Traditional beliefs of the Yakuts. People of Yakutia: culture, traditions and customs

One cannot remain indifferent to Yakutia. Everything is unique in the Republic of Sakha: the climate, nature with its endemics and unusual people who inhabit this amazing land. To understand Yakut customs and traditions, wild at first glance, you need to get acquainted with the living conditions of this distinctive people.

Hunting customs and superstitions

Yakut winters are the most severe. Oymyakonsky district of the Sakha Republic is recognized as a cold pole. Even in the last century, death from hunger and cold in Yakut dwellings was a frequent guest. The infant mortality rate was especially high. In permafrost conditions, it is ineffective to cultivate the land, therefore, the basis of the diet was frozen venison or fish, in the spring they ate the sapwood of trees.

The hunter's luck depended on whether his family would survive in the winter or not. The skins of the fur-bearing animal were obtained for exchange for food and for the payment of yasak - a kind of tax. Therefore, hunting customs were strictly followed. You couldn't kill animals for fun, just for food. A hunter who accidentally killed inedible game or fish was forced to eat the prey. It was believed that making amulets, amulets, gods would bring good luck to.

Children were taught to hunt very early. A five-year-old boy could kill and eat a small animal on his own. It was strictly forbidden to play with a killed fish or animal. After a successful hunt, it was customary to “feed” the home god by smearing his nose or burning some of the fat on the coals.

Although the ancient man appeared in the harsh land a very long time ago - more than ten thousand years ago, the first settlement was founded only in 1632. Ostrog gave rise to the future Yakutsk. According to the tradition of the Yakut people, it was customary to settle in families at considerable distances from each other. It was believed that it was impossible to live in large settlements on a thin layer of permafrost, since the land was not cleared by melt water.

There was even a limit on the number of livestock. Each family had four plots or surts, in which they lived, depending on the season. From the word "surt" the word "yurt" was formed, although the peoples of the North lived in yarangas and in wooden booths. It was impossible to live on the surts already used.

The peoples of Yakutia divided the world around them into visible and invisible, as well as into the Upper, Lower and Middle worlds. According to the Yakut epic Olonkho, people were sent from the Upper World to the Middle to establish order and prosperity in it. Evil spirits from the Lower world interfere with this.

The head of the middle world is the mistress spirit who lives in the sacred tree. Olonkho is also the Yakut traditions of chants performed by olonkhosuts. The peoples of the North animate everything around - rivers, lakes, animals and birds. It is believed that even household items - knives, utensils have their own character.

Spring, which comes to this land in late May - early June, is a fertile time. The polar winter comes to an end, the time of white nights begins. As the northerners themselves joke, they have nine months of winter - the rest of the summer. An interesting Yakut tradition is greeting the sun, when it only appears after the polar winter. Fire and the sun are deified by the people, and this is so understandable.

By the end of June, Yakutia celebrates Ysyakh - a kind of New Year, celebrated on the day of the summer solstice. Serge is installed - the prototype of the world tree, the home of the goddess Aiyysyt. This holiday is also called the holiday of koumiss. Through the drinking of this drink, people become involved in the highest sacraments.

As a symbol of unity and mutual assistance, people gather in a round dance - osuokhai. Games, horse races, fist fights are the most spectacular events of Ysyakh. It used to be a truly great holiday for the hungry and cold-sick people.

No event is complete without a shaman. His duty is to appease the spirits, ask them for help through rituals. The shaman comes into contact with the spirits and announces their will. The shaman is called to a wedding, setting up a house, giving birth to a child.

Until recently, childless families could buy a child from poor families. True, the child's parents were reluctant to agree to the deal, since it was believed that the child could take some of the luck with him. The Yakuts believe that a family can be either large or rich.

In this harsh land, it is impossible to survive without help. Preservation of family and friendship ties, reverence for ancestors, reverent attitude to nature - this is the credo not only of the Yakuts, but of all peoples.

In difficult conditions of permafrost, the Yakuts founded statehood, developed frost-resistant breeds of cows and horses adapted to northern nature, created a unique artistic and philosophical epic of olonkho. Developing comprehensively, the people strengthened their positions and became even stronger with the advent of new times.

Distribution area

We must not forget that the peoples of Yakutia descended from nomads, but according to legend, once they found a valley ideal for living, called Tuymaada. Today, in the center of it is the capital of the republic - Yakutsk. A large number of Yakuts is observed in the Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk regions of the Russian Federation, but of course the largest number can be found in the place of their ancient habitation - now the Republic of Sakha.

According to one of the versions, the words “Yakuts” and “Sakha” go back to one common, earlier concept, which became widespread as a self-name. On the other hand, it is assumed that the people were called first by other ethnogroups, and Sakha - by themselves.

Having established a center in the place of their present stay, throughout history the Yakuts continued to increase their habitat. Moving to the east of Siberia, they mastered and improved reindeer husbandry, developed their own sledding techniques. As a result, they managed to take root in those parts.

History and origins

The nationality was formed in the 14-15th century. It is believed that the kurykans from Transbaikalia moved to the middle part of the Lena River, displacing the Tungus and other "local" nomads. Although the groups partly united, created business relationships, even though against this background, conflicts did not stop flaring up.

Of course, there were quite a few Toyins (leaders) who became famous for their unifying moods. Trying to suppress internal riots, as well as to pacify external enemies (competitors for pastures and lands), there were attempts to resolve the issue in an aggressive way - the grandson of Badjey, Toyon Tygyn. However, violent methods only alienated other peoples from the Yakuts, increasing the confrontation.

The turning point in history was the accession of the territory to the Russian state, which took place in 1620-30. With development and progress, Orthodoxy knocked on every door of the booth (housing). Encouraging methods for those who were baptized, and punitive for adherents of the faith of the fathers, achieved their goal - most of the Yakuts adopted a new religion.

Culture and life of the people of Yakutia

The Yakuts have learned to survive in difficult conditions, and the traditions and customs of the people are dictated by the factors that contributed to this. The dwellings located at a distant distance did not in any way affect the social activity of the representatives of the people.

At the end of his life, the elder had something to tell the younger generation - on common holidays and during rituals, friendship was struck, and when the territories were divided, enemies appeared. The people were not distinguished by their peacefulness. The long-standing habit of hunting, fighting for life and the ability to handle weapons (bow) created conditions for conflicts between other ethnic groups in the locality.

The family was honored from time immemorial, the older generation was and remains in high esteem. They are not treated with condescension, as happens in the modern world, on the contrary - they are respected for their great life experience, they listen to their instructions, and even more so they consider it an honor to receive them in their home.

Yakut dwelling

The home here was a folk yurt - a booth. It was built in the form of a trapezoid of young logs, and the cracks between them were densely packed with manure, shavings and sod. The shape of the walls expanding to the ground made it possible to economically and quickly warm the room with a hut-stove, which was located in the center. There were no windows or small openings were provided that were easy to close.

In summer, birch bark was used for construction, creating urasu - seasonal housing. She stood not far from the booth. They didn't even carry all things into it, because winter was returning very soon. The yurt was a cone-shaped tent rounded upward with a door. Sleeping places were located along the perimeter, sometimes separated by symbolic partitions. There was no stove here - the fire was made on the ground, so much so that the smoke went straight through the hole in the top.


Initially, the purpose of clothing was to protect the body from the cold, so it was sewn from the skins of killed animals. Having mastered cattle breeding, skins of domestic animals came to replace. Metal belts and pendants served as an aesthetic component against the background of a large fur product. Also, the craftswomen tried to combine the colors and thickness of the fur so that an eye-catching finish appeared on the shoulders or sleeves. Later they began to use fabrics and embroidery. In summer, the colors were full of variety, reflecting the riot of nature.

The classic set was:

  • fur hat, sewn up or with a fabric insert;
  • a fur coat surrounded by a metal belt;
  • leather pants;
  • knitted woolen socks.

Shoes and mittens were also made of fur, not forgetting that hands and feet are the first to freeze.

Yakut cuisine

Due to the conditions of survival, food of animal origin was completely used - there was no trace of fish, poultry (from hunting), cow, horse or deer after cooking. Everything was used:

  • meat;
  • offal;
  • heads;
  • blood.

Soups were cooked from naive products, they were stewed, ground into liver. Dairy products occupied a special place in the diet. The presence of drink in the house - ayran, sowrat, dessert - chokhoon, as well as cheese and butter depended on them.

One of the most unusual cooking methods is freezing. One cannot do without it in Siberia, so the Yakuts can boast of such a dish as stroganina (formerly “struganina”). Fish (wild boar, nelma, muskun, omul and others) or deer meat were frozen in their natural environment and served on the table in the form of the finest layers or shavings. The “makanina” was also thought out, which gave the taste to the raw product. It consisted of a 50/50 mixture of salt and ground pepper.

Whom did the Yakuts worship since ancient times?

Despite the adoption of Christianity, the culture of Yakutia is still closely related to the canons of faith that were laid in them by their ancestors. According to the legends of the people, every element of nature and the surrounding world has a master spirit that aroused fear and reverence. As a sacrifice, horse hair was left on them from the mane, klaptiki cloth, buttons and coins. There were ruling patrons:

  • roads - it will show the way and help you stay on track;
  • ponds - because of it, you cannot throw a knife or sharp bows into the rivers, and a small birch bark boat with a symbol of a person inside is considered an offering;
  • earth - the female spirit, which is responsible for the fertility of all living things;
  • wind - shore the earth from enmity;
  • thunder and lightning - if the element fell into a tree, its remains were considered healing;
  • fire - keeps peace in the family, so the hearth was moved from place to place in an earthen pot so as not to ever extinguish;
  • forests - an assistant in hunting and fishing.


By uniting with a large and strong Russia, the life of the people changed. Cattle breeding continued to flourish, with frost-resistant breeds of cows and horses emerging, which remain unique in their kind today. However, agriculture also developed, despite the fact that in the conditions of a harsh continental climate, the street thermometer stays at 40-50º for a long time, and winter lasts 9 months a year.

Hunting and fishing, which were once the last hope for food, faded into the background. The development of the economy helped to preserve the number of people, since severe winters often ended fatally. In the icy cold many kilometers from the settlement, fighting frost and wild animals, not every hunter returned home. A young family, who had no one to count on, could be left without food, and, for lack of supplies (there was simply nothing to send to the bins), they simply died of hunger.

The people entrusted the movement on the snow cover to the independently bred husky breed, and the protection of the house - to a less agile and large Yakut dog, but with the same warm "fur coat".

Yakuts (self-name sakha; pl. h. sakhalar) - a Turkic-speaking people, the indigenous population of Yakutia. The Yakut language belongs to the Turkic language group. According to the results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, 478.1 thousand Yakuts lived in Russia, mainly in Yakutia (466.5 thousand), as well as in the Irkutsk, Magadan regions, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk territories. The Yakuts are the most numerous (49.9% of the population) people in Yakutia and the largest of the indigenous peoples of Siberia within the borders of the Russian Federation.

Distribution area

The settlement of the Yakuts throughout the republic is extremely uneven. About nine of them are concentrated in the central regions - in the former Yakutsk and Vilyui districts. These are two main groups of the Yakut people: the first of them is somewhat larger in number than the second. "Yakut" (or Amga-Lena) Yakuts occupy a quadrangle between Lena, lower Aldan and Amga, the taiga plateau, as well as the adjacent left bank of the Lena. The "Vilyui" Yakuts occupy the Vilyui basin. In these indigenous Yakut regions, the most typical, purely Yakut way of life has developed; here it is at the same time, especially on the Amginsko-Lena plateau, the best studied. A third, much smaller group of Yakuts is settled in the Olekminsk region. The Yakuts of this group became more Russified, in their way of life (but not in language) they became closer to the Russians. And, finally, the last, the smallest, but widely dispersed group of Yakuts is the population of the northern regions of Yakutia, that is, the basins of the rr. Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana, Oleneka, Anabara.

The northern Yakuts are distinguished by a completely original cultural and everyday life: in relation to it, they are more like hunting and fishing small peoples of the North, like the Tungus, Yukaghirs, than their southern tribesmen. In some places these northern Yakuts are even called "tungus" (for example, in the upper reaches of the Olenek and Anabara), although according to their language they are Yakuts and call themselves Sakha.

History and origins

According to a widespread hypothesis, the ancestors of the modern Yakuts are the nomadic tribe of Kurykans, who lived in Transbaikalia until the XIV century. In turn, the kurykans came to the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal from behind the Yenisei River.

Most scholars believe that in the XII-XIV centuries A.D. e. The Yakuts migrated in several waves from the area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal to the basin of the Lena, Aldan and Vilyui, where they partially assimilated and partially displaced the Evenks (Tungus) and Yukagirs (Oduls) who lived here earlier. The Yakuts have traditionally been engaged in cattle breeding (Yakut cow), having gained a unique experience in breeding cattle in a sharply continental climate in the northern latitudes, horse breeding (Yakut horse), fishing, hunting, developed trade, blacksmithing and military affairs.

According to Yakut legends, the ancestors of the Yakuts floated down the Lena on rafts with cattle, household belongings and people, until they discovered the Tuymaada valley, suitable for cattle breeding. Nowadays modern Yakutsk is located in this place. According to the same legends, the progenitors of the Yakuts were headed by two leaders Ellei Botur and Omogoy Baai.

According to archaeological and ethnographic data, the Yakuts were formed as a result of the absorption of local tribes of the middle reaches of the Lena by the southern Turkic-speaking settlers. It is believed that the last wave of the southern ancestors of the Yakuts penetrated the Middle Lena in the XIV-XV centuries. Racially, the Yakuts belong to the Central Asian anthropological type of the North Asian race. Compared with other Turkic-speaking peoples of Siberia, they are characterized by the strongest manifestation of the Mongoloid complex, the final design of which took place in the middle of the second millennium AD already on the Lena.

It is assumed that some groups of Yakuts, for example, reindeer breeders of the northwest, arose relatively recently as a result of the mixing of separate groups of Evenks with Yakuts, who came from the central regions of Yakutia. In the process of resettlement to Eastern Siberia, the Yakuts mastered the basins of the northern rivers Anabar, Olenka, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma. The Yakuts modified the Tungus reindeer husbandry, created the Tungus-Yakut type of harness reindeer husbandry.

The inclusion of the Yakuts in the Russian state in the 1620s – 1630s accelerated their socio-economic and cultural development. In the 17th-19th centuries, the main occupation of the Yakuts was cattle breeding (breeding of cattle and horses); from the second half of the 19th century, a significant part of them began to engage in agriculture; hunting and fishing played an auxiliary role. The main type of dwelling was a log booth, in summer it was made of uras poles. Clothes were sewn from skins and fur. In the second half of the 18th century, most of the Yakuts were converted to Christianity, but traditional beliefs were also preserved.

Under Russian influence, Christian onomastics spread among the Yakuts, almost completely displacing pre-Christian Yakut names. At present, the Yakuts carry both names of Greek and Latin origin (Christian) and Yakut names.

Yakuts and Russians

Accurate historical information about the Yakuts is available only from the time of their first contact with the Russians, that is, from the 1620s, and joining the Russian state. The Yakuts did not constitute at that time a single political whole, but were divided into a number of tribes independent from each other. However, tribal relations were already decaying, and there was a rather sharp class stratification. Tsarist governors and servicemen used tribal strife to break the resistance of a part of the Yakut population; they also used the class contradictions within it, pursuing a policy of systematic support for the ruling aristocratic stratum - the princes (toyons), whom they turned into their agents for the management of the Yakutsk Territory. Since that time, class contradictions among the Yakuts began to intensify more and more.

The situation of the mass of the Yakut population was difficult. The Yakuts paid yasak in sable and fox furs, bore a number of other duties, being subjected to extortion from the tsarist servants, Russian merchants and their toyons. After unsuccessful attempts at uprisings (1634, 1636–1637, 1639–1640, 1642), after the Toyons went over to the side of the governors, the Yakut mass could react to the oppression only with scattered, isolated attempts of resistance and flight from the indigenous uluses to the outskirts. By the end of the 18th century, as a result of the predatory rulership of the tsarist authorities, the depletion of the fur wealth of the Yakutsk Territory and its partial desolation were discovered. At the same time, the Yakut population, for various reasons, migrated from the Lensko-Vilyui region, appeared on the outskirts of Yakutia, where it had never been before: in the Kolyma, Indigirka, Olenek, Anabar, up to the basin of the Lower Tunguska.

But even in those first decades, contact with the Russian people had a beneficial effect on the economy and culture of the Yakuts. The Russians brought with them a higher culture; already from the middle of the 17th century. an agricultural economy appears on the Lena; Russian type of buildings, Russian clothing made of fabrics, new types of crafts, new furnishings and household items gradually began to penetrate the Yakut population.

It was extremely important that with the establishment of Russian power in Yakutia, inter-tribal wars and predatory raids by Toyons stopped, which used to be a great disaster for the Yakut population. The self-will of the Russian service people, who were more than once at odds with each other and drew the Yakuts into their quarrels, was also suppressed. The order established since the 1640s in the Yakut land was better than the previous state of chronic anarchy and constant strife.

In the 18th century, in connection with the further advance of the Russians to the east (the annexation of Kamchatka, Chukotka, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska), Yakutia played the role of a transit route and a base for new campaigns and the development of distant lands. The influx of the Russian peasant population (especially along the Lena River valley, in connection with the construction of the postal road in 1773) created conditions for the cultural interaction of the Russian and Yakut elements. Already at the end of the 17th and 18th centuries. among the Yakuts, agriculture began to spread, although at first very slowly, and houses of the Russian type appeared. However, the number of Russian settlers remained even in the 19th century. relatively small. Along with the peasant colonization in the 19th century. The dispatch of exiled settlers to Yakutia was of great importance. Together with the criminal exiles, who had a negative impact on the Yakuts, in the second half of the 19th century. in Yakutia, political exiles appeared, first the populists, and in the 1890s and the Marxists, who played an important role in the cultural and political development of the Yakut masses.

By the beginning of the XX century. in the economic development of Yakutia, at least in its central regions (Yakutsk, Vilyuisky, Olekminsky districts), great successes were observed. An internal market was created. The growth of economic ties accelerated the development of national identity.

During the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917, the movement of the Yakut masses for their liberation developed deeper and wider. It was initially (especially in Yakutsk) under the predominant leadership of the Bolsheviks. But after the departure (in May 1917) of the majority of the political exiles to Russia in Yakutia, the counter-revolutionary forces of Toyonism, which entered into an alliance with the SR-bourgeois part of the Russian urban population, prevailed. The struggle for Soviet power in Yakutia dragged on for a long time. Only on June 30, 1918, the power of the soviets was first proclaimed in Yakutsk, and only in December 1919, after the liquidation of the Kolchak region throughout Siberia, Soviet power was finally established in Yakutia.


Their life is connected with shamanism. Building a house, having children and many other aspects of life do not go by without the participation of a shaman. On the other hand, a significant part of the half-million population of Yakuts professes Orthodox Christianity or even adheres to agnostic beliefs.

This nation has its own tradition, before joining the state of Russia they professed "Aar Aiyy". This religion assumes the belief that the Yakuts are the children of Tanara - God and Relatives of the Twelve White Aiyy. Even from conception, the child is surrounded by spirits, or as the Yakuts call them - "Ichchi" and there are also celestials who are also surrounded by the still-born child. Religion is documented in the department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Yakutia. In the 18th century, Yakutia was subjected to universal Christianity, but the people treat this with the hope of certain religions from the state of Russia.


The Yakuts are descended from nomadic tribes. Therefore, they live in yurts. However, unlike Mongolian felt yurts, the round dwelling of the Yakuts is built from the trunks of small trees with a cone-shaped slab roof. Many windows are arranged in the walls, under which sun loungers are located at different heights. Partitions are installed between them, forming a semblance of rooms, and a smeared hearth triples in the center. For the summer, temporary birch bark yurts - urasy - can be erected. And since the 20th century, some Yakuts have been settling in huts.

Winter settlements (kystyk) were located near mows, consisted of 1-3 yurts, summer settlements near pastures, numbered up to 10 yurts. The winter yurt (booth, dye) had inclined walls made of standing thin logs on a rectangular log frame and a low gable roof. The walls were covered with clay and manure on the outside, the roof over the log flooring was covered with bark and earth. The house was placed on the cardinal points, the entrance was on the east side, the windows were on the south and west, the roof was oriented from north to south. To the right of the entrance, in the northeastern corner, there was a hearth (sediment) - a pipe made of poles coated with clay, which went out through the roof. Plank bunks (oron) were arranged along the walls. The most honorable was the southwest corner. The master's place was located at the western wall. The bunks to the left of the entrance were intended for male youth, workers, on the right, at the hearth, for women. A table (ostuol) and stools were placed in the front corner. On the north side, a stable (khoton) was attached to the yurt, often under the same roof as the dwelling; the door to it from the yurt was behind the hearth. In front of the entrance to the yurt, a shed or canopy was arranged. The yurt was surrounded by a low embankment, often with a fence. There was a hitching post near the house, often decorated with carvings. Summer yurts differed little from winter ones. Instead of a khoton, a barn for calves (titik), sheds, etc. were placed at a distance. There was a conical structure of poles covered with birch bark (urasa), in the north - turf (kalyman, holuman). Polygonal log yurts with a pyramidal roof have been known since the late 18th century. From the second half of the 18th century, Russian huts spread.


Traditional men's and women's clothing - short leather trousers, fur belly, leather leggings, single-breasted caftan (sleep), in winter - fur, in summer - from horse or cow hide with wool inside, the rich - from fabric. Later, fabric shirts with a turn-down collar (yrbakhs) appeared. Men girded with a leather belt with a knife and flint, while the rich - with silver and copper plaques. Women's wedding fur long caftan (sangyyakh) embroidered with red and green cloth and gold lace is typical; an elegant women's fur hat made of expensive fur descending to the back and shoulders, with a high cloth, velvet or brocade top with a silver plaque (tuosakhta) and other adornments sewn onto it. Women's silver and gold jewelry is widespread. Shoes - winter high boots made of reindeer or horse skins with the wool outward (eterbes), summer boots made of soft leather (saar) with a top covered with cloth, for women - with applique, long fur stockings.


The main food is dairy, especially in summer: from mare's milk - kumis, from cow's - yogurt (suorat, sora), cream (kyuerchekh), butter; they drank butter melted or with kumis; Suorat was harvested for the winter frozen (tar) with the addition of berries, roots, etc .; from it with the addition of water, flour, roots, pine sapwood, etc., a stew (butugas) was prepared. Fish food played a major role for the poor and in the northern regions, where there were no livestock, meat was consumed mainly by the rich. Horse meat was especially appreciated. In the 19th century, barley flour came into use: unleavened flat cakes, pancakes, salamat stew were made from it. Vegetables were known in the Olekminsky district.


The main traditional occupations are horse breeding (in Russian documents of the 17th century the Yakuts were called "equestrian people") and cattle breeding. The horses were looked after by men, the cattle by women. In the north, deer were bred. The cattle were kept on pasture in summer and in barns (khotons) in winter. Haymaking was known before the arrival of the Russians. Yakut cattle breeds were distinguished by their endurance, but they were unproductive.

Fishing was also developed. They caught fish mainly in summer, but also in winter in the ice-hole; in the fall, a collective non-water game was arranged with the division of production between all participants. For the poor, who did not have livestock, fishing was the main occupation (in the documents of the 17th century, the term "fisherman" - balyksyt - is used in the meaning of "poor man"), some tribes also specialized in it - the so-called "foot Yakuts" - Osekui, Ontuls, Kokui , Kirikians, Kyrgyz, Orgots and others.

Hunting was especially widespread in the north, constituting here the main source of food (arctic fox, hare, reindeer, elk, bird). In the taiga, before the arrival of the Russians, both meat and fur hunting (bear, elk, squirrel, fox, hare, bird, etc.) were known; later, due to a decrease in the number of animals, its importance dropped. Specific hunting techniques are characteristic: with a bull (the hunter sneaks up on the prey, hiding behind the bull), the horse chasing the animal along the trail, sometimes with dogs.

There was gathering - the collection of pine and larch sapwood (the inner layer of bark), harvested for the winter in a dried form, roots (saran, chakana, etc.), greens (wild onion, horseradish, sorrel), raspberries, which were considered unclean, were not used from berries.

Agriculture (barley, to a lesser extent wheat) was borrowed from the Russians at the end of the 17th century, until the middle of the 19th century it was very poorly developed; its spread (especially in the Olekminsky district) was facilitated by Russian exiled settlers.

Processing of wood (artistic carving, coloring with alder broth), birch bark, fur, leather was developed; crockery was made of leather, rugs were made of horse and cow skins, sewn in a checkerboard pattern, blankets were made of hare fur, etc .; from horsehair they twisted the cords with their hands, weaved, embroidered. Spinning, weaving and felting were absent. The production of molded ceramics, which distinguished the Yakuts from other peoples of Siberia, has survived. Smelting and forging of iron, which had a commercial value, as well as smelting and chasing of silver, copper, etc., were developed; from the 19th century, mammoth bone carving was developed.

Yakut cuisine

It has some common features with the cuisine of the Buryats, Mongols, northern peoples (Evenks, Evens, Chukchi), as well as Russians. There are few methods of cooking in Yakut cuisine: it is either boiling (meat, fish), or fermentation (kumis, suorat), or freezing (meat, fish).

From meat, horse meat, beef, venison, game birds, as well as offal and blood are traditionally consumed. Dishes from Siberian fish are widespread (sturgeon, broadleaf, omul, muksun, peled, nelma, taimen, grayling).

A distinctive feature of the Yakut cuisine is the fullest possible use of all components of the original product. A very typical example is the Yakut-style recipe for crucian carp. Before cooking, the scales are peeled off, the head is not cut off or thrown out, the fish is practically not gutted, a small lateral incision is made, through which the gallbladder is carefully removed, a part of the large intestine is cut off and the swim bladder is pierced. In this form, the fish is boiled or fried. A similar approach is used in relation to almost all other products: beef, horse meat, etc. Almost all by-products are actively used. In particular, giblets soups (ismiine), blood delicacies (khaan), etc. are very popular. Obviously, such a thrifty attitude to food is the result of the people's experience of survival in the harsh polar conditions.

Horse or beef ribs in Yakutia are known as oyogos. Frozen meat and fish are used to make stroganin, which is eaten with a spicy seasoning from a flask (wild garlic), spoon (like horseradish) and saranka (onion plant). Khaan - Yakut blood sausage is obtained from beef or horse blood.

The national drink is kumis, popular among many eastern peoples, as well as a stronger konnyoru kymys (or koyuurgen). Suorat (curdled milk), kyuercheh (whipped cream), cober (butter whipped with milk to form a thick cream), chokhoon (or chechon - butter, whipped with milk and berries), idyegey (cottage cheese), suumeh (cheese). The Yakuts cook a thick mass of salamat from flour and dairy products.

Interesting traditions and customs of the people of Yakutia

The customs and rituals of the Yakuts are closely related to folk beliefs. Even many Orthodox or agnostics follow them. The structure of beliefs is very similar to Shinto - each manifestation of nature has its own spirit, and shamans communicate with them. The laying of a yurt and the birth of a child, marriage and burial are not complete without rituals. It is noteworthy that until recently, Yakut families were polygamous, each wife of one husband had her own household and home. Apparently, under the influence of assimilation with the Russians, the Yakuts nevertheless switched to monogamous cells of society.

An important place in the life of every Yakut is the Ysyakh kumis holiday. Various rituals are designed to appease the gods. Hunters glorify Bay-Bayan, women - Aiyysyt. The holiday is crowned by the universal dance of the sun - osohay. All participants join hands and arrange a huge round dance. Fire has sacred properties at any time of the year. Therefore, each meal in a Yakut house begins with a fire treat - throwing food into the fire and sprinkling it with milk. Feeding the fire is one of the key moments of any holiday and business.

The most characteristic cultural phenomenon is the olonkho poetic stories, which can number up to 36 thousand rhymed lines. The epic is passed down from generation to generation between master performers, and more recently, these narratives were included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Good memory and high life expectancy are some of the distinguishing features of the Yakuts. In connection with this peculiarity, a custom arose according to which a dying elderly person summons someone from the younger generation and tells him about all his social connections - friends, foes. The Yakuts are distinguished by their social activity, even though their settlements are several yurts located at an impressive distance. The main social relations take place during big holidays, the main of which is the holiday of koumiss - Ysyakh.

Traditional culture is most fully represented by the Amga-Lena and Vilyui Yakuts. The Northern Yakuts are close in culture to the Evenks and Yukagirs, the Olyokminskys are strongly acculturated by the Russians.

12 facts about the Yakuts

  1. It is not so cold in Yakutia as everyone thinks. Almost throughout the entire territory of Yakutia, the minimum temperature is on average -40-45 degrees, which are not so terrible, since the air is very dry. -20 degrees in St. Petersburg will be worse than -50 in Yakutsk.
  2. Yakuts eat raw meat - foal frozen, shaved or cut into cubes. Adult horse meat is also eaten, but it is not so tasty. This meat is extremely tasty and healthy, rich in vitamins and other useful substances, in particular - antioxidants.
  3. In Yakutia, they also eat sturgeon - meat of river fish cut with thick shavings, mainly chir and omul, sturgeon and nelma stroganin are most valued (all these fish, with the exception of sturgeon - from the whitefish family). All this splendor can be consumed by dipping shavings in salt and pepper. Some also make different sauces.
  4. Contrary to popular belief, in Yakutia, the majority of the population have never seen deer. Deer are found mainly in the Far North of Yakutia and, oddly enough, in South Yakutia.
  5. The legend about crowbars becoming fragile like glass in severe frost is true. If, at temperatures below 50-55 degrees, you hit a hard object with a cast-iron crowbar, the scrap will fly to pieces.
  6. In Yakutia, almost all grains, vegetables and even some fruits ripen perfectly over the summer. For example, not far from Yakutsk, beautiful, tasty, red, sweet watermelons are grown.
  7. The Yakut language belongs to the Turkic group of languages. In the Yakut language, there are a lot of words starting with the letter "Y".
  8. In Yakutia, children, even in 40-degree frost, eat ice cream right on the street.
  9. When the Yakuts eat bear meat, before eating, they emit the sound "Hook" or imitate the cry of a raven, thereby, as if disguising themselves from the spirit of the bear - it is not we who eat your meat, but the crows.
  10. Yakut horses are a very ancient breed. They graze by themselves all year round without any supervision.
  11. The Yakuts are very hard-working. In the summer, in haymaking, they can easily work 18 hours a day without a lunch break and then have a good drink in the evening and after 2 hours of sleep, back to work. They can work 24 hours and then plow 300 km behind the wheel and work there for another 10 hours.
  12. Yakuts do not like being called Yakuts and prefer to be called "Sakha".

Due to the fact that this people lives far from civilization, and they themselves sometimes live hundreds of kilometers from each other, polygamy is widespread among the Yakuts. This is also due to the fact that there are not enough men, namely, they are the main force in housekeeping. The woman looks after the home, and the man sometimes goes to pasture for months to feed the horses. They are the main source of nutrition for this people.

There can be as many wives as you like. The main task of a husband is to be able to feed his family. The first wife is given a place of honor. She is the main one over all other wives, who must obey her in everything without question.

As soon as the guy chooses his betrothed, matchmaking begins. The decisive word remains with the young. If she agrees to leave the house and become a wife, she silently nods her head at the proposal of the groom.

After deciding to marry, the groom's father or older brother goes to the young man. Their task is to agree on a kalym. In most cases, it is determined by the number of horses and meat. The bride's family gives them irdy. This is a ransom gift, which in its cost should be several times cheaper than kalym.
It should be noted that Yakut weddings are very interesting from the point of view of national rituals, costumes and musical components. Therefore, based on these traditions, wedding agencies in Moscow often hold thematic and stylized events, with the invitation of real shamans and Yakut artists.

The Yakuts hold their wedding in winter. It is in frosts that animal meat is well and long stored. Many sacks of horse meat are brought to the bride's house. This is not only kalym, but also the main treat of the wedding table. The groom is the last to enter the house. He enters the house with his eyes closed and his head bowed. With his hand he holds on to the whip, for which his older brother leads him.
He kneels down and receives a blessing from the bride's parents in front of the icon. Since a turnkey wedding is held only in the European version, the shaman is the main character at the ritual wedding. He circles around the groom with a tambourine, predicting his future fate and conjuring for the happiness and well-being of the young family.

After the ceremony, supper time comes, and all guests sit at the table. Nobody goes home. All stay overnight at the bride's house. The bride at this time and in the next few days lives with her relatives.

In the morning the guests leave. Only the young parents and the groom remain in the house. He will have to go through a series of tests that the future father-in-law prepared for him. A few days later he was allowed to go home. Now he has the right at any time to come to his beloved's house and see her.

The bride also undergoes the same test, after which she has the right to be in the groom's house.

According to the Yakut law, they are now husband and wife.

The husband has the right to terminate the relationship if the woman does not give birth to a son. In this case, the girl's father is obliged to return all the kalym. If the young people do not agree in character, they can divorce, but in this case, the kalym remains young in the house.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school number 26"

Municipal formation "Mirninsky district"

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Research work

Traditional culture of peoples

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Kalacheva Rosalia

Alina's share

pupils of grade 9 "G"

Mayorov's leader

Tamara Alexandrovna,


russian language and literature

year 2012


Relevance of the topic.Yakutia! You are covered with forests . Yakutia is in a necklace of stars.

Yakutia! The sky above you is blue. The land is harsh, taiga

We love to tears!

Modern Yakutia is a highly developed region. The main wealth of the republic is not only natural resources, but also people whose work glorifies their small homeland.

More than 120 nationalities live in the land of Olonkho. The indigenous inhabitants of Yakutia are Yakuts, Evenks, Evens, Chukchi, Dolgans, Yukagirs. Each nationality has its own rituals and traditions.

Getting acquainted with the history of the republic, we learned that the Turkic-speaking people yuch - kurykany - ancestors of the Yakuts. The people appeared and existed from the 6th to the 11th century. Kurykanyin the 6-10 centuries were the most numerous and powerful people of the Baikal region . Until the 13th century, they were resettled to the Lena, coming to the middle Lena, the ancestors of the Yakuts met with the Evens, Evenks, Yukaghirs and other local tribes, some of them were ousted, some were assimilated.

That is why we became interested in the traditions and rituals of the peoples of Yakutia and set a goal for ourselves.

Goal: study of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, determination of their role in modern life.

An object: customs and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia.

Thing: origins and role customs and traditions in modern life.


- study the literature on the chosen topic;

- to interview people who know the rituals of antiquity;

- systematize and summarize the collected material;

- to arrange the results of search work.

Methods: study of literature, interviews, visualization, analysis and synthesis,

generalization and systematization

Hypothesis: if in the process of searching on the topic enough material is studied on the customs and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, then we will determine the origins of their origin and their role in modern life.


1. The culture of the Sakha peoples in the modern world.

2. Customs and holidays (optional):

A. Yakutov;

B. Evenkov:

V. Evens;

G. Dolgan;

D. Chukchi.

3. The value of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, the definition of their role in modern life.

1. The culture of the Sakha peoples in the modern world.

Many peoples live in Yakutia and everyone has a similar culture, lifestyle, beliefs and way of life, which has changed over time, begins to change with the entry of Yakutia into the Russian state. The Russians are introducing legal norms, general rules, yasak fees, a new religion. The spread of Christianity leads to a change in the customs and way of life of the aborigines of Yakutia, the disappearance of the concept of kinship, blood feud.

For the Chukchi, the main occupation is reindeer husbandry and sea fishing. Culture and everyday life do not receive cardinal changes, but an additional occupation appears, which gradually becomes predominant - fur trade.

For the Evens, reindeer breeding, fishing and hunting continue to be the main activity, which is becoming the second most important.

The Evens change their clothes, into which the Russian style is introduced.

For the Yukaghirs, the main occupation is reindeer breeding and dog breeding. Semi-nomadic lifestyle.

IMPORTANT: occupation affects

2.a. Customs and holidays Yakuts.

The Yakuts (Sakhalar) are one of the most numerous peoples of Siberia. They live in Evenkia, in the Irkutsk region, in the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk territories, but mainly in Yakutia (the Republic of Sakha), on the territory of which the cold pole of our planet is located. The Yakut language belongs to the Turkic languages \u200b\u200bthat are part of the Altai language family. The traditional economic activities of the Yakuts are cattle breeding, horse breeding, hunting and fishing.

Kumis festival (Ysyakh). This holiday is celebrated in late spring in the open air. People sing, dance, watch the fights of the fighters, drink a delicious drink made from mare's milk - kumis. The name of the holiday comes from the verb “to spray”, “to sprinkle”. In the past the culmination of a holiday Ysyakh- a ceremony during which shamans sprinkled fire with kumis. This action was performed in honor of the "holy deities", to which among the Yakuts, cattle-breeding peoples, the deities of fertility were ranked first. This tradition is associated with another cult - the cult of the horse. Indeed, in the myths of the Yakut people, the first living creature on earth was a horse, from it a half-horse - half-man, and only then did people appear. This holiday has survived to this day.

"The blacksmith and the shaman are from the same nest." The libation of kumis on the fire could only be performed by a "light shaman" - "Aiyy-oyuuna". Along with the “white shamans”, the Yakuts had “black shamans” - that is how they called intermediaries between people and spirits of the “lower world”. All shamans were treated with respect and fear. The Yakuts treated the blacksmiths with the same feelings. In the old days they said that "a blacksmith and a shaman are from the same nest." Blacksmiths were considered sorcerers by many peoples of the world, including Siberia. This reflects the cult of fire: everyone who is associated with the flame has a special magical power. According to Yakut beliefs, a blacksmith, forging iron pendants for a shaman's costume, acquired a special power over spirits. There was one more belief: the spirits are afraid of the clatter of iron and the noise of the bellows, the spirits are afraid of the blacksmiths, therefore, people need to treat them with respect and caution.

"Don't forget to feed the fire." This rite is rooted far

into the past, back to the ancient stone age. Flame was considered by the Yakuts the personification of purity. Dirty objects could not be thrown into the fire, and before the start of any meal it was necessary to "treat" him. For this, they put pieces of food into the fire, sprinkled milk on the fire. It was believed that this is how people express their respect for the owner of the fire - Wat-icchite

2.b. Customs and holidays evenki

This people is called the "Indians of Siberia". And indeed, a lot of these indigenous inhabitants of North Asia have in common with the famous St. John's wort from the Iroquois or Delaware tribe. Like the North American Indians, the Evenks are hereditary hunters, artificial trackers, tireless travelers. Their number is a little over 30 thousand people. But the Evenks are settled on a huge territory - from Western Siberia to Yakutia, Buryatia and Primorye. The Evenk language belongs to the Tungus-Manchu branch of the Altai language family. They used to be called tungus.

How the guests were received.This custom - hospitality - is known to all peoples of the world. The Evenks also have it. Many Evenk families had to wander through the taiga in isolation from other families. Therefore, the arrival of the guests was a great holiday. They were given gifts, seated in a place of honor in the tent (behind the hearth, opposite the entrance), treated to the most delicious dishes, for example: finely chopped bear meat, seasoned with fried bear fat. In the warm season, in honor of the guests, he arranged dances in the meadow, in which all the inhabitants of the camp, from young to old, took part. The dances of this people are very temperamental. And in the evening the story of one of the guests or the host began. This story was unusual: the narrator spoke, then began to sing, and the listeners repeated the most important words. The heroes of the story were people and animals, powerful spirits. The legends could last all night, and if they did not end, then the guests stayed one more night.

How peace was made. The Evenki appreciated not only the ability to fight, but also the ability to negotiate peace. A detachment led by a shaman approached the enemy's camp and warned with a loud cry of their approach. The enemy expelled the envoys - two elderly women. The straps of their fur boots must be undone - this is a sign that the enemy is ready to negotiate. The same elderly women, representing the hostile side, entered the negotiations. The shaman defiantly rejected the proposals and ordered to prepare for battle. Then the defenders sent two elderly men with untied fur boots. New negotiations began, led by the oldest men .. But these negotiations did not bring success. Then a shaman from the defending camp arrived at the attackers' camp. Both shamans sat with their backs to each other, on either side of the cross-swords thrust into the ground, and speak directly. This conversation ends with the conclusion of peace .. Such a ceremony for the conclusion of peace proved that this is an important, but difficult matter, that the world must be protected

2.c. Customs and holidays evens

The Evens are a people closely related to the Evenks. They also hunt taiga animals, speak a language similar to the Evenks. But unlike the "Indians of Siberia", the Evenks are not settled in such a vast territory. They live mainly in Yakutia, in the Khabarovsk Territory, in the Magadan and Kamchatka regions. The number of Evenks is about 17 thousand people. One of the ancient names of the Even tribes - "lamuts" - comes from the word "lama". Translated, it means "sea". It is very likely that in ancient times Lake Baikal was called so in Siberia. In the Baikal region, as studies of archaeologists have shown, 2000 years ago, the process of the formation of today's Evenks began.

The bride came to the house. The Evens bride came to the groom's chum, as a rule, riding a deer. This significant event was preceded by a number of other, also quite important events. At first, the parents of the young man decided what kind of family the bride should be.

The next step is to send in matchmakers. Their actions could have ended in failure. If, for example, among the Kamchatka Evens, the girl's parents refused to smoke the pipe offered to them with the matchmakers, this meant that the bride had to be looked for in another house.

After the conclusion of the contract, the parents of the young man had to pay the kalym. And only after receiving the kalym, the bride was put on a deer and, accompanied by numerous relatives, was taken to the groom.

Before crossing the threshold of her new home, the bride drove around it three times, and she had to go from left to right - in the direction of the sun. Entering the chum, the girl took out the cauldron brought with her and cooked venison. When the meat was ready, the wedding feast began.

"Help us, sun!" In the past, the Evens often turned to the sun for help, especially when someone fell ill. The sun for them was a powerful deity, who needed to make sacrifices. Usually it was a deer. The animal was chosen at the direction of the shaman or as a result of fortune telling. And when they wondered, they listened to the crackle of the hearth. The cult of the sun was associated with the cult of fire. The skin of a sacrificial deer was hung on a pole leaning against a tree, and two freshly cut young larch trees were placed on the sides of the pole. The meat of the deer donated to the sun was eaten together and necessarily on the same day when the ceremony was performed.

The funeral of the bear. Another cult of the Evens was the cult of the bear. It was like that. After killing the beast, the hunter greeted him and thanked him for coming. Since it was believed that the killed bear voluntarily came to visit people. When dividing the carcass of the bear, Nimat was observed: the meat of the bear was distributed to all residents of the camp, and the head was cooked separately, and the men cooked it. Women were not allowed not only to cook, but also to eat their heads. After the meal, the bones of the bear were buried here: the skeleton was laid in a strict anatomical order on a wooden platform, which was installed on reinforced piles.

The Evenks also buried their fellow tribesmen on stilts. This continued until the 19th century.

2.d. Dolgan customs and holidays

Nowadays there are over 7 thousand Dolgans. They live mainly in Taimyr, as well as in Yakutia and Evenkia. Dolgan is very close to Yakut. The Dolgans formed into an independent people in the 18-19 centuries as a result of the merger of separate separate Evenk and Yakut clans, as well as the Russian old-time population of Taimyr - tundra peasants. The Dolgans are engaged in reindeer husbandry, hunt wild deer, hunt for furs, and fish. Their folk art is very developed: singing, playing a musical instrument - jew's harp. Women perfectly embroider with beads and silk threads, men master the ancient art of carving on mammoth tusk.

"The Dolgans have such a custom ..." The famous Dolgan poetess Ogdo Aksenova wrote the following lines: “The Dolgans have such a custom - to share the first prey. Remember, boy! " In the old days, the Dolgans always gave part of their prey - deer meat and caught fish to relatives and neighbors. But furs were not subject to division. She was a valuable commodity, in exchange for which one could exchange guns, gunpowder, tea, flour, sugar from visiting merchants.

Traps for Arctic foxes - "Easter" - were the personal property of each hunter. Only the owner could take the prey. There was one more rule associated with hunting foxes. If you decide to set your traps to the south of those set by another hunter, you do not need his permission for this .. But if you set them to the north, you must definitely ask the consent of their owner. This is due to the fact that Arctic foxes come to the Dolgan land from the north, and hunters who set traps to the north have a better chance of success in hunting.

Little mistress of the great plague. Until almost the 19th century, the Dolgans retained vestiges of matriarchy - the supremacy of women. The women supported the fire, "fed" it; they were in charge of all the household shrines. In winter, as a rule, several Dolgan families united, built and lived in a large tent. We chose a common hostess. She was often an elderly woman, tired of work. The mistress's word was law for everyone, even for the proud and warlike Dolgan men.

Ichchi, satians and other spirits. Dolgans were considered Christians . They performed many Orthodox rites, but at the same time retained their ancient beliefs.

Deities and spirits, the Dolgans believed, were divided into three categories:

1 - "icchi" - incorporeal, invisible creatures, “souls”, capable of settling in inanimate things and “animating” them;

2 – malicious "abaasy", bringing illnesses and misfortunes that were beating on the earth and in the underworld, they sought to steal a soul from a person, take it underground. And then enter his body. The person who was possessed abaasy, was seriously ill, and, according to Dolgan beliefs, only a shaman could help him.

3 – "Siteans" - any object in which the shaman infused the soul - "icchi". It could be a stone of an unusual Thomas, a horn of a wild deer ... Saitaanspossessed powerful force and were in the eyes of the Dolgans a kind of amulet that brought good luck on the hunt and in household chores.

2.d. Chukchi customs and holidays

The number of this people today is more than 15 thousand people inhabiting the extreme north-east of Russia, Chukotka. The name of this distant Arctic region means "the land of the Chukchi" in translation. The Russian word "Chukchi" comes from the Chukchi "Chauchu" - "rich in deer." Their distant ancestors came to the Arctic from the central regions of Siberia, when on the site of the Bering Strait there was a vast isthmus connecting Asia with America. Part of the residents of Northeast Asia crossed the Bering Bridge to Alaska. In the traditional culture of the Chukchi, traditions are brought together with the Indian peoples of North America.

Canoe holiday.According to the old ideas of the Chukchi, everything that surrounds a person has a soul. The sea has a soul, a canoe has a soul - a boat covered with walrus skin, on which sea hunters fearlessly go out into the ocean today. Before going out to sea in the spring, the hunters held a holiday. The boat was solemnly removed from the pillars of bowhead whale jaw bones, on which it was kept all winter. Then they sacrificed to the sea: they threw pieces of boiled meat into the sea. The boat was carried to the yaranga. All the participants in the festival solemnly walked around the yaranga. The oldest woman in the family walked first, then the canoe owner, the helmsman, the rowers and all the other participants in the holiday. The next day, the boat was transferred to the seashore, the sacrifice was again made, and only after that the canoe was lowered into the water.

Whale festival.This holiday took place at the end of the fishing season. It was based on the rite of reconciliation between hunters and killed animals. Lydia, dressed in festive clothes, including waterproof raincoats made of walrus intestines, asked for forgiveness from whales, seals, walruses. “It was not the hunters who killed you, the stones rolled down the mountain and killed you,” the Chukchi sang songs. Men staged wrestling fights, danced in which they reflected dangerous scenes of hunting sea animals.

At the festival of the whale, sacrifices were always made Karetkunu - master of all sea animals. After all, it is on him, the inhabitants believed, that success in the hunt depends. Even his sculpture was carved from wood. The culmination of the holiday was the sinking of whale bones into the sea. In the sea water, the Chukchi believed, the bones would turn into new animals, and next year whales would appear again off the coast of Chukotka.

Feast of the young deer (Kilvey).The ego was arranged in the spring when the deer were calving. The shepherds drove the flock to the yarangas, and the women made a sacred fire. Fire for such a fire was obtained only by friction. The deer were greeted with shouts, shots, and beaten with tambourines-yarars to scare away evil spirits. She invited guests - Chukchi living on the seashore. People exchanged gifts, venison was valuable, as it was a delicacy. During the holiday, not only had fun, but also separated the young deer from the main herd to graze them on the abundant pastures. At this time, old deer were also slaughtered in order to prepare meat for future use for women and old people, children. After all, they stayed in winter camps, where they caught fish, picked berries and mushrooms. And the men set off with reindeer herds on a long journey, to summer camps. Moving with the herd was long, difficult and dangerous. Therefore, the holiday of a young deer is also a goodbye before a long separation.

3. The value of the customs and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, the definition of their role in modern life.

Conclusion. Having studied various literary sources, having interviewed experts in the rites and traditions of the peoples of Yakutia, we can put forward our own hypothesis about the origin of customs and holidays of the peoples of Yakutia:

We believe that these people, being illiterate, believed in the forces of nature. Therefore, they deified fire, sun, sea, bear, horse, ...

Faith was passed from generation to generation, and traditional holidays have survived to this day, but already changed by modern life.

With our work, we have confirmed the hypothesis put forward.

The material collected as a result of the research can be used:

- on classroom hours at school,

- as a result of search activities at the NPK "Step into the Future"

- when implementing sample program "Culture of the peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)".