A person's strength is in admitting his mistakes. Is a person's strength or weakness manifested in generosity? (December composition, revenge and generosity)

An essay about:

"Katerina's strength or weakness is manifested in her suicide
in Ostrovsky's "Thunderstorm"?

Reading Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm", you involuntarily ask yourself a question: strength or weakness
Is Katerina manifested in her suicide at the end of the play? She did the right thing or
no? On this occasion, there was a lot of controversy between literary critics of the 40s and 50s of the 19th century. So, Dobrolyubov noted "strong, rebellious
motives "in the nature of Katerina and connected them with the atmosphere of the crisis, in which everything was
russian society. According to him, Ostrovsky's drama shows a complex, tragic
the process of liberation of the reviving soul.

The first meeting of Katerina with her beloved Boris is deeply tragic. The stage is riddled
anxiety. The motive of a folk song sounds - the motive of imminent death ("You kill, destroy me
from midnight ... ")." Why did you come? Why did you come, my destroyer? "
trouble Katerina. How strong should her feeling be if in the name of love she goes to
certain doom! "Don't be sorry, ruin me!" - she exclaims, surrendering to this feeling. So
not everyone can love, and we are convinced of the extraordinary strength of the heroine.

And what are the words of Katerina, spoken to justify her husband and herself, before
Wild boar. Let us listen to them carefully: "For me, mamma, everything is one that my dear
mother, what are you, and Tikhon loves you too. "Unlike his wife, Tikhon says his
excuses pitifully, and at the same time very respectfully, referring to the mother as "you."
Katerina says the same thing as Tikhon, objecting to reproaches. But with what dignity, how
she says simply and sincerely. This is also typical of the appeal to "you" (as an equal). She
strives for clear, benevolent human relationships.

In the first appearance, we imagine Katerina as a humble victim, a person with
a broken will and a trampled soul. "Mommy eats her, and she is like a shadow
walks, unrequited. He just cries and melts like wax, "Tikhon says about his wife. And now she herself
before us. No, she's not a victim. She is a person with a strong, decisive character, with a lively,
with a freedom-loving heart. She does not feel like a slave, on the contrary, she is free, at least
because she lost everything, that she has nothing more to cherish, even her life: "Why should I
live now, well for what? "

The thirst for liberation triumphs over her religious ideas. "It's all the same that death comes, that itself ..., but you can't live." she reflects on suicide. And then she questions this notion: "Sin! They will not pray? He who loves will pray."
Katerina's dying words are not addressed to God and do not express repentance for the committed
sins, they are addressed to a loved one; "My friend! My joy! Farewell!" So free from
prejudice, a lively and strong feeling won in the soul of Katerina

On the other hand, it can be shown that Katerina showed weakness. Such a point
view exists in Pisarev, when in the article "Motives of Russian Drama" he assessed
"Thunderstorm". The article was directed polemically against Dobrolyubov. Pisarev named
Katerina "a crazy dreamer" and "visionary": "The whole life of Katerina, according to his
opinion - consists of constant internal contradictions; she throws herself out of
one extreme to the other; today she regrets what she did yesterday, and meanwhile,
she herself does not know what she will do tomorrow; finally, confusing everything that was under her
with her hands, she cuts through the tight knots with the stupidest means, suicide. "

In fact, suicide is not stupid, but the last resort of a desperate
person. From the point of view of an atheist, there is strength in Katerina's deed. But from the point of view
orthodoxy, there is no forgiveness for suicide, no matter what motives it may be justified. it
one of the most serious sins. It is believed that people should endure what is sent to them
fate. Katerina had to carry her cross. An interesting fact is that in the old days suicides were buried not in the cemetery, but nearby. And the people passing by knew about fate
deceased. But Katerina dreamed, freed from worldly life, about how: "Under
a grave with a tree ... The sun warms her ... Birds will fly to the tree, they will sing, children
will be taken out. “Her soul could not exist peacefully without the beauties of nature and love.

Thus, we see that if a protest awakens, even in such passive
forms, albeit such a weak creature as a woman was considered in that era, then this is
growing protest among the people, a signal that was a harbinger of the death of the old
a way of life based on the system of feudal-serf despotism, and
gaining momentum of new progressive aspirations for equality, for freedom
human life.

The play by N. A. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" is still the subject of discussions unfolding around the issue of the genre of the work. The fact is that the author's definition of the genre is not correct enough. It would be more logical to classify The Thunderstorm as a tragedy, because Katerina's suicide in The Thunderstorm is the denouement of the work. The tragedy is characterized by the ending, which shows the death of one or more characters; moreover, the conflict itself in "The Thunderstorm" is moving from the everyday sphere to the sphere of eternal values.

In general, the question of what suicide is - a manifestation of strength or weakness - is quite interesting. So, the text shows, relatively speaking, the crime - the death of Katerina. In order to understand who is guilty, as well as to answer the question: "Katerina's suicide is strength or weakness," you need to consider the reasons for Katerina's suicide in the play "The Thunderstorm". In order to perform this or that action, a person must have motives. Katya had several motives. First, there are family problems. Katerina's mother-in-law, Marfa Ignatievna, humiliated, insulted and mocked the young girl at every opportunity. At that time it was not customary to contradict elders, even if their point of view was erroneous. Good upbringing did not allow Katya to offend in return. Marfa Ignatievna knew that Katya had a strong character, so she was afraid that her daughter-in-law would change the resigned Tikhon. Katya's relationship with her husband was strained. The girl was early married to someone whom she could not love. Katerina confesses to Varvara that she feels pity for Tikhon. Tikhon himself is so subordinate to his mother that he cannot protect Katya from Kabanikha's hysterics, despite the fact that he sincerely loves his wife. The man finds salvation and an outlet in a drink.

Second, disappointment in Boris. Katya fell in love with a young man who had arrived from Moscow very quickly. Her feelings were mutual. Most likely, the girl, thanks to the power of her imagination, supplemented the real Boris with features unusual for him, created an ideal image and fell in love with the image, and not the person himself. Katerina believed that with Boris her life would correspond to ideas: to be on a par with her husband, not to lie, to be free. But Boris turned out to be a little different. He came to Kalinov only to ask for money from his uncle Savl Prokofievich. At one of the most important moments in Katya's life, Boris refuses to help. The young man refuses to take Katya with him to Siberia, the answer is very unclear. Boris does not want to take responsibility for his feelings, for the girl Katya. Katya was left alone. She understands that she has nowhere and no one to go to. From this point of view, som. After all, you can find the strength in yourself, come to terms with shame, and so on. But it is important to know one thing.

Thirdly, Katya was worried about the discrepancy between real life and her ideas about this life. The girl was taught to live honestly, according to the laws of Christian morality. In Kalinov, this concept was replaced by the cruel laws of society. Katya sees that hiding behind Christian values, people are doing terrible things. What is happening resembles a vicious circle, a swamp, which sooner or later will crawl into the soul of every resident of the city. It is impossible for Katya to get out of this world, because Kalinov is an exhaustive space. There is no other space. For a long time, the girl feels in a cage, nothing allows her to feel life itself.

Dobrolyubov, when analyzing the image of Katerina, said that for such people "death is better than life with those principles that are repugnant to him." The critic believed that “his strength lies in the integrity and harmony of character. Free air and light, in spite of all the precautions of dying tyranny, burst into Katerina's cell, she is striving for a new life, even if she had to die in this impulse. What is death to her? All the same - she does not consider life and the vegetation that fell to her lot in the Kabanov family. " Katerina's suicide, according to Dobrolyubov, is a manifestation of strength. Her decision was not impulsive. Katya knew very well that she would soon die. She was the kind of people who live in extremes in order to preserve themselves. Katya did not want to leave her soul at the mercy of the tyrants of the dark kingdom, the girl simply could not do otherwise. The girl would not be able to accept and silently endure the antics of Kabanikha, as well as lie, albeit for good. It turns out that life is impossible for her in any sense. One can neither stay nor leave. Katya decides to cross the threshold of the real world in order to find freedom through death.
Interestingly, Dobrolyubov can be considered Katerina's lawyer, but Pisarev, another Russian critic, fully deserves the position of prosecutor. The fact is that in the article "Motives of the Russian Drama" Pisarev is genuinely perplexed: Boris looked - Katya fell in love, "The boar grumbles - Katerina is languishing." The critic regarded Katya's suicide as a senseless act that changed nothing. Instead of alleviating the suffering of herself or others, Katya rushes into the Volga. From this perspective, Katerina appears to be a victim of herself; a weak girl who sees no other way to solve problems.

Critics are largely opposed. Choosing what Katya's death really is is a personal matter for each person. In favor of Pisarev's theory, we can say that the death of the girl really did not change anything. Only Tikhon, who is incapable of a greater protest, says that he is jealous of his dead wife.

In this publication, we tried to explain the reasons and consequences of Katerina's act. This information will help 10 grades write an essay on the topic “Katerina's Suicide in The Storm — Strength or Weakness?”.

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In my opinion, admitting your mistakes is always a very difficult step for any person. After all, all people are arranged in such a way that it is difficult for them to admit that they are wrong. With age, almost each of us learns from our mistakes and begins to analyze our actions. A person who knows how to admit that he is wrong always has a strong character. The weak in spirit will lie to the last, deceive himself, but he will never admit his mistakes. The works I have read convince me of the correctness of this point of view.

As a first argument, I would like to cite Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. One of the main characters of this work is Natasha Rostova. It is known that her image was the most beloved and ideal for the writer.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy described her as a lively, sincere, kind and sensitive nature. It would seem that there is nothing vicious in her image. But even such ideal heroes make mistakes at least once in their lives. So being engaged to Andrei Bolkonsky, but forced to wait a whole year before the wedding with him, she, succumbing to the feelings of a young soul, falls in love with a handsome young Anatoly Kuragin. But after a while it became clear that she was just a toy for him. As a result, Natasha Rostova realizes that she has done the irreparable - she cheated on the person to whom she sincerely confessed her love. But despite the fact that Andrei Bolkonsky said that from now on he did not want to have anything to do with Natalya, for a long time she sought forgiveness from him. This episode can show us that Natasha Rostova can be called a truly strong person who, having made a mistake, was able not only to admit that he was wrong, but also tried to correct what he had done.

Let us also recall the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The main character of this work is Rodion Raskolnikov. He came from a lower social stratum, lived in a small room, he barely had enough money to subsist. Due to a lack of funds, he was forced to quit studying at one of the universities in St. Petersburg. Due to these and some other circumstances, he decides to murder the old woman-usurer. In addition to her, Raskolnikov goes through to kill a woman who was there at an unnecessary moment. After the murder, the hero could not come to his senses for a long time, he felt how his conscience haunted him. For some time Rodion Romanovich did not abandon the thought of confessing to the crime. At some point, he decided to tell the investigator about everything. Such an act cost him enormous efforts, since it was very difficult to step over his own fears and doubts. Thus, we can conclude that the protagonist of this novel, admitting his mistakes, showed how strong a spirit he possesses.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to conclude that if a person knows how to admit his mistakes, then this should always be considered as a manifestation of fortitude. After all, no weak person will ever admit that he was wrong. A strong personality will be able to analyze his actions and start changing his life for the better.

(421 words) Unfortunately, not all people understand the essence of generosity. Some of them believe that this property of the soul is a sign of weakness of character, because, according to their logic, a person should inspire a person with awe, not respect. Their authority is only based on fear. But I don't think so, because generosity is a force that can change the world for the better. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at suitable literary examples.

So, in the story of M. Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil", Danko, by the power of his generosity, saved his fellow tribesmen who wandered in the thickets for a long time and could not find a way out. The tribe was forced to go on a journey to hide from enemies. But people got lost in the forests, where there were swampy soils and impassable haze due to the abundance of tree crowns. There they could not live and get their own food. The heroes were already desperate, but among them there was one man who led everyone behind him. Danko took responsibility for the life of the entire tribe, demanding nothing in return. Tired people showered him with reproaches and complaints, but he continued to walk and believe in success. To convince the people to follow him, he tore the heart out of his chest and illuminated the road to freedom for them. He managed to save his tribe at the cost of his life. I think everyone will agree that this feat is a demonstration of phenomenal strength. Where did Danko get it from? Out of generosity towards people, because his goal was the prosperity of the entire tribe.

In M. Gorky's story "Chelkash" heroes-antipodes are depicted: an experienced thief and a young peasant. Gavrila came to town to work and met a middle-aged man who offered a part-time job. The young man agreed, and at night they went to work. It turns out that it was about smuggling. The young man was very frightened, almost frustrated all plans and agreements. But Chelkash, a hardened executor of illegal requests, forgave the newcomer and decided to split the money as agreed. But the greedy partner was not satisfied with such a division and after humiliating requests he switched to a dastardly attack from the back. He almost killed the thief, but did not regret his actions, as he believed that no one would regret Chelkash, no one needed him. Nevertheless, looking at the revived victim, Gavrila again became very frightened. Then the dangerous and marginal tramp threw all his money on the ground and left, leaving the crying peasant alone. He did not touch him. So which of them has the power? It was the generous and courageous Chelkash, who spared the weak young man who could not resist the temptation of sin.

Thus, generosity is strength, because it is very easy to succumb to anger, cruelty and revenge, but it is incredibly difficult to refrain from them and show humility and virtue. It is generosity that gives people the incentive and the will to do a feat that will save someone's life. It is it that changes the world for the better every day.

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A strong person is not ashamed to admit mistakes. Strong-willed character allows you to step over “I can’t and I don’t want” even in a disadvantageous situation. The weak in spirit will lie to the last, dodge, but will not admit personal blunders. Unfortunately, this is an axiom.

There are many examples in the literature when heroes openly admit mistakes, or, on the contrary, try to hide them with all their might.

The topic of human strength and weakness was well revealed by VM Shukshin in Kalina Krasnaya. Yegor Prokudin turned into a crooked path from his youth, served his sentence for a long time,

but even after his release he did not return home. Yegor knew that he had brought his mother a lot of suffering, so when he saw her many years later, he showed weakness: he did not admit that he was her son. He did not have the courage to obey the most dear person, and this is his big mistake. He realized that he was wrong and suffered from it.

And yet, thanks to a simple Russian woman and a meeting with his old mother, Yegor realized how many mistakes were made in the past. Therefore, when meeting with former criminal friends, Prokudin showed courage and flatly refused to help them, for which he paid with his life ...

Thoroughly subject of recognition

mistakes are revealed by FM Dostoevsky in “Crime and Punishment”. The author described a psychological portrait of a person who had firm convictions in life. The theory invented by Raskolnikov himself about the division of people into worthy and worthless motivated his actions. It is more difficult for him to realize guilt after a perfect murder, but still he confesses to what he had done, which speaks of a strong character.

It is not easy to admit guilt, because it is akin to remorse. You have to show courage to openly declare mistakes, insecurities, problems. But without this step, it is impossible to become better, wiser and move on. You should not be afraid of mistakes, you just need to be aware of them in order to change your life for the better.

A person who boldly admits mistakes is worthy of respect, because this is the right step on the path to correction. You need to have the willpower to admit you are wrong, but repentance will allow you not to lose credibility in the eyes of others. Self-love and pride sometimes make it difficult to admit the obvious. But the one who self-critically admits mistakes and takes responsibility, commits the act of a strong person.

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