How to survive a long separation from your loved one? Separation strengthens or destroys a relationship

Which forever and irrevocably takes away a loved one from us, and about a temporary separation, mainly for forced reasons.

A man who seeks to earn extra money and provide for his family sometimes goes to extreme measures. At the same time, his family often suffers from separation from him: a woman so often lacks a strong shoulder and tender hugs, and children - the love and upbringing of a caring father. Male careerist often spends time in another city on a business trip, and sailoror truck driverheading off in flight a couple of times a year, but for a few months. And all because in our times it is simply impossible to make money in your native country normally. So a guy and a girl / husband and wife have to periodically leave in order not to live in poverty. How is this partingon love? Let's try to figure it out.

Love and separation.

Ability to cope with difficult times

We often say that real love able to survive everything: temporary separation, parting, difficulties in love etc. Our feelings often succumb to the tests of fate, but are they able to become stronger and not break under the pressure of difficult times? From personal observations I can say that love really has tremendous power and, having passed the test, it becomes even stronger, deeper, more sensual. Basically, relationships built on a fragile feeling break up.

When temporary separation loving people is forced and repeated periodically, the relationship is able not only to withstand it, but also to become stronger. But before a woman marries a man, whose work is of a traveling nature, she needs to weigh everything and think carefully: is she ready to agree with the frequent and long absence of her husband. To do this, it is necessary to assess the merits and demerits of long separation.

So, the negative side.

1. Absence of a loved one. And along with him, for a while, a piece of happiness that he carries with him leaves. Love doesn't stop, no! But the longing for a loved one is sometimes simply unbearable. At these moments, friends and family, who are always trying to support and cheer, are often helpless - only the woman who herself is waiting can understand.

2. Constant adaptation. If separation from a loved one has a protracted character, one way or another, there is a weaning from each other, and therefore then you have to re-accept the husband's new habits, put up with the changes that have occurred in him during the separation. This can give rise to misunderstandings and even quarrels. All this can affect the nervous system of the husband and wife.

3. All by herself. While husband on a business trip or a flight, a woman has to decide everything on her own: household issues, raising children, serious life turns. Sometimes, without male support, you want to howl. But, nevertheless, it is quite possible to cope with all this.

4. Lack of sexual relations. Naturally, they are important not only for the male body, but also for the female, so a long separation can negatively affect health.

Perhaps in order to live with a man, periodic partings with whom are inevitable, you need to be a strong woman, but, nevertheless, temporary separation has its merits, which just need to be considered.

1. Love is reborn. Each time she meets, she begins with a new leaf: with vivid sensations, unbridled passion and a storm of emotions. This is usually the case sailor and sailorwho have been apart for several months. And each such parting begins, like teenagers in love, when they send each other love smsfull of compliments and sensuality. When my heart is pounding for a phone call When you want to sleep and wake up next to your loved one.

2. It is impossible to get bored.When a husband and wife are constantly together, they often begin to find fault with each other, express their dissatisfaction with all sorts of little things that can inflate a whole scandal. People who love each other and are forced to keep their love in the distancewill treasure every second of their time together. This means that quarrels and squabbles very rarely come to such a family.

3. The opportunity to take care of yourself.While husband on a flight or a business trip, the wife has a lot of free time, which allows enough to deal not only with household chores, but also with herself: self-realization, self-development, fitness, beauty salon - all this time becomes more.

4. Revaluation of values.During the time of separation, the husband and wife have the opportunity to rethink their behavior, mistakes that were made in communication. They have time to understand: how petty and meaningless are all claims and reproaches, when you need to appreciate every minute spent with a loved one. The realization comes that material goods are nothing at all in comparison with feelings. And the most interesting thing is that it is often simply impossible to understand this without separation, and this is very important for the relationship between a man and a woman!

5. Secured life. When a man seeks to earn money, this is not bad, but even wonderful, because he does it primarily for his family. Today, not all husbands are ready for such "feats". And when he manages to earn enough money, the family is not only able to meet their needs, but also has the opportunity to enjoy additional benefits.

What to do while you are away

Since the husband left for work, you can begin to prepare for his arrival. How?

1. Equip the apartment. To do home comfort, change the interior a little, remember his desires in this regard and make him a surprise.

2. Take care of yourself. A woman in any case should always take care of herself, but for now husband on a flight or a business trip, you can make changes in your image: correct your figure, change the style, buy some sexy dress or awesome underwear for his arrival.

3. Prepare a surprise. In order to completely shock her beloved husband who works recklessly, the wife can master oriental-style dances or strip dance. This will have a positive effect on the figure and at the same time significantly diversify sexual relations. Just do not shock him from the doorway! Allow time to move away from separation.

4. Find a way of self-realization.A man does not like it when a woman gets more money than him. And those husbands who are often away from home often insist that the wife be at home when they return. However, this does not mean that she should completely shut herself off from the entire surrounding world and forget about herself. A woman can find ways. It can be your own business, when there is an opportunity to manage your time, or some interesting hobby, or just make money at home.

In any case, when there are strong feelings, a woman is simply obliged to understand her man: he strives for growth and does this not so much for himself as for people close to him. When you find the person you have been looking for all your life, how can such a trifle as a career interfere with your feelings? At the same time, each spouse is obliged not only to love, but also to respect the loved one, fully and completely understand him and accept his aspirations and desires. And then temporary separation from a loved oneit will seem like a person only a necessity that positively affects love: it helps to keep the relationship from devouring everyday life, to avoid senseless quarrels and scandals, to diversify life with a spouse with new sensations that are sometimes so necessary for each of us.

In my life, another performance is being played under the title: separation. And I ask the actors to stop, the writers to rewrite the plot ... but it's too late. Separation remains with me!

And again the time has come for parting with a loved one. It's your fault - or I ... doesn't matter anymore. I only know one thing: we will meet again. My dear. The only ... scholarship!

And parting tenderly hugs me, it is only near, not beloved hands. And tears will flow, grief will flood - my beloved eyes will not find me.

She was tired of torturing herself for the unworthy. Why is she paying for everything? Why not them? She is in full view. Open and loving ... but the world is always missing something ...

Best status:
Over and over again in my head the same rotten question was scrolled: why did love turn out to be such a bitch? Why does she give only separation?

Only a meeting can completely heal from separation. Meeting - and nothing else. So ... we will definitely meet. Even there, in heaven ...

How easy it becomes to live if you completely forget the words “love”, “miss”, “separation”. How easy ... and boring!

The last day - I am your student, The last time - I will fill in the diary. Farewell to school - the time has come for separation.

Who taught you to live like this? To play in love, and not to love, to make girls fall in love with you, then break their hearts, to play like with dolls in love, you played and left again. And what is separation for you? Can't live very much in love? I loved, I did not play, I was waiting and I was so bored. You didn’t come, you played again. I couldn’t distinguish a game, love !!! He broke my heart and snapped it ...

Distance is not so scary when it is in kilometers of the earth, and not in kilometers of the soul

My eyes envy my heart ... because YOU are in my heart, but far from my eyes ..

How many days will pass in separation, You are still not there, you are somewhere far away. It will not be so soon that gentle hands will embrace tenderly and easily. And outside the window, the evening coolness and streetlights lit up I WAIT FOR YOU, I don't need anyone. !

I wonder when you are apart, how much is the year?

Do not regret the past ... it did not regret you ...

On the cheeks, tears, tears ... Love is prickly like roses, then hugs, then parting ... Why is love such a BITCH?!?!

Come back. Putting on the scales Love and stupid parting Move back the clock And hold your hand in your palms ...

Alas, all parting meetings are destined (s)

Fear of separation is the best gasoline for love)

Love is stronger in separation and suffering, and whoever did not wait did not love.

I know - you are near, I feel it, Love, I and YOU are two silhouettes, I know - you are here, I feel, close, You warm me, at a distance of gaze ...

Have you seen her eyes? - Well, yes, I did. Green, such beautiful ... -And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, bastard ...

razluki town, Svidaniya str., House of Expectations of Love quarter ... There will be time to come in!

I here the other day gave my girlfriend flowers, and she burst into tears. -And what flowers did you give her? -Cactuses. Two. Rotten. Yellow. -AAA! Yes, you are stupid, stupid! It is clear that she burst into tears ... Yellow to parting ...

The long parting has worn me out, you are deceiving, I am being deceived. The parting is long - the road is long, and your trusting one is waiting for you ...

And I thought we were friends ... and it's a pity that I was wrong! don't think bitch, it doesn't hurt me, but my friendship with you is enough ...

Strong arms embrace me, I will fly away from separation for a moment. I squeeze this moment in my palms ... I will not let go of this moment.

Insomnia without knocking, more insidious than separation, came in a thorny blizzard. Ruthless bitch, but a loyal friend.

Do not panic! New Scratch Corrector - Remove any scratch in seconds!

There is a stone between us, and later separation ... And who can tell me why love is such a bitch?

If a movie was shot based on the plot of my life, then when I watched it, I would sit and sob!

Run away from her. She is too different. Shades of doubt in the colors of black and red. Shades of love cannot be measured by palettes. Depths of longing. Separation by kilometers.

Always like this ... The depth of love is known only in the hour of separation

If a deep connection is broken, the pain of the break is healed with salt. It's good to part, laughing - at yourself, at the separation, at the pain.

Why, only in a moment of separation, do you understand how much you love?

You cannot describe those seconds when he clings to you after a long separation, quietly breathing, breathing in the smell of your hair ... and no words are needed here ...

Why, when the time of separation comes, when we leave, we forget to say the most important thing ???

True love is not one that can withstand years of separation, but one that can withstand years of intimacy.

How often in sorrowful separation, In my wandering destiny, Booze, I thought about you! Booze .. how much in this sound For the Russian liver it has merged, How much it echoed in it!

Tears on her cheeks ... love is prickly like roses ... Now in the arms, then parting ... why is love such a bitch ...

What a desire to quickly wake up in the morning and see that he is sleeping next to ... kiss him gently and know that a year of separation, tears and hysterics has passed ... to know that this is true Love!

The phrase “let's stay friends” is deciphered like this: “I don't love you anymore, but it's nice to watch how you love me.”

Separation weakens a slight infatuation, but intensifies passion, just as the wind extinguishes a candle, but fancies a fire in a fire.

One day apart is enough to understand how empty the world is when she is not around ...

It's hard without a boyfriend when he's lost, but it's also difficult with a boyfriend when he's unfaithful ...

Platforms are melting, cities are flickering ... hiding silently to nowhere ... towards each other, being together once and for all ... trains save people from separation ..

I want to scream about love for her, but she will not hear it, there is separation between us: ((

A world of bitter partings and country losses. But still, when we are together we are a little bit younger. when we are near we are loyalty and strength and it is so beautiful around it is so beautiful. please let us keep all the warmth we will bring it to winter ... where only we are left ...

If love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it.

I kiss your lips, I kiss your shoulders, the longer the separation was, the more pitiful the meeting will be ... The dawn will wake up early, the phones will not receive an answer, and we will just blindly shut the curtains to everyone ...)

What is love? Sympathy, interest, passion, affection, emotions, pain ... this is such love ... and at the end of separation ...

The pain of separation is separation, I beg you, wait, this is stupid. Leaves are circling above the ground, I ask you to be with me

Death is easier than separation. Death is just a moment, in separation we suffer all our lives.

If I say once more that I love - kill ...

Separation is pain overshadowing the meaning of life, coffee mixed with sleeping pills, a horse dose of nicotine and drunken tears in a pillow ...

What to do, not the first time To press the separation to the heart, Leaving behind the back Pain, hope, joy, boredom ... (c)

You fool. Separation, love, bitch. You don't want to be just a friend. You don't want to see yourself, and you want to hate her. You want to hurt, offend, but you dream of seeing again.

Someone this winter will bring something, someone love, someone separation, someone a broken leg, and someone a hand.

I don't want to live without you, I'm flying to you on the wings of the wind, and I don't need another, I'm with you!

Separation is a bitch, we are far from each other And time is a carousel, only drives us in a circle And do not call me a friend, because you are not my friend I am someone more for you, and you are my Miracle

New life, new people, everything has changed, but everything will still be ahead and pain and separation you will find happiness in new people!

Three minutes before the veins rupture ... Three minutes before the heart breaks ... Three minutes before our separation ... How long it is ... As many as three minutes ...

She walked along the street, spring was blooming around her, the warming sun blinded her eyes, she walked and it seemed to her that all her problems were melting in these warm rays ... as soon as her heart continued to squeeze plaintively from the pain of separation ... because she lacked only the radiance of his eyes ...

Separation Pain. He is far away, abroad ... and I am here. Awful feeling of loneliness. In this new one .. (c)

Separation, like a strong wind, extinguishes only weak love, and strong love only kindles stronger wind

I thought the hardest and most terrible thing is to wait and catch up ... but I didn't know ... what the worst thing is ... they are afraid to lose

Life is a complicated thing - the pain of separation, we die not knowing why we lived, why we existed ...

You know, usually, when you meet a guy, you think, okay, let's break up and don’t really depend on him, but when the moment of separation comes, his smell leaves a tremor in the body ... and you understand that you cannot live without him ...

... I am waiting for him to say to me: "Will you wait for me from the army?" - to answer: "I have been waiting for you all my life, will the year of separation change something?" ... I love him ...

I was given a choice. Leave your relatives in a foreign city and be with him. Or stay to die in separation from a loved one. You won't wish it on your enemy.

Let's see you for the last time! ”“ No. -But why? - I'm afraid .. - What? -Look into your eyes and stay ...

Time, parting, and you're just a bitch

Love is hellish happiness, At first it is good, then it brings bad weather, Quarrels, betrayals, into the fruit before parting ... These are all plans for a bitch life ...

... again pills and pains in the heart ... the torment of parting ... separation ((... and again tears and sleepless nights ...

Longing in separation from the one we love, in every passer-by on the street we see dear features. (C)

There are tears on the cheeks ... tears ... Love is prickly, like roses. Now in the arms, then in parting .. Why is love such a bitch? ...?

I live a day for a week if you are not around. Sunny, I miss you so much.

Love is such a state of mind when you cannot live without your beloved, it is necessary like air, like life and the moment of separation from it seems like eternity ...

Only in moments of meeting and separation do people know how much love their heart hid, and the words of love tremble on their lips, and tears are found in their eyes.

The phone is silent ... Not a sound, not a glimpse from the void ... Hello, Lady Parting, I know that it is you ...

They say that parting is for love like wind for fire ... So, no wind is terrible for our fire !!!

The worst thing is not that you were betrayed, but the one who did it !!! Yes you are, you! what are you reading!?

From my window pulls with tears, resentment, jealousy, rotten dreams, sins, fear of infidelity, still love, misunderstanding, expectation, separation, but still life is a good thing.

Separation kindles a heartfelt passion ... for someone else, who is closer!

The phrase "I love you" - after separation from a loved one, becomes equal to "Hello. How are you?"

Even if love brings with it separation, loneliness, sadness, it is still worth the price we pay for it!

And after hundreds of kilometers, we are together again. Two cities, two hearts

To see a rainbow, you need to survive the rain ... To see you, you need to go through separation ...

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking

But in one thing, do not retreat, Go to break, to parting, Only do not forgive meanness And do not forgive betrayal No one: neither beloved, nor friend! (from)

... and now I know that true love is when even after half a year of separation from a kiss there are sparks in my eyes, and in the stomach of a butterfly ...

While you sleep, I will turn off all sounds, Surrounding you and your dreams with care, And with ecstasy I will wait for the end of parting, When, when you return, you awaken ... I LOVE YOU, KITTEN, AND HAPPY THAT WE ARE TOGETHER !!!

I do not lose the right people, it is fate that weeds out the superfluous!

It was only after separation from you that I began to listen to songs that made me want to cry ...

The hardest part about goodbye is saying goodbye over and over again, every day.

Longing in separation from the one we love, we see dear features in every passer-by on the street.

Love is stronger in parting and suffering ... and whoever did not expect, but he did not love ...

For tomorrow there are other problems, do not prepare a schedule of meetings and partings ...

Remember: only the world is open to you at all ends, open to me. Maybe we will meet: in every separation there is always a new meeting.

Generally a brilliant idea !!! Most of the separation and abandonment of loved ones happen on the Internet !! Maybe we will stop killing ourselves, tearing our brains out while sitting at the computer, and start living more in reality ??

It is impossible to explain what love is. What is love? It's simple and difficult. This is bitterness and tears, dreams and separation. These are tender meetings and necessary torments. What love is cannot be explained. To just understand, you just have to love.

Our love did not survive the separation. She did not know how to survive it, because some kind of $ uk intervened in our personal life ..

Parting is just a run to each other ... you will still be mine !!!

True love, not the one that withstands long years of separation, but the one that can withstand long years of intimacy!

But parting, bitch, won again .. (c)

Separation from a loved one is an eternity without happiness! !

Do you want to get rid of a double chin? IT only takes a week!

I would not know what separation is, I would not hear my heartbeat.

You notice a change in a person after separation, and if you see him all the time, from day to day, you will not notice, because he changes gradually.

Girls when after parting half a year will pass, then you will understand that because of such a shit they were so killed)) I answer))

The farewell was sweet and touching, because the separation promised to be long and pleasant ...

There was love, there was separation, feelings cooled down ... Hello, I, BEAUTIFUL BITCH))

Poems: separation from a loved one

How many words do you need to say goodbye?
We are now with you far ...
A minute will be enough to fall in love
And light all the lights in my soul.
All our hugs, kisses
Everything that happened can be forgotten.
If you can, remember, jealous,
If not, I can forgive you.
I miss you so often.
I'm used to it, not my fault.
And in my soul it is burning desperately
A lonely star now ...
Karolina Alexandrova

Oh life, do not exact so strictly
From lovers of flaming hearts
And a song on a thorn of thorns
Let them sing in all their glory
Souls beautiful impulses
After all, so crystal, so pure
Like a stream in the spring forest
Among the green foliage
There is no cynicism, no calculation
Not a drop of vulgarity in love
So save us from the shadow of oppression
What is coming like a whirlwind
Feelings sparkle in my soul
Moonlight pours from my chest
So kill them just a little
just a little bit you wait
I know it will be very difficult
That pain has been familiar for so long ..
But I always go for my heart
Wherever it leads!

He saw a lot in this life
And hate and pain and fear
But somehow he remembered
A child in her arms
That child was still alive
When he raised him in his arms
When pressed against a hot chest
And quietly, quietly whispered
Oh God, how alike we are ...
Like drops of morning dew
And he remembered, and tears rolled down
Those feelings of a woeful winter.
It was hard in the cold winter
Then the war was still
Who did not spare many
And it took their lives ...
I took it away and did not ask
The lives of the young and beautiful
The lives of small and old -
Trouble crept into every house.
And holding the baby tight
Suddenly he realized that he was dead
And I began to blame myself for this -
That he didn't save his life ...
But time passed and the pain subsided
But sometimes it happens like this -
That, remembering, he sits down quietly
And silently looks into nowhere ...

I don't know how it happened
What happened with love
Our happiness sailed away with you,
And we were left without him.
Our love is no more,
Our love just passed
Love rushed in the wind
Others have healed their love.

Beloved, again the shadow of parting
It is overtaking us viciously.
And let not fear.
Alas, this is the fate.
Let evil not be empty.
Let the separation fade away.
But if evil is like this -
It will not dispel us.

I didn't want to talk ...
Perhaps the moment has come.
We can no longer be together ...
I will leave only one present
To you, a couple of lines for memory,
About what was good
Together, but God sees
That this time is all gone ...

Last time,
I see you.
And I embrace now
Last time,
Kiss you.
Without taking my eyes away.
But, unfortunately, everything goes away
And you see me
Last time.

I saw your sad eyes
I knew we were alone
And a wall is built between us
And you and I are no longer on our way ...
You said it was all nonsense
That life is just a reason for love
After all, you and I parted just like that,
And you forgive me now.
I smiled, keeping the pain in my soul,
Time has stopped for now
And you said I had to go
We will see you for the last time.
Your stubbornness divided you and me
And we can never get together.
I guess you weren't my destiny
But you will always be in my heart.
Perhaps it was not love.
The beating of two hearts was not heard
But I know for sure: I'm alone now
And our relationship is over!

The dawn was spreading over the city of scarlet.
I'm like a girl, young, small,
I sat dreaming alone at the window.
And watched the moon go its way
I finished it lazily.
And the stars roll over the mountain sleepily.
And it seems to me that my joy
And he knows, and loves, and remembers me.
I jump out of the window like a bird
And I feel that I can't fly without him.
I suddenly looked and froze all over:
Both free wings are clipped.
And the soul reaches down and sings
That this flight is over
By my death, simple and innocent,
But still cruel and long.

Sometimes we fall in love
We go to the cinema, restaurant,
Or just meet
Building your love temple.
Love grows with lightning speed
Life without each other becomes unbearable.
Day after day, we want to be near
And always together,
Caress each other with a gentle look,
It doesn't matter at night or during the day.
And waking up in the morning
Lips touching lips,
Whisper: I love you ...
And give all of yourself every day.
Time passes ... Everything changes ...
Something begins and something ends.
Now you date him
And you just talk to me,
After all, he is now on a white horse,
And I'm at the deepest bottom.
This is how it happens sometimes
That love rises and just leaves ...

You are gone. And I seemed to have forgotten
That we were once together
Why is love forgotten
The soul is so scorched with fire
I do not love you. I do not miss
So why do you come in your sleep?
You had me random
And you were very dear to me.
I have a pretty one now
Sweet boy who loves me
So why remember what you have lived
Let go, let me go.
From which sometimes as I remember
Like a wolf to howl at the moon
And the soul of wild pain is full
From what only I do not understand
Dybova Lydia

Love is dying in me
Pain comes to replace.
In a theater called "Life"
My role is not good.
I was a happy girl
I dreamed, I loved, I lived.
And as if pricked by a needle
I woke up from a false dream.
The person I held dear
He turned out to be a hypocrite, a liar.
But I loved him
Let it all burn with fire.
Let what was burn
Let what is.
Resentment speaks in me
Revenge burns in me.
But I'm not like that at all
I will endure the pain caused by them.
From this, anger dies,
And I will suppress revenge in myself.
After going through this I know
That I will save my future.
And love will not die in me
Pain will not replace it.
In a theater called "Life"
I have a lucky role.

The whole city is wet - this is the rain crying,
And I do not believe that Something will ...
Someday you will understand me too
And the sun, like me, will forget you ...
I'm waiting for September, September night
Stars shine, languid shine of the moon,
And again the Rain will fall from the sky,
And again I will understand how far we are ...

I have one dream
Talk to you again
It's just as silly to confuse words
To remember something to forget something
Try to make you laugh
It becomes so easy for me
And this is how I can forget you
If you wake up far
As always I will miss
And write poetry about you
So as not to disappear at all
From longing not called by me
The moon shines alone
It's about ten
I'm passing someone's house
Heart groans with bitter longing
There he is this little house
Where does my acquaintance live
She sleeps and does not know about
What I dreamed today
I want to see her
Just pick up and talk
I don't know, but thoughts of her
They began to come to me more often.

Tim Burton and his faithful life partner, Helen Bonham Carter, are confident that living in different houses, they begin to miss each other, and this strengthens their relationship

What to do if life circumstances throw up unexpected surprises and force even the most loving, most attached couples to pass the separation test.

When does separation destroy?

The bright feeling of flying butterflies in the stomach, especially in hot youth, becomes simply synonymous with complete affection and dependence on each other. Surely in the life of each of us it was like that, when parting just for the night was like death. And if there was a trip for the whole summer to visit relatives in Saratov, or into the wilderness, to the village, we were ready to walk after the train, run after the bus, just to be close ...

For those who are used to spending every day together, waking up, eating breakfast, having dinner, meeting friends and walking the dog together, a long separation can be a real tragedy. Someone is simply not able to sleep normally alone, someone cannot solve daily problems without the support of a loved one ...

Well, when a temporary separation turns into a long and tedious relationship on the phone, then the increasing abyss is difficult to keep from growing. Circumstances do not allow meeting, phone calls become less frequent, and relationships naturally come to naught ... At first, you do not find a place for yourself from melancholy. Despondency and depression prevail from all sides. Then, in order to somehow get yourself out of this state, you start looking for a way out, you strive to have fun. Over time, you gradually get used to it. Well, then you don't care and you are looking for a replacement with whom you could fill your heart. This is why lovers are so afraid of separation. And yet, there are positive aspects to separation. "What kind?" - you will be surprised.

The pros of separation

There is a connection

Today, those days of terrible Siberian exile have passed, when political strife brutally separated loving hearts, and they did not even know anything about each other. We just hoped and waited. Today, it seems that all technological progress has been in defense of separation. The Internet does an excellent job with the mission entrusted to it - to warm up and maintain love at a distance. And you can order flowers for your beloved even every day, being in another city and even a country.

There is a time limit

If parting has a time frame (week, month, year), and not deadlines that are pushed back each time, then lovers can while away the entire period of separation, counting the days until the meeting. What could be more beautiful than anticipation, especially when you are very bored. “Honey, there are ten days left before the meeting,” are perhaps the most coveted words.

There is a time

How many unnecessary words break down in a burst of emotion during a quarrel. How often we do not appreciate the people who are with us. And how quickly everything bad is then forgotten when we are separated from them. Only in separation is there time for the bad to be forgotten. Time to think and understand how dear this person is to you.

The joy of meeting

When can you fall in love with your long-loved soul mate? Each new meeting after separation is like a re-experienced first date. And what can we say about sex!

There is time for yourself

Being alone due to separation is a big plus - it's a lot of free time that you can devote to yourself entirely. Instead of suffering on free evenings and shedding tears of longing on the shoulders of friends in the next bar, it is better to do more useful things. For example, reading books, watching movies, learning something new, visiting a beautician, signing up for a pool or going to yoga classes, in a word, self-improvement, doing what you have long dreamed of, but did not have enough time. It will be useful for you, and your loved one will appreciate it.

There is a time for rest

For people living together for many years, separation is sometimes the only salvation for a relationship. At least once a year, break the tradition and go on vacation with a friend, not with her husband. Get some air, feel attractive, gossip enough, maybe even have a resort romance (without burdensome consequences against the background of light flirting), unrequitedly turning the head of some foreigner. And turning off the brain, and looking around, who knows, maybe you will see again or find what you have long lost in your loved one. And having missed your beloved, with a completely different mood and knowledge you will return home.

Great is seen at a distance

For example, you didn't even know how romantic he could be before, but now every day you receive a bouquet of flowers with a note from him, although he is a thousand kilometers away from you. You considered him not decisive enough, but now you observe how persistently he goes to his goal, wants to earn more money as soon as possible and take you to another city with him. Of course, some people may open up from the other side as well. But this is what parting is for, in order to show everything previously unknown, but so important, as a litmus test, and to test the strength of intentions and feelings at a distance.

Separation benefits statistics

Of course, separation is not a universal antibiotic for treating relationships, but it is often the only true one.

By the way, according to statistics, today almost one in ten American couples prefer to sleep in separate rooms. However, that there are Americans. Famous singer Leonid Agutin in numerous interviews he admitted more than once that he and his wife Angelica Varumsleep in different rooms. They say they have excellent temperature regimes: Leonid loves cold, and Angelica prefers warmth. “For example, I can hardly stand the temperature regime in Lenin. I sleep in a warm bedroom, and Lenya opens the window even in winter, he likes the cold, ”Varum once said. "I go to my wife at night on dates - you see what an interesting life we \u200b\u200bhave," - Agutin echoed his wife.

However, another star couple is eccentric Helena Bonham Carter and her husband, a famous director Tim Burton let's go even further! They generally live in neighboring houses precisely because they want to strengthen their relationship. “They call us a crazy couple with underground tunnels dug between houses, they say that our children live with another family at the end of the street. We only have two adjoining houses connected by one door, since mine was too small for the whole family. We spend as much time together as any normal couple, and the fact that we have personal space only improves our relationship, "Helena once admitted in an interview. And she added: “We see each other when we want, and not because we have to ... If someone wants to watch football, he does it without disturbing me. And I watch my girlish TV, as Tim calls it. " Sounds quite reasonable.

It is a shame that statistics do not measure their level of happiness. But everyone has their own recipe for a happy family life.

In A. Kuprin's story "Olesya" there are lines that are suitable for the theme, with which one would like to draw a logical conclusion - "Parting is for love the same as the wind is for fire: it extinguishes a small love, and blows a big one even stronger."

You left, I really miss
The whole world is not nice to me without you
I will wait, I promise you
You conquered my soul.

And let the distance torment us,
There are kilometers between us, hours,
I hope by chance
We will have one dream with you.

My dear, good, beloved,
You just call me more often
Our parting days will pass quickly
And we will drown with you in love.

It's very sad without you.
The heart just breaks!
And I'm apart from you
Crying, my sun!

So I want to be near
Forever with me!
The light is not nice to me without you.
In my thoughts I am with you!

Oh, how hard it is to be apart!
The soul languishes without you.
I remember your hands
And the way you look at me.

I leaf through the photo, even cry.
Very alarming at heart.
You mean so much to me!
And he became so familiar already.

Parting time
As if it freezes
Yearning heart
And the soul is bored.

And only in the distance
You clearly understand
How much you love
And how you expect a meeting.

Eyes are looking everywhere
Beloved look
And you are quietly in a dream
You whisper: "cute"

Favorite boy! I miss,
And from parting - I die.
My beloved and dear,
Cozy next to - only with you.
Lack of such a familiar look
I don't need another next to me.
You know, my dear, apart,
Life without you is continuous torment!
The soul is crying and suffering
And slowly fades ...

How crazy is this flour -
To live without you day by day.
To be sad, to languish from parting,
That you are not with me.

And only one thing I console myself
That you will return, my dear.
Heart misses you so much
I love you my dear.

My dear, even though you are far away now
And a great distance tore us apart
I feel hearts bind us
And we don't care about this parting.

I wait for you like the long-awaited rain
Who hasn't been in the desert for years
You know i love you so much
And it seems that the whole world knows about it!

Separation is a test of nerves
But, love, remember, I am with you.
The parting will be short-lived
And soon I will hug you again, dear!

And if it suddenly becomes unbearable,
Dial the number anytime
I will answer you, I will support you with a word,
And in your dreams you take me with you.

I will dream of you - as if I'm getting closer
If you dream about me, it’s easier on my soul
A little more - and I will see you
Until the meeting, I have already counted the days.

There are hundreds of kilometers between us.
There are rails and snow between us.
Weeping winds between us
How, darling, to reach you.

I'm waiting for you, hurry up soon, dear,
You are home to your native land.
My gentle, desirable and beautiful,
Come, love, love you.

Without you, love, everything loses color
Morning tasteless omelet is fried,
Time slows down its nimble pace
I know all the answers exactly in advance.

If we're apart - somehow it's not right
If we are apart, then time is the enemy,
Come back dear, I'm always waiting for you
Come back dear, it's a problem without you.