Where can you find sulfur. Sulfur in nature

Sulfur (Sulfur) is an element of the periodic table of chemical elements and belongs to the group of chalcogens. This element is an active participant in the formation of many acids and salts. Hydrogen and acidic compounds contain sulfur, usually as part of various ions. A large number of salts, which include sulfur, are practically insoluble in water.

Sulfur is a fairly common element in nature. Based on its chemical content in the earth's crust, it was assigned number sixteen, and based on its presence in water bodies, number six. It can occur in both free and bound states.

The most important natural minerals of the element include: iron pyrite (pyrite) - FeS 2, zinc blende (sphalerite) - ZnS, galena - PbS, cinnabar - HgS, stibnite - Sb 2 S 3. Also, the sixteenth element of the periodic table is found in oil, natural coal, natural gases, and shale. The presence of sulfur in the aquatic environment is represented by sulfate ions. It is its presence in fresh water that causes constant hardness. It is also one of the most important elements of the life of higher organisms, it is part of the structure of many proteins, and is also concentrated in the hair.

Table 1. Properties of sulfur
Properties of the atom
Name, symbol, number Sulfur/Sulfur (S), 16
Atomic mass (molar mass) [comm. 1] a. e.m. (g/mol)
Electronic configuration 3s2 3p4
Atomic radius 127 pm
Chemical properties
Valence radius 102 pm
Ion radius 30 (+6e) 184 (-2e) pm
Electronegativity 2.58 (Pauling scale)
Electrode potential 0
Oxidation state +6, +4, +2, +1, 0, -1, −2
Ionization energy (first electron) 999.0 (10.35) kJ/mol (eV)
Thermodynamic properties of a simple substance
Density (at normal conditions) 2.070 g/cm³
Melting temperature 386 K (112.85 °C)
Boiling temperature 717.824 K (444.67 °C)
Ud. heat of fusion 1.23 kJ/mol
Ud. heat of vaporization 10.5 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity 22.61 J/(K mol)
Molar volume 15.5 cm³/mol

Crystal lattice of a simple substance

Lattice structure orthorhombic
Lattice parameters a=10.437 b=12.845 c=24.369 Å
Other characteristics
Thermal conductivity (300 K) 0.27 W/(m K)
CAS number 7704-34-9

Sulfur ore

It cannot be said that the free state of sulfur in nature is a frequent occurrence. Native sulfur is quite rare. It is often one of the components of some ores. Sulfur ore is a rock that contains native sulfur. Sulfur inclusions in rocks can form together with accompanying rocks or later than them. The time of their formation affects the direction of prospecting and exploration work. Experts identify several theories for the formation of sulfur in ores.

  1. Syngenesis theory. According to this theory, sulfur and host rocks were formed simultaneously. The place of their formation were shallow basins. The sulfates contained in the water were reduced to hydrogen sulfide with the help of special bacteria. Next, it rose up to the oxidation zone, in which hydrogen sulfide was oxidized to elemental sulfur. It sank to the bottom, settling in silt, which over time turned into ore.
  2. The theory of epigenesis, which states that the formation of sulfur inclusions occurred later than the main rocks. In accordance with this theory, it is believed that groundwater penetrated into the rock strata, as a result of which the water was enriched with sulfates. Next, these waters came into contact with oil or gas deposits, which led to the reduction of sulfate ions with the help of hydrocarbons to hydrogen sulfide, which, rising to the surface and oxidizing, released native sulfur in the voids and cracks of the rocks.
  3. The theory of metasomatism. This theory is one of the subtypes of the theory of epigenesis. Currently, it is increasingly being confirmed. Its essence lies in the conversion of gypsum (CaSO 4 -H 2 O) and anhydrite (CaSO 4) into sulfur and calcite (CaCO 3-). The theory was proposed by two scientists Miropolsky and Krotov in the first half of the twentieth century. A few years later, the Mishrak deposit was found, which confirmed the formation of sulfur in this way. However, the process of transformation of gypsum into sulfur and calcite remains unclear to this day. In this regard, the theory of metasomatism is not the only correct one. In addition, today there are lakes on the planet that have syngenetic sulfur deposits, however, gypsum or anhydrite have not been found in the silt. Such lakes include Sernoye Lake, located near Sernovodsk.

Thus, there is no unambiguous theory of the origin of sulfur inclusions in ores. The formation of matter largely depends on the conditions and phenomena occurring in the bowels of the earth.

Sulfur deposits

Sulfur is mined in places where sulfur ore is localized - deposits. According to some reports, world sulfur reserves amount to about 1.4 billion tons. Today, sulfur deposits have been found in many corners of the Earth - in Turkmenistan, the USA, the Volga region, near the left banks of the Volga, which run from Samara, etc. Sometimes the rock strip can extend for several kilometers.

Texas and Louisiana are famous for their large sulfur reserves. Sulfur crystals, distinguished by their beauty, are also located in Romagna and Sicily (Italy). The island of Vulcano is considered the birthplace of monoclinic sulfur. Russia, in particular the Urals, is also famous for its deposits of the sixteenth element of Mendeleev’s periodic table.

Sulfur ores are classified according to the amount of sulfur they contain. Thus, among them there are rich ores (from 25% sulfur) and poor ores (about 12% of the substance). Sulfur deposits, in turn, are divided into the following types:

  1. Stratiform deposits (60%). This type of deposits is associated with sulfate-carbonate strata. Ore bodies are located directly in sulfate rocks. They can reach hundreds of meters in size and have a thickness of several tens of meters;
  2. Salt dome deposits (35%). This type is characterized by gray sulfur deposits;
  3. Volcanogenic (5%). This type includes deposits formed by volcanoes of a young and modern structure. The shape of the ore element occurring in them is sheet-like or lens-shaped. Such deposits may contain about 40% sulfur. They are characteristic of the Pacific volcanic belt.

Sulfur mining

Sulfur is extracted using one of several possible methods, the choice of which depends on the conditions of occurrence of the substance. There are only two main ones - open and underground.

The open-pit method of sulfur extraction is the most popular. The entire process of extracting a substance using this method begins with the removal of a significant amount of rock by excavators, after which the ore itself is crushed. The resulting ore blocks are transported to the factory for further enrichment, after which they are transported to the enterprise where sulfur is smelted and the substance is obtained from concentrates.

In addition, the Frasch method is also sometimes used, which involves smelting sulfur underground. This method is advisable to use in places where the substance is deep. After melting underground, the substance is pumped out. For this purpose, wells are formed, which are the main tool for pumping out the molten substance. The method is based on the ease of melting of the element and its low density.

There is also a centrifuge separation method. However, it has one big drawback, based on the fact that sulfur obtained using this method has many impurities and requires additional purification. As a result, the method is considered quite expensive.

In addition to the above methods, sulfur extraction in some cases can also be carried out:

  • borehole method;
  • steam-water method;
  • filtration method;
  • thermal method;
  • extraction method.

It is worth noting that regardless of the method used during the extraction of a substance from the bowels of the earth, special attention must be paid to safety precautions. This is due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide along with sulfur deposits, which is toxic to humans and flammable.

  • When conducting the experiment, place a container of water nearby.
  • Place the dry fuel burner (included in the starter kit) on the tray. Do not touch the burner immediately after the experiment - wait until it cools down.
  • Don't forget to wear safety glasses!

General safety rules

  • Do not allow chemicals to come into contact with your eyes or mouth.
  • Keep people away from the experiment site without protective glasses, as well as small children and animals.
  • Keep the experimental kit out of the reach of children under 12 years of age.
  • Wash or clean all equipment and fixtures after use.
  • Ensure that all reagent containers are tightly closed and stored properly after use.
  • Make sure all disposable containers are disposed of correctly.
  • Use only the equipment and reagents provided in the kit or recommended by current instructions.
  • If you have used a food container or glassware for experiments, throw it away immediately. They are no longer suitable for storing food.

First aid information

  • If reagents come into contact with your eyes, rinse thoroughly with water, keeping the eye open if necessary. Contact your doctor immediately.
  • If swallowed, rinse mouth with water and drink some clean water. Do not induce vomiting. Contact your doctor immediately.
  • If reagents are inhaled, remove the victim to fresh air.
  • In case of skin contact or burns, flush the affected area with plenty of water for 10 minutes or longer.
  • If in doubt, consult a doctor immediately. Take the chemical reagent and its container with you.
  • In case of injury, always seek medical attention.
  • Improper use of chemicals can cause injury and damage to health. Carry out only the experiments specified in the instructions.
  • This set of experiences is intended for children 12 years and older only.
  • Children's abilities vary significantly even within age groups. Therefore, parents conducting experiments with their children should use their own discretion to decide which experiments are appropriate and safe for their children.
  • Parents should discuss safety rules with their child or children before experimenting. Particular attention should be paid to the safe handling of acids, alkalis and flammable liquids.
  • Before starting experiments, clear the experiment site of objects that may interfere with you. Avoid storing food near the test site. The testing area should be well ventilated and close to a tap or other water source. To conduct experiments you will need a stable table.
  • Substances in disposable packaging must be used completely or disposed of after one experiment, i.e. after opening the package.

First, you can find methenamine in many stores, such as travel or hardware stores. Most likely, it will be sold there as “dry fuel” or “dry alcohol.” However, there is a simpler option. Take an ordinary household candle and use it as a heat source.

Sulfur caught fire

Sulfur vapor is quite flammable. If they catch fire, this will not interfere with the experiment, but complete burning of the sulfur should be avoided. But, as a rule, sulfur ignites only when almost the entire contents of the thimble have already melted and turned black. Therefore, heat the sulfur for about another minute and pour the molten black substance into the water.

The sulfur has turned black, but does not pour out of the thimble

There's nothing wrong with that. At a certain temperature - around 190oC - black plastic sulfur is very viscous. At higher temperatures it becomes fluid. Just heat the thimble with sulfur for a couple more minutes.

After cooling with water, the sulfur turned yellow or black-yellow

This means that you were a little hasty and poured the sulfur into the water before it all melted and turned into a black viscous liquid. You can repeat the experiment using a second jar of sulfur.

But don’t rush to throw away sulfur after a “bad” experience. Wait a couple of days until it becomes a yellow powder again. Now you can repeat the experiment!

The figurine turned yellow and crumbled in just a few days

You did everything right. Crystallization of sulfur is a complex process, the duration of which greatly depends on how much the substance was heated initially.

  1. Prepare a glass beaker. Fill it with water and leave it near the experiment area.
  2. Take a dry fuel burner from the starter kit. Place the metal cup on the burner as shown in the picture.
  3. Pour all the dry fuel from the jar (0.5 g) into the center of the metal container.
  4. Attach the tweezers to the thimble as shown in the picture.
  5. Secure the thimble.
  6. Make sure the thimble is securely fastened at a sharp angle.
  7. Pour all the sulfur from the jar (2 g) into a thimble.
  8. Light the dry fuel on the burner.
  9. Melt the sulfur over an open fire until it turns black. Be careful not to place the thimble too deep into the flame to prevent the sulfur from burning.
  10. During melting, sulfur may ignite - this is acceptable. However, you should avoid burning it out. Do not try to blow out the sulfur if it catches fire! This will lead to more active combustion.
  11. Pour all the melting (or burning) sulfur into a previously prepared glass of water.
  12. In water, sulfur will cool almost instantly. Take out pieces of black sulfur and mold a figurine out of it.
  13. After about a week, the figure will turn noticeably yellow.
  14. In a month the figurine will turn completely yellow and crumble.

When heated, the yellow powder of rhombic sulfur S8 turns into a black viscous mass of plastic sulfur S∞. After cooling with water, a figurine can be sculpted from sulfur. Gradually, the unstable plastic sulfur will turn back into rhombic sulfur. The figurine will turn yellow again and crumble.

Dispose of experiment waste with household waste.

When heated, the internal structure of sulfur changes. From a yellow crystalline form that is stable at room temperature, it transforms into a plastic form that does not have a specific internal structure. At the same time, the color of the substance also changes: the initially yellow sulfur becomes red-brown, and then black.

At room temperature, the only stable form of sulfur is the so-called rhombic sulfur. It consists of crystals formed by ring S8 molecules, shaped like a crown.

When heated above 119oC, sulfur crystals melt to form a red-orange liquid, also consisting of S8 molecules. With a further increase in temperature, the ring molecules of sulfur break, forming “strings” of atoms connected to each other.

It is the appearance of linear molecules that gives molten sulfur its black color. These “strings” can connect with their free ends to each other, forming very long molecules. As a result, liquid sulfur thickens due to the “clumsiness” of large molecules.

They can be compared to threads: the longer they are, the easier they become entangled with each other. If you heat a black viscous liquid to 187oC, it will become as thick as possible (plastic sulfur).

At higher temperatures, the bonds within the long molecules break down again and the mass becomes thinner. Black sulfur becomes maximally liquid at 400oC, and boils at 445oC.

Be very careful when melting sulfur! The combustion temperature of sulfur in air is lower than the boiling point and is only 360oC. Sprays of sulfur that may escape from the liquid will immediately ignite and can pose a significant hazard.

Why do you need to cool sulfur with water?

Water is needed to very quickly cool the plastic sulfur to room temperature. Only under this condition can long chains of sulfur molecules be preserved for some time. This will result in a uniformly black figurine.

If you cool plastic sulfur gradually, simply by stopping heating, it will again turn into yellow crystals of rhombic sulfur, and quite quickly.

If the black liquid resulting from melting is cooled very quickly, it will become like plasticine. Long molecules simply do not have time to break down and form ring S8 molecules.

Cold water does not interact with sulfur in any way, acting only as a coolant.

Scary word - “allotropy”

Allotropy is the property of the same simple substance to exist in two or more forms that differ from each other in structure and properties. These different forms are called allotropic modifications.

It is important not to confuse allotropic modifications with simple transitions between solid, liquid and gaseous forms, or with simple comminution.

Yellow sulfur crystals and black plastic mass are two allotropic modifications of sulfur.

The existence of several allotropic modifications of a substance is associated with the different composition and structure of the molecules of the substance or with the way of the relative arrangement of atoms or molecules inside crystals. Black viscous plastic and yellow crystalline rhombic sulfur are far from the most striking examples of the difference in the properties of two allotropic modifications of the same substance.

Carbon (C) boasts the greatest variety of forms of existence. Graphite, diamond, soot are the most well-known allotropic modifications of carbon.

Despite the common chemical formula (C), these substances not only look completely different, but also have completely different physical and even chemical properties.

But they consist of absolutely identical atoms, just differently located relative to each other!

In addition to those listed, there are many other allotropic modifications of carbon. Their list is growing, because scientists are constantly discovering more and more new ones.

In terms of the number of known allotropic modifications, sulfur ranks second in the world after carbon. But it has much fewer stable forms.

Why does the figurine change color over time?

A substance always strives to transform into a stable form. Black plastic sulfur is not stable under normal conditions. Therefore, it gradually changes its internal structure, crystallizes and turns into yellow rhombic sulfur.

The black figure consists of very long molecules of sulfur Sn. This internal structure of the substance is stable only at high temperatures. It can only be temporarily stabilized by sudden cooling. At room temperature, long molecules gradually “break” and their fragments form ring molecules S8.

The latter form crystals of orthorhombic sulfur - the only allotropic modification of sulfur that is stable at room temperature. In addition to the color change, other physical properties also change. The figurine becomes fragile and gradually crumbles.

This process cannot be prevented, but it is very interesting to observe.

You can try to “catch” sulfur in a rather unstable form - red, slightly viscous and somewhat similar in consistency to honey.

To do this, you need to slowly heat the yellow crystalline sulfur. As soon as the sulfur inside the thimble turns red, tip its contents into water.

If everything works out, the red sulfur will harden into long, viscous drops in the water.

If all the methenamine has already been used up, you can heat the sulfur using a regular household candle.

Again and again

The second development of the experiment is the repetition of the experiment. Yes, you heard right! We have already turned yellow crystalline sulfur into black and viscous one.

After waiting 3 - 4 weeks, you will see that it has again become yellow and powdery. Now heat the yellow powder.

Do you see? It became a black viscous liquid again! The reversibility of transitions between different states is one of the interesting properties of sulfur.

The transition from rhombic sulfur to plastic sulfur is very difficult. Moreover, black plastic sulfur is not the final form of existence of molten sulfur! When heated, a whole series of rearrangements of sulfur atoms relative to each other occurs with the formation of a huge number of different structures.

For brevity, allotropic modifications of sulfur are often denoted as Sx, where the letter of the Greek alphabet is written instead of x.

Orthorhombic sulfur (stable yellow crystals) is designated Sα (alpha sulfur). It is the main form of existence of this substance up to 95.5oC. At temperatures from 96 to 119oC, sulfur is in the Sβ modification (beta-sulfur, prismatic or monoclinic sulfur).

Both of these allotropic modifications consist of molecules of composition S8, but have crystals of different configurations. At the same time, crystals of monoclinic sulfur are practically colorless. Sulfur melts at 113-119oC. The melt is very fluid and consists of exactly the same molecules as the solid forms mentioned above.

This allotropic modification is designated as Sλ (lambda-sulfur).

Plastic sulfur – Sµ (mu-sulfur), which is a thick liquid consisting of linear molecules – is formed from lambda sulfur at temperatures above 160oC.

At 187oC its molecules reach their maximum length, and with further heating they break up into short chains, forming a liquid allotropic modification of Sπ (pi-sulfur).

It is pi-sulfur that is the final form of existence of sulfur in molten form. Sulfur vapors are represented mainly by ring molecules S8.

After heating ceases and upon gradual cooling, the chain of transitions between allotropic modifications of sulfur occurs in the opposite direction.

Source: https://melscience.com/ru/experiments/sulfur-melt/

Pine sulfur is a natural bactericidal agent

Pine sulfur is a true bactericidal and disinfectant, melted from the bark of Scots pine; it has all the beneficial and medicinal properties of pine itself.

You can read about the healing properties of pine, its life-giving power, in the article: Scots pine and its amazing healing power. How is pine sulfur obtained? I'll tell you everything in order.

Scots pine wood is rich in resin; it constantly flows out of naturally occurring cracks in the bark.

Thus, pine heals its wounds and damage by filling them with life-giving and bactericidal resin, thereby protecting the tree from drying out and damage by fungi. The transparent resin of coniferous trees is popularly called resin.

What is pine sulfur

Resin can be seen on the trunks of fir, pine, larch, cedar - all coniferous trees. Resin is a solution of resin mixed with essential oil.

At first it is liquid-viscous, gradually the essential oil evaporates and the resin thickens to a granular mass. Under the influence of the sun and wind, the resin dries out, hardens and turns into growths in the form of a white or yellowish crystalline mass.

Siberians call such crystalline growths gray pine. Sulfur growths can be carefully “picked off” with a knife without damaging the tree itself. Basically, raw sulfur is mined during logging; it is cut down from cut trees with a hatchet along with pine bark, which is called currants. The pine sulfur on the currants is still raw.

How to get sulfur

To chew it like chewing gum, you need to “drown” it. Previously, pine sulfur was heated in special cast iron pots. More water was poured into the cast iron pot, and a second cast iron pot with a hole closed with a small metal strainer was placed on top of it.

Chopped currants with sulfur growths were placed in the top cast iron pot and the cast iron pots were placed in a hot oven on coals. The sulfur on the currants melted and flowed to the bottom of the upper cast iron and through a strainer into the lower cast iron with water. Simmer in the oven for 1-1.5 hours.

The melted sulfur was taken out of the hot water, crushed and pulled out by hand in cold water until it stopped sticking to the hands. Then it was rolled into ropes and cut into cubes. The blocks dried out and became hard like pebbles. These bars are brown on top, and the sulfur inside is yellowish-brown, with an amber sheen.

As a child, I myself had to burn sulfur. We replaced cast iron pots with ordinary tin cans, otherwise the technology is the same.

In the village we bought such sticks (lumps) weighing 50 grams for 5 kopecks, now you can also buy pine and foliage sulfur on the market, a 30 gram lump costs 60 rubles, cedar sulfur is more expensive - up to 100 rubles.

Recently, the market is increasingly selling fire sulfur, which is heated right in the forest, on fires and packaged in small plastic bags or blister packaging. This sulfur smells smoky and many people like it. But I do not.
In the photo - cedar sulfur:

The broken heating technology immediately reminds us of itself. Fire sulfur is always soft, sticky and spreads into a cake. It sticks to the teeth, although this does not affect the healing properties of sulfur.

Real pine sulfur, simmered in an oven, holds its shape, which is why it used to be sold in lumps.

When you bite off a piece of it with a crunch, you first need to hold it in your mouth a little to soften it, and then chew it.

This sulfur is stored in jars with cold water, otherwise it dries out and crumbles into powder during chewing.

The healing properties of sulfur

Now they sell sulfur in pharmacies, it is called “Smolka”, “Zhivitsa”, and it is packaged in blister packs, like tablets. Sulfur from coniferous trees is very useful. It contains the same trace elements as resin. Rich in phytoncides and vitamins “C”, “B1”, “B2”, “P”, “K”, carotene.

And how fragrant it is!

  • Has bactericidal and disinfectant properties,
  • destroys microbes in the oral cavity and nasopharynx,
  • therefore it was used as a means to enhance immunity,
  • cleanses teeth of food particles,
  • perfectly freshens breath,
  • relieves toothache; for this purpose, a piece of sulfur was kept in the mouth, behind the cheek, during toothache.

And if you chew sulfur after each meal, for 10-20 minutes, then you can completely forget about dental and gum diseases. And also, you can forget about diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract, but I remind you that if you chew sulfur daily, and not from time to time.

Because it is harder than chewing gum, it strengthens the teeth by creating tension on them. A piece of sulfur “for one chew” is enough for one day, after which it becomes “old” - that’s what the old people said, i.e. simply put, it changes color, turns brown and crumbles into powder.

Pine sulfur ages only because it absorbs food particles, collects microbes, cleansing and disinfecting the oral cavity.

Chew sulfur for health!

Source: https://monamo.ru/zdorovye/sera-sosnovaya

Where to get reagents for experiments. Where to get sulfur

MiscellaneousWhere to get sulfur

In general, the question regarding how to obtain sulfur is quite interesting and entertaining, if only because sulfur is part of not only rocks and natural rocks and is necessary for human life, but is also part of the human body itself. Sulfur is a typical non-metal and flammable chemical element. Since ancient times, people have used sulfur in everyday life and found ways to extract it. At this point in time, many ways to obtain sulfur have been discovered.

The most common method for producing sulfur is the method proposed back in 1890 by G. Farsh. He proposed melting sulfur underground and using wells to pump it to the surface.

The idea was that sulfur is a low-melting chemical element, the melting point of which is 113 0C, which greatly facilitates the process of sublimation.

Based on the proposed idea, various methods for obtaining sulfur from sulfur ores and mountain deposits arose:

  • steam-water,
  • filtration,
  • thermal,
  • centrifugal,
  • extraction.

All these methods and methods are widely used in the mining industry.

Also popular is the method of extracting chemically pure fine sulfur from natural gas, which is an ideal raw material in the chemical and rubber industries.

Since sulfur is contained in large quantities in gaseous form in natural gas, during gas production it settles on the walls of pipes, quickly causing them to fail. Therefore, a way was found to capture it immediately after gas production.

How to get sulfur oxide

Sulfur oxide (VI) is a highly volatile, colorless liquid with a suffocating, pungent odor. The simplest and most common ways to obtain sulfur oxide:

  1. In the presence of a catalyst, sulfur (IV) oxide is oxidized by heating with air, thereby obtaining sulfur (VI) oxide.
  2. Thermal decomposition of sulfates.
  3. Sulfur(IV) oxide is oxidized with ozone to produce sulfur(VI) oxide.
  4. The oxidation reaction of sulfur(IV) oxide uses nitrogen oxide, thereby producing sulfur(VI) oxide.

How to obtain sulfur oxide 4

Sulfur (IV) oxide, or sulfur dioxide, is a colorless gas with a characteristic asphyxiating odor. In laboratory conditions, sulfur (IV) oxide is prepared by reacting sodium hydrosulfite with sulfuric acid or heating copper with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Also in nature and laboratory conditions, a common method for producing sulfur (IV) oxide is by the action of strong acids on sulfites and hydrosulfites. As a result of this reaction, sulfurous acid is formed, which immediately decomposes into water and sulfur oxide (IV).

An industrial method for producing sulfur (IV) oxide is burning sulfur or roasting sulfides - pyrite.

How to obtain sulfur from hydrogen sulfide

The method of producing sulfur from hydrogen sulfide is carried out in laboratory conditions. It should immediately be noted that this method of obtaining sulfur should be carried out with all safety measures, since sulfur

KoCMoHaBT 06-07-2008 17:08

Once there was such a booze

Gunpowder consists of three components: Saltpeter is a simple and affordable thing, but it was terribly in short supply. You can remember the revolutionary decrees “every poop for the cause of the revolution” or Louis, who privatized dovecotes. Coal is also simple, trees grow everywhere. The technology has been proven for thousands of years.

But where did they get the sulfur? There are very few deposits of native crystalline sulfur, the most famous in Sicily. Where else? Not even so - not where, but how? There was never a shortage of sulfur, which means they extracted it from something left behind.

Mower_man 06-07-2008 17:13quote:Originally posted by KoCMoHaBT:But where did they get the sulfur? There are very few deposits of native crystalline sulfur, the most famous in Sicily. Where else? Not even so - not where, but how? There was never a shortage of sulfur, which means they extracted it from something

I dug into this issue a little, there was plenty of sulfur everywhere in Europe. Sulfur water springs were deposited on branches (Germany), as well as natural deposits - Italy, Spain, the Caucasus + Carpathians... and somewhere in the middle zone of Russia there is, almost on the Volga (there is also the famous “Saltpeter” settlement and a natural source of sodium nitrate ).

KoCMoHaBT 06-07-2008 17:24

The world used to be much bigger

According to my information, sulfur is formed as an associated mineral in gypsum. But for the powder industry IMHO this is not enough.

From Agricola: “Sulfur is extracted from sulfur ores or mixtures containing sulfur. Water is poured into lead vats and boiled until sulfur is released. If a mixture of such sulfur with iron filings is heated, put in pots and covered with clay and purified sulfur, you will get a different type of sulfur , called "horse sulphur."

ORDYNETS 06-07-2008 20:02

In ancient times (i.e. in childhood), sulfur was mined on railway tracks. How it appeared there - HZ.

Gasar 06-07-2008 21:18quote:Originally posted by ORDYNETS:In ancient times (that is, in childhood), sulfur was mined on railway tracks. How it appeared there - HZ.

from open platforms.

Source: http://avtobaiki.ru/raznoe/gde-vzyat-seru.html

Soda smoke bombs: preparation, recipes, safety precautions

A smoke bomb is a universal item that has several uses. With its help, you can protect yourself, for example, from mosquitoes, and rid a closed room of fungus or harmful insects.

Varieties and technologies

There are two main classifications:

Long-acting smoke vents are presented in the form of a housing with holes for smoke to escape. Instant smoke bombs are shaped like a cartridge containing a flammable chemical component. The duration of the smoke supply, as well as its density, will depend on the quantity and constituent elements of the filler.

With saltpeter

This method is relatively labor-intensive. When burning, the product emits a large amount of dense smoke.

The following components are needed:

  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ordinary newspaper sheets;
  • liter plastic bottle;
  • water;
  • sprayer


Prepare a solution at the rate that about 300 grams of saltpeter are used per 1 liter of water. Further algorithm of actions:

  1. Take a liter container and fill a third with ammonium nitrate. Fill the rest with water.
  2. Wait until the nitrate is completely dissolved. At the end of the reaction, foam will appear on the surface of the water. Carefully pour it into the sink.
  3. Screw an ordinary flower spray onto the bottle and moisten a sheet of newspaper. Place a dry sheet on a wet sheet and wet it with a spray bottle. Repeat the procedure for all newspaper elements. The resulting solution should be enough for about 35–40 sheets.
  4. Turn the stack of paper over and let it dry completely. Never dry paper in the sun or near open fires, heaters, burners, etc.
  5. Roll up the dried sheets and crumple them into one “cartridge”. Please ensure that the sheets are as close to each other as possible. Roll up the required number of sheets, and secure the resulting product tightly with tape.

The device is ready to use.

During smoldering and burning, saltpeter produces a large amount of thick and acrid smoke.

Figure 1 - Smoke from saltpeter during use.

: Details of device manufacturing and testing.

With salt

This manufacturing method is the simplest and will take no more than 5–10 minutes.


  • paper or old newspaper sheets.
  • finely crushed salt (large crystals may shoot off when burning).
  • scotch.


  1. Crumple the paper or newspaper into a ball and then unfold it back.
  2. Sprinkle salt approximately in the middle. Its quantity depends on the desired size of the smoke exhaust and the amount of paper.
  3. Roll the sheets with salt back and secure with tape.

To use, light the lump in any convenient place and throw it to a safe distance. It is not recommended to hold the product in your hands, because the salt can shoot off along with pieces of burning paper.

How to make according to the recipe is shown in the video.

With soap

The process of preparing a smoke oven according to this recipe is quite lengthy; the craft smokes for a long time, but not much.

For a smoke bomb take:

  • soap (laundry);
  • paper or newspaper sheets;
  • tape or cling film;
  • 5 liters of water (for one bar of soap).

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the soap, and pour the resulting soap shavings into a pan of water and heat until dissolved.
  2. The mass should be thick. Gently soak sheets of paper in the solution. Do this carefully to avoid tearing the paper. Air will collect in these places, producing more fire but less smoke.
  3. Take out the sheets and dry them. You can use a fan to speed up the process. Do not dry paper on heaters, radiators, or over gas stoves. This may lead to premature combustion.

Roll the dried leaves into a “cartridge” or crumple them into a ball shape. Scotch tape is used to secure the structure.

The subtleties of preparation are shown in the video.

With analgin and hydroperite

Powdered components intensely emit a lot of smoke when burned.

For this method you will need the following ingredients:

  • analgin;
  • hydroperite;
  • container (preferably metal).

To obtain a smoke fume with thick and acrid smoke, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Take 2 tablets of analgin, grind to a powder.
  2. Bring the same amount of hydroperite to a paste-like mass.
  3. Pour the resulting powder from two tablets into a common container and mix.

For the resulting composition to burn and produce smoke, the temperature of the human body is sufficient. Be careful when handling the container.

Detailed guide in video format.

With activated carbon, manganese and matches

When burned, the mixture will sparkle in purple or dark red, which looks very beautiful and impressive.

List of ingredients for this method:

  • activated carbon (packaging);
  • dry potassium permanganate powder (2 bags of 12–15 g each);
  • 2 box of matches.


  1. Remove the charcoal tablets from the packaging and grind them to a powder. Next, pour the resulting composition into a container.
  2. Add 2 packets of potassium permanganate powder to activated carbon.
  3. Take the matches and remove the sulfur heads from them. Pour into a common container with coal and potassium permanganate.

The resulting mixture should be set on fire and move away to a safe distance as quickly as possible (at least 10–15 meters). During combustion, thick smoke with a pungent odor will pour out of the container, and sparks will fly off about two meters high.

With foam and aluminum foil

The components burn for quite a long time, emitting acrid clouds of smoke.

For this method take:

  • foam rubber (bar-shaped);
  • nitrocellulose varnish (hereinafter referred to as “NC” varnish);
  • foil.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Take the foam rubber and push it into a bottle of NC varnish.
  2. Using a wooden stick, squeeze the excess varnish out of the foam rubber, pressing the piece of material against the sides of the jar.
  3. Take out the foam rubber and dry it on a sheet of newspaper. It is better not to use a battery for this purpose, since there will be an unpleasant odor throughout the room.
  4. Wrap the foam block tightly and securely with aluminum foil.
  5. Attach a wick for remote ignition.

The video demonstrates the preparation and testing of the composition according to this recipe, as well as comparison with the composition of sawdust, machine oil and ammonium nitrate.

With sulfur, saltpeter and coal

A large amount of thick smoke is released when the smoke stove smolderes according to this recipe.

For this smoke bomb take:

  • sulfur;
  • saltpeter;
  • Activated carbon;
  • water;
  • a cardboard tube (like paper towels);
  • paper.

Preparation method:

  1. In one container, mix 3/6 parts ammonia, 1/6 sulfur and 2/6 powdered activated carbon.
  2. Combine all components, add water and continue stirring until a thick, viscous solution is obtained.
  3. Place the solution in a warm place or in the sun and let it dry completely.
  4. Grind the resulting dry mass into a homogeneous powder.
  5. Take a cardboard tube and seal it on one side. Pour the resulting powder into the tube, and tightly lay newspaper sheets at the other end. It is important that the powder in the tube is in a dense and compressed state.

For reliability and convenience, the resulting structure can be wrapped with tape.

From the line

A quick and easy way to get a lot of thick smoke from the means at hand.

To do this take:

  • plastic school ruler;
  • matches;
  • Matchbox.

Cut the ruler into small pieces and carefully place it in a matchbox. Close the full matchbox, leaving a small hole.

Then cut a short piece of ruler and insert it into the hole. This piece will serve as a wick, so place it so that it is in contact with the box filler.

A smoke bomb from the school line is ready to be ignited.

Figure 2 - Instead of a plastic wick, use a piece of paper.

Detailed production and testing of the device is shown in the video.

From insects

Smoke bombs against insects are very popular and are used to disinfect greenhouses, basements, country houses, and cottages. There are many special checkers on sale with a special chemical composition that insects do not like. The most popular: “Mukhoyar”, “Climate”, “Hephaestus”, “Quiet Evening”, “Face”.

In special checkers, the main active ingredient is sulfur. Several methods of preparing smoke using sulfur are described above. The effect will not be as immediate as in the case of specialized products, but it will still show the desired result.

No paper

There are several ways to make smoke smoke without paper. For example, using Analgin and Hydroperit or from a simple school line. All these methods are described in detail in the sections above. These cooking methods are less labor-intensive, but still do not always produce sufficient quantities and volumes of smoke.

An interesting option for creating a checker without paper, with a lot of smoke, is shown in the video.

Colored with soda

The production of a smoke stove is a rather labor-intensive process; as a result, rich colored smoke is released during combustion.

To prepare you will need:

  • ordinary soda (0.5 tsp);
  • sugar (50 g);
  • potassium nitrate (60 g);
  • dye of the desired color (3 tsp);
  • bucket or other similar container;
  • cardboard paper towel tubes;
  • rope.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bucket or other metal container and mix the sugar and saltpeter. Place over low heat and stir slowly but regularly. Make sure that the mixture does not burn.
  2. Bring the mixture until smooth. When it reaches the desired consistency and acquires a golden color, add soda and dye. Stir until foam appears.
  3. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature.
  4. Take cardboard tubes and seal one side to make it airtight. Pour the entire solution into the resulting container, and insert a thin wooden stick in the center. It is important to fill the container so that no empty air spaces appear. Leave the structure until completely dry (about a day).

Then remove the stick and replace it with string, which will serve as a wick. When igniting and using, strictly adhere to safety precautions.

Figure 3 - Colored smoke bombs in use.

: a mechanism for creating a colored smoke bomb from soda.

In general, the question regarding how to obtain sulfur is quite interesting and entertaining, if only because sulfur is part of not only rocks and natural rocks and is necessary for human life, but is also part of the human body itself. Sulfur is a typical non-metal and flammable chemical element. Since ancient times, people have used sulfur in everyday life and found ways to extract it. At this point in time, many ways to obtain sulfur have been discovered.

The most common method for producing sulfur is the method proposed back in 1890 by G. Farsh. He proposed melting sulfur underground and using wells to pump it to the surface. The idea was that sulfur is a low-melting chemical element, the melting point of which is 113 0 C, which greatly facilitates the process of sublimation. Based on the proposed idea, various methods for obtaining sulfur from sulfur ores and mountain deposits arose:

  • steam-water,
  • filtration,
  • thermal,
  • centrifugal,
  • extraction.

All these methods and methods are widely used in the mining industry. Also popular is the method of extracting chemically pure fine sulfur from natural gas, which is an ideal raw material in the chemical and rubber industries. Since sulfur is contained in large quantities in gaseous form in natural gas, during gas production it settles on the walls of pipes, quickly causing them to fail. Therefore, a way was found to capture it immediately after gas production.

How to get sulfur oxide

Sulfur oxide (VI) is a highly volatile, colorless liquid with a suffocating, pungent odor. The simplest and most common ways to obtain sulfur oxide:

  1. In the presence of a catalyst, sulfur (IV) oxide is oxidized by heating with air, thereby obtaining sulfur (VI) oxide.
  2. Thermal decomposition of sulfates.
  3. Sulfur(IV) oxide is oxidized with ozone to produce sulfur(VI) oxide.
  4. The oxidation reaction of sulfur(IV) oxide uses nitrogen oxide, thereby producing sulfur(VI) oxide.

How to obtain sulfur oxide 4

Sulfur (IV) oxide, or sulfur dioxide, is a colorless gas with a characteristic asphyxiating odor. In laboratory conditions, sulfur (IV) oxide is prepared by reacting sodium hydrosulfite with sulfuric acid or heating copper with concentrated sulfuric acid. Also in nature and laboratory conditions, a common method for producing sulfur (IV) oxide is by the action of strong acids on sulfites and hydrosulfites. As a result of this reaction, sulfurous acid is formed, which immediately decomposes into water and sulfur oxide (IV). An industrial method for producing sulfur (IV) oxide is burning sulfur or roasting sulfides - pyrite.

How to obtain sulfur from hydrogen sulfide

The method of producing sulfur from hydrogen sulfide is carried out in laboratory conditions. It should be immediately noted that this method of producing sulfur should be carried out with all safety measures, since hydrogen sulfide is an active and toxic substance. The essence of the method is the interaction (reaction) of hydrogen sulfide with sulfuric acid, resulting in the formation of water, sulfur dioxide, gas and fine sulfur, which will remain at the bottom of the test tube at the end of the reaction in the form of a sediment. The resulting precipitate is filtered, washed and allowed to dry. This will be finely dispersed sulfur.

Sulfur is one of the elements represented on the periodic table. The substance is classified in group 16, under the third period. The atomic number of sulfur is 16. In nature, it can be found both in pure form and in mixed form. In chemical formulas, sulfur is denoted by the Latin letter S. It is an element in many proteins and has a large number of physical and chemical properties, which makes it in demand.

Physical and chemical properties of sulfur

Basic physical properties of sulfur:

  • Solid crystalline composition (rhombic form with a light yellow color and monoclinic form, distinguished by a honey-yellow color).
  • Color change when temperature increases from 100°C.
  • The temperature at which the element passes into a liquid state of aggregation is 300°C.
  • Has low thermal conductivity.
  • Does not dissolve in water.
  • Easily dissolves in ammonia concentrate and carbon disulfide.

Main chemical features of sulfur:

  • It is an oxidizing agent for metals and forms sulfides.
  • Actively interacts with hydrogen at temperatures up to 200°C.
  • Forms oxides when interacting with oxygen at temperatures up to 280°C.
  • It interacts well with phosphorus, carbon as an oxidizing agent, and also with fluorine and other complex substances as a reducing agent.

Where can sulfur be found in nature?

Native sulfur in large volumes is not often found in nature. As a rule, it is found in certain ores. Rock with pure sulfur crystals is called sulfur-flagged ore.

The further orientation of exploration and prospecting work directly depends on how these inclusions were formed in the rock. But humanity has not yet found a clear answer to this question.

There are many different theories on the origin of native sulfur in rocks, but not one has been fully proven, since the formation of this element is quite complex. Working versions of the formation of sulfur ore include:

  • syngenesis theory: simultaneous origin of sulfur with host rocks;
  • theory of epigenesis: formation of sulfur later than basic rocks;
  • theory of metasomatism: one of the subtypes of the theory of epigenesis, consists in the transformation of gypsum and anhydride into sulfur.

Scope of application

Sulfur is used to make various materials, including:

  • paper and matches;
  • paints and fabrics;
  • medicines and cosmetics;
  • rubber and plastic;
  • flammable mixtures;
  • fertilizers;
  • explosives and poisons.

To produce one car, you need to spend 14 kg of this substance. Thanks to such a wide range of sulfur uses, we can safely say that the production potential of the state depends on its reserves and consumption.

The lion's share of world ore production goes into paper production, as sulfur compounds contribute to the production of cellulose. To produce 1 ton of this raw material, it is necessary to consume more than 1 centner of sulfur. Large volumes of this substance are necessary to obtain rubber during the vulcanization of rubbers.

Application of sulfur in agriculture and mining chemical industry

Sulfur, both in pure form and in the form of compounds, is widely used in agriculture. It is found in mineral fertilizers and pesticides. Sulfur is useful for plants, like phosphorus, potassium and other substances, although the bulk of the fertilizer applied to the soil is not absorbed by them, but contributes to the absorption of phosphorus.

Therefore, sulfur is added to the ground at the same time as phosphate rock. Bacteria in the soil oxidize it and form sulfuric and sulfurous acids, which react with phosphorites, forming phosphorus compounds that are well absorbed by plants.

The mining and chemical industry is a leader among sulfur consumers. About half of all resources mined in the world are used to produce sulfuric acid. To produce one ton of this substance, it is necessary to spend 3 quintals of sulfur. And sulfuric acid in the chemical industry is comparable to the role of water for a living organism.

Significant volumes of sulfur and sulfuric acid are needed in the production of explosives and. The substance, purified from all kinds of additives, is necessary in the production of dyes and luminous compounds.

Sulfur compounds are used in the oil refining industry. They are precisely what is needed in the process of producing anti-knock agents, machine oils and lubricants for ultra-high pressure units, as well as in coolants that accelerate metal processing, which can contain up to 18% sulfur.

Sulfur is indispensable in the mining industry and in the production of a large number of food products.

Sulfur deposits are places where sulfur ore accumulates. According to research data, the world's sulfur deposits are equal to 1.4 billion tons. Today, deposits of these ores have been found in different parts of the planet. In Russia - near the left banks of the Volga and in the Urals, and also in Turkmenistan. There are many ore deposits in the USA, namely in Texas and Louisiana. Deposits of crystalline sulfur have been found and are still being developed in the Italian regions of Sicily and Romagna.

Sulfur ores are classified according to the percentage of this component they contain. Thus, a distinction is made between rich ores with a sulfur content of more than 25% and poor ores of up to 12%. There are also sulfur deposits:

Finding sulfur in nature

  • stratiform;
  • salt domes;
  • volcanogenic.

This type of deposit, stratiform, is the most popular. These mines account for 60% of global production. A special feature of such deposits is their connection with sulfate-carbonate deposits. Ores are located in sulfate rocks. The dimensions of sulfur bodies can reach several hundred meters and have a thickness of several tens of meters.

Salt dome type mines account for 35% of the total world sulfur production. They are characterized by gray sulfur ores.

The share of volcanic mines is 5%. They were formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. The morphology of ore bodies in such deposits has a sheet-like or lens-shaped appearance. Such mines contain about 40% sulfur. Volcanic-type deposits are characteristic of the Pacific volcanic belt.

In addition to native sulfur, an important mineral that contains sulfur and its compounds is iron pyrite or pyrite. Most of the world's pyrite production comes from European countries. The mass fraction of sulfur compounds in pyrite is 80%. The leaders in ore production include Spain, South Africa, Japan, Italy and the United States of America.

Mining process

Sulfur is extracted using one of the possible methods, the choice of which depends on the type of deposit. Mining can be open pit or underground.

Open pit mining of sulfur ore is the most common. At the beginning of the sulfur extraction process using this method, a significant layer of rock soil is removed by excavators. Then the ore itself is crushed. The extracted pieces of ore are transported to processing plants to undergo a purification procedure. After this, the sulfur is sent to production, where it is melted and the final substance is obtained from concentrates.

Underground melting method

In addition, the Frasch method, which is based on underground smelting of sulfur, can also be used. This approach is advisable to use for deep deposits of matter. After the fossil has been melted in the mine, liquid sulfur is pumped out. For this purpose, special wells are installed. The Frasch method is feasible only due to the ease of melting of the substance and its relatively low density.

Method of separating ore using centrifuges

Its peculiarity lies in one negative feature: sulfur obtained through a centrifuge has many impurities and requires additional purification. As a result, this method is considered quite expensive.

Ore mining in some cases can be carried out using the following methods:

  • steam-water;
  • borehole;
  • filtration;
  • extraction;
  • thermal.

Regardless of which approach will be used to extract from the bowels of the earth, strict adherence to safety standards and regulations is required. The main danger of the sulfur ore development process is that toxic and explosive hydrogen sulfide can accumulate in its deposits.

A very interesting game about survival in the ocean, Subnautica, is fraught with many secrets. The main problem at the beginning and middle of the game is that it is not clear where to find the drawings or, for example, where the Cyclops is. Such simple questions, but players still try to get answers to them if they haven’t figured it out themselves.

Let us today in this article look at what and where you can find in the game and how to get there.

Blueprints are special diagrams with which you can create devices and various objects. At the very beginning of the game, your character already knows how to create certain things, but to get new ones, you will need to get these layouts.

So let's figure out where to find the drawings:

  1. You have a scanner. With it, you need to study all the possible fragments that you will find during the game. Using this “magic” scanner, study everything that might catch your eye (even fish). For example, try scanning a banal chair - and as a result you will be able to create it.
  2. Selection of items. The interesting thing is that if you pick up any item, you will immediately know how to create it. You can call it that you are self-taught. For example, if you catch fish, you will already know how to cook it deliciously.
  3. Data boxes. These items are scattered throughout the seabed. By opening them you can find chips. So they contain important information for you.

Where is the drawing of the Cyclops

What everyone is looking for is a special boat that serves as a small base for the player, so that you can always feel calm. Inside you can find 5 lockers. and 18 units. storage facilities.

The variety of the interface is simply amazing:

  1. Hologram tracking of the health of the entire boat
  2. Special compass
  3. Panel where you can always change the name or color scheme
  4. Engine start mode (basic)
  5. Camera control mode and quiet operation

Where is the sulfur

A special material called crystalline sulfur is the main component for use as an oxidizing and reducing agent. Let's look at where he can find it:

  1. Inactive lava zone. The main place where you can find sulfur. In this place there is enough of it to ensure a comfortable future.
  2. In the Active Lava Zone. Here, similar to the first option, there are whole heaps of sulfur.
  3. Lost River. Another habitat for sulfur. There you can not only meet the monster, but also get as much sulfur for yourself as you need.

Where to find magnetite

A special resource that is not particularly difficult to obtain if you know where to look for it. Let's look at the places where you can easily mine magnetite.

  1. Caves of jellyfish mushrooms. Surely you already know about this place. Most magnetite is found in this location.
  2. Look for this resource in the mountains. You will definitely find as much as you need.
  3. Lost River. Another location where you can successfully mine magnetite.

Where to find crystals

This rare type of resource is the main problem when searching for beginners. From it we can make valuable materials that will lead us to victory. Let's figure out where you can still find diamonds and how difficult it is to do so.

  1. Diamonds can be obtained by crushing pieces of shale.
  2. Be sure to just search on the seabed.
  3. Explore the walls of caves at great depths.

After the last update, large diamond deposits were removed from the game because... carry a huge imbalance.

If you are interested in where you can find other resources, then we will definitely supplement this article. Just write in the comment what interests you and we will definitely update it throughout the day.