Dead souls presentation about Sobachevich. Literature presentation "the image of Sobachevich in the poem" dead souls "

Description of Sobakevich's village The village was quite large; two forests, birch and
pine, like two wings, one darker, the other lighter,
were on her right and left.
The village huts of the peasants were also cut down wonderfully:
there were no chimney walls, carved patterns and other tricks, but
everything was fitted tightly and properly. Even a well
was clad in such a strong oak, the cocoa goes only to
mills and ships.
Everything was stubborn, without sway, in some kind of strong and
do not crank up the order

Description of the village and the landlord's economy testifies
a certain wealth. “The yard was surrounded by strong and exorbitant
thick wooden lattice. The landowner seemed to be busy about
strength ... The village huts of the peasants were also cut down on
miracle ... everything was fitted tightly and properly ”.

Description of the manor house

In the middle of the village was a wooden house with a mezzanine, red
roof and dark gray or, better, wild walls - a house like
those as stand for military settlements and German colonists.
The pediment did not fall in the middle of the house ... Not four columns, as
was appointed, but only three. The yard was surrounded by a strong and
excessively thick wooden lattice. At the stable, the barn and
full-weight and thick logs were used in the kitchen,
determined for centuries-old standing.
On the walls were pictures of Greek generals, engraved in
whole height. Then came the Greek geraine Bobelina, who
one leg seemed larger than the entire torso. At the very window, cheerful
a cage from which a dark-colored thrush with white specks looked
very similar to Sobakevich.
Everything in the rooms was solid, awkward to the highest degree and
bore some strange resemblance to the master of the house himself; in the corner
the drawing-room was a pot-bellied walnut bureau on ridiculous four legs,
perfect bear. Table, armchairs, chairs - everything was by itself

In the house of S., there are paintings on the walls depicting exclusively Greek heroes, who outwardly resemble the owner of the house. The thrush is similar to S.

In S.'s house there are paintings on the walls depicting exclusively
Greek heroes who look like the owner of the house. Similar to S.
a dark-colored blackbird with specks, and a pot-bellied walnut bureau ("perfect
bear"). In turn, the hero himself also looks like an object - his legs
like cast iron cabinets. S. is a type of Russian fist, strong, calculating
owner. His peasants live well and reliably. What is natural
power and efficiency turned in S. into a dull inertness, rather not
guilt, but the trouble of the hero. ...

Sobakevich, and by this he
differs from Plyushkin and
most others
landlords, except perhaps
Boxes inherent
some household
vein: does not ruin
own serfs,
achieves well-known
order in the economy, profitable
sells the dead to Chichikov
souls, knows very well
business and human
qualities of their

Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonich - landowner, the fourth "seller" of dead souls. The very name and appearance of this hero (reminiscent of "average size honey

Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonich -
landlord, fourth "seller"
dead souls. The very name and
the appearance of this hero
(reminiscent of "average
the size of a bear ", tailcoat on
it is absolutely bearish
colors, steps at random,
complexion "hot, hot")
indicate his mighty

Description of the appearance of the landowner

Sobakevich bears little resemblance to
other landlords. it
calculating, stingy
master, sly huckster. He is alien
dreamy complacency
Manilov, as well as violent
madness of Nozdryov or
petty hoarding
Boxes. He is laconic
has an iron grip,
on my mind, and there are few people,
who could deceive him.
The author calls Sobakevich -
patriot of the Russian stomach!

The character of Sobakevich is perfectly captured by the writer and is revealed not only in appearance, but also in his manner of speaking, moving, in everything

Sobakevich's character is perfectly captured
writer and is revealed not only in
appearance, but also in his manner of speaking,
move, in all the way of his life.

Every thing in Sobakevich's house, from the "pot-bellied walnut bureau on preposterous four legs" to the last chair, is surprisingly cramped.

Every thing in Sobakevich's house, ranging from
"pot-bellied nut bureau on the preposterous four
legs "and ending with the last chair, surprisingly
closely merged with its owner and, it seemed,
said: "I am Sobakevich too. And I am also very similar
on Sobakevich ".

Sobakevich is characterized by a highly hostile attitude towards everything connected with the spiritual principle in human life. Into his eyes

Sobakevich is characterized in the highest degree
hostility towards everything related to
spiritual principle in human life. In his
the eyes of enlightenment, culture - everything is just fiction,
useless and harmful to anyone.

According to the firm conviction of Sobakevich, the only important thing in life can only be care of one's own existence and well-being. Us

According to Sobakevich's firm conviction, the only
an important thing in life can only be care
about their own existence and well-being.
Stomach saturation at any
circumstances (at home or away - it doesn't matter)
always worth
in the foreground.

Sobakevich's pose during the entire conversation with Chichikov betrayed his bestial grasp of a predator and a swift ambush of prey on

Sobakevich's pose throughout the conversation with
Chichikov betrayed his bestial grasp of a predator and
a swift ambush to meet prey,
when she's within reach.

SOBAKEVICH lives exclusively in modern times, in the 1820s. From the height of his power, HE sees how the life around him was crumbling. During the bargaining about

exclusively in
modernity, in the 1820s.
From the height of his power HE sees
how did the surrounding
his life. During the bargaining he
notes: “… what kind of people are they?
flies, not people ", much worse
the dead.
SOBAKEVICH occupies one of the
highest places in the spiritual
"Hierarchies" of heroes, because
he, according to the author, has a lot
chances of revival.
He is naturally endowed with many
good qualities.

The attitude of the landowner to the proposal of Chichikov

- Do you need dead souls? - asked Sobakevich very
simply, as if it were about bread.
Excuse me, I'm ready to sell.
“Damn it,” thought Chichikov to himself, “this one
sells before I gave a hint! "
- In order not to ask you too much for one hundred rubles for
thing! - said Sobakevich.
After all the disputes about the price, Chichikov said -
“It seems that some theatrical
performance or comedy, otherwise I can't do it
explain "
Sobakevich answered - you needed souls, and I sell
you, and regret that you did not buy.

Chichikov's attitude to the landowner

Sobakevich himself seemed to Chichikov like a bear
average size - he was even called Mikhail
Semenovich. He was wearing a bear-colored tailcoat and
long pantaloons. He walked awkwardly and constantly
stepped on someone's feet. He was quite physique
strong, "did not move his neck at all" and rarely looked at
the person with whom you spoke.
The complexion was red-hot, hot, as it happens on
copper penny.

Purchase and sale of "dead souls"

The whole history of buying and selling began with the fact that

“A hundred!” Shouted Chichikov, mouth gaping.
-And what, however, is your price ???
-My price, eight hryvnia apiece!
-Yes, why are you getting big? - answered Sobakevich. - another
a swindler will deceive you, sell you rubbish, not souls; a
I have that vigorous nut, all for selection.
After all the controversy, Sobakevich said: “My last
word, fifty rubles! Right, loss yourself, cheaper
do not buy such good people anywhere! "

Sobakevich, like a true merchant, presented his goods
not just as dead people, but as valuable artisans:
shoemakers, carpenters, brick-makers, etc., as if
forgetting that they are no longer there. Finally, the guest and the host came together in
price and decided to go to the city tomorrow and
issue a bill of sale. Chichikov had to pay
deposit, but he demanded a receipt. Saying goodbye, guest
asked the owner not to tell anyone about the deal, and he
The whole history of buying and selling began with the fact that
Sobakevich said - “so as not to ask you
superfluous, one hundred rubles apiece! "

calm but
demands for
dead soul
100 rubles each,
and even
your goods like

During a conversation with
Chichikov Sobakevich
gives unflattering
characteristics of general
familiar, calls everyone

Unlike Nozdryov
Sobakevich cannot be counted
people in the clouds. This
the hero stands firmly on the ground, not
flatters himself with illusions, soberly
evaluates people and life, knows how
to act and achieve
what he wants. He himself is negative
refers to everything related to
culture and education:
"Education is harmful
artifice". He understands well
environment and
understands the time at which he
lives, knows people. Unlike
the rest of the landowners, he immediately
understood the essence of Chichikov.
Sobakevich is a sly rogue
arrogant businessman who is difficult
conduct. Everything around him
evaluates only in terms of
their benefits.

Development of a literature lesson in the 9th grade on the theme "The image of the landowner Sobakevich in the poem" Dead Souls "by N. V. Gogol"


    to disassemble the image of the landowner Sobakevich to reveal the author's ideological position on the basis of individual work with the text;

    develop the skills of analyzing a prose work, draw generalizing conclusions;

    develop attention, associative thinking and creative imagination of students, the development of speech, the ability to work in a group, listen to your classmates, express your opinion and generalize the knowledge gained in the lesson;

    working with key concepts;

Technology: Developing critical thinking through reading and writing


1. The lesson starts with repetition of previous material with the aim of preparing students to solve the problem put forward by the teacher.

Teacher: What is the plot of Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" and what opportunities did he give the writer to reveal the ideological meaning of the work?

Pupil: The essence of the plot is that the businessman-acquirer Chichikov travels across Russia, visits the estates of landowners and buys up dead souls. The plot was proposed to Gogol by A.S. Pushkin. This plot gave the writer the opportunity to follow his hero "to travel across Russia and show widely the life of Russia, of various landowners."

2. Statement of the problematic question:

Why do you think NV Gogol called his work "dead souls"?

3. Putting hypotheses:

Gogol named his poem because it talks about buying dead souls. "
- In my opinion, Gogol wants to show that the landlords have, as it were, outlived theirs, they are as if dead.


You and I know that the title of a work of art does not just reflect its theme, not only reveals its theme, but reveals its ideological meaning.

5. Analysis of the content of the 5th chapter Gogol's poem and Sobakevich's image in order to solve the problem.

Teacher: Let's turn to Gogol again. What meaning does he put into the title of the poem? Let's think about this name. What is the meaning we put intothe concept of "soul "When we say:" This is a man with a soul "," A man of a beautiful soul "?
- The soul is the wonderful inner qualities of a person.
- We mean by this concept the noble aspirations of a person. This is the inner, spiritual world of a person.

Teacher: Let's reveal the meaning of the title of the poem using the example of the image of Sobakevich. What is his spiritual world, his aspirations? How does the writer describe the estate and the interior decoration of the rooms?

Under the guidance of the teacher, they conclude that through the description of the situation, Gogol characterizes Sobakevich as a person who has no taste, no aesthetic feeling.

Teacher: And how is Sobakevich's appearance outlined?

When students retell the relevant passages from the chapter, the teacher draws attention to the artistic techniques for depicting the image:

Why is Gogol so insistently emphasizing Sobakevich's resemblance to animals, to things?

The students, guided by the teacher, conclude that Sobakevich's external rudeness reveals the baseness, the animality of his nature. A hyperbolic comparison with animals, with furniture is a lyrical technique that emphasizes that Sobakevich has nothing sublime.

Teacher: When Chichikov arrived at Sobakevich's, the guest and the owner were silent for several minutes, staring blankly at each other. And even Chichikov, clever in "secular" conversations, does not know what to talk about with the owner of the house, how to break the awkward silence.
And indeed, what can you talk about with Sobakevich? About politics, art, the fate of Russia, literature? - No, this deserted landowner is not interested in such questions.
And yet, at some moments of the conversation, the usually taciturn Sobakevich revives and even becomes eloquent. Obviously, it was about what interests him. When and why does Sobakevich come to life?

Students say that Sobakevich perks up when it comes to haggling over dead souls. Even Chichikov was surprised: "Where did the agility and the gift of speech come from?"

6. Expressive reading of the roles of the scene of bargaining between Sobakevich and Chichikov.

Teacher: What interests and aspirations of Sobakevich are revealed in that scene?

Pupil: The main goal of Sobakevich's life is profit. He is ready to bargain with anything and asks for one hundred rubles for a dead soul.

Teacher: And what interests Sobakevich?

Pupil: Sobakevich loves to eat. He has a monstrous appetite.(Examples are given, retelling the episodes "Breakfast at the Chief of Police", "Lunch at Sobakevich's").

Teacher: It should be emphasized that Sobakevich is not only not ashamed of his morbid gluttony, but is proud of it. He even believes that the ability to eat is the main virtue of a Russian person.
There are different patriots ... They value the history of their country, the other - culture, the third dear to the military victories of their native country. And Sobakevich, as you can see, is a patriot of a special kind. He cannot be called a patriot of Russia - he is a patriot of the Russian stomach.
In a conversation with Chichikov, Sobakevich proved himself to be a good master.
He knows well the business qualities of his peasants.
Compare how the peasants live at Sobakevich's and at Manilov's?

Pupils: Sobakevich's peasants live in prosperity, he makes sure that they live better.

(Retelling relevant episodes of chapters 2 and 5)

Teacher: Can we conclude from these facts that Sobakevich cares about his peasants?

Pupil: Gogol himself, in the author's description, indicates that Sobakevich "does not offend" the peasants, because it is to his advantage. He pulls three skins from the peasants. Corvée is not enough for him, he demands a rent of 500 rubles from a peasant.

Teacher: Sobakevich has the views of a feudal owner.Peasants are slaves to him , source of income, product. He reproaches Chichikov that he has “a human soul like a steamed turnip,” and then cynically adds: “Give me at least three rubles.”
But perhaps Sobakevich is so cruel only towards serfs, and a different attitude towards people of his circle?

Pupil : Sobakevich hates all people. An example is Sobakevich's comment on city officials. Sobakevich is a fist, he is ready to step on everyone's foot, squeeze, crush a person.

The teacher summarizes: This is what the spiritual world of Sobakevich is: the absence of any lofty aspirations and interests, noble feelings. The world of profit, the world of property kills all that is beautiful in man. Gogol hyperbolically depicts Sobakevich's ugliness and absurdity, thus emphasizing his dead-heartedness. WHAT IS HYPERBALL? (let's remember)

The class, under the guidance of the teacher, will try to name the common features of all landowners, writing them down on the board and in notebooks:

a) low cultural level;
b) lack of intellectual queries;
c) striving for enrichment;
d) cruelty in the treatment of serfs;
e) moral uncleanliness;
f) lack of a concept of patriotism.

8. Summing up the results of the conversation. Solution to the problem

Teacher: How would you now explain the meaning of the title of the poem?

Pupil: Gogol calls the landowners' dead souls, who lack beautiful human traits, feelings, and aspirations.

9. WE WILL CONTINUE WORKING ON THE LANDSCAPE IMAGES! Homework READ CHAPTER 6. ABOUT PLYUSHKIN. (put in order a comparative table about landlords)

Sobakevich. The portrait "A healthy and strong man", whom nature "cut from the whole shoulder"; very similar to "medium-sized bear"; “... it seemed that this body did not have a soul at all, or he had it, but not at all where it should be, but, like an immortal koshchei, somewhere beyond the mountains, and covered with such a thick shell that everything, whatever was tossing and turning at the bottom of it did not produce absolutely any shock on the surface ”.

Slide 14 from presentation "Landowners in" Dead Souls ""... The size of the archive with the presentation is 607 KB.

Literature grade 9

summaries of other presentations

"Bunin's theme of love" - \u200b\u200bLove in Bunin's works. Love theme. Captain's daughter. The theme of love in the works of I. Bunin. Glossary. Analysis of the works of I. Bunin. Sunstroke. Great happiness. Children. Happiness. The theme of love in the stories of I.A. Bunin. Mystery "The Cup of Life". Love.

"Paustovsky" Simple oilcloth "" - The main plot elements. "Scarlet Sails" by Pirosmani. Love. Konstantin Paustovsky "Simple oilcloth". Scarlet Sails. Verbal thematic series. Simple oilcloth. Giraffe. "Mosaic" of the Caucasus. The story of life. Complete the sentences. Time in Paustovsky's story. Best dress. Happiness. Pirosmani's birthday. Oilcloths of Pirosmani. Musicality of gradation. What is Paustovsky's work about. Encouraging students to be creative.

"Analysis of the poem" Cliff "" - Works on etymology. Groups of words. Wrinkle. Theme. Linguistics (the science of the Russian language). Groups of words by meaning. Etymological analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Cliff". There were no primordial words in M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "Cliff". Study area. Indo-European language family. Night. The origin of words. Parts of speech. Cliff.

"The theme of love" - \u200b\u200bThe theme of eternal love in the works of Russian and foreign literature. M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". Works about eternal love. A. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Love is disinterested, selfless, not expecting a reward. Romeo and Juliet. Stendhal "Red and Black". Biography of Stephenie Meyer. The novel "New Moon".

“Satire in the story“ Heart of a Dog ”” is a satirical image of the masters of the new era. The tragic fate of the writer. How satire differs from humor. Laugh at yourself. House committee members. The play "The Inspector General". What is the attitude towards the dog. Satire means. Professor Preobrazhensky. Quiz. Think of Russian writers and poets. Moments. Character of the novel "The Master and Margarita". M. A. Bulgakov's desk. Dog's heart. Dogs. Scientific head.

"Storytellers" - Distinctive features of European fairy tales. Acquaintance with the biographies of S. Perrot. New material. The meaning of fairy tales. Great storytellers of Europe. The storytellers of Europe and the modern reader. We need a fairy tale today. Knowledge of European fairy tales. Tales of G.Kh. Andersen. Tales of C. Perrault. Hans Christian Andersen. Charles Perrault. Tales of E.T.A. Hoffmann. Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann.

"Dead Souls"

Landowner Sobakevich

Business card.

Landowner Sobakevich Mikhailo Semyonovich - a hater of education, a strong owner, unyielding in bargaining, will be happy to "throw mud" at all his acquaintances over a plentiful dinner in his house.



P. Boklevsky,

1875 year


Kukryniksy artists,

1937 - 1939

Sobakevich village

Artist A. Laptev

Chichikov at the Sobakevichs


A. A. Agin

Chichikov at the Sobakevichs


A. A. Agin

Chichikov and Sobakevich


A. A. Agin

Chichikov and Sobakevich


A. A. Agin

Character traits

  • Kulaks,
  • misanthropy,
  • obscurantism (reactionaryness, hostility to progress, culture, science),
  • coarseness,
  • tight-fistedness.

The work of Natalia Bekhtina

1996 year

Frolova Nadezhda's work

1998 year

The work of Sergey Kozlov

1998 year

The work of Knyazkina Lyudmila

1998 year

The work of Knyazkina Lyudmila

1998 year

The work of Prytkova Ekaterina

2003 - 04 academic year year

A new stage of human fall is the "devil's fist" Sobakevich. Gogol writes that it seemed that there was no soul in the body of this person. Sobakevich gravitates towards the old forms of serf farming, hates the city and education. He sees the meaning of life in a passion for profit. In addition to corvee, he also uses quitrent. Gogol called it "a portrait of a Russian stomach": food is Sobakevich's second passion.

Sobakevich is a real landowner, huckster and hoarder. He is arrogant and assertive. The author compares him to a bear.

Sobakevich is also a household image. His main qualities are greed, narrow interests.


  • N. V Gogol "Dead Souls", Moscow "Olymp. PPP ", 1993
  • Slide-set of presentations to the poem by N.V. Gogol's "Dead Souls". The author of the work - Vshivkova Valentina Mikhailovna, MOU Lebyazhenskaya secondary school
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Website "Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol".
  • One collection of digital educational resources
  • Literature site of the "Russian General Education Portal".
  • Illustrations by Russian artists for the poem "Dead Souls".

  • Volkova Elena Arkadyevna
  • Teacher of Russian language and literature (1 qualification category)
  • MOU "Uryum secondary school"
  • Tetyushsky district
  • Republic of Tatarstan
  • February 2010