Composition based on Vasnetsov's painting “Heroic Skok. Composition based on the painting of the heroes Vasnetsov Composition based on the painting Three heroes Vasnetsov - heroes of folk epics

Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyr

Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs" grade 7


1.V. M. Vasnetsov is a great Russian artist.

2. Three fellows - three heroes.

3.The epic hero - Ilya Muromets.

4.Wise Dobrynya.

5. Brave Alyosha Popovich.

6. The inimitability of Russian nature.

V.M. Vasnetsov is rightfully considered an outstanding Russian artist. His paintings amaze the viewer for many years. The painting "Heroes" is no exception.

It depicts the epic defenders of the homeland, strong, mighty people. They vigilantly guard the borders of their state, and are always ready to rush to its defense. There is calmness in their poses, but this impression is deceiving. They are ready to repel the threat at any moment. Their names are known to everyone - they are Alyosha Popovich, Ilya Muromets and Dobrynya Nikitich. Their faces are confident and calm. But, without hesitation, they will die for Russia.

In the center of the picture is Ilya Muromets. He is dressed simply, which betrays his peasant origin. He has a spear. It is large and has been in more than one battle, but it is quite easy to handle it. His face is alert with wide cheekbones. His brows are furrowed. He was not used to joking with the enemy. A horse is a match for him. He is majestic and heavy. Otherwise, he must serve his master well. Ilya takes care of his friend - he is handsome and well-groomed. He has a club on his right hand. It is large and heavy, just for such a hero.

On the right hand of Ilya is Dobrynya Nikitich. He is of princely origin. Its decoration is expensive, its shield is decorated with gold, horse harness with gold pendants. The horse is a faithful assistant who has been in more than one battle. He is also on the alert. His mane develops in the wind. He is fast, impetuous and handsome. Dobrynya's look is stern. He holds a sword in his hands. Dobrynya is ready to fight the enemy. He has half-drawn his sword from its scabbard and holds it at the ready. He looks full of determination, he will be able to repel any attack.

Alyosha Popovich is the youngest of the heroes. He is the son of a clergyman, but he could not sit at home when Russia is in danger. Despite his youth, he is brave and courageous and does not yield to his associates. He holds a bow in his hands. The arrows fired by him fly swiftly and accurately at the target. He does not part with the harp. This speaks to his romantic nature. His horse is red, he is brave and hot.

The nature in the picture also conveys anxiety. Storm clouds are visible in the background. Judging by the developing manes of the horses and the restless grass, the wind is blowing. Despite the fact that in the picture the heroes seem to have frozen in static poses and stand like monuments, but it seems that at any moment they are ready to dash off and rush to defend the border.

Composition based on Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes" Grade 4


1.The painting of Vasnetsov is a historical heritage.

2. Grozny Ilya Muromets.

3. Noble Dobrynya.

4. Romantic Alyosha.

5. The nature of Mother Russia.

The painting by the great Russian master painter Vasnetsov "Heroes" was written based on the epic motif. She is the most famous work of the author. The work delights with its power and grandeur and rightfully occupies an honorable place in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Despite their differences in appearance and origin, the heroes convey all the power of the Russian people. The central place is occupied by Ilya Muromets. He is truly the embodiment of heroic strength. To his right is the descendant of the princely family Dobrynya Nikitich, to the left is the youngest Alyosha Popovich.

Ilya looks menacing. He looks into the distance, armed with a spear, shield and mace. Under him is his faithful assistant — a black horse, as big and strong as his master. He is impatient and ready to rush his rider into battle at any moment.

Dobrynya Nikitich is dressed expensively and nobly. The horse is a match for him - white, beautiful with a harness decorated with gold details. Dobrynya had already prepared for a fight with the enemy, pulled out half a sword from its scabbard. His face betrays alarm, he vigilantly looks into the distance in anticipation of the enemy.

Alyosha Popovich skillfully owns a bow and arrow, and he still does not part with his harp. Handsome, young, his look is sly. But, at the same time, he is courageous and in no way inferior to his older comrades.

The nature in the picture is restless and tension is felt. A light wind is blowing. Feather grass rustles and sways. In the background, storm clouds are gathering. The heroes in the picture are a collective image of Russian warriors, fearless and brave. They stand on the defense of the borders of the great mother Russia.

Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyrs, grade 3


1.V. M. Vasnetsov and "Bogatyrs"

2.Three heroes

3 defenders of the homeland

V.M. Vasnetsov loved folk tales, he conveyed their plots in his paintings. His works are remembered for many years.

Each of them have their own weapons. Ilya has a club and a huge spear, Dobrynya has a sword, which he almost pulled out of its scabbard, Alyosha has a bow and arrows, he is an unsurpassed shooter. He also plays the harp on vacation. Their origins are different, but they are equally ready to fearlessly rush into battle with enemies.

Composition based on the painting by Vasnetsov Bogatyrs, grade 6


1. An inimitable picture of Vasnetsov.

3. Mighty Horsemen.

4 horse bogatyrs


The great Russian master of the brush Vasnetsov painted an amazing and unique picture that is admired by the audience today. She was given a place of honor on the wall of the Tretyakov Gallery.

In the picture we see three defenders of the fatherland, three heroes of Mother Russia. The attitude of the author to his characters is immediately evident. He admired his heroes and portrayed them as strong and invincible.

Ilya is formidable and powerful with his peasant power. He put forward his spear, which is so huge that only he can handle it. To his right is a descendant of the princely family of Dobrynya, dressed expensively and exquisitely, even harnessing his horse with gold jewelry. On the other side Alyosha Popovich, he is young, but this does not mean that he is weaker. He possesses prowess and cunning besides, he is an excellent marksman. Holds a bow and an arrow. His shot accurately hits the enemy. He skillfully plays the harp in rare moments of rest.

The horses are drawn in accordance with the characters of their owners. Ilya has a horse - a heavyweight, black suit. Dobrynya is handsome, white with a golden mane, with an intelligent, alert look. Popovich has a red horse with a silky golden mane, he is playful and quick as Alyosha's arrows.

The landscape is in tense expectancy. Feather grass sways in the wind. A cloudy sky with thunderclouds stands out against the background of the mountains. Standing at the canvas, we feel how great and beautiful Russia is. The Motherland can be proud of its defenders.

According to Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka", you can familiarize yourself with the author's biography, find out the background of the creation of the masterpiece, and then study the description of the landscape, the heroine. Then the written work will be thorough and interesting.

Artist biography

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the village of Lopyal. From 1858 to 1862 he was educated at a theological school, then graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary. The boy learned the basics of artistic craft with a teacher of fine arts from the gymnasium N. G. Chernyshev. Then, having moved to St. Petersburg, from 1867 to 1868, Victor took painting lessons from I. N. Kramskoy at the Drawing School. In 1868 he entered the Academy of Arts, which he graduated in 1873.

In 1869 Vasnetsov began to exhibit his exhibitions, since 1893 Viktor Mikhailovich was a full member of the Academy of Arts.

In his work, V.M. Vasnetsov uses different genres. He begins as an artist of everyday subjects, creating the paintings "Military Telegram", "Balagans in Paris", "From apartment to apartment", "Bookstore". Then the main direction of his work became epic and historical themes. In this genre, the artist painted pictures: "Ivan Tsarevich on the gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Heroes", "Alyonushka".

If a student is asked to write Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", you can start with a short biography of the author, then tell when this picture was created. The artist painted it in 1881. It depicts Alyonushka, Vasnetsov painted not only the girl's appearance, conveyed her state of mind, but also, with the help of natural landscapes, made the viewer understand the mood of the picture.

The history of writing a masterpiece

Viktor Mikhailovich began work on the canvas in 1880. The painting of V. M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" began to be created in Abramtsevo, on the bank of the pond in Akhtyrka. If you compare the natural Abramtsevo landscapes with an artistic painting on a fairy-tale theme, you can find many common features, these are the coastline, dark waters, trees, bushes.

It is in such conditions that the main heroine of the canvas is sad. The artist told how the idea of \u200b\u200bpainting a picture was born. From childhood he knew the fairy tale "About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". Once, walking along Akhtyrka, the painter met a girl with her hair down. She struck the imagination of the creator, as Viktor Vasnetsov himself said. Alyonushka, he thought. The girl was full of longing and loneliness.

Under the impression of this meeting, the artist drew a sketch. If you look closely at him, you can see that it was this girl who became the main character of the picture. The same big sad eyes, under them, which show that the young creature did not get enough sleep, as it was necessary to get up early, hard work.

Storyline of the picture

You can start writing based on Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka with a story about the plot. As mentioned above, the canvas was created under the impression of a fairy tale, Abramtsevo landscapes and a meeting with a young peasant woman.

After that, you can go on to the story of who is depicted in the picture - Alyonushka. Vasnetsov painted a young girl sitting on a large stone on the shore of a pond. She looks at the water with detachment, her eyes are full of sadness and sadness. Perhaps she looks at the surface of the water and thinks when her beloved brother, turned into a kid, will become a boy again. But the pond is silent, does not answer the innermost question.

Description of the main character

The little girl is dressed in simple Russian clothes, she is barefoot. She is wearing a jacket with short sleeves and from under it you can see an undershirt. This is how peasant women dressed in Russia. In this shirt they went to bed or sometimes bathed in the heat. Alyonushka was also dressed like that, Vasnetsov depicted the heroine of a famous fairy tale with a little disheveled hair. Apparently, the girl spent quite a long time on the shore of the pond, looking into the abyss of water.

She, without looking up, looks in front of her, obediently lowering her head in her hands. I would like to finally dispel the evil spell, Alyonushka soared in spirit and went home in a good mood. But the gloomy colors of the picture make it impossible to hope for this.


The student can continue to create an essay based on Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" describing nature. She plays an important role in the plot and helps to understand its drama. The surrounding landscape, like the girl, is full of sadness and grief, it is gloomy.

In the background we see a spruce forest, painted in dark green colors, which gives it a mysterious look.

Coldness blows from the dark surface of the water, it is clear that the pond is unfriendly towards the child. Green reed leaves, which are located not far from the heroine, bring a little optimistic notes to the water landscape. Alyonushka is surrounded by friendly aspen trees, they also add a little rainbow colors. When a light breeze comes, their leaves rustle, as if telling the girl not to be sad that everything will be fine. All this was conveyed with the help of oil paints and canvas by V.M. Vasnetsov.

"Alyonushka", composition, final part

If the essay was given to junior schoolchildren, they will tell about their vision of the picture, and at the end of the work they will tell what will happen next. Let the conclusion become rosy, as in a fairy tale. Alyonushka will eventually meet a loved one, marry him. The little goat will again turn into Ivanushka, and everyone will live in peace, love and harmony!

Before us is a painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes". It depicts the gigantic figures of mighty heroes, which are known to all of us: Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. They appear before us in the foreground, along with their faithful horses on a small dais.

In the middle we see Ilya Muromets. Putting his hand to his forehead, he looks into the distance and tries to make out something, squinting his eyes. With one hand he holds a spear and a shield, the other a damask club, a cold weapon of shock - crushing action. The hero sits on his mighty black horse, whose long mane develops in the wind. Instead of a team on this horse, we see a huge metal chain, which indicates its strength.

To the left of Ilya Muromets is Dobrynya Nikitich. He stands on his light gray horse, drawing his sword from its scabbard. In the other hand he holds a shield, and the helmet is pulled down to his very eyebrows, his eyes frown slightly. A long beard descends over a powerful chest. And like other heroes, Dobrynya peers into the distance of the field.

On the right side of the picture we see Alyosha Popovich, the youngest of all the heroes. In his hands he holds a bow with arrows, on one side he has a quiver, on the other he has a harp. A shield is visible behind the back. In Alyosha's gaze, we see genuine interest, expectation of a fight and courage, a willingness to show his strength. Alyosha's face is untouched by wrinkles and stubble. And his fair-haired horse is smaller than other horses, just like his rider is smaller than other heroes.

The landscape of the painting tells us a lot. The heroes stand on a plain, which smoothly transitions into low hills. In the foreground of the picture are small Christmas trees and small grass. The sky is cloudy and gloomy, the clouds are rapidly moving in. Such weather creates an alarming state and warns the heroes of the danger and proximity of the battle.

Composition based on the painting Heroes Three heroes Vasnetsov grade 7

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is a Russian painter, master of historical and folklore painting. The most recognizable and famous work of the artist is the picture "Heroes", on which he worked for about twenty years.

In the picture we can observe three heroes of the heroes of fairy tales and epics Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha, who are on patrol on horseback and guarding Russia from "unwanted guests".

The sky over the heads of the heroes is gloomy, with rare glimpses of light. The grass is yellowed in places. Perhaps autumn is approaching. The ground under the hooves of the horses, on which the heroes sit, is trampled down, and the mane and tails of their irreplaceable horses that develop in the wind indicate that it is windy now. Even the grass bends closer to the ground in places. I think that the artist thus tried to show the time when Russia needed real, brave and courageous defenders, who these three heroes became.

In the middle between the two heroes, Ilya Muromets, wearing chain mail and protecting his head with a helmet, looking around the field, shielding himself from the sun with his mighty hand. Of weapons, he has a sharp spear and a metal shield. Ilya's horse is the same as the hero himself. His black horse looks powerful, with a metal chain instead of harness. To the left of Ilya Alyosha, the youngest hero. In his hands, he clutches a bow with arrows. But not only wars Alyosha on his side you can see the harp. Perhaps, during a short rest, he entertains other heroes with cheerful music.

Well, to the right of Ilya, Dobrynya Nikitich is the favorite of the Russian people. In the picture he is depicted the same as he is described in epics. Subtle noble features. He takes out his sword, ready at any moment to rush to defend his homeland.

Vasnetsov managed in each of the three images to show the very defenders that Russia so badly needed, to show the greatness of our Russian people. For example, Ilya Muromets is undoubtedly the oldest of all three, which means that this is experience and support, wisdom and slowness. In Dobryna Nikitich one can trace such traits as courage, courage, fighting spirit and love for their homeland, their lands.

Well, in the image of Alyosha Popovich you can find all the brightest and purest beginning of the soul of a Russian person, attentiveness and sensitivity. Each of them is endowed with its own individuality, but all together they are one, unshakable whole. This picture will always remind you that there have always been enough heroes in Russia.

Description 3

Vasnetsov worked on his painting Bogatyrs for about 30 years, began in the 60s of the 19th century and finished in 1898, that is, in fact, at the turn of the century and epochs. At that time, Russia needed a moral orientation, so romanticism in the spirit of referring to the legends of the previous time, some Golden Age of epic Russia was more than welcome. In fact, we can observe all these hobbies for fabulous Russia in a huge number of creative people of the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuries.

This picture is practically a reference model for the described trend. Before us are three heroes, whom we can compare with modern comic book heroes or computer games, or something similar. Of course, such comparisons do not have their own purpose to somehow belittle the significance of the epic heroes, but they are quite accurate.

The heroes in fact are not so much true heroes, although we know from the chronicles about the existence of such heroes, but archetypes. So Ilya Muromets represents strength. He is the most massive of all, is located in the center, holds a spear that not everyone can lift.

On the side is Dobrynya Nikitich, he has a longer beard in comparison with Muromets, and this fact indicates his wisdom. Indeed, Dobrynya is such a warrior who is wise by life experience, he holds a sword. The third hero is the youngest Alyosha Popovich (that is, the son of a priest, in fact, a representative of the clergy who became a warrior) who holds a bow, but also has a harp, he personifies youth, creativity and, to some extent, is a student of more mature heroes.

If we take the genuine epics that exist about these heroes, then we find out how the images were actually embellished in popular culture. Old Russian legends about heroes abound in rather harsh and cruel details of the behavior of these warriors, including those towards rather harmless people. These sources cannot be called a good fairy tale.

Vasnetsov's painting is a kind of squeeze and a kind of ideal that differs from the traditions and legends about these heroes. The artist strove to capture the universal type of the defenders of Russia.

Grade 2, 3, 4, 7

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Viktor Vasnetsov is a talented artist who has painted a huge number of wonderful paintings. He is rightfully called a fabulous painter, since most of his subjects are illustrations for fairy tales and epics. Despite the fact that Vasnetsov's canvases are many years old, they still surprise and delight people, and the artist's work pleases and creates a wonderful feeling and mood.

You can plunge into a new fairy tale if you look and then carefully examine one of the paintings by Viktor Mikhailovich with such an expressive title as "Heroic Skok". The hero of this picture seems not only some kind of inspired, but a living and real person. It is known that this beautiful painting was created in 1914, and everyone, of course, understands what time it was.

From the course of history, you can recall that this was the beginning of a war that began slowly but lasted a long time. And, accordingly, no one could know how this war would end. But on the other hand, it was clear that in order to win, it was necessary to unite the entire people of Russia, because they have tremendous strength of mind and will, which will allow them to withstand and win.

To strengthen patriotism in people, Viktor Vasnetsov decided to devote one of his paintings to this topic. And for this plot, he chose both the glorious and heroic defender of the Russian land - the hero. It can be seen that a powerful and strong hero, who confidently sits on a horse, is already ready to join the battle in order to protect his native land from the enemy. He has everything he needs to be a protector: bow, sword and arrows. On one of his hands he prepared a shield, he is needed by the hero in order to protect himself from the enemy. But in the same hand he also has a stake, to which an iron tip is attached in advance. The hero needs him to attack himself and destroy the enemy.

The hero's left hand is also busy. The whip helps the defender of the Russian land to whip up the horse so that it rushes faster and can get ahead of the enemy. The outstretched legs of the horse show that the hero does not stand still, but the horse carries him towards the enemy, and soon the battle will probably begin. Every movement of the horse reveals the armor of the protector. Every detail on them is traced clearly and in detail. And as soon as direct and bright sunlight hits them, they begin to sparkle and sparkle. But the strong rider, despite the fast ride, continues to peer into the distance in order to detect his advance faster than the enemy and already fully armed to meet him. The piercing and lively gaze of the hero of the picture seems to be looking far ahead.

The horse, which is not afraid of anything, is beautifully depicted on the canvas of Viktor Vasnetsov. She rushes quickly, and her beautiful and long mane develops in the wind. She is black, so she shimmers when sunlight hits her coat. The look of the heroic horse is well-groomed and fresh. It can be seen that he is surrounded by the care and love of his master.

The horse's legs are not only fast, but also strong, since in any battle it must help its rider. And the rider's appearance is serious and stern, and this is created with the help of a thick dark beard and mustache, which the hero never shaved off. It is immediately evident that both the horse and the rider are indistinguishable, like loyal and good comrades. Therefore, in any battle, they help each other and help out, and this helps them to win.

Showing the power and strength of his hero, the artist depicted the rest of the background of his painting much less. So, in the background of the painting, a dark and dense forest is visible, which seems very small in comparison with the main figure of the painting. And the hill, and even the forest begins to shroud in some strange and muddy haze. The bright and clear sky begins to gradually become covered with dark and terrible clouds, as if nature itself foreshadows something bad and dangerous.

It seems that nature is waiting for the enemy just like the hero and his beautiful horse. She froze in sad and sad anticipation. All nature changes before the onset of the battle, but the artist, with his painting, tries to instill in people the belief in victory, since such strong and courageous heroes will always guard the beautiful Russian land.

And in this hour before dawn, the epic hero will be able to defend the right to be victors. No one has yet succeeded in seizing Russian land! As soon as the battle is over, the sun will look out and the haze will dissipate. And again there will be a clear day, clean and happy. And this will allow all people to live happily again in the artist's native land. The picture perfectly reflects its name.

A hero, courageous and heroic, and his brave and courageous horse united in a single race. And this heroic gallop is magnificent. And I want to believe that this fabulous hero is about to come to life and a miracle will happen. And people, especially in wartime, always want to believe in miracles and fairy tales.

The great Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov, whose epic painting Three Bogatyrs, is known today in all countries of the world, has been working on his masterpiece for about 20 years. His soul was agitated by the theme of ancient Russian epics, the exploits of heroes standing at the outposts guarding the young Russian state. This theme, once arising in the mind of the famous master of the brush, never left him again. The result was the iconic painting Bogatyr. Everyone is familiar with the reproductions of this masterpiece of Russian classical painting, the work of the Russian artist is studied in schools, the children write an essay based on Vasnetsov's painting, three heroes.

Online essay based on Vasnetsov's painting 3 epic heroes

In the famous painting Three Russian Bogatyrs are standing on a plain open to all winds. Behind them there are gentle hills, a dense forest on the slopes, the blue distance of their homeland under a gloomy twilight sky, in which a thundercloud with a yellow-purple belly accumulates and matures among cumulus clouds. In Vasnetsov's painting, we see that there are three main and most beloved heroes of Russian epics on patrol - Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets and Alyosha Popovich. At any moment they are ready to repel the onslaught of the enemy, to protect Mother Russia. Acquaintance with each of the heroes, I will continue my story on the picture Three heroes.

Composition based on the painting Three heroes Vasnetsov - heroes of folk epics

This amazing painting by the artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov is like a bridge spanned from the heroic generations of Ancient Rus, who are personified by 3 heroes from the paintings of the Russian artist - a patriot, to us, the Russian people of today, whose main task is to revive the strength of Russia and the freedom of the Russian spirit. The hero Ilya Muromets on a strong black horse, placed by the artist in the compositional center of the drawing, is the strongest and wisest warrior. From under his arm he peers into the distance - not to see the enemy's forces? In one of his hand is a damask club, in the other - a sharp spear.

On his right hand, on a snow-white horse, the legendary hero Dobrynya Nikitich. Ready for battle, he confidently holds his hand on a heavy sword. On the left hand of Ilya Muromets on a chestnut horse Alyosha Popovich, the youngest and fastest of the knights, a well-aimed shooter, whose arrows always reach the target. The bright painter Viktor Vasnetsov endowed his heroes with primordially Russian characters, describing which, one can compose a whole story based on the painting Three Heroes. But each hero of this picturesque masterpiece has a special, main feature. Ilya Muromets is endowed with wisdom, Dobrynya Nikitich - calm self-confidence, and young Alyosha Popovich - a quick mind and ingenuity. These Russian characters are flawlessly conveyed by the great master in a beautiful painting of the Bogatyr.