Homemade birthday card for a girl. DIY birthday cards: the best step-by-step master classes

We love holidays and love gifts. And we all love postcards - receiving and giving. Postcards are given for many events - birthday or New Year, March 8 or the birth of a child.

You go into a store - there are a lot of postcards, even the text is already printed inside - everything has already been thought out for you and said, but not from the heart.

Gift with love

Only handmade postcards can convey your feelings towards the recipient. Buying a regular cardboard card is easy, but making one yourself means putting a part of yourself into it. After all, when making such a gift, you imagine the person for whom it will be intended.

Remember, we all tried as children, in kindergarten or school, to make holiday cards for our parents - carefully cutting them out, folding them, and gluing them. Then they handed it over. Remember how carefully mom and dad accepted the gift, kept it, and many still keep it with your children's drawings and crafts.

Today, handmade products are becoming more and more popular. Embroidered pillows decorate the home, knitted items are worn with pride. Only the very lazy don’t sew, knit or glue.

Scrapbooking is gaining more and more admirers - photo albums, paper cards, made with love, made in a single copy - become a unique gift for various holiday events.

For anyone who has mastered at least the basics of scrapbooking, there is no question of what to give to a loved one, and these gifts evoke admiration.

The art of giving joy

Creating postcards from paper is called cardmaking. It is based on the use of paper and various additional materials. An experienced scraper will use everything when making a postcard - ribbons, small paper flowers, fabric flowers, cutting - elements cut out of paper, buttons, lace and much more.

There are many techniques for making postcards from paper.

Experienced craftswomen make multi-layered three-dimensional products; the more layers, the more interesting the postcard looks.

The elements are connected to each other with glue and even stitched. The styles in which the craftsmen work also differ - shabby chic, steampunk and others.

It is impossible to create two completely identical postcards.

It is impossible to say that cardmaking is a simple art. Indeed, in the process of creating just one thing, a composition is created, changed, and formed. A scraper must be an artist - know the basics and subtleties of creating an ideal composition, selecting materials, and combining colors.

Sometimes this process of selection and application takes more than one hour, or even a day - the artist is a delicate nature, there is no inspiration, and nothing masterpiece will be created. And sometimes everything seems to come together on its own - and now a handmade card for the birth of a child or for the birthday of a loved one is ready.

Look at a variety of photos of postcards - how rich the imagination of the craftsmen is, creating harmonious compositions from many small scattered details.

We create the gift ourselves

Experienced scrappers use special scrap paper for their work - it is thick and has the property of not fading or fading over time. This ensures that your gift will retain its beauty for a long time.

Scrap paper comes with various designs and is sold in sets or individual sheets.


We will also need:

  • Thick plain paper for the base - watercolor is suitable.
  • A utility knife and a metal ruler (if you get into scrapbooking, you can later purchase a special cutter to cut the paper evenly - scissors are not the best option for this).
  • Scissors for cutting out small parts.
  • Glue - ordinary PVA, stationery - will not work, it warps the paper, and over time it will turn yellow. Take Titan, Moment and the like - scrap goods stores will advise you and others - see what is available to you.
  • Double-sided tape - it can also be used to connect elements of a postcard, and with adhesive tape on a porous basis you can create multi-layer three-dimensional compositions.
  • Decorative elements - flowers, cuttings, ribbons, pieces of lace, elements cut out of scrap paper - butterflies, birds, twigs and others.

Buttons, pendants, buckles and other small objects can be used to create the composition.

Stamps are often used - with their help you can create an interesting background for a future postcard, add certain elements, and make inscriptions.

An interesting technique when creating three-dimensional cards is embossing - a transparent stamp is applied to the base, which is sprinkled with special powder.

The last stage - the powder is dried using a special hairdryer - the result is a three-dimensional image: most often this technique is used when creating the contours of a picture and inscriptions.

Figured hole punchers - they can make an openwork edge, they can be used to make voluminous flowers and cuttings.


In general, there are many professional tools for scrapbooking and cardmaking; it makes sense to purchase some only when making cards for sale. But, having mastered the art, you will not only please your friends with original gifts, but also replenish the family budget.

Select several sheets of scrap paper that match the style and color, apply a background to the base, and decorative elements matched by color on it. The composition must form a cohesive whole so that each element has meaning.

You can use special sketch diagrams; they will tell you how to arrange the elements to create a harmonious composition. Having carefully prepared everything, making sure that every element is thought out, glue it.

If something seems to be missing, add a couple of sparkles along the edges of the flowers, rhinestones, half beads. The main thing is the unity and thoughtfulness of the composition so that the postcard does not look like an appliqué.

There are many tricks on how to make a beautiful card:

  • quilling - curls are twisted from thin strips of paper, then they are given various shapes - these elements are glued to the base, creating a pattern, a design - three-dimensional cards are obtained;
  • iris folding - small strips of paper, ribbon, fabric are folded in a spiral, overlapping each other - an unusual pattern is obtained;
  • shaker card - a multi-layer card with a transparent window, inside which small elements move - foil rhinestones, beads;
  • postcard-tunnel - a three-dimensional postcard with many layers, the cut out elements of each layer create an overall spatial pattern.


The inside of the card can also be decorated with stamps and paper. You can make the inside of the card unusual - when opened, the three-dimensional element expands - a heart or a bouquet of paper flowers will undoubtedly surprise the recipient.

You can't help but like such a paper postcard - it keeps warmth and a piece of your soul. If you want to master the art of cardmaking, attend master classes by experienced craftsmen who will tell you all the intricacies of how to make a beautiful card with your own hands.

Photos of postcards with your own hands

At the end of the 19th century, postcards were called artistic cards. This meant that all the forms had something depicted on them, often people. They called cards and open letters. The first samples were not folded or sealed, you just had to attach stamps and send them by mail.

The first mention of such a transfer dates back to 1777. An entry in the Paris Postal Almanac speaks of congratulations sent over distances in the form of engraved cards. They were invented by a certain Demizon. However, he is not considered the author of the postcard as a phenomenon. Who then created the congratulatory forms? We’ll talk about this, as well as how to make modern versions of postcards, further.

Happy Valentine's Day greeting card

The British Museum houses a valentine dated 1415. It is indicated on the message. The author of the postcard is the Duke of Orleans. He is the author of greeting cards as a phenomenon. True, there was no post office under Charles of Orleans. He sent Valentine's cards by messenger. Make a postcard for the Duke with the impelled conclusion.

After the Battle of Agincourt, the nobleman ended up in the Tower. What depressed Karl was not so much the prison as the separation from his beloved wife. So the man started writing letters to her in verse, and on Valentine’s Day he came up with a special gift.

The Duke wrote to his wife more than once that his heart was given only to her. This symbol of love can be reflected in a congratulatory form. We invite you to watch the video " how to make a birthday card with your own hands Saint Valentine's".

DIY voluminous cards can be called surprise cards. The figure hidden inside surprises and gives the gift a special charm. But, this does not detract from the advantages of the flat versions. We invite you to view a photo selection of both, choosing the option you like.

Happy Birthday Card

DIY postcards allow you to follow the ancient tradition of signing cards. This does not mean personal congratulations, but the autograph of the author. It was placed on greeting cards 30 years ago. Although most of the postcards were mass produced, the design of each series had its own author. His name was marked on the back of the product.

With the beginning of the use of computer office equipment, artists lost orders, and congratulatory cards - autographs. But, you make the postcard yourself and have every right to confirm this with a stroke. The birthday boy will be pleased.

This DIY birthday card It is universal, suitable for both men and women. If it’s a girl’s holiday, you can make the model in pink, choose prints with hearts, . By the way, impressions can be imitated manually without special equipment. In general, don't be afraid to fantasize. You can find inspiration in the following photo selection:

DIY Happy Birthday Cards can be addressed to a woman, or a man, or a girl. Congratulation cards for February 23rd are intended exclusively for gentlemen. The date is not accidental. On this day in 1918, the Red Army defeated the Austro-German detachments near Psovsk and Narva.

The army of the new Soviet state was just beginning to take shape. What they were able to gain became a point of reference in the history of the military forces of the country of the Soviets. At first, February 23 was called the day of the Red Army, then, the day of the Soviet army and navy. After the collapse of the USSR, they focused on the date.

Some defend the point of view that only military personnel should be congratulated, given the history of the holiday. But most people perceive February 23rd simply as the day of all men. Therefore, they prefer universal postcards.

For example, forms in the form of stylized uniforms or jackets are suitable for all gentlemen. Let's learn how to make these DIY paper cards.

So, the master class has been mastered. All you have to do is make sure you make the right choice. Below are variously designed cards for February 23rd. Perhaps some of them will outshine the impression of the uniform uniform and inspire you to be creative. Each of the presented works can become DIY card for dad, beloved, or grandfather.

It is interesting that the holiday of femininity, like the postcards associated with it, has a socialist history. Socialists were activists who annually gathered international conferences and defended the right of women to a salary equal to a man’s and an 8-hour working day. There were also demonstrations.

The first took place in the USA in 1857. The women were dispersed by dousing them with icy, dirty water. This only brought the speakers together. They began to organize demonstrations annually, setting a fixed date - March 8th.

In Russia, however, demonstrations took place on February 23rd. They began in 1913, when the Julian calendar had not yet been abolished. After its cancellation, they began to celebrate in a new style, like the whole world, on March 8th.

No matter how militant the ladies are, no matter what political views they adhere to, they remain women. And all women, as you know, love. Therefore, most postcards for the celebration are decorated with buds. So let's figure it out how to make a postcard with your own hands for International Women's Day.

Beautiful DIY cards by March 8, in addition to flowers, they may also contain other female ones. Pretty hearts, beads, lace, and bows wouldn’t hurt. How to combine them with greeting cards? We invite you to stock up on ideas from the pictures presented below. There are samples from the headings “ DIY card for mom", "beloved wife", "grandmother".

Among the greeting cards for March 8th, many are also suitable as postcards on mother's day With your own hands a gift to the one who gave life is pleasant both to make and to give. By the way, Mothers' Day is celebrated not in the spring, but in the fall - on the last Sunday of November.

The importance of peace and the role of wars in the history of states is evidenced by the first ever artistic postcard released into circulation. The decor of the form was not flowers, not a landscape, but an artilleryman with a cannon. The postal card was issued in 1870. There were 70 years left before the start of the Great Patriotic War.

More has passed since the end of the war. But Russians continue to remember and honor the heroes of the battle against the Nazis. One way to show respect to veterans is through gift giving. DIY card for 9 May. How to make it? Instructions in the video below.

This is not the only option DIY postcards. Victory expressed through red carnations, images of military equipment, triangle letters, marching people, melodies of the war years, eternal. The symbol of the holiday is an artillery salute. All this can be reflected in DIY May postcard.

DIY postcard to a veteran may become history, like the May 9th holiday itself. Already now, some museums display greeting cards from the post-war years, dating from the 40s and 50s. These postcards are over half a century old. They, like letters from the front, reflect the morals of the era and the aspirations of the Soviet people.

Happy New Year greeting card

You can find it on the Internet postcard templates.With your own hands All that remains is to cut out the printed details of the composition and put them together. If you want to make drawings and patterns yourself, a master class will help. We offer a lesson by Miroslava Kostrikina. She will show you how to make a three-dimensional card with a snowman, a house dusted with snow and a green spruce tree nearby.

The photo selection also includes DIY baby cards, and options for adult masters. Samples can be made in large format, or in miniature, similar to business cards. By the way, business cards are considered the ancestors of greeting forms. This is the Chinese version of the origin of postcards. The culture of business cards has been developed in the Celestial Empire since ancient times.

Local etiquette obliges you to leave your card at the door of the house if you don’t find the person you wanted to congratulate. Not everyone wanted to leave a standard business card. Some Chinese began to draw on and paste additional elements onto their forms.Someone began to change the size of executive cards. This is how postcards appeared. As you can see, each country has its own view of their origin.

They say that it is no longer customary to give cards. This is complete nonsense, because it’s always nice to receive handmade congratulations, especially if they are from loved ones.

When it comes to a child, through a hand-made picture he will be able not only to express his feelings, but also to show the presence of certain talents and character traits. And give such a card to your girlfriend for her birthday.

In this article I will give not only ready-made templates for creativity, but also ideas that you can implement. All options are not complicated, but will require high-quality materials and a huge amount of accuracy.

You want to please these close women in a special way on their holiday, so you need to choose the right colors. Delicate shades and smooth lines immediately come to mind.

Some ideas can be taken from the article about.

For example, ideas with images of dresses are very interesting.

Let's make this decor with our own hands.

We will need an openwork napkin for cupcakes or sweets and glue.

You can create a beautiful design by doing a good job with a utility knife.

For example, this idea.

Take thick two-color cardboard, the kind sold in scrapbooking or craft stores.

A drawing is drawn with a pencil; you can take it from anything on the Internet, for example, a cake or candles. Then, using the sharp tip of a stationery knife, it is carefully squeezed out along the lines.

The main thing is to place a board under the cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table.

You can leave it this way, but it is better to glue a rectangular sheet as a backing for the inscription.

Another idea where some elements are cut out. The inscription and plant elements can be repeated with a black helium pen.

Check out another idea with an asymmetrical front edge. Here, by the way, some elements can also be cut through.

Another master class on how to make a three-dimensional postcard inside.

For carved edges, you can use special scissors that give a cut in the shape of a curly line. By the way, my daughter and I have already purchased such an office. The child was slightly shocked that scissors could cut more than just straight.

Ideas for congratulating a man (dad or grandfather)

For men, congratulations are needed with a universal design. And it’s even better if there is a special minimalism in decoration.

You can only use a sheet of paper and multi-colored braid, as in this option.

Notice the interesting edges of the leaf. And for the inscription you can use transparent tracing paper. You might have seen this kind of paper in boxes of candy.

Or another very laconic design that is very suitable for a men's holiday.

Here is a diagram for such a composition, you can even print out the template and make an inscription on it.

Look how bright and festive the design looks, but there’s nothing special about it. Just colorful dots placed in a chaotic order.

The scrapbooking technique allows you to create three-dimensional products. Different textures and shades are used for decoration.

Or you can work really hard and make a greeting with origami elements. The entire detailed master class is described.

I also liked the laconic idea with geometry. For example, using strips. It turns out strictly, but very elegant.

Stripes can not only be drawn or pasted from paper. But take a closer look at dark tape or braid for this purpose.

Making cards from paper and cardboard in kindergarten with children

Children often make appliqués using paper and cardboard. This is the most affordable material and can be used to make different shapes and figures.

There is an excellent master class for children in the middle group. Keep in mind that at this age they may not be able to cut pieces straight on their own, so be prepared to help.

We will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • A sheet of white, green and yellow paper
  • Scissors

We need to make stripes 1 centimeter wide on the daisies.

We glue the edges and get a drop.

Cut out circles with a diameter of 3 centimeters from yellow paper. And glue our droplets to the middle.

This is what happens.

Now you need to cut out the stems from green paper. We form flowers.

The junction of the stems can be decorated with a bow.

Another step-by-step instruction for creating a design with daisies.

We draw with paints or a felt-tip pen the place for the inscription.

Cut out 4 daisies and paint over their core. We also prepare in advance three strips of green paper, 0.5 centimeters wide.

We form the arrangement of the stems and glue the strips.

Glue a piece of double-sided tape to the underside of the daisies and trim the stems to make them shorter.

Glue flowers to the stems. We make an inscription and a bow.

The edges of the postcard can be shaded or covered with colored paper. You can not touch them at all and leave them as is.

How to make a card with flowers for a woman's birthday

It is customary for women to be given not only bouquets of fresh flowers, but also postcards with their images.

I suggest making such a cute applique.

You will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • 2 sheets of thick double-sided pink paper
  • two color ribbons
  • white textured sheet
  • ruler

So first you need to cut out the vase.

I have provided a template for the colors to be cut out.

You need to bend the petals using a ruler, like this.

You can use this template.

Look how tender such a simple congratulation looks. Even a schoolchild can repeat this idea. Moreover, roses can be replaced with another form of flowers or even hearts or circles can be depicted in their place.

An option for those who do quilling. Or a great opportunity to start practicing this technique. There are many detailed instructions on this topic on the Internet.

This decoration turns out to be very self-sufficient; you don’t even need to add an inscription.

For needlewomen who use felt or sewing in their creativity, I offer this idea.

It is better to glue the parts using hot glue.

I think that you can easily implement all the options shown, the main thing is to approach it with soul.

Ideas for simple congratulations on


Balloons are one of the most important attributes of the holidays. And on your birthday they must be present, even if only on a postcard.

Check out a selection of interesting ideas. Perhaps they will inspire you for a creative evening.

An idea with grooved balls arranged in a precise geometric grid.

Such circles can be cut from packaging cardboard if you remove the top layer and get to the stiffeners.

Better yet, give a whole armful of multi-colored balloons so that the birthday boy can fly away to his swords on them.

A more complex design idea.

Unusual color of balls. They are cut out from background images.

Glue the decor onto bulky double-sided tape. Then you get a 3D variation.

Another simple idea.

Notice how nicely simple small translucent buttons fit into this design.

You can download any font for an inscription and install it in the simplest graphics editor, even Paint on your computer.

Write a congratulation in it and translate it by attaching the paper to the monitor. And now you have a template ready.

The background can be taken not only white, but also black. In general, give preference to contrasting, calm options.

I think that absolutely any needlewoman can use balls in her composition.

Simple gift ideas for your sister or friend

Girls make cards much more often than boys. Therefore, there are many more feminine ideas.

For your friend, you can make a figured congratulation in the form of a crown.

You can use any template for it.

Also cut out animal shapes.

Prepare letters for congratulations from different textures and make an inscription from them.

Just stick on a lot of hearts.

Give the gift of a button rainbow! I liked this idea more than all the others. Incredibly simple, but tasteful.

Another idea is to use a bouquet of hearts. By the way, to make this option more interesting. Machine stitch with white thread along the center line of each heart.

Also stylish and laconic design using a contrasting backing and many circles.

Such even circles can be obtained by using a hole punch.

My dears, I have analyzed those options that you yourself can repeat at home and with the simplest materials at hand. I will be happy if you add this article to your bookmarks.

Useful tips


A voluminous postcard made by yourself is a nice gift for a loved one or friend. There are postcards for all occasions, so you can choose for any holiday the right handmade gift.

On our website you will also find:

  • DIY postcards for March 8

Make a three-dimensional postcard with your own hands. Eight-bit heart.

This original three-dimensional postcard is quite simple to make, despite the fact that its design seems intricate.

It is ideal for a loved one (girlfriend, mother, grandmother) and the occasion can be any: birthday, March 8 or Valentine's Day.

You will need:

Cardboard or thick paper

Stationery or wallpaper knife

1. First you need to print the card template found in . Just in case there are 2 copies.

* You can try to draw a heart layout yourself using a pencil and a ruler, it’s not difficult.

2. Using a utility knife, make vertical cuts on your template.

3. Now you need to carefully fold the card without creasing the parts. First make the folds, which are indicated by yellow lines in the picture. Next, begin to carefully fold the card.

*The rest of the card should fold on its own. Don't forget to smoothly stroke the card with your fist so that all the elements work smoothly.

* For convenience, you can temporarily attach the postcard to the table using tape.

4. Decorating a voluminous card. You can cover the edges of the card with paper of a different color.

Now almost everything is ready, all that remains is to add warm words.

DIY voluminous postcard. Heart.

Despite its simplicity, this card will look beautiful if you do it right. Anyone can make a Valentine card like this.

You will need:

White thick paper

Red paper


1. You will need a postcard template (or you can draw one yourself - look at the picture for how to do this).

2. Cut out a card from white paper.

3. Fold the red paper into an accordion shape. Next you need to cut it out.

4. P Glue the resulting hearts to the card.

Ready! All that remains is to decorate to taste and sign.

Do-it-yourself voluminous postcards. Scheme. Rainbow.

This card is very easy to make even for a child.

You will need:

White thick paper


Markers, pencils or paints

1. fold the paper in half

2. draw a rainbow as shown in the picture

3. make cuts along the top and bottom of the rainbow

4. Unfold the paper and color the rainbow

* You can add whatever you want to the card, decorate it to your liking using stickers, glitter, etc.

5. Now you need to carefully bend the rainbow out of the paper (see picture)

6. To hide the hole from the cut out rainbow, glue more paper to the back of the card.

When opened, the rainbow should peek out, decorating the world you have imagined in your card.

How to make a three-dimensional postcard. Volcano of hearts.

This card consists of two halves that are glued together.

You will need:

Colored paper

Thick paper


* You can try to draw hearts yourself, but you need to know certain rules - they are listed below.

1. Remove the large heart from the middle (it's right on the fold).

2. Cut out the hearts, leaving only their folds intact (see picture).

3. Make cuts on the hearts shown in the picture (gray lines on opposite hearts), this way you can fasten them.

* The card will close better if you cut the paper at the center fold and glue them separately to the base (the base is thick red paper that serves as the background for the card).

4. Glue the halves to the base and connect the hearts in which you made the cuts.


*The sizes of the hearts on both sides are the same.

*The blue line in the diagram shows that the distance from the fold in the middle to the cut is the same, and the red lines indicate the same distance between the hearts close to the middle of the card.

Volumetric paper cards. Eight-bit weirdos.

This card is ideal for both teenagers and adults.

You will need:

Stationery knife

Ruler (preferably metal)

Postcard size approximately 8.5cm x 6.5cm

1. Download the weirdo or skull template and print it out. You can try to draw them yourself.

Volumetric postcard templates

2. Make cuts in the indicated places (see the picture - where the red lines are to make cuts, where the green lines are to make folds).

3. As you begin to fold the card, your little monster will begin to “hatch” out of the paper. Take your time, do everything carefully.

* If the mold does not come out automatically, try helping yourself with a toothpick or something similar.

4. Glue the card to separate paper, which will hide the holes and serve as a base for the card.

*You can put your postcard in an envelope.

Master class - voluminous postcard "Jolly Crab"

There are different techniques for making three-dimensional cards and this “funny crab” is made using one of the simplest.

You will create volume by gluing the main elements of the card onto bulk tape.

You will need:

Thick paper

Colored paper

Patterned paper

Black beads or felt-tip pen (for eyes)

Bulk tape (or foam)

PVA glue.

* You can replace bulk tape with a piece of foam plastic. To do this, you need to cut out small cubes from foam. The side of one cube should be several millimeters.

* Use glue to glue the foam pieces first to the card elements and then to the card itself.

1. First, you need to download and print this template. You can also draw the same crab or other cute creature yourself.

Cut out all the main parts of the crab from colored and patterned paper.

2. Prepare thick paper.

Fold it in half to make the base for the card.

Glue patterned paper for the background onto this base using PVA glue.

Glue yellow wavy paper onto patterned paper to represent sand.

Using bulk tape or foam, glue the details of the starfish and jellyfish to the “sand.”

You can decorate the sea friends of the crab with beads.

3. After you have cut out the crab parts from plain and patterned paper, you need to glue it.

Glue the legs of your paper crab to the card base.

Glue the crab's eyes to its body (or you can draw them yourself).

Connect the remaining parts using the same bulk tape or polystyrene foam.

4. Draw a mouth and write any wish.

How to make voluminous cards. Chick.

This card can be prepared for Easter or a birthday, or maybe there is another occasion.

You will need:

Wrapping paper

Thick paper

Stationery knife

Colored paper



1. First we make two blanks for our postcard. The dimensions of one are 15 cm by 12 cm, and the second is 15 cm by 15 cm. It is on the second base that you will attach the parts. Bend 3 centimeters from the bottom edge of the base (see picture).

2. Step back 3 cm from the left edge and the same amount from the right and draw strips, the width of which is 1 cm and the length of 3 cm. Cut the lines with a stationery knife. It is necessary to make three such strips, since we have three parts.

3. You need to bend the strips forward, and you will get a kind of stand for the postcard parts.

4. Glue the main part of the card to the inner one, as shown in the picture.

*You can decorate the card using wrapping paper. You can paste it over the base.

5. We cut out eggs from thick paper and decorate them. You can use circles cut out of colored paper or made with a stapler, or stickers, glitter.

7. Glue the eggs onto the stands and glue the remaining parts.

*You can decorate your card with feathers and/or glitter.

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In stores today you can find New Year's cards for every taste. But the editors website believes that homemade ones are much warmer. After all, when we make something for someone with our own hands, we put our love into it.

Below we have collected ideas for beautiful, original and, most importantly, “quick” New Year’s cards, the creation of which does not require any rare materials - beautiful paper, cardboard, and colorful ribbons and buttons lying around the house.

Volumetric Christmas trees

Volumetric Christmas trees made of white and colored paper are so simple to make that you can make them at the last moment. Read more on the Bog&ide blog.

Making 3D Christmas trees even faster. All you need is a ruler, sharp scissors and cardboard. This blog shows you how to cut them.


We really liked this penguin, well thought out. You will need black and white cardstock (or white paper), an orange paper triangle, and 2 miniature snowflakes, which we all know how to cut out. The eyes are, of course, the highlight of the postcard, and you will have to look for them at a hobby store (or tear them off from an unnecessary children's toy, with the consent of the children, of course).


This cute and simple card requires 2 sheets of cardstock, a ruler, scissors and glue. And also pieces of wrapping paper that you have left over from gift wrapping, ribbon and ribbon. The manufacturing principle is very simple, but for those who want more details, we recommend taking a look at this blog.

Santa Claus

A friendly Father Frost (or Santa Claus) can be made in just half an hour. The red hat and pink face are strips of paper pasted onto a card or gift bag. The fur of the hat and the beard are obtained like this: you need to take drawing paper and simply tear off strips of the desired shape to get uneven edges. Place on the card over the red and pink stripes. And then draw two squiggles - a mouth and a nose - and two dots - eyes.

Simple drawings

An irresistible idea in its elegance is to draw Christmas balls with patterns using a black gel pen. The main thing here is to draw the correct circles and mark the lines for the patterns. Everything else won't be difficult - stripes and squiggles that you draw when you're bored.

The same principle that underlies the postcard with black and white balloons. Simple silhouettes, painted with simple patterns, this time in color - best done with felt-tip pens. Warm and very cute.

Many, many different Christmas trees

This is where patterned paper or cardboard left over from children's crafts or wrapping paper for gifts will come in handy. The Christmas trees are sewn in the center - this is not at all necessary, you can glue them on. But if you really want to, you first need to make holes with a thick needle along a ruler, and then sew with thread in 2 rows - up and down, so that there are no gaps left. Draw a snowball with white gouache.

A laconic and stylish idea is a grove of Christmas trees, one of which is glued to foam double-sided tape (and therefore rises above the rest) and decorated with a star.

This card requires 4 or 3 layers of cardboard (you can do without the red one). You can use paper rather than cardboard as a color layer. In the top, white one, cut out a Christmas tree (a stationery knife will do this well) and glue it with double-sided tape for volume.

A round dance of Christmas trees made from various leftover cardboard, scrapbooking paper, and wrapping paper, tied with a simple ribbon and decorated with a button. Try playing with colors and textures - here you can find an incredible number of options using different colored ribbons, paper and even fabric.

Wonderful watercolor so in the spirit of New Year and Christmas! A simple watercolor sketch can be done by anyone, even those who last painted in school. First, you need to outline the patterns with a pencil, color them, and when dry, carefully erase the pencil sketches and complete the patterns with a felt-tip pen.

Winter landscape

For this postcard, it is better to use structured cardboard, but you can get by with regular, smooth cardboard - it will still turn out impressive. Using sharp scissors, cut out the snowy landscape and moon and paste it onto a black or dark blue background.

Another, white-green, option for a winter landscape that will take a little more time. If you find velvety cardboard (remember, back in school they made crafts out of this), it will be great; if not, you can simply color the Christmas trees with a felt-tip pen. Snow - polystyrene foam disassembled into peas. You can also use a hole punch to make circles out of cardboard and glue them to the card.

Hugging snowman

Snowmen peering inquisitively into the starry sky will look better if you can find a bright ribbon for a scarf.

For that postcard on the left, You need unpainted cardboard, white drawing paper and foam tape to glue the snowman with. Drifts are made simply: you need to tear off the drawing paper so that you get a ragged wavy edge. Fill it in with a blue pencil and blend it with anything, even with your finger or a piece of paper. Also tint the edges of the snowman for volume. For the second You will need buttons, a piece of fabric, eyes, glue and colored markers.

You will want to keep this card for a long time. All you need are circles made of cardboard, a nose and twigs made of colored paper. All this must be assembled using double-sided bulk tape. Draw eyes and buttons with black paint, and a snowball with white gouache or watercolor.


Balls are one of the main symbols of the New Year and Christmas. These are made from velvety colored paper and ribbon. But balls are such a win-win option that you can allow yourself to fantasize: make balls from patterned paper, wrapping paper, fabric, lace, cut out from a newspaper or a glossy magazine. And you can simply draw the strings.

Another option is to stick paper with a pattern on the inside of the card, and cut out circles on the outside with a sharp stationery knife.

Volumetric balls

For each of these balls you will need 3-4 identical circles of different colors. Fold each one in half and glue the halves to each other, and the two outer halves to the paper. Another option is colored stars or Christmas trees.

Multi-colored balls

Wonderful translucent balls are obtained using a regular eraser on a pencil. It’s worth starting with a pencil to outline the outline of the ball. Then dip the eraser into the paint and leave marks on the paper. Fun and beautiful.

Cards with buttons

Bright buttons will add volume to the cards, and will also evoke subtle associations with childhood.

The main thing is to find buttons of interesting colors, but the rest is up to you - to “hang” them on the Christmas tree, on a branch with cute owls, or on newspaper clouds.