Game training for parents to get to know each other. Event with parents: Training game "Nice to meet you"

Teacher-psychologist MBDOU CRR-kindergarten No. 42 “Rodnichok”, Vidnoye, Moscow region

Training on interaction with parents “Dreams come true”

Block 1. Greeting

Exercise “My name is... I love...” (introduction to the training participants)

Target: creating a positive emotional background

The educational psychologist invites each participant to say their name and continue the phrase “I love...” (for example, “My name is Tatyana, I like to listen to music.”)

Exercise “Swap places” (harmonization of emotional mood)

Target: group unity, searching for similarities and differences between each other

Participants stand in a circle, each of them names a characteristic, after which all those who have the named characteristic change places (for example, “Change places those who woke up today in a good mood.”)

Block 2. Main part

Exercise “Picture of the World”(recreation of inner desires)

Target: promoting a fuller awareness of one’s desires and capabilities, setting personal and professional goals, and increasing self-esteem.

Equipment: sheets of paper, newspapers, pictures, magazines, scissors, glue, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.

Teacher-psychologist: “Today our training will not be aimed at child-parent relationships. We will work exclusively for ourselves. Each of us develops many roles and masks. When we find ourselves in any situation, we “put on” different masks and play different roles. In psychology there are such concepts as “I am a parent”, “I am an adult” and “I am a child”. If we draw a parallel between the current situations and this theory, it turns out that we behave either like an adult when necessary; or, as a parent, when possible; or, like a child, whenever I want. That is why I invite you to play the role of a child today and want what you want. In front of you are sheets of paper, prepared magazines and newspapers, and tools. The task is for you to recreate with the help of all this a picture of your desires, what you want to achieve. Please get started!”


Exercise “Creative Life”(transferring the consideration of creativity problems from the plane of specially simulated situations to the area of ​​everyday, everyday life realities)

Participants, united in subgroups of 5-6 people, are given the task: to formulate a list of recommendations that will allow them to “make life more creative” and write them down. The recommendations formulated must be realistic for all participants, or at least for the majority of them (i.e., do not imply the presence of any rare abilities, too large material costs, etc.).


Note: at the end of the training, each participant is given booklets with recommendations compiled by experts in the psychology of creativity.

Block 3. Relaxation

Exercise “7 candles”

Note: the lights go out, the lights on the tree come on.

Participants are seated where and how it is convenient and comfortable for them.

Good introduction exercises are the basis for a successful start to training. After all, theater begins with a hanger, and training begins with acquaintance. The trainer gets to know the group and the participants get to know each other.

Getting to know each other create trust in the group, which is so necessary for training participants to open up and be ready to learn. Getting to know each other exercises help to melt the “ice” that always arises at the beginning of a group’s work, relieve the tension of the first minutes of class and get the participants ready for work.

The more openness is required from participants in the training, the more familiarization exercises should be included at the beginning of the training.

Getting to know each other exercises are usually carried out in pairs, trios or in a general circle. Most contribute to building trust between the couple. And if you are working with a very closed group in which it is difficult to form trust, then it is better to choose an acquaintance exercise in pairs.

The experts of the professional portal for trainers have selected the site for you 6 best dating exercises available in the public domain. They are suitable for different training topics and will allow you to involve the group in an exciting training process from the first minutes.

Familiarization exercise “Corporate Standard”

The trainer invites participants to continue 2 sentences.

“Many people know that I... But few people know that I....”

Variation of this exercise:

The coach divides the participants into pairs or triplets. Participants tell the group about themselves. Then everyone introduces their neighbor to all training participants according to the principle:

“Many people know that he (she) ....

But few people know that he (she).”

Presentations can be either short or extensive.

This introduction exercise is great for corporate training.

Dating exercise “Business card”

The trainer suggests creating a “Personal Business Card” project on A4 sheet.

The business card states:

  • FULL NAME. or nickname
  • hobby, characteristic, interesting remark.

Participants come up with and draw a personal logo. They write a motto. The following can also be written: profession, position, address and telephone number (can be fictitious), website address.

Then the participant comes out and presents the draft of his “personal business card”.

Expert recommendations website:

  • This familiarization exercise is suitable for both public and corporate training sessions.
  • The exercise is ideal for small groups of up to 15 people; for large groups it can lead to a large loss of time and loss of group tone.

Getting to know each other exercise “Mutual presentations”

A) Participants are divided into pairs. You are given 10 minutes to tell each other about yourself in as much detail as possible - after all, you have to introduce your partner to the group. Suggested questions:

  1. what do I expect from working in training,
  2. what I value in myself,
  3. the subject of my pride,
  4. what I can do best
  5. What do you have in common with your partner?

Each participant then introduces their partner to the group.

In this version, the exercise is suitable for both personal and business training.

B) One of the couple members is sitting on a chair, the second is standing behind him, with his hands on his shoulders. The person standing speaks on behalf of the person sitting, calling himself by the name of his partner. He speaks for 1 minute, playing the role of his seated partner. After this, any member of the group can ask questions addressed to the one who is sitting, but the one who made the presentation will answer them for his partner. For example:

  • What qualities do you value most in people?
  • What do you think is the most disgusting?
  • is there a person who has had a strong influence on your life,
  • name your deepest desire,
  • what would you like to achieve in life?

The exercise ends with a discussion of the participants' feelings and thoughts. It is important to pay attention to 3 aspects:

  • ability to take time into account when presenting
  • ability to accurately and concisely convey received information
  • the ability to “feel” into another person enough to figure out the missing information.

Questions for your seated partner:

  • How did you feel when your partner spoke on your behalf?
  • Was it possible to correctly present information about you?
  • Did you manage to become your double?
  • Did he correctly guess the answers he gave on your behalf?

Expert recommendations website:

  • Option A is a classic introduction exercise that can be used on any training topic.
  • Option B is more applicable for personal trainings; it would be very appropriate for student and teenage trainings.

Dating exercise “Closed Club”

The trainer invites participants to imagine themselves as candidates for a closed private club.

With traditions. Only for the Selected. Not everyone will be accepted.

Participants are divided into groups of 2-3 people and talk about themselves within the group. Then they make up a short speech “Recommendation” for the neighbor to accept him into the Club.

“Name - (characteristics, features...) ...

In my life……

Familiarization exercise “Postcards”

The trainer invites participants to choose 1 postcard. It is advisable to select postcards that correspond to the topic of the training. A postcard can be either an association, a visual support, or a suitable example.

Participants take turns showing the chosen postcard and telling about themselves “On the postcard…. as I……"

Expert recommendations website:

  • This exercise is well suited for both open and corporate trainings. An option where we do not recommend using this dating option: predominantly male corporate groups, consisting of older participants in high positions, with a high level of resistance.
  • This introduction exercise is great because it uses “artificial language” in the form of postcards. This always helps the group to quickly overcome the “ice” and open up.

Dating exercise “In 15 years”

The coach divides the participants into pairs. He invites them to get to know each other, communicate and come up with something interesting, original or even useful for the world that his partner could do in 15 years.

The participants continue the phrase with a short story:

“My intuition tells me that in 15 years, … (name) might….

I thought so because...

We hope that the presented introduction exercises will enrich your training sessions.

If you need not only familiarization exercises, but also bright, powerful, effective ones, it will be important that these are:

  • The most best exercises for trainings
  • Exclusive Exercises, known only to a small circle of professional trainers
  • Exercises with detailed instructions coaching methodology for conducting them, which reveals the entire “underwater part” of coaching work and explains exactly how to carry out the exercise and summarize the exercise in order to achieve the best result

Then you can pick up such exercises on the professional coaching portal website

This portal grew out of the largest training center “Sinton”. Over more than 30 years of work as a center, Sinton has probably collected the largest database of the best games and exercises for business trainings and personal trainings.

And when we realized that trainers are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of quality training material, we assembled a team of professional trainers who:

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It's nice that you can now purchase our training exercise manuals at the most affordable prices In chapter

Bright and lively warm-up exercise aimed at increasing the energy, activity and involvement of training participants. Due to close contact and active interaction, it promotes rapid the creation of trust and a positive atmosphere in the group.

What is important is that the exercise is already at the preparation stage triggers active role distribution in the group, identifying leaders. Intentional time limits enhance external and internal dynamics. A creative task encourages creativity and imaginative thinking.

It's classic icebreaker exercise. This means that it perfectly relieves the initial tension and mistrust in the training group, and helps to establish warm, trusting relationships between the training participants.

The “Blind Man and the Guide” exercise is an excellent way to lead training participants to research and discuss the topic. trust in other people. Helps training participants increase the level of trust in their lives, begin to trust people more, and see that in life we ​​often initially “don’t trust.”

An energetic game exercise that can quickly involve training participants in the work process, increase their attention, energy and involvement. Creates a positive atmosphere and, if necessary, relieves tension in the group. Includes physical and emotional activity

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Training exercises for working with parents and students

Parent training occupies a special place in my teaching activity. The training is conducted with a group of parents at a parent meeting. Trainings will be effective if all parents actively participate in them and attend regularly. For the training to have a final positive result, it must include 5-8 sessions. During the training sessions, with great interest, parents perform such tasks as “children’s grimaces”, “favorite toy”, “my fairy-tale image”, “children’s games”, “memories of childhood”, “film about my family”. Such tasks allow you to take a fresh look at relationships in your family, at your own authority in the eyes of the child.

I would like to offer your attention several game exercises that are aimed at forming a parent team. They can be used at the first parent meeting, or at several meetings with parents.


All participants greet each other in a circle in different ways:

    Say amicably to each other “Hello!;

    Bump fists;

    Rub your backs;

    We hug.

The exercise helps participants get to know each other and quickly remember each other’s names. The training participants sit in a general circle. The first participant introduces himself and names something he likes. This noun must begin with the same letter as this participant's name. For example, a participant named Anton might say, “My name is Anton, and I like oranges.” The second participant repeats what the first person said and adds information about himself. For example: “This is Anton, who loves oranges, and I am Tatyana and I love dancing.”

Paper napkins

The exercise helps the training participants get to know each other, and also creates a fun, positive atmosphere in the group. A pack of paper napkins is passed around the training participants with the words: “In case you need them, please take some napkins for yourself.” After all participants have taken napkins, they are asked to tell as many of the happiest events in the life of their family as there are napkins in their hands.

How similar we are!

The exercise helps participants get to know each other better. You need to split into two groups. Let each group make a list of what unites its members. In this list you can write, for example: “Each of us has a sister...”, “Each of us has a soft toy...”, “Each of us’s favorite color is red...”. You cannot write general human information, such as “I have two legs.” You can indicate, for example, year of birth, place of study, hobbies, marital status, etc. You have 8 minutes. The group that finds and writes down the most common traits wins.

“It seems to me that as a child you were...”

Participants throw the ball to each other with the words: “It seems to me that as a child you were...”. In response, everyone can agree or refute the statement. Second option: “I think as a child you dreamed of…”. Here, training participants can talk about themselves, what they dreamed of as children or what they were like then. This exercise helps to immerse group members in a childlike ego state.

Drawing the family coat of arms”

Participants must create a coat of arms for their family. The coat of arms must be beautifully designed. For the hint, I used a fragment of a previously filmed film “My Family through the Eyes of a Child” (see video appendix)

Game "Wonderful bag"

I have a bag in my hands, at the bottom of which there are a wide variety of positive and negative feelings that a person can experience. After your child crossed the school threshold, feelings and emotions settled firmly in your soul, in your heart, and filled your entire existence. Place your hand in the bag and take the “feeling” that has been overwhelming you most for a long period of time, name it. Parents name the feelings that they are painfully experiencing. This task allows you to identify problems and difficulties that arise in the family and discuss these problems while considering the topic of the meeting.

Game "Spiderweb"

Who wants to be in the role of a child? (preferably dad) Here is our child. One of the forms of parental attention, care and love is restrictions and prohibitions. Today, we will translate every prohibition presented into a physical one and show it to our child. We will literally bind him with obligations and prohibitions. I prepared red ribbons. Let's name what is usually prohibited for a child (parents name prohibitions, and the teacher ties ribbons around the “child”)

Exercise “Fertile Garden”.

There is a poster on the board with a picture of a tree on it. Participants are given apples (green for positive emotions and red for negative emotions), on which everyone writes the answer to the question: What do you think about our last meeting?

Then the apples are hung on the tree with a commentary on what the training participants liked or did not like and wishes for the future.

Thank you for your attention and participation in our meeting today.


    Beskorovainaya L. S., Perekateva O. V. “Handbook for primary school teachers.” Ed. 3rd – Rostov n/d: publishing house “Phoenix”, 2004. – 352 p. (School of Joy series.)

    Derekleeva N. I. “Parent meetings in grades 1-11.” – M.: Verbum-M, 2001. – 80 p.

    Derekleeva N. I. “Handbook for the class teacher. Elementary School. 1-4 grades." M.: Vako, 2003. – 240 p.

    Salyakhova L.I. “Parent meetings. Scenarios, recommendations, materials for conducting. 1-4 grades." – M.: Globus, 2007. – 315 p. – (Classroom manual).

According to experts, meeting parents is one of the important tests in a couple’s life, which can both ruin a relationship and, conversely, bring lovers even closer together. After all, no matter how wonderful a person your chosen one is, at first, relatives will most often treat him with distrust. One wrong gesture, a bad joke - and now your loved ones mentally give up on your partner, and you find yourself between two fires. Remember the torment of the hero of the comedy “Meet the Fockers,” who was “lucky” to end up in the family of a former CIA agent.

“Couples in which one is not accepted by the parents are rarely happy with each other. In such families, omissions, secrets, feelings of guilt and other things that are destructive to relationships appear,” says clinical psychologist Alisa Galats.

Plus, such “screenings” have another important task: they, like a litmus test, show the true attitude of your loved one towards you - how sociable, self-confident and prone to compromise he is. “It is at the parental table that you have a wonderful opportunity to step back from the relationship and look at your loved one from the outside,” adds Alisa Galatz. This, however, should not be regarded as a signal to quickly abandon your loved one “to be torn to pieces” by your family; after all, you don’t have a goal to end this relationship as quickly as possible?

We tell you what will help you turn a formal meeting into a good time.

Meeting parents: important rules

* Tell your family only about “long-term” relationships.

Experts agree that it is not at all necessary for the family to know about fleeting or dubious hobbies; parents are unlikely to understand your reasoning about “a friend for sex” or “a married man.” But if everything is serious between you and your partner, then after about six months you can introduce him to your family, psychologist Yana Leikina is sure. “If before this the relationship is unstable, then after six months the severity of the candy-bouquet period passes and the lovers begin to perceive each other realistically. During this period, meeting your parents is a sign that you are ready to declare yourself as a couple,” explains the specialist.

*Choose the right place. Parental home or dacha- the most common and successful places to introduce a chosen one: this, on the one hand, reduces the level of anxiety of parents, because they are on their own territory, and on the other hand, it allows a man to better imagine the environment and conditions in which his beloved grew up. “Even if the couple is not going to live with the girl’s parents, the man will still be able to try out the space and feel if he can find his place in it,” notes Yana Leikina.

Neutral meeting place (cafe, theater, park) It is better to choose if you intend to introduce your loved one not only to your parents, but also to other family members. In addition, the restaurant is also suitable for dating in “difficult cases” - for example, if your partner is much older, of a different nationality, or your family is not at all eager to meet someone.

In this case, you can also organize a “casual” meeting. “Various cultural events (exhibitions, fairs, performances) are perfect for this, where there is much more room for maneuver and the level of psychological stress is not so high,” notes the specialist. Remember that if your parents are divorced, then it is better to introduce your chosen one to them separately - why do they need the additional stress of meeting each other?

* Prepare both parties for the meeting. About a week before the significant event, start telling your parents about your chosen one. At the same time, focus on positive facts. “Here you can cheat a little and, for example, tell your mother that your man saw her photo and said that she was beautiful. Such positive information creates a greater willingness to communicate,” notes Yana Leikina. The psychologist also advises these days to pay more attention to loved ones so that they are less jealous of the chosen one. You can tell a man about the traditions accepted in the family, the professions of loved ones.

Meeting parents: what you should keep silent about

According to the expert, you should not share information about your parents’ chronic illnesses, financial problems or family conflicts with your chosen one, but let’s hope you didn’t intend to do this.

Meeting parents: what to talk about when meeting

At the table, it’s better to avoid talking about politics, religion or someone’s beliefs - you don’t want heated arguments between dear people, do you? “The most winning topics for communication are childhood, pets, food and vacation,” says Yana Leikina.

Meeting parents: what should you absolutely not do?

If you want to leave a pleasant impression of the meeting, then you should not clearly demonstrate your feelings for your chosen one (kissing, hugging), abuse alcohol, or undermine the authority of your parents. “For example, a girl shouldn’t shout loudly for dad to stop refilling his glass, or discount mom’s humorous remarks. Parents should feel at the forefront,” adds Alisa Galatz.

Well, if something goes wrong - dad “falls face down in the salad” or his loved one suddenly starts to have nervous hiccups - don’t panic. Treat what is happening with humor, because, in the end, incidents experienced together bring you closer together.

Training for parents


Goals . Introducing participants to each other and to the group form of work. Clarifying parents' expectations and concerns. General orientation in the problems of parents.

Exercise 1.

(7 min)

The facilitator introduces the participants to the goals and objectives of the training. The conditions and mode of work are discussed, and the rules for group work are introduced. The presenter tells what form the classes will take and what main topics they will be devoted to. He also

reveals to participants the philosophy on which relationships and interactions with children are built - recognition of the child’s personality and the desire for cooperation.

Exercise 2.


(5 minutes)

Introduction procedure: participants introduce themselves and express their concerns and expectations in the upcoming work.

Exercise 3.

“Switch places those who...”

(7 min)

The presenter offers to stand up and change places according to some criterion.

Exercise 4.

(10 min)

The facilitator invites the group to work in small groups of 3-4 people. The participants’ task will be to interpret the meaning of the proposed proverbs regarding family relationships (Appendix 1). The facilitator offers each subgroup three or four proverbs to consider. At the end of their work on proverbs, the groups give options for the interpretation of proverbs, explain what ours meant

ancestors and how relevant this is in our time. It is important for the leader to look for ways to create an atmosphere of group cohesion and emphasize the possibility of using one’s own and others’ experience to solve educational problems.

Exercise 5.


(7 min)

The presenter talks about the importance of understanding yourself and understanding your child, and invites parents to answer a number of questions.

Attention should be paid to the importance of doing homework, since their discussion always takes place in subsequent classes. When answering questions, parents fill out a table where they answer for themselves and for the child.


Parent's response

The answer is for the child

Here is a sample list of questions for young children and their parents.

  1. What's my favorite toy?
  2. What do I like to do?
  3. I don't like it when...
  4. What is my favorite thing to eat?
  5. My negative habits?
  6. What can I do?
  7. What am I unable to do? Etc.

The purpose of this exercise is to activate parents and “focus” them on their children.

Conclusion. (3 minutes)

All participants sit in a circle. The facilitator invites everyone in turn to talk about their impressions of the meeting.

Questions for self-reflection:

What did you like?

What didn't you like?

What was interesting?

What wasn't interesting?

What else would you like to know?

If participants find it difficult to answer or are embarrassed, they are asked to fill out an anonymous review.

Presenter: “We did a good job today, let’s clap and thank each other for today’s meeting.”

List of used literature:

  1. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2005