Project excursion to the local history museum. Sightseeing tour of the local history museum of the village of Kulyasovo

Summary of excursion to the Pushkin Museum of Local Lore

for children 6 - 7 years old

Goal: to give knowledge that the local history museum is the keeper of the original monuments; material and spiritual culture of our city. To foster a sense of pride in your land, love for it, the desire to preserve and increase its history.



Introduce children to the life of the indigenous peoples inhabiting our city;

To form an idea about the local history museum.


Develop logical thinking, curiosity.


To foster love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the city's inhabitants.

Integration of educational areas:

Speech, cognitive, social and communicative development.

Vocabulary work:

Dictionary activation:merchants.

Enrichment of the vocabulary: exhibits, exposition.

Preliminary work:

Consideration of the album "The Land in Which We Live";

Conversation about the value of a museum;

The teacher's story about the merchants of Cherdyn, about what contribution they made to our city.

Form of carrying out: excursion.

Excursion object: museum exhibits.

Excursion progress.

Educator: Children, tell me where we came from? That's right, we came on an excursion to the A.S. Pushkin. Here are collected exhibits - real objects that existed in those distant times.

Educator: But before we enter the building, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum (children's answers)

Educator:You're right, you can't talk loudly in a museum. And, of course, you cannot touch anything with your hands.

The teacher and children go into the building, undress in the foyer

Educator:The museum was founded in the year of celebrating the centenary of the birth of the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in 1899. The museum has one of the oldest and most interesting museum expositions in the Perm Territory, i.e. exhibitions on a specific topic. It tells about the history of Cherdyn and the peoples who inhabited these lands.

Educator: Today, the halls and depositories have collected more than 120 thousand of the most valuable exhibits. The most valuable collections of materials about ancient settlements are kept here. The museum contains materials about the urban life of the past centuries, merchant dynasties. Do you know who the merchants are? (children's assumptions). It is true that the merchants were called those people who were engaged in trade. Which of the most famous merchants of our city do you know? (children's answers).You are right, such dynasties of merchants as Alina, Uglitsky, Rzhevina, Lunegov, Chernykh, Gusev, Nadymov, Remyannikov made a great contribution to our city.

Educator: Here, the museum exhibits some of the first acquisitions of the museum. They are in front of you. These are stuffed rare animals - albino foxes and squirrels from the collection of the merchant NP Alin; a Nile crocodile sent by the teacher V.G.Bortnovsky in 1914 from Odessa together with two ostrich eggs and a coconut. Quartz crystal (rock crystal) also attracts attention with its size. You can look around.

All-Russian competition of pedagogical skills "Methodical piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten number 78"

Engels Municipal District of Saratov Region

Excursion summary


higher educator

Gubanova Svetlana Vasilievna

Age groupsenior (5-6 years old)

Theme: "Museum of Local Lore "

Goal: to acquaint children with the history of the local history museum

Tour progress:

1 introduction (motivation)

Guys, what do you think, where can you store antiques?

Right in the museum. How many of you have been to the museum?

What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.

There are many different museums in the world.

What kinds of museums do you know?

(military, historical, applied arts, local history)

What is local history?

Local lore is a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements. Today we swami will take an excursion to the local history museum.

Before we go to the museum, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (In the museum, one must be quiet, because other tourists come there, and we must not interfere with them. In the museum, you cannot touch anything with your hands without the permission of the museum workers). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Main part

Today we will get to know not only the history of the founding of the local history museum, but also the history of the founding of our city.

An official decision was made to establish the Central Museum of the Republic of Volga Germans. In the first years, an interesting collection of clothes, household items of the German and Ukrainian population of the republic, old manuscripts on the history of foreign colonies, materials on ethnography and archeology were collected. Intensive research activities were carried out. After the liquidation of the Republic of the Volga Germans, the museum was closed. Most of its exhibits were distributed among different organizations for storage and, of course, were irretrievably lost.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the museum was revived, but already in the status of a city museum of local lore. However, to fully return to classical museum work and full-fledged construction of a museum with a historical profile, as it was before. It became possible only in our years. When the museum moved to a beautiful new rebuilt building.

Today the Engels Museum of Local Lore is one of the most prominent and demanded cultural institutions in the city of Engels. It is located in the very center of the city on the banks of the Volga next to the city square, park and embankment, which makes visiting the museum attractive for visitors.

The guide introduced us to the "History of the Pokrovskaya Sloboda".

You all know very well that our city is called Engels. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were not in the world, the Pokrovskaya Sloboda was formed on the site of the existing city. The settlement was founded on the left bank of the Volga, opposite Saratov.

This concludes our tour. Summarizing.

  • In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
  • Who took us to the museum? (guide)
  • What did the guide tell you about?

Guys, what did you like most about muses

Kapranova Inna

MOU OOSH s. Kulyasovo

Kameshkirsky district


a history teacher

Kulyasovo 2011

Introduction ... 1

1.1. The history of the creation of the museum.

1.2. From the life of wonderful people of the village of Kulyasovo

Conclusion List of used literature Appendices

I. Introduction.

Currently, school history of local lore takes a large place in the education and upbringing of schoolchildren. Historical and local history education lays the foundations of morality, civic spirit and patriotism. The formation of a personality is impossible without awareness of continuity to a certain cultural and historical community. Historical local history plays an important role in the formation of historical consciousness. Local lore material, being closer and more familiar, enhances the concreteness and clarity of students' perception of the historical process and has an educational value. The local history museum plays an important role in the study of the native land. In this regard, the school museum plays a more significant role, which contributes to the formation of civic - patriotic qualities in students, a sense of love for their small homeland, respect for the experience of previous generations. The school local history museum is a center of educational work, an effective form of organizing and presenting local history educational material, a base for an in-depth study of history, school life, village, mass involvement of students in local history and search activities.

The main thing is that the museum provides an opportunity to study the past not only through contemplative perception, but also to actively participate in historical and local history work in cooperation with the museum educational environment. Such participation of schoolchildren can be carried out on the basis of dialogue as a form of intersubjective communication, in which each student sees the other as an equal, free, active interlocutor in the statements. Respects his position, beliefs, interests and opinions.

The museum educational environment fulfills not only educational functions, but also forms the practical skills of search, research activities, develops the initiative, social activity of schoolchildren, provides great opportunities for organizing independent and creative work of students.

The relevance of the chosen topic is explained by the need to refer to the origins of local history. Recently, interest in national culture has been growing in order to rethink its place and role in the modern world, and to develop national self-awareness. So that we, junior schoolchildren, do not grow up as Ivans who do not remember kinship.

Based on the foregoing, the purpose of this work is to get acquainted with the history of the creation of the school local history museum of the village of Kulyasovo and the prospects for its development

To reveal this goal, we have set the following tasks:

- study the main and auxiliary fund of the school museum;

- expansion of historical horizons

- to acquaint with the traditions and customs of the Mordovian people.

- develop an active patriotic position

To foster love and respect for the past of their land, their country. The practical application of the work lies in the possibility of using the material when conducting lessons on homeland studies, lessons on the history of the Penza region, extra-curricular activities.

The work consists of Introduction, one chapter, Conclusion, bibliography and Appendices.

Chapter 1. Sightseeing tour of the local history museum of the village of Kulyasovo

1.1. The history of the creation of the museum.

The local history museum of our school was founded in 1989. The initiators of the creation were veterans of pedagogical work - a geography teacher, a counselor. By the efforts of teachers, students, parents, villagers, the main fund of the museum was collected. It also happened that in the state farm they took a horse and went around the house, where, with the permission of the owners, they examined the storerooms and attics. And the residents gave to the museum all the most valuable that remained from the past. Thus, a loom, a wooden bed, a chair of the late 19th century, household items of the Mordovian people, tools, and Mordovian national clothes appeared in our museum. Stanchina Feodosiya Yakovlevna bought chocolates for the Mordovian national costume. It is currently in the regional museum of local lore.

Based on the stories of the old residents of the village, the history of the village of Kulyasovo was compiled. Lived - there were two brothers - Nurdo - atya and Braga - atya and they had a mother Akulina, Kulya. The village of Kulyasovo is named after her. According to another version, residents of the village of Kulyasovo were migrants from Mordovia. Therefore, the new village received the same name.

The museum organized meetings with veterans of the Socialist Revolution, the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, veterans of pedagogical work, with people who were in hot spots.

Based on their stories and on the basis of archival materials, the following stands were created in the museum:

- School yesterday and today;

- From the life of wonderful people of the village of Kulyasovo;

- The Great Patriotic War;

- They were in hot spots.

Many wonderful people were raised by the Kameshkir land. Among them there are doctors, teachers, builders, military men, and just rural workers. In our village, a Mordovian educator was born and raised, the author of the first Mordovian primer "Tundon-chi" ("Spring Day") - Grigory Karpovich Ulyanov. His sister is the first Soviet teacher in the village of Staraya Yaksarka of the Shemysheisky District, awarded the Order of Lenin, the Mordovian poet Emelyan Ivanovich Pyataev, who glorified in his poems the nature of his native land, the people of the village.

Currently, work in the museum does not stand still. The Fresh Wind association continues to replenish the main fund of the museum, replenish the interior of the peasant hut, and accumulate the auxiliary fund of the museum. School ensemble "Ryabinushka" sings Mordovian songs, children read Mordovian poems, make Mordovian riddles, which were sung and told by their grandparents.

We are actively communicating with the Republic of Mordovia. They presented the school with many textbooks and fiction in the Mordovian language, a painting depicting a cathedral in honor of Fyodor Ushakov. They also invited us to visit in April 2010. 7th grade student Maria Fedotova represented the village of Kulyasovo in the regional drama theater of the city of Saransk.

We organize thematic and sightseeing tours, Mordovian gatherings in the museum.

Volunteers are actively helping veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

Thus, extracurricular work on the history of the region at school is one of the sources of enriching students with the knowledge of their native land, fostering love for it and the formation of civic concepts and skills. The work of the school museum brings something new to the knowledge of us, students on the history of our native land, deepens and expands them.

1.2. From the life of remarkable people of the village of Kulyasovo.

Ulyanov Grigory Karpovich was born on September 25, 1864 in the village of Kulyasovo, now the Kameshkirsky district of the Penza region - he died on January 23, 1943 in the city of Klimovsk, Moscow region. Public figure, journalist, teacher. Mordvin (erzya). After graduating from the Volsk Teachers' Seminary in 1885, he worked as a teacher in the Mordovian village of Naskaftym in the Kuznetsk district of the Saratov province. He played an important role in the formation and development of the Mordovian people in the education system. Co-author of the primer "Tundon Chi" ("Spring Day"). In 1924-1926, as an inspector of the People's Commissariat for Education, he organized general education among the Mordovians. He took an active part in the creation of the Mordovian statehood.

Grigory Karpovich Ulyanov is well known to local historians; writes about him:

At the beginning of the twentieth century, he together with created the Society for Mutual Aid for Students and Teachers of Primary Public Schools in Saratov Province.

Since 1908 he was in exile. In May 1917 he returned to his homeland, where he was elected to the Constituent Assembly. After the October events, he established Soviet power in the Kuznetsk district.

In the early thirties, under his leadership, a study was carried out on the topic "Mordovian village as it is", where an accurate assessment of the state of education and culture in the Mordovian Autonomous Region was given.

An amazing, rare person was Elena Karpovna Ulyanova, the first Soviet teacher in Staraya Yaksarka. She can be called a man of duty in the highest sense of the word.

Ulyanov in the village of Kulyasovo, Kameshkirsky district of the Penza region, in the family of a poor Mordovian peasant. Life was not easy, full of work and need. But Lena dreamed of studying. And she entered the Samara teacher's school. She studied at the expense of her younger brother - Grigory Karpovich. At the end of school, she worked for two years as a teacher in the former Balashovsky district of the Saratov province. I understood that there was little knowledge, I needed to study further. And she went to Petersburg, where she graduated from a two-year course. She studied in the evenings and worked during the day. The work was different, but always connected with children. Therefore, over the years spent in St. Petersburg, Elena Karpovna Ulyanova acquired new knowledge and expanded her experience.

Therefore, she was drawn to work with the village children. The village was completely illiterate then. And Elena Karpovna dreamed of transferring all her knowledge to the village children, teaching them everything that she could herself.

In 1903 she was appointed a teacher in Staraya Yaksarka of Shemysheysky district. Her students were, and many others. Elena Karpovna Ulyanova taught her subordinates in a revolutionary spirit, trying to convey to them everything new, progressive that she learned, heard and understood in St. Petersburg. She read them brochures and books forbidden by tsarism. And in 1908 she was dismissed from her job as unreliable. After such a dismissal, there was nothing to think about working in the village, wherever she applied, she was refused everywhere. I had to go to Saratov, then again to Petersburg. Work was everywhere, you could live. But Elena Karpovna was not such a person to just live. She needed to do the work that would bring the greatest benefit to her. She probably knew what was needed in the village. The hope of returning to her beloved work in the village was brought to her by revolutionary unrest, the February revolution. At the end of 17, she returns to Old Jaksarka. Here she worked as a teacher until 1957.

It is not for nothing that the people say: the more you give, the more you get. In 1939, Elena Karpovna was awarded the Order of Lenin for outstanding successes and flawless long-term work on the communist education of the young generation, and in 1949 the second Order of Lenin. In 1951, she was awarded the title "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR School" for her outstanding services in the field of public education. In 1946 she was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." All these numerous high awards are recognition of her teaching skills and talent. The Motherland appreciated her work, her whole life. People gave her their love. The memory of her is always with those who knew her. And now in Old Jaksarka, the street on which she lived bears her name.

Emelyan Ivanovich Pyataev belonged to the generation of poets who came to literature in the 30s.

Pyataev in the village of Kulyasovo, Kameshkirsky district of the Penza province in 1914 in a peasant family. After graduating from the Kameshkir school, he worked as a collective farm agronomist and then as an accountant. Pyataev was an active Komsomol member, headed the cell. The future poet was fortunate enough to go through the school of centrizdat. It was there that he became closely acquainted with Russian poetry and fell in love with it forever. A noticeable trace in her biography was left by her work in the national sector of the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. After moving to Saransk, Emelyan Pyataev worked for the newspaper Along the Lenin's Way for several years. In 1938 he became a member of the CPSU, was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Emelyan was a participant in the Great Patriotic War. He remained in the army until 1953 as a political worker. He had the rank of major. Demobilized, he again devoted himself to journalism: he works in the editorial office of "Soviet Mordvin", and then as the secretary of "Erzyan - Pravda". From 1963 until his death (1967), he headed the editorial board of Syatko.

Thus, studying the life and work of our fellow countrymen, we can conclude that they saw their duty in serving people. They can be called people of duty in the highest sense of the word.


The creation and development of the museum, the formation of its funds is the result of the coordinated actions of many people.

The most important thing in the work of the school museum is that the little person does not just look at the exhibits, but participates in their collection, one might say absorbs the history of his village, his country.

The guys go to the museum not only on excursions. Russian language teachers hold contests for reading about the war here, prepare students for writing essays using museum materials.

The exposition of the museum is constantly updated. The doors of the museum are always open for schoolchildren and guests, they can read and look at ancient documents, study materials and exhibits.

Thus, the school museum helps to feel the involvement of your family, your ancestors, and hence personal involvement in the great events of the past years. Promotes the formation among young citizens of a deep understanding and respect for the history of their homeland.

List of used literature

1. Materials of the local history museum MOU OOSh s. Kulyasovo

Kapranova Inna took the third place at the district level.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, speech and artistic - aesthetic development.


  • familiarization with the origins of the spiritual culture of the Russian people;
  • acquaintance with the history of the appearance of the doll, evoke an emotional response;
  • respect for the surrounding objective world, the desire to make a toy with your own hands.

1st part. Introductory

Educator. Guys, have you ever been to a museum? How can you explain the word "museum"?

The museum is a collection of rare and wonderful items. Would you like to go all together on an amazing journey and learn a lot of interesting things about the origin of, perhaps, the most beloved children's toy?

2nd part. Information(Passes through the museum.)

Guide. Guys, I think you have a lot of toys at your house. Do you have any dolls? Would you like to know how the very first dolls appeared, and what were they like?

The doll is the first among toys. She has been known since ancient times, remaining forever young. She is not affected by time, she still finds her way to the hearts of children and adults.

Everywhere where a person settles and lives, from the harsh snow-covered Arctic expanses to the sultry dry sands of the deserts, the doll is his constant companion. It is simple, but in this simplicity lies a great mystery.

The doll is not born by itself: it is created by a person. The very first dolls were made from pieces of cloth - scraps. These dolls do not require sewing with a needle, so they can be made even with very young children. So it was in ancient times - the kids played with patchwork toys: dolls, bunnies and even horses. Mom will sit in the evening, or maybe a grandmother with a little girl and make a doll - the details are not sewn, but tied with threads. Fearing that an evil spirit would enter the doll, they did not indicate faces on it, thus protecting the child from evil forces. The custom of not painting the face of the doll remained for a long time among many peoples, was widespread in ancient times and in Russia.

3rd part. Problematic

Educator. Guys, what do you think it takes to make such a doll?

Children. White fabric for the face, scraps of colored fabric for a scarf and a sundress, multi-colored threads, ribbons and ribbons.

Educator. Are all dolls made in the same way, because they are so different? There are indeed many ways to make dolls. And the dolls are called in their own way. Would you like to learn more about them and learn how to make such dolls?

4th part. Stimulating children's, questions

Children walk through the exhibition hall, examine the presented exhibits and ask the guide about the names of the dolls and the technique of their manufacture.

The techniques for making dolls are very diverse. The Kuvadka doll and lovebirds are made from only one piece tied with a thread, the Vezh doll consists of three "balls" - balls of wool wrapped in a rag, and at the base of the various posts is a column twisted from fabric. If you dress up two sticks tied in a criss-cross pattern, you get a doll - a cross, if a bag of grain is a grain.

The guide draws the children’s attention to the doll in the hut on chicken legs and invites them to close their eyes.

Music sounds. Baba Yaga appears and invites children to guess riddles about forest dwellers:

What a forest beast

Got up like a post under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass

Are your ears above your head? (Hare.)

The master sewed a fur coat for himself.

I forgot to take out the needles. (Hedgehog.)

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up the oak trees?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dries mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel.)

Look at what -

Everything burns like gold

He walks in a fur coat on the road.

The tail is fluffy and large. (Fox.)

He sleeps in a den in winter

Under a huge pine tree

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep. (Bear.)

Water masters

They build a house without an ax

A house of brushwood and mud,

Called a dam. (Beavers.)

Then Baba Yaga offers the game "Who will fly faster around the tree on the broomstick", and treats the children with sweets.

Formulation of a new problem

Educator. Guys, would you like to make a doll yourself? At home, together with adults, choose scraps of fabric, multi-colored threads and ribbons and then in a group, we will make swaddling dolls with you. Think about who this doll will be for: for yourself or maybe it will be a gift?

5th part. Symbolization

Productive activity. Artistic and manual labor: "Doll - swaddling".

Alla Sarsania
Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the Museum"

Abstract GCD for cognitive development

in preparatory group« Excursion to the museum» .

Prepared by the teacher

Sarsania A.E.


Introduce the concept « the museum» and its purpose.


To acquaint with the interior design and purpose of the premises museum... Continue to develop interest in the history and culture of your people, people of your hometown. Show basic skills to use the map.

Refine knowledge museum terms, develop monologue speech, the ability to prove and draw conclusions, acquaint children with the rules of behavior in museum.

To foster a respect for the cultural heritage of Russia, to form patriotic feelings and feelings of citizenship.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognitive development, speech, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic.

Material and equipment:

Title cards museums(ethnographic, local history ..., map, photographs of children in museums, presentation "We go to the museum» , materials and exhibits mini museum group"Bells", a video film about the art gallery, images of national costumes.

Working on the dictionary:

the museum, exhibit, excursion, guide, sightseers, map.

Preliminary work:

Team work:

Museum tours Petrodvorets district and Strelna;

Guided tour of the kindergarten museum: in group"Grasshoppers";

Viewing photos after visiting museums;

Watching videos;

Visual activity "I was in museum";

Reading fiction and children's encyclopedias;

Memorizing poems about your hometown;

Acquaintance with national costumes and life of the peoples of Russia.

Interacting with family:

Excursions in the city museum with the whole family

Conversation "Why are we going to the museum?" (questions: What the museum? What is there? Who works there? (professions) What is their job? What are they doing? Who goes there? Why go there? etc.);

Viewing antiques at home and telling how they came to be at home;

Involving parents in recruiting museum exhibits.

Course of the lesson:

Guys, we live in the city of St. Petersburg - this is our small homeland, but do you love your homeland?

And what does it mean to love your homeland?

(Children's answers: love your family, your home, cherish and protect everything that surrounds us, know the history of your people and your land).

Would you like to look into the past and see how our ancestors lived on our land many, many years ago? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet invented a time machine,

Maybe you know how to go back in time?

Well ...

Today is our special day

I invite you friends

Are you ready to go with me?

I am calling you to the wonderful world!

I suggest watching the presentation "We go to the museum» .

Slide 1:

guess a riddle:

Us the tour guide said:

Come into this hall.

We looked at the mummy, saw the exhibits.

Even the mammoth lies here, his eye closed as if he were sleeping ...

Do you want to see too?

Do not be shy, go quickly to the wonderful (the museum) .

Slide 2:

Museum - collects, studies, stores and displays objects (history and culture).

Slide 3:

IN museums you can learn a lot, see a lot of new and interesting (Russian the museum) .

Slide 4: The very first in the world museum founded by Ptolemy.

And in Russia we have the first the museum was created by Tsar Peter-1(Cabinet of curiosities or cabinet of rarities).

Slide 5-6:

And this is the world's largest Alexander library.

Statues, paintings and other works of art were located here. They were dedicated to the Gods.

Slide 7:

In the 18th century, the first public museums with spectators.

Slide 8:

Currently, there are a wide variety museums:

Local history the museum talks about the history and culture of their region.

Artistic museums- keeps collections of paintings, sculptures, jewelry art.

Museums- Reserves preserve nature, architecture of memorable places for us.

There are also palace and park museums, historical, theatrical, musical.

Slide 9:

As well as museums dedicated to certain themes:

-"Universe water"- water museum, « Cat museum» , « Puppet Museum» , « Lego Museum» , « Weapons museum» and many others.

Slide 10:

There are even museums Snow Maiden and Baba Yaga.

Guys do you think you need museum to people?

(Children sayings).


- Museum is useful!

- Museum is interesting!

Dynamic pause "In zoo":

Children imitate habits beasts:

The day was very hot yesterday

We walked in the zoo.

We saw animals and birds

Both deer and foxes.

We learned that the bear

Uncle Fedya is called.

We fed the ducks in the pond,

We bought a bunch of balls.

They drank juice, hiding in the shade.

You will remember this day.

Search situation "In which museums would you post these items? "

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the table set napkin:

Guys, under this napkin are things that can tell us a lot. What do you think is there?

Didactic game "Yes-no":

The teacher invites the children to guess with the help of leading questions what is on the napkin.

All these things can be summed up in one word - museum exhibits and they should be (in museum) .

In which museum you place them?

Problem situation:

The teacher invites children to speculate in what the museum exhibits can be identified.

Didactic game "Place correctly":

The teacher invites the children to arrange the exhibits on different tables and name which museums they can belong.

Working with the map:

The teacher offers to determine the location of these museums... Asks what else museums children know(children's answers).

Working with a photo exhibition:

The teacher suggests looking at the photos museumswhere the children have been before. Asks to remember the names of these museums, name the most memorable exhibit.

Situational conversation:

What to remember when visiting museum?

(Children conduct a situational conversation and develop rules of behavior for themselves).

Rules of conduct in museum:

IN museum you must not talk loudly, so as not to disturb other visitors and guide to lead the tour.

Listen attentively the guide and do not interrupt him.

Can't touch with hands museum exhibits.

You can't make noise, run around the museumtalking on the phone.

If you want to take pictures, ask permission.

Our kindergarten also has its own mini museums and we have already visited some of them.

(Children remember the name museum group"Grasshoppers", discuss what they saw, what they liked and what was remembered the most).

Game situation "We are in museum of our group":

Guys, we have the group also has a mini-museum? What is it called? ( "Cheerful chime".)

Let's remember why our the museum is so called, about exhibits museum. (Children's stories about their exhibits).


Guys, today in our museum another exhibit appeared. This exhibit is for our mini the museum was given by the guys of the group"Grasshoppers"... Let's hear how it sounds (melodic, gentle)... Now I propose to remember the melodies of your bells, let's arrange an orchestra. (Children choose their bells and play along with the sounding melody).