Old Church Slavonic alphabet. Old Slavonic alphabet

The ancient Slavic initial letter, the meaning of the symbols of which will be given below, is considered the greatest treasury of worldview wisdom. It contains many processes, both visible and invisible, connecting the variety of forms in which the Almighty manifests itself. There is a person in Russia who is engaged in her research - this is Andrei Ivashko. The ancient Slavic initial letter became, one might say, the work of his life. He not only explores it, but also helps other people understand it. The lessons of the Old Slavic initial letter created by Ivashko are distinguished by their ease of accessibility.

Alphabet structure

What does an ancient Slavic initial letter look like? Ivashko suggests taking a non-standard way. He sees it as a set of 49 colors, and the world as a kind of canvas, where they mix and constantly give birth to new combinations of shades. You can imagine the alphabet in the form of an orchestra of 49 instruments, each of which has a specific purpose. One of the main features that the Old Slavic initial letter possesses, Ivashko calls constant functional and irreplaceable applied readiness. The alphabet can always be applied here and now. The symbols are located in a square, each row and column act as a multivariate matrix of processes occurring in the universe. They are located vertically and horizontally and contain the truths of the universe. However, they are easy to understand. The elementary truths of the ancient Slavic initial letter can be used by anyone, regardless of the direction of his activity. The alphabet is universal and applicable to any craft. It should be said that it was studied by various specialists, historians, and cultural experts. They all agree that the alphabet created by their ancestors is of exceptional value for modern humans. Mastering the symbols of which it consists, helps to navigate in the reality existing today, to choose the right path in life.

Old Slavic initial letter: lessons

For starters, you can put on the face of God and look at the alphabet through his eyes. For example, imagine Svarog forging a new world. Let us designate the initial space, the immediate source of creativity or the first action "Az". Gods are Fire and Wind blowing it up, Living Water and Matter from which forging is carried out. The wisdom and depth of knowledge of the craft can be represented by the symbol "Vѣdi". "Verbs" - the ability to apply them. The immediate action performed by Svarog is "Good". The external, visual and tangible readiness of the created world is expressed by the symbol "Is". "Esm" is a multifaceted and multidimensional structure of being. It contains everything, even the intangible forms that Svarog used when creating the world. Similarly, you can consider the Magus. Let's designate it "Az". "Gods" are structures of a higher order. The Magus turns to them for wisdom. "Verbs" are a way of transferring knowledge. When people visit the Magus, he speaks to them. This is "Good".

Modern example

The Old Slavic initial letter may well be used to describe the phenomena taking place today. For example, a programmer created the first phone application. This is "Az". At the same time, he based his work on the example of other more advanced programmers ("Gods"). Their knowledge served as the basis for creating the application. This is "Vѣdi". More advanced specialists, in turn, passed on knowledge through books - "Verbs". The programmer posted the made application on the Internet for free - "Good". Over time, demand for it increased, and it provided paid content. This is "Is". The application has appeared on various consoles, including the "Apple" ("Is").


From the examples above, it can be seen that any situation can be explained by the Old Slavic initial letter. Lessons on understanding it help develop thinking. The alphabet is a living description of the universe. It can be used at any time and succeed in this or that business. The ancient Slavic initial letter, the images it carries, contribute to the formation of a sensual connection, empathic contact with the processes of improving the universe. She can awaken the boundaries of the spiritual understanding of oneself, one's path, and purpose in life. It all depends on the model of the world view. She, in turn, is subject to clan, family, social norms, moral laws of the people.

A special challenge

Andrey Ivashko describes it quite colorfully. The lessons of the Old Slavic initial letter help to understand the importance of this treasure. For example, the author suggests matching a healthy body and an alphabet with all 49 characters. If you imagine that one of them was removed, then it will be like a refusal of some organ. If we talk about the spiritual worldview, then the study of the ancient Slavic initial letter contributes to the detection of its atrophied faces. In other words, ignorance of the semantic content of this or that symbol indicates that this or that aspect of the universe is not recognized, lost, forgotten, despite the fact that it was given to a person from the beginning.

Disappearance of signs

Many of the symbols that the initial letter, the Old Slavic language as a whole, contained, were gradually lost. For example, the symbol "Izhei". He was responsible for the downward flow of kinship, which also disappeared over time. A similar situation with "Yat". It symbolizes the harmony of spiritual aspirations and obvious earthly life. The disappearance of "Yat" led to the predominance of an exclusively material perception of reality. Another example is Fita. She symbolizes merging with nature. Today, a person practically does not spend time in the fresh air, contemplating landscapes. In total, the Old Slavic initial letter has lost 16 characters that directly influenced human life. Nevertheless, even today there is an opportunity to improve spiritual health. For this it is necessary to know the truths of the ancient Slavic initial letter.

Brief description of symbols

  1. Az - the root cause, source, beginning, the first step in any activity.
  2. Gods - in this symbol essences are coordinated, the highest in their level of development, which are superior in power. A person to whom the ancient Slavic initial letter was revealed can better understand the Higher. Their names contain tremendous power available only to those who know.
  3. Vādi is a symbol that contains the depth of knowledge and wisdom. It reflects all the information present in the universe, including that which will be revealed to a person as he studies the initial letter.
  4. Verbs are a symbol that reflects a way of transferring knowledge. It expresses the technique of communicating information.
  5. Good is a direct action. This symbol indicates deeds that contribute to the improvement of karma. Good is creation at a higher quality level. It is available to anyone who can apply the drop cap in practice.
  6. There is - the being of the real world. This letter symbolizes the repository of good deeds. For a person, "There" is a successful materialization of the desire to master the system of knowledge.
  7. I am - versatility, multidimensionality of space. This symbol indicates a huge number of options for the use of fonts, the expansion of consciousness, the ability to use knowledge in various activities.
  8. Belly is life in its diversity. This symbol indicates the revival of all possible manifestations of the language.
  9. Zelo is unknown, unknown, something that is beyond the scope of understanding.

  10. The Earth is a cosmic expression of consciousness, created for experience and learning, it is home, home.
  11. It is a state of balance. It is necessary to stay in harmony with the environment. The Old Slavic initial letter helps to balance the activity of the cerebral hemispheres.
  12. Ijei - generic connection or flow of knowledge.
  13. Init is a thread that permeates the universe. She is the link between the generation studying the letter today and the ancestors.
  14. Herm is an emotional explosion. This symbol indicates the moment of awakening, finding roots and connections with their people.
  15. Kako - volume. The symbol reflects the huge amount of knowledge contained in the drop cap.
  16. People are society, the human world. It is for him that the secret is intended, which the ancient Slavic initial letter contains.
  17. Thought is the way, the basis of knowledge. This symbol speaks of the comprehension of the information received.
  18. Ours is the behest of ancestors, a language that came from antiquity.
  19. He is a transcendental form, the supreme family, who created the alphabet, taught others.
  20. Rooms - sleep, rest, condition of real estate. This letter symbolizes the termination of all processes. It is needed for concentration while gaining knowledge.
  21. Rѣci - ordering and structuring of space, human craft.
  22. The word is the birth of thought and its expression in the real world.
  23. Firm - firmness of conviction, unchanging point of view.
  24. Uk is a symbol calling for approaching something or unity with it.
  25. Ouk - sensual connection or conscience ("as" Ouknetsya ", and will respond"). The symbol indicates the purity of thoughts, the strength of a person's intentions.

  26. Фѣрт - a feeling of nobility and pride, what a person experiences when realizing the greatness of his native language, his personal ability to own it, to be its full-fledged carrier.
  27. Khur is a harmonious, beautiful image of movement and coexistence of different life forms.
  28. Ot - goal-setting, correct formation and successful achievement of tasks. This symbol indicates the choice of a vector for those who decided to master the drop cap.
  29. Chѣrvl - one facet of the symbol is pristine beauty, the other is the selection of certain aspects as such. This sign indicates the features of the drop cap, which will be revealed to a person as he is studied and applied in certain types of activity.
  30. Sha - the ability to interact with different space-time elements.
  31. Shchta is the originally approved space. For example, it can be a given paper size, the size of the earth, initially certain possibilities of consciousness.
  32. Єръ (b) is a creative process taking place at a given moment, an approach used to gain knowledge.
  33. Єry (S) - joint activity (collective). The symbol contains the ability to study the alphabet with loved ones.
  34. Єр (b) is the figurative and semantic content of the drop cap, something that was already created by ancestors.
  35. Yat is a harmonious fusion of the earthly and heavenly, the ability to live and use the blessings, while developing spiritually, cognizing the foundations of the universe.
  36. Yun - falling out of the main stream. The symbol indicates the ability to move, gaining roots through the study of the native language. At the same time, the main stream of people forgets about it or gives priority to foreign systems.


Who is Andrey Ivashko?

This person is a well-known researcher of traditions and culture, theology. He is familiar with different currents of Slavism, but he does not classify himself as one of them. Ivashko lives and works in Simferopol. He has special respect for people striving for the revival of the State. He is currently a teacher at the Community School. In addition, Andrey provides consultations. He travels quite a lot, organizes seminars, and meets with representatives of schools and communities. In 2014, in collaboration with Sinelnikov, Andrei published a book for teenagers "Keepers of Ancient Knowledge". With his support, the project "Fairy-tale education" was launched in the same year. Now it is being developed by Levshunov.


The ancient Slavic initial letter, the deep images of which are harmoniously woven into people's lives, is the perfect form of conveying the essence of the processes taking place in the universe. It is a special method of programming the universe, created by ancestors and used by descendants. The ancient Slavic initial letter is a talisman of the people. In the pantheon of Gods, each name is a specifically structured code. He programs, directs the owner on the right path. The word "Rod" itself is a numerical and alphabetic matrix reflecting the essence of its manifestation. The main purpose of the alphabet is the development of the human spiritual world. Through cognition of the thoughts of ancestors, there is an awareness of the current situation, processes are discovered that require correction, adjustment. One study of deep images and open communication with nature can activate genetic memory. As a result, the psyche gets rid of many "zombie" programs common today. In the Russian language, the basic mechanisms of speech have been preserved by 30-40%. The original words remained with many nationalities. But far from all of them should be interpreted, since they are formed from conditional contractual symbols. They lack conceptual, figurative meaning. Modern man uses simplified speech. Due to the atrophy of imaginative thinking, many processes in the brain are inhibited or damaged. The ancestors' speech was high-speed and information-dense. In this it differs significantly from modern communication systems.

The slogan (figurative) construction of the speech of ancestors involves the use of many synonyms and sequence options. The brain's task is to form a holographic image of an object that is understandable. However, this function is retained, despite the differences in language groups. This is confirmed by numerous experiments with the speech zone. No matter how broken the language of people of different nationalities, the brain speaks words. The interaction between the departments still takes place "in Russian". The ancient Slavic initial letter can be considered as an axiom containing 49 facts that encourage the study of the language. Not all people are interested in this, not everyone has enough inner strength to master this treasure. But those who feel the need for it will walk this path to the end. In front of them, as Andrei Ivashko says, the vastness of the Universe will open.

Old Church Slavonic alphabet. Old Church Slavonic alphabet - the meaning of letters. Old Church Slavonic letters

The alphabet of the Old Church Slavonic is a collection of written signs in a specific order, expressing specific sounds. This system developed quite independently on the territory inhabited by the ancient Russian peoples.

Brief historical background

At the end of 862, Prince Rostislav turned to Michael (the Byzantine emperor) with a request to send preachers to his principality (Great Moravia) in order to spread Christianity in the Slavic language. The fact is that it was read at that time in Latin, which was unfamiliar and incomprehensible to the people. Michael sent two Greeks - Constantine (he would receive the name Cyril later in 869 when he accepted monasticism) and Methodius (his older brother). This choice was not accidental. The brothers were from Thessaloniki (Thessaloniki in Greek), from the family of a military leader. Both received a good education. Constantine was trained at the court of Emperor Michael III, was fluent in various languages, including Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Slavic. In addition, he taught philosophy, for which he was called - Constantine the Philosopher. Methodius was at first in military service, and then ruled for several years one of the regions in which the Slavs lived. Subsequently, the elder brother went to the monastery. This was not their first trip - in the 860th year, the brothers made a campaign with a diplomatic and missionary purpose to the Khazars.

How was the system of written signs created?

In order to preach in the Slavic language, it was necessary to translate the Holy Scriptures. But the system of written signs did not exist at that time. Konstantin set about creating the alphabet. Methodius actively helped him. As a result, in 863 the Old Slavonic alphabet (the meaning of the letters from it will be given below) was created. The system of written signs existed in two forms: Glagolitic and Cyrillic. To this day, scientists disagree about which of these options was created by Cyril. With the participation of Methodius, some of the Greek liturgical books were translated. So the Slavs had the opportunity to write and read in their own language. In addition, the people received not only a system of written signs. The Old Church Slavonic alphabet became the basis for the literary vocabulary. Some words can still be found in the Ukrainian, Russian, Bulgarian dialects.

First characters - first word

The first letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet - "az" and "beeches" - formed, in fact, the name. They corresponded to "A" and "B" and began the sign system. What did the Old Church Slavonic alphabet look like? The graffiti pictures were first scrawled right on the walls. The first signs appeared around the 9th century, on the walls in the churches of Pereslavl. And in the 11th century, the Old Slavonic alphabet, the translation of some signs and their interpretation appeared in Kiev, in the St. Sophia Cathedral. A new round in the development of writing was facilitated by an event that occurred in 1574. Then the first printed "Old Slavonic Alphabet" appeared. Its creator was Ivan Fedorov.

The connection of times and events

Looking back, we can note, not without interest, that the Old Church Slavonic alphabet was not just an ordered set of written symbols. This system of signs opened to the people a new path leading to perfection of man on earth and to a new faith. Researchers, looking at the chronology of events, the difference between which is only 125 years, suggest a direct connection between the establishment of Christianity and the creation of written symbols. In one century, the people were practically able to eradicate the old archaic culture and adopt a new faith. Most historians have no doubt that the emergence of a new writing system is directly related to the subsequent adoption and spread of Christianity. The Old Slavic alphabet, as mentioned above, was created in 863, and in 988 Vladimir officially announced the introduction of a new faith and the destruction of a primitive cult.

The mystery of the sign system

Many scientists, studying the history of the creation of writing, come to the conclusion that the letters of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet were a kind of secret writing. It had not only a deep religious, but also a philosophical meaning. At the same time, Old Church Slavonic letters make up a complex logical and mathematical system. Comparing the findings, the researchers come to the conclusion that the first collection of written symbols was created as a kind of integral invention, and not as a structure that was formed in parts by adding new forms. The signs of which the Old Slavonic alphabet consisted are interesting. Most of them are numeric characters. The Cyrillic alphabet is based on the Greek uncial writing system. The Old Church Slavonic alphabet had 43 letters. 24 characters were borrowed from the Greek uncial, 19 were new. The fact is that the Greek language did not have some of the sounds that the Slavs had at that time. Accordingly, their lettering was not there either. Therefore, some of the symbols from the new ones, 19, were borrowed from other writing systems, and some were created by Constantine on purpose.

"Higher" and "lower" part

If you look at this entire writing system, then you can quite clearly distinguish two of its parts, radically different from each other. Conventionally, the first part is called "higher", and the second, respectively, "lower". The 1st group includes the letters А-Ф ("az" - "ferth"). They are a list of character words. Their meaning was clear to any Slav. The "lower" part began with "sha" and ended with "Izhitsa". These symbols had no numerical meaning and carried a negative connotation in themselves. To understand cryptography, it is not enough just to skim it. You should read the symbols - after all, in each of them Konstantin put a semantic core. What did the signs that made up the Old Slavonic alphabet symbolize?

Meaning of letters

"Az", "buki", "lead" - these three symbols stood at the very beginning of the system of written signs. The first letter was "az". It was used as the pronoun "I". But the root meaning of this symbol is such words as "beginning", "to begin", "initially". In some writings one can find "az", meaning the number "one": "I will go az to Vladimir". Or this symbol was interpreted as "start from scratch" (from the beginning). Thus, the Slavs designated the philosophical meaning of their existence with this letter, indicating that there is no end without beginning, there is no light without darkness, there is no evil without good. At the same time, the main emphasis was placed on the duality of the world structure. But the Old Slavonic alphabet itself, in fact, is composed according to the same principle and is divided into 2 parts, as already mentioned above, "higher" (positive) and "lower" (negative). "Az" corresponded to the number "1", which, in turn, symbolized the beginning of all that is beautiful. Studying the numerology of the people, researchers say that all numbers were already divided by people into even and odd numbers. Moreover, the former were associated with something negative, while the latter symbolized something good, bright, positive.


This letter followed "az". "Buki" had no digital meaning. Nevertheless, the philosophical meaning of this symbol was no less deep. "Buki" is "to be", "will". As a rule, it was used in turnovers in the future tense. So, for example, "bowdy" is "let it be", "future" - "upcoming", "future". With this word, the ancient Slavs expressed the inevitability of upcoming events. At the same time, they could be both terrible and gloomy, and rainbow and good. It is not known exactly why Konstantin did not give a numerical value to the second letter. Many researchers believe that this may be due to the duality of the meaning of the letter itself.


This symbol is of particular interest. "Lead" corresponds to the number 2. The symbol is translated as "possess", "know", "know". In investing such a meaning in "vedi," Constantine meant knowledge as a divine supreme gift. And if you add up the first three characters, you get the phrase "I will know." By this, Constantine wanted to show that a person who opens the alphabet will subsequently receive knowledge. It should be said about the semantic load of "lead". The number "2" is two, the couple took part in various magical rituals, and in general indicated the duality of everything earthly and heavenly. "Two" among the Slavs meant the union of earth and sky. In addition, this figure symbolized the duality of the person himself - the presence of good and evil in him. In other words, "2" is a constant confrontation between the parties. It should also be noted that "two" was considered the number of the devil - many negative properties were attributed to it. It was believed that it was she who discovered a series of negative numbers that brought death to a person. In this regard, the birth of twins, for example, was considered a bad sign, bringing illness and misfortune to the whole family. It was considered a bad omen to rock the cradle together, to dry off with one towel for two people, and indeed to do something together. However, even with all the negative qualities of the "deuce", people recognized its magical properties. And in many rituals, twins took part or the same items were used to drive out evil spirits.

Symbols as a secret message to descendants

All Old Church Slavonic letters are capitalized. For the first time, two types of written characters - lowercase and uppercase - were introduced by Peter the Great in 1710. If you look at the Old Church Slavonic alphabet - the meaning of letters and words, in particular, you can understand that Constantine did not just compose a written system, but tried to convey a special meaning to descendants. So, for example, if you add certain symbols, you can get edifying phrases:

"Lead the Verb" - know the teaching;

"Firmly Oak" - strengthen the law;

"Rtsy Word Firmly" - utter the true words, etc.

Inscription order and style

Researchers studying the alphabet consider the order of the first, "higher" part from two positions. First of all, each character is folded into a meaningful phrase. This can be considered a non-random pattern, which was probably invented for easier and faster memorization of the alphabet. In addition, the system of written signs can be viewed from the point of view of numerology. After all, the letters corresponded to the numbers, which were arranged in ascending order. So, "az" - A - 1, B - 2, then G - 3, then D - 4 and further up to ten. Dozens started with "K". They were listed in the same order of units: 10, 20, then 30, etc. up to 100. Despite the fact that Old Slavonic letters with patterns were written, they were convenient and simple. All characters were perfect for cursive writing. As a rule, people had no difficulty in depicting letters.

Development of the writing system

If you compare the Old Church Slavonic and the modern alphabet, you can see that 16 letters are lost. The Cyrillic alphabet still corresponds to the sound composition of the Russian lexicon. This is primarily due to the not so sharp divergence of the very structure of the Slavic and Russian languages. It is also important that when composing the Cyrillic alphabet, Constantine carefully took into account the phonemic (sound) composition of speech. In the Old Church Slavonic alphabet, there were seven Greek written symbols that were initially unnecessary for the transmission of the sounds of the Old Church Slavonic language: "omega", "xi", "psi", "fita", "izhitsa". In addition, the system included two characters each, to designate the sound "and" and "z": for the second - "zelo" and "earth", for the first - "and" and "ilk". This designation was somewhat redundant. The inclusion of these letters in the alphabet was supposed to ensure the correct pronunciation of the sounds of Greek speech in the words borrowed from it. But the sounds were pronounced in the old Russian way. Therefore, the need to use these written symbols has disappeared over time. It was also important to change the use and meaning of the letters "ep" ("b") and "er" (b). Initially, they were used to designate a weakened (reduced) voiceless vowel: "ъ" - close to "o", "b" - close to "e". Over time, the weak deaf vowels began to disappear (this process was called "the fall of the deaf"), and these symbols received other tasks.


Many thinkers saw in the digital correspondence of written symbols the principle of the triad, the spiritual balance that a person achieves in his striving for truth, light, good. Studying the alphabet from its very beginnings, many researchers conclude that Constantine left to descendants a priceless creation calling for self-improvement, wisdom and love, learning, bypassing the dark paths of enmity, envy, anger, and evil.

Alphabet truths. Slavic Alphabet.

Slavic Alphabet

If you think about the meaning of the statement "Alphabet truths", then the first comes the association with something very simple,

as elementary as the multiplication table. Is this so? Those truths that were invested in human consciousness when studying

The ABCs, it turns out, were very deep, shaping the worldview and, ultimately, defining all life.

In the beginning, I present an article from the "Book of Life" website

“… Great and Mighty Russian Language” I. Turgenev

Many of you have been waiting for a long time until this article finally appears, many see something like this for the first time, and some will even pass by. But for those who linger in life, there will no longer be any doubts about the Greatness Slavic people .

so about language... Language is the fundamental principle of knowledge and culture. Without language, we simply would not be able to communicate clearly with each other. ….

And now how can we? Words suddenly appear out of nowhere, the meanings of the old ones change, ... and now, in the midst of this fever of knowledge and change, we ask ourselves the question: “Why do these or those words mean exactly this ?, Who decided it ?, How to understand it ?, And why many meanings do not coincide with modern ones? "

Today we will definitely understand all this. And so, let's start from the beginning:

You have never asked yourself the question: "Why is the Alphabet located in this order: A, B, C, D, etc.?" For those who have watched S. Strizhak's films, this question has long become clear, for everyone else, I will explain.

Many people think that the most difficult language on the planet is Chinese. There are many hieroglyphs in it, and each of them can mean a letter, or maybe a word, or even a whole phrase. And what about Russian? Is it really a letter, in it, is it also just a letter? No, this is far from the case. In Russian, letter signs, or drop caps, as well as in Chinese, each have their own separate meaning, but unlike Chinese, a letter, one can be a letter, and a word, or even a whole phrase.

Therefore, the ABC has a certain Location of drop caps... Here's an example with the first line of a drop cap:

A B C D E; Az-Gods-Vedi-Verb-Good; Translation: Man (God in the guise of a man) Knowing God, Bears (utters, creates, projects) Good

Therefore, the entire text of the ABC is a text that describes the wisdom of ancestors and behests to descendants. Moreover, if you write down the alphabet in field of 9x9 squares, then we also get 144 commandments of the Slavsreading text by pillars, rows and diagonals.

So what does this give us in modern life? And this gives us an understanding of what we say and create every day. For "The Word is not a Sparrow" and "Written with a pen, you cannot cut it out with an Ax." The Word can Heal, and it can kill, therefore, watch your speech.

We have long been accustomed to saying Free (We pay Demons) instead of Free (without payment) or Prehistory (before the tenfold ascent of the seed with the help of the Torah (the Bible of the Jews)) instead of Prehistory (Before history (what is taken from the Torah)), etc.

So, now you yourself can easily understand any word, even one that you have not heard before, and learn to use your speech in the right way to attract desired things and events and avert useless ones.

It's important to know. Initially, all the texts of the ancient Slavs were written in three-tiered system. That is, on 3 lines Javi-Navi-Pravi (upwards). Drop caps were written from top to bottom, lowering from the highest level to the bottom. Its meaning depends on the position of the drop cap and its spirals on the levels.

A [Az] - Energy spiral (colo, seed) with roots for growth. (Man, Man-God, ascent,

B [Gods, Buki] - Cosmic Force "G", connected with the earth seed "colo". (The primacy of spiritual development,

cosmic power, God, Gods)

In [Vita] - The twist of life with the energy of a spiral. (Life, masculinity)

In [Veda, Veda] - Endless unity through the passage of energy in a closed spiral. (Knowledge, true knowledge)

G [Verb] - The energy of light descended into earthly matter. (divine conduct, act, dictum)

D [OsPoda] - Seed, or earthly stake, on the Pillar, or on the hearth of the Ancestral memory. (Seed with support and foundation, knowledge confirmed by earthly incarnation)

E [Yes] - The unity of the Right, Navny and Explicit world, through the law of energy interaction. (Exists, One, Unity, Troemiria)

Yo [Yo] - All that is in the firmament strives to ascend from the lowest to the highest (direct translation of the initial letters E, T, b)

F [Live] - Life, through the ten-dimensional Knowledge of the past for (flowing) ascent and action (Life, Live, Belly)

S [Zelo] - the letter fixing Evil, Break of the energy spiral (Evil, destruction, break, stop)

Z [Land] - Earth, the past and future mental energy of people, for their collective mind. (Earth, common sense of the form, that which is created by the collective mind)

And [Izhe] - Part of the spiral organizing temporary unity (Unity, connection)

TH [And briefly] - through energy and concentration in an even shorter (short unity)

i [and decimal] - walk through life with a ten-dimensional pillar (tenfold (fast) ascent)

Y [Izhetsa Vedeva] - When a person is tenfold, he can create with his energy combined with the energy of space (Creation through the unity of the energy of man and space)

To [Kako] - Sign of justification (how) for people of the future, through the concentration of energy. (How)

L [People] - People. Ascension of the unity of male and female twist, to the state of People.

M [Thought] - Mental energy reflected in life (Thought, materialization)

N [Our] - The junction of earthly and cosmic energies (our, our world, middle)

Near] - Symbol of biofield, seed, deep DNA, orbit, embryo, egg, unity, infinity, etc.

Oh [He] - Harmonization of everything by Vitacolorization. (He, pointing to the subject)

P [Rest] - Energy flow to the ground, Pillar (rest, pillar)

P [Throne] - Reverse spelling of the initial letter Peace (inverted n) Means the Empty Chalice, ready to be filled.

[From] - Biofield striving for connection with the cosmos (from the Spirit) Mirror image, correct vitality

R [Recuche] - Seed of the tree of the mind: the brain of the head and the spinal cord that create speech (speak, speech, utter)

S [Word] - Creating energy with people (Connection, Word, together with people, i.e. created by their word and thought)

T [Firmly] - Derived from the initial letter e and Ascent. When there is a lot of energy, the Solid arises. (Ascent from the world to Rule, Firmness, Support, Strength)

U [uk] - People with Reliance on Space. (at-close, at-with support)

F [Firth] - The combination of Fita (flesh + spirit) and membrane that creates all cells (flesh, creator, base, origin of life)

X [Dick] - Lono, feminine principle, combination of past and future, "X" chromosome of DNA

Ts [St] - The combination of the Chalice of the Spirit and the Firm signs, which gives Creation creation

H [Worm] - Ten-dimensional bowl of knowledge for climbing (full bowl with solid base)

Sh [Sha] - Protection of the dispute, Naval forces stand up as a wall of protection from the lower (Protection, fencing)

Ш [Ша] - Spore protection with biomembrane

Kommersant [Er] - A plea to the future, to protect the ascent of spores on the firmament (Approval, approval of Protection)

S [Ery] - teaching the ascendant dispute the basics of the ten-dimension. (Pointing Finger, Voice of Heaven)

B [Er] - Climbing seed to bulk

B [Yat] - The collective mind “I”, Teianye in the firmament through the semen reflection of the heavenly Ra (Unity of Heaven and Earth, Rule and Reveal)

U [est] - generalization, collection of words from the past, for future ascent

Yu [Yus] - Processing knowledge into the seed of the source. (Ascent through higher knowledge)

I [I] - Spiritual material unity of People through the word. Collective intelligence "I"

[OL] - The symbol of a person who takes energy from space

[Ek] - The symbol of a person who takes energy from the earth (horizontal level Ekos)

The degradation of the Bukovnik All-World Literacy, to the modern language

Church Slavonic Alphabet

Now, knowing the basic translations and text, you can easily translate any word, or understand its meaning. So now in my speech I think many will have a phrase that I often have to repeat to me: “...

And so, I am translating from Russian into Russian ”

Good luck in learning our Great and mighty Russian language.


I will cite here again the table of "Alphabet Truths"!

And one more article. http://www.pseudology.org/Psyhology/Azbuchnye_istiny.htm

Az buki lead. There are good verbs. You live very well, Earth. And others like: How do people think. Our it is peace. Rtsy word is firm. Uk furet her. Tsy, worm w (t) a. Bra yus yati
These Truths, as they themselves teach, were transmitted only by word of mouth. Are there people left who remember their knowledge? I searched the Internet and interviewed my acquaintances, and was surprised to find that they are not very well known. That is, the phrase “elementary Truths” is known to everyone, but what lies behind it is understood as something extremely simple, primitive, well-known.
In fact, it turned out that this is one of the many common delusions in society. These Truths were encoded in the form of a sequential reading of the names of the letters of the Old Slavic alphabet.
The names of the letters were not given by chance - this method of memorizing letters is called acrophonic (more details here). The problem of interpreting the meaning of elementary truths, as the article shows, is not one hundred years old. However, those primitive interpretations that are proposed cannot be seriously considered. (For example, the first Truth “Az Buki Vedi” is often interpreted as “I know the letters”.)
The problem is that it was mainly linguists who were engaged in interpretation, and what they proposed is a very superficial layer of this riddle. Here is our version of reading elementary truths. So, Truth is the first. 1. Az beeches lead
“I am the Lord thy God; May there not be Bozi inii for you, unless Me ... Vengeance is mine and I will repay. " It's from the Bible. Azy, in northern mythology, the most powerful gods, led by Odin; 12 gods (Odin, Thor, Balder, etc.) and 12 goddesses (Frigga, Freya, Iduna, etc.) (see the Small Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron).
Az (Triglav, Troyan) is a triune world. The drawing of the Old Slavonic letter "A" is the bird Simurg, personifying the three kingdoms - underground, terrestrial and heavenly, that is, our world. (Simurg is literally a co-creator. Demiurge is the creator of everything, and also the God of the Old Testament)
Beeches are symbols. They are very weakly connected with the real world, that is, they are relatively independent from Aza - abstract. Children used to be "frightened" with beeches. (Remember the song from the Bremenne musicians).
In particular, mathematics deals with symbols in their pure form, therefore its results cannot be directly applicable without physical, economic, demographic, etc. models to the real world.
Lead - lead, manage (hence the driver, leader, guide, in charge, in charge, etc.). The meaning of the first elementary Truth is a call to people so that in their actions the real world would be decisive for the world of symbols (words), and not vice versa. For example, the adequacy of mathematical models of elements in CAD systems should be checked and confirmed before they are used in a project. Otherwise, unpleasant embarrassment is possible.
“In the good old days, physicists repeated each other's experiments to be sure of the results. Now they stick to Fortran, adopting programs with errors from each other, ”wrote the creator of structured programming Edsger Dijkstra in 1982. This all happens when Buki leads Aza.
The problem is that the world of symbols is static and when the real world changes, the representation of the real world, written in symbols, ceases to be true. However, a living spoken language, in contrast to a dead literary language, changes with the world. Therefore, the Truths are transmitted orally (We learn a lot from books, and the Truths are transmitted orally ... ”V. Vysotsky), and the second elementary Truth speaks about this:
2. Verbs are good
Good is a properly accumulated property that no one can take away (true wealth) and which can and should be passed on to descendants. And this property is the wealth of the language (verbs - vocabulary).
The truth is not written, but spoken words. (A philosopher I know who told me these elementary Truths, following the example of ancient philosophers, basically does not write anything about philosophy (as philosophical writers do). He even asked not to mention his name. Fortunately, nowadays there are tape recorders. :). .. The third elementary Truth speaks about the essence of what is happening ...
3. Live Green Earth
Zelo is now interpreted as zealous, with zeal. But the meaning of zelo - village (for example, ash - salt) is permissible, i.e. Zelo is a place of residence in the global sense. Antaeus was defeated when he was torn away from Gaia - Earth. The first three Truths are the key to correctly reading the rest.
4. And others like (in modern language it remains every year, every day) - And (in every cycle) \u003d Forever)
5. How do people think
The question is not what you think, but what is your discipline of thinking. For example, how to analyze cyclical processes? If there are no others in Nature. The chicken-and-egg paradox arose as a result of an incorrect analysis of the cyclical process. Why is there a contradiction?
Chicken - Egg
For a cyclic process, decomposition into two (two-phase representation) is contradictory, since both directions of rotation in the cycle are equal and we obtain a version of Buridan's donkey paradox.
However, if the decomposition is done into three (three-phase representation), then the paradox disappears, since the reverse direction of rotation in this cycle does not exist (development is movement in a spiral in only one direction: you cannot get an egg from a chicken, a chicken from an egg, and chicken chicken).
Chicken - Chicken - Egg To reproduce the cycle in a different place (in your chicken coop, if the cycle in question exists in the wild or in someone else's coop), you need to take the chicken (s), not the egg or chicken. 6. He is our peace
Peace is only in us - it does not exist in nature. And this peace allows you to observe the Universe. You need to have (Lord, give me) peace of mind in order to accept what you cannot (cannot) change, courage to change what you can (I can) and wisdom to always distinguish one from the other. (Again the Bible!) 7. Rtsy word is firm
Rtsy - speak, speak, that is, be responsible for the spoken word. Obviously, for a fixed circle of people with a good memory, an oral promise is always stronger than a document, since the one who broke the word will immediately be outside the circle. For example, a merchant's word. Unfortunately, many, especially officials and politicians, do not at all understand the extent of their karmic responsibility for violating their given word. This is probably why marriage contracts are unpopular in Russia. 8. Uk firth dick
Uk - the basis of sustainable existence of society (hence the way of life, science, etc.); fert - to fertilize; dick is a man. The meaning of this Truth is that men are responsible for public safety. And it is achieved only through the knowledge of the world. Women give birth to men who give birth to ideas that provide for the existence of women, who give birth to men who ... This is our life cycle. The sterility of either women or men interrupts him. Unfortunately, the crisis (lack of new) ideas is more and more clearly felt in society. The next Truth is even sharper.
9. Qi worm sha
The concept of Qi has remained explicitly only in Chinese philosophy. The Chinese interpret health as a violation of the channels for the flow of qi energy. Essentially, it is analogous to Indian prana. Worm - to penetrate, crawl. The concept of "sha" - we see in the words a hat, a roof, a hut - something (barrier) protecting us from above.
This Truth means that from outside to inside all visible objects across the border of “sha-shta” there is a certain flow (of time), which is looped outside the three dimensions visible to our eyesight. This flow is likely to create a force known as gravity. A model of this process is well illustrated by an hourglass. Finally:
10. Yer yus yati
Yer - the sun; yus - light; yati - to eat. Sunlight nourishes, i.e. ultimately we feed on sunlight. Here different interpretations are possible - from the recommendation to use only “white” energy, the so-called light prana, to broader generalizations. As with the Chinese 64 signs of the Book of the Dead, the elementary Truths can be regarded as some kind of message to descendants. Moreover, all ten truths are read as a single text and their meaning takes on a cosmic shade. We'll leave that to you as an exercise. There is in any natural language an even deeper level - semantic, and it is called - literal meaning, i.e. meaning of letters. It is divided into syllabic and alphabetic. Words were formed in the language for a reason - they carry a lot of internal content.
For example, the word "belly". Zhi - vital energy - for the Russians once meant the same concept as qi for the Chinese. Hence the word life. Live - indicated the location of the life energy. Or, say, Asia - Az and I - the first and last letter of the alphabet, to which Alzhas Suleimenov seems to be the first to point out.
But, unfortunately, almost no one knows the literal meaning of words either ...

Psychology and Philosophy www.pseudology.org

I will give here another table of values each letter Slavic AzBuki

And some very interesting films!


"Languages" message series:
Part 1 - Old Slavic initial letter
Part 2 - Ancient Slavic alphabets. Glagolitic and Cyrillic.
Part 9 - Sanskrit.
Part 10 - What is the difference between the Russian AzBuka and the alphabet
Part 11 - Basic truths. Slavic Alphabet.
Part 12 - The ABC is a living message to the Slavs.
Part 13 - Confessions of a polyglot. Willie Melnikov.
Part 23 - Non-verbal communication. Part 2.
Part 24 - Sanskrit. What is encrypted in ancient scriptures.
Part 25 - Willie Melnikov. How to understand nationality from the inside.

A series of messages "Slavic culture":
Part 1 - Psychology. Poetry. The collective unconscious. Nikolay Gumilyov.
Part 2 - Old Slavic initial letter
Part 7 - Sanskrit.
Part 8 - How Russian AzBuka differs from the alphabet
Part 9 - Basic truths. Slavic Alphabet.
Part 10 - Slavic mythology. Divya people.
Part 11 - Slavic mythology. Alkonost.
Part 20 - Peter I in Holland.
Part 21 - National clothes - the energetic effect of patterns.
Part 22 - The soul of the people.

Russian initial letter with images and numerical values \u200b\u200bof drop caps

Quote from Alevtina_Knyazeva's post Read it in full to your quote book or community!
Russian initial letter with images and numerical values \u200b\u200bof drop caps

"Our Slavic language is the language of the primitive world, immemorial antiquity."

(PA Lukashevich (1809-1887) - Russian ethnographer, traveler, collector of Russian folklore, linguist - fluent in several dozen languages \u200b\u200band dialects).

Many, if not all, Russian-speaking people know the phrase "Elementary truths". She, as a rule, is characterized by something extremely obvious, very simple to understand. In order to explain the original, true meaning of this phrase, you must first say a few words about the Russian language and about the Russian alphabet.

Let's start with the fact that today there is no alphabet in the Russian language!

This concept, of course, exists - this is the name of the book, according to which the teaching of children to the written Russian language begins (a synonym for the primer) - but this concept, as well as “elementary truths”, is far from its original meaning.

It is somehow not customary to talk about this loudly in the scientific and linguistic environment, but all serious linguists of the world know that the Russian language, as the heir to the Old Slavic, is the most archaic language in Europe. Its closest proximity to Sanskrit ( Note: On the contrary, Sanskrit is secondary to our language ....), in comparison with other European languages, is indisputable evidence of the deepest antiquity. However, this topic, along with the topic of the antiquity of Russian history, is taboo in the world historical and linguistic sciences, in which Western researchers have been setting the tone for centuries.

But back to the alphabet.

As I said, there is no alphabet in modern Russian. Instead, the alphabet is used - the result of the 1918 language reform. What is the fundamental difference between the alphabet and the alphabet? If you take a look at the Wikipedia article "ABC", then the first thing you will know: "The ABC is the same as the alphabet, ..." - but know that this is a lie! Further, the same sentence says: "... most often used to refer to the Cyrillic alphabet" - and here the rudiments of truth are already hidden, which the wise compilers of Wikipedia could not hide.

Let's figure it out ...

Modern russian alphabet - This is a set of graphic signs that mainly denote phonemes (that is, sounds) of the Russian language. The letter “A” simply means the sound [a], the letter “B” just the sound [b] and so on.

Russian alphabet, which was in use until 1918, is a set of graphic signs denoting semantic IMAGES (and not simple sounds). Hence the Russian word "education" - "education" - the compilation of images ("meaning-words"). Alphabet characters are called "drop caps". Each letter carries a separate semantic concept. For example: the first letter of the Russian alphabet "AZъ" conveys the sound [a] and has a meaning-image "I, man, beginning ..."; the initial letter "BUGI" conveys the sound [b] and carries the meaning-image "God, divine multitude, more ...". And so - all the signs of the Russian alphabet (full-size table here):

Here it is extremely important to understand that a meaning-image is not a specific word that has one single meaning, but a subjective semantic form that carries a pronounced meaningful coloring. So each drop letter can, in one or another case of its use in the language, have a variety of meanings that nevertheless correspond to its main meaningful form.

Complicated? It is not clear why this is needed? Now I will try to explain.

According to physiologists, the main fundamental physiological difference between Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) from all other living beings on planet Earth is a pronounced, developed ability to think abstractly, that is, in immaterial images. This ability allows a person to operate with such concepts as "time", "world", "I", "God", "life", "death", "destiny" and so on. Not a single, even the most developed animal is capable of thinking in such categories, although for you and me it is not difficult at all. Meanwhile, using these concepts, we ourselves cannot fully comprehend their meaning. For example, try to define time yourself. You will be greatly surprised to learn that until now, intelligent humanity has not been able to unambiguously and accurately derive this definition. If you want, the ability to think abstractly is a gift from God given to man.

Figurative thinking, inherent in you and me, distinguishes reasonable humanity from the animal world, and the ancient Russian language, in its archaic form, is a kind of natural brain trainer for everyone who speaks it; a simulator that allows you to develop and consolidate this divine gift. The very system of word formation of the Old Russian language carries a huge array of semantic information. For those who have an understanding of this knowledge, it is enough just to hear the sound of the word in order to understand its true deep figurative meaning. Archaic words of the Old Russian language, consisting of a sequence of individual letters, each of which carries its own meaning-image, are not just a set of sounds, as in modern language, but a consistent combination of these meanings, the sum of which creates the meaning of the word:

Numbers and numbers in the Old Russian language were designated by alphabet letters with an apostrophe:

And in this system of designations, just as in word formation, there is a deep figurative meaning. Let's consider an example of simple calculations, in which not just numbers will take part, but letters with their figurative and semantic meanings:

The attentive reader will ask: "What about the elementary truths that were discussed at the beginning of the article?"

Now that you know about the initial caps, meanings and images and the deep, hidden wisdom of "immemorial antiquity" hidden in the Old Russian language, it will not be at all difficult for you to see, read and understand these very "simple and obvious" elementary truths:


And now I propose to look from the height of the knowledge gained at the modern Russian language, which has gone through centuries-old stages of "modernization" and "reforms", in particular, at its modern ALPHABET:

And to the present "sense-images" of this ALPHABET:

Unfortunately, the process of "improvement" of the Russian language has not been stopped to this day. The works of "authoritative" authors already devoted to "RUSSIAN" language continues to appear. Especially the "insanely intellectual" expression on the girl's face on the cover of a modern textbook delivers. Apparently, such "works" sponsored by Western foundations do not appear just like that and carry a certain purpose - a kind of their own "deep meaning", invested in them by modern liberal authors:

Source - http://drevoroda.ru/interesting/articles/655/2351.html

ABC - Initial letter of Perth times - 49 letters.

A series of messages "Slavic letter":
Part 1 - All-World Literacy
Part 2 - Buk (o) va * Az * Learning LITERATURE!
Part 3 - Parent of all languages \u200b\u200b- Russian
Part 4 - Alphabet - Initial letter of Perth times - 49 letters.
Part 5 - Well done !!! Matching runes of the Russian genus.
Part 6 - Runes Editor - a program written by Runes of the Russian Kind. Everyone can do it!
Part 26 - Russian runes - features and cuts.
Part 27 - Platon Lukashevich. 1846 How the Zionists changed the Russian language.
Part 28 - Testimony of Asia Minor Slavs

Cthe Church Slavonic language is a language that has survived to our time as the language of worship. It goes back to the Old Slavonic language created by Cyril and Methodius on the basis of the South Slavic dialects. The oldest Slavic literary language spread first among the Western Slavs (Moravia), then among the South (Bulgaria) and eventually becomes the common literary language of Orthodox Slavs. This language was also spread in Wallachia and some regions of Croatia and the Czech Republic. Thus, the Church Slavonic language from the very beginning was the language of the church and culture, and not of any particular people.
The Church Slavonic language was the literary (book) language of the peoples inhabiting a vast territory. Since it was, first of all, the language of church culture, the same texts were read and copied throughout this territory. Monuments of the Church Slavonic language were influenced by local dialects (this was most strongly reflected in the spelling), but the structure of the language did not change. It is customary to talk about the distortions (regional variants) of the Church Slavonic language - Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian, etc.
Church Slavonic has never been the language of spoken communication. As a book, it was contrasted with living national languages. As a literary language, it was a standardized language, and the norm was determined not only by the place where the text was rewritten, but also by the nature and purpose of the text itself. Elements of lively colloquial (Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian) could penetrate into Church Slavonic texts in varying amounts. The norm of each specific text was determined by the relationship between the elements of the book and living spoken language. The more important the text was in the eyes of the medieval Christian scribe, the more archaic and stricter the linguistic norm. Elements of the spoken language almost did not penetrate into liturgical texts. The scribes followed tradition and focused on the most ancient texts. In parallel with the texts, there was also business writing and private correspondence. The language of business and private documents combines elements of a living national language (Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, etc.) and individual Church Slavonic forms. The active interaction of book cultures and the migration of manuscripts led to the fact that the same text was rewritten and read in different editions. By the XIV century. the understanding came that the texts contain errors. The existence of different editions did not allow solving the question of which text is older, and therefore better. At the same time, the traditions of other peoples seemed more perfect. If the South Slavic scribes were guided by Russian manuscripts, then the Russian scribes, on the contrary, believed that the South Slavic tradition was more authoritative, since it was the South Slavs who preserved the features of the ancient language. They appreciated Bulgarian and Serbian manuscripts and imitated their spelling.
The first grammar of the Church Slavonic language, in the modern sense of the word, is the grammar of Lawrence Zizania (1596). In 1619, the Church Slavonic grammar of Meletius Smotritsky appears, which determined the later language norm. In their work, the scribes strove to correct the language and text of the rewritten books. At the same time, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a correct text is has changed over time. Therefore, in different eras, books were corrected from manuscripts that the editors considered ancient, then according to books brought from other Slavic regions, then according to Greek originals. As a result of the constant correction of the liturgical books, the Church Slavonic language acquired its modern look. Basically, this process was completed at the end of the 17th century, when, on the initiative of Patriarch Nikon, the liturgical books were corrected. Since Russia supplied other Slavic countries with liturgical books, the post-Nikonian appearance of the Church Slavonic language became the general norm for all Orthodox Slavs.
In Russia, the Church Slavonic language was the language of the Church and culture until the 18th century. After the emergence of a new type of Russian literary language, Church Slavonic remains only the language of Orthodox worship. The corpus of Church Slavonic texts is constantly replenished: new church services, akathists and prayers are compiled. As a direct heir to the Old Church Slavonic language, Church Slavonic has retained many archaic features of the morphological and syntactic structure to this day. It is characterized by four types of noun declension, has four past tense verbs and special forms of the nominative participle. The syntax retains tracing Greek phrases (independent dative, double accusative, etc.). The spelling of the Church Slavonic language has undergone the greatest changes, the final form of which was formed as a result of the "book reference" of the 17th century.

In the Church Slavonic language, the alphabet consists of 40 letters, most of which correspond to Russian letters in spelling and pronunciation. Each letter of the Church Slavonic language has its own traditional name.

Derived from the Greek letter "beta". The word "alphabet" itself came from a combination of the first two letters of the Slavic alphabet: the letters "Az" and "Buki". Corresponds to the vowel E, which is the iotated version of the E sound; has a phonetic relationship with the letters I (like) and E (is).

In Old Slavonic, unlike Church Slavonic, there were no strict spelling rules. The widespread introduction of Greek letters and the normalization of spelling are associated with the Hellenization and normalization of the XIV-XVI centuries (see Second South Slavic influence). In the most ancient monuments, there were practically no signs of aspiration and stress. According to its principle, the Old Church Slavonic writing is phonemic, that is, each letter denotes a separate phoneme.

Church Slavonic language

In manuscripts, the time of the appearance of the language is called "Slavic" or "Slovene" (Slovѣnsk). The emergence of the Old Slavonic language is associated with the names of Cyril and Methodius, who undertook to translate liturgical books (some parts of the Bible: the Gospel, Psalms, paremias, etc.) into the language of the Slavs.

At the moment, among the researchers there is no single point of view, which of the two well-known Old Slavonic alphabet was developed by Cyril - Glagolitic or Cyrillic. After his release, Methodius, bypassing the pope's prohibition, continued divine services in the Slavic language, baptized the Czech prince Borzhivoi and his wife Lyudmila. Under Gorazd, opponents of Slavic writing in Moravia obtained from Pope Stephen V the prohibition of the Slavic language in church liturgy, and Methodius' disciples were expelled from Moravia.

What is the secret in the Old Church Slavonic symbols?

Literary monuments in the Old Slavonic language dating back to the 9th century and written by Cyril and Methodius or their students have not survived to our time. Their grammatical structure and sound system of the language reflects the earlier time of their creation.

The early Slavic monuments reflect the initial stages of this process. Selishchev also refers to him the Kiev Glagolic Leaves, but most authors believe that they are written in the classical Old Slavonic language, with practically no local influences.

See Slavic runes, runic alphabet. For the new Slavic alphabet, Cyril and Methodius used the letters of the Greek and Aramaic (Hebrew) alphabets. The first letter of the alphabet; comes from the Greek letter "alpha" and the Phoenician "Aleph". Comes from the Greek letter "eta" (in the Byzantine pronunciation "ita"). It has no analogue in the Greek alphabet, but is associated with the Aramaic (Hebrew) letter "tsadi".

Corresponds to the middle sound between E (IE) and I (IA) (compare the words: there is also food); absent in modern Slavic alphabets. Similarly, in the forms of other letters, correlations of philosophical concepts and meanings are encrypted, that is, in addition to phonetic relationships, letters have formal relationships.

Slavic writing was previously revealed in the articles Drop and Slavic alphabet. For that time, they had a very good education, besides, Cyril studied at the imperial court of Michael the Third, and spoke four languages: Arabic, Greek, Slavic and Hebrew. The Slavic alphabet contained letters that coincided with certain words.

A new stage in the formation and development of the alphabet was associated with the advent of printing. The Old Slavic alphabet was of great importance for the Slavs, because thanks to it, they were able to penetrate deeply into the Christian faith, learn its essence and even give it their heart. Some scholars are inclined to believe that the ancient signs of the Old Church Slavonic alphabet contain a special cipher, which can be solved to obtain special religious and philosophical knowledge.

There is also an opinion that the Slavic alphabet is not just a set of signs and individual elements, but a single indissoluble system. As mentioned earlier, each letter had its own special meaning. That is why the Cyrillic alphabet is conventionally divided into two parts: higher and lower. In the Church Slavonic language, the alphabet consists of 40 letters, most of which correspond to Russian letters in spelling and pronunciation.

The Church Slavonic alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek one. In Church Slavonic, special characters are used that are placed above the line level and are called superscript. In Slavic texts, it appeared in connection with the orientation towards the Greek spelling. In ancient Greek, aspiration marks influenced pronunciation. A number of words in Church Slavonic are written not in full, but in abbreviated form. In Church Slavonic texts, Arabic and Latin numerals are not used. To write numbers, letters of the Church Slavonic alphabet are used, which have numerical values.

The Slavic alphabet is much younger than all written systems known to science. 19 letters were added to them to denote sounds specific to the Slavic language and absent in Greek. Despite this, the spread of writing in the Old Slavonic language in Moravia and the Czech Republic did not stop immediately.

In the Church Slavonic language, the alphabet consists of 40 letters, most of which correspond to Russian letters in spelling and pronunciation. Each letter of the Church Slavonic language has its own traditional name.

Letters Letter names Pronunciation
Ah az [a]
B b beeches [b]
In in lead [in]
G g verb [g]
D d good [d]
E e є there is [e]
F f live [f]
Ѕ ѕ green [h]
Z z Earth [h]
And and Izhe [and]
І і and [and]
K k how [to]
L l people [l]
M m think [m]
N n our [n]
O o o he [about]
N n rest [P]
P p rtsy [R]
With word [from]
T t firmly [t]
U u u uk [y]
F f Firth [f]
X x dick [x]
T t from [from]
C c tsy [c]
H h worm [h]
W w sha [w]
U u ucha [u]
b ep Indicates the hardness of the previous consonant.
Sometimes replaced by 8,
which is called paerok or erok.
s eрЫ [s]
b er Indicates the softness of the previous consonant.
Uh uh yat [e]
Yu yu Yu [Yu]
I am I [I]
W w
Q q
omega [about]
Z z yus small [I]
X x xi [ks]
P p psi [ps]
F f fitA [f]
V v Izhitsa v is pronounced as [in] if it is preceded by the letter a or e.
Otherwise, v is pronounced [and],
while above it there is an icon v3 Ђ m
[Pavel, є3vaggelie, мwmсej, v3ccHвъ]

The following letters and letter combinations are spelled differently, but pronounced in the same way:

  1. e є e
  2. and i m v3 Ђ
  3. o o w q
  4. t from
  5. x ks
  6. p ps

The Church Slavonic alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek one. This explains the presence of a number of letters (f w x p v), redundant for the transmission of Slavic speech. The Greek influence also explains the rule according to which the combination gg is read as [ng], and the combination gk is read as [nk], for example: є3vaggelie, smgkli1tъ.

The letter e was used to convey a special vowel sound represented in many Slavic dialects. Some dialects of the Russian language have different sounds e and e. In Western Ukraine, when reading ordinary Church Slavonic texts, e under stress is pronounced as [and].

Superscripts and punctuation marks

In Church Slavonic, special characters are used that are placed above the line level and are called superscript... it accent marks, special aspiration sign and abbreviation signs... The strict system of the use of superscripts appears rather late. The oldest manuscript with accented marks is the Chudov New Testament (mid-14th century), a new translation from Greek into Slavic, made, according to legend, by St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow. The system of superscripts was finally formed by the beginning of the 18th century.

Accent marks

In Church Slavonic, stress is of three types:

  • a - acute accent, or nxjz
  • A - heavy stress, or varjz
  • † - light accent, or cam0ra

The difference in stress marks is not related to the peculiarities of pronunciation. So, the words slave and p † b, earthS and earths are read in the same way. Church Slavonic stress marks are borrowed from Greek. A sharp stress is placed over the vowel at the beginning and middle of the word, for example, ѓдъ, create1iti. Heavy is put in the event that the word ends in a stressed vowel, for example, crucify2 є3go2. However, if after such a word are the words: bo, same, whether, mz, mi, tz, ty, cz, si, us, youthat do not have their own stress, then the acute stress is preserved on the previous vowel, for example: the earths are invisible and3 unsettled [Gen. 12].

Light stress is used to distinguish between singular and plural (dual) forms. For example:

  • tsar (I. unit) - c † r (R. pl.)
  • tsarS (R. unit) - tsar ‰ (I. or V. dv.)

Aspiration mark

If the word begins with a vowel, then an aspiration sign is placed above this vowel, which in Slavic is called a sign: ґ. This icon is not pronounced in any way. In Slavic texts, it appeared in connection with the orientation towards the Greek spelling. In ancient Greek, aspiration marks influenced pronunciation.

The aspiration mark can be combined with the stress mark. The combination of these signs has special names. The combination of acute stress and aspirated ѓ is called i4co, and the combination of aspirated with a heavy stress a5 is called ѓpostrophe

Title marks

A number of words in Church Slavonic are written not in full, but in abbreviated form. Abbreviations are highlighted using a special character called the title sign. Under the title, words are written that refer to the sacred sphere, i.e. denoting sacred, revered items, for example бGъ - the God, btsdа - The virgin, sp7s - Spas.

In some cases, the title sign is used to distinguish God (this word is written under the title sign when it comes to the God in Whom Christians believe) from the pagan gods (in this case, b0g, b0zi is written without a title sign). Likewise, when it comes to the angels of God, the word ѓгGлъ is written under the sign of the title, and if it is talking about the fallen angel, Satan, then the word ѓггель is written completely without the sign of the title and is read [aggel].

There are several variants of the title sign:

  1. 7 - simple title.
  2. literal titles, (i.e. a way to reduce a word when one of the missing letters is drawn above the line):
    • d good-titlo - btsdа
    • g verb-titlo - є3ђlie
    • b he-titlo - prrb0kъ
    • \u003e rtsy-titlo - i3m\u003e kъ
    • c word-titlo - krt

Punctuation marks

In the Church Slavonic language, the rules for setting punctuation marks are less strict than in Russian, i.e. in the same case there may be different signs, or there may be no punctuation mark at all. Attention should be paid to the most significant differences between Church Slavonic punctuation marks from modern Russian ones:

  • The semicolon in Church Slavonic indicates interrogative intonation, i.e. performs the same functions as the question mark in modern Russian: poorly, almost 2 ўsumnelсz є3si2; - Unfaithful, why did you doubt? [Matt. 14.31].
  • In liturgical books, instead of frequently repeated prayers and exclamations, only the first words are given. So, instead of an exclamation Words nc7Y and3 sn7u and3 s ™ 0mu d¦u, i3 nhne i3 pr1snw and3 forever and ever the words Slava, and3 nhne are given:. In this case, a colon is used instead of an ellipsis. If the liturgical book says Џge nash:, then in this place the entire prayer is read Our Father [Matt. 6. 9-13].
  • We saw that in Church Slavonic the sign<;> (semicolon) corresponds to the question mark of the modern Russian language. In the function of a semicolon in Church Slavonic, a point appears, which in this case is called small point... It is no different in size from a regular dot, but after it the sentence continues with a lowercase letter.
  • There are no strict rules for setting commas in the Church Slavonic language. But commas, as in modern Russian, help to understand the division of a sentence and highlight its main parts.

Numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters

In Church Slavonic texts, Arabic and Latin numerals are not used. To write numbers, letters of the Church Slavonic alphabet are used, which have numerical values. In this case, a title sign is placed above the letter.

If the number is written in two or more letters, then the title sign is usually placed above the second letter from the end.

Numbers from 11 to 19 are written as follows: in the first place - letters denoting units, and in the second the letter i, which has a numerical value "ten", for example, №i - 11, в7i - 12, Gi - 13, etc .; numbers from 21 onwards are written as follows: first, the letter denoting ten is written, then the letter denoting one, for example k7z - 27, n7g - 53, o7a - 71. This rule is easy to remember if you understand that the letters in the Church Slavonic number are written like this, how the number is pronounced, for example 11 - one-over-twenty (twenty-ten), 13 - three-over-twenty, 23 - two-twenty-three

Thousands are denoted by the ¤ sign, which can be attached to any letter below the line level, for example ¤в7 - 2000, ¤f7 - 9000, ¤… - 60,000, ¤ф \\ - 500,000.

The chronology can be conducted both from the Nativity of Christ and from the creation of the world. The time interval between these events, according to church tradition, is 5,508 years. Therefore, if the date is indicated as ¤з7ф (7,500), then this means 1992 from the birth of Christ or in Slavic ац§в