Soloists of the group masha and the bear. Masha Makarova: My son's father is a forest dweller! At the peak of fame

The soloist of the group "Masha and the Bears" told the readers about her big family, childbirth at home and the main principle of upbringing. Our guests: Maria Makarova, Alexander, Rosa, Mira and Damir, he is Nikolai.

HAPPY PARENTS What's going on in your creative life today?MARIA MAKAROVAEverything is very good in our creative life. We are preparing a new album for release, which will appear this winter. We already sing some songs from it at concerts. And I also teach my own course of energy charging - such a synthesis of the most effective exercises from various gymnastics - in the cafe "Shop No. 8", which is on Chistye Prudy.

S.R.What happens in your family life? Who is your family?M.M.This is me and the children. Damir's dad, Alexander. But in general, of course, my, our family is much broader. We have it very strong. I have a mom, dad, whom I really love and respect. They, unfortunately, do not live together, but nevertheless. I had a stepfather who, the kingdom of heaven to him, was also my second dad and raised my brothers and me. There are also two aunts, my mother's sisters, whom I also love very much and one of whom I can call my second mother, and her daughter and her children ... Finally, my two twin brothers. And our family is expanding and expanding, there are more and more children, and all of them cannot be counted. There are families where such relatives as aunts and uncles do not communicate very much, they call each other with you, but we have the opposite. We talk on the phone all the time, find out how things are, what happened, support each other, meet. In general, we love each other! So my family is big and strong.

S.R.So this wasn't the first time that twins were born in your family?M.M.Yes, my mother, like me, also had twins, or rather twins. Only she first gave birth to me, and then brothers, and at first I had two girls, and then a boy.

S.R.Is it much more difficult with two children at once than with one?M.M.It seems to me easier to give birth to first two, then one, than first one and then two. It's just that the experience with twins is such a workout! One child, even a few years after the first birth, seems like an easy thing to do. After all, when I first gave birth to two girls, I did not even know what a child was. Two - so it should be. Immediately you enter a frantic rhythm, and for you it becomes the norm. Another thing is my mother. First she gave birth to me, and then, exactly one year later, twins. And boys too! I can't imagine it. A one-year-old girl and two newborn boys, 3200 and 3300 g each!

S.R.How big! This is the weight of an ordinary child!M.M.Yes! It was my girls who were about two kilograms each, and my poor mother, pregnant, walked with a stick, could not climb the stairs with such a load. Therefore, she is the captain for me in this regard. And, despite the difficulties, my mother says that this time, when all the children were young, was the happiest for her.

S.R.Masha, did you really give birth to all the children at home?M.M.Yes. I am not a completely traditional person in some general sense. Although it depends on what you call a tradition ... So, my pregnancy was going very well, and I have never been to the doctor and I felt great. I generally don't like to get involved in all these social bureaucratic structures unless absolutely necessary. However, about a month before the birth, I still went and registered at the clinic so that they would not take me to any maternity hospital. Very soon after that, like all pregnant twins, I started labor, about a month before the due date. And it was right on the eve of Christmas, which we were going to celebrate with friends. I called my friend and asked what to do, because I don't have any certificates, we didn't have time to do anything. And they sent two absolutely wonderful midwives to me. Frankly, I did not expect that childbirth is so tough (although I knew that my mother gave birth for two days), but nevertheless I survived everything, and Mira and Rosa were born safely.

S.R.Was there any pain relief?M.M.When you give birth with home midwives, you can forget about it. Childbirth takes place without any medication, absolutely natural, in the old fashioned way. If I had given birth in a hospital, I have no doubt that on my knees I would have begged the doctors to inject me with painkillers, but here - don't ask, they just don't have it.

S.R.Well, what if something went wrong?M.M.Midwives must have a short connection with the ambulance, and they did. But nothing urgent was needed.

S.R.Is the same story with Damir?M.M.Yes. By the way, it so happened that the son has two names. When he was born, Alexander and I named him Damir, and christened him as Nikolai. So, I also gave birth to him at home. But only this time I met the midwife beforehand. We observed the three main rules of childbirth: warm, dark and quiet, turned on the candles, quiet music ... And I gave birth to Damir-Kolya. Moreover, I did not do an ultrasound scan and did not know exactly who would be, but I had the inner confidence that a son would appear. He appeared, I took him in my arms: "Son!" So beautiful! And at his birth, I tried not to scream, but to sing.

S.R.Did it work?M.M. Yes! Moreover, I discovered some previously unknown depths in my voice, and in general it seems to me that after each birth the quality of the vocals improves. True. It's like your voice is coming from somewhere.

S.R.Has childbirth changed you?M.M.Yes, of course, all life changes. You no longer belong to yourself, you are responsible for the little creatures until they grow up. You count your life from them.

S.R.What is the main thing in your life now?M.M.For a woman, there are several main things in life: children, personal life, self-realization. If there is harmony in all this, then we can say that the table stands firmly, firmly. Then you feel good.

S.R.Is there harmony?M.M.Harmony in the process of achieving, let's say ... My girls are already attending school, Kolya is also doing well. I am still breastfeeding him.

S.R.How much do you feed?M.M.Well, it will be almost two years now.

S.R.And it was that long with the girls?M.M.Unfortunately not. I fed them for up to 4 months, because I had to tour, and there was no way to take two. At first, of course, I pumped, and then we switched them to formula, and they began to stay with my mother. And my son, since he is alone, I take with me everywhere. For all the tours, for all the concerts, and this gives me the opportunity to breastfeed him for such a long time. To feed, more precisely, because he eats everything the same as other children at his age.

S.R.Your twins' names are unusual. Why are they?M.M.When I was pregnant, there was a bookshelf in front of my bed, on which stood Daniil Andreev's book The Rose of the World. And I lie there, stroke my belly and think: how good it would be for two girls to be born, I would call them such beautiful names - Rose and Mira. In addition, I wanted to name the children as they do not call any of my acquaintances, so that they would not be associated with anyone.

S.R.You said they are different ...M.M.Yes. Rose was born first, and she is really a fighting girl, one might say a leader. By nature, such a small "Shaolin". Rose is in motion all the time, constantly arranges all sorts of games for her younger brother, turns him on, makes him laugh, rolls over, runs, jumps. And Mira is feminine, very tender, vulnerable, so all sensitive, a little capricious.

They are different, like yin and yang. Rose - yang, solar energy, fighting, giving; The world is yin, lunar energy, feminine. Well, the boy, of course, is wonderful, our common favorite. Everyone plays with him, everyone loves him!

S.R.That is, the sisters did not have any jealousy? M.M.No, on the contrary, the girls were very happy that they had a brother. And how he adores them and waits for them! He calls them both "Mia" - such a combination of Mira and Rose - or simply "children." Wakes up and says, "Stake children?" Which means, "Children at school?" He runs, searches for them in all the rooms, does not find and realizes that yes, children of the stake. And waiting for them. Only girls come, so much joy! They shout to him: "Malusik, dear, hello!" I can leave him with them, calmly cook in the kitchen, they will play together. So cool!

S.R.Do you have any dreams about their future?M.M.I would like them to be engaged in some kind of creativity, any, because creativity is what drives, it is self-expression. So I give them the opportunity to choose a direction, they are engaged different kinds arts. Recently we went to karate - it's a martial art. They also go to ballroom dancing, drawing, and music. Rose began to compose her songs. Here, from the latter:

- Go quickly all home!
Frost repeats, frost repeats:
- Or I'll make you leave!

Winter, winter
Coming closer to you and me
Winter, winter!
Don't forget all about the tree!

And he asks me: "Mom, what do you think is enough for a song or write another verse?"

S.R.Do you have any main principle of education?M.M.I think everything is mine, and any education should be based on love. Sometimes you want to slap, sometimes shout. But then you realize that the children immediately remove your pattern of behavior, and, as soon as you slap it once, a rudiment appears in the child, it is worth shouting - the germ of anger. And then the kid begins to distrust you, maybe even lie somewhere. That is, even when I really want to do this, I restrain myself and just say that you cannot do this. Or, on the contrary, I will stroke the head and say: "You are a fine fellow, my dear sun, the kindest girl, so beautiful, so smart." Then she will consider herself that way. And if you call it evil or mean, it will become. Of course, all sorts of situations happen, we also get tired during the day, aggression builds up in us ... And who else can you pour it on? Here they are, the closest people, and the reason is almost always found. It's a very big temptation to break loose. But it is not necessary to do this, it is better to preserve peace, harmony, and mutual understanding by all means. And children absorb it, learn from it. So I noticed: I just have to shout at Rosa or Mira - they immediately begin to apply the same methods to the baby. Therefore - only to react with love to everything.

Star tip

So that the children do not interfere with my cooking, I ask them ... to help me. We mix ingredients together, compare different tastes, find out what smells like. And when the dish is ready, we remember what it was made of.

Last spring they started talking about the return of the Masha and the Bears group and its soloist MASHA MAKAROVA. They began playing club concerts and appearing at festivals, but the release of the third album was delayed for a long time. On the eve of the long-awaited release, Masha admitted that she writes prophetic songs and feels like a frog princess.

Almost nine years ago, she answered the question “Who doesn't know Lyubochka?” - the country replied that everyone knows - they know her, Masha Makarova. Radio stations, charts and music critics surrendered without a fight to the fragile girl from Krasnodar. Fell in love headlong and forever in her intonation and rhyme, the moonlit city, Reykjavik and the light dance of sun-kisses, in her shaved head and heart wide open. But after two albums and three years it was over. The group "Masha and the Bears" broke up, and Masha left somewhere in the village - into the wilderness. It was said that she could not stand the test of copper pipes, that she went too far in experiments with illegal substances, which struck religion. After a series of rumors about her return and new projects, few believed in the reality of her return. In January 2005, Masha gave birth to twin daughters, Rose and Mira, and in April, Masha and the Bears officially announced their reunion, began performing and recording a new album.

The five-year alienation from the world, isolation, rethinking and reunification resulted in the disc "Without a Language", which was released on October 23, 2006 on the "Style Records" label. The album turned out to be conceptual, evolutionary and much more complex than the first two. The first single from the plastic "Maria" reached the top lines of the radio "Maximum" chart in a couple of weeks of rotation. The return took place.

The group occasionally goes on tour, collecting old fans and acquiring new ones. Masha is engaged in raising children, at the same time studying throat singing, is interested in oriental martial arts, writes new songs, many of which are completely out of the style of "Bears".

By 2008, more than a dozen of such "non-fresh" songs had accumulated. Masha decided to give them life and created an electronic side-project with a mocking name YA MAHA, where she experimented a lot with sound and style. The presentation of the project was successfully held on December 17 in the capital's club "Ikra".

In 2009 "Masha and the Bears" are actively touring and hatching ideas for a new disc.

Official page of the group:
Official website:

This is one of the most sophisticated types of apartment fraud, which the crooks themselves call "professional neighborhood". Both lonely and defenseless old people and quite successful people who have to literally flee from their own home, which has turned into a real battlefield for square meters, can become targets of attackers. Maria Makarova for the first time became the hero of not a secular, but a criminal chronicle. The artist did not wear dark glasses for the sake of a rocker image.

Maria Makarova, soloist of the group “Masha and the Bears”: “They threw me to the floor and began to kick and grab me by the hair. There was a bruise. If you are interested in looking, take a look. "

Right in the stairwell.

Maria Makarova: “I bit two fingers there, they wrote that I attacked and began to bite their fingers. We got sick of these inhumans, who take out apartments, kill old people. "

Makarova stood up for her elderly neighbor, the famous Soviet composer Alexander Kulygin, who wrote music for more than a hundred drama performances and scores for ballet performances. People came to his apartment without an invitation and said that they would now live with him.

These are not just neighbors, now a new term has even appeared in legal slang - "professional neighbors". Should a professional neighbor settle in your cozy nest, caught in just a couple of captured square meters, life will turn into a real hell. The result of this complex legal fraud is reminiscent of a horror movie scene.

Half an apartment or 15 centimeters? Now the law does not establish the exact area that must be owned in order to move in. The bill is still pending with the deputies.

Elena Drapeko, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation: “A terrible struggle is going on around this law. On the one hand, there is the sacred right of ownership recorded in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. This is the ideology that prevails in society today. On the other hand, there are offended people who do not understand why they find themselves in such a monstrous situation when they have to wage a war for their own homes. Thousands of citizens are waiting for this law, we will do our best to make it come out in the most acceptable version ”.

It is often the lawyers who are on opposite sides of the barricades. Some defend the main owner, others act in the interests of the micro-share owner. It is with the bar that it is necessary to understand how this scheme works on the example of at least a recent high-profile story. It all started with the death of the composer Alexander Kulygin's wife, actress Natalya Korneeva, who owned the apartment.

Alexander Kulygin: "Her daughter showed up, who has not been announced for years."

The daughter gave part of her share to a certain Ekaterina Kleiman, who, by the way, is a lawyer. Now she is on duty at the apartment of the elderly composer.

Ekaterina Kleiman: “I am the owner of this room. Police officers came and checked all my powers. I am indeed registered in the apartment together with the second owner. "

Timur Marshani, lawyer: “If the professional neighbors try to break in, the police will not help. They are the title owners, the law does not interfere. "

The next step: the owner of a small piece of the apartment moves in and does everything so that the main owner, being frightened, vacates the apartment.

42-year-old Alexander, like the man from whom the lead singer of the group "Masha and Bears" gave birth to twin daughters, practically does not see the boy

42-year-old Alexander, like the man from whom the lead singer of the group "Masha and Bears" gave birth to twin daughters, practically does not see the boy

In 1998, her song "Lyubochka" to lyrics by Agnia BARTO blew up domestic charts. Today Masha MAKAROVA mostly gives club concerts and performs with the same "bears" at alternative festivals. The main thing for her is family: children and beloved man. With them in such a narrow, but very dear circle, he will celebrate the next day of jam, which is already on the nose. Masha will turn 36. But she is still open, light, bright.

We met backstage at the KUBANA festival. Masha calmly sat down opposite and without pathos began to talk about her life. And ... I drowned in her huge eyes ... An amazingly harmonious woman appeared in front of me. With amazing organics. Catching my surprised look, Masha took the lead:

Well, have you admired my new hairstyle, Borya? Let me remind you a little about myself: Makarov - father's surname. I already have three kids. They are my suns, teachers and anchors, the meaning of life, in short. By nature, I am a flying person, I easily break away from the Earth. And the children quickly bring me back to reality.

- Where are your suns now?

My twins - eight-year-old Rose and Mira - are now resting with their grandmother in a village near Kineshma, on the Volga. And the youngest - Damir - is with me. He is two years and eight months old. I took the kid to the festival. And dad is next to him.

- Your second husband?

Unfortunately, this is not a spouse, but just my son's dad. He is a very interesting, kind-hearted person, he lives in a forest near Anapa, in a wigwam. So write: forest dweller! Sasha cannot be in the city. It seems to me that he found himself there, he really lives and how he likes it.

- And what is he doing there?

How does what? A lot of people pass through it. Someone needs to be fed, someone should be given tea. I got up in the morning, I have to go to the spring for water, light a fire. And ... start thinking about dinner. The buzz is simple! If I could afford such a life, I would not hesitate for a minute. But you need a certain courage and love of freedom, of course.

- How long has he been like this?

Eight years - for sure.

- It's strange somehow for a man ... And the responsibility to the family?

We have known each other for five years. But fate has built everything so that we rarely see each other. As they say, the order was given: to him - to the west, to her - in the other direction. Yes, Damir is with me all the time. We are not in poverty. And feelings are still more valuable than money!

Long forgotten song

- I see that in life you do not look like an eccentric person. So sweet, calm ...

Well, well, in your words ... I try to strive for peace in my life. But ... aggressiveness sometimes somehow unexpectedly manifests itself. It is so embarrassing and painful in front of people.

- Are new songs being written now? You can't live with Lyubochka alone ...

After the birth of children, the main stream of my creative consciousness spread to them. This is probably correct and, in general, fair. Yes, now the songs do not pour in such a stormy stream as before. But even one song in six months is quite a lot for me. Our new album is coming soon. We really hope that we will have our say in music. We work with the guys mainly in nightclubs. But we often go to cities and villages. We feed from concerts. I live in Moscow, rent an apartment. I don't see my parents as often as I would like. Dad is in my homeland, in Krasnodar, and mom finds the joys of life in a house in the village.

- I think everyone is very interested in where you disappeared from sight? After all, a couple of years ago nothing was heard about you, except that a son was born.

What's so special about that? Creative breaks are natural for musicians. We were idle for about four years. Now we are together with the team again. I don’t look into my future. Because I do not know how to do this - I am absolutely not a strategist. Although I understand perfectly well that raising children practically alone, I must be able to think at least a couple of years ahead. But in life everything turns out to be much more prosaic - I just go with the flow ... Although I am a multifaceted person. And I try to diversify "swimming with the flow" somehow in my own way: you can "dive" and "stick to the shore", and even "try to row against the current." So I'm developing.

- What is missing for complete happiness? What do you ask of God?

I ask only one thing - let him do as he sees fit. Practically nothing depends on a person. He does not see the complete picture of his life. My job is to do the will of the Lord and to listen very sensitively to my steering heart.

- But it is impossible without scandals in show business. I remember that before you even posed for "Playboy" ...

Oh, Borya, look at me! Which one is a brawler? And to what, to what scandal can you stick me? Besides being friends with Zemfira? Or that she got pregnant from the "forest hermit"? And with "Playboy" - what can you say ... Put three strings on the unreasonable girl - and under the cameras: it turned out to be a straight rock star with a breast in three girths! Everything that happened to me over the years is just a natural process of becoming, growing up. Now what? To pose as a forgotten or offended star, or what? You know, before I was upset that no one seemed to take my Lyubochka seriously. Well, it's sung and sung. But for something they love her?

- And where is the father of your beloved twins?

Well, unfortunately, this is an old pain and a long forgotten song ... In general, I consider life a creative process. If God gives happiness in the form of your beautiful copies, only much more perfect, then life is moving in the right direction. I was lucky, rather even lucky enough to give birth to all my children at home in a bath, in water. True, there were experienced midwives nearby, holding and helping. And I did it not for show off or for the sake of some crazy self-realization. I just like to live so much. Why else are you in this world? And children without love, you know, do not exist. This is happiness. I answered your question?

The Masha and the Bears group was formed in 1997. The starting point of the group's history can be considered 1996, when Maria Makarova handed over a demo recording of her songs to Oleg Nesterov, the lead singer of the Megapolis group, who was on tour in the city of Krasnodar. In 1997, M. Makarova signed a contract with Oleg Nesterov, who became her producer. M. Makarova gathers musicians in 1997.
The producers of the new formation are the Snegiri-Muzyka firm. In 1997 M. Makarova moved to Moscow and began recording her first album. This year the group "Masha and the Bears" is shooting two video clips in India - "Lyubochka" and "BT" ("Without you"). The director was Mikhail Khleborodov. All poems and music were written by the soloist of the group Masha Makarova. In 1998 a contract for the release of the album was signed with the "Extraphone" record label.

The album and the group become the "Discovery of 1998" at the "Maxidrom" Festival, organized by the "Maximum" radio station in the "Olympic" sports complex. In 1998 the group began to tour actively. The mass media recognize the achievements of the team:
"Matador" - the best group in 1998, "OM" - the best debut in 1998, "Moskovsky Komsomolets" - a singer in 1998, radio "Maximum" - the best song in 1998 "Lyubochka", MTV-Russia - "Lyubochka" - 12th place in the final Chart and 3rd place in the final Russian hit parade, "CooL" magazine - 35 weeks in the hit parade, the "Solntseklesh" album - 28 weeks in the "CooL" Top 10. The song "Lyubochka" from the album "Solneklesh" lasted 16 weeks in the hit parade of "Moskovsky Komsomlets", having managed to reach first place 4 times. After such a successful start, the group "Masha and the Bears" shot a video clip for the song "Reykjavik" in Iceland in 1998. The second hit was successfully received by critics and the group "Masha and the Bears" takes part in large-scale festivals: "Sochi Riviera" - June 1998, "MegaHouse" - June 1998, "City Festival" - September 1998, Kiev.

In 1998, the team embarks on their first tour of 15 cities in the country. At this time, M. Makarova had ideas about creating the group's second album. In 1998 the popular DJ Grove makes a remix of the song "Lyubochka" to the group. A video clip is filmed for this creation. In 1999 the material "Masha and the Bears" is being prepared. They take part in the festival organized by the "FUZZ" magazine in St. Petersburg. In one year, from April 1998 to April 1999, the group "Masha and the Bears" gives 84 concerts in Moscow and in the CIS regions.

In 1999, during the recording of the second album, Masha Makarova and Oleg Nesterov (soloist of the Megapolis group) recorded the song "Flowers". A video clip is filmed for the same composition. MTV-Russia gives the warmest support to this song.

In 1999 the group "Masha and the Bears" recorded their second album entitled "Where?" The album was released on March 8, 2000 on "Extraphone" (Oleg Nesterov and "Snegiri" are engaged only in the promotion of Masha and the Bears). In this album poems and music were also written by M. Makarova. Were filmed two video clips for "Earth" - one cartoon and the second - fiction, which was filmed in February 2000 in the Crimea. The so-called "Row Forest and Row Cliffs", which the famous filmmaker so often liked to shoot in his fairy-tale films, were chosen for filming, and a tour was organized.