Flat offset printer. Atlas of professions Types of work performed

1.1 This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a flatbed printer.

1.2 A flatbed printer belongs to the category of technical performers.

1.3 A flat-panel printer is appointed to a position and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by current labor legislation by order of the director of the printing house on the recommendation of the production manager.

1.4 Relationships by position:


Direct subordination

production manager


Additional Subordination


Gives orders


The employee is replaced

person appointed by the director of the printing house


The employee replaces

  1. Qualification requirements for a flatbed printer:



secondary vocational



No work experience requirements



the principle of formation of printing and space elements in flat printing;

grades, formats and technical requirements for the paper and technical fabrics used, for printed prints;

passports of designs and technical specifications for decals;

publication formats;

types of paper used and range of paints;

technical requirements for offset rubber fabric, ink and dampening rollers, printing plates and materials used;

technological process of manufacturing flat printing forms;

the principle of reproducing halftone and multicolor originals in flat printing;

recipes for the solutions used;

paper acclimatization conditions;

shop conditions and their impact on the printing process;

elements of color science (the concept of color analysis and synthesis);

printing and color properties of paints and their interaction with paper and technical fabrics;

rules for mixing paints;

features of registration and printing of multicolor works;

technical requirements for phototype forms and numbering devices;

firing modes for ceramic products;

rules for changing paints during firing;

techniques for adjusting offset machines;

basic principles of the theory of automatic control of technological processes;

printing and color properties of metallized and luminescent inks;

requirements for safe handling of starting materials (raw materials, blanks, semi-finished products);

technical requirements for semi-finished and finished products;

characteristics of hazardous and harmful production factors;

instructions for maintaining a safe workplace;

main types of deviations from the normal technological regime and methods for their elimination;

actions aimed at preventing emergency situations;

requirements for the use of protective equipment;

methods and techniques for performing work safely;

operating rules and techniques for regulating technological equipment, devices and tools;

the procedure for notifying the manager of all deficiencies discovered during work;

procedure for action in the event of accidents and situations that may lead to undesirable consequences;

rules for providing first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injuries, poisoning and sudden illness;

internal labor regulations;

rules of labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;




Additional requirements

  1. Documents regulating the activities of a flatbed printer

3.1 External documents:

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed.

3.2 Internal documents:

Charter of the printing house, Orders and instructions of the director of the printing house (head of production); Regulations on the printing house, Job description of a flatbed printer, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of a flatbed printer

4.1. Flatbed printer before the start of the working day:

Undergoes periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure;

Instructions on labor protection are carried out in accordance with the established procedure;

Takes over the workplace;

Prepares the workplace and personal protective equipment;

Checks the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.;

Receives raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

4.2. During operation, the flatbed printer:

Complies with personal hygiene and industrial sanitation requirements;

Complies with the rules for using technological equipment, devices and tools, methods and techniques for performing work safely;

Troubleshoots serviced equipment;

Immediately notifies the immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work;

Provides first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injuries, poisoning in emergency situations and sudden illness;

4.3. During the working day, a flatbed printer:

Charges the feeder;

Performs work on adjustment and printing of all formats of work on offset machines of various types;

Makes up paints in accordance with the original;

Prepares and adjusts molds;

Prepares samples;

Places sheets of paper on the printing press's overlay board;

Prepares paper for printing;

Prepares the charger;

Prepares and loads paper rolls;

Installs rubber fabric;

Installs the deckle of the offset cylinder, moisturizes it;

Dries and installs the mold into the serviced machine;

Regulates pressure;

Receives a test print;

Produces the form (additional moistening and tanning);

Reads printed form;

Accepts impressions and products;

Checks the quality of products;

Unloads the receiving device;

Performs pressing and packaging of products;

4.4. Flatbed printer at the end of the working day:

Hands over unused raw materials, materials and semi-finished products;

Cleans the workplace;

Hands over production waste in the prescribed manner;

Rents out a workplace;

  1. Flatbed printer rights

A flatbed printer has the right:

5.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities.

5.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by management.

5.3. Demand that the management of the printing house provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

  1. Responsibilities of the Flatbed Printer

The flatbed printer is responsible for:

6.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Ukraine.

6.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Ukraine.

6.4. The flatbed printer bears financial responsibility for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

  1. Working conditions for a flatbed printer

The working hours of a flatbed printer are determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the printing house.

  1. Terms of payment

The terms of remuneration for a flatbed printer are determined in accordance with the Regulations on remuneration of personnel.

9 Final provisions

9.1 This Job Description is drawn up in two copies, one of which is kept by the printing house, the other by the employee.

9.2 Tasks, Responsibilities, Rights and Responsibilities can be clarified in accordance with changes in the Structure, Tasks and Functions of the structural unit and workplace.

9.3 Changes and additions to this Job Description are made by order of the director of the printing house.

Head of structural unit


(last name, initials)


Head of the legal department


(last name, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(last name, initials)


As you know, in ancient times the production of handwritten books required the work of numerous scribes. In the Middle Ages, they began to use a printing method in which woodcut boards were used - raised symbols and drawings were cut out on their surface. The board was covered with paint using special pads, then paper was placed on it and rolled out with leather rollers. But this was a very labor-intensive method, since for large books it was necessary to manually make a woodcut board.

The printing press was invented in 1453 by Johannes Gutenberg, and the first books that were printed by him were two Bibles, one of which consisted of 3 volumes and included 1762 pages.

The beginning of book printing in the Moscow state coincided with the era of Ivan the Terrible. On March 1, 1564, by order of Ivan Vasilyevich IV, the first Russian book “Apostle” was published, and Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets went down in history as the first Russian printers.

Since those times, the profession of a printer has not lost its demand.

While reading daily, weekly and monthly newspapers, have you ever wondered by whose hands they are created? Printer is a leading profession in the printing industry. The activity of a printer is work using knowledge about the technical requirements for printing forms, methods for adjusting papers and inks, and methods for adjusting the printing machine.

The printer loads rolls or sheets of paper into the machine, installs special plates onto which ink is applied; makes “adjustments” (so that all letters and signs are in their places), the accuracy of which can be thousandths of a millimeter; monitors the entire process and controls quality.

In addition, you need to fill the trays with the necessary ink in time and place the printing plate on the printing shaft. The number of such forms may vary, depending on how many paints are used. For printers working with color products, the process itself becomes more complicated, depending on the amount of ink used. There are four-, three-, two- and one-color machines.

The printer is the “conductor” of the process of making circulation prints. He is responsible for the operation of all blocks of the printing unit: the paper conveying system, the dampening apparatus, the inking apparatus and the printing apparatus, as well as for the quality of production prints.

The printer must subtly distinguish between colors and their shades, accurately assess the quality of the printed text and the spatial placement of the material on the prints; he needs stable and easily switchable attention (when setting up a machine and observing its operation), visual-figurative combinatorial thinking (when setting up a machine and searching for the causes of printing defects). The printer is engaged in the production of printed products: magazines, catalogs, booklets, business cards, leaflets, etc., post-printing processing: cutting, laminating, etc., as well as preparing the machine for printing, monitoring the printing process, servicing the printing machine: lubrication , cleaning, replacing old parts, troubleshooting, identifying defects, and timely delivery of orders.

A flatbed printer can work in printing enterprises, design studios, and advertising agencies.

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the List of industries, workshops, professions and positions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave and a shortened working day, approved. Resolution of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of October 25, 1974 N 298/P-22; Model standards for the free issuance of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees of cross-cutting professions and positions in all sectors of the economy engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, as well as in work performed in special temperature conditions or related to pollution, approved Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 1, 2008 N 541n; Model industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in the printing industry and book trade, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of December 16, 1997 N 63; Model industry standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers in the building materials industry, glass and porcelain and earthenware industries, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1997 N 66 and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A flatbed (offset) printer of the 5th category belongs to the category of workers and is directly subordinate to [manager position].

1.2. A person who has undergone special training is accepted for the position of flat-bed (offset) printer of the 5th category, without presenting any work experience requirements.

1.3. A flatbed (offset) printer of the 5th category is hired and dismissed from work by order of [position of the head of the organization].

1.4. A 5th grade flatbed (offset) printer must know:

— the principle of formation of printing and space elements in flat printing;

— grades, formats and technical requirements for the paper and technical fabrics used, for printed copies, including strict reporting products and folded notebooks;

— passports of designs and technical specifications for decals;

— publication formats;

— types of paper used and assortment of paints;

— technical requirements for offset rubber fabric, ink and dampening rollers, printing plates and materials used;

— technological process for manufacturing phototypic and electrographic forms of any complexity;

— technological process of manufacturing flat-panel printing forms using negative and positive copying methods;

— technological process for manufacturing bimetallic printing forms;

— the principle of reproducing halftone and multicolor originals in flat printing;

— recipes for the solutions used;

— paper acclimatization conditions;

— shop conditions and their impact on the printing process;

— techniques for regulating small-format offset presses;

— elements of color science (the concept of color analysis and synthesis);

— printing and color properties of paints and their interaction with paper and technical fabrics;

— rules for mixing paints;

— features of registration and printing of multicolor works;

— features of preparation and methods of regulation of single-color small-format offset presses;

— rules for adjustment and printing on newspaper roll units;

— densitometric control methods;

— rules for operating the equipment being serviced;

— rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

— rules for using personal protective equipment;

— requirements for the quality of work (services) performed;

— types of defects and ways to prevent and eliminate them;

— production alarm;

— requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

2. Job responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a 5th category flatbed (offset) printer include:

2.1. Performing work on adjustment and printing on single-color small-format (54x70 cm inclusive) offset presses of publications with line and raster illustrations, single and multicolor (preparing the machine and materials for printing, participation in adjusting the form, charging the feeder, lubricating the machine, receiving prints with quality control , unloading the receiving device); on preparing forms for printing.

2.2. Performing work on adjustment and printing: on single-color small-format offset presses of highly artistic works, products of especially strict control, containing guilloche and ornamental elements, acceptance of prints with quality control; on one- and two-color full-format (60x90 cm and above) offset presses for publications with illustrations - line drawings with large graphic details, raster up to 40 lines/cm; on single-color full-size presses for publications with illustrations - line drawings with fine graphic details, raster with lineatures above 40 lines/cm; on roll and sheet four-color offset presses of small format works containing line illustrations with large and small graphic details, raster with different lineatures.

2.3. Performing work on adjustment and printing on newspaper multi-roll units for newspapers and magazines.

2.4. Adjustment and printing on small-format offset machines: works containing illustrations (line drawings with large graphic details and raster with lineature up to 40 lines/cm, single-color and multi-color with separate arrangement of colorful elements or with the overlay of no more than two colors), background dies and fills.

2.5. Adjustment and printing on small-format offset machines: single-color works with line and raster illustrations with lineatures above 40 lines/cm, as well as multicolor works with line and raster illustrations. Adjustment and printing on one-, two-, four- and six-color full-format offset presses of works containing illustrations (line with large graphic details and raster with lineature up to 40 lines/cm - single-color and multi-color with separate arrangement of colorful elements or with overlapping of no more than two paints), background dies and fills.

2.6. Adjustment and printing on single-color offset machines of all formats of works containing illustrations (line-line with small graphic details and raster with lineature above 40 lines/cm - single-color and multicolor with overlay of more than two colors), complex duplexes, solid light background or partial but saturated .

2.7. Adjustment and printing on single-color small-format offset machines of works with a complex combination of colors and gradation transitions, with subtle graphic details of a guilloche and ornamental nature, continuous background works. Adjustment and printing on roll four-color offset presses of small format works containing line illustrations with large details and raster with lineature up to 40 lines/cm.

2.8. Carrying out, together with a higher-qualified flat-bed printer, adjustment and printing work: on two-color full-format offset presses - publications with line drawings with small graphic details, raster ones with lineatures above 40 lines/cm, as well as cartographic publications; on one- and two-color full-format offset machines, four-color small-format offset machines for multicolor and highly artistic works; on four- and six-color sheet-fed full-format offset presses, four- and more-color roll presses of medium and large formats - publications of varying complexity; on roll, sheet, four-color small format machines - highly artistic multi-color works; on two-, four- and six-color sheet-fed offset presses of Goznak products: works with complex gradation transitions, multi-color works with simultaneous printing with metallized inks, solid saturated background works, works with fine graphic details of a guilloche and ornamental nature, raster works with a raster lineature of up to 60 l/cm, as well as Goznak products with simultaneous printing of numbering with the number of devices up to forty-five on a printed sheet.

2.9. Carrying out, together with a more highly qualified printer, adjustment and printing work: on one- and two-color full-format machines, artistic reproduction work on technical fabrics; on four-color offset machines for special items with complex color combinations; on six-color full-format sheet and four- or more-color roll offset presses of medium and large formats of work of varying complexity; on newspaper rotary multi-roll units of newspapers and magazines on two-, four- and six-color sheet offset presses of Goznak products; highly artistic works with complex gradation transitions; works containing small graphic details over the entire area of ​​the printed sheet; raster works with a raster lineature higher than 61 lines/cm, as well as Goznak products with simultaneous printing of numbering with the number of devices over forty-five on a printed sheet.

2.10. Carrying out work to develop a phototype form of any complexity.

2.11. Supervision of work, maintenance of all types of offset machines.

2.12. Acceptance of prints and notebooks with quality control.

2.13. Unloading the receiving device.

2.14. Pressing and packaging of notebooks.

2.15. Preparation of paint in accordance with the original, preparation and adjustment of forms, making samples.

2.16. Laying sheets of paper on the printing machine's overlay board, preparing the paper for printing.

2.17. Preparing the charger, preparing and charging paper rolls.

2.18. Installation and adjustment of the mold, installation of rubber fabric.

2.19. Adjusting the inking and moistening apparatus, charging the feeder.

2.20. Troubleshooting of serviced equipment.

2.21. Preparing the charger, preparing and charging rolls on high-speed multi-roll units.

2.22. Installation of the offset cylinder deckle.

3. Types of work performed

3.1. A 5th category flatbed (offset) printer performs the following types of work:

3.1.1. Adjustment and printing on offset small-format machines of newspapers, decals, accompanying documents (parcels, waste paper signs, invoices, etc.), geographical, topographical and special maps with a picture size of up to 47x108 cm in 1-6 colors, stamps, covers, endpapers , posters, book and magazine products, sheet music (sheet music for percussion instruments, popular songs, etc.).

3.1.2. Adjustment and printing on sheet-fed offset full-format one-, two- and four-color machines of inserts, covers, endpapers, labels; geographic, topographical and special maps with a drawing size of up to 47x108 cm in 1-6 colors; posters; book and magazine products; pieces of music; protective nets, liners for strict accounting documents.

3.1.3. Adjustment and printing on sheet-fed offset small-format and full-format machines of decals, documents of strict accounting (certificates, letters), illustrations for unique publications, stamps, postcards, posters, visual aids, book and magazine products, works of music, protective grids on documents of strict accounting, labels.

3.1.4. Adjustment and printing on small-format four-color roll offset presses for book and magazine products and labels.

4. Rights

A 5th grade flat (offset) printer has the right to:

4.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

4.2. For additional vacation.

4.3. To receive special work clothes.

4.4. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

4.5. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions for consideration by management.

4.6. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings identified in the process of activity and make proposals for their elimination.

4.7. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, inventory, a workplace that complies with sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

4.8. Improve your professional qualifications.

4.9. To other rights provided for by labor legislation.

5. Responsibility

A 5th grade flat (offset) printer is responsible for:

5.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

Job description of a flatbed (offset) printer, 5th category

A printer produces printed products: magazines, booklets, leaflets, business cards, catalogs and other types. In addition, the specialist performs post-printing processing of products - cutting, laminating, packaging, etc.

In addition to this, the profession of a printer includes communication with equipment: its preparation for printing, maintenance (cleaning, lubrication, troubleshooting, replacement of parts), as well as monitoring the printing process.

Places of work

The position of printer is available in all organizations related to printing:

  • at printing enterprises;
  • in advertising agencies;
  • in design studios and other similar companies.

History of the profession

Even in ancient China, there were craftsmen who made movable words from baked clay. In the 15th century, several candidates appeared, creating movable letters and claiming the title of the first book printer, which eventually went to Johannes Gutenberg. In Russia, the first printed book was published by Ivan Fedorov in 1564.

Book printing began to be taught en masse at the end of the 19th century: in St. Petersburg - at the printing school of the Russian Technical Society (since 1884 - the first such educational institution of its kind in Europe) and at the school at the printing house of A. S. Suvorin, as well as in Leipzig, Paris and other cities. Around this time (the end of the 19th century) can be considered the birth of the printing profession.

Responsibilities of a Printer

The job responsibilities of a printer may vary from company to plant. So, these may include:

  • silk-screen and thermal transfer printing on various machines (risograph, digital equipment, large-format plotter);
  • setting up, starting and managing equipment, monitoring its technical condition;
  • mixing pantone colors;
  • quality control of printing and products;
  • pre-press and post-press processing;
  • production of photos and polymer prints.

Also, the functions of a printer may include accepting orders for quick printing, optimizing raw material costs, packaging printed copies, etc.

Requirements for a printer

The standard requirements for a printer look like this:

  • secondary special education;
  • experience in printing;
  • knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, CorelDRAW programs;
  • knowledge of printing materials;
  • knowledge of machines and printing technologies (preparation, process and control of finished products).

Printer resume sample

How to become a printer

To become a printer, you need to get an education in the field of printing or printing. You can, of course, do without it (for example, get hired as a printer’s assistant) and study the basic properties of paints, methods of color correction, types of paper, machines and other necessary materials and equipment. In the second case, you cannot initially count on a decent salary, and later problems with employment may arise, because Diplomas are still valued and are important in employment.

Printer's salary

Depending on the work experience and qualifications of the employee, the salary of a printer can vary significantly, ranging from 10 to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, it depends on the enterprise and the region and on the complexity and scope of responsibilities. The average salary of a printer is about 35 thousand rubles per month.

Carrying out, together with a more highly qualified printer, work on adjustment and printing on two-, four- and six-color sheet-fed offset presses of especially complex brands with facsimile image accuracy, Goznak products containing more than three colors with simultaneous printing of numbering and products using luminescent inks. Adjustment and printing on small-format four-color roll machines of works containing illustrations (linework with small graphic details and raster with lineature above 40 lines/cm), as well as highly artistic works. Adjustment and printing on roll four or more ink machines of medium and large formats of works of varying complexity. Adjustment and printing of products on newspaper roll units. Printing from phototype forms of any complexity on offset machines of various types. Hydration. Drying and installing the mold into the machine being serviced.

Flatbed printer

What is offset printing? To make it clearer to you, we will show you step by step what a printer must do to print a run of printed products: 1. Receive from the shift foreman the task and technical data for the next order: name, number of colors, circulation, dimensions products, placement of individual elements on the print, etc. 2. If the next edition is printed with different inks from the previous one, then you need to wash off the ink from the rollers, clean the trough, and apply new ink.
If necessary, add additives to the paint and moisturizing solution. The cylinders (printing and offset) should also be washed. offset printer (photo) 3. In the pre-press workshop you need to take printing offset forms for printing your edition.
The worker pins the resulting forms (if necessary) and installs them in the machine. 4.

What kind of specialty is an offset printer?

It is necessary to know and be able to: the technological process of manufacturing bimetallic printing forms; elements of color science (the concept of color analysis and synthesis); printing and color properties of paints and their interaction with paper and technical fabrics; rules for mixing paints; features of registration and printing of multicolor works; features of preparation and methods of regulation of single-color small-format offset presses; rules for adjustment and printing on newspaper roll units; densitometric control methods. Responsibilities Adjustment and printing of multi-color, highly artistic works on small-format offset machines.

403 forbidden

Legislative and regulatory acts relating to the work performed. 3.2 Internal documents: Charter of the printing house, Orders and instructions of the director of the printing house (head of production); Regulations on the printing house, Job description of a flatbed printer, Internal labor regulations.

  1. Job responsibilities of a flatbed printer

4.1. Before the start of the working day, a flatbed printer: - undergoes periodic medical examinations in accordance with the established procedure; - undergoes instructions on labor protection in accordance with the established procedure; - takes over the workplace; - prepares the workplace and personal protective equipment; - checks the serviceability of equipment, devices and tools, fences, alarms, blocking and other devices, protective grounding, ventilation, local lighting, etc.; - receives raw materials, materials and semi-finished products; 4.2.

Job description of a flatbed (offset) printer, 5th category

Carrying out, together with a more highly qualified printer, adjustment and printing work: on one- and two-color full-format machines, artistic reproduction work on technical fabrics; on four-color offset machines for special items with complex color combinations; on six-color full-format sheet and four- or more-color roll offset presses of medium and large formats of work of varying complexity; on newspaper rotary multi-roll units of newspapers and magazines on two-, four- and six-color sheet offset presses of Goznak products; highly artistic works with complex gradation transitions; works containing small graphic details over the entire area of ​​the printed sheet; raster works with a raster lineature higher than 61 lines/cm, as well as Goznak products with simultaneous printing of numbering with the number of devices over forty-five on a printed sheet. 2.10.
Pressure regulation. Receiving a test print. Form development (additional moistening and tanning). Paint composition in accordance with the original. Preparing the paper. Must know: technical requirements for phototype forms and numbering devices; firing modes for ceramic products; rules for changing paints during firing; techniques for regulating role-playing, as well as one-, two- and four-color full-format offset presses; design and operating principle of mechanisms of small format offset presses.
Examples of work Adjustment and printing on sheet-fed offset two- and four-color machines 1. Postcards. 2. Posters. 3. Visual aids. 4. Book and magazine products. 5. Labels. Adjustment and printing on all types of offset machines 1.
Decal. 2. Documents of strict accounting (letters of credit, certificates, checks). 3. Highly artistic publications. 4.

Profession flat printer

Music works (notes for percussion instruments, mass songs, etc.). It is necessary to know and be able to: the technological process of manufacturing flat-panel printing forms using negative and positive copying methods; the principle of reproducing halftone and multicolor originals in flat printing; recipes for the solutions used; paper acclimatization conditions; shop conditions and their impact on the printing process; techniques for regulating small-format offset presses. Responsibilities Adjustment and printing on small-format offset machines: single-color works with line and raster illustrations with a lineature above 40 lines/cm, as well as multicolor works with line and raster illustrations.

What does a flatbed printer do?

The flatbed printer at the end of the working day: - hands over unused raw materials, materials and semi-finished products; - cleans the workplace; - delivers production waste in the prescribed manner; - rents out a workplace;

  1. Flatbed printer rights

The flatbed printer has the right: 5.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities. 5.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description for consideration by management.

5.3. Demand that the management of the printing house provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.
  1. Responsibilities of the Flatbed Printer

The flatbed printer is responsible for: 6.1.

What is a flatbed printer

Adjustment and printing on two-, four- and six-color full-format offset presses of works containing illustrations (print with small graphic details and raster with a lineature above 40 lines/cm - single-color and multi-color with an overlay of more than two colors), complex duplexes, solid light background or partial, but saturated. Adjustment and printing on offset sheet-fed machines of all types of highly artistic multi-color works with a large number of colors, complex combinations of colors and gradation transitions; continuous background works with reverse printing of text; works with subtle graphic details of a guilloche and ornamental nature.
Adjustment and printing on one-, two-, four- and six-color full-format offset presses of works containing illustrations (line with large graphic details and raster with lineature up to 40 lines/cm - single-color and multi-color with separate arrangement of colorful elements or with non-overlapping more than two colors), background dies and fills. Installation of the offset cylinder deckle. Adjustment and printing on single-color offset machines of all formats of works containing illustrations (line-line with small graphic details and raster with lineature above 40 lines/cm - single-color and multi-color with overlay of more than two colors), complex duplexes, continuous light background or partial, but saturated.