Taisiya Povaliy, biography, news, photos. Taisiya Povaliy's husband How many years are Povaliy actually

Taisia ​​Povaliy is called the “Golden Voice of Ukraine”, but Russian listeners also fell in love with the warm and sincere songs of this bright blonde. Now she lives in Moscow, where she gives many solo concerts and takes part in projects. Povaliy's personal life is closely connected with her work, since the singer's husband is not only her beloved person, but also a producer. It was he who helped to reveal her talent to the whole world, about which everyone later started talking. In this creative family, the singer's son grew up, who followed in his mother's footsteps.

Taisiya Giryavets was born in 1964 in the Kiev region. Her parents were musical people and always loved to sing, it is not surprising that the future artist also performed on stage from early childhood. She received her musical education at the Gliere School in Kiev, and then began to sing in the music hall. At first, Taisiya performed as part of a vocal group, but very soon she began to give solo concerts. Her career quickly took off and the singer became a popular Ukrainian performer. Having performed the song "Let Me Go" with Nikolai Baskov, Povaliy also fell in love with Russian music lovers. The singer still does not change her repertoire, which she builds on lyrical songs about love.

Numerous fans of Taisia ​​always read the news about her with interest, trying to find out more about the personal life of their favorite. For the first time she got married in 1982, and her husband became the musician Vladimir Povaliy, whom she met during her student years. Then the whole group was sent to the collective farm to harvest the tomatoes, where one weekend they were asked to give a concert. The future singer sang the song, and Vladimir played the guitar. After that, the young people became friends and only a year later they started a romantic relationship. In 1983, the couple had a son, Denis, and for several years everything was fine in the family.

But it turned out that Igor Likhuta saw Taisia ​​in the Blue Light and wanted to meet her. However, Povaliy was restrained and inaccessible with him for a long time. And only when Igor persuaded her to go to a music competition in Chernivtsi, where she won and received five thousand dollars as an award, Taisia ​​realized that this was her fate. At that time, it was a difficult period in her personal life, since she was married, and Igor was also married twice and raised two children. However, in the winter of 1993, the lovers got married, and Likhuta became the producer of the singer.

In the photo Taisiya Povaliy with her husband Igor

Now the spouses are almost inseparable: they go on tour together, and at home they almost never leave. Together they select a repertoire or stage costumes, and also discuss important creative issues. Povaliy dreamed of a second child and even turned to specialists, but health problems did not allow these plans to come true. From a busy schedule, spouses like to relax in quiet places, preferring the sea coast or the mountains.

Son Denis graduated from the Taras Shevchenko University, but did not work in his specialty, but took up a musical career. He has already achieved good results and in 2011 reached the final of the Ukrainian selection for Eurovision. In the summer of 2015, Denis got married, but only the closest people knew about his wedding. Now Taisiya is waiting for her son to replenish the family in order to nurse her grandchildren.

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Posted on 06/17/2016

Taisiya Povaliy is a Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian pop singer who received the title of People's Artist of Ukraine in 1997. In addition, she was awarded the title “Golden Voice of Ukraine”. The performer's talent was able to fully reveal itself during the marriage with her second husband. The rapid conquest of international competitions and festivals has led to a dizzying popularity that has accompanied the singer for many years.

Taisiya Nikolaevna Povaliy was born in December 1964 in the small village of Shamraevka, located not far from Kiev. In 1967, the family moved to the city of Belaya Tserkov, where the performer graduated from high school. The parents' marriage did not last long; after their divorce, little Taya stayed with her mother, without going to another city with her father. After graduating from school, she received a professional education at the Kiev Glier College of Music at the conducting and choral department. In addition, Taisiya simultaneously studied academic vocals, which subsequently greatly helped her in her career development.

The vocal teacher predicted success for the singer in the opera, but fate decreed otherwise. In the biography and personal life of Taisiya Povaliy, there was a place not only for creative development, but also for political and social activities.

When the performer was 6 years old, a music teacher at a local school decided to take her to a concert in another city. The first children's tour brought a lot of money, which Taisia ​​immediately spent on a gift for her mother. The creative youth of the performer took place in Kiev. At the age of twenty, the performer got a job as a soloist of a vocal group at the Kiev State Music Hall. It was here that the singer's career began - first as part of a group, and then as a solo artist.

Every day she worked out several concerts and gained experience in touring. Taisia ​​Povaliy received her first award for her excellent vocal skills and professionalism in her work in 1990 at the New Names competition of the USSR State Radio and Television. However, the main peak of fame came in 1993. After a deafening performance and victory at the International Competition "Slavianski Bazaar" in Vitebsk, people learned about Povaliy throughout the post-Soviet space. It was this victory that became the starting point in the performer's musical career.

The festival "New Stars of the Old Year" (1994) brought the artist two awards for her excellent performance - "Best Singer of Ukraine" and "Best Musician of the Year". Due to the very active concert activity, the singer had absolutely no time to record the album. The debut disc "Panno Kokhannya" was recorded in 1995, at the same time a video for the song "Prosto Taya" was shot. Six years later, Taisiya tried herself in a new direction - acting. In the musical by Konstantin Meladze "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" she sang several popular songs of that time.

The growing popularity of the singer in the 2000s was associated with her active collaboration with Joseph Kobzon, Stas Mikhailov and the golden voice of Russia Nikolai Baskov... The duet songs "You are far away" and "Let me go", recorded with the latter, brought the artist two Golden Gramophone awards. With Joseph Kobzon, more than twenty songs were recorded in the performer's native language. The singer's discography was replenished in the first half of the 2000s. following albums:

  • "Free bird";
  • "I return";
  • "Sweet Sin."

The most demanded songs of Taisiya Povaliy from these collections were the compositions "White Snow", "Borrowed", "For You". In 2012, the performer was firmly established on the Russian stage thanks to her acquaintance with Philip Kirkorov, who helped her to establish ties with Russian Radio and develop her creativity. It was then that the singer began to conquer Moscow.

The lyrics for the songs of the performer have been written by the poet Yuri Rybchinsky for many years.

Political activity and scandals

Despite the singer's remoteness from politics, in 2012 she still runs in the parliamentary elections to the Verkhovna Rada, joining the Party of Regions. For six months, she has been actively working as an assistant to Viktor Yanukovych, and is also engaged in political activities. Her only deputy action was a request to repair the road in the village of Petropavlovskaya Boschagovka. As it turned out, the artist lived in this village herself, and therefore organized only personal convenience.

Despite a rather short political career, the singer once found herself at the center of a scandal. He was associated with the deputy Sergei Vlasenko, more precisely, with his combination of business and political activities. Then Taisiya entered the so-called blacklist of Ukrainian oppositionists.

The period of active revolution at home had a negative impact on the artist's image. At a time when terrible bloodshed took place on the Maidan, the singer performed in Yalta and congratulated the residents of Crimea on the Russian holiday - Independence Day. The news of this caused a wave of indignation among Ukrainian politicians and the loss of their love and respect. Along with Taisia, the victims of unfounded accusations were Joseph Kobzon, Ani Lorak and many other artists.

The first husband of the performer was the composer Vladimir Povaliy. The young people met at the school, where Taisiya performed in an ensemble, and Vladimir was a guitarist. At the time of their acquaintance, the future spouse had already gone through the war in Afghanistan and was five years older than the performer. For the first few years of marriage, the couple lived with Vladimir's parents. In the summer of 1983, a joyful event took place in the family - the birth of their son Denis. The marriage with Vladimir lasted 11 years. After divorcing her husband, the singer left his last name.

After the divorce of his parents, Denis decided to live with his father. Unfortunately, the friendly relations between Taisia ​​and Vladimir have not survived. However, it is known that the singer paid in full for the rather expensive operation of her ex-mother-in-law. The artist stayed alone for a relatively short time. The second husband of the increasingly popular singer was Igor Likhuta.

Practically the best drummer in Ukraine had good connections in show business and believed in Taisia's talent even more than she herself. It was thanks to his faith and the diligence of the performer herself that her career took off. The singer's repertoire began to be replenished with an incredible number of songs, instantly gaining popularity:

  • "Former";
  • "Mom-Mom";
  • "The woman who loves";
  • “May you be lucky in love”;
  • "Believe you".

Taisiya Povaliy and Igor Likhuta got married in 1993, and the couple did not advertise the date of the wedding and the event itself. Unfortunately, the couple did not manage to have their own children due to health problems, despite the singer's young age. Taisiya immediately refused the services of a surrogate mother. In one of the frank interviews, the artist admitted that because of her zealous attitude, she would not allow a stranger to bear her child. The couple has been living in a partnership for the past few years.

The son from his first marriage graduated from the Lyceum of Oriental Languages ​​and received a higher education in the field of international relations. Denis did not want to associate his life with the profession and became an arranger. In 2010, he expressed a desire to participate in the X-Factor competition, but my mother expressed her dissatisfaction with this act.

A year later, after an unsuccessful experience at the competition, Denis reached the final of the Eurovision qualifying round.

Beauty and youth

The singer manages to successfully preserve her beauty and youth. Her outings cause a storm of emotions among fans. An impeccable appearance, a unique style of dress and beautiful dresses ensure the artist's success along with her vocal abilities. Taisiya Povaliy does not hide the secrets of her beauty as in the picture - constant diets, proper nutrition and rejection of bad habits.

The performer does not hide that she used the services of plastic surgeons, but some fans consider this experience unsuccessful. Many of them spoke about the unnatural smile after the "beauty shots". The singer began to observe caution in such procedures after a partial loss of her voice as a result of one of the operations.

The artist never hesitated to appear in front of the public without makeup and even exhibited such photos in her personal profile.

Taisiya Povaliy - Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian singer, People's Artist of Ukraine (1997), formerly People's Deputy of Ukraine. Taisiya Povaliy is distinguished by a strong and rare timbre of voice.

Childhood and family

Taisiya Nikolaevna Povaliy (before marriage she bore the surname Giryavets) was born on December 10, 1964 in the village of Shamraevka near Kiev. The father wanted to name the newborn Lesya, and the mother - Taisia. To resolve the dispute, it was necessary to throw lots. When Tae was 3 years old, her parents moved to the city of Belaya Tserkov, where the future singer graduated from a comprehensive and music school.

The singer's parents, Nikolai Pavlovich Giryavets and Nina Danilovna Konoplyanaya, were simple rural workers. Nature, birdsong, village customs and folklore - all this surrounded Taya throughout her childhood.

In her youth, Nina Danilovna dreamed of becoming an artist, but the plans were interrupted by the war, which left her and her brother and sister without a father. It was not possible to realize the dream, but the music went side by side with Nina all her life. As long as Taisiya can remember herself, everyone in her family sang: at work, at dinner, in rare moments of leisure. Not only the Giryavets family sang, but, it seemed, the whole village, it is no secret that Ukraine is an incredibly musical country.

Already at the age of 5, Taya knew that she would become a singer, and called herself a future people's artist. At the school where the girl went, there was a children's philharmonic society. Local teachers saw potential in the student in terms of academic vocal and made her a soloist of the choir. Among the musical idols of little Taya, the main icon was Edita Piekha. The girl acquired her disc the very first, when her father made a gift that was truly royal for those times - a vinyl record player, and listened to the holes. She loved the works of Lyudmila Senchina, Sofia Rotaru.

The relationship between Taisia's parents was tense. Affected by the difference in age (Nikolai was 7 years older than his wife), and the man's addiction to alcohol, under the influence of which some primitive jealousy awakened in him. At such moments, Nikolai could raise his hand to his wife. Taya did not understand how her mother could tolerate such an attitude, but she repeated: “This is not him, this is vodka. He's actually good. " The fellow villagers did not see anything wrong with this either. But at the age of 13, Taisia ​​still convinced her mother to divorce.

First marriage

Taisiya's mother was a strict person with a firm conviction that the most important thing for a person is education. “First learn, achieve something, and then look at the boys. And it is imperative to get married as a girl, ”she taught her daughter. Meanwhile, from an early age, boys were staring at Taisia, because she grew up a very beautiful girl, a kind of curly-haired angel. She liked peers of the opposite sex, but for the sake of her mother, she made an effort on herself every time and extinguished the impending feeling of love.

So when, at the age of 15, Taisiya announced that she was leaving for Kiev and entered the conductor-choral department at the music school named after I. Gliera, Nina Danilovna was calm. She understood that she had instilled in her daughter a sense of responsibility and there was nothing to worry about. Moreover, Taya entered the school after the eighth grade, and by that time she had to finish not only the eight-year school, but also the music school. The loads were colossal, but the girl coped with it.

In Kiev, Taisia ​​settled in a hostel and at first did not think about anything other than studying. But then she and other students were sent to the collective farm to pick tomatoes. As usual, after a hard day, the guys gathered for gatherings, often with a guitar and songs. One evening As Taisiya, the owner of the best voice, was asked to sing. A guy six years older, a teacher from a music school in Afghanistan, Vladimir Povaliy, played along with her.

It turned out that the school where Vladimir taught guitar was located in the dormitory where Taisiya lived. Returning to Kiev, the young people continued their communication, and over the next year the girl thought more and more that here he is, her ideal man: a caring family man without bad habits. When Taisiya dialed her mother's number to tell her the good news that she and Vladimir were getting married, she felt like a traitor to the family. Mom reacted as expected: "You promised that you would graduate from the conservatory first!" “Mom, I take the words back, I fell in love!” - answered the daughter. Nevertheless, she graduated from the music school, and with the so-called "free diploma", without assignment.

Taisiya Povaliy. Wife. Love story

In 1983, Taisiya and Vladimir had a son, Denis. The mother-in-law received her daughter-in-law warmly, and the mother-in-law helped Taia find a job. The woman saw in the newspaper an advertisement for the recruitment of singers for the orchestra of the Kiev Music Hall. A career on this stage began for Povaliy with the song "Music is my love". Vladimir was lucky to get a place at Ukrconcert. True, I had to tour a lot and sometimes not see my wife and son for months. Even when he got a job as a keyboard player in the same music hall, they usually toured separately, with different groups.

The year 1990 has come. The Music Hall was disbanded. Vladimir and Taisiya were left without work and money. All the crumbs were spent on food for little Denis. But, oddly enough, the hardships have made the family stronger than ever. The spouses worked hard, took on any part-time job, performed at competitions, events, and television shows. In the early 90s, Taisia ​​was invited to shoot "Blue Light". This event put an end to relations with Vladimir, but opened the door for Taisia ​​to big show business.

Acquaintance with Igor Likhuta

Igor Likhuta studied at the same school with Taisia, but in a different specialty, so they did not intersect within the walls of the alma mater. He saw Povaliy on TV, in "Blue Light", fell in love with her voice and wanted to get acquainted to exchange professional experience, and nothing more. “I didn’t know that they can sing like that in Ukraine. It was a European, world level, ”he later said in an interview.

Taisiya Povaliy - Just Taya (1995)

Taisiya did not even have a thought about leaving the family, Igor was married with a second marriage, brought up children. But already three months after a personal acquaintance, not a trace remained of the former shy girl. Igor became at the same time its director, producer, driver, songwriter, dresser, lighting and sound engineer, without losing hope of winning her favor. Taisiya began to distance herself from her husband.

It was Likhuta who persuaded Taisia ​​to take part in the vocal competition named after Vladimir Ivasyuk in 1993, the main prize of which was $ 5,000. Throughout her life, Taisia's relatives insisted that music competitions did not solve anything, that victory would not save her from the fate of teaching music at school, that there were already too many artists ... But this time she listened to Igor and won. Likhuta wrote the "victory" song "Panel Kokhannya". The fee was almost entirely spent on creating a spectacular image for Taisiya.

Taisiya Povaliy - Panel Kohannya (1993)

After the competition, Taisiya realized that Igor is her soul mate. Two months later, she won the Slavianski Bazaar festival, and again with his song. Six months later, the singer plucked up courage and confessed to her husband that she loved her producer. The breakup was difficult, especially for the son of the couple. Denis became isolated, and when Taisiya wanted to take him to a new family, he flatly refused, choosing a father. December 31, 1993 Povaliy and Likhuta got married.

Further career

After the Grand Prix of the Slavianski Bazaar festival, the career of the young singer went up sharply: she received the title of "Best Singer of Ukraine" and twice became the "Pop Star of the Year".

In 1995, Taisiya released her first album, Panno kohannya (Panno of love), which was to the liking of listeners and critics. A year later, the singer received the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, and in 1997 Povaliy became People's Artist of Ukraine.

In subsequent years, Taisia ​​released 14 albums and a number of hits, thanks to which the talented singer was known far beyond the borders of Ukraine - these are "Just Taya", "For you", "Knockin 'on the sky", "Between us", "Thistle", "Sweet sin". Her collaboration with recognized stars such as Joseph Kobzon, Stas Mikhailov and Nikolai Baskov contributed to her popularity growth.

For a duet with the latter, she twice became the owner of the Golden Gramophone award - in 2005 and 2006, for the songs "Let Me Go" and "You Are Far Away." Initially, Taisiya did not want to share the song "Let Me Go" with Baskov, it seemed to her that she would sound better in solo performance. However, in the end, the duet became one of the singer's brightest hits, her hallmark.

Taisiya Povaliy and Nikolay Baskov - Let me go

In 2011, the singer received the Order of Friendship for strengthening cultural ties between Russia and Ukraine, and the next year she became People's Artist of Ingushetia. In 2015, Povaliy became a participant in the show "Just the same" on Channel One, where the contestants must transform into popular artists. Taisiya took third place in the competition, and the singer Aziza became the winner of the season.

Exactly: Taisiya Povaliy in the image of Verka Serduchka

Of all the images of Taisia, the most liked was to embody Verka Serduchka, and there was no makeup on her face at that moment, they got by with a stage costume. Povaliy respects Andrey Danilko very much, considers him a great professional. And among the numbers of other participants of "Just the same" Taisia ​​noted the performance of Aglaya Shilovskaya, reincarnated as Larisa Golubkina.

Politics and life after the Maidan

In 2012, Taisiya ran for the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine from the Party of Regions. For about six months, the singer worked as an adviser to President Viktor Yanukovych. On her initiative, a controversial bill on self-sufficiency for music schools was canceled, which would have made music education impossible for children from poor families.

During the events in Ukraine in early 2014, the singer had a hard time. She did not refuse concerts in Russia and Crimea. With her performances during the Maidan in the Kremlin and congratulations to the Crimeans on Russia's Independence Day in Yalta, the singer aroused indignation among Ukrainian fans and politicians - she was accused of disrespect and betrayal of her homeland.

Against the background of unfolding events, the artist had to cancel all concerts in Ukraine, which were timed to coincide with her 50th anniversary. In September 2015, Povaliy, as well as Joseph Kobzon, Ani Lorak and Nikolai Baskov, were stripped of the title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

Taisiya began receiving death threats. Colleagues, although most of them remained on good terms with Povaliy, embarrassedly asked journalists to remove all references to the disgraced singer from the interview. If one of the organizers took the liberty of including Taisia ​​in the program, the attackers promised to disrupt the concert and destroy the equipment. Therefore, corporate parties became the main source of income for Povaliy at some point. And then before the conclusion of the contract Likhuta asked the customer: "Are you sure that they will not come to you?"

In 2019, Taisia ​​for the first time in five years gave an interview to a Ukrainian publication, in which she gave free rein to emotions. “I didn’t kill anyone, I didn’t steal, I didn’t offend anyone, I never became personal, I didn’t engage in black PR. Why do they throw all this dirt on me?” Taisia ​​wondered.

For some reason, there is an opinion that after the events of 2015, Taisia ​​and her husband moved to Moscow. This is not so, because her roots are in Ukraine, her mother lives here. The couple still live in Kiev, in a house located in the Borschagovka district. Sometimes they vacation in Spain, where they have real estate. The house on the Mediterranean coast was bought with a mortgage for 25 years.

Movie appearances

In addition to musical and political activities, Povaliy managed to prove herself in the cinema. In the period from 2001 to 2008, Taisiya starred in New Year's musical films "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", "Cinderella", "The Snow Queen".

The films brought together the most popular Russian and Ukrainian artists such as Oleg Skripka,

Taisiya claims that after meeting Likhuta she never worries about anything and does not feel lonely, because there is always a reliable rear nearby. Taisiya's son Denis also became a singer - in 2011 and 2016 he passed the Ukrainian selection for Eurovision, and in 2018, as part of the Nude voices trio, he came to the casting of the Voice of the Country-8 show.

Since 2015, Denis has been married to Svetlana Vikhrova. In October 2019, Denis posted on Instagram a photo of his wife in the last month of pregnancy, so Taisia ​​can be congratulated on her new grandmother status.

Although Taisia ​​turned 55 in 2019, the years seem to be only good for her. At least in her selfies, the singer looks younger and younger. According to experts in plastic surgery, Taisiya resorts to plastic, but does not abuse it.

Taisiya Povaliy now

The concert in Kiev, timed to coincide with the 55-year-old artist, was canceled. Despite the start of ticket sales, the director of the concert hall "Ukraine" called the news about the concert "a failed provocation." Taisia ​​took the news very painfully, because she so wanted to perform at home on her anniversary. But due to the political situation, the singer and her husband decided to abandon the concert in Ukraine altogether, without losing hope that in a year and a half the hype would subside and the performance would become possible.

The future star was born in an ordinary Kiev district. Her little years were spent in the village. Her simple family was musical, they sang well and loved music. She graduated from only eight classes, after which she moved to the capital, for a musical education.

Taya studied vocals with great pleasure, learned to master her voice perfectly. It was her thing. The teachers saw in her the future great star. But Taisia ​​did a lot of things, not only creativity.

Her first performance was at the age of six, as part of a children's ensemble. Then she received an excellent fee at that time, which she spent on her mom. Biography of Taisiya Povaliy, began to gain professional momentum in the music hall. Where she started working after her studies. At first she sang in a group, and after that she started solo. Here she gained touring experience. She gave all her strength to her career.

She was purposeful and responsible. For what I did not undertake, I brought it to perfection. She received her first award in 1990. But the Slavianski Bazaar festival brought real fame. After receiving this grand prix, her career began to rise rapidly.

She received her first titles in 1994. These years have become very successful for her. The first album was released in 1995. The clips soon came out. First, she becomes an Honored Artist of Ukraine. And then President Kuchma awarded her the title of People's.

Five years later, she tries herself in the role of an actress, and starred in the musical "Evenings on a Farm". And around this time he began to collaborate with many celebrities. Since that time, personal life, the singer's biography is rapidly gaining momentum.

She records about twenty-one songs in Ukrainian, in a duet with Kobzon. After that, a duet with Baskov is formed. They are recording a joint album, and they travel with it to all countries. In 2009, she recorded a hit with Mikhailov. And soon he gave her another hit song. In 2012, thanks to Kirkorov, she finally became popular in Russia.

Since then, she has won many more awards and titles. In addition to her creative life, she was an adviser to former President Viktor Yanukovych. During the bloody Maidan, the singer supported Russia, because the people of Ukraine hated her, and all titles were removed from her. And because of this, many more Ukrainian stars became hated by the people.

Taisiya Povaliy and her husband Igor Likhuta

She met her first husband during her studies. It was Vladimir Povaliy, from whom she gave her famous surname. Life with him was not sweet. Often he offended her. But, despite all the quarrels and resentments, they lived for eleven years. They even had a son. Soon, her unhappy marriage fell apart. But she soon found her true love. Having met, Taisiya Povaliy and her husband Igor Likhuta fell in love with each other without memory.

Igor was a famous drummer at that time and he had great connections in the music world. It was he who believed in her talent more than Taisiya herself. He helped her rise to high peaks. They got married in 1993. They really wanted a common child, but, alas, their dreams never came true. Due to her health, Taya was unable to get pregnant. Together they were engaged in raising their son Povaliy.

Son of Taisiya Povaliy

Denis was educated. But he did not want to associate his life with the profession he received. He took up musical arrangements. Secretly from the star mother, he took part in the X-factor, and only told her from the filming.

But he had little experience, and he was not allowed to pass. But he was not upset, he said that it was a good experience. Taisiya Povaliy's son, Denis, beloved and the only one. She has very high hopes for him.

Taisiya Povaliy's family

Taya is very happy married to Igor. She listens to him and supports him in everything. He loves to spend time at home with his family, and to pamper with various goodies. But due to her busy schedule, she rarely succeeds. Therefore, the family of Taisiya Povaliy is supported by her mother. She does the housework, and all other household chores. The singer loves her very much, and even dedicated a song to her. So far, all Povaliy's hopes are associated with Russia.

She takes part in concerts. No longer a young singer, she pleases fans with a good appearance. In 2016, she even got plastic surgery. What really surprised the people. But many did not like what she did to herself. The smile that thousands of fans have fallen in love with has changed a lot, and not for the better. She began to look unnatural, to put it mildly. She looks much better in her natural state. And her age only suits her, and it is better to give up plastic surgery. We wish the singer creative success, let her delight her fans with new songs for many more years.

And they love her for who she is. And there is nothing to change in yourself. We also wish her wonderful family happiness and health. And of course, great love for their couple. And overcome all difficulties with your head held high and a blinding smile. There is no place without problems in this life. The main thing is to know that you have support behind your back. And do not grieve this support, then it will stand for many more years.

Povaliy Taisiya Nikolaevna (born 1964) is a popular Ukrainian pop singer. She is a performer of musical compositions in Ukrainian and Russian. Winner of the titles of People's Artist of Ukraine and People's Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia.


Taya was born on December 10, 1964 in Ukraine in the Kiev region, in the small village of Shamraevka, Skvirsky district. Her maiden name was Giryavets. The father wanted to name the girl Lesya, and her mother Taisia, they even drew lots. When Taya was little, she took offense at her mother for such a name, Lena and Natasha were all around, and she was alone in the whole village of Taisiya. Now the singer is insanely grateful for this name to her mother, it is feminine and very beautiful.

Dad, Nikolai Pavlovich, and mom, Nina Danilovna (maiden name Konoplyanaya) were simple people and loved to sing very much. As Taisiya later recalled, songs sounded in their house from morning until late at night. We sang during work and rest, went to bed - sang, sat down at the dinner table - sang too. No one had a musical education, and nature rewarded with amazing voices. It seems to her that she also sang from her very birth. Which song she performed was the first, Taya does not remember, most likely a folk song (this is what the singer thinks now).

And they sang not only in the Giryavets family, but throughout the village. As long as Taya can remember, she was surrounded by songs - pop, folk, Soviet hits. Love for creativity was passed on to her with her mother's milk. As a child, Taisia's mother really wanted to become a singer. But her father (Tain's grandfather) did not return from the front, her grandmother with three children lived so poorly that the kids took turns to go to school, because the clothes and shoes were the same for everyone. Taina's mother could not leave her village, other than to Kiev, even to the nearest Belaya Tserkov. Her dream of becoming an artist remained unfulfilled.

But her only daughter Taisiya made her dream come true. Already at the age of five, the girl entertained with songs all guests and acquaintances who came to the house, she sang with a rope, standing in front of a mirror and imagining that it was a microphone with a cord. Stubbornly and firmly declared at the same time that the People's Artist of the Soviet Union would grow out of her.

Moreover, Taisia ​​realized all her dreams with her own labor, like the very first of her childhood. Her friend had a beautiful night lamp at home with painted dolls and bears. Taya liked him madly, she wanted exactly the same one so badly that the girl saved up money to buy a floor lamp. But then she found out that her friend's parents had brought such a dream from abroad. At first Taisia ​​was terribly worried, and then she took and made exactly the same floor lamp herself, drew dolls with bears and hung a night light in her bedroom.

The girl's passion for singing could not go unnoticed. As a child, Taisiya already appeared on stage as part of a children's musical group. And at the age of six, her first real tour took place. The music teacher took the girl with her to an away performance, Taya even received a full-fledged fee for this, the baby immediately gave it to her mother. Now Povaliy admits, she still has the sound of those first applause in her ears, they seemed to her then the longest, most generous and sincere.

The girl was especially drawn to musical instruments. Knowing such a hobby of his daughter, dad once gave her a turntable, which at that time was a terrible shortage. Tai's joy knew no bounds. She often recalls how she drove almost to the holes a gramophone record with Edita Piekha's hits "And I go home on the sleepers out of habit ..." and "Someone loses, someone finds ..." Later she had discs with recordings of her favorite singers - Lyudmila Zykina , Lyudmila Senchina, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva.

How could little Taisiya imagine that many years would pass, and she would go on the same stage with her idols. And then 15-year-old Taya graduated from eight classes of a rural secondary school and went to Kiev to study at the Glier State Music School.

Creative way

In the capital of Ukraine, Taisia ​​became a student of the conducting and choral department, but also attended academic vocal classes. While studying at the school, many prophesied to Tae a successful future as an opera diva. And now Povaliy is sure that it was these vocal lessons that helped her in the future to become such a versatile performer, because she can sing everything: both an opera aria and musical compositions in the soul style.

In 1984, Taya received her diploma and began her further career at the Kiev State Music Hall. Here she was part of a vocal group collective, later she began to solo.

Having worked at the Music Hall for six years, the young singer began to actively participate in various song competitions, went to music festivals. In 1990, the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company held a competition program "New Names", where Taisia ​​won, this was her first award. In 1991, Taya became a diploma winner at the Asia Dauysy competition, which was held in Alma-Ata. And 1993 brought the young singer two victories at once:

  • in Chernivtsi, a music competition named after Volodymyr Ivasyuk “Song will help us” was held, Povaliy won the grand prix;
  • she received the same award in Vitebsk at the "Slavianski Bazaar" in the "Competition of young performers".

After these victories in the post-Soviet space, singer Taisiya Povaliy began to gain fame. And in the Ukrainian show business, her career was gaining momentum. Already in 1994, Povaliy was recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. The following year, 1995, her first solo album, Panno Kohannya, and a video for the popular song Just Taya, were released. And in 1996, Taisia ​​was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

1997 was marked for the singer by two significant events:

  • Ukrainian President L. M. Kuchma signed a corresponding decree to confer the title of People's Artist on Taisiya Povaliy;
  • presentation of her second solo album "I love you" took place.

In 1998, the first grandiose solo performance of Taisiya took place, his program included not only the singer's repertoire songs, but also excerpts from operatic parts. Her musical compositions were constantly played on the radio, and video clips were played on Ukrainian television channels. One after another, Povaliy received prestigious titles - "Pop Star of the Year", "Man of the Year in Ukraine", and in 1998 Taya became the owner of the Order of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which she was awarded "For the enhancement of good on Earth."

In 2000, Taisiya received two more national awards:

  • Order of St. Anne, 4th degree;
  • Order of Glory to the Fidelity to the Fatherland, 2nd degree.

The singer continuously delighted the fans with new songs, the albums were released one after another:

  • 1999 - Sweet Sin;
  • 2000 - "I Will Be So";
  • 2001 - "Charivna Violin";
  • 2002 - "Free Bird";
  • 2003 - "Returning";
  • 2004 - Serdenko.

Wide popularity outside Ukraine came to Povaliy after the release of comedy musicals for the New Year holidays: Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka, where she played the princess, and Cinderella, where she got the character of a matchmaker.

In 2002, the singer began a fruitful collaboration with People's Artist of the USSR Iosif Kobzon. They released a joint album, which included 21 musical compositions performed in Ukrainian.

By the 2003 New Year, a new musical comedy "The Snow Queen" was released, where Povaliy starred in the role of a Lapland woman and sang the song "Swept over."

The year 2004 brought Taisia ​​a wonderful collaboration with Russian singer Nikolai Baskov, the duet turned out to be so successful that Povaliy became a real star in Russia, and their joint songs were listened to all over the world:

  • "Let me go";
  • "The River of Fate";
  • "You're far away";
  • "White snow."

Together they toured dozens of cities in Russia, the Baltic states, Ukraine and Belarus. And in 2007, during their fantastic foreign tour, the most famous halls of the planet - in Canada, Israel, the USA and Germany - were overcrowded.

In 2005, Nikolai and Taisiya received the Golden Gramophone for the song Let Me Go, and in 2006 for the song You Are Far Away.

Despite such success, the singer did not leave her solo career. Her new songs rose to the top places of the Russian and Ukrainian charts:

  • "I will survive";
  • "Behind you";
  • "Former";
  • "May you be lucky in love."

The most important music festival in Russia, "Song of the Year", was no longer without Povaliy, she became a constant participant in it. Such frenzied popularity of the singer led to the emergence of a new amazing duet - now with Stas Mikhailov. Their song "Let Go" broke all records of the Russian charts.

In 2010, Povaliy was elected the head of the jury of the Slavianski Bazaar music festival. In 2011, the star of the singer was laid on the Ukrainian Avenue of Stars, which is located in the very central part of Kiev.

In 2012, the head of Ingushetia, Yunus-Bek Yevkurov, a wonderful singer Taisiya Povaliy, was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Ingushetia. In the same year, Tai's most cherished dream came true: the main stage of Russia in the Kremlin Palace, where her solo concert took place, which took place on a grand scale and success, submitted to her.

Povaliy's creative career has already passed 20 years. During this period, she released 14 studio records and was awarded four orders. The singer continues to gather full auditoriums in whatever city she performs. A unique charming voice, sincere love for the audience, an amazingly beautiful woman - these are the three components of her great success.

Personal life

For the first time, Taya married at the age of 18, the musician Vladimir Povaliy. He was six years older than his young wife, worked at the Kiev Music Hall, where he worked on backing tracks. Now he is an arranger of the Presidential Orchestra of Ukraine. In 1983, the couple had a boy, Denis. In 1993, Vladimir and Taisiya broke up, after the divorce of their parents, 10-year-old Denis expressed a desire to stay with his father.

The singer's second husband, Igor Likhuta, is also her producer. As Taisiya herself admits, sometimes she is extremely lazy, but her loving husband and strict boss Likhut is always nearby, who does not allow her to relax. It was in Igor that Taya found her soul mate, destined for her by God. Since their acquaintance, the singer's whole life has changed for the better.

Although at first it was very difficult for them to build their relationship. Taya was married, Igor was in a second marriage. From the fact that Povaliy and Likhuta met each other and a hurricane of love fell on them, a lot of people suffered, in addition to their spouses, also parents and children. But Igor and Taya could not help themselves, they really revel in their love. In December 1993, they signed.

Igor also graduated from the Glier Music School in Kiev, then went abroad, where he worked in nightclubs and restaurants in Sweden, Norway and Poland. After he met Taya, he became her producer. He opened the way for her to show business, the machine of her popularity began to spin, Igor did everything to make his beloved a star.

Beauty secrets

Taisiya Povaliy is firmly convinced that female beauty does not depend on fashionable make-up and plastic surgeries, but on the state of mind, mood, feelings of love and confidence in the good. For happy women, this is always easy to read on the face, it is very pleasant to look at them.

Of course, beauty must be maintained and practiced regularly. Taisiya visits a beautician every week, who selects the right skin care and anti-wrinkle products for her.

Povaliy and Likhuta have a large house outside the city with a garden and a vegetable garden. True, the singer has no time to plant seedlings and harvest crops, special people are engaged in this. There are a lot of fruit trees in the garden, which the singer just loves to wash and eat, because it is so tasty and healthy - cherries, apricots, cherries, strawberries and raspberries, red and black currants, apples and a breathtaking juicy pear. And the singer's special pride is two hazel trees, which give huge yields, for a whole year at Taisia's house there are baskets of nuts. Sometimes, when there is a little free time, Taya makes preparations for the winter.

There are two things in the life of an artist that she is afraid of, these are height and death. But Taisia ​​tries never to think about them, she is an absolutely happy woman, and this is what every new donated day lives on.