Angelina Jolie, who was hospitalized, faces problems with her pancreas. Angelina Jolie was hospitalized in serious condition - media Attention - danger

    American film star Angelina Jolie, who, according to media reports, was hospitalized in early April with anorexia, appeared in public for the first time to take part in a meeting of the International Criminal Court. The actress looks incomparably better compared to the time of hospitalization. I would like to wish her courage and health.

    This woman is not without reason the favorite of millions, but not for her film career. She is worthy of respect for many reasons, one of them is that in addition to her own children - six-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox and 8-year-old Shiloh Nouvel, she is raising 4 more adopted children - 13-year-old Maddox (adopted in Cambodia), 11-year-old Pax (adopted in the south of Vietnam), 9-year-old Zachariah (in Ethiopia) and 2-year-old boy Moussa from a Turkish refugee camp.

    At the end of April, the actress’s weight is 35 kilograms, so Angelina Jolie’s condition is in a terrible state, all the photos on the Internet are a scam, most are trying to make money from it and lure them to their websites

    Thank God, there is nothing terrible that could be expected! There have been so many rumors regarding the health of the famous Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie! And she has allegedly already been diagnosed with cancer, and anorexia, and that she can no longer eat anything, and that she is holding on only thanks to the support and love of her husband and children, and so on.

    Of course, all these rumors and conversations were facilitated by several factors: the actress’s severe weight loss in the last few months (up to 35 kilograms!), heredity that was unsuccessful in terms of cancer, her own fears of getting cancer (that’s why some organs were removed at her request). And then the actress’s latest hospitalization added fuel to the fire of universal empathy. the conversations intensified.

    But everything turned out to be simpler - Angelina was hospitalized in April with a digestive disorder. It's all over now. She was safely discharged from the hospital. Judging by the meetings in which she has already taken part (with Ban Ki-moon, in particular), Angelina Jolie feels fine. True, she is very thin, downright emaciated(. I wish this beautiful and sympathetic woman good health!

    His condition was stable at the time of discharge. She has lost a lot of weight, but is healthy. Weight 35 or 37 kg.

    The doctors coped with their task, and, so to speak, brought the actress back to life.

    The reason for hospitalization, as we remember, was a problem related to digestion. Either it’s starvation, or it’s due to nervousness, or maybe both.

    Unfortunately, Angelina Jolie has been in the news with major problems for many years now. She managed to get rid of some addictions, but she is still struggling with others. This all looks strange, since people seem to be successful, and everything is fine in their family, as far as I know.

    Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie was hospitalized in critical condition. She lost so much weight that her weight was less than 40 kg. with her height 169 cm. Her husband Brad Pete began to threaten even his wife with divorce if she did not start eating and gaining weight. The assumption is that Angelina has anorexia due to nervousness. The actress herself does not want to comment on this matter. Now she looks and feels much better.

    Angelina Jolie has lost a lot of weight, her weight is only 35 kilograms. She is forced to hide her thinness under baggy clothes. This is confirmed by the latest photographs from photographers, as well as news reports (04/28/2016)

    From today's news it follows that Angelina Jolie had an eating disorder, and the actress is on the mend!

    Here you can read about her first public appearance after illness and dinner with a British politician:

    As was known from the latest news, the famous actress Angelina Jolie was hospitalized in critical condition. The actress does not comment on what exactly happened, but I think everyone noticed Angelina’s unhealthy appearance. The actress lost a lot of weight and already weighed 35 kg for her height. What caused this exhaustion also remains a mystery. Inquisitive fans say that she has anorexia, others are of the opinion that the celebrity has cancer.

    But just the other day the actress appeared in front of the public. Being a public figure, Jolie met with the UN Secretary General in The Hague. The actress looked much better. Perhaps things are getting better for her. The actress has already planned a speech on the problems of refugee migration in May. So we will see her again soon and hope for a speedy recovery for the star.

    Angelina Jolie left the hospital and does not look terminally ill. Her weight, of course, is very small, but still, judging by the photographs posted in the media, she calmly walks in high-heeled shoes, which would be hardly possible in case of dizziness.

    It is believed that the actress had digestive problems, and doctors were able to cope with her problems.

    If we remember the past years, we will be convinced that Angelina is a fighter, and this is not her first victory over the disease.

    In early April, the famous American actress Angelina Jolie was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of anorexia. After the actress was discharged from the hospital, you can tell from the photos of the actress that she looks better. I would like to wish Angelina health and gain weight.

    Angeklina Jolie has looked very thin in recent years, so much so that it seems as if only bones and skin are left of her. The reason for this became clear only recently - the actress has an eating disorder, which is why she began to eat so little and lost a lot of weight. Although journalists attributed many illnesses to her, including cancer, thank God, everything turned out to be not so scary in reality. In April, Angelina was hospitalized in the hospital, where she underwent treatment and is now recovering. We hope that the therapy will benefit her and she will soon regain her weight and charm her fans.

    Yes, indeed Angelina Jolie was hospitalized at the very beginning of April with a diagnosis called anorexia, that is, lack of weight. In fact, the actress had an eating disorder, which was treated by experienced doctors. At the moment, Angelina Jolie is absolutely healthy and is at home with her family. actress Jolie is an incredibly talented, sympathetic, intelligent and undoubtedly beautiful film actress. Many people admire and idolize her, which is why they follow her every step and are very worried about her when the press writes about Angelina Jolie’s possible illness. This is all normal.

    Angelina Jolie has once again found herself in the spotlight of the world press.

    Angie was hospitalized in early April with a diagnosis of anorexia. In critical condition, Angelina Jolie was taken to the hospital. Her weight was 35 kilograms and her height was 169 centimeters. The tabloids were full of reports that the star may have cancer, but this is not true.

    In fact, everything is not as bad as the Western tabloids made it out to be - the actress was diagnosed with an eating disorder. She underwent treatment, left the hospital and is feeling well. Fans of the star were looking forward to at least some news, and here is the joy!

    The day before, Angelina, who is a UN Goodwill Ambassador, flew to The Hague, where she met with the organization’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and took part in a meeting of the International Criminal Court, writes Just Jared.

    It must be said that lately journalists have been constantly attributing all sorts of illnesses and disorders to Angelina Jolie. Neither the star herself nor her relatives comment on these rumors.


Activists and experts of the ONF in Chuvashia conducted a raid on the territory near Cheboksary airport to check for the presence of unauthorized landfills. Obviously, the reason for increased attention to the environmental situation in this area was the “emergency” in Zhukovsky, where a huge passenger plane made an emergency landing on a corn field after a collision with a flock of birds. The moderator of the ONF thematic site in the Ecology region, Alexander Vorobyov, believes that they examined the territory for good reason: several landfills were discovered here, which can serve as a natural magnet for birds. This is how environmentalists delicately call various biological debris, including dead chickens. In addition, they had questions about ensuring the regime in this area - unidentified dump trucks should not be unloading hazardous waste near the airport fence.

Thursday - 08/22/19


A contract worth 79 million rubles for the restoration of the world-famous Swallow's Nest palace in Crimea was unexpectedly awarded to Design LLC from Cheboksary. The company has not previously worked on sites of such cultural value, and is not particularly well known in the capital of Chuvashia. Moreover, the words “restoration”, “Chuvashia” and “Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation” have been mentioned in the same sentence in recent years except in connection with the corruption case against Deputy Federal Minister Grigory Pirumov and the ex-owner of the scandalous SAVVA group of companies Nikita Kolesnikov for theft almost 500 million funds for the reconstruction of the Hermitage. However, the head of Design, Vitaly Krasnov, who was contacted by Pravda PFO, said that his company has the necessary experience in working on cultural heritage sites. Some facts in the history of the company, however, raise reasonable doubts among observers about the successful outcome of the restoration of the castle in Crimea.

Wednesday - 08/21/19


Today, August 21, a ceremony was held to honor the newly elected honorary citizens of Cheboksary Valery Lvov and Igor Roshchin, who were awarded this title on the eve of the official celebration of the 550th anniversary of the capital of Chuvashia. Also here, a large group of citizens who made a significant contribution to the development of the city were awarded commemorative medals and medals “For services to the city of Cheboksary.” All the celebrities who gathered in the Great Hall of the administration of the capital of Chuvashia simply cannot be counted. It was felt that the organizers tried to pay tribute to both the representatives of the older generation and the current generation. However, the event clearly went beyond the protocol. And in the speeches of the speakers, if desired, one could hear something more than was said out loud. The tone of the event did not fit in with the talk that drastic changes were about to take place at the mayor's office.


The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation proposed saving money on the construction of the Moscow-Kazan highway, which was supposed to appear in 2 stages before 2030. The adjustment of plans directly affects Tatarstan, Chuvashia and the Nizhny Novgorod region, since the Ministry of Economic Development wants to limit itself to the final point in Vladimir. This amendment will reduce almost 300 billion rubles. In the Vladimir region, it was previously proposed to make a “finish line” for a high-speed railway along the same route. But then the Russian government took a break to calculate another route for HSR-2: from Moscow to St. Petersburg. It turns out that the key subjects in the Volga Federal District, where local plans have already been drawn up for this development, may fall out of the two national projects in the field of transportation. The change of landmarks looks especially painful for Nizhny Novgorod, which is preparing to celebrate its 800th anniversary. Instead of the transport of the future, he can only count on the transport of the past - the restoration of the Kremlin funicular, which was built back in the 19th century.

The star was hospitalized due to emerging health problems, since the beauty’s weight now does not exceed 35 kilograms. This is despite the fact that the actress’s height is 169 cm. That is, the actress’s weight loss is close to a critical point after which irreversible processes in the body will begin.

All the tabloids in the world have been talking about the fact that Jolie has anorexia for the last six months. And when the latest photographs of her trip to Greece as part of a UN mission appeared in the press, where the actress met with Syrian refugees, fans said that she needed help no less than the people she came to. “Mrs. Smith” looks too haggard.

Her legs and arms have become perfect threads, and her artificial breasts look unnatural. Angelina’s once beautiful face also looks tired and haggard: the skin seems to have dried out and sagged. The black clothes of the Hollywood diva did not add optimism. We can safely say that at 40 years old, the artist looks the same age as her 52-year-old husband Brad Pitt!

Fans are sure that the causes of anorexia are strong emotions. After all, Angelina began to rapidly lose weight after her mother Marcheline died of cancer in 2007. A few years later, in 2013, Jolie had a double mastectomy, and in 2015 she had her ovaries removed so as not to get cancer herself. However, Jolie herself did not hide the fact that she was going through difficult times, and even the long-awaited wedding of Angelina and her long-time partner, actor Brad Pitt, did not add joy to her.

In addition, they said that the cause of the beauty’s stress was her husband’s betrayal. But no one provided any evidence of Pitt’s infidelity.

More than once, news has appeared in the media that... And the actress herself, having appeared at recent social events, only confirmed the words of journalists with her appearance. The actress really looks noticeably thinner and tired lately. And the other day the Western media reported another shocking news. According to publications, Angie was admitted to the hospital with a critically low weight - 35 kilograms! Moreover, her height is 169 cm, which is why irreversible processes began in the actress’s body.

Jolie's friends said that lately she has been eating very little and refusing fatty foods. Evil tongues even stated that Angelina eats only cereals and drinks water. This information has not been officially confirmed.

What is the reason for the celebrity’s sudden weight loss is still unknown. Some say it's all down to the mastectomy she had in 2013 and the removal of her ovaries in 2015.

Others argue that the whole point is the depression that Angelina fell into due to the constant infidelities of her husband Brad Pitt. And the National Enquirer even suggested that Jolie has cancer, and that is why she looks so tired and thin. A photo of an emaciated actress appeared on the cover of the magazine, and in the article the publication stated that the actress’s husband even threatened her with divorce if she did not fight for life.

It is worth noting that there is no evidence of Angelina Jolie’s illness, and the actress herself does not comment on her weight.