Where do I see the beauty of the surrounding world? How to learn to see beauty in small things, or art created by nature See beauty in simple things.

See the beauty in simple

Leafing through the known volumes

We learned to speak beautifully

In the words of Pushkin, Makarenko, Dumas,

But this is not only our strength.

Leafing through the known volumes

We teach to live with dreams and hearts.

We know they need our help

Guys with curious eyes.

We often say that in our difficult time there is no place for admiration, admiration, beauty, kindness. That all people are evil, selfish. But times do not choose, they live and die. There have never been easy times, each generation has its own difficulties, its own trials.

We, teachers, teach to see external beauty ... in music, in paintings, in nature, even in the simplest, commonplace ... in a blade of grass, in a dry twig, in a shard of glass. We teach to create beauty ourselves ... through drawings, crafts, photographs, good deeds. And we smoothly move on to seeing the inner beauty in a person.

I drew up an educational plan for 4 years at once (very convenient, I recommend it). In the course of its implementation, it is adjusted taking into account the individual characteristics of the classroom. The development of each direction is worked out from simple to complex, from small to eternal.

But back to the beauty of the inner. We often hear “Beauty will save the world”. Who remembers where these words come from? (novel "The Idiot" by FM Dostoevsky). What kind of beauty are we talking about? (about spiritual beauty, about the beauty of the soul). Beauty is the sum of the moral qualities of a "positively beautiful person", the best thing in people is beauty. What you feed in your soul grows and develops.

Beauty can be seen in contrast. One person can say a lot of beautiful words, while the other is silent, but do a beautiful act. Compare the beautiful and the ugly (snow and mud, wonderful music and the disgusting creak of a door). A person can create around himself both beautiful and ugly. One person tries to say good and kind words, while the other likes to be rude, swear and tease. One is trying to draw a beautiful drawing, while the other is deliberately staining the paper with scribbles. One happily sculpts a snowman and tries to make it fun and beautiful, while the other deliberately destroys it.

The beauty of the soul (fairy tale)

It was boring for the Flower to stand all day on one leg in the middle of the flower bed. He grew up and dissolved his petals much earlier than other flowers, and therefore he had absolutely no one to communicate with. And then, one day, an unfamiliar, very beautiful Butterfly sat on it. She probably flew in from afar, because the Flower has never seen such beautiful wings. While the Butterfly, folding its wings, was resting, the Flower complained to her about his loneliness and talked about how boring and sad he lived. The Butterfly took pity on the lonely Flower. She decided not to fly further, but to settle nearby. She wanted to fly to the Flower more often and tell him about the places where she had already been. Now the Butterfly flew many times a day to the Flower with news, and he, opening his petals wide, joyfully met his beautiful guest. But one day, when the Butterfly was not around, a boy came up to the Flower and wanted to pick it. The flower shrank, trembled with fear and asked not to pick it, but instead offered the boy to catch his beautiful girlfriend. The boy agreed and went home for the net. When he returned, he hid and waited for the Butterfly. She soon appeared in the sky. The butterfly was in a hurry and flew past, but the Flower opened its petals wide and exclaimed: - Butterfly, fly to me soon, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I need to tell you something. As soon as the Butterfly flew up to the Flower, she immediately found herself in a net. She wanted to break free from captivity, but nothing worked for her. Suddenly, the edge of the net rose, and Butterfly saw a hand reaching out to her. Fingers were trying to grab her. The butterfly darted, flapped its wings and suddenly it managed to break free. Soaring high, she looked back and saw that the flower net broke from the blow. He lay motionless among the grass. The boy left, and the Butterfly sat for a long time next to her broken and silent friend, crying bitterly, saying: - It's my fault, it's because of me they broke you, forgive me, Flower.

[?] - Which of the heroes of the fairy tale was truly beautiful in heart and soul?

- What did the Flower do in relation to the Butterfly? (Ugly and ugly)

- Maybe someone thinks that the Flower acted beautifully, because he saved his life? (The answer is "yes": if he acted beautifully, then you would like to be friends with him if you were a Butterfly).

- Did you like the boy or not? Why?

- What is more important, the beauty of the soul or the external beauty?

I really like the poem by Nikolai Zabolotsky "Ugly girl" ... here are the last lines:

... what is beauty,

And why do people deify her?

Vessel she, in which there is emptiness,

Or fire shimmering in a vessel?

It was a cold and sunny day and I was spending time with my children. We played with a rabbit on the lawn next to the house. Everything was wonderful, but suddenly I realized that in 30 years I will no longer remember the details of today. I will not be able to remember in the smallest detail our trip to Disneyland, the gifts that we gave each other at Christmas.

How can this be changed? Become more aware?

We experience life events as if in fast forward. If we could slow down, everything would play in a new light. That is why the idea of \u200b\u200bslow life, when life flows in a measured way, is so popular now, especially for residents of megalopolises who are constantly not doing anything.

But we have a thousand reasons for excuses. A career that makes you feel important, a wardrobe that makes you look presentable. We are mired in household chores, in everyday routine, or, on the contrary, do not pay attention to anything in pursuit of an ideal life.

What can we do right now?

1. Pay attention to every moment

You don't have to spend every vacation in an exotic country. Even ordinary things give you a taste for life - for example, the same game with children on the front lawn. Instead of looking to the future, try to linger in the present.

2. Learn to see beauty in simple things

Beauty is the key to realizing what is most important. The main guide to a different view of the world. A blooming tree in the garden, a stylishly decorated hotel room or an incredible sunset opens up a different side of everyday life, you will get satisfaction from just living on the planet.

3. Perceive life as a game

Adult life puts pressure on us with a new level of responsibility. But don't forget that we were once children. Maintain a sense of humor in any, even the most difficult, life situation.

4. Be grateful for every moment that happens to us

Be grateful for what life gives. You can use the following technique: At the end of each day, recall the past day. What can you praise yourself for? What made you happy? Do not forget about such pleasant things - the smile of your mother, the ruddy cheeks of your son who came home after playing football, the husband who came home from work. Be attentive to the little things, do not dwell on your problems.

5. Protect yourself from burnout

I clearly remember that period. Everyone worried me, but not myself. I worked from home, did the housekeeping while my husband worked in the office, staying up late. Where can you find time for yourself? And it must be, otherwise you will dissolve in others and completely forget about your “I”.

6. Be ready for change at any time

Nothing is permanent in life. Each event makes its own changes. But it's worth it. There is nothing more changeable than life itself, and we must be ready for change. The main thing that will help you find yourself is to live with an open mind and wide open eyes.

7. Change the usual life scenario

The scenario by which we live is exclusively in our head. We shape reality ourselves. If you are unhappy with yourself and do not want to live the way you live, this is an occasion to reconsider your outlook on life and develop a new scenario, different from the one you are living now. You are building a new reality and moving forward.

Try to pay as little attention to distractions as possible and listen to your mind and heart. More awareness, and life will appear before you from a new angle, and everything around you will sparkle with new colors.

The opportunity to see the beautiful and wonderful around them is given only to children. Growing up, people gradually lose this gift. Many of us have divided the world into good and bad, useful and harmful.
Things, events, phenomena that mean nothing to some, or even annoy, for others can become a real inspiration, an object of admiration.

Ability to see beauty in a stranger

The talent for noticing little things helps to make new discoveries. The most attentive are people of creative specialties - painters, photographers, writers, actors, sculptors. For them, the world is open in a varied palette of colors and has more facets of beauty. People of art tend to find more often than others the positive in the most mundane or even not very pleasant for others.
One such example is the attitude of actor Tom Cruise towards his daughter Suri. He, like a loving father, decided to capture in gold what other parents throw away, wrinkling their nose (guess what?). And for him it became a real work of art. I didn't want to insert this picture. 🙂
This is, of course, an unusual case, and it is not one of a kind.
As you can see, different things can be beautiful. The main thing is to have the ability to see.

To be able to see beauty in gray and boring

The ability to see something more than close to the gaze of a person is not given to everyone. Alas, many, as they say, do not see beyond the tip of the nose.

"Here it is, a gray and terrible aluminum fence, cruciform ... no fancy!" - grumbles a fellow traveler on the bus.

Indeed, gray is boring. And what should be the fences of one hundred-kilometer roads of a huge city? Build chased or cast iron fences, as in tsarist Russia? Would these fences become a real decoration? Indeed, for their beauty, no one would have seen dandelions blooming in the meadow. And also, along the entire length of the road, on such a nondescript and gray fence, real city beauties - petunias - flaunt.

Why do some see gray, while others see its shades and what is behind it?

Seeing and understanding the beautiful in simple things

This is the most wonderful way to cheer yourself up. You do not need to wait for someone to take care of you, entertain, comfort you in moments of grief. We can handle it ourselves if we want.

How to do this if everything is wrong and wrong? We will not list the reasons why you can be upset. There are really too many of them, but we are not talking about this today.

One of the options for raising your mood is this. Only here the loved one cannot guess about it? Or does not his way home pass by a flower stand?

Create your own mood! You shouldn't go and buy yourself a bouquet. This can be a reason for jealousy. Although, the reason for jealousy can also be from weeds (this is how my bunch was dubbed).

Go outside, to the nearest park, where you have not yet had time to "cut" the lawn, and pick some flowers for yourself. Simple blades of grass, daisies, blooming clover, thistle. Anything you meet. Isn't it a bouquet?

To live well those who are a stone's throw from wildlife. A city dweller needs to go somewhere. How much effort does it take to pick forget-me-nots and bells for your girlfriend? Such a bunch, perhaps, for its spiritual value will be more expensive than the purchased one.

And how many positive emotions - fresh air, birdsong and a complete feeling of freedom!

When a person begins to see the beauty in simple things, he becomes happier.

If we could clearly see the miracle of one flower, our whole life would change ... Buddha

This bouquet turned out to be not only cute and funny, but also useful. The cat Musya appreciated it and enjoyed it with pleasure.

It is much easier to become the owner of a bouquet in the middle of summer. But for the winter time, a bouquet is a real gift. Is it worth waiting for such a miracle? Create it yourself - spread a real one at home and enjoy your garden every day.

How to see the world beautiful and unusual if we walk with our heads down?

As if they had lost something ... Yes, many have really lost a sense of reality, good mood, optimism, desire to be kind, sympathetic ...
And then there were rains, dampness, puddles. If we walk, looking at our feet, then let's admire the world in the reflections of the puddles. Take a look the world through the eyes of children, photographers and artists, or lovers.

There are many examples when you can see the unusual in simple things.

To notice a miracle or not depends on one's own desire - to focus on the bad, or to try to discern and appreciate the little things, without which the world would be incomplete.

The desire to see the beautiful does not mean at all that it is necessary to close our eyes to things, actions and events that require intervention and correction.

People who tend to feel deeper are just different from others in their special responsibility for maintaining peace and harmony in it. Hopefully, they are in the majority.

How to restore the ability to see the world as beautiful and amazing?

  • The flexibility of the mind can be developed, which sharpens all the senses
  • Can . They can help you get away from the hustle and bustle.
  • Walk more (travel) and watch.
  • Read classics, listen to beautiful music.
  • Get creative: or take pictures.
  • Get involved in charity work.

Sometimes, the disclosure of love for unfamiliar surroundings (objects and even people) is very slow.

The beauty that a person discovers for himself makes the deepest impressions.

Unfortunately, many begin to appreciate simple things and little things only when they find themselves in extreme situations, dramatically changing their living conditions.

Don't be afraid to be weird, move away from imposed beauty patterns, learn to see the beautiful in the ordinary, the unusual in the simple. And be sure to be happy! Live Well, isn't it?

I see the beauty of the world around me in simple, sincere things. I like it when the wind gently ruffles someone's hair or slightly sways the ears in the field. I love this part of the face where the border between the beginning of the forehead and the hair is. I love it when people just sigh or blink and their eyelashes are so beautiful. I like listening to someone's heart beating. I love the autumn leaves blown by the wind and tangled in someone's hair. I like a glade with dandelions or daisies. I like children playing. All this inspires me. I don't like perfect, no Ideal means unreal. It seems to me that beauty and harmony are not contained in chic clothes, a slender figure and long hair. They are contained in the soul of a person, and he is naturally given everything he needs to fulfill his innermost dreams.

The beauty of the surrounding world is the nature around us. There is so much beauty in this world that when I think about it, I feel ashamed that I was angry, that something doesn’t work out the way it would be convenient for me. The moments that interfere with our plans are life.

Look out the window and you will see the sun and the sky. Think, are you really not interested in how many kilometers it will begin to darken and soon show an amazing, endless space? How is a star born, what kind of extraterrestrial civilizations exist? When I think about it, my heart skips a beat. I start crying because I feel that I just do not have enough knowledge to start studying the surfaces of planets, discovering new galaxies and developing ways to escape from asteroids that might attack our planet.

I would like to live near the sea, so that every morning I go out and enjoy the lapping of its waves. I would like to have my own observatory on a mountain top. I dream of seeing an airship and flying in a hot air balloon. I would like to have a house in the mountains, see paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, descend into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, meet with Pushkin and Jules Verne. I dream of traveling all over the world and helping people, visiting orphanages and hospitals. I dream of visiting Rome, Florence, Kamchatka, Baikal, Ireland and even Hollywood. All this is the beauty of the surrounding world. Both nature and miracles created by human hands.

I see the beauty of the surrounding world in art. Pictures, music, dancing, literature - all this delights me. I cry with happiness when I listen to my favorite songs, I cry when I watch the gymnasts in the circus and dancers on stage, I cry when I admire the works of art. I cry, reading poetry and prose. I just love it all. I love animals and our planet, and I really want other people to love and appreciate kindness. I see the beauty of the surrounding world in everything, in every moment, and I value every second I spend in this world, in this Universe.