Gratitude to the teacher of literature in prose. Congratulations on Teacher's Day to the Russian language teacher

"… Teacher! Before your name
Let me humbly bow
ON THE. Nekrasov

How quickly and imperceptibly time flies. It seems like it was September just yesterday. It has its own signs: in September there is a strange forest - spring and autumn are nearby. The leaf turns yellow, and next to it there is a green blade of grass. Or: faded grass and brightly blooming asters, warm sun and cold wind. And sometimes sparkling frost looks ridiculous on still green grass. And the main sign of September is the beginning of the school year.

But then October came. Golden leaves rustled underfoot. With the fall of leaves came a holiday: October 5 is Teacher's Day, and yesterday, October 20, a person who is directly related to Teacher's Day celebrated his anniversary. This person is the well-known and respected in Tambov, the honored teacher of the Russian Federation Alexandra Pavlovna Barinova, whose anniversary it is impossible not to celebrate, we believed so in our distant childhood and still believe, having become mothers and fathers ourselves, and many - grandmothers and grandfathers, that Alexandra Pavlovna was and remains a Teacher with a capital T.

There are such beautiful poems:

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds?
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand now
In the hand of your teacher...

Alexandra Pavlovna was not our first teacher, she entered our class when we were sixth graders, but she became the teacher you will never forget.

In one of her letters to me and my classmates, she wrote: “I remain a teacher to this day and hope to remain one until my last days, and I do not relieve myself of responsibility for your successes and failures. I’m glad that everyone remembers me, and I’m even more glad that you took your work and family responsibilities seriously.” We couldn’t have it any other way, because in everything we followed the example of our teacher.

On October 20, 1929, in the village of Alkalatka, Rzhaksinsky district, a third child was born into the family of the Bokarevs, Pavel Vasilyevich and Daria Nikiforovna. The blue-eyed girl was named Alexandra. Three beautiful daughters and a son were raised by the Bokarevs. The head of the family, before and after the war, worked as the chairman of a collective farm, and during the Great Patriotic War he was at the front. He returned from the war as a captain.

Alexandra Pavlovna remembers these years like this: “I belong to the children of the military generation. The war scorched us with difficulties, but also illuminated us with Victory. Difficulties forced us to grow up. While still teenagers, we began to work alongside mothers and those men who, due to age and illness, were not sent to the front. Difficulties strengthened us, and Victory made us believe in overcoming them.

I really loved studying and after a three-year break in my studies, I successfully graduated from two educational institutions - the Rzhaksinsky Pedagogical College and the Tambov Pedagogical Institute. In choosing a specialty, I followed the advice of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky. He said: “If you choose a job you like and put your soul into it, happiness will find you on its own.”
My happiness found me. When I first crossed the threshold of a classroom in Kuzbass as a certified teacher, I was greeted by forty pairs of attentive and inquisitive eyes, and I understood a surprisingly simple truth: in order to lead, you need to know a lot and not stop in this movement for a single day. And she strictly followed this rule: she always read a lot, traveled a lot to literary places and places of labor glory, remembering that our land is so interesting that if you can’t visit everywhere, then at least the most interesting places...”

Immediately after the war, a student of the Alkalat seven-year school, Alexandra Bokareva, was awarded the medal “For valiant labor during the Great Patriotic War.”

While studying at the Rzhaksinsky Pedagogical College, she met her future husband, Ivan Vasilyevich Barinov.

In 1950, they both became students at the Pedagogical Institute. She is from the Faculty of Philology, he is from the Faculty of Geography. And in 1956, when Alexandra Pavlovna returned to Tambov from the Kemerovo region, they got married. There was no work for a philologist in the city schools, and A.P. Barinova had to give knowledge to primary school students at school No. 16, and in 1961 she crossed the threshold of school No. 27, where she taught Russian language and literature before retiring. With her arrival, our 6th grade has changed beyond recognition. Our attitude towards the subjects she taught has changed. With bated breath, we listened to our teacher, from whom we could not take our eyes off. We learned so many new and interesting things about the Motherland, Russian nature, and the Russian people.

And the teacher opened more and more doors into the world of literature, poetry, drama, tragedy, where human destinies were intertwined, and in our thoughts we participated in the events that the teacher spoke about:

We were rooting for Bazarov,
And they pitied Tanya Larina,
They fought with Bolkonsky for Russia,
And souls strived for the best.

The holy words – Motherland, Russia – acquired a different, already meaningful meaning for us. The teacher penetrated our souls and helped us see and understand the world around us. These lessons are unforgettable. Therefore, it is not surprising that many of my classmates followed in the footsteps of Alexandra Pavlovna and devoted their lives to pedagogy.

The teaching profession has never been easy, but it was considered prestigious. Now the work of a teacher is not easy, not prestigious, but remains important and noble. Especially the work of a teacher of Russian language and literature or, in other words, literature. It is believed that it is he who lights the pure lamp of the child’s soul. And, perhaps, this is the only profession that requires, in addition to knowledge, also the love of the students. “The student,” said the ancient Greeks, “is a vessel that needs to be filled. This is a torch that needs to be lit." And in order to light up, naturally, you need to love the children, make the teacher fall in love with yourself and burn. The teaching profession requires amazing dedication and responsibility at the same time. That's why sometimes you have to be a child yourself. But this allows you to remain a fifth-grader in old age.

The knowledge that Alexandra Pavlovna possesses still amazes us. The teacher still teaches and educates us. Once upon a time, the author of the famous book “Pedagogy for All,” writer and publicist Simon Soloveichik wrote: “A teacher is a student forever called to the blackboard.” In other words, a teacher is a person who takes an exam every day and helps children take their first steps through the confusing labyrinth of life. He should also be a friend for them, giving not only knowledge, but also laying the foundations of moral education.

The teacher should exude kindness, openness, a desire to help in everything, and inner strength. The teacher’s word, the material being studied, his appearance and even his smile should be an educational tool. And as Alexandra Pavlovna once wrote: “Only in this case, students, changing over the years, sometimes lose each other, but remember their teachers.

And their letters, greeting cards, telegrams are a noble movement of the soul, helping to preserve the spiritual youth of their mentors. It turns out to be a two-sided gift that is difficult to overestimate.

It is he who ignites the spark of life energy. And on a national scale, a teacher is a kind of gardener who grows the tree of the nation, or the tree of life. If we don’t educate a person with a capital “H,” the world will collapse.”

Having devoted more than thirty years of teaching, despite her illnesses, Alexandra Pavlovna cannot sit idle; her publications on literary topics are often published on the pages of federal and regional publications. The author either takes us on a fascinating journey along the Neva, or talks about little-known facts from the life of the great A.P. Chekhov, about love by A.S. Pushkin and N.N. Goncharova, then writes about the problems of older people at the present time and encourages them not to lose heart, but to find only joy in life. And what a juicy, beautiful and at the same time intelligible narrative language!

Alexandra Pavlovna’s life was successful: she had a job she loved, she is surrounded by a wonderful family, where she has long been a beloved mother and grandmother, and more recently, a great-grandmother.

We sincerely congratulate her on her 80th birthday, we wish her good health, happiness, many, many flowers and smiles! And I also want to quote lines from the poem “To the Mentor” by the wise poet Rasul Gamzatov:

Let your evening be illuminated
The flame of the hearth does not go out,
And the days will be golden,
Like scatterings of the native language!

Lyudmila Aderikhina
School graduate -27
Cities of Tambov

This essay was published a little over three years ago in one of the regional newspapers.

On November 16, 2012, Alexandra Pavlovna passed away. This loss is irreparable. I admit that I never fully realized that this extraordinary MAN with a rich soul had passed away. We called each other often. I read my new poems to the teacher and talked about various topics. And I always listened to the opinion of the TEACHER. Alexandra Pavlovna wrote me letters and sent me interesting articles. She remained my TEACHER until the end of her days. Being a sick person, she often said: “We will live!” And now I want to say: “And we, OUR DEAR TEACHER, while we are alive WILL REMEMBER YOU!” BLIGHT MEMORY TO YOU."

The photo shows A.P. Barinova. Photo from the Internet. Many thanks to the author.

Hello, dear friends! We have a special relationship with Russian language teachers. These are people who instill a sense of love and respect for their native language and literature, teach literacy, beautiful style, and logical presentation. Knowing the Russian language perfectly is the civic duty of every patriot, so on the eve of the holiday, I want to draw your attention to what a Russian language teacher’s congratulations on Teacher’s Day could be like today in prose and poetry.

Words of gratitude for a Russian language teacher from students in prose

A selection of beautiful and touching congratulations from the class for the solemn speech and postcards awaits you.

Our dear teacher! Happy holiday! We are sure that among hundreds of thick volumes of literary geniuses, our congratulations will not be lost and will be no less valuable to you. While we have not become Alexander Sergeevichs, Tolstoys and Lermontovs, you have already done a lot to make us want to achieve the same heights! A little more and we will delight you not only with essays, but also with our own works - poems and multi-volume books. Thank you for your work, for your support, for the inspiration that you have been a source of for us for many years. I wish you health, family stability and prosperity, good luck and bright ideas!

We thank fate that it is you who teach the Russian language. With you, we have learned to love and understand our native language, we are happy to improve our spelling, presentation, and compositions. Now we understand the power and truthfulness of the expressions that the Russian language is powerful, free and the most truthful. We felt his strength and honesty ourselves. Happy Teacher's Day, may good luck accompany you, may you be surrounded only by kind and decent people!

Dear and beloved teacher! On this holiday, we again remembered how much Russian language lessons mean to us. You opened the doors to the world of amazing personalities, geniuses - poets and writers who left an indelible mark on history, but that’s not all. With you, we have learned to be literate, appreciate and love our native language, and receive joy from improving our skills and knowledge.

Yes, writing and reading are not fashionable today. People dictate messages, use abbreviations in messengers, prefer audiobooks, but this is not important for us. In this matter, fashion means nothing to us. Writing, reading, expounding, composing is our hobby, our pleasure, and this is your merit. Happiness to you, grateful and diligent wards, understanding and support from the team and, of course, more travel!

It’s not enough for us to be able to write -

We should create masterpieces!

Tell us about it

To be known throughout the world

The name of each of us!

Congratulations now,

We wish you success,

May you be friends with laughter!

How can parents congratulate

Parents, like students, have the opportunity to use the holiday as an occasion to express gratitude to the teacher. Words of congratulations from grateful fathers and mothers may look like this.

Teacher, there are no words to describe everything we feel! You are a genius in your field. You taught the children to love their native language, to be proud of the fact that they speak, write and read in Russian. Thank you very much for the impeccable literacy that all students without exception possess, for your efforts, for your friendly support and faith in the abilities of each student. Happy holiday to you! Peace, kindness, long years and strength to continue in the same spirit!

Dear teacher! On behalf of the entire parent team, we would like to express our gratitude for the special approach to teaching the children, patience and creative lessons! We know that learning, although your native, but very difficult Russian language is not easy.

Thanks to you, our children know spelling perfectly and are ahead of their peers in the ability to speak and listen beautifully. You taught literacy, but that’s not the main thing. You put a love for their native language into the hearts of children, helped them understand its greatness and power, and this equates to a real feat! Happy holiday, may only happy everyday life and holidays, loyal colleagues and grateful students await you ahead.

They say that you can learn a lot about a person by speech. This is true. When our children speak and write, it becomes clear that this is a new generation that we can be proud of. Competent, eloquent, responsible - this is how the guys look today, and this is entirely your merit. Happy holiday to you!

Dear teacher, on this holiday we take the opportunity to say - you are a master of words and a true teacher from God. You teach children the basics of literacy, teach them to speak in such a way that even now they can go to a television announcer competition! The children can write without mistakes, master their literacy skills, and most importantly, they get joy from each new lesson.

You deserve to receive the title of teacher of the year, we are ready to vote for your candidacy and are sure that everyone who knows about your methods and results will do so. On Teacher's Day, we wish you to remain the same bright, sympathetic, noble person, to know a lot of joy, and to enjoy the smiles of luck every day. Happiness, health and inexhaustible vitality!

For now, that's all the congratulations I wanted to offer you. Some of them may become a good example for your own congratulatory essay. Share this article with your friends if you think the same. I was glad to help, see you soon on the blog!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

congratulations to the Russian language teacher

My native Slavic language,
I'm used to speaking it
I study it all the time.
My “Russian expert”, congratulations to you

And I send this gratitude.
I love my native Russian,
After all, Pushkin and Blok wrote to him,
I love your lesson dear.

I haven't met yet
More dear and more beautiful than the language.
Native, and he’s Russian,
Not Polish, not French.

Russian teacher, understand,
And congratulations.
In the best language
I am writing to you on the blackboard.

Perhaps God wanted it this way:
Only with you our minds comprehended
Great, mighty, truthful, free,
The most beautiful Russian language!
Without wasting words, without wasting strength,
We don't hide in a corner
And we sincerely congratulate you on this day,
In Russian and in the language!

All Russian writers, poets
And the critics, straining their talent,
Wrote a text for your subject -
So that we can then write a dictation;
And even though writing poetry is not fashionable now,
But we are in no hurry to succumb to fashion:
After all, we want to congratulate you today
Not from dictation - only from the heart!

You instilled a love for your native language.
And we were taught different rules.
Where to put a period, where is a hyphen, and where is a dash.
Now we know this better than anyone.

We would like to thank you for your concern.
We are glad that it was you who taught us the language.
We want to congratulate you with all our hearts,
And wish you long years and a lot of strength.

You taught us not only the rules.
And we know not only spelling.
You taught us to speak beautifully,
So as not to be considered ignorant among the people.

For your real, gigantic work
We thank the whole class now.
And on this day solemn and magnificent
We hasten to congratulate you today and now.

Our speech is like our portrait.
And serious or not
We must be perceived -
You can find out everything from it.

They taught us literacy
We haven't forgotten our lessons.
Thank you for everything
And we want to congratulate you.

Great, mighty is our beautiful language,
And our teacher is simply a master of words.
Whatever question we might have,
She is always ready to give an answer.

Congratulations on your holiday now
We wish there were no mistakes,
You deserve the most beautiful phrases
Smiles of grateful students.


Oh, Russian language! You are beautiful to us
It flows like wonderful music.
You will forever remain in our hearts,
You are called wonderful and pure.

You teach us these basics,
We are grateful to you for this,
And let's say thank you very much!
Always grateful, children.

We figured it out together with you
Where to write what according to the rules.
And it filled up very quickly
Notebook with uneven handwriting.

And on Teacher's Day, thank you
For this you would like to say,
What patiently did you teach?
Respect our native speech!

Together with you we comprehended
Basics of the native language.
We delved into spelling,
Even though it wasn't easy.

On Teacher's Day we wish you
Find joy in work,
After all, you are a teacher by vocation,
Which ones you can’t find now!

The power of words is great power,
And you master it perfectly!
On Teacher's Day, on my beloved holiday,
Let your heart open to love!

Let everything be as you want today
Let happiness bloom in your soul!
You know Russian and can
Drive away all bad weather!

You have a centuries-old culture,
All the classics are familiar to you,
We are in love with literature
Both in prose and in poetry!

Thank you for the wonderful world,
Opened on the pages of books,
May you have a long, interesting life,
Passionate and lively lessons!

We couldn't imagine without you,
How multifaceted our language is.
As if we were lost in three pines
In nuances, simple rules.

May Teacher's Day bring you
Good luck, joy, ringing laughter.
Thank you for your honorable work,
Our strong handwriting is your success!

Happy Teacher's Day today
Congratulations again!
Good luck and good health to you
The whole class wishes!

Our language is rich Russian
You taught me to love,
We wish you in Russian
It’s heartfelt and wonderful to live!

Your work cannot be overestimated,
After all, everyone understands right away:
You may not be Pushkin,
But you must know your native language!

You taught us not only the rules.
And we know not only spelling.
You taught us to speak beautifully,
So as not to be considered ignorant among the people.

For your work, it is very necessary,
We thank the whole class now.
And on this solemn day
We hasten to congratulate you now.

I haven't met yet
More dear and more beautiful than the language.
Native, and he’s Russian,
Not Polish, not French.

Russian teacher, understand,
And congratulations.
In the best language
I am writing to you on the blackboard.

Russian language is our basis,
And our class would be illiterate,
If you, even if harsh at times,
They wouldn't teach us!

Period, quotation marks, dash, comma
We wouldn't be able to write now.
Because we know our native speech,
We only thank you!

You taught us the language to love,
It is cultural and beautiful to speak,
Express thoughts easily and clearly
Respect yourself and everyone around you.

And we thank you from the bottom of our hearts,
We wish you happiness and mental strength,
Let the morning start with goodness
And the world will be filled with important words!

He is great and mighty
It's all about our language,
There is no other better in the world
And you are a guide of knowledge.

On this wonderful day, accept
Congratulations in your honor,
The most competent teacher
And we are glad that you exist!

All prefixes, endings,
Where is the root in the word?
Having put in my efforts,
The teacher will explain to us.

How to arrange words correctly
Decline by case
For clarity in examples
He will show us on the board.

On Teacher's Day, I cordially
We wish you strong strength
And endless worries,
And love for students!

Your native language is your strong point,
Illiteracy is a reproach for you.
You have a rich vocabulary,
And this is your ammunition.

Do you teach children writing?
More precisely, the native language.
Please accept our congratulations,
And get inspired!

Beautiful, competent writing
And speak without mistakes.
To express our thoughts clearly,
The teacher can teach!

Congratulations on your day,
We wish you happiness and kindness.
Let sorrows become dreams
May all your dreams come true!

Thank you for your great work,
You and I are learning to write correctly,
You also teach us to speak, read,
And express all thoughts correctly.

The Russian language is complex, interesting,
But with you it’s easy for us to learn all the rules,
We want to congratulate you with our class,
We would like to wish you a prosperous life!

Happy Teacher's Day, patience to you, success,
Do not know gray, gloomy and dull days,
We wish you more joy and laughter,
May your life be brighter and more fun!

So beautiful, powerful and great
Our favorite Russian language!
Thank you for the training,
For your efforts, for all the explanations!

On Teacher's Day I wish you
We want a high five mood
Only diligent students
And more wonderful days!

We are dictations, essays,
We will write the expositions,
After all, in Russian the teacher
He became closer and dearer to us,
Congratulations on Teacher's Day
A teacher from the heart,
We promise there will be no mistakes
We won't do it again!

Great and powerful is not only our Russian language, but also our wonderful teacher. Congratulations on your professional holiday, Teacher's Day. We wish that everything in life will be simple for you, as according to the rules of the Russian language, that everything in life will be placed in its place, as if every letter in the alphabet. We also want to wish you an ideal morpheme: happiness in the root, superiority and everything beautiful in the prefix, with the suffix -enk - in the word well without any endings or insults.

Happy Teacher's Day
You today with all my heart,
We promise to know the Russian language,
Write and speak without errors.

Let success await you in business,
Children are rushing to your lesson,
So that there is no interference in business,
And they were always happy.