Presentation "Composition based on the painting by A. Plastov" First Snow "

Class: 4

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The purpose of the lesson:

  • To teach children the ability to read a picture, to understand the ideological plan of the artist.
  • Enrich the vocabulary of students.
  • Expand student knowledge.
  • To teach children the ability to use bright words from works of art in their speech.
  • Influence the feelings of students, develop imaginative thinking.



  • PITchaikovsky's gramophone "The Four Seasons".
  • Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov.
  • Reproductions of A. Plastov's painting "First Snow" for each student.

During the classes

1. Organization of the class.

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the Russian language lesson we will write an essay based on the painting of the famous Russian artist A.A. Plastov "First Snow".

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Slide 2, 3. Appendix.

Preparatory conversation.

  • Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893-1972), an outstanding Russian painter. He wrote genre paintings, portraits, landscapes, paintings imbued with deep love for native nature, for the village and its people.
  • Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov was born in the village of Prislonikha, Ulyanovsk region. From childhood he loved to draw. He graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, sculpture department, and studied painting on his own. He loved children and the country. For a long time he lived and worked in his native Prislonikha. Favorite heroes of Plastov are village children. They are almost always present in his paintings: "The First Snow", "Vitya - a Podpasok", "In the Summer (1945)", "The Tractor Driver's Dinner".

Slide 4. Appendix.

Acquaintance with the painting "First Snow".

Here is a reproduction of the painting by A.A. Plastov "First Snow".

What is reproduction? (Pupils find the interpretation of the word in the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov).

Let's try to express a thought using excerpts from poems about the first snow. (The children themselves prepared excerpts from poems about the first snow).

Remember how you felt when you saw the first snow early in the morning in November?

How the streets and the school yard have changed in winter.

Slide 5, 6. Appendix.

Conversation on the picture.

Why did the girl and boy run out onto the porch of their hut?

Why did the girl throw her head back and look up?

What does her face express?

What is she happy about?

Did the boy come out to see only the first snow or did he decide to do something?

What surprises and makes children especially happy?

Are only children happy with the snow?

Who else do we see in the picture?

What kind of birds are they?

Why is it more fun in winter than in inclement weather?

What mood does the picture create for you?

What lines from passages of poems can be remembered looking at this picture?

How have the street, rooftops, front garden, trees changed?

(Children reading excerpts from poems selected by them.)

The choice of an epigraph.

Fluffy snow, silvery
A soft carpet spreads
And snowflakes, like fluffs,
Curling around merrily.

Work on the plan.

What should I write about in the introduction?

What should we write about in the main part?

What can be the conclusion?

Slide 7. Appendix.

  1. First day of winter.
  2. The joy of children.
  3. Color and mood of the picture.
  4. My attitude to the picture.

Slide 8. Appendix.

Spelling preparation.

Explanation of words. (Working with an explanatory dictionary.)

Landscape - drawing, painting depicting nature, view.

Landscape painter - painter, specialist in landscapes.

An epigraph is a saying, a short quote, a proverb placed by the author in front of the entire work or a separate part of it, in order to note its main idea, meaning, and the author's attitude to it.

Painting - art - the creation of artistic images using paints.

A painter is an artist who paints.

Front garden - a small, fenced garden, a flower garden in front of the house.

Essay writing.

A.A. Plastov depicted the beginning of winter in the painting "First Snow". The picture conveys that special hour in nature, when the first snowflakes dance softly and easily on the ground.

The children woke up in the morning, looked out the window and were surprised, in one night everything around turned white.

A girl with her younger brother ran out onto the porch. She didn't even have time to get dressed: she threw a large warm scarf over her head and in one light dress jumped out of the hut. She only managed to shove her legs into black felt boots. She stretched out to the string and, throwing her head back, looks at the falling snow. Delight and surprise expresses her face. Her eyes are smiling merrily, shining - happy that she has waited for the first snow. Her brother dressed warmly: in a black jacket, pulled a hat over his head. The boy looks at the whitewashed street, at the white roofs of the village huts. He is also pleased with the first snow.

Nearby in the front garden is an old birch tree. A magpie managed to fly in and sit on a birch tree. She hastily chirps at a crow, calmly and importantly walking through the snow. Here, in the front garden, a small shrub grows. Snow covered its lower branches and pressed it to the ground.

A part of the village street is visible around the corner of the hut. A second boy appeared on the street. He also went out to look at the first snow. The sky is gray, covered with clouds. It's windy. Snow covers the street in large flakes, and here and there it melts.

In his painting, the artist combines white, gray, brown colors. With this, Plastov showed the village ordinary, everyday and at the same time elegant from the first snow. Looking at the picture, we feel the beauty of the first snow.


Reading and analysis of essays.

Lesson summary.


  1. G.S. Shcheglova. Lessons in the development of coherent speech in primary school... St. Petersburg. Publishing house "Special Literature", 2005
  2. L.L. Strakhova. Essay for students on the picture for younger students. St. Petersburg. Publishing House "Litera", 2008
  3. N.G. Kuvashova. Essays for students in grades 1-4. Volgograd. Publishing house "Teacher", 2000
  4. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Moscow, 2002.

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Slide captions:

COMPOSITION ON THE PICTURE OF PLASTOV A.A. "FIRST SNOW" Completed by: teacher of the beginning of classes MBOU "School No. 52" Babak E.A.


White fluffy snow Whirls in the air

And quietly Falls to the ground, lies down.

And in the morning with snow The field turned white, As if with a shroud Everything clothed him.

A dark forest, That covered himself with a wonderful hat, And fell asleep under it Quietly, soundly ...

A.A. Plastov - artist of the 19th century.

"Dinner of a tractor driver"

Rules for writing an essay: Stick to the plan, describe the picture Avoid repetitions, using synonyms. Start each new part of the essay with a red line. Do not forget to express your attitude to the picture at the end. Write beautifully and accurately.

Plan: 1. A miracle happened. 2. Description of children. 3. Wonderful snow. 4. The mood of the children. 5. My attitude to the painting.

Spelling and vocabulary training went deserted wing tso girl ran out of the head and p alto enchanted zm sm o fared along rhali falling

november Composition based on the painting by A.A. Plastov "First Snow". Before us is a reproduction of a painting by the artist A.A. Plastova "First Snow".

Possible phrases: Artist (the author of the picture, A.A. Plastov) In the picture (on the canvas, on the reproduction) Children: Surprised, joyful, dressed hastily, covered herself with a scarf, in felt boots on bare feet, smiles, fascinated by the beauty (amazed by the splendor of nature, a long-awaited miracle) Snow: It went all night, covered the autumn slush with a white sheet, thousands of magnificent snowflakes slowly descended to the ground, the white sheet of snow transformed nature. Items: Country house, front garden, birch. Colors: gray, white, beige, black

Key words Children: jumped out, dressed hastily, saw Snow: it went all night, covered Subjects: front garden, birch tree, porch, other huts in the distance Animals: crow, magpie on birch branches, horse Plan: 1.A miracle happened at night. 2. Description of children and their mood. 3. Magic snow. 4. My attitude to the painting.

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Composition based on the painting by A. Plastov "First Snow"

The purpose of the lesson: to teach you to correctly express your thoughts and feelings in oral and written form, to correctly draw up an essay plan; develop student literacy, the ability to notice details; educate careful ...

Lesson on the educational complex "Harmony" Drawing up a study on the painting by A. Plastov "First Snow"

To learn to analyze the structure of the text, the linguistic means used in it, to understand the topic and the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, to draw up a plan, to retell the text in writing, consciously, keeping the features ...

Lesson Objectives:

- to acquaint with the life and work of A. A. Plastov;

- to draw the attention of children to the beauty of winter nature;

- contribute emotional perception paintings as works of art;

- improve the ability to select the words needed to describe;

- to form the ability to compose the final part of the essay, to choose the right ending of the essay;

- to teach to correlate the artistic text and the artistic means of the picture.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Preparation for the perception of the picture.

- Read two words on the chalkboard: the first and the last. Listen to yourself: how do these words make you feel? What memories, life events do you associate with the word first? (The first flowering, the first sadness, the first rook, the first grief, the first snow, the first parting.)

3. Comparison of personal observations of children and descriptions of the first snow in literary works,

- Listen to how K.G. Paustovsky said about the first snow:

“Snow was falling like glass rain falling from a tree. The land was smart, like a shy bride. The day seemed to be dozing. Snowflakes occasionally fell from the cloudy high sky. Winter began to dominate the land. "

- Find figurative expressions about snow, about winter in paustovsky's text,

- What is the attitude of the writer himself to the first snow? How did he show it? What is your attitude to the first snow? How do you feel when you see him?

- Listen to how the writer G. Skrebitsky saw the first snow.

First snow

The bare ground was frozen, and winter still hadn't come. But then it got warmer, and in the evening it began to snow. Large fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air, more and more of them every minute. And finally, the snow fell in flakes.

I threw a sheepskin coat over my shoulders and went out onto the porch .... The air was clean and fresh. It somehow smelled especially good of young, freshly fallen snow…. It was completely quiet around…. I stood and watched the white fluff of winter pouring from the evening sky and pouring it onto the ground ...

4. Examination of the picture.

The artist painted this picture in 1946. This is one of the most charming lyrical works of Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov, He conveyed his feeling of a fresh winter day and that special state of nature that happens at the hour of the first snow-fall, Plastov knows the life of a Russian village well and in his picture, he was able to show the rural winter landscape in all its beauty and charm.

5. Conversation on the content of the picture.

- What season did the artist depict? (Early winter.)

- Why did you guess that this is the beginning of winter? (There are no snowdrifts, in some places bare earth is still visible.)

- What time of day is shown? How did you guess? (It snowed at night, it’s morning ”the children hurried out onto the porch, they had not left the house yet.)

- Whom did the artist depict in the foreground? (A girl of about ten and a boy of about seven. These are village guys.)

- Describe their appearance. (A boy in a coat, a girl without outer clothing, just threw a headscarf. They were probably in a hurry. They really want to see the first snow, The girl's boots are not in size, apparently, they were dressing in a hurry. The guys raise their heads to the sky, look at the snow flakes,)

- What can you say looking at the expressions on the faces of the children? Can you say that the guys like the first snow? (They were very interested in the first snowfall, children are curious and observant, they are happy with the snow, for them it is a holiday.)

6. Working with the dictionary of sentiments.

Look at the cards, choose words - names of feelings that will help you convey the mood of the children.

joy delight excitement

surprise interest admiration

anxiety fright sadness

(Children are surprised, delighted, they are also interested in looking at the first snow, they are very curious.) - Why are they surprised by the first snow? (The first snow is soft. Warm. Kind. It quietly falls from the sky in large flakes.)

- What else does the artist in the foreground show? (In the front garden there is a large old birch with spreading branches. It seems that she was delighted with the snow. The birch must have been waiting for this event for a long time, as if it had spread its branches so wide to the sides just to meet the first snow.)

- There is another hero here - the crow. What is she going through? (The crow near the birch also seems to be happy with the first snow, wants to try it.)

How is it shown? (Snow covers the ground, roofs of houses, branches of trees. People on sledges have already appeared in the background. It seems that nature is rejoicing, rejoicing in the first snow together with man, with all life on earth.)

7. Revealing the pictorial means of the picture.

- Why did the artist show only part of the birch in the picture? And not the whole tree? (The birch is part of the winter landscape, and the artist wanted to say that the main thing in the picture is the children and their mood.)

8. Speech preparation for composition.

- Choose a few key words that are the main ones to describe the picture:

snow children earth crow sky birch

- try to describe the snow. Using comparisons. Epithets. The words. Characterizing the action of snow. very to face the earth, a white tablecloth of fields, timid and quiet, fluffy and shaggy, covered the ground, powdered, tickled his face, whirled, fluttered

danced, dipped in large flakes

- Try to look through the eyes of an artist. Be-those when choosing words more sensitive, attentive, observant. Remember works about winter.

- What feelings and mood does the picture evoke in you? (The artist helped us to experience even more vividly the joyous feeling of delight at the sight of the first snow.)

- How would you finish your story about this picture? (I have a feeling of joy, happiness, celebration when I look at this picture. I am grateful to the artist that I can once again experience the feeling of joy at the sight of the first snow. It is difficult to remain indifferent when you see the first snow.)

9 Drawing up an essay plan:

1) The first day of winter.

2) The joy of children.

3) The mood of the picture.

4) My attitude to the painting.

10. Oral collective compilation of a description text.

11. Independent work

12. Self-test

Topic: Working on mistakes

after A. A. Plastov's painting "First Snow"

Objective: To improve the ability to express your thoughts in writing

Lesson Objectives:

- identify gaps in student knowledge and

- to work on mistakes made in written work

- to activate the vocabulary of students;

- to cultivate a love of nature;

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Repetition

- How do you imagine the first snow? How did you see him? How does it make you feel?

The artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov painted the painting "First Snow" in 1946.

3. Work on spelling mistakes

Write out the words in which mistakes were made and explain the spelling of these words

4. Conversation on the content of the picture.

- What season did the artist depict?

(The artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov depicted the beginning of winter in his painting.)

- Why did you guess that this is the beginning of winter?

(There are no snowdrifts yet, in some places bare earth is still visible.)

- What time of day is shown? How did you guess?

(The first snow fell at night. Early in the morning the children hurried out onto the porch.)

- Whom did the artist depict in the foreground?

(In the foreground of the picture we see a girl of about ten and a boy of about seven. These are village guys.)

- Describe their appearance.

(A boy in a coat, a girl without outer clothes, just threw on a scarf. The children were probably in a hurry. They really want to see the first snow as soon as possible. The guys raise their heads to the sky, look at the flakes of fluffy snow.)

- What can you say looking at the expressions on the faces of the children? Can you say that the guys like the first snow?

(They are surprised and delighted, it is interesting for them to watch light, fluffy snowflakes slowly descend to the ground.)

- Why are they surprised by the first snow? (The first snow is soft, warm and beautiful. It quietly falls from the sky in large flakes.)

- What else does the artist in the foreground show?

(In the front garden there is a large old birch with spreading branches. It seems that she was delighted with the snow. The birch must have been waiting for this event for a long time, as if it spread its branches so wide to the sides just to meet the first snow.)

- There is another hero here - the crow. What is she going through?

(The crow near the birch also seems to be happy with the first snow, wants to try it.)

- The artist in the painting wants to emphasize the unity of living and inanimate nature.

How is it shown?

(Snow covers the ground, roofs of houses, branches of trees. People on sledges have already appeared in the background. It seems that nature is rejoicing, rejoicing in the first snow together with man, with all life on earth.)

- Why did the artist use the vertical format of the picture, was it done by accident? (Snow is falling from above. Children threw back their heads. The artist wants to enhance the impression of the bottomlessness of the sky. Long flight of snowflakes.)

- What feelings and mood does the picture evoke in you?

(The artist helped us to experience even more vividly the joyous feeling of delight at the sight of the first snow. By the power of his art, the artist showed the holiday of nature, we feel this holiday. One cannot remain indifferent, looking at this splendor of nature.)

- How did you end your story about this picture? (I am grateful to the artist that I can once again experience the feeling of joy at the sight of the first snow.)

5. Independent work. Working with the card.

Copy text.

The artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov depicted the beginning of winter in his painting.

There are no snowdrifts yet, in places bare earth is visible. The first snow fell at night. Early in the morning, the children ran out onto the porch.

In the foreground of the picture we see a girl of about ten and a boy of about seven. These are village guys. The boy is dressed in a coat, the girl is without outer clothing, she just threw on a scarf. The children were probably in a hurry. They really want to see the first snow sooner. The guys raise their heads to the sky, look at the flakes of fluffy snow. They are surprised and delighted, it is interesting for them to watch how light, beautiful snowflakes slowly descend to the ground.

In the front garden there is a large old birch tree with spreading branches. It seems that she, too, was delighted with the snow. The birch, probably, has been waiting for this event for a long time, as if to meet the first snow, it spread its branches so wide to the sides. Near the birch, we see a crow, which is happy with the first snow and wants to taste it.

Slide 1

Preparation for an essay based on a painting by A. Plastova "First Snow"
The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the Russian language and literature MBOU KSOSH # 2 Zavgorodnyaya A.Yu.

Slide 2

Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov (1893 - 1972) - Soviet painter, teacher, professor. Academician of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1947). People's Artist of the USSR (1962). Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1966) and the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1946).

Slide 3

Slide 4

Why does the artist depict children's paintings in the foreground?

Slide 5

(The artist depicts pictures of children in the foreground in order to express the direct childlike perception of the first snow, which is familiar to every person - bright, unclouded joy, admiration for the beauty of the earth transformed overnight, the freshness of clean air in which fluffy snowflakes swirl, ecstatic amazement from the contemplation of what is happening on eyes of magic, the anticipation of cheerful winter games. The first snow is a holiday, it is a joyful event in the life of children who will have many exciting activities. Admiring the picture, we involuntarily look at what is happening in nature through the eyes of children, and we get a bright feeling of celebration, a sense of admiration for the splendor decorated and renewed land.)

Slide 6

1. Try to imagine what happened a few minutes before the moment at which the children are depicted in the picture?

Slide 7

(Probably, the boy - the girl's younger brother - went out into the yard and, seeing instead of yesterday's slush, the pristine purity of the snow that covered everything around with a snow-white carpet, rushed into the hut to be the first to inform his sister about the joyful event and invite her to admire the dazzling beauty of winter and share his delight Hearing that the first snow had fallen, the girl thrust her feet into the first felt boots she came across and, without wasting time dressing, throwing a kerchief over her shoulders on the go, ran out onto the porch.)

Slide 8

2. Find and write down words (nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles) and phrases that you can use to describe the behavior, moods and feelings of children.

Slide 9

(nouns, adjectives, verbs, participles) and phrases that can be used to describe the behavior, mood of children and the feelings they experience. (Joy, delight, glee, charm, amazement, admiration, curiosity; admire the falling snow, admire the dazzling beauty, turn his face to fluffy snowflakes, froze in mute delight, cannot take his eyes off the snowflakes circling in the air, fascinated by the beauty of fluttering snowflakes, etc. etc.)

Slide 10

3. Name and write down epithets, definitions (not widespread and widespread) and comparisons that arise in thoughts when you hear the combination of the first snow.

Slide 11

(Pure, snow-white, untouched, shining with whiteness, fluffy, weightless, soft like a feather blanket, silently sinking to the ground, covering the ground with a white shawl, dressing the dark earth with a snow-white outfit, giving rise to a feeling of celebration, decorating tree branches with shiny fringes, etc. )

In the painting of the Russian artist A.A. Plastova "First Snow" depicts a small fragment from village life.

On the threshold of the wooden house, there are two peasant children. In the background there are several more similar huts, from which we can understand that the action takes place in the village.

On many of Plastov's canvases, people occupy a central place. Here it is a sister and her little brother. Waking up in the morning, through the frosty glass they saw the snowfall and, having quickly dressed, ran out onto the porch to feel their involvement in such an event. The girl did not even have time to tie a warm yellow shawl, she just threw it over a light home dress. But she has felt boots on her feet so that her feet do not freeze. The girl, like a string, is all stretched out, her head thrown back, she looks at the snow. On her face there is a childish delight in the transformation of the world around her.

Her little brother of about six is \u200b\u200bdressed in a warm jacket with a hat on his head. He also looks at the street and the rooftops with surprise. Together with them, we experience inexplicable joy, watching the most delicate fluff falling from a bluish cloud, which gently covers the remains of brown grass and roofs. Perhaps the children wanted to play, but saw the snowflakes circling, as if in a slow dance, and stopped, admiring.

The painting was painted by the artist in the first post-war 1946 in a bleak time, which is rendered in a little monotonous colors. Only children give the canvas liveliness, rejoicing in a simple phenomenon of nature. The combination of silvery, grayish and brown shades of houses, trees, clothes and sparkling snow creates a special uplifting mood for us.

The first snow is the very beginning of winter, a special time when snowflakes easily fall on the ground empty of grass. Judging by the large snowdrifts, it probably snowed all night. But the ground did not have time to cool down, so in some places dark areas can still be seen after the melted snow. A crow swooped down on one of the snowdrifts.

In the front garden, next to the house, there is a birch tree with rare leaves that have turned yellow and rolled into a tube, which did not have time to fly around. A beautiful white-sided magpie sat on her bare branch for just a minute. She chirps loudly. But the crow does not pay attention to her and walks importantly through the snow. Near the birch, a dry shrub is visible, the branches of which, covered with snow, have already bent down to the ground under its weight.

Another boy ran into the village street to enjoy the snow.

The gray-gray sky is covered with dark clouds. The first snowflakes evoke special feelings in the soul, carrying with them inexplicable cleansing and bright joy after the autumn sadness. Of course, this snow will not last long. Unfrozen brown puddles are visible: the snow only covered the autumn mud. But this is already the threshold of fun and winter games for children.

In his painting, Plastov seems to compare the spontaneity of children with the sparkling first snow. The artist perceives as a miracle both children who have not forgotten how to rejoice and admire, and shining snow.

At present, the painting by A.A. Plastova "First Snow" is on display at the Tver Regional Picture Gallery.