Congratulations to the teachers on the last call. Words of gratitude to teachers at the last call - from graduates, in prose Appeal to subject teachers from graduates

Hello dear friends, I am glad to see you on the pages of my blog. Today I want to talk with you, what congratulations can be to teachers on the last call from graduates who will very soon leave their native school walls forever.

Congratulations to teachers on the last call

The holiday of the last call is inexorably approaching, many would like to stop these last moments of childhood, but, alas, this is impossible. It is important for teachers and graduates to prepare for the holiday. For this purpose, I have prepared for you a lot of unique congratulations for teachers on the last call.

From alumni to elementary school teachers

Graduates traditionally congratulate teachers and students on the last bell. On this day, words of gratitude must be heard for primary school teachers. They are called cool mothers, they lead the kids into the world of knowledge, help to cope with the first difficulties.

Congratulations can sound:

  • in prose;
  • in verse.

I offer you a few congratulation ideas that you can add to the festive line celebration script.

Dear cool mothers, from graduate students, let me congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of the last bell. When our parents first brought us to the school doorstep, we were confused and scared, but thanks to your efforts, all this was put aside. From grades 1 to 4, you were with us, helping us learn to read, write and count. Thanks to your support and understanding, we were able to solve the first problems and learn poems that seem so big and complex. We wish you all only happiness, inspiration and as many happy days as possible. Thank you for your work, affection and attention - it is priceless for each of us. Happy holiday!

Dear primary school teachers, standing on the threshold of adulthood, our eyes are once again fixed on you. It was you who confidently took our little hands 11 years ago and led us into the school world, full of everything new, unknown. We will remember the first drawing lessons, interesting excursions and fun competitions with which you tried to diversify your usual everyday life. How much work you have invested in each of us so that today we stand on the farewell line. Thank you very much!

Today all our warmest, sincere words are addressed to the first teacher. For 4 years you have become a second mother to us. You helped to cope with the first difficulties, taught not to give up, correct the mistakes made and move on. Today our 11th grade says goodbye to school, but the warmest memories of childhood will always be kept in our hearts. Thanks for your daily work. Let school days be filled with the laughter of children, life brings pleasant surprises, and the bright sun shines over your head!

For the first teacher, graduates should prepare a small but memorable gift.

  • Collect children's school photos, arrange them in a beautiful album or make it yourself. Despite the age of technology, such a present will always warm the soul, bringing back pleasant memories.
  • Funny pictures with the last call, supplemented by the warm wishes of graduates on a large wall newspaper, will be another original gift for a teacher. Take the time to design such a poster in an interesting way, believe me, it will be kept in a conspicuous place for a long time, remembering their adult students.
  • Of course, don't forget the bouquet. It can be completed with an original custom-made topper. Notes with wishes from graduates inserted between flower buds will also look non-standard.

Touching words for 1 teacher from 9th grade students

With the last call of both children and teachers, parents are congratulated by graduates of the 9th grade. Some of them prefer to become students after passing the exams, mastering the chosen profession. Others return to school again, continuing their studies in high school. It is important for ninth graders to prepare the last call for May 25 with beautiful congratulations for the first teacher, realizing that they have reached a very important milestone in their lives.

The first teacher is a real hero, an ideal for kids, that's exactly what you were for us (name). We remember how we were afraid to make a mistake, to answer in the lesson, but you always believed in us, quietly prompted and tried to help, not scold. Thank you for your wisdom, support, understanding. Thanks to all this, we wanted to go to classes, do homework, because it was so nice to listen to your praise. Let your students inspire you, give you smiles and warmth, and life consists only of pleasant moments.

Our dear (name), you have become the guide to the world of knowledge that each of us needed. On the threshold of the classroom, we seemed to be just a flock of frightened birds, from which you raised beautiful chicks and confidently let you go to high school.

Remember how difficult the verses were for us, but you helped me learn every line? How we solved equations with errors, and with your help we corrected everything and became more confident in ourselves. Your work is priceless, and your heart is so big that there is a place in it for every graduate. Thank you for the lessons, tips and hints, we will never forget them!

You can talk forever about how important the first teacher is in a child's life. We are all very lucky, because the one who led us into the world of knowledge was (name). How much patience, desire to teach kids everything new you have.

You calmly looked at our first mistakes, quietly corrected when we recited poems incorrectly and did not get tired of coming up with exciting, interesting lessons for us. At the solemn line, we once again want to say “thank you” to you, to confess our love, because it is thanks to you that today we have reached the first and such an important milestone in our lives.

Subject teachers

It is also necessary to prepare comic, funny congratulations for the last call for all subject teachers. Each of them during the school years instilled love for his subject, tried to teach all the subtleties, to give important knowledge.

See what beautiful and unusual poems for subject students can be prepared for a solemn line. Simple rhymes, familiar words can pleasantly surprise and please teachers. I hope you will enjoy.

What is stored in your heart

Teacher of Russian language?

Love immeasurable lurks

To the Motherland, which is so wide.

For us, the lessons were a fairy tale,

You read Pushkin to us,

On each desk there is a notebook,

We were not afraid even of the dictation.

We are very grateful to you

For all the lessons and labors,

We say goodbye to you

Today we are graduates.

History teacher opened the world

To the guys who hid in the books

He boldly and proudly led the waves

Various foreign eras.

You and I learned the battles of those fears

And the will of the people to win,

You taught us to always remember

Who are we on this planet?

The physical education teacher instilled in us a love for sports,

We opened our fuse in all your lessons,

We rushed around the site

We played basketball.

They even approached the passing of standards with humor.

On the day of farewell to the school, we thank you all,

For support, for support, even for a sports cry.

Be cheerful, athletic, do not lose your fuse,

And we want a full hall for active students.

What is the most important thing for a mathematics teacher at school?

So that they solved the examples carefully and went without deuces later.

We have always listened to you carefully,

But with homework - nonsense,

You scolded us very correctly,

And then they always helped.

Let's say thank you

For love, patience and work,

Let's say for sure that goodbye

Everyone understood the essence of the theorems.

We always liked the OBZH teacher!

And we wore bandages

And they played and raged, -

You taught to survive, not to suffer and not to scream.

Let all useful practices remain just a game,

Well, in life there will be a song, happiness, joy and peace.

We wish our teacher that all students

You passed the standards only in the classroom, at the blackboard.

The geography teacher at the map is waiting for everyone,

Today we will go on another "hike".

Without leaving the class we will have time to visit

On different continents, seeing the world again.

We thank you for all your lessons.

On a spring day in May, we sadly say

There will be no new meeting, at the map and board,

But we will keep all your lessons in our hearts!

If poems were prepared for a teacher in geography, then a teacher of literature can also be pleased with heartfelt, touching prose. I hope you enjoy my congratulatory speech.

In literature lessons, thanks to your talent, (name), we were instantly transported to other eras, we felt like heroes of stories and novels. After the lesson, we wanted to continue reading, finding out how the plot would end. Thank you for the moments filled with wonderful works. We will forever keep our lessons in our hearts and be sure to read more than one book!

Comic congratulations to subject students

Teachers in all subjects try to comprehensively develop children, instilling in them an interest in learning. On the holiday of the last call, it is very important to say warm words to each of them. I have prepared for you several options for congratulatory texts for each of the subjects, I hope they will be useful to you in creating an interesting script for the holiday.

The computer science teacher tried to tell us everything, but at the very beginning of the journey we were only interested in games and listened to the educational material a little. Thank you, dear (name), for your ability to draw attention to important points in the curriculum. Without this knowledge, we would have a hard time coping with the computer and most of the important points. Now we can safely consider ourselves beginners in the field of IT.

To the chemistry teacher, we want to confess our sincere admiration and love. You showed us interesting experiments, taught us how to work with reagents and how to understand the periodic table perfectly. Now we know exactly what and how to mix so that no one around is hurt, and the effect is exactly as it should be. Thank you!

Saying goodbye to the school, we just want to say a huge thank you to the teacher of fine arts. You did not always like to look at our author's drawings, but after all, under your guidance, each of our "masterpieces" became better from time to time. Thank you for interesting excursions into the world of art. Now we also know a little about painting, and our paintings can be safely called avant-garde, because we are artists - we see it that way!

Our dear biology teacher, thanks to you, we learned that pistils and stamens are just a small grain in such a huge world. You taught us to look at the world around us differently, to protect nature and understand all the processes that take place daily around us. We will miss practical work with you, fun excursions to the forest to collect herbarium. We promise that we will continue to make bird feeders and feed the animals that are always around us. You can be sure your lessons will not be forgotten, thank you!

What would you like to say to a music teacher? First of all, we will ask for forgiveness, because our performance of songs was not always clean and beautiful. We will not embellish our achievements, sometimes it was simply impossible to listen to us without laughter. Thank you for having the patience to learn the notes with us, to teach us to sing in such a way that our concerts would cause a flurry of applause. All this would not have been possible without you, we really appreciate and love you, thank you!

Being a technology teacher is not as easy as it seems, and it is even more difficult to convey this knowledge to students. Thank you for having the patience and willingness to gradually lead us into the new world. We will be able to apply all the knowledge gained in life, and this is very important. Now we know how important it is to comply with all technological processes so that all the work does not fall apart in the end, and this is only your merit, thank you!

At each lesson, the physics teacher never tired of demonstrating to us that her subject is not a dry set of numbers and formulas. Even though we didn’t solve all the problems correctly the first time, and in laboratory work, not everything worked as it should. Thanks to your explanations, knowledge and support, we successfully wrote tests, were never afraid to experiment and were confident that you would come to the rescue if necessary.

Our dear teacher of the Moscow Art Theater, it was you who became for each of us a real guide to the vast and beautiful world of art. You have taught me to see the charm and grandeur of paintings, to hear the graceful play of musical instruments in classical music concerts. We are grateful to you for the development of our creative potential, the desire to always meet us halfway and experiment, creating something new, our own. Your knowledge and talent won our hearts from the first moment, thanks for every lesson!

It is very important for a drawing teacher that everything is clear, correct and without blots. At the solemn line, we want to apologize, because many of our works were far from ideal. Perhaps not all of us tried exactly as you would like, but believe me - you taught us the main thing. Now all our lines are smooth and clear, and blots will not spoil the final work.

Dear our dance teacher, thank you for instilling a desire for beauty at every lesson. Even if not all movements were graceful, and the steps did not fall in time with the music, but we tried, and you liked it. We wish you new achievements, bright concerts, let the growing talents delight you every day, not allowing you to be sad on weekdays.

How much information we needed to tell the teacher in law. Only today, standing on the threshold of adulthood, we realized how important it is to be savvy in all legal subtleties. Thank you for the detailed explanations and lessons that will definitely come in handy for us.

It was important for a natural science teacher to convey to us in the lessons the importance of all the processes taking place around. Today we sincerely thank you, because the lessons sometimes looked like exciting quizzes or contests, and we will forever leave the new knowledge gained from you in our memory. Thank you for your great work, patience and we wish only inspiration, let as many students as possible learn about your wonderful subject and they will love it just like we do.

With the last bell at school, we wholeheartedly congratulate the teacher of economics. All your lessons were useful for us, you taught us to understand the important details and never miss the main thing. Although sometimes it was difficult for us to understand all the banking and economic systems, but with your help we have overcome this science. Thank you for your daily work, we wish the students to please with brilliant knowledge, and there would be as little grief as possible in life.

Congratulations for foreign language teachers

Not all schoolchildren like to delve into the study of a foreign language, but everyone understands that without this knowledge there is nowhere in the modern world. Be sure to pay attention to teachers who helped to learn other languages, instilled love for them, helping to expand their horizons.

Today we say a huge thank you to the English teacher. It seems to us that sometimes you were the hardest with us. Unfamiliar words, whole sentences and even songs you tried to present to us so that everything was clear the first time. Thank you for the original lessons, interesting tasks, sincere desire to always help and come to the rescue. For flawless English, we still have a lot to learn, but we will not stop in the middle of the road, we promise!

Teaching German is a true calling. You managed to convey to us all the beauty of foreign words that were incomprehensible at first. Grain by grain, together with you, we got acquainted with the great works of the German classics, learned poetry and learned to express our thoughts correctly. Even if everything didn’t always work out the first time, we uttered the words with mistakes, but your faith in us helped us to try even harder in order to hear praise in the lessons and see pride for us in your eyes.

The Tatar language has many echoes and overflows. In your lessons (name), we gradually learned to hear each of them. Words unfamiliar at first gradually became native, and sentences sounded more and more confident. Thank you for the creative approach to classes, interesting presentation of the material, thanks to this we were able to successfully master the educational material and always studied perfectly.

Our dear teacher of the Kazakh language, thank you for the fact that many beautiful words have appeared in our language piggy bank and now we can call ourselves polyglots. At each lesson, you showed us all the beauty and versatility of this language, taught us the correct pronunciation and did not allow us to stop halfway. On the holiday of the last call, we wish you inspiration, good health and happiness.

The final, very touching gift for teachers, students, parents will be the farewell song of 11th grade graduates. Watch this video, maybe it will become your source of inspiration.

Here, dear friends, is my congratulatory speech to teachers for the holiday. I hope you enjoy these ideas. Share your impressions in the comments, subscribe to blog updates, do not forget to tell your friends about it. There is still a lot of new, interesting things ahead, come visit us. I am always waiting for you!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

We teach English with you
Because we are at this hour
very kind words
So we hasten to congratulate you!

"Very happy" be forever
We send you "smile",
After all, you are a "clever" and, of course,
All your lessons are heaven!
Another English teacher →

Biology teacher

You opened the world for us
fauna and flora,
We can now distinguish
Tentacles and spores.

We now know the genes
secrets of organisms
Biology lessons
Useful in life.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We want you sincerely
Your knowledge of nature
They will be with us forever.
Another Biology teacher →

Geography teacher

You are doing geography
And it's such a hard job!
We wish you at work
More joyful moments!

We wish you in all capitals
At least once to visit
And only strive for the best
And never lose heart!
Another Geography teacher →

Computer science teacher

We are familiar with computers
From the earliest childhood,
That's why it's so important at school
Informatics subject.

You teach us computer
To know thoroughly, to know
To be able to work on it
Not just playing games.

On teacher's day from us
Accept congratulations,
We give you the title
Computer genius.
Another teacher of Informatics →

History teacher

In what year was Rus' baptized
And what was the war -
All these facts are
You know "with a bang."

history teachers
We better not find.
And on holiday we wish you
Good luck on the way!
Another History teacher →

Literature teacher

We congratulate the excellent teacher of Literature on Teacher's Day. We wish Pushkin's inspiration, Gogol's fantasy, Tyutchev's philosophy and sincerity of feelings, as in the works of Turgenev. Be successful, happy, healthy and kind. Good luck to you and joy in life.
Another Literature teacher →

Math teacher

Multiply "plus" by "minus"
And break it down into fractions
Raise to a power again
And let's start congratulating you.

Happy Teacher's Day! For you
Let's solve a hundred problems now,
Say a hundred nice words
We'll bring a bouquet of flowers.

Be friends with mathematics -
So it's true, smart to live.
Thank you for your work
We value you very much!
Another teacher of Mathematics →

Music teacher

Let joyful music sound
In your heart full of kindness!
Let harmony reign in the soul
And all dreams come true!

We wish you any day
Gave smiles, joy and luck!
May every musical lesson be yours
Brings great joy to everyone!
More music teacher →

German teacher

We all learn German
Only with pleasure.
We wish you only health,
Happiness and tranquility.

Wonderful teacher's day
We send you thanks.
Only joy at work
And do not know fatigue.
Another German teacher →

OBJ teacher

You, OBJ teacher,
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
Safety observe
We promise you firmly.

We wish you in the classroom
We are order, silence,
Knowledge of life safety
Everyone needs in life.

Let all schoolchildren
They know yours only perfectly,
The safety of life will
All good habits.
Another OBZH teacher →

social studies teacher

We all want to say now
Thank you for this knowledge!
We really appreciate, love you,
Our social studies teacher!

We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy days and inspiration
Good luck bright and big,
Good, health and luck!
Another social studies teacher →

Art teacher

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
You art teacher
We want it to come true
In life, all your desires.

To rainbow paint you
She gave her bright
With a brush of a sunny smile,
To bring out on faces.

We want children
Drawn from the heart
What came to life in their hands
Paints and pencils.
Another drawing teacher →

Russian language teacher

You taught us the language to love,
Culturally and beautifully speak,
Easily and clearly express thoughts
Respect yourself and everyone around you.

And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts
We wish you happiness and spiritual strength,
Let the morning start with good
And the world will be filled with important words!
More for a Russian language teacher →

Dance teacher

Talent, charisma, plastic - worthy of admiration,
Accept our congratulations on Teacher's Day,
Let dancing inspire you, work will bring success,
We wish you to live with health, fun, be happier than everyone!

Let dreams come true, problems will be avoided,
Wealth, prosperity - we want to wish you so much,
And the mood is always the envy of everyone - excellent,
We wish you more bright and unusual in life!
Another dance teacher →

Technology teacher

technology teacher,
Accept congratulations,
We wish you on Teacher's Day
We are your inspiration.

technology secrets,
For you to open to us
So that we are with you
Created, created.

We wish you us
The skill was taught
So that all professions
We were familiar.
More technology teacher →

Teacher of Labor

Craft, cook, glue,
Sewing, cutting, cooking dinner
The teacher will teach us all
And always give us advice
Congratulations on the holiday now
We are labor teachers
May he always be happy
Never get sick!
Another teacher of Labor →

Physics teacher

Happy Teacher's Day! We wish to have a strong magnetic field of the soul, which will constantly attract only joy, only happiness, only pleasure. Let Physics be the favorite subject of students, let this science be both important and interesting with you. We wish you constant acceleration towards your dreams and incredible power of attraction of good luck.
Another Physics teacher →

Physical education teacher

Physical education is power!
Thank you for the item:
After all, in the field of sports
There is no better teacher.

Let life go by in motion
A new day will give you happiness.
Congratulations regards
Happy Teacher's Day to you!
Another physical education teacher →

Chemistry teacher

Happy Teacher's Day, congratulations to the most creative and cheerful Chemistry teacher. We wish you a life table of elements of happiness with a valence of good luck, explosive atoms of joy and luck, we wish you respect and understanding at work, prosperity and well-being at home, love and understanding in the family.
Another Chemistry teacher →


Congratulations to our amazing coach! Let life guarantee you only victories, let fate insure you against failures, and let your heart beat only in a healthy and positive rhythm. We wish you success in coaching, financial well-being and emotional peace. Happy Teacher's Day!

Congratulations to the teacher of Russian language and literature on his birthday, Knowledge Day, Teacher's Day, March 8, February 23, last call, graduation party

Among the largest volumes
literary aces
Line will not be lost
Eleventh grade.
Let us write for now
Only writings
But we will compose, give it time,
Like Pushkin. And no less.

Perhaps it was God's will.
Only with you our mind comprehended
Great, mighty, truthful, free,
The most beautiful Russian language!
Without wasting words, without spraying strength,
We do not hide in a corner
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day,
In Russian and the language!

All Russian writers, poets
And the critics, straining their talent,
Wrote text for your subject -
So that we can then write a dictation;
And let writing poetry is not fashionable now,
But we are not in a hurry to succumb to fashion:
After all, we want to congratulate you today
Not under dictation - only from the heart!

You instilled love for the Russian language.
And they taught us different rules.
Where to put a dot, where is a hyphen, and where is a dash.
Now we know it better than anyone.

We would like to thank you for your concern.
We are glad that it was you who taught us the language.
We want to congratulate you wholeheartedly,
And wish you many years and many strengths.

For your real, gigantic work
We thank the whole class now.
And on this solemn and magnificent day
We hasten to congratulate you today and now.

Our speech is like our portrait.
And serious or not
We must be perceived
You can find out everything from it.
Literacy taught us
We have not forgotten the lessons.
Thank you for everything
And we want to congratulate you.

Great, mighty Russian language,
And our teacher is just a master of words.
What question would we have,
She is always ready to answer.

We congratulate you on the holiday now
We wish there were no mistakes
You are worthy of the most beautiful phrases
Appreciative pupils of smiles.

Place commas correctly
It may seem unimportant to you
But there are always difficult
Cases. And it may turn out
That fate depends on the comma.
The rules must be remembered!
We wish that the meaning of life
Was philologically filled!

You teach us Russian,
Your experience and talent are invaluable.
We learned Russian just for the fact
That you are our beloved teacher.
Please accept our congratulations,
On a festive day, let me repeat:
Thank you for being in Russian
We know how to speak beautifully.

Forgive us for having rules
We can't really apply
Adverb from participle
Sometimes we can't tell.
We congratulate you today!
Without promises, light
Yes, we learned, it's easier to breathe
With a simple "ten" (five) in the diary.

We are wounded by the Russian word,
And there is no double "nn",
The rule is buzzing in my head
Like an old tired hair dryer.
We heartily congratulate you
We wish you health and happiness,
Against the background of our carelessness
Let there be no bad weather in your soul!

Your work cannot be overestimated
After all, everyone understands immediately:
You may not be Pushkin
But you have to know Russian!

We are thanks to dictations
Learned to understand
Only the dictionary serves as a guarantor
To write correctly.

And we crammed at night
To turn it in for ten (five).
Thank you for speaking
You could inspire us.

About dictations, presentations,
Write long letters
Where to put the accent
You were able to tell us.

We can write, thank you
No errors and complete.
Essay diagram too
Completely clarified.

Your daily honest work
We will never forget!
And without mistakes we write
We will always and everywhere!
And congratulations to you today
We will write flawlessly!
May optimism be with you!
May the forces above protect you!

All punctuation marks
Stand at attention,
Today without errors text,
To not be embarrassed.
Our dear teacher,
Health, happiness and love
We wish the whole class.

We tried today
Lots of rules to apply
Separating with commas,
What needs to be confirmed.
We congratulate you today
We wish you happiness in life.
Sorry, a few bright phrases
We fit into the story.

It is very important in our life
Be able to write correctly.
Health, kindness and happiness
We want to wish you.

Great and mighty is the Russian language,
It is necessary to know everything
Where to put a dash, and where to open a bracket
And how to write each word.

Thank you very much for having us
Learn these important rules.
We wish you everything so that in your life
There was only the best.

We can't have a culture
Without knowledge of literature
And if you want to know the world
You have to read the classics.

Again the holiday came to us, and again
We won't stop thanking you.
Do you know the word
And the ability to speak it;
And it doesn't matter that the text is not finished -
We understand it with our soul.
Congratulations, beloved teacher!
May you be all right!

The past froze in the pages of books,
And in every letter - the future moment
You have such a hidden power in your soul,
What is the most negligent student
Reads, surprising everyone with diligence,
Forgetting completely insolence, anger and laziness;
That's why we congratulate you
Literary style on this day!

You taught us yamba and trochee.
You told us about the dactyl and the peon.
Now we know a lot about Fet's life.
And in general, we have a lot of knowledge about writers!

You have revealed a lot of interesting things to us.
I would like to thank you for this.
Literature is not alien to us now.
We read a lot, with interest - and all thanks to you!

We have learned a lot thanks to you.
About the culture and life of different countries.
All this was conveyed by the works,
Which you gave us to study.

Thank you for your patience and care
Which you showed when working with us.
Accept congratulations from the whole class.
And best wishes for all your endeavours.

Mathematics puts our mind in order,
Well, your subject educates the soul.
No matter how many notebooks we write,
Literature is better for the soul.

You, teacher, educator of our souls,
You taught us to appreciate the word,
Forgive us for a simple verse
We have not forgotten your lessons.

We want to thank you today
For the fact that we not only learned to read,
Because we love to read
That literary worlds have opened up to us.

Thank you for the wealth of our souls
Today we express to you, the teacher of the word.
And let your strength not run out
To teach literature again.

hyperboles, metaphors,
Poetry, fantasy,
Novel, short stories, novels -
We will remember all this.
And with book characters
We have built a whole world.
We wouldn't have made it without you
Native teacher! Happy holiday!

You taught us to love literature.
And taught to read thoughtfully.
Without Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky,
There's a lot we wouldn't be able to understand.
So I want to congratulate you today
Thanks for the knowledge and kindness.
May your generous soul give children
Love for literature and dream.

Poems magic tunes
And prose is a rare color
Tell me where you learned
Talk to Tolstoy on an equal footing
Simply and easily? Mouth open
Ready to listen to you for hours
And congratulating on the holiday together
Soar, on equal terms with the heavens.

Epochs, countries, people, horses
Mixed all in one compote:
Pechorin, Lensky and Bolkonsky,
Santiago, Hamlet, Behemoth

We got to know you
With the creativity of the creators of the great
And with their prose and poetry
Fabulously diverse.
Thank you for reading
We are masterpieces of centuries
We were told a lot
What was the first thought.

The development was followed
Intellect and soul
A new world opened up for us
We hurry to thank you.

And will be with us for years
Characters in many books
A passion for reading in the evenings
Each student took out.

Reading Pushkin, leafing through Gorky
We have learned to live much better.
And having studied the novels of Dostoevsky,
Probably even a little fairer.
Oh, how wonderfully you told us
About the fate of great writers!
Thank you! Now we can't
We're wasting time on faceless writers!

You are bright images
Colored lessons
In an effort to change the world
Always not alone.
We always look up to you
We dedicate poems to you
Health, happiness, clear eyes
With all our hearts we wish.

How beautiful is the world of poetry and prose,
The world of all books that have passed through the ages,
Where love lives, and laughter, and tears.
Genius world - for sure.

Thank you for opening up for us.
The world of novels, stories, poems.
We wish you to be
Happiness and love in your life.

Many immortal works
We have studied with you.
Every writer is a genius in his own way
Master of words.

You, teacher, revealed to us
Rivers, countries, cities!
We love your item
And we will remember forever.
Our teacher is kind, glorious,
Congratulations, we love you!
You are our Teacher with a capital letter.
Happy Teacher's Day! your class.

So that in a decent society
Don't be shy, don't blush
It is necessary, brothers, excellent
We can read and write!
The teacher is indispensable
We want to wish you
Be persistent, tireless
On the teacher's path!

Calcium, boron, beryllium, lithium!
Wake up in the middle of the night
We will answer together:
You need to know chemistry!
Our teacher dear,
We congratulate you
Happiness, great joy
We wish you in life!

And so we clearly understood everything.

We have learned the subject well
The entire class was rated "excellent".

The Queen of Mathematics!
We respect her without a doubt.
Although with her experienced a lot of torment,
We are endlessly in the joy of learning!
Thank you math teacher
We remember science forever.
And even though you are a pragmatist in mathematics,
But in life you are a sincere person!

Without an interpreter we can understand you
You have great pronunciation
We come to the same opinion
English lessons continue.
And you? Do not ask strictly
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It is so nice to speak English with you!

To achieve a lot
At school or at home
You need to understand physics:
Know Ohm's Law!
Our favorite teacher
We respect you
May God give you health
We wish you happiness!

Run, jump, push up
I couldn't quite admit it
But thanks to physical education -
I have changed in shape!
On a holiday, Teachers Day,
I'm in a hurry
Congratulations, my teacher,
O health guardian!

And it is no coincidence that we often remember the years spent at the desk, funny changes and the first true friends. But it’s funny to think, but a few years ago we were afraid to answer the lessons, counted the days in anticipation of the holidays and dreamed about how we would spend our graduation party. 🙂

Well, here it is already just around the corner - the last school holiday. The event is responsible, it is like a record of a new era, the beginning of an adult, so desired life.

And, of course, a special place among the solemn events is occupied by a word of thanks to teachers. Such words, by the way, have to be said on Teacher's Day too!

The second option of possible speech is also more preferable for parents of students.

Well, this option in the response speech can already be used by the students themselves.

The response speech can be issued not only in prose, but also in poetic form. It is better if such congratulations come from schoolchildren, and not parents.

This remark is due to the fact that poetry acts as an informal way of responding speech. There are a lot of options for the finished text, examples of response speech are posted in large numbers on the Internet, and are also found in specialized literature.

When preparing a response, it is necessary to take into account several general, universal postulates.

If we schematically depict the structure of the response word at the prom, we get the following, rather classic scheme:

It is recommended to express a separate word to the class teacher or school principal. In the first case, it is possible to emphasize the similarity of the teacher with the second mother, to single out the aspect not so much of teaching the subject, but of guardianship and care. Here is one example of such a speech:

It would be best if you thank the teacher for his excellent administrative work, the well-coordinated and professional school team he created, caring for children and creating a sincere atmosphere.

As for the performance itself, the following aspects of it are worth noting.

Speech should be spoken clearly, moderately quickly, as emotionally as possible.

Try not to look sad, even if you have to say sentimental, soul-stirring things.

The response word can also be successfully supplemented with a true story that reflects the concern of the teacher for his students. This will give the response speech a certain personal touch, make it more sincere.

During the performance, you should not gesticulate too actively, but you just need to smile.

At the end of the response speech, it is appropriate to give a bouquet of flowers to the teacher or give a slight bow.

It is best to tell a speech learned in advance, and not read it from a piece of paper, it looks more responsible and serious.

This is how, approximately, you can express your feelings and say words of gratitude to the teacher. However, do not forget the main thing. It doesn't matter what exactly you say - a word of thanks to kindergarten teachers or teachers.

By the way, what do you think is better: recycle some of the prepared standard options for thanking the teacher, or come up with your own version? Feel free to comment on the article!

The traditions of this holiday began in ancient times and throughout the whole time have changed quite differently.

Farewell, physics teacher, math teacher!
Physical education teacher and geography teacher!
Farewell, teacher of Russian, law and politics!
For you, we will forever be winners!

You are our beloved ones, you have always tried for us!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all of this!
And in your life, let happiness not leave you,
We wish you health, tranquility and peace!

Dear you are my teacher,
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy holiday, which is for sure
In this world, everyone knows!

you will spend today
All our graduates!
Here comes the last bell
So I'm ready!

I will dedicate verses to each teacher,
School has always been my element!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every lesson.
My respect to every teacher!

You have more patience
Lots of energy to learn!
Children who will arrive soon
But, it's time for us to hurry!

Happy last call
I congratulate you!
Happiness, joy, kindness
I wish you!

Goodbye, relatives
Now it's our time to leave!
Let the kids love you all
How we all loved you!

That's all, dear teacher,
It's time for us to say goodbye!
May the guardian angel keep
I also wish you happiness!

Just don't be too sad
All of you have done a great job!
And for this you, relatives,
We will remember for a lifetime!

I bow low to those people
Who are called teachers!
You taught us all day
And sometimes they didn't even sleep at night!

And now we're standing in front of you
We are the fruits of your efforts!
Farewell now, you, our relatives,
For everything we give you these flowers!

I want to thank people
That they accepted as their own!
And they put their soul into us,
Now we appreciate every moment!

And the native school, and teachers!
All these moments are unique!
Thanks again for these days!

Is it possible to forget
How interesting was it?
And now we are open
All spaces of the whole world!

From the bottom of my heart I want to congratulate
All my teachers!
You will remain in memory
Until the end of all my days!

From the very first class
You made us smarter!
Helped and encouraged
They gave us ideas!

Being a teacher is not easy
And not for everyone!
Teach young children
At school, very important!

Farewell my school, farewell my teacher!
Looks like it's time for us to leave.
You seem to have built a ship for us,
And we will continue to go with the flow!

Thank you family for teaching
For giving good advice!
And we won't forget the great time
And how the wall newspapers painted for you!

We had a wonderful dream last night:
Another topic you explained to us
And so we clearly understood everything.
That the author of chemistry O. S. Gabrielyan
I copied the control from our (go) (name of an excellent student in your class)!
We have learned the subject well
The entire class was rated "excellent"!

Ah, school, school, where are you?
Where are our childhood dreams?
And all our teachers?
We part, loving you.

The last bell rang
He won't call us to class.
You all taught us how to live
We must thank you.

Please forgive us for our mistakes.
We will remember and love you
We can't forget our school
And your kind smiles.

The last bell rang
We part with you.
We are accustomed to you, as to our own,
And in our hearts we are with you.

And warm, your care
They will keep us warm
Everyone in our class, believe me,
You will not be forgotten forever!

Forgive pranks sometimes.
Health to you, success only.
We are with you heart and soul.

All our lives we will remember how, without melting a smile,
You returned us a notebook where there was no mistake,
How grieved were you when, though rarely,
You owe us a bad mark.

We were children and sometimes, alas, did not notice
In the look of your kind eyes of care and sadness.
We thank you for everything, for us you are always the first,
We thank you!

To the joy of offspring, fate has given us,
It is dearer to us than our own life,
For the heart there is no more dear refuge,
And the light does not know the connection any more.

To all who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To all who are proudly named Teacher,
Sending warm greetings to everyone!

Today we say goodbye to school
It's been a fun time.
The bell rings, smiles, cries, tears -
We leave the school yard.

We want to say "thank you" to the teacher
For warmth, science, kindness.
I'm sorry if anyone offended
Write it all down to youth, blindness.

Thank you for your help and science
For the fact that pranks were forgiven to us.
We wish you happiness and patience,
We all wish you good health today.

At a crucial moment, it can be difficult to find beautiful and right words. We suggest using pre-prepared words of gratitude, choosing the most appropriate appeal individually.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in prose

  • Thank you for fresh knowledge, which was presented in an understandable manner, for faith in our emerging personalities, for inspiration, invaluable help and support. May your activity be successful, and students capable.
  • We want to say thank you for teaching us not only knowledge, but also the school of life. We now know how to rejoice at victories, admit defeats and learn from our mistakes.
  • Thank you for kind hearts, sensual souls. For the stubborn struggle against ignorance and misunderstanding, for optimism and unshakable faith in us.
  • We thank our teachers for leading us into adulthood. They showed us how to behave in difficult situations, gave us valuable knowledge and showed us how to use it.
  • Dear our teachers! Thank you for always believing in us. That by their example they showed how it is necessary to live and survive, never give up, make dreams come true and stubbornly go towards your goals.

variants of words of gratitude to teachers from graduates in verse

Words of thanks to teachers from parents:

  • On behalf of all parents, we want to say thank you for the individual approach to each child, the disclosure of the skills and talents of each. For the creative success of our children, for the joy in learning new things, for help in chewing the material.
  • We want to say that you are all very talented and patient people. Forgive me if our children were sometimes uncoordinated and disobedient. They received the necessary knowledge from you, they understood valuable information and set off on a further voyage without fear, confident and purposeful people.
  • Thank you for being able to transfer a large amount of knowledge in a short time, for preparing children for the successful passing of exams, for teaching them not to be afraid of difficult situations.

Kind touching words of gratitude to the first teacher from graduates in verse and prose:

variants of words of gratitude in prose

  • Being the first teacher is incredibly difficult. It is necessary to choose an individual key for each student. Identify shortcomings and work on them. Identify strengths and discover new talents. Find dormant skills and turn a child into a creative and developed person. Thank you for making it all possible.
  • The first teacher gives us a start for further study and gaining knowledge. The first teacher teaches us to interact with each other, to communicate, to feel people. You gave us the first knowledge, the first lessons of etiquette. We experienced with you the first calls, the first public speeches, the first knowledge and praise. Thank you!
  • It is impossible to forget the first teacher. We want to thank you for knowing where to start when we were trained. You got us interested and gave us the first knowledge. We went to school with pleasure, to learn how to count, write and read. Thank you for the warm atmosphere in the classroom and kind attitude towards us.

words of gratitude in verse

Touching respectful words to teachers at the evening of the meeting of graduates:

variants of words in prose

  • We want to say thank you to the teachers for sharing knowledge and experience with us, for teaching, for interesting stories and for sharing knowledge with all their enthusiasm and soul.
    Thank you for rushing to work every day to replenish our heads with knowledge, develop us comprehensively and accustom us to adulthood. Your knowledge was very useful, and we always remember you with gratitude.
  • Teachers, thank you for your hard work! New knowledge, your support, faith in us and effective life advice were very important for us.
  • We bow to your teaching talent. We returned to school already as graduates who decided to meet. You gave us the necessary knowledge base to move forward. We remember how we rejoiced at new discoveries, were afraid of tests and worked as a team. Thank you!

variants of words in poetry

Kind beautiful words to the kindergarten teacher from the pupil:

variants of words in prose

  • Thank you for making me feel at home in kindergarten. You taught us a lot, prepared for school. Going to school is not scary now, because I have become much smarter.
  • Thank you for being so kind to me. They showed the difference between good and bad, between dreams and life. You helped to put words together from letters, taught to count. Thank you!
  • Low bow to my teacher! I have something to say thank you for. You were the most kind and patient, revealed my talents, taught me useful things.
  • I used to be afraid to go to the garden. Thanks to your ability to communicate and be honest with children, I stopped being afraid and went to the garden with pleasure. You showed us interesting classes, held beautiful matinees. I will have something to remember at school.

variants of words in poetry

Words of gratitude to educators from parents:

variants of words in prose

  • Dear teachers, thank you for raising our children well. You have boundless patience and sincere love for our kids. Thank you for your dedication, diligence and perseverance in education.
  • Thank you for our children coming home and sharing something new with us every day. That we studied together with our children, gradually plunging into childhood. They saw sincere smiles on their faces at home, pride in their eyes at matinees and confidence in the transition to a new stage.
  • Educators, you gave children invaluable moments of happiness, instilled in them skills, taught them to be human. Let their bright smiles, luminous eyes and our words of gratitude be your reward.
  • You instilled in the children the first and very important knowledge, helped to overcome self-doubt, and together with the children defeated their fears. Kudos to you and many thanks!

variants of words in poetry

A letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents of kindergarten graduates:

thank you letter in prose

Dear Olga Alexandrovna! Parents of graduates want to thank you. Just for the fact that you appeared in the lives of our children. It is noticeable with what care and warmth you treat our children. Thanks to your diligence and life wisdom, you put the basics of behavior into the minds of our children. Our children clearly learned what is good, what is bad, how not to behave and why.
Under your guidance, the children were perfectly prepared for the holidays. Many have discovered the talents of a dancer or singer. At matinees, the eyes of our children did not leave delight, these memories will remain with them for a long time.
During the classes, you were patient and answered everyone's questions of interest. They taught children to love nature, to enjoy every day they live. We appreciate your hard work. We want to thank you for your kindness, wisdom and patience. Being an educator is a true vocation that comes from the heart. Years in the garden, during which you raised children, will be a great start for school and academic success.
Sincerely, Parents' Council.

text of the letter in verse

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the students:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Irina Semyonovna! Time flew by instantly. Not so long ago we were small and insecure first graders. Now, as a grown-up team, we recall the happy days within the walls of the school. Each classroom, each lesson and concert are formed into a mosaic of childhood memories.
We are grateful for your perseverance, patience and perseverance in special situations. It must have been difficult for you to cope with a noisy, restless class. But you did a great job, which not everyone can do. You always found warm words of support, the right tone of the story, we were never bored. You protected and protected us, rejoiced at the success of each.
Thank you for being our guide and leading to adulthood already trained and prepared. We won't forget you!
11-B students

variants of the text in verses

A letter of gratitude to the teacher from the parents of graduates:

variants of the text in prose

Dear Elena Petrovna!
We brought small and inexperienced children to school. Now we are parents of matured, wiser children who have gained useful life experience. The school is fraught with many difficulties. There are fears for the child. That he won't understand a single subject. What will conflict with classmates. That he can't stand up for himself. You taught children to stand up for their opinions, trust each other, work in a team. Thanks to your perseverance, the children overcame their fears, defined their goals, were not afraid to ask and get the right answer. You live up to your calling, thank you for being you!
Parental committee

variants of the text in verses

A letter of thanks to the first primary school teacher from parents:

variants of the text in prose

The first teacher, Ekaterina Ivanovna!
We still remember that exciting day when our children crossed the threshold of the school for the first time. You gave them basic knowledge, taught them how to get along with each other, how to resolve conflicts without fists. The holidays were filled with creativity and children's joy. The boys returned from school a little tired, but happy. Thank you very much for your work!
Parents of students ... class

Sample thank you letter to teacher from parents.

Dear (name, patronymic)!
Thank you for the quality education of our children. We appreciate in you qualities such as (list the qualities). Thanks to your determination and desire to teach, our children began to (list the positive qualities and successes of children). A low bow from us and a big thank you to parents!
Parents of students ... class

Letter of thanks to the teacher from the parents addressed to the director

Ivanov A.E.
From the parent committee of the 7th grade

Thank You Letter
Dear Andrey Egorovich! We ask you to thank on our behalf the class teacher of the 5-A class Krivenko Svetlana Petrovna. She is a great example for our children: responsible, respectable, an excellent organizer. Svetlana Petrovna perfectly taught our children not only her subject, but also self-confidence.

Thank You Letter from Students for Teacher's Day:

version of the text in prose

Dear teachers! Let me congratulate you on your professional holiday and thank you for your hard work. Every day spent with us is hard for you physically and mentally. Communication with people, and even more so training takes a lot of energy and strength. But in return, you get pluses to karma, students you can be proud of, endless words of gratitude and our sincere smiles. You are working on the future, educating specialists and preparing professionals for life. Thank you!
8th grade students

Prepare thank you notes and letters ahead of time. Rehearse the respect or learn by heart. Describe all the positive qualities of a teacher or educator, pay attention to the little things. Give thanks more often, because thanking is as pleasant as hearing kind words addressed to you.