How to talk to a man on the phone. Communication with a man: mistakes women make when talking on the phone

Telephone communication can be a great way to connect with someone and get useful information. How to talk on the phone with a man so that he aspires to bring a real meeting closer? Most importantly, don't limit yourself to stereotypes. ... Call first, invite to a meeting, ask provocative questions... Just do it right!

Use your phone on business

Until you’re close enough to pour out your soul on the phone, call a man in order to agree on something or tell him important information... The reason for this may be congratulations on a professional holiday, making a date, etc. This behavior will allow you not to get bored ahead of time, will show that you value his time and are not going to waste it. Just do not look for flimsy excuses to hear his voice.

If he himself decides to continue the conversation, support him, but you still need to be able to stop in time and, referring to urgent matters, retreat. Better let him remain dissatisfied than jaded. Phone calls should not replace real communication - it is better to offer to discuss everything at the meeting.

Ask to call back

If you are ashamed to call yourself, it seems to you that you are intruding, dial his number and politely ask if you are interfering... If he has no free time now, ask him to call back when it appears and hang up. Now the next step will be behind him.

Control your voice

If you want to drive him crazy with just one voice, develop sexy notes... To do this, speak evenly, but not monotonously, the timbre of your voice should be slightly lower than usual. Remember how you talk as soon as you wake up - men really like the voice of a sleepy girl. Try to control your laughter and avoid shrill notes in your tone.

Follow the rules of good form

No matter how bad mood you are, when a man calls, control yourself. Do not rip off your bad mood on it. Better to refer to fatigue and ask to call back at another time, or promise to do it yourself when you feel better. Try to retire during the conversation so that no one distracts you.

Show interest in your conversation partner... If you don't know what to talk to him about, ask how his day went, what's new, remember what he worked on or thought recently, and ask how the business is progressing. Don't forget about compliments.

Don't be afraid to sound stupid and don't understand anything - guys are flattered when they feel smarter than women. If you don't understand something - say so, ask to explain if you are really interested. Be specific and direct. If you speak in riddles, your interlocutor will get tired and annoyed. In general, try not to use your phone as your primary relationship building tool.

French writer and the thinker Nicolas de Chamfort said that a woman is like a shadow: when you run after her, she rushes away from you, but when you leave, she follows you. But in the time of Chamfort, women took an exclusively passive position in mating games and, as a rule, did not initiate them. Today, in the era of universal female emancipation, the fair sex is actively involved in building intimate relationships with the stronger sex. And what was revealed to women in this experience? Only that men behave the same way!

Cold and calmness, the lack of any attention, makes them hot and makes them strive for love, but it is worth taking just a couple of decisive steps in response, as apathy attacks the man, and he already casts only fluent and lazy glances at the yesterday's object of desire. The Lord, probably, makes fun of our comical contortions in the matter of arranging personal happiness.

Having recently joined an active the game, women ask each other many questions and share their experiences. Can a feather fit? How to correctly show signs of attention so as not to frighten off? Can I call first? Write first? From all this sometimes the head starts to spin.

And modern " knights"they are also disappointing, every day more and more. So they have become fearful - what can we say about dragons, if they are afraid to even approach the lady of the heart? Most of the dating takes place on the Internet and on the Internet and remains. Rarely does any communication reach the stage of exchange And here there are a lot of new questions about whether to call yourself or wait only for his call, what to do if he does not call, what to talk about and, most importantly, how to gently push the gentleman to more active actions? Bye, for example?

Well, let's start in order. It's best not to call, and not at all because this is a sign of bad taste, this is not accepted and the grandmother will scold. Simply, as already mentioned above, a man needs to seek a woman so that he does not lose interest in her. Oh, it’s worth calling first, and he will begin to pretend to be the first guy in the village. What can we say about a date - as soon as a girl takes the initiative and invites a guy to a meeting, in most cases he will immediately dismiss the peacock's tail. Of course, there are happy exceptions, but the exceptions are not called that for nothing.

Generally, if the guy doesn't call for a day or two, this is not a reason to give up. It is quite possible that he himself follows some stupid pickup textbook that tells him to be as discreet as possible in showing his interest. But if there are no calls for three or four days, then you can already remind yourself. Not necessarily a call. It could be some message in social network, sms. But you don't need to write anything like: "Why aren't you calling?" is a losing option. Better to write something neutral. If he, shall we say, show off, or was simply shy to call, he will call back. If not, then, most likely, you can proceed to the next candidate.

To win over a guy in conversations on mobile is possible... He may not appreciate your beauty, but you can spur him to more active actions. The first thing to learn is not to talk too much. Many girls, out of excitement, and in order to seem like an interesting interlocutor, begin to chatter madly about everything in a row, from their views on monetarist theory to retelling yesterday in real time, until they hear a distinct snoring at the other end of the line.

It should be remembered that the best conversationalist is attentive listener... You can make a much better impression of yourself by encouraging your interlocutor to talk about yourself, rather than trying to interest yourself. It sounds a bit paradoxical, but it works. If you talk about yourself, the interlocutor will be sure that you are arrogant and arrogant, self-absorbed. If you listen, the guy will immediately understand how smart you are and how great you are to communicate. And this is exactly what we need. Do not think that you always have to do nothing but look into the young man's mouth and catch his every word, silently in a rag, this is not so. But, in the early stages, it will be a reasonable decision to hold your tongue and assent more.

Don't forget to smile! Many people think this is meaningless, because mobile phones have not yet evolved enough to transmit a picture, so they will not be able to see your charming interlocutor. But it is not so. When we talk to someone on the phone, we create a mental image in our minds. Smiling during a conversation changes the tone of the interlocutor's voice and articulation. It is usually not difficult to recognize a smiling person by ear. So, smile during a conversation with a guy on the phone and he will see, as in reality, your attractive smile. This will make it easier for him to fall in love.

It often happens that " telephone relationship"drag out, not developing into something more meaningful and real. Most often this happens due to the excessive shyness of a young man who cannot dare such a harmless thing as an invitation to a date. Do not rush him too much, but from time to time hint as transparently as possible that you are bored, that you are tired of sitting at home all day, that no one invites you to take a walk. And repeat these hints from time to time. At some point, your timid Romeo will still dare to this feat and will offer to walk somewhere together. ”The main thing is not to laugh, because, most likely, from excitement - this will be the most lopsided invitation to a date in your life.

Well, if invitations If he doesn't, then it is quite possible to take the bull by the horns, frankly asking why he does not invite you on a date. Why lose? It's better than just burying another relationship. What if it works? But this extreme method is better, of course, to be reserved for extreme situations, when everything looks completely hopeless.

We are women, and we love to talk on the phone: loud, chaotic, not always on business, but often a lot. They are men and they just talk on the phone.

This process for them is not pleasure or relaxation, but a pure receipt of specific information. If you want your call to bring a man as much joy as a delicious dinner, you need to understand the principle of communicating with him. We investigate the average representative of the stronger sex on the subject of telephone blah-blah-blah. So, how to make a man beat in convulsions of happiness from your call and wait for the next one

When is it forbidden to call?

What kind of people are these, men? It's not always possible to talk to them on the phone. This is because most of them are very busy people. This is - firstly, and secondly, each of us knows that a man loves with his eyes, therefore he is much more pleased with a live conversation than a conversation with a pipe. We, of course, also like one-on-one communication, but when a man makes a phone call, the system “flew into one ear, flew into the other” is often triggered.

In order to be heard, it is necessary to exclude morning calls, especially at the so-called time of the "early roosters' cry", when a loved one is watching another dream. Calling at the beginning of the working day is also not a very advantageous moment. In the morning there are often a lot of things to do that pile up abruptly. Maybe he does not save the Universe at all, does not transfer grandmother across the road and does not stand at the Green Peace demonstration, but his affairs are marked "urgent" and they have to be resolved in an expedited manner. He's also busy in the middle of the day, whether it's signing million dollar contracts or assembling a computer. During lunchtime, he wants to chat with colleagues, discuss job prospects, trends in the housing market, new cars and, of course, gossip about women.

Yes, men will forgive us, but the discussion of the feminine charms of their girlfriends cannot be called anything other than gossip. By evening, he is not expecting your call, because you will meet soon. However, if only for a second to clarify what dishes to include in the menu for dinner (it is better to ask him what he chooses, meat or fish, but not to say that he will have to go home for bread). And late at night, if he decided to sit at a bar with friends, the last thing he wants to do is listen to complaints about the small amount of attention allocated to communicate with you. Doesn't he seem to be waiting for a call at all? No! All these rules are canceled in two cases. Which ones?

What would I tell you, dear?

1. You want to have phone sex

How they adore him. Here the man is activated. All things are postponed: the Galaxy will wait, and the world will not collapse. The most important thing is that only you describe the whole process of imaginary copulation. However, if he is a bad boy, then, perhaps, he wants to insert a couple of sensitive phrases into your conversation. Especially such a call will come in handy if you call him after you feed, drink and go to the next room, so that you can seduce him not only by phone, but also afterwards make all fantasies come true.

2. You call on an important issue for him

This importance can be in matters related to work, apartment, car, bank, family, critical situations, and so on. Naturally, the mention of a bank does not mean that you have lost the receipt for payment for the apartment and do not know where to find it. Be clear, concise and to the point. Leave gossip, rumors, scandals and investigations for a personal meeting. However, smart girls put it off for conversation with girlfriends.


● Be cultured and polite. Men love to be greeted, said goodbye, and sent verbal kisses. Throwing up the pipes and insulting - this behavior will lead nowhere.

● Be honest. Lying on the phone is absolutely no different from lying eye to eye. We ourselves will be unpleasant to hear lies.

● When talking with a man, one should not lose the train of thought, jump from one story to another and return to the one that was discussed not so long ago. Even scientists have proven that a man thinks with the left hemisphere, while a woman, on the contrary, with the right. The consequence of this is that a man thinks consistently and logically, and a woman thinks about everything at once. Therefore, when we lose thought and later return to it, the man wonders what this is all about.

● You cannot part on the phone. Bad habit! Horror! You must admit that it is much more pleasant to dress up, style your hair and do a wonderful make-up, memorize speech clearly and leave the last bastard alive, so that he “envied” what beauty he loses, than to do with a telephone farewell.

● We are waiting for the end of their remarks. It is ugly to interrupt not only men, but also women. These are the elementary rules of decency. You should always listen to your man to the end, even when he is wrong. Only a rude person is allowed to interrupt, since our beautiful ladies' ears are not created to listen to nasty things.

● Try not to talk to him while he is driving. It is difficult and unsafe, even if he has an automatic transmission, driving in the rightmost lane, and the speed does not exceed 60 kilometers per hour. The road is a dangerous thing, the most terrible situations can happen on it, even with a car that is standing still at the side of the road. While driving, a person must evaluate every situation that occurs every second. Take care of his safety.

● Do not talk to a man when he started a parallel conversation before you. Please, call later.

I would like to add interesting fact... Statistics say that men are for last years began to communicate much more on the phone than before. Sometimes the amount of time spent talking is much more than that of women. This is due not only to the fact that communication has become more accessible, but also to the fact that women began to correspond more by sms and e-mail. So men are still talkers!

Each of us has moments in life when we miss our loved one very much. We constantly want to be with him, to feel his support, to hear his voice. But, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and our world is not arranged at all the way we would like it to be. Therefore, it is easiest for us to hear a person's voice, thanks to one phone call addressed to a beloved subscriber. And we immediately, without hesitation, take out the phone, type the worn-out buttons with our fingers and, lo and behold, we hear it. At such moments, the distance between you does not seem so significant. But then an innocent, but painfully pressing question is brewing: after all, how can you properly talk to your boyfriend on the phone?

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Photo gallery: How to properly talk to your boyfriend on the phone

Strange as it may seem, the culture of telephone communication should be present in any phone call you make. Be it dad, mom, sister, brother, girlfriend, friend, president (about the president, well, you never know - there are different names in the phone book) and even your beloved boyfriend. About the latter, if you understand and will be discussed. And so, you wanted to hear him, took the phone, dialed the coveted number: beeps - "hello" - "hello!" And here it is, a long-awaited conversation. Well, I think you shouldn't introduce yourself, otherwise your boyfriend will start to doubt your adequacy (the voice of your beloved, I think, he will know from whatever number you call). By the way, if he still doesn't know and starts to guess, listing female names, think about it (anything can happen). But let's not talk about sad things. First of all, ask if he is busy, guys don't like horror when they get calls at the wrong time. And the wrong times for a call can be: work, some urgent matters, his presence in a men's company (rest with friends), a serious conversation with someone, waiting for an important call, a long morning sleep after yesterday, and even just his bad mood. Remember this as a "woman's bible" and then you will definitely understand how to properly talk to your boyfriend on the phone. When calling him, be sure to correctly inquire about his employment at the moment. She asked and heard that he was busy, it is better to call back later or let him do it himself. Do not force him to communicate, resting on the fact that: "I called, then you have to talk to me" believe me, the conversation will not work here, give him time, let it cool down. If, of course, the guy gave the green light to your communication and is glad that you called, first of all, ask how he is, how are you, guys love it when they are taken care of and are interested in their life, because they are ready to talk about themselves for hours. By the way, try not to interrupt him, let him complete his thought to the end. Don't push your problem forward. You heard the voice of your beloved, and this in itself already removes from all the troubles in life that happened to you at that moment.

When talking with him, do not try to communicate with a friend sitting next to him at the same time, after all, we girls with a phone near their ear can do a hundred things, remember, the guy does not understand this. You call him - so be kind and talk only with him. Put aside all the things that distract your attention during a conversation - communicate in such a way that if he asks you again, you could retell the last phrase that you said to him five seconds ago, and not nervously keep silent. You call on business - tell everything, in fact, don't go around the bush, it's not a call to a psychic, how does he know what happened there. Guys very rarely understand our intricate hints, they need the gist. And also, do not call when you have drunk (guys most often do not understand this), do not throw telephone tantrums, do not shout into the phone. Try to keep your negative emotions to yourself. We think with emotions, and they are the logic and rationality of the decision. Do not talk constantly about yourself, give him the opportunity to insert his word. And yet, do not call every, so to speak, "five minutes", keep yourself in control and away from the phone. Guys are freedom-loving people, and most of all they don't like it when they get bored with nothing to do. If he wants to hear, he will call himself, remember this and do not impose telephone communication with yourself.

I need advice to him - do not deny this pleasure, advise. Be proud of this, because he called not his mother for advice, but you. You need advice, accept and thank, no matter what he gave it to you, even if this advice seems silly to you.

As for your voice, during a telephone conversation, it should always be sweet and laconic, caress the ear and evoke "spring in the soul" of your beloved. Joke as often as possible, especially if you hear that he is in a bad mood or he is just sad. Tell, for example, an anecdote or somehow interesting storythat happened to you (about childhood, for example) or your loved ones. Get him interested, do not be silent, based on the idea that he is a guy - he should entertain. That is how it is, but he is not always a "duty clown", show that you also have a good sense of humor. Discuss with him your and his interests (most importantly, not boring), recently read a book, the last movie you watched, your trip somewhere, your studies. You can even read something interesting to him. Or just in an ironic interpretation, tell us how you spent your day and don't forget to ask him about it. In no case do not talk to him purely on female topics, dilute the conversation with its themes. If he is interested in something, he will ask you himself. By the way, guys don't like female gossip either.

You just call because you missed it, don't keep it to yourself, tell him about it. Guys enjoy being dependent on them, in the good sense of the word. In this case, do not be afraid of your emotions, show them to the fullest, because from them, at the moment, comes a positive that is able to charge your soul mate with ions of happiness for the whole day. And never forget to say the three magic words: "I love you." This reminder will never be superfluous, no matter who of you calls whom. By the way, conversations about love are the most pleasant conversations that will help both of you open up to each other and become much closer. Therefore, do not be shy about your feelings and pleasant phone conversations. Correctly talking to your boyfriend on the phone does not mean adhering to some rules and canons. It only means that after you put the pipes down, a piece of happiness will remain in the heart of each of you after a conversation with your loved one.