Irina Otieva frankly spoke about all the secrets of her personal life. Jazz and men of Irina Otieva Discography of Irina Otieva

Our heroine is the singer Irina Otieva, whose biography is of great interest to thousands of fans. Want to know more about her creative work and personal life? All the necessary information is posted in the article.

Irina Otieva: biography. Childhood and youth

She was born on November 22, 1958 in the capital of Georgia - Tbilisi. She has Armenian roots (Otieva is a Russified form of the surname Otiyan). In what family was the future Russian (Soviet) pop star brought up? Her mother and father had nothing to do with music. They were both doctors.

Our heroine from an early age showed creativity. She liked to sing and dance. The girl attended two schools - general education and music, where she learned to play the piano. From the age of 10, she participated in competitions and concerts, performed in various VIAs. Even then, Ira realized that she wanted to connect her life with the stage.

At the age of 17, Otieva went to Moscow for a jazz music festival. And she was declared the winner. After that, the talented girl was invited to work in the ensemble of Yuri Chugunov.


She graduated from high school in 1976. Where did Irina Otieva continue her education? Biography indicates that the girl chose "Gnesinka". She managed to enter the vocal department the first time. In her free time, Ira attended the Experimental Jazz Studio, and also performed with I. Kobzon's orchestra and Igor Bril's ensemble.


In 1980, Otieva was awarded a diploma of graduation from Gnesinka. She had no problems with finding a job. The young artist was accepted into a jazz group - the famous Lundstrem Orchestra. She worked there for almost 5 years.

Then Irina toured with various ensembles in the USA, Sweden, Germany and other countries. In Berlin, she participated in the "8 hits in the studio" competition. And she became its laureate. Our heroine received the first prize twice - in 1982 in Sochi and in 1983 in Moscow. And in the Swedish city of Kalshamn she was awarded the Grand Prix.

Irina Otieva is a singer with a strong (3.5 octaves) and expressive voice. At the same time, the range of many modern performers does not exceed two octaves.

Continuing a career

In 1985, a native of Tbilisi was recruited to the Mosconcert. Then she organized her own team called "Stimul-Band". In a short time, Irina wrote several songs (“Let's build a house”, “Don't cry, baby” and “New Year”). Otieva became the winner of such competitions as Sopot-1986, Inter-Talent and Step to Parnassus.

Irina's songs are played off-screen in many Soviet (Russian) films, including The Magicians (1982), The Maid of Rouen, nicknamed “Pyshka” (1989) and You Never Dreamed of ”(1980. ).

I. Otieva managed to try herself as an actress. In 1991 she took part in the filming of the Thirst for Passion thriller. The director of the picture was pleased with her performance. In 1993, Irina was invited to the musical Revenge of the Jester. She agreed. And again, success awaited her.


Irina Otieva, whose biography we are considering, in 1996 released the album "Twenty Years in Love". The entire circulation was quickly sold out by her fans. It should be noted that the release of the disc was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Irina's creative activity.

During her career, the singer has released 20 albums, gave hundreds of concerts and won more than 10 prestigious awards (at competitions and festivals). That's not all. In 1997 she received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Films have been made in Bulgaria, Poland and Sweden about the work of the Russian singer with Armenian roots. Otieva often went on tour to these countries. And back in 1995, at the New York Jazz Festival, our heroine performed on the same stage with legendary musicians - Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles.

Irina Otieva: biography, personal life

A bright and temperamental woman has always been popular with the opposite sex. However, the singer was not officially married. But first things first.

In her youth, Irina fell in love with a guy. But he did not reciprocate her feelings. In subsequent years, our heroine struck up whirlwind romances that did not spill over into a serious relationship.

Having crossed the 35-year-old milestone, Otieva realized that she wanted to become a mother. She prayed to God for a long time about this. And in 1996, the singer gave birth to a daughter. The baby received a beautiful and rare name - Zlata. Who is the girl's father? His name, surname and occupation were not disclosed. It is only known that he was married and secretly met with Irina. After the mistress informed him of the pregnancy, their relationship ended. Our heroine raised her daughter on her own. At the moment, Zlata is a student. She is studying at the Faculty of Journalism.

Is Irina Otieva in a relationship now? Biography, husband - all this interests many people in our country. Especially for them we inform you: her heart is free.

Several years ago, Irina Adolfovna had an affair with a 20-year-old boy. She taught at Gnesinka, and Rodion Babayan was her student. A mature woman fell head over heels in love with a youth. She was not embarrassed by the big age difference - 27 years. Rodion reciprocated his teacher. For a while, the couple lived under the same roof. Italian passions reigned in their relationship. Irina and Rodion either swore violently, then reconciled. The couple's conflicts were often accompanied by smashing dishes, selective curses and slamming the door. One day they finally parted.


We talked about where she was born, studied and how Irina Otieva built her singing career. Biography, photos, details of her personal life - all this is presented in the article. Let's wish the talented and delightful woman creative development and great happiness!

Irina Otieva was very popular in the Soviet Union, and then in Russia in the 80s and 90s. Many fell in love with her work, thanks to the melodrama "You never dreamed of", where Irina sang the song "I'm floating away, and time carries me from edge to edge." However, Otieva is no longer a pop, but still a jazz singer. Some believe that she owes her voice to her roots.

Otieva or Otiyan?

Irina Adolfovna Otieva is a native of the Georgian SSR. She was born in 1958 in the capital of the Republic of Tbilisi. It was there that Irina spent her childhood and youth. From there, in the 70s, she left to conquer Moscow, where she entered the Gnessin School.
Irina's parents were ethnic Armenians. If we shift the name of the artist into the Armenian way, we get “Otiyan”. Otieva is already a Russified version, the authorship of which belongs to the singer herself.
The fact that the Otians lived in Georgia is actually not out of the ordinary. Representatives of this nationality settled on the territory of this country, and in Tbilisi itself in particular, even in antiquity. That is why many local Armenian families are hundreds of years old. The family of Irina Otieva was no exception.

Ancient family of Amatuni

The singer is one of the descendants of the Armenian princely family of Amatuni, information about which dates back to the 4th century. The founders of this family lived in the area between the salt lakes Van (modern Turkey) and Urmia (modern Iran).
One of the representatives of Amatuni, Vakhan, was a famous commander and commander of the thousand of the king of Great Armenia Trdat III. It is noteworthy that it was under this ruler, or rather in 301, that Christianity became the state religion. Members of the Amatuni dynasty are also mentioned as vassals of other eminent clans of Artsruni and Mhargrdzeli.
According to the letter of the Georgian king Irakli II from 1784, the princely origin of the Amatuni surname was confirmed by kinship with an ancestor who had this title. In the 19th century, the Amatuni were included in the genealogy book of the Tiflis province.

About what has been said lately since last summer. The impetus for rumors and speculation was a program on one of the Russian TV channels, where the singer looked intimidating. However, judge for yourself:

A wrinkled and sunken face, a wrinkled and some kind of wrinkled neck, sagging breasts and loose skin ... Unfortunately, disgusting makeup also does not contribute to the artist's good appearance. The very next day, after the broadcast was broadcast, the Internet exploded with reports that Irina was seriously and seriously ill. True, no one was able to confirm this fact. But the assumption that the reason for how Irina Otieva looks bad is the diet seems much more plausible.

Looking at the figure of the singer, it is much more believable. The fact is that Irina has never been particularly slim. Quite the opposite. Genes and a national predisposition to obesity, aggravated by childbirth, long ago turned Otiyeva into a donut, which, however, had no effect on her voice. But becoming a participant in a fashionable television project designed to remind viewers of forgotten stars, Irina decided on coordinating measures. Many viewers were surprised at how quickly the singer began to lose pounds.

And given that with a sharp decrease in weight, the skin tends to sag, the result looks depressing. However, judging by the pictures, Irina did not stop there and continued to lose weight, which led to such results. Instead of a young and slender middle-aged woman, we see a tired and "sick" lady of indeterminate age, with blurry features and excess loose skin. Perhaps, if Irina started playing sports or did not cut her hair so short, her appearance would be healthier and more presentable.

The singer Irina OTIEVA, recently known for her puritanical views, shocked the music crowd by taking on a lover who is 29 years younger than her. The couple lives in a civil marriage, and in the fall they are going to play a magnificent wedding.


Rodion Babayan was born and raised in the small Kabardino-Balkarian town of Maysky. As a child, he was friends with Vitya Belan, who is now known under the pseudonym Dima Bilan. The cute boys had a great love for art. And at that early stage, Rodya even bypassed Vitya, becoming the owner of the "Grand Prix" at the regional competition of children's creativity "Starfall" and receiving a 1st degree diploma at the "Morning Star" competition. After that, Babayan had one road - to the stage.

After graduating from school, Rodion went to Moscow, where he entered the pop and jazz faculty of vocal at the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music. Irina Otieva became his teacher.

Guess with a bouquet

Before meeting Rodion, Otieva was already completely disappointed in men. She lived with her former husband, concert manager Alexei Danchenko, for 12 years, but her daughter Zlata was born after their divorce in 1995. For the first time becoming a mother at the age of 37, Irina began to give all her love and care to her only loved one - her baby.

Men have become uninteresting to me, - more recently, Otieva argued. - When I see them, almost instantly there is a feeling that I know everything about everyone for a long time: what he will say, what he will laugh at, how he will start courting. And if the blood does not boil, then why start a relationship? For 12 years, none of her many fans could conquer the heart of a star. No one could have imagined that a beardless youth with a magnificent body and tenor would conquer the impregnable stronghold almost overnight. After a month of classes, Irina and Rodion began to linger in the audience for a long time and already after dark they went out together.

When I saw Irochka, I immediately fell head over heels in love with her, - admitted Rodion. - She seemed to me so defenseless that I wanted to kiss gently, and then pick up and lull all night. But he did not dare to declare his love for a very long time. If not for the case ...

As I understand now, Ira also laid eyes on me, and how, more experienced and courageous, she herself took the first step. Once, when the bell announced the end of classes, Otieva sternly looked at the bustling students and rapped out: - And you, Babayan, I will ask you to stay. “All right, Irina Adolfovna,” Rodion nodded obediently. Then there was the first official date on Sunday, at which Rodion presented Otieva with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemums. He guessed right. As it turned out later, these are the singer's favorite flowers.

Now like a girl

Now Irina and Rodya live together, and in the fall they are going to have a wedding. In the evenings, the young man prepares satsivi for his beloved woman and mixes the Bloody Mary cocktail. Otieva is in seventh heaven from his care and attention.

In order to go out together and everyone does not catch the age difference, Irina tries to keep herself in shape, and recently she has changed her image altogether. While the singer’s stylist was conjuring over her hair, Rodion always stood nearby and closely watched the hands of the makeup artist.

Oh, Ira, you became just like a girl, - the young man smiled. “The students at the conservatory won’t recognize you!”

Irina Adolfovna Otieva. She was born on November 22, 1958 in Tbilisi. Soviet and Russian jazz singer of Armenian origin. Honored Artist of Russia (1997).

Father's surname - Otiev - is a Russified Armenian surname Otyan or Otiyan. Her father comes from the ancient dynasty of Armenian princes Amatuni.

Parents were doctors: father Adolf - a surgeon, oncologist, also a physician and mother Elena.

She has an older sister Natalya, she also became a doctor.

Irina graduated from a music school, piano. From her youth, she began to take part in performances with various groups.

At the age of 17, she began working in the jazz ensemble of Yuri Chugunov, with whom she became a laureate of the festival of Soviet jazz music in Moscow.

In 1976 she entered the pop department of the State Music College named after V.I. Gnesins (graduated in 1980, class of M. L. Korobkova). At the same time she was a soloist in Igor Bril's jazz ensemble and studied at the Moscow Experimental Jazz Studio, in the class of jazz vocal.

In 1979 she became a soloist of the jazz orchestra conducted by Oleg Lundstrem.

In 1982 she won the first prize in the All-Russian competition for the best performance of a Soviet song. In the same year she became a laureate at the Berlin competition "8 hits in the studio".

New success came in 1983, when she won the first prize at the VII All-Union Pop Artists' Competition and the Grand Prix at the International Baltic Song Competition, held in Sweden, in the city of Karlshamn.

In 1985, she left Oleg Lundstrem's jazz orchestra and began working at the Moscow Concert Organization. Then I created my own group "Stimul-Band".

In 1986, Otieva became a laureate of the International Song Festival in Sopot, receiving a special prize for performing skills. And the next year she became a laureate at the television festival Song of the Year with the song "House of Cards" (V. Reznikov - L. Vinogradova).

In 1989 she graduated from the State Pedagogical Institute. Gnesins - pop faculty in vocal class at. In the same year she became a laureate of the International Television Competition "Step to Parnassus".

Sometimes she was compared to. Because of this, there were even rumors that the artists had a falling out due to rivalry. However, Otieva herself denied this: “I have never quarreled with Pugacheva in my life. I just said it as it is. I really never wanted to be like her. But not only her, I don’t want to be like anyone at all. strange! I'm not a double. I feel differently. I want to be individual, I think I look quite integral. "

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, she took part in many major international programs: Stars of Europe in Stockholm, Bratislava Lira, Inter-Talent in Prague. She has toured in Bulgaria, Germany, Poland, Cuba, Czech Republic, Korea, Slovakia, Vietnam, USA, Japan, Denmark, Sweden and others.

Irina Otieva - The Curse

In 1994, at the final Song of the Year festival, Irina Otieva received a special prize "For preserving her creative individuality."

In the mid-1990s she appeared at the J. V. C. World Jazz Festival, which was held in New York at the Lincoln Center - on the same stage with Ray Charles and Stevie Wonder.

In 1996, the singer's CD was released under the title "Twenty Years in Love". The album includes songs performed from 1979 to 1995, starting with "The Last Poem" (a song from the movie "You never dreamed of ...") and ending with the last song "Passion" for that period.

In 1997 she was awarded the title "Honored Artist of Russia".

In 2003, she joined the Yabloko party, although she was not particularly active in the political arena.

Since 2006, she began to teach vocals at the Music Academy. Gnesins at the new pop-jazz daytime department that opened there.

In 2011, the singer was awarded a personalized Star for perpetuating the names of prominent figures of the XXI century, installed on the "Glory of the Fatherland" Square in Moscow. In the same year she was awarded the academic title "Professor" and the title of Honorary Academician of the International Academy for Culture and Art.

Dislikes publicity, ignores social events.

"I'm practically not friends with anyone in show business. Because I don't go to parties, and even if I'm somewhere, I'm bored. I've seen so many things, I'm already tired of it all. I'm tired of drinking when I don't feel like it." , she says.

Irina Otieva's growth: 157 centimeters.

Personal life of Irina Otieva:

Despite the fact that Irina has always enjoyed success with men, she has never been married.

For a long time she lived in a civil marriage with her concert manager Alexei Danchenko. They parted in 1995.

On March 19, 1996, she gave birth to a daughter, Zlata, she bears a patronymic Alekseevna, a surname - mother, Otieva. As the artist said, she could not get pregnant for a long time. "She even screamed at God. I said: all evil spirits give birth, all sorts of creatures give birth, but normal people do not give birth. After that I became pregnant. Apparently, my cry reached him," she recalled.

Zlata entered the university to study journalism.

The singer is very frank in interviews on intimate topics. She says bluntly that she loves young men. She reported about her last friend that he was 16 years younger than her.

"I have a fan. But I'm not officially going to get married. I don't hide him. We periodically go together with him. We just go to places where few people can recognize us, follow us, spy on us. Although, in principle, we do nothing wrong : he is not married, I am not married. He simply does not need publicity: he is not a PR man, he has nothing to do with show business, and to be honest, I am sick of this show business. We are happy together in a relationship of beautiful silence. He is cute, interesting and how I love, young, "- she said.

"Although I had precedents and more interesting. One was twenty years old, the other was twenty-seven. Somehow it turns out like this. You see, I do not perceive old men, I can only deal with young people. I am interested with them, they are they light me up, I myself become incendiary and young with them, "she noted.

Filmography of Irina Otieva:

1980 - You never dreamed of ... - vocals (not in the credits)
1980 - Snow Wedding - vocals
1981 - Hat - vocals of Galka (the role of Tamara Akulova)
1982 - Sorcerers - vocals by Alena Sanina (songs "The Mystery of a Woman", "Witch-River" and "They Say, But You Don't Believe")
1984 - TASS is authorized to declare ... - offscreen vocals (not in the credits)
1989 - Maid of Rouen, nicknamed Pyshka - vocals by Elizabeth Rousse - "Pyshki" (the role of Natalia Lapina)
1991 - Thirst for Passion - singer in a restaurant
1993 - Revenge of the Jester - singer
1995 - Old songs about the main thing 1 - general store saleswoman
1998 - The denouement of the "Petersburg secrets" - vocals (romance "The candles are melting")

Discography of Irina Otieva:

1984 - Irina Otieva sings
1984 - Music is my love
1985 - Irina Otieva with Oleg Lundstrem's orchestra
1985 - Stars eatradi
1987 - Rock and Roll
1988 - Nostalgia for myself
1993 - Don't cry, baby
1994 - What do you think about it?
1996 - 20 years in love
1996 - Old songs about the main thing. Part 1
1997 - Wedding, wedding!
2001 - My angel