Irish dance title. Irish dances

In Ireland, there is a belief that the hills are a gateway to another world. A world inhabited by fairies (fairies). Often people and hill dwellers meet. And always such meetings promise something unusual. Often, following the charm of the fairies, people go after them to a magical land, and return after many, many years, being already very old people. Those who did not succumb to temptations, or earned the gratitude of the faeries, acquired all sorts of interesting abilities and, certainly, a reliable assistant. But none of the fairies who saw them remained the same.

March 4, 2018


With regard to dance, we can say that no one who has seen Irish dance remains the same. And the Irish dance itself is often called “the dance of the wondrous people”. Light, unearthly jumps, gliding steps, rapid throws and leg sweeps, combined with a calm body, make a mesmerizing impression. Not the usual combination of pride and mischief, dignity and temperament!

The history of the Irish national dance reflects the events that took place in Ireland itself, from the 20th century BC to the 20th century of ours - the migration of peoples and the invasion of conquerors, the change of religions ... Each culture with which the Irish came into contact contributed to their dance tradition. Although today there are only vague ideas about the most ancient stage in the development of Irish dances, it is known that the druids were the first to perform them. Initially, the dance had a ritual meaning: they were performed, offering praises to the sacred trees and the sun. Coming from the mainland to Ireland, the Celts brought with them religious dances, some elements of which have survived to our time.

The oldest view irish dance, which has survived to this day, is called Sean-Nos. It traces its origins to the Celts who lived in the British Isles from 2000 BC. and 200 AD Ancient chronicles indicate that this dance is of Irish origin, although sailors from distant lands, North Africa and Spain, who visited local ports, for example, in Limerick, brought their national characteristics to it. Sean-Nos competitions are still held today. This dance is most popular in Western Ireland.

In about 400 years, after the conversion of local residents to Christianity, Catholic priests continued to widely use elements of national culture in their divine services. The Holy Scripture was decorated with Celtic archaic ornaments; Celtic rituals and dances accompanied Christian holidays. In the 12th century, on the wave of the Anglo-Norman conquest, the traditions of the Normans, their customs and culture, including the most popular dance of the time, Carol, came to Ireland. The leader of the party in Carol stands in the center of the circle and sings a song, which is picked up by the dancers around him. Carol's style has greatly influenced the development of Irish dance.

By the 16th century, the chronicles already mentioned three main types of Irish dances: Irish Hey, Rinnce Fada and Trenchmore. One of oldest descriptions national dance is contained in a letter from Sir Henry Sydney to Queen Elizabeth I, who was "quite impressed by the Irish melodies as well as the dancing." Sydney described his observations of people dancing in the clearing, noting that the participants dance in two lines. This suggests that the English knight saw an early version of the Rinnce Fada dance.

By the middle of the 16th century, folk dances migrated to the state rooms of palaces and castles. Some of them, adapted in the English manner, gained popularity at the court of Her Majesty. Among them was the Trenchmore, a variation of the old peasant dance. Irish Hey gained popularity around the same time.

Due to the oppression and persecution of Irish culture, which began in the 18th century, national dances for a long time were performed only under the cover of strict secrecy. The proverb of that time says: "The dancer dances until he returns to the village." Moreover, folk dances were strongly condemned by the Christian church. The priests called them "insane" and "bad luck." Some historians believe that the characteristic stationary position of the hands on the belt appeared in Irish dance after the church declared the movements of the hands obscene.

In the 18th century, “dance teachers” appeared in Ireland, with whom the era of revival of dance traditions was associated. It is not known where this movement first originated, but it played a decisive role in the preservation and development of ancient customs. Teachers wandered through the villages teaching local peasants to dance. The dance teachers were dressed in bright national costumes. Often they arranged competitions with each other, which usually ended only when one of them fell exhausted. Many dance teachers also taught musical instruments, fencing or good manners.

Varieties of Irish dance:

Solo Dances

Solo dances were developed by masters of dance in the last quarter of the eighteenth century and have continued to develop in both physical and artistic aspects since then. Today they express the greatest freedom of expression, excellent mood, a true combination of splendor, lightness and strength of movement, achieved through years of hard work. Contemporary Irish solo dances include jig, hornpipe, reel and set dances.

Jig (The Jig)

As a solo dance, jig can be performed in various forms: The Slip Jig or The Hop Jig is currently danced exclusively by women, but until about 1950 there were competitions for this dance among men and pairs. The slip jig, danced at 9/8, is the most graceful and graceful dance performed in soft shoes and is highlighted in the “Riverdance” show. The Single Jig is currently performed as a light dance (no beat or sound) at 6/8 and on rare occasions at 12/8. Double Jig (The Double Jig) can be danced as light dance (in soft shoes), and in hard shoes with tapping rhythm. If she dances in stiff shoes, then sometimes she refers to The Treble Jig, or The Heavy Jig, or The Double Jig, which are danced at 6/8. The Heavy Jig is the only one that is danced exclusively with stiff shoes, so the dancer can emphasize the dance especially with sound and rhythm.

The Hornpipe

In Ireland it is danced quite differently and has been performed to 2/4 or 4/4 music since the mid-eighteenth century. It is danced in stiff shoes and today it is one of the most popular Irish dances in the world.

Reel (The Reel)

Most reel steps are performed with double reel, while single reel melodies are used more for simple steps used by beginner dancers. They are performed to 4/4 music and danced in soft shoes. The treble reel is danced in stiff shoes. While it has become quite popular around the world with viewers who have seen Riverdance and other Irish dance shows, it is rarely (if ever) performed in competitions. This dance, with its fast rhythmic beats and spectacular movements, delighted millions of viewers around the world when it was first performed as a “Riverdance” number at the Eurovision Song Contest. We can say that in a few minutes this performance turned everything in Irish dancing upside down and provided them with public recognition and respect more than in the previous seventy years. The treble reel style gained popularity thanks to the efforts of The National Folk Theater (Siamas Tire) under the artistic direction of the Rev. Pat Ahern and teacher Patrica Hanafin of Tralee.

Solo Set Dances

Set solo dances are performed in stiff shoes to special set music or snippets of dance tunes and many of them date back to the mid-nineteenth century. Set music differs from a regular jig or hornpipe in that the latter strictly correspond to the structure of 8 counts (8-bar). Set melodies usually consist of two parts, which are divided by dancers into “the step” (the first part) and “the set” (the second part), while both the step and the set may not correspond to the 8-bar structure. In a set dance, the performer dances to strictly defined music, so that the movements and rhythm of the dance exactly match the accompanying melody. Below are some of the solo set dances: 2/4 - The Blackbird, Downfall of Paris, King of The Fairies, The Lodge Road, Rodneys Glory. On 6/8 - The Blackthorn Stick, The Drunken Gauger, The Three Sea Captains, The Orange Rogue, Planxty Drury, Rub The Bag, St Patrick's Day. 4/4 - The Garden of Daises, The Hunt, Kilkenny Races, Madame Bonaparte, The Job of Journeywork, Youghal Harbor.

Kayleigh (Ceilis - Irish Group Dances)

Kayleigh dances are group dances that are performed both in competitions and at ceilis (a type of social dances, dance parties). Kayleigh presents a selection of dances with various constructions - round dances, long line dances and long column dances. Thirty of them are described in the first, second and third parts of the collection of the Irish Dance Commission "An Rince Foirne", and knowledge of these thirty dances is a prerequisite for becoming a teacher of Irish dance. They are danced in the same way throughout the world's “Irish” dance community with minor local variations. The dances performed during the ceilis and competition may differ slightly, the square in the Fairy Reel is a good example. The most common dances in competitions are 4-hand and 8-hand jigs and reels.

Social Group Set Dances

These dances, known as sets or half-sets, in their variety originate from square dance, dances in which couples face each other in a square. Quadrilles were very popular in Napoleonic Paris. Wellington's victorious armies became acquainted with them and then introduced them into use in England and Ireland. The dance masters adapted these dances to the traditional steps that already existed and accelerated the pace to the familiar reels and jigs. Differences existed in the number of figures, the number of which ranged from three to six, while initially there were five. In the original square dance, the presence of five figures was dictated by the music at 6/8 and 2/4.

Group set dances were virtually eradicated in the first seventy years of the twentieth century, as they were considered foreign by the Gaelic League. AT last years Set dances such as Kerry and Clare sets have returned to the Irish dance scene and have become quite popular among middle-aged people.

Since these dances are not typically Irish, a similar dance style and detailed steps can be found in many European countries, especially Russia. Today, group set dances are often danced at a very high speed and in a wild manner that bears no resemblance to the original sets, which are characterized by strict discipline and good manners determined by their character (sets).

Today Irish dance has taken over the world. Dance schools attract many students, not only in Ireland itself, but also in many other countries. Irish dancing became popular everywhere. Four major events are regularly held - the American National, the All-Ireland Championship, the UK Championship and the World Championship. Traditionally, the World Championship is held in Ireland, and thousands of dancers come to it, for whom a decent result at the championship can be the beginning of a stellar career. For example, in 1998, the World Championships, held in Ennis (Ennis), brought together three thousand participants and another seven thousand coaches, teachers and fans.

Ireland is famous for its incomparably rich dance culture. The worldwide interest in Irish dance for the last 10-20 years has been driven by the emergence of spectacular Irish shows.

"Riverdance" and "Lord of the Dance" are widely known in Russia. How do you explain the appeal of Irish dance?

History of Irish dance

Perhaps the history of traditional Irish dance should be counted from the time of the emergence of the Celtic peoples - Gauls), who founded their own state in the 5th century BC. These peoples were spread throughout Western Europe, and by the third century AD the Gauls had reached Ireland.

The oldest known species associated with Irish dance is the Sean-Nos of the Celts, who have lived in the British Isles since 2000 BC. In the twelfth century, under the influence of the culture of the Norman conquerors in Ireland, a round dance began to dance around a person singing a song. In the 16th century, dances began to be performed in palaces.

And two centuries later in Ireland appeared itinerant dance teachers - the founders of two popular types today: group and solo. In the fifth century, Saint Patrick declared the lands of Ireland Christian. Due to the oppression of the culture of Ireland, which began in the 18th century, national dances for a long time were performed only under the cover of strict secrecy. Folk dances were strongly condemned by the Christian church as "insane" and "unfortunate." Some historians even believe that the characteristic fixed position of the hands on the belt appeared in Irish dance just after the church declared hand movements in Irish dances obscene.

As England conquered the adjacent lands, the neighboring peoples were subjected to severe pressure: it is known that in order to destroy a nation, it is first necessary destroy her culturesat. During the course of English colonization, persecution of all manifestations of Irish culture intensified. The punitive laws that were introduced by the British in the mid-17th century forbade the Irish from teaching anything, including music and dance.

Therefore, for more than a century and a half irish dance learned secretly... The dance culture existed in the form of secret activities carried out in the villages by roving dance teachers and in the form of large village parties at which people danced in groups, often led by the same masters. The emergence of the masters of dance - itinerant teachers - in the early 18th century marked the beginning of the modern dance school. It was considered a great honor to host a dance teacher. The dance master was usually hired for a month.

In the early 19th century, Irish villages and small towns also became popular. competition... A large pie was placed in the center of the dance floor and served as a prize for the best dancer. The style of solo dancing is called Sean-nos. Solo dances were performed by masters. In mass group dances, French quadrille and cotillion were rethought in the Irish way.

Modern period in Irish dancebegins in the late 19th century with the creation of the Gaelic League. She has set herself the goal of preserving and developing the Irish language and culture, music and dance. Their painstaking work often boiled down not only to preserving and enriching the existing traditions, but also to artificially uniting them within the framework of a new, often controversial, but common set of rules. However, this sporty approach was very convenient for enhancing the entertainment and for holding competitions.

In 1929 was founded Irish Dance Commissionto establish uniform rules for performing dances, holding competitions and judging. As a result, the dance technique has changed significantly. Dance schools were able to use large halls and a wide stage. The dancers have ceased to be limited in space and movement, and this has enriched Irish dances with many new steps and jumps, including passes throughout the stage. The rule was finally fixed to keep your hands strictly along the body. But some other provisions still exist. Since the 20s-30s. thanks to the Gaelic League, women are much more likely to compete and teach in dance schools. A well-defined sequence of steps performed became the basis for group set dances and derived from them during the creation of the Gaelic league of caley dances, which developed from elements of step dances and French square dance.

Varieties of Irish dances

The three main types of Irish dance: solo, kayleigh and set... Solo dance mainly acts as a show prepared by masters, or as a competitive form. It requires professionalism and many years of experience. Kayleigh, merit of the Gaelic League, is a group of Irish folklore dances - long line dances and circle dances and artificial dances. Keili is characterized by jumping and tightly pressed hands to the body - "hands at the seams".

Set dances appeared a little after the Irish soldiers returning from Napoleon's wars brought with them a square dance - four pairs opposite each other, forming a square. A square dance with an increased tempo and proper Irish movements became known as a set. Sets consist of figures - movements performed in a specific sequence. The number of figures can be different - from two to six, and each with its own size - jig (6/8), reel (4/4) or hornpipe (4/4). There are no jumps typical for step dances in the set, but because of the many types of steps, the dance looks very diverse.

Originally Irish dances were performed only by men... When appeared step, women were not entrusted with him either. Now everything is confused. But, nevertheless, the most spectacular at the championships are the competitions of young dancers aged twenty years and older - it is for their performances that full halls are recruited. Despite the adherence of the dancers to the traditions of the Irish dance art, in recent years the ballet finger technique has gained popularity: they walk in stiff shoes, standing on their socks, which is contraindicated for children under twelve years old.

Irish dancing tonight continue to conquer the world... Dance schools, whose program includes national Irish dances, attract many students not only in Ireland itself, but also in many other countries. Four major competitions are regularly held in the world - the National Championship of America, the All-Ireland Championship, the Great Britain Championship and the World Championship. Traditionally, the World Championship is held in Ireland, and thousands of dancers come to it, for whom a decent result at the championship can be the beginning of a stellar career. For example, in 1998, the World Championships, held in Ennis (Ennis), brought together three thousand participants and another seven thousand coaches, teachers and fans. It is interesting that a dancer of any level can take part in the championship, be it a beginner amateur or a high-class professional.

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Irish dance is an art movement that originated in Ireland. It is very popular in the UK.

Irish dances are common. Public as well as social.

Also, Irish dances are concert. We are talking about those of their subspecies, which are put on performances in theaters. And also about those dances that are used in competitions.

From everyday Irish dances, two directions can be distinguished. Seth and Kaylee.

Irish dances can be both solo and group.

The history of the emergence of Irish dances

Irish dances were first created in ancient times. They were invented by the tribes who migrated to Ireland. And also other peoples who tried to conquer this country with a military invasion.

The tribes that migrated to Ireland made a huge contribution to the formation of national dances. They added elements of their musical culture to them. Modified them in every possible way. They also performed Irish dances to their own national music.

Historians report that such dances were very popular with the Druids. They performed them in a circle. Holding hands.

Druids performed Irish dances in order to conduct religious rites. Communicate with your gods. And seek an answer from them.

With the help of Irish dances, the Druids prayed to the sun god and also to the Oak.

The Celts contributed immensely to the formation of Irish dance

A little later, the Celts invaded Ireland. They made a huge contribution to the formation of the national dance of this country. Modified it. And they also added elements of their musical culture to the dance.

Christianity was later adopted in Ireland. Monks began to decorate books and manuscripts with symbols that were used by the Celts. However, the peasants tried not to deviate from Irish traditions. And while performing Celtic dances, they used the popular music of the country. They also repeated movements from standard Irish dances.

The influence of the Anglo-Normans on the culture of Irish dance

Later, the Anglo-Normans attacked Ireland. They conquered part of its territory and brought with them the culture of national dances.

A music called Carol appeared in Ireland. She enjoyed immense popularity among the Normans. And they decided to bring Carol to Ireland's dance culture. To develop it.

Carol was performed as follows. One person sang songs in this style. And around him were people performing Irish dances. And they sang along to the soloist.

What Irish dances existed in the 16th century?

According to historians, there were only 3 dances in Ireland in the 16th century:

There was a jig in Ireland

Historians claim that they found another dance that existed in the 16th century. They found a letter in which Sir Henry Siday of Ireland addressed Elizabeth the First. It was posted in 1569.

In a letter, Sir Siday stated that in Ireland, girls dance "the Irish jig". The dance, he said, was very beautiful and unusual. And the girls themselves dressed in bright, unique outfits.

In the 1650s, Irish dances were often performed in front of rulers

In the middle of the 16th century, national dances were very popular among the nobility of Ireland. The sovereigns regularly invited performers to the huge castles. So they can dance beautiful Irish dances for them.

Subsequently, some peoples decided to borrow their national dances from the Irish. For example, they were taken and remade by the inhabitants of England. This is how the English versions of the "Trenchmore" and "Hey" dances appeared. They were subsequently performed before Elizabeth the First.

Irish dances were performed in the 18th century

According to historians, royalists on the shores of Ireland were also met with national dances. They were performed by girls.

In 1780, King George III sailed to Ireland. The state authorities sent six girls to his ship.

When the king arrived ashore, the Irish ladies greeted him with handkerchiefs in their hands. During this, a melody began to play. The ladies started dancing.

At the beginning of the dance, the girls moved slowly. But then they started to gradually pick up the pace. We danced faster. The Irish dance turned out to be very energetic and beautiful. It was performed without going beyond a small area.

What music were Irish dances performed to?

In ancient times, musicians were invited to perform Irish dances. They played bagpipe tunes. Also, the harp was often used during performances.

The highest ranks of Ireland were not afraid to dance Celtic dances with their subjects. They danced with pleasure together with ordinary people.

What events have Irish dances performed at?

Irish dances were very popular among the population of the country. They were performed with or without reason. Both at important, tragic events, and on ordinary days.

Irish dances were often performed early in the morning. The master got up with his subjects and began to dance.

Also, Irish dances were performed during tragic events. For example, at the funeral of loved ones. Or relatives.

During these events, people danced Irish dances to the sad "singing" of the harp. Or bagpipes.

Irish dances began to be taught in the 18th century

Irish dances began to be taught in the 18th century. It was then that professional teachers appeared in the country. They explained the principle of performing Irish dances to both adults and children. The teachers managed to teach this art to everyone. Regardless of the skills and abilities of people.

It is noteworthy that the dance teachers never sat in one place. They regularly moved to villages and towns.

At first, the inhabitants of one village were taught to dance. Then they moved on to another. And people were already taught to dance there.

The Irish dance teachers looked unusual. They were dressed in bright clothes. And due to this, they were different from those around them. Standing out from the crowd.

Every Irish dance teacher had an assistant. He helped the teacher explain to people how to dance. Thanks to this, the process of teaching one village took little time.

Irish dances in modern times

Nowadays Irish dances are also popular. Moreover, not only in Great Britain, but also in other countries.

Nowadays in Ireland national dances are very well developed. There are special organizations in the country that teach young people this direction of art. They even reward teens for learning Irish dances. Developing in this direction.

Celtic dances are most popular among the adult and child population of Ireland. They take part in competitions, which are referred to as fesh.

The winners of Irish dance competitions receive good, expensive prizes. And high fees.

The incentives given to dancers allow Irish dancing to develop.

About modern Irish dance competitions

AT modern world There are several types of Irish dance competitions.

Children can perform in solo performances. Show your Irish dance skills on your own.

Also, athletes can take part in group tournaments. Within them, groups are formed from children. Toddlers must perform complex movements. And also interact with each other.

As part of group performances, children are assigned to different age groups.

The smallest of them is the one in which children from 6 years old participate. The oldest is the one in which children 17 years old take part.

Participants for international Irish dance tournaments are selected responsibly

Irish dance championships are regularly organized in Ireland. However, not everyone can take part in them.

To qualify for a national tournament, an athlete must win the qualifying round. Only then can he be sent to international competitions.

A tough selection is made to ensure that the most skillful inhabitants of provinces and cities compete for the title of the best Irish dancer. And to make the tournament really beautiful and unusual.

The Irish Dance World Championship is held every year. For Easter. The event itself takes place in Dublin.

It is noteworthy that not only residents of Great Britain participate in the World Irish Dance Championship. Athletes from the United States, New Zealand, Australia and several other countries come to it. This suggests that Irish dance is hugely popular in the 21st century.

Irish dances are some of the most expressive and beautiful dances in the world. This outwardly emotional dance fascinates the audience with its colorfulness. In order to understand the nature of dance, its primal energy, passion, and charisma. It is necessary to make a small excursion into the history of the ancient world, it was there that Irish folk dances got their start.

History of Gaulish settlers

The founders, or rather the first inhabitants of the territories on which the Irish state was subsequently formed, were the Gauls, who sailed here on their ships. If we take the areola of settlement of the Gallic tribes, then it is truly huge. There is historical evidence that the Gauls lived in Siberia and served in the Egyptian pharaohs, were known to the Persians, and fought against the Greeks.

Therefore, it is not strange that the wild tribes of the Gauls became the first colonizers of the future Ireland. However, such militant-minded neighbors did not give rest to the empires, due to the predominance of the military element in the culture, as the highest goal of a man's life. Due to the fragmentation of the tribes, and the fact that the Gauls were not able to create a single conglomerate of tribes, they were almost all destroyed by larger empires or states. As the Gauls began an indiscriminate hunt, these tribes had to hide in deep forests, and from there make their raids.

How did Irish dances form?

The era of this difficult period in the history of the Gauls left its mark on the formation of Irish culture, which became the direct heir to the Gaulish customs. Therefore, it is not strange that the original dance of the Irish is more like a kind of ritual for preparing warriors for battle than fun.

The warriors prepared for battle with the help of dance, trying to drown out the fear of possible death in themselves. Therefore, this kind of energy, setting up and raising a hurricane of emotions in a person, accompanies Irish dances. After Christianity came to Ireland, the clergy could not note that the culture of the Irish is much more warlike than that of other tribes that make up the English kingdom. Therefore, the ban on dancing by the Church is logical, since the Catholic Church saw in them the spirit of paganism, which it constantly fought against.

All these factors combine to make Irish folk dances unique. The immobility of the dancer's upper body pushes the viewer to concentrate all his attention exclusively on the dancers' feet. Oddly enough, and unusually, the dancer expresses all his feelings and emotions through the movement of his legs. This spectacle amazes anyone who witnesses this "mystery". The dance fascinates the viewer with its rhythm and dynamics. Due to the fact that all the attention is paid to the movement of the feet, special shoes are used in the dance, which are equipped with special heels to make the sounds that accompany the dance even more expressive. This dance takes the viewer to an era when Roman legionnaires triumphantly marched along the roads, and the Gauls had to hide in the forests.

National costume for Irish dances

In this respect, the Irish are not particularly conservative, and this is justified, for the reason that archaism is not appropriate here, the dance should be lively, energetic, beautiful, and not dull and boring.

There are a huge number of costumes on the market that are used in dancing.

Irish dance costumes are quite specific, girls' skirts are always short and wide, painted with ethnic British patterns.

Also, Irish dance requires specific shoes, girls use hard or soft, and the former are more popular because of the value for money.

Men's dance wear consists of tight trousers, a vest, and a shirt with wide sleeves. Of course, there must be an element of green in clothing, which is the national color of Ireland.

In Irish dance, you attach great importance to the feet of the dancer, for the reason that in the national dance of this country, hand movements are completely absent.

Of course, everything you need can be purchased at any store, but only authentic Irish items can create a sense of presence in Ireland. However, only authentic Irish dancewear can make the dance unique. Therefore, you should not buy an untested product of dubious quality. Do not deprive yourself of a holiday and good mood, order real Irish clothes right now. And let the purchased goods bring not only a festive mood, but also forgettable impressions and experiences that will be remembered as the best moments of life.

Ar Rinci Foirne ("group dances") is a book describing keili dancing. It was released for the first time in the form of 10 described schemes in 1939. By 1943, a second book with ten more diagrams was published, and in 1960 the last part was published. Further, the parts were combined, and they still exist in the form of one book with 30 described Keili schemes.

Adisiarji (A.D.C.R.G. - Ard Diploma Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha) - Irish Dance Judge Certificate.

Beginners (Beginners level) - the initial basic level of proficiency in the Irish dance technique.

Grades (Grade Exams) - exam for dancers, including theoretical and practical questions on Irish solo dances and group dances. According to WIDA version, it consists of 11 parts. After passing all the parts, the dancer receives two teacher certificates - T.C.R.G. and T.M.R.F.

Drama (Drama Dance) - competition of show numbers / mini performances, small stage small number in Irish dance competition

Drilling (drill, drilling) - a type of training, which consists in multiple repetition of an element, a bunch of elements or steps entirely in order to improve the performance technique.

Intermediate (Intermediate level) - the third level of development of the Irish dancer. Preparatory stage for the more difficult Open level.

Lead a round - the first step of any dance. Traditionally it can be performed in a circle, but more often the direction is very different.

Oireachtas or Open Championship is a major championship. There are qualifying ones with the name Nationals, of which there can be several and taking place in different regions; major final results, such as the European Championship and the World Championship, as well as the largest and most important ones - All Ireland, All Scotland, etc.

Open (Open level) - the highest level of Irish dance technique.

Open platform - (Open platform) - the status of events, when organizations allow dancers of any commissions, schools, teachers to participate in their competitions.

Premiership Cup competition - for the title of the winner in their age group. At WIDA competitions, light or treble reel and jig are performed.

Preliminari (Preliminary, Pre-championship) - competitions of the Open level, for dancers not yet eligible to dance the Open Championship.

Primary (Primary level) - the second basic level of performance of Irish dance. Preparatory stage for a more difficult Intermediate level. The dance moves are more difficult and the music performance is slower.

Recall - the decisive round in the Irish dance championship, eliminating 50 percent or more of the participants.

Syllabus (Syllabus) - a set of dances that must be performed at a particular championship or feche, as well as the schedule for the feche or championship.

Set - has several meanings:
Trad set part - second part
Common short name for solo dance (traditional set, modern set)
Common name for folk dance (Irish folk sets)
Type of construction in group dances (in the form of a set)

Step - has several meanings:
1. In the meaning of "scheme", "link" - the general name of a part of the dance, for example, the first step or the first link.
2. In the meaning that defines the part of the traditional set dance in stiff shoes, where the first part is called "step", and the second "set".
3. In the meaning of "step" itself - from the general definition of the dance direction, where the rhythm is beaten off by feet, dressed in special shoes with heels.

Timing (T, timing) - as a performance requirement, means that the dancer's movement clearly matches the music. As a musical term means a certain time signature (jig, reel, hornpipe)

Tisiarji (T.C.R.G. - Teastas Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha) is a certified Irish solo dance teacher. The rules and regulations for the certificate were first introduced in 1943 by An Coimisiun. This is the first Irish dance teacher's certificate, and later the judge and keiley exam was structured.

Temeeref (T.M.R.F. - Teastas Muinteora Rince Foirne) - certificate of dance teacher keili

Fash (Feis) - a festival of various directions of Irish culture. Specifically in Irish dancing, it means a regional competition. As a rule, the name of the event is associated with the city or the feshu assign their own unique name. For example, Moscow Open feis or Sweets of May Open feis.

Championship (Open Championship) - competition at the Open level, where the winner receives the title of Champion

Trophy (Trophy) competition for the cup. In the An Coimisiun competition, 16 bars of any solo dance other than the traditional set are performed.

Shan Nos (sean-nos) is an original folk, solo traditional Irish style of dance ("sean-nos - old style"). This is a special kind of Irish folk dance featuring simple movements and patterns.

A show is a large continuous performance, a dance performance of many numbers, if we talk about a large stage, or a small stage number, if we talk about show competitions.

Out (out) - an element of an advanced level in Irish dancing - a straight leg raised high up. It can exist as a separate element or as a link with others (see Jump out)

Antrasha (from French "entrechat") is an element for advanced dancers. It is based on an element of classical choreography, where in one jump the dancer performs two or more crossed movements of his legs in the air from front to back. In the case of Irish dances, one leg does most of the work.

Butterfly is a movement for advanced Irish dancers. Making a jump up from two legs, the feet make circular movements downward inward and upward to the side and further downward, similar to the flapping of wings.

Bicycle (bicycle, "bicycle") - a complex element of Irish dance. In the process of jumping, the movement of the dancer's legs is similar to the movement of the legs when riding a bicycle.

Brush (brush) - soft go steppe movement. It is a movement of an elongated foot from bottom to top on a "cat" - it resembles a brushing movement.

Boxing (box) - movement in the Irish step, when the heels and feet create an element resembling a "box"

Bodie (body) - a figure in Irish caylee, consisting in turn of several figures, which is repeated several times during the dance

Drum roll (drumming rolls) is a step element consisting of three hits: a step with the back foot, a blow with a front heel and a blow with a heel. At the same time, the front leg makes twisting movements.

Jump (jump, "jump") - the general name for movements when there is a jump. There are many variations depending on the technique of execution: for example, jump 2-3 is a simple basic jump, sometimes called a reel jump. When combined with other elements, it may have appropriate names: hop-jump, cut-jump, etc.

Jump over (jump over, leap) - a high jump with hovering in the air, which is achieved by holding the leg in front and a sharp rise in the back

Jump out - a high jump with hovering in the air with the extension of the back leg forward to move out

Cat (cut, "cut") - a basic element, as a rule, performed with one leg bent to the side and up (the foot tends to the thigh, the knee looks down), while the supporting leg is straight. There is a double front leg, when the front leg does two repetitions of an element in one jump, and also double bilateral, when both the front leg and the back support leg do the kat - both legs look in different directions.

Click (click) - step element. The common name is when the kick is made with heels, where one foot hits the other. The sound resembles a click. There are tons of varieties.
Simple clicks (click 2-3) - simple elementary clicks
Through clicks - clicks with promotion
Click-out - strikes occur when moving straight legs, where the striking working leg rises high up
Click-cut - a blow with the back leg against the front one with a forward extension to the cut
Back click - movement occurs from behind
Double / Triple / Guadruple clicks - double, triple, quadruple hit

Kick (kick) - movement in the Irish dance, where the front of the foot kick from the back foot falls on the front heel. It is more common in steppe dances.

Lead around - the first step of any solo dance, it can be a circle or another trajectory.

Point is the base element. The leg is extended from the hip to the foot, the toes are collected, the touch of the floor occurs in the form of a "point" with the extended thumb, the heel looks up.

Point & back is a basic element, consisting of the actual point and then removed the leg back.

Promenade (promenade step) - a basic element in Irish dance, used mainly as a step in group dances and simple solo dances, can be a link in more complex steps. In the "people" it is sometimes called country step, that is, "country step".

Bird (bird) - a complex element, which is a jump with a high front leg, bent jerk and landing on it.

Five - an element of the Irish tap, consisting of five beats

Rising step (similar to rise & grand) is a basic jig element, which is essentially a combination of "hop, hop back, hop back, 3 steps in place". Used in basic dances and as a connecting element in jig keili dances.

Reel jump - basic jump, otherwise jump-2-3. In colloquial speech, it can be shortened to the word "reel".

Side step ("side step") - a connecting element in Irish dances, steps to the side or forward, performed successively with the right and left feet.

Swing has two meanings:
1. Circular rotation in pairs in keili dances
2. Solo element, which is an upward jump with a high bent leg raised from behind.

Stump (stump) - the basic element of step dance, consists of one blow made with one leg (full foot or heel) with the body weight fully transferred to it or in its pure form with a single blow with one leg.

A slide (aka "tip & dawn") is a basic element of, as a rule, Irish tap dance. Consists of one sliding motion forward or sideways with steps. There is a kind of performance with one leg and alternating legs. Can be short, otherwise "tip" or sliding / extended "slide"

Seven is usually an element of the Irish tap, which consists of seven beats. Sometimes it's Sevens (see Sevens).

Sevens (sevens) is an element of Irish Kaley dancing, which is a repetitive side step from left to right and vice versa. Sometimes this is called side-step in solo dances. See Side step.

Turns (turns) - the general name of the movements where the turn occurs

Twist (twist) - a general definition of circular movements of the foot. It can be used as a decorative element in the performance of all sorts of elements of soft and step dance, or as an independent element: when moving forward, the front foot opens, the back foot goes forward; when moving backwards - vice versa.

Tou (toe) is a characteristic often used element of more Irish step dances. A single blow is made with the forefoot, which is placed "on the toe". It can be performed in the form of a double toe. In this case, the blow can be from the front or from the back. There is also a variant of performance in soft dances.

Treble (treble) - the main element of the steppe Irish dance, consisting of two beats. There are front trebles, back trebles; and they can also be slow (slow trebles), fast (fast trebles), double, triple, etc.

Tou wolf, toes, toe stand (toe walk, toes, toe stand) - the performance of the Irish step dance in the position "on the fingers", similar to the movement in ballet on pointe. It can be static - toe stand, or in motion - Toe walk. There are many varieties and options for such movements.

Three is an element of the Irish tap, which consists of three beats. This is sometimes called 3-hand.

The figure is part of the Irish keley

Heel - a simple movement, as they say, on the heel. Also a common name for movements where the heel is used in the dance pattern.

Hop (hop, "jump, jump") - the basic element, which is a jump, where the supporting leg is straight and the front leg is bent at the knee. It can be a front single, and also double - in the case of a double repetition with one jump. It is also performed from the back - otherwise back double hop or back double up.

Hop back - a basic element, a general name for a movement, where the leg raised to the hop is then pulled back and lowered sequentially after the support. In the case when, when moving the leg backward, a jump is made on two legs, this is a "hop back jump" or "hop jump".

Change (change) - basic movement, which is a change of legs

The four is an element of the Irish tap that consists of four beats. Sometimes this is called a 4-hand.

2-hand, 3-hand - small figure dances, 2 or 3 people participate respectively, and this, as a rule, is ril. Author's dances.

4-hand, 6-hand, 8-hand, 16-hand - Kaylee group dances with appropriate participation of 4 to 16 people. They have the described schemes and are executed strictly according to the description.

Jig is a type of timing and a general name for the oldest Irish dance. It happens: slow, fast, steppe and soft. There are: treble jigs, single jigs, light jigs, slip jigs.

Ceili is a generic name for group Irish dances. 2 or 3 participants - small figure dances, 4-6-8-16 - large group dances, 30 schemes of which are described in the book Ar Rinci Foirne.

Light Jig - Irish dance, Double Jig, musical timing 6/8. The simplest dance, performed in soft shoes.

Modern set is a complex dance of an advanced level, it can be a jig or hornpipe, performed to traditional melodies, but with the author's choreography. Dances solo in the decisive final round of the Open Championships.

Non-Traditional Set \u003d Modern set

Reel - Irish dance with Scottish roots, 4/4 musical timing. Can have different speed with the corresponding difficulty. Can be soft (soft reel) or performed with boots (treble reel).

Single jig - Irish dance, musical timing 6/8 or 12/8, single jig. The simplest dance, performed in soft shoes. Differs in a large number of jumps, simple steps and elements, sometimes also called Hop Jig

Slip Jig - Irish dance, music timing 9/8. Performed mainly in soft shoes, it is considered a predominantly female dance.

Treble Jig (Heavy Jig) - Irish dance, musical timing 6/8, jig in hard shoes, accompanied by a characteristic rhythmic pattern, and is slow and fast

Treble Reel - dance in stiff shoes, performed in the timing of the reel. See Reel

Trad Set (Traditional Set) - Irish dance, can be a jig or hornpipe, performed to recognizable melodies with traditional choreography. Compulsory dance of solo competitions, for each level - its own dance.

Figure Dance - group dance. May be small (2- and 3-handed) and more massive (10 people or more)

Hornpipe - Irish dance with English roots, musical timing 2/4 or 4/4, performed mainly in stiff shoes.

Hop jig \u003d see single jig

Association or Commission - an organization that unites a number of schools with their own charter, rules, president, etc. Competitions and other dance activities are held under the patronage of this commission. At the moment, there are about 20 such organizations, some of which are independent, and some of them are regional branches of AnKom

A.I.D.A. - Australian Irish Dancing Association Inc is the largest Irish dance association based in Australia. One of the strongest. Member of C.L.R.G. Official site

Conradh na Gaeilge - Gaelic League is an organization created in 1893 on July 31st to preserve the Irish language and culture. Organizers: Douglas Hyde, Eugene O'Grawney, Eun McNeill, Luke Walsh. It was with the founding of the League that Irish schools were officially opened, including Irish dance. C.L.R.G. Commission - the official brainchild of this commission. Official site

C.I.D.T. - The Congress of Irish Dance Teachers or AnKogal (An Comhdhail, Comhdhail na Muinteoiri le Rinci Gaelacha Teoranta) is the second oldest Irish dance commission after C.L.R.G. The platform is closed in England and Ireland, excluding Darry. This fesh is held jointly with C.L.R.G. In America, all fashion events are held with an open platform. Official site

C.L.R.G. - An Com (An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha) - the oldest and largest commission on Irish dance. Since 1930 existed as the governing body of all activities in the Irish dance world, was and is under the patronage of the Gaelic League. Tomas O Faircheallaigh was the president from founding until 2004. In 1932. the composition of the commission was approved and its main activities began. It has about 9 official branches, the platform is closed on both sides, only teachers and judges certified by the commission are allowed to membership. It is from this commission that books are published that structure and describe all Kaylee dances. Official site

C.R.N. (Cumann Rince Naisiunta) - existed since 1982. One of the few open platform commissions. The main motto is: "Do not do to others what you would not like done to you". Created by a group of 12 teachers. They adhere to the traditional style, where they value dance technique and timing more than complex tricks. Official website:

C.A.I.D. - Celtic Association of Irish Dance. - an organization promoting Irish dancing for fun - “just for fun”. You can enter the structure without a teacher's certificate. Has schools in England, mainly in the South East and Ireland. Some of the fashions are closed and participation is possible by invitation only, the other part is an open platform. Official website:

C.C.E. - Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann is a large organization promoting traditional Irish music. They conduct music, dance and language classes. Official website:

C.I.D.A. (formerly C.D.A.) - Celtic and Irish Dance Association Inc. Is a small association in southern Australia. It has existed since 2001. They promote the simplicity and accessibility of Irish dances to everyone, without glamor and huge financial investments, in particular, this concerns the rigor in the tradition of costumes. Notable for the fact that each participant is issued a diploma of the participant in the competition. Official website:

C.M.F.A. - The Cead Mile Failte Association is a small dance organization in several counties in England (Hertfordshire, Kent, Essex, Sussex and Wiltshire). They hold fashion shows among their schools. But there is an exception, the Hemel Open summer fashion with an open platform. Official website:

C.R.D.M. - Cumann Rince Dea Mheasa - The commission, in existence since 2002, has an open platform. The purpose of the founding was to preserve the history of Irish dance and move it into the future, striving to make Irish dance accessible to all. Calls itself an organization with a business reputation. Official website:

C.R.G. Cumann Rince Gaelach, about 20 years old, was founded in Ireland and promotes high standards of dance while maintaining both pleasure and competitiveness. Open platform commission. They hold one competition a month and try to ensure that all participants receive awards. Official website:

F.D.T.A. (Festival Dance Teachers Association) - since 1971 it was called the Nine Glens Association, since 2002 it exists as FDTA. They are unique for their primordially traditional dance style called "festival style". They are located mainly in Northern Ireland. offer a calm and vibrant atmosphere in which to learn, dance and compete. The dancing festival is very traditional and different from that seen in other feiseanna but there is continuing crossover styles between them and their school members can dance to the open platform of feiseanna if they wish. Official website:

J.I.D.A.- Japan Irish Dancing Association - Irish dance commission in Japan, existing since 2000. Official website:

I.D.T.A.N.A. - The Irish Dancing Teachers Association of North America is an association founded in 1964. It is in a partnership with An Coimisiun and has several branches: Mid Atlantic, Mid America, Western US, Eastern Canada, Western Canada, New England, Southern US. Official website:

I.D.T.A.C. - The Irish Dance Teachers Association of Canada is a member of the Irish Dance Teachers Association of North America, the North American Feis Commission and An Coimisiun Le Rinci Gaelacha. Official website:

I.M.D.A. - Irish Music and Dance Association Irish Music and Dance Association Charitable non-profit cultural and educational organization. It was created to develop, support, coordinate all Irish dance and music programs. The mission of the association is to support and promote Irish cultural traditions, ensuring their further development.
Official website:

N.A.F.C. - The North American Feis Commission is the governing body for An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha in Canada and America. Official website:

N.S.I.D. - Nordic Society of Irish Dancers - existed since February 2000. Created to communicate with people interested in Irish culture in the Scandinavian countries and beyond. It unites schools in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland. Under the auspices of the organization, the Nordic Feis is held annually - a festival of Irish culture and fashion. Official website:

R.T.N. - Rince Tuatha Nua - Rince Tuatha Nua (Rink-a Two-a New-a) roughly means "New Irish Dance Community". They exist since 2013. Organized by teachers wishing to make another reliable type of Irish dance organization. Based in America, the platform is open. Hosted by North American Nationals Official Website:

R.T.M.E. - Registered Teachers Mainland Europe An Coimisiun le Rince Gaelacha, a group of teachers from Continental Europe Official website:

T.I.D.A.N.Z. - Traditional Irish Dance Association of New Zealand - An Coimisiun le Rinci Gaelacha branch in New Zealand. Official website:

W.I.D.A. - World Irish Dance Association is an independent full-fledged commission, founded in 2004 in the Netherlands. It unites schools in more than 20 countries around the world. An open platform for all associations. He conducts fashion events and championships in a full range, including World, European and All-Irish, takes exams, gives open master classes. Official website:

Organizations formerly

AFC / AAIDT - American Feis Association / American Association of Irish Dance Teachers - American Association of Teachers of North America, was founded in 1998. Now dissolved.

BAID - British Association of Irish Dance, existed between 2000-2010.

FIDT - Federation of Irish Dance Teachers, a North American organization.

IDN - Irish Dancing Net - started as a movement to oppose commercialization, ownership and power, aiming to ensure the quality and value of Irish dancing

NAIDF - North American Irish Dance Federation A once independent North American Federation with an open platform. The association has now joined WIDA.

PIDTA - Performance Irish Dance Teachers Association - was organized to bring together schools, teachers and dancers not interested in competitive activities

S.P.I.D.A - St Patrick's Irish Dance Association is an organization based in Southern England in the 90s. After it closed, the schools merged into CAID and CMFA.

Pumps - pumps - shoes for Irish soft female dance

Boots - shoes for Irish hard dance

Reel boots - shoes for gentle men's dance

Tiara, Diadem - a bright decoration for the head, a female accessory as an addition to the hairstyle

Ban - bun - a small chignon as an adornment to wear at performances

Wig or full wig is a full curly wig, traditionally used in competitions by girls to preserve traditions and preserve their hair.

Hardy - shoes for the Irish step, or the general name for dancing in solid shoes

Softs - shoes for soft dancing or the general name for dancing in soft shoes

The belt is a former part of the Irish dancer's costume. In old schools, they were worn in the form of a belt-cord with tassels, then transformed into wide belts. At the moment, such belts are traditionally awarded to young people - winners of big championships.

Terms that are often used in the process of practical training :)

Biryulyovo is the eponymous inner-city municipality of Moscow, through which sometimes the dancer turns his leg, although he knows the shortest path - from his own thigh

Home is a place where everything is usually forgotten, from the dance scheme to eversion, crossover and even timing.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern is a "man and a steamer" who performs all their independent dirty work for the dancers. Sometimes it replaces AS Pushkin.

Krakozyabra is a very complex element of Irish dance, which is beautiful in perfect performance, but it is not given for learning even from the hundredth repetition

Grasshopper is a solo dance figure that vaguely resembles a "hop".

Crocodile is a solo dance figure, where two straight legs raised upward resemble a bloodthirsty crocodile.

NUIDA (NUIDA, Nemnogo Ubogo Irish Dance Association) an alternative or sofa Irish dance commission with a complete lack of technical requirements, where a dancer is usually sent if he does not fit any official organization

Cucumbers are an irregularly shaped leader round, as well as a figure in a keili, consisting of a row of sevens performed.

Pornpipe is a dance performed not in the most decent way, but remotely in terms of choreography resembles a traditional hornpipe.

Trouble - appears at the dancer and his ticker when the treble does not break through. In this case, sometimes the treble jig is transformed into a "trabl jig".

Teacher is a person who teaches Irish dance from scratch. It also happens to be a coach when he makes you do the bar and jump ropes, as well as a teacher when he gives educational lectures

Ears - knees, the collar of which is out of control.
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© Killarney Irish Dance School 2014-2016