Outdoor games for a friendly company. Competitions in nature for a fun company

Aunt Bad weather and ghost Shurshik

Needless to say, the beginning of June doesn’t make us happy with warm and sunny days - it’s only 15 degrees outside, rain, wind ... Therefore, I had such an idea for a holiday: Auntie Bad Weather comes to visit children and adults sitting at a table near a smoking barbecue and a ghost named Shurshik.

Bad weather threatens to take away the heat for good, to deprive everyone of the summer (it is so harmful). But those present have a chance: you need to complete all the tasks of the aunt, and then she will return the warmth. I got the role of Bad Weather, and my 6-year-old son was the ghost. For participation in games and winning competitions, he handed out sweets to guests.

The costumes were made from what was found in the country: an old sheet turned into a ghost cape, a knitted shirt-front into an intricate hat, and so on.

summer chant

At the beginning, Bad Weather wanted to see how eagerly those present were looking forward to summer. We need to shout it out loud. And this summer chant helped us (I compiled it myself from the lines of various poems that I found on the Internet):

Host: The sun is shining brightly. The air is warm.

Leading: And wherever you look - Everything around is light!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: In the meadow there are bright flowers, there are a lot of herbs.
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Everything is fine, the sky is clear, Everything in the district has blossomed!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Everything around turned green, turned red, turned blue!
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

Leading: Summer joyfully laughs at us through the open window,
All: This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

At the beginning of the game, it is stipulated that the participants, after each phrase of the leader, should shout in rhyme in unison:

This summer, this summer, this summer has come to us!

It's noisy and fun. Such a chant allows you to immediately stir up and include in the action all the guests, even the most modest ones 😉 You can hold such a contest right at the table.

Music competition in nature

There is such a game on our favorite autoradio: The caller must guess the song, the text of which is read out in a “clumsy” literal translation. And we held our own competition based on this game. But we encrypted not only foreign, but also Russian songs.

In advance, I downloaded the texts of 4 foreign and 6 Russian songs from the Internet, printed them out, and at the same time recorded the compositions themselves on a USB flash drive. I chose these:

  1. Pan Americano - Pamericano - Yolanda Be Cool - We No Speak Americano
  2. Boney M—Sunny.
  3. PSY - Gangnam Style.
  4. Scooter - How Much Is The Fish.
  5. ESTRADARADA - Vitya Need to Get Out.
  6. MATRANG - Medusa.
  7. Philip Kirkorov - The mood color is blue.
  8. Olga Buzova - Few halves.
  9. Aljay & Feduk - Rosé Wine.
  10. Mushrooms - Melts Ice.

Of course, only adults can guess these songs. For children, you can additionally pick up a few children's songs. We chose songs to our taste, from the most famous, hit and a bit funny ones. I didn’t invent a description of the song in advance, I just took the text and read out some phrases, key words or just said what the song was about. As you guessed it, she turned on the song (not in its entirety), Shurshik gave a candy. Who wanted to dance

Example: "A song about a woman who wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle. She succumbed to the influence of the night, and with the advent of darkness, she felt that passion had power over her. Goosebumps ran down her body, and, holding panties (bikini) in her hands, she felt like a goddess ”(Kirkorov - The mood color is blue).

Something like this, I composed it on the go, it turned out cool :))) You can not read out the entire description. The best thing to do is to pause to give you time to think. For each guessed song, Shurshik gives a prize. By the way, our little Shurshik was a little tired by this time, so we gave this role to an adult.

Music competition in nature: Option 2

And last year we held a competition with musical "predictions" at the same party "Hello, summer!". But at that time I was the Fairy of Summer. The Fairy put her own wreath on everyone's head and a fragment of a song sounded, supposedly a prediction for the coming summer.

Game in the circle "Jumping - not jumping"

It's time to get out from behind the table and stretch a little. Everyone stands in a circle. The host reads out the names of animals, birds, objects that "jump or don't jump." When the host calls a jumping object / animal, everyone jumps, if not, they don’t jump. The facilitator starts slowly, then the listing of items speeds up. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

I managed to come up with the following list of jumping / non-jumping objects and creatures:

  • ball, watermelon, kangaroo, cucumber, bucket, hare, apple, man, pie, snowman, titmouse, cabbage, tennis ball, rabbit, chair, cat, mushroom, trampoline, grasshopper, log, orange, flea, log, axe, hammer , nail, thrush, lantern, pillar, beads, leopard, snake, snail, lion, slipper, boa constrictor, jaguar, hedgehog.

Whoever is left wins, Shurshik gives him a prize!

Relay game "Sponges"

4 people participate. You will need: 2 small basins and 2 saucepans, 2 foam sponges for washing dishes, 2 chairs.

Participants are grouped into two pairs. Empty basins are placed on the chairs, and in front of them, at a distance of 5 meters, pairs of participants stand. The first participant holds a saucepan of water, the second, at the command of the leader, must draw water with a sponge and transfer (squeeze) it into an empty container as soon as possible.

Initially, each pair should have an equal amount of water (measured in glasses). The winner must not only move all the water as quickly as possible, but also as much of it as possible.

At the end of the relay, we also measured the amount of water transferred with glasses. Interestingly, one team only got 1.5 out of 4 glasses of water. Where did the other 2.5 glasses go?

Relay race for adults "Bring a snack"

2 people participate. You will need: 2 plastic glasses filled with popcorn, chips or salted peanuts, 2 shots of vodka or 2 glasses of beer, 2 chairs.

A “snack” (nuts, chips, etc.) is poured into the glasses, and then they are placed on the toes of the participants’ shoes. Task: to bring the snack in this form to the chairs with the "drink" without helping yourself with your hands. It's not that easy to do, but it's damn fun! The one who has reached the finish line removes a glass with a snack from his shoes (or what was left of it while he was carrying it), drinks and has a snack.

Option for children: Carry the glasses on the toes of the shoes to the chairs, and then pour into a plastic bottle using only one hand.

Summer flashmob in nature

Now the song "Medusa" (MATRANG) is gaining popularity. And I came up with a flash mob with sea movements for this song. Movements on the loss and verse:

1st movement: Marching in place (going to the sea).

2nd movement: We put our hand to the forehead with a “visor”, rising on our toes (the word is looking out for a jellyfish in the sea).

3rd movement: We pinch the nose with one hand, with the other hand we make a smooth movement from top to bottom and squat, as if we are going under water (diving into the sea).

4th movement: We spread our arms to the sides (swim).

5th movement: "Swimming" breaststroke.

Movements on the chorus (there are such words: “jellyfish, jellyfish, we are friends”):

6th movement: Hands to the sides and make wave-like movements with them, depicting a jellyfish.

7th movement: We turn the body of the body first in one direction, now we bring our hands together and also make wave-like movements, imitating the movements of a jellyfish, then in the other direction.

Aunt Bad Weather shows the movements, the rest repeat with her. All movements are repeated approximately 5-6 times. The first verse and chorus we danced with the movements of Auntie, and then composed on the go. Adults and children have already offered their "marine" (and not only) movements. Before turning on the music, the movements can be spoken and shown, as if including the whole company in the plot. It turns out not just a flash mob, but a real marine musical game "jellyfish" for the company of adults and children.

I spied the movements on the chorus in this video, I give a link, maybe it will help you 😉

Summer drawings

There is a small asphalt path next to our house, so the competition program was completed by the competition of drawings on asphalt:

  • Draw what the word "Summer" means to you.

All sweet prizes for creativity.

candle ritual

In conclusion, Auntie Bad Weather was glad how well adults and children coped with all the tasks, actively participated and had fun. Therefore, she returns warmth to us:

It has been tested in practice - the listed contests are really very fun, suitable for adults and children, they will help you have a great time outdoors in the summer, and even not in the best weather. Nevertheless, in our piggy bank there are some more interesting ideas for contests for a fun company.

Other Awesome Ideas for Summer Outdoor Contests

We have played these games before, they also went with a bang. Instead of Auntie Bad Weather, last time the Fairy of Summer came to us, in a wreath of wild flowers and in a summer dress. The party also took place outdoors, in the summer, at a table with shish kebabs.

  • Relay "Planting potatoes"(very actual game for a summer residence). Participants line up in 2 lines (2 teams). The first one runs with a shovel and “digs a bed”, the second one “makes holes” (puts hoops), the third one “plants potatoes” (lowers small balls into hoops), the fourth one again runs with a shovel, the fifth one runs with a watering can (watering). You can come up with your own variations and inventory. The team that "plants potatoes" the fastest wins.
  • Musical comic competition "Summer Predictions". The host dresses up as a "summer fairy", which arrives all in a wreath and a summer dress. The fairy of summer begins to "predict" what awaits those present this summer: Puts on a wreath for the participant sitting at the table. And then the song with "prediction" sounds. Cuts of songs must, of course, be prepared in advance. Example: the composition “Sea, sea, bottomless world” sounds - it means the guest will go to the sea; the song "Rain, slanting rain" - it will be rainy all summer. Etc. We did this: we simply downloaded songs from the Internet and cut the desired passage using a free online song cutting program.

We share ready-made cuts with comic “predictions”: download from Yandex.Disk

  • Competition "Clothespins" for adults. In summer, multi-colored clothespins can be found in any country house. Two couples (m+w) participate. One is blindfolded, the other is attached with clothespins in the most unexpected places. A blindfolded participant must feel his soulmate and remove all clothespins. The couple that does it faster wins. An old but always fun game!

Unusual game of hide and seek "Herring in a barrel"

More suitable for the company of school-age children. The essence of the game:

  • One player hides, and the rest remain to count to one hundred. After that, all participants begin to look for the first one. The one who finds him sits next to him in his shelter. The game continues until the penultimate participant of the game finds the hiding person and the people around him. Well, the one who never found the “barrel of herring” loses.

Have a fun summer vacation in nature! We will be glad if you share your ideas 😉

At the very beginning of the picnic, the host invites those present to create some kind of hero from natural materials that they can find in the forest and in the clearing. And closer to the end of the event, a competition is held for the best craft, which is determined by the applause of those present.

mad doctor

You need a big field to play. One doctor went crazy and started chasing his patients. If he touches the player by the leg, he must jump on one, if he touches the arm, it is forbidden to raise it. Normal doctors can cure the sick, for this they must run to the patient and hurt him. At the same time, it is important not to fall into the clutches of the enraged.

Hen Ryaba

All participants sit in a semicircle, so that the grandfather-leader turns his back to them. The contestants have a tennis ball - this is a testicle, which all participants - “hens” pass to each other while the music is playing. As soon as the music has stopped, all the hens fall on the grass, including the one with the “testicle”. Grandfather turns around and tries to guess which of the "hens" has a testicle. Guessed - then the hen turns into a grandfather, and not guessed - the game just continues.

Robinson Crusoe

Participants are divided into pairs and each pair turns into Robinson Crusoe, who must build their own hut (wigwam, whatever, to escape the wind and rain). The guys are given about 10-15 minutes, after which, according to the results of voting (applause), the best building is determined. And the built huts will later become an excellent playground for children, or the same company will stay overnight in them, if the picnic suddenly drags on.


This competition is held if a heterosexual company went to nature. The host goes around all those present and assigns a letter to the men, and a number to the women. Now a veil is spread on the grass, a psychic sits there in the lotus position and begins to decide destinies. HE calls out a combination of a letter and a number, for example J9. The girl, who is assigned 9, runs to the screamer and kisses him on the cheek. But the young man, who is assigned the letter J, must react even faster and intercept the girl even before the kiss. If he succeeded, then he kisses the lady himself and a "couple" is formed. If he did not have time, then now the latecomer will have to drive.

gold fish

This competition is ideal for relaxing near the pond. Participants are given a fishing rod, whoever can catch a fish first gets a prize. If the rest takes place far from the reservoir, then you can use plastic bottles suspended from a tree at a certain height as fish. Pairs take part in fishing. One participant climbs onto the second and, on the “start” command, everyone runs to the tree with the “fish”. Whoever gets to our artificial “pond” faster and catches a fish first wins.

Stone, stick and feather

The game takes place in 2 stages. First stage: find 3 items (stone, stick and feather) faster than others. The second stage: the "launch" of objects - whoever throws the stone the farthest, throws the stick and launches the pen. The fastest, most dexterous and accurate - a prize.

Kick it all out

You will need to keep track of time for each participant, so you need to prepare a timer on your phone. For each participant, in turn, hang a bottle of water on a rope on a tree branch. The participant is blindfolded, twisted around and handed a thick stick. On the “start” command, the participant begins to beat the bottle so that water pours out from there. The fight with the bottle continues until there is no water left in it. The participant who spends the least time on this task will win and receive a prize.

fox hunters

Teams of 3 people are formed, 2 of which are hunters, and the third is a fox. In the hands of the hunters - a lasso, one for two. This is an ordinary scarf 5 m long, from which a loop is made, its ends are in the hands of hunters. So, at the signal of the leader, the hunt begins. The foxes must slip through the lasso, and the hunters must tighten the noose around the fox's waist, or at least on the leg. You can run all over the clearing, and yet the crowd and the heap are few provided.













As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more pleasant and safe entertainment. For this game, a soundly sleeping Valera is taken, who will probably be found near a backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be an even number of jumps, otherwise Valera will not grow anymore.

Cell phone players are trying to explain to their comrades how to get to the place of rest. The one whose partner arrives first wins.

The second team comes to the clearing where the picnic is being held and says that this is their place, after which the players start kicking each other out of the clearing. The winner gets a clearing and meat.

All participants in the picnic, free from frying barbecue, sorry for the involuntary rhyme, line up and begin to slowly walk across the clearing, heads down and peering into the grass. The leader rushes on his knees in front of the walking chain and says: "The chain is golden, the husband gave it, he finds out, he will kill! Oh, I'm a damned fool!"
The game continues until they are called to eat and drink.

One of the players turns on the car radio at full volume and opens the doors of his car. The rest of the participants in the game are divided into two teams: one gets high on music, and the other is annoying. As a rule, those who enjoy music win.

One of the players is shuffling chess. There are usually thirty-two pieces, so four bolts or screws are added to play the chess fool. The players hold the figures in their fists, but do not show each other. And they play fool not with cards, but with chess, like cultured intelligent people. The one who has all the pieces in his hand loses.

This is a decorous and cultural entertainment, unlike wrestling in the mud, in a fire, in a barbecue or sleigh. Decent women wrestle dressed, on a clean blanket, and the audience cheer them on with applause and exclamations of "Come on, Svetlana Nikolaevna, take over Antonina Sergevna!", "Come on, Antonina Sergevna, tear Svetlana Nikolaevna's mouth!" etc.

The game begins when daughters of different ages and their mothers go out into nature. Without men. The host starts the game with the words "Girls! I saw new salamander boots yesterday ..." Everyone starts interrupting her with all the same nonsense. And at the same time, they still have to laugh shrillly and drunkenly. God forbid a man be there.

For this game, several skewers are needed, and exactly one less than the participants.
Players walk around the barbecue and pretend that they are playing completely different games. But at the command "Kebabs are ready!" everyone rushes to the grill. The one who does not get the skewers with barbecue loses.

While the kebab is fried, one player (leader) hides a net with bottles of vodka in the river. The rest of the players first wait, and then they can’t stand it and begin to show where she can be. And the leader says: "Hot!", "Heat!" or "Colder!" (depending on how much time has passed). When the kebab is ready and the vodka is cold, this monster says: "It's cold!" and takes out the hidden grid.

The participants of the game gather at the start line and drink 30-100 grams of vodka each. The bottle is then moved back 40-80 cm. Participants must take a step and drink 60-120 grams again. The bottle moves back 80-160 cm. Again, everyone steps and drinks. Whoever can take the biggest step and then stand up wins.

To play you will need badminton rackets and a soccer ball. The rules are like in tennis, but instead of a net there is a person. He also serves as a referee in this exciting but difficult game.

Game with a girl "TO POTTLE"
A couple of players sit opposite each other, pour and drink. Then more. If a girl misses, then she takes off any detail of the toilet. If he doesn’t miss, then at the end of the game he allows you to remove them all from himself.

While the men are frying the BBQ, the women should play Potato Peeling, Lettuce Cutting and Get the Kids Do Something! In the morning, they, as if they had done nothing to prepare the Shashlik, must collect all the dishes, men lying around and other rubbish.

The players have been trying to sit on the guitar all evening, and the host, who is also the owner of the guitar, is trying at the last moment to pull the guitar out from under the players and play it. The winner is the one who still manages to sit down on the guitar. The leader loses.

As you know, jumping over a fire is very dangerous for health and clothing. But jumping over Valera is a much more pleasant and safe entertainment. For this game, a soundly sleeping Valera is taken, who will probably be found near a backpack with drinks, and cheerfully jumps over it. It is important to remember one thing: there must be an even number of jumps, otherwise Valera will no longer grow

A birthday, a calendar holiday, a promotion, or just a warm and sunny day off - all this can be an occasion to get out into nature in a large and friendly company. But what to do in nature, when hunger is satisfied, and all interesting topics are discussed so as not to get bored? To do this, there are many different competitions in nature for a fun company. They will help fill the resulting free time. In addition, well-chosen competitions will undoubtedly become the highlight of the festive day and will be remembered for a long time, leaving behind only positive emotions and impressions.

"Well-chosen" competitions means that they will be appropriate for the age of the participants, as well as their emancipation, degree of familiarity and the prevailing atmosphere. After all, competitions are also different: intellectual and fun, neutral or balancing somewhere on the verge of “below the belt”, as well as those that require significant physical activity, etc. In general, the main thing is that everyone likes and finds it interesting. Now we will offer you several options.


An unlimited number of people can take part in this competition - the more there are, the more fun it will be. Everyone needs to stand in a circle at arm's length from their neighbors and join hands (it will turn out to be a kind of round dance). The host whispers the name of two animals into the ear of each participant and explains the rules of the game: when the host calls out the name of the animal, the participant to whom the name of this animal was voiced in the ear must quickly sit down, and the neighbors on the right and left at this time should try to prevent him from doing this .

Everything is done very quickly so that the participants do not have time to take a breath. The trick of the game is that, calling the animals to the players, the presenter shows ingenuity only by 50 percent - in the first word, but the second word calls everyone a whale. So, for example, such pairs of words as a hare - a whale, a bear - a whale, a mouse - a whale, a cat - a whale, a dog - a whale, a rabbit - a whale, etc. can be whispered to the participants. A few minutes later, when everyone has already joined in, the host suddenly calls out the word "KIT", and as a result, the participants, who are trying to sit down all at once, inevitably find themselves on the floor, laughing at their own zeal. This competition is suitable for a company of any caliber and goes with a bang.


Going to nature in the warm season, some comrades may well have flippers and a pair of binoculars in their arsenal. If this is the case, a competition for the title of the best diver can be proposed.

Volunteers are offered to put on fins and complete the task to overcome the specified distance, looking through the binoculars from the back. Believe me, an unforgettable experience is guaranteed not only for the participants, but also for all spectators.


Football is a very exciting game, not only for guys, but also for girls, especially if you change the rules a little.

First you need to divide the participants into two teams and mark the gates, and then the events will be somewhat unusual. The players of each team are divided into pairs, and each of the pairs becomes a shoulder to each other, and the right leg of one member of the pair is tied to the left leg of the other. The goal of the team is the same as in ordinary football - to score the ball into the opponents' goal, but goalkeepers are no longer needed here, because it will not be easy or even almost impossible to score the ball. Thus, felting of all participants on the ground and a lot of positive emotions is provided.

"Knight Tournament"

Such a tournament in miniature is an example of an active competition for a cheerful and energetic company, in which, in addition to ladies, there are also several gentlemen. It will require an even number of men (minimum four). Participants are divided into two groups - cold and warm. The first is for those who like the cold that knightly armor and edged weapons exude, and the second is for those who value the warmth of a devoted horse more.

Dividing into groups, the knights still have no idea what a surprise awaits them. Those who preferred the warmth of horses will have to portray horses, and those who chose the cold will have to become riders.

And so the queen of the tournament drops her handkerchief from her high hand, and the tournament begins. The task of the rider is to push his opponent off the horse. The one who fell to the ground lost, but the winner and his horse will be rewarded from the hands of the Beautiful Lady (a glass of wine, the first pieces of barbecue, a cake, etc.).


This competition does not require any special preparations or equipment, just a few pieces of cardboard. First you need to designate a certain area on the ground (not very large). Borders can be marked with pebbles, dry branches or bottles. This will be a swamp, which the participants will have to cross as quickly as possible, stepping from bump to bump. Two pieces of cardboard in the hands of each player will act as bumps, which he will shift in front of him and move in this way, stepping on them, trying not to fall into the "swamp".

"Give it to someone else"

The company must be divided into women's and men's teams, which should be located in two lines opposite each other at a distance of about three meters.

The first member of the women's team holds the balloon between her legs, carries it to the line of the men's team and passes it to the first member without using her hands. He, in turn, also carries the ball back and passes it to the second member of the women's team. This continues until all players have participated.

"Hit the balls!"

One team gets red balls and the other team gets blue balls. Balls are tied with threads to the legs, one per participant. On command, you need to burst as many enemy balls as possible without using your hands. The team that keeps at least one ball intact wins.


Two people take part in the game. A rope is tied to each waist, and an apple is tied to its end so that it dangles approximately at the level of the knees. A glass is placed on the ground, into which the participant, on command, must hit with an apple. The participant who does it faster wins.


All participants are divided into pairs, and it is desirable that it be a boy and a girl. Each couple is given 2 rolls of toilet paper. Team members begin to wrap this paper around their partners, and only the nose, mouth and eyes should be left open. The couple that manages to do it faster and better than everyone else will win.

"Volleyball with feet"

In this game, participants are divided into two teams. In the middle of the clearing, a rope is pulled at the level of a meter from the ground. The rules of the game are exactly the same as in volleyball, and the only difference is that the participants play while sitting on the ground, and a balloon is taken instead of the ball.

"Take away the cooked"

On the table you need to arrange glasses with an alcoholic drink that the participants like, and the glasses should be one less than the participants. The participants, at the command of the leader, go around the table, and at the next signal (clapping their hands, for example), they, ahead of their rivals, rush to the glasses and drink their contents. The participant who did not get a glass is eliminated. Then the extra glass is removed, the rest are filled with a drink, and the competition continues again until one most successful participant remains.

"Let's fill the glasses!"

Participants need to be divided into pairs - a boy-girl. The man is given a bottle with a drink (it is desirable that it be a drink that will then be easy to wash off), and the girl is given a glass. The man needs to hold the bottle with his feet, and the partner needs to hold the glass with his feet. Then the man needs to fill the glass without the help of his hands, and the girl needs to help him as much as possible in this. The winner will be the pair that will cope with the task most accurately and quickly without spilling a single drop by. In continuation of the competition, you need to drink a drink from glasses for speed.

"Tug of War"

Competitions for the company in nature can also be diversified with sports competitions. For this game, you will need a thick and long rope, in the center of which a mark will be placed. Then, on the ground at an equal distance from the mark, you need to draw lines on both sides. All participants must be divided into two groups, which, on a signal, begin to pull the rope, each from its own side, trying to pull it over. The winner will be the team that will drag the mark over its line.


You will need to prepare for such a game in advance, but the result will exceed all your expectations. You need to come up with several prizes and place them on the territory where the company will rest. To make it easier to find treasures, you need to hide notes with clues along the chain, and in completely unexpected places.

"Hot Cubes"

For this contest, you will need two sets of multi-colored cubes, as well as long branches according to the number of participants. First you will need to draw a large circle and arrange the cubes in it. All players are divided into two groups, the task of each of which will be to push all the opponent's cubes out of the circle, while preventing him from pushing his own. The team that can get rid of other people's cubes faster will win.

As you can see, competitions can be very diverse. It is important to simply think over the cultural program in advance so as not to come up with entertainment at the last moment. And then any fun will bring a lot of pleasure to all participants, making them look forward to the next opportunity to gather in the same place and with the same line-up. Enjoy your fun and outdoor recreation!

Decided to go to the cottage? Or just have a picnic with friends, somewhere near the city? Or maybe barbecues are planned for the weekend? To relax in nature to the fullest, bring along not only delicious food and a variety of drinks, but also some fun games for the company!

Ready for a little physical activity?

It is worth the company of adults, very cultured and probably drinking people to be in nature, as they immediately want to feel like children again! Including being active. The patented tool is a fun and, importantly, compact Twister game. Spin the disc, see what you get, and strictly follow the instructions. Need to put your right foot on the yellow circle? Bet. And the left one is green? A little dexterity and you will succeed. So what if you have to lie down on another player a little - this is the most fun moment of the game!

How about throwing balls?

Do you know the word "Petanque"? Then your hands are already itching to take the ball in your hands and deftly throw it: so as to be closer to the target or, conversely, to throw the opponent's ball away from it. Never played? Then take my word for it: Petanque requires accuracy, like bowling, strategic thinking, like billiards, and captivates both children and adults in earnest. Don't want to believe? Then try it: a set of 6 balloons takes up very little space in the trunk, purchase and take it with you on a picnic!

Take a hit, you won't lose!

In any of the games where you need to explain the words to your partner, you can easily and with pleasure play both at home and in nature. Moreover, it is even better in open space: you can make noise without being embarrassed by your neighbors. Take a closer look at "Activity", "Elias" and "Crocodile" and "Boom" - any of these games will easily become the highlight of the party.

The civilians fall asleep...

Another great game for outdoor recreation with a large company is Mafia. After all, eight, ten, and even twenty players can play it with equal success. The more, the more fun. In this psychological game, civilians communicate during the day and try to figure out the mafia, and sleep at night while awake thugs choose their victims ... In addition, there are many other interesting roles in the set: for example, a commissioner, a doctor, a maniac, a lawyer and a werewolf. Plastic cards can be safely taken with you anywhere - they are difficult to get wet and almost impossible to tear or wrinkle.

A cheerful company in nature will always need an alcoholic card game "Ruff". It is easy to throw a small box into a glove compartment or a women's bag, and if necessary, take it out and have fun playing. In fact, this deck of cards is a set of fun tasks that you need to complete and, if you fail to cope, drink. There is even a bit of eroticism in there: for example, cards like "undress" and "swap clothes with a neighbor."