to 14 days).

How many days are the Unified State Exam results checked?

  • Processing of data in RCIO in compulsory subjects should not exceed 6 calendar days after the exam.
  • Processing of data in RCIO in elective subjects should not exceed 4 calendar days after the exam.
  • Centralized testing at the Federal Testing Center should not exceed 5 working days.
  • The approval of the Unified State Examination results by the State Examination Commission is carried out within 1 working day.
  • Within 1-3 days the results become known to the PES, and therefore to the Unified State Exam participants.

Who checks the Unified State Examination

After the Unified State Exam, forms with graduates’ work are sealed and sent to regional information processing centers (RTC). During this period, your work is scanned by specialists and sent for machine checking of the tasks of the first part, and subject commissions are engaged in checking the tasks of the second part of the exam (with a detailed answer).

Each work is checked by two experts independently of each other and assigned points. The results are entered into the inspection protocol and transferred for further processing.

If the score given by two experts is the same, then this result is final. If the scores differ, the final result will be the arithmetic average of the scores of the two experts, rounded up. If the discrepancy is significant, then a check by a third expert is assigned.

After checking at the RCOT, graduates’ work is sent for a centralized check to the Federal Testing Center (FTC) to compare the answers of exam participants with the correct answers and determine the primary and test scores of the Unified State Exam.

Then the FTC transmits the results of the Unified State Examination to the State Examination Commissions, which, after approval, distribute the results to examination reception points (PPE).

When will the results of the Unified State Exam be known?

After making calculations, you can preliminarily determine the approximate date for announcing the results of the Unified State Exam:

  • : June 4-8
  • Literature: June 4-8
  • : June 7-11
  • : June 28 - July 2
  • : June 22-26
  • German: June 22-26
  • French: June 22-26
  • Spanish: June 22-26
  • Mathematics (basic level): June 10-14
  • Mathematics (major level): June 12-18
  • : June 16-20
  • : June 28 - July 2

This is perhaps one of the most popular questions that schoolchildren ask while waiting for the result. As a rule, some unthinkable hypotheses are constructed regarding testing. Today we will try to give you reliable information about what awaits your essay.

Let's start with what worries many guys:

If my problem is not on the list of problems that the expert is given, what does that mean?

This does not mean that this problem will not be taken into account. Because the list of problems that is given to the expert is an approximate list. We understand how often the same problem can be formulated in different ways. Even if the problem is not very popular and not the main one: if it is in the text, if there is an author’s position on it, then the problem will be counted.

What does the expert do in this case?

If the problem is not on his list, he rereads the text and looks for your problem.

Moreover, your essay is checked by two experts, if there is a discrepancy of 8 points (that’s how much you can lose if you formulate the problem incorrectly), then your essay is checked again, and the conclusion is always made in favor of the student, even if the problem is at least approximately similar to those that are present in the text.

In controversial cases, experts, as many years of practice have shown, evaluate the essay in favor of the student.

But if it suddenly turns out that after you receive the results of the essay, you discover a blatant underestimation of the scores, then you can always have the essay double-checked by an experienced teacher, tutor, or website. If, after an objective and professional examination, you understand that the essay received fewer points than it deserves, then you can always submit

But you definitely need to check whether the expert missed other errors during the check, because if you check again, you can only aggravate the situation. Only those who are confident in their work should go to appeal. If the expert did not notice a number of errors, and you insist because of one biased point removed, you may lose even more.

Can an expert check any data via the Internet? And can he use reference books and dictionaries?

Maybe. Here is an excerpt from the document organizing the work of experts:

“During their work, experts are prohibited from:

independently change jobs; copy and remove from the premises where the examination is carried out, examination papers, assessment criteria, protocols for checking examination papers, as well as disclose to unauthorized persons the information contained in these materials;

Have with you and (or) use communication means, photo and video equipment, portable personal computers (laptops, PDAs and others), in addition to a specially equipped workplace in the PC premises with access to the information and telecommunications network “Internet” to ensure that experts can clarify the facts stated in the participants’ examination papers (for example, checking with sources, checking the names, names, facts given by the participants, etc.) ;

Leaving the classroom without a good reason;

Negotiate, unless we are talking about consultation with the chairman of the PC or with an expert appointed by the decision of the chairman of the PC as a consultant;

If an expert has questions or problems, he should contact the Chairman of the PC or a person appointed by the Chairman of the PC as a consultant;

When checking exam essays, the expert works with the following documents:

1) formulation of the task with a detailed answer;

2) the text on the basis of which the examination essay is created;

3) the text of the review of task 24;

4) information about the text;

6) general criteria for assessing the answer to a task with a detailed answer;

7) a protocol for checking the detailed answers of the participants by an expert;

8) a reminder for the expert checking the answer to a task with a detailed answer in the Russian language;

9) the work of the examinee - impersonal copy forms (form 2-RTsOI) with images of the detailed answers of the participants - no more than 20 pieces in one work set.

As reference material, it is advisable for the expert to have various dictionaries and reference books, tables with a list of grammatical and speech errors, as well as a table for step-by-step assessment of the answer to the task of the second part of the examination paper.

How are words counted when checking?

- When counting words, both independent and functional parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M. Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” - one word, “five years” - two words).

Precision and expressiveness of speech, what is it?

The examinee must use the word taking into account the meaning and possibilities of lexical compatibility of words.

Speech Accuracy depends on the writer’s ability to select words and expressions that are most appropriate to the conveyed content. To achieve accuracy in expressing thoughts, you must be able to choose from a number of synonyms or words with similar meanings the most necessary one for a given situation. The student can do this if he not only understands the commonality that unites all the words of the synonymous series, but also feels the shades of meaning that distinguish synonymous or similar words.

Accuracy of word usage is the most reliable indicator of speech culture. The second such sign is purity of speech, its uncontamination with words and expressions alien to the literary language. In good speech there is no place for colloquial speech, dialectisms, unnecessary use of foreign words, vulgarisms, slang and swear words and expressions.

It is known that speech expresses not only thoughts, but also feelings, expressions of will, aesthetic experiences - the entire complex of spiritual human consciousness. “If speech is structured in such a way that the very selection and placement of language means... affects not only the mind, but also the emotional area of ​​consciousness, maintains the attention and interest of the listener and reader,” then such speech, according to B. N. Golovin’s definition, is called expressive .

Expressiveness of speech is created through the selection of linguistic means that correspond to the conditions and tasks of communication. This quality of speech assumes that the writer feels a functional style, understands the features of a given situation and, when choosing words and expressions, takes into account the conditions and tasks of communication. Each functional style has its own means of expression. In artistic speech, for example, tropes, words and expressions that have additional emotional and evaluative overtones are appropriate; Not only words, but also grammatical forms and categories can be used in a figurative meaning: the present tense of the verb in the meaning of the past, the subjunctive mood in the function of the imperative, etc.

Speech is not rich and just poor It is characterized by a limited vocabulary, imprecise word usage, and syntactic monotony. Usually these are short sentences of the same type with a weak connection. The text seems to crumble into short chopped phrases of a monotonous structure. Lexical repetition is most often used as a means of connecting sentences in such a text, since the writer does not know synonymy or other means of communication. Such speech cannot accurately convey the meaning of the statement, much less have an impact on the reader: the expressive means of language are, as a rule, absent in it.

Are all errors counted during verification?

No, not all. And also non-rough, same-type and repeating ones are considered differently.

Does not affect literacy assessment:

1) violation of rules not included in the school curriculum or due to the phenomena of language transition:

· use of capital letters in compound geographical names(Nikitsky Gate Square, Land of the Rising Sun), in proper names used in a figurative meaning (Oblomovs and Oblomovs); in first and last names with the first parts don, van, saint... (Don Pedro and Don Quixote);

· writing n and nn in participles and verbal adjectives formed from two-type verbs (words: bequeath, promise, execute, give birth, baptize);

·writing of complex nouns without a connecting vowel (mostly borrowings), not regulated by rules and not included in the minimum dictionary (Lend-Lease, Lula-kebab, know-how, papier-mâché, tumbleweed, Walk-Gorod paperweight , but beef stroganoff, head waiter, sedan chair, price list);

·punctuation design of sentences with an introductory word standing at the beginning or end of a separate phrase (in this case, the introductory word is not separated from the phrase by any sign), for example: In the middle of the clearing grew a large tree, apparently [, ] elm. (the second comma is not needed);

· lack of isolation of a comparative phrase, if it is preceded by the negation of not or a particle at all, completely, almost, exactly, directly, etc.: It was light, almost like daytime (no comma needed).

2) choosing one of two spellings or methods of punctuation of a syntactic structure, provided for by the rules and dictionaries. Examples of rules that allow for variability:

· combined and separate writing is not (in some cases, a double interpretation of the statement is possible and, as a consequence, double writing, cf.: This task is not difficult and This task is not difficult, We have before us an unusual phenomenon and Before us is not an ordinary phenomenon);

· the use of a dash between the subject and the predicate - a comparative phrase, attached by words like, as if, like, exactly and under, cf.: Pond is like shiny steel and Lights are like threads of golden beads;

· the use of a dash between the subject this and the predicate expressed by the noun in it. p., cf.: This is a very interesting book and This is a very interesting book;

· the use of a dash in an incomplete sentence, cf.: There are pale circles around the month and And there is knocking and walking in the house;

·isolation of inconsistent definitions relating to common nouns, cf.: The doctor, with a sword in his hand, ran into the bedroom and the Salesman in a clean white robe and a blue cap served the client;

· isolation of restrictive-excretory phrases, cf.: In addition to the salary, they received bonuses and In addition to dishes and gravy boats, there were many pots on the table;

·punctuation design of a complex sentence with explanatory, conditional and concessive clauses, cf.: What Vasya said about this meeting was completely forgotten and What Vasya said about this meeting was completely forgotten;

Variable spellings: bivouac and bivouac; piano and piano; emergency room and emergency room; tunnel and tunnel; gable and gable;

· Errors in word transfer.

3) graphic errors - a type of errors associated with graphics, i.e., means of writing a language that record the relationship between the sounds of oral speech and the letters by which they are denoted.

In addition to letters, graphic tools include: various techniques for abbreviating words, using spaces between words, various underlinings and font selections.

Graphic errors are various typos and typos caused by the inattentiveness of the writer or haste in writing. Misprints are corrected, but not taken into account - incorrect spellings that distort the sound appearance of the word (memlya instead of earth).

The most common graphical errors usually include:

omission of letters, for example: the entire novel is based on this conflict (follows: built);

· rearrangement of letters, for example: new names of products (follows: products);

·replacement of some letter characters with others, for example: legendary Battle of the Ice (follows: legendary);

· adding extra letters: This is why it is important in any, even the most difficult, conditions... (follows: even).

4) spellings for which the spelling was changed


water sports / water sports

second world war/second world war

done/done (meaning unnatural, unnatural: fake smile)

natural science / natural science

midday / after noon

after midnight / past midnight

dawn / robin (bird)

somehow/somehow (before listing, eg: A large fish fights sharply,

like (-) that: pike, catfish, asp, pike perch. )

lyro-epic / lyro-epic

Maslenitsa / Maslenitsa

mass culture / mass culture

mass media / mass media

small things / small things

folk poetic / folk poetic

national economic / national economic

not today, tomorrow / not today tomorrow

regardless of faces / regardless of faces

uninvited (adj.)

primitive communal / primitive communal

raincoat / raincoat

player / player

Christmas / Christmas


detective / detective

wanted / wanted

read / read (meaning small in quantity: a few minutes)

Church Slavonic / Church Slavonic

black-brown / silver-brown

We wish you excellent results.

On June 16, Saratov graduates will gather at exam reception centers for the last time. On Saturday they will have to take the Unified State Examination in literature and geography. Well, then the guys can only wait for the results. The results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language will be announced today. But in mathematics, graduates have been waiting for their grades for a week. It seems that the worst is over, but the guys are still worried. Despite the fact that the teachers several times explained to them in detail all the rules for conducting the Unified State Exam, there are still a lot of questions. Komsomolskaya Pravda tried to answer some of them with the help of the head of the department of the Committee on State Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education, Elena Neroza.

1. Why do you have to wait two weeks for results?

Checking the Unified State Examination is a rather complex and lengthy process. The graduates think that they handed in the forms, and they immediately rushed to check them. But at this moment, the work of the members of the examination commissions is just beginning. You need to collect all the work and send it via a separate channel to specialists in Moscow. Moreover, the verification begins only when 70 percent of all work has been collected. Otherwise, it will not be possible to determine the minimum threshold for subjects. The results are then sent back to the regions.

2. Is there enough time to file an appeal?

The Unified State Exam schedule was created precisely so that the students had time to receive the results, and, if necessary, write an appeal and retake the exam. Most of all, schoolchildren worry about mathematics. There is only a day between the day when the results become known and the reserve day for retaking. But I think there is no need to worry. Most likely, the results of this exam will be known not on June 20, but on June 18.

It was recommended in advance to hold graduations in schools from June 23 and not a day earlier. We allowed those educational institutions that are going to celebrate the holiday outside of school and depend on the availability of free tables in the cafe to do so later, until June 27, but not earlier. By this time, all schools will have time to quietly issue certificates. The celebration will take place, don't worry!

4. Why have schoolchildren become worse at passing the Unified State Exam?

Schoolchildren like to repeat that tests in reference books are much easier than in the exam. And this happens year after year. Well, gradually the tests are really becoming more complicated. This is due to the fact that the Unified State Examination system is still being improved. But it is impossible to say that in 2012 assignments in the Russian language or, say, geography became unsolvable. In general, we would not advise schoolchildren to rely only on demo versions of the Unified State Exam from previous years when preparing for the exam. It is better to deepen your knowledge on the subject, then the new formulation of the “old” question will not confuse you.

5. Will schoolchildren who receive a bad mark on the Unified State Exam receive a certificate?

If a child fails one of the two main exams and cannot retake it, then at graduation instead of a certificate he will receive only a certificate of completion of school. But getting a bad grade in an additional subject will not hurt you to get a certificate. Only with the university can problems arise. After all, the students asked exactly those subjects that they needed for admission.

6. What to do if the university has begun accepting documents, but the certificate of Unified State Examination results has not yet been issued?

There is no cause for concern here at all. The main thing is that your data is already in the Federal Information System. So you come to the university and indicate in your application information about the results of the Unified State Exam. If you don’t have them either, write the place and time of the exam. The admissions committee will conduct a background check itself.