Birthday gift box with sweets. Snowman made of jam and sweets

Hello, dear guests of my blog. We continue the holiday theme, and today I will tell you how to make a gift from sweets with your own hands for various events.

It's no secret that chocolate in small quantities is one of the sources of joy in our body and is the most favorite treat for children. And souvenirs are something that both adults and children love. Today we will combine this into a single whole and prepare delicious souvenirs. We will need certain skills and simple supplies.

How to make a gift from sweets with your own hands: surprising men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity always radiate confidence and steadfastness, but they, like children, rejoice at even insignificant souvenirs. And their bright presentation evokes genuine delight.

Here are some ideas for such gifts that can be brought to life (there will also be photos).

A pineapple

This is a symbol of the greatness and uniqueness of a creative person. By making such a souvenir, you are not just making a gift, but giving him a talisman. It helps brilliant ideas emerge and bring their plans to life. The manufacturing process is simple. You will need:

  • A bottle of champagne;
  • Round candies in gold wrapper;
  • Green wrapping paper;
  • Yellow sisal (these fabrics can be found in floral);
  • Tourniquet;
  • Glue gun.

I offer you a step-by-step photo of the creative process. All candies will need to be glued with pieces of double-sided tape on one side (or use a glue gun later).

Cut out several layers of pineapple tops from wrapping paper.

Now it's time to wrap the bottle in sisal.

Glue candies to the bottle in rows.

Glue the leaves at the top with double-sided tape and glue them in rows to the top of the bottle.

Master classes in video format

Photos and text descriptions are, of course, good, but video mk is much more convenient.


Such a surprise will delight any man, no matter whether he is related to hunting (military affairs) or not. Guys love war games. And having fun with toy machines or sticks instead is their childhood. In addition, it is in a man’s genes that he is a hunter and breadwinner, which means that such a gift would be appropriate.


Such a sweet surprise is suitable for a man - a husband. And that's why. Even in Ancient Egypt, the anchor was considered a symbol of the universe.

If you look closely at this figure, you will see that it consists of three elements. This is a mast, a boat and a snake. The mast symbolizes the masculine principle, the boat – the feminine. And both of these elements are entwined with the snake of life, which is the sacrament of marriage. Later, the anchor began to be considered simply a sign of a calm family life.

By preparing such a surprise for your husband, you will emphasize your reverent attitude towards the union of your hearts. This video will help you create this masterpiece:

Tank: how to beautifully arrange a surprise for February 23

Incredibly, this toy captivates male representatives, even if the boy is well over thirty. The game "World of Tanks" has taken over the world. And your man will be happy to eat the sweet dance. By the way, this idea can be used as a surprise on February 23rd. How to beautifully decorate this gift is shown in detail in the video:

Candy steering wheel

If the person for whom you are preparing a souvenir is a car enthusiast, then the gift, as they say, “is worth a dozen.” If you don’t have a car yet, don’t worry, because in any case, he’s a cool guy who steers through life. I offer you a video of this master class:

Glass of tea and sweets

This craft is suitable for both beer lovers and kvass fans. And the result of your work is essentially perfect for tea drinking. After all, it consists of tea and sweets. So, to create a glass you will need:

  • A tin of tea (black or green, it doesn’t matter);
  • Candies “Hazel” (“Enchantress” or “Konafetto”);
  • Two round Lindt Lindor-type candies;
  • Angel threads (for beer foam);
  • Glue gun.

First you need to bend the edges of the “Hazel”. Using hot glue, attach them to the jar in two rows (vertically). Attach a handle to the resulting base of the glass. To do this, we glue round candies, and on them 2 “Hazels”. The glass is ready. We decorate the top with threads - we create the illusion of foam. You can attach the finished product to an improvised tray.

Ideas for sweet candy surprises for women

Our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, teachers, fitness trainers, managers - everyone, without exception, loves it when they remember their birthdays and professional holidays.

I offer you the top 5 original projects made from sweets:

Sweet Christmas tree

We certainly associate this evergreen tree with the New Year, with the Christmas holidays, with home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth. The chocolate-wafer tree will be an original souvenir for any representative of the fair sex on frosty days.

Simple instructions for creating a winter beauty are presented in the photo.

Rowan sprig

The ancient Slavs considered rowan a sacred tree. Houses were decorated with its branches and fruits, because... They believed that they were able to protect the house and the person from any harm. In addition, she is a symbol of peace and happiness in the family. Rowan branches are used to create amulets.

And rowan as a souvenir will bring sweet joy. To create it, you need confectionery in a red wrapper, wire, green tape, an artificial leaf and a little time. You need to create elements as shown in the photo:

Bouquet of candy roses

This surprise is perfect for both a teacher on a professional holiday and a manager on a birthday. Living roses, of course, will delight women, but they will not surprise them. A gift made with your own hands is original and creative, and therefore will leave a mark on your memory for a long time. You can use corrugated paper of the same color as shown in the video, or you can choose one to suit your taste. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied with the result.


This gift is perfect for Valentine's Day or any day for your girlfriend. What else can you add? All love and stormy emotions are combined in this symbol. A sweet heart will melt the ice in the eyes of your loved one. You can create it like this:


How can a lady live without this stylish accessory? A bag is needed for going out, for shopping, for a harmonious look with new shoes. I offer you a video of making a handbag, which probably has not yet been in the arsenal of the girl you are going to surprise:

Sweet ideas for boys

The fact that the candy is a tasty surprise is understandable. Here are a few ideas that will please not only the stomach, but also the eyes.


This gift is especially popular among teenagers. In fact, this is a gift, a postcard, and a wall newspaper at the same time. In order to create it you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Glue;
  • Colored markers;
  • Various confectionery products.

It is better to create a poster on a large table or on the floor. Think over a sketch of the work in advance. Imagine what it will look like on a poster. Write the text first on a draft so as not to make mistakes later.

On whatman paper you write your congratulations and wishes, replacing some words with glued edible elements. Handwriting does not have to be calligraphic. It will be even more fun if it is similar to the Comic Sans font. One condition is that the letters must be large so that they can be seen at a distance of at least 2 meters.

And one more piece of advice from experienced people: buy sweets in at least two copies. Because someone, no, no, will eat candy while working.


Well, what boy doesn’t dream of owning a car, becoming a racer and being a speedway star? And even if his favorite character is McQueen from the cartoon “Cars,” this does not change the essence. You can make a boy happy with a candy machine. This is a surprise, chocolate and a toy (almost like the motto of Kinder Surprise). A visual aid on how to bring this idea to life in this video:


Even if the boy is not a fan of weightlifting, he will like the sports souvenir. And perhaps it will push you to think about playing sports. After all, sport is movement, and movement is life. You will need cardboard, a foil tube, double-sided tape, satin ribbon, sheets of paper and round candies.
A step-by-step master class from this video will help you create a beautiful and tasty barbell:

Crafts for girls

It is much easier to please a child than an adult, the main thing is desire. And on the Internet there are a dime a dozen interesting projects.

As a surprise you can create:

Doll made of corrugated paper and candies

This gift will combine everything a girl likes: a doll, a beautiful outfit, flowers and a treat. As a rule, dolls of the Barbie type from the Small classification are used. Their height ranges from 20 to 39 cm.

But you can make a souvenir with a doll with a height of 40-49 cm MSD (Mini super Dollfie) or SD (Super Dollfie) with a height of 50-69 cm. In this case, the consumables will need to be increased accordingly.

And the master class presented in this video will help you create this beauty:

This is a joyful and long-awaited present. You can be sure that it will bring a lot of pleasure to both the little girl and the teenager. Although it’s hard to bend one’s heart – even for an adult.

This gift is reminiscent of the essence of a chocolate egg - there's a surprise waiting inside.

To create a cake you will need:

  • Cardboard and paper;
  • Chocolates and eggs;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Glue gun;
  • Bows, rhinestones;
  • Lace.

The stages of work are as follows:

  1. From cardboard we cut out 2 circles corresponding to the diameter of the future cake - this will be the base and the lid.
  2. Inside this one circle we draw a smaller circle - we will glue the side of the cake to it.
  3. From thick A4 paper, cut out a rectangle with a height equal to the desired height of the cake.
  4. On one of the long sides we cut out small triangles, approximately 1 cm - this will make it more convenient to attach the side.
  5. Glue it to the cardboard base with the triangles facing down.
  6. We attach kinder chocolates to the board.
  7. We wrap the chocolates with a festive satin ribbon.
  8. Decorate the cardboard cover. You can glue lace, rhinestone bows and Kinder surprise eggs to it.

The cake is basically ready. It remains to figure out what the “filling” will be. Inside the resulting box you can put more chocolates, a soft toy, and anything else that can fit in it.

You can use the cake box for any event: March 8, birthday, New Year, Valentine's Day, etc. After all, she looks solemn.

Once again about materials for design and some nuances

Creating homemade surprises is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As you can see, even the materials for their production are used at hand: cardboard from shoe boxes, leftover foam from a new purchase, tape, sheets of paper that are already on our worksheet, toothpicks. And even decor: lace, bows, ribbons can be found on already unnecessary clothes.

You may need to purchase a glue gun and corrugated paper, although alternatives can be found for them.

And if you go to stores that sell handmade products, you can find anything there, down to the smallest details.

  1. If you want to make a surprise with your own hands, but you are new to this business, start making a souvenir in advance.
  2. Choose an idea. Watch master classes and step-by-step instructions.
  3. Purchase and prepare everything you need for work. The manufacturing process may take longer than you think. This is especially true for small design nuances: bending the edges of confectionery products, attaching wire, etc. It takes time to get the hang of it and adapt.

This is where I end. I know that you will succeed. Make your loved ones happy and make yourself happy. Don't forget to leave your comments and share your little tricks. If you liked the article, don’t be greedy and recommend it to your friends on social media. network to read it. See you later!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Sometimes even the most attentive and loving man may face the problem of lack of time or opportunity to please the woman he loves by buying a real holiday gift. But even in this case, you shouldn’t offend your other half by the lack of a present - it’s better to give a sweet gift to the girl, wrapping everything in a joke and for a moment returning her to a carefree childhood. It's sweet, romantic and very touching!

Romantic sweet gifts

Sweets are an essential attribute of romance. After all, they are the ones that cause the release of endorphins and serotonin, which are responsible for a good mood and a feeling of happiness. Romantic gestures, in the form of original sweet gifts, are the best way to please a girl and demonstrate your tender attitude towards her.

  • Bouquet of sweets and fruits. A very creative gift, the popularity of which is rapidly gaining momentum. Instead of a standard bouquet of flowers, please your girl with a romantic arrangement of sweets and exotic fruits. But keep in mind that the edible “ingredients” can spoil in just a few days, so warn the girl that the period of “admiration” is strictly limited.
  • Sweet calendar. A calendar can very well become a touching reminder of your love - but not a simple one, but with sweet “attachments”. Special windows for candies and sweets should be located exactly under important dates for your couple - the date of the first acquaintance, kiss, meeting your parents, wedding, etc. This is a special thing that will let the girl know how much you value your relationship and remember memorable events.
  • Chocolate with a personalized cover. Even a simple chocolate bar can be given a romantic twist if you order a special cover for it - with cute prints, a portrait of the recipient or photos of you together. It's inexpensive, but looks very impressive!
  • Box with flowers and macaroons. An interesting idea that 100% of modern girls like is a gift box, where beautiful flowers are located in one compartment, and favorite sweets (multi-colored macaroons, cupcakes or souvenir chocolate) in the other. Arrange delivery of the box by courier to your home or office and absolute delight is guaranteed.
  • Chocolate figurine. To create this unusual gift, we recommend using the service of a professional chocolatier who can create a figurine based on a photograph of a girl. The choice of “material” depends on the preferences of your loved one - it can be bitter, milk or white chocolate, combined with savory additives and flavorings.

There are certain situations when a sweet gift is inappropriate - individual intolerance to certain confectionery products, allergies, diabetes or diet. In the latter case, the girl may simply be offended.

Cool sweet gifts

Absolutely everyone, without exception, likes cool gifts with elements of humor and creativity. If you organize a non-standard and effective presentation, the sweet presentation will be remembered not only for its taste, but also for your ability to think originally, without outdated templates.

  • "Tasty ambulance." Bright and festive cans of candy with the inscription “Tasty Ambulance” can be found in any souvenir shop and in many specialized confectionery shops. Essentially, these are bright candies, marmalades, and dragees, which are beautifully packaged in jars and provided with “indications for use.” You can even make them yourself and come up with your own witty names: “For stress”, “Activator of female charm”, “For a dazzling smile”, etc.
  • Poster with sweets. Another option for a cool sweet present is a poster with confessions and compliments, generously flavored with chocolates, marmalade, candy bars and other goodies. Treats can be securely attached to whatman paper using glue or regular double-sided tape.
  • Souvenir figured chocolate. Here the scope for imagination is simply limitless. In specialized confectionery shops and chocolate boutiques, in a couple of days you will have absolutely any figure cast from the sweet base: from flowers and hearts to erotic souvenirs.
  • Kinder surprise basket. Any girl will be indescribably delighted if you give her a whole basket filled with Kinder surprises! A delicacy beloved by many, even if only for a moment, will take your other half to a carefree childhood. Tip: Toys can be used to make cute keychains.

As an alternative to a sweet gift, you can organize an interesting quest for a girl, where her favorite delicacies will be given as rewards for solving puzzles.

Inexpensive sweet gifts

If finances sing romances, and you really want to do something nice for a girl on a special occasion, or without it, sweet gifts again help out! They are inexpensive, but they allow you to once again demonstrate your tender attitude and special attention.

  • Fortune cookies. Minimum costs - maximum positive emotions. You can even make these cookies yourself - you don’t have to be a great cook, and you only need a few ingredients. Inside each portion, place a package with a positive prediction, compliment or declaration of love and put the finished result in a holiday box.
  • Basket with lollipops. A delicacy familiar from childhood may well become an original and inexpensive gift for a girl. It only takes two teaspoons of sugar to make 1 lollipop, which means just 1 kilogram will make a whole basket of funny cockerels, fish and bunnies. Tie each copy with a bright ribbon and feel free to give it to your loved one!
  • Chocolate card. One of the variations on the theme of chocolate can be a figured card decorated with nuts, coconut shavings, candied fruits and even dried flowers. You can order a personal engraving or text with warm wishes on the postcard.

Inexpensive does not mean bad or low quality! Try to use your culinary skills - the ingredients for the same cookies are quite affordable.

DIY sweet gifts

The catchphrase that the best gift is the one made with your own hands can be safely applied to the creation of sweet gifts. Yes, you will have to spend your time and tinker with the stove, but the result is definitely worth it! The girl will be pleased with your desire to surprise her, and even if your gift is far from perfect, you will win.

  • Personalized cake. A classic version of a sweet gift is a personalized cake. The filling, shape and design can be anything - most importantly, do not experiment with savory or non-standard fillings. If your talent as a designer is far from perfect, we recommend ordering a ready-made decoration made of mastic or jelly, with funny prints or even a photo of the hero of the occasion.
  • Chocolate vase. Do you want to really surprise a girl? Give her a chocolate vase! It’s very simple to make: inflate a balloon and pour melted chocolate onto its top, carefully straightening the “drips” and forming them into a kind of vase. Leave in the refrigerator for several hours, then pierce the ball with a needle. The resulting design will be a beautiful decoration for the holiday table and is suitable for storing berries and sweets.
  • Fondue with pieces of fruit and chocolate. The best thing you can give a girl is a romantic dinner with an unusual dessert that you made with your own hands. A fondue treat using pieces of fruit, berries and chocolate is very light, does not overload the stomach and gives the evening a completely charming atmosphere.

Use the power of the Internet - there are a huge number of master classes and videos with step-by-step recipes for dessert and other sweet gifts on the Internet.

TOP 10 sweet gifts

  1. Chocolate card
  2. Poster with sweets
  3. Box with flowers and chocolates
  4. Bouquet of fruits
  5. A dozen Kinder eggs
  6. 3D chocolate figurine
  7. Fortune Cookies
  8. Sweet pills "Ambulance"
  9. Edible erotic lingerie

A sweet gift for a girl is rightfully included in the ranking of the most pleasant and desirable gifts. And if you play it correctly and present it effectively, it will successfully replace even the most expensive gift. Remember that sweets serve as an excellent catalyst for the release of happiness hormones, which means they are ideal as a gift for your loved one.

Most people believe that only children like sweets. But this is not true at all! Many adults are crazy about chocolate, dragees or toffee. Such people will be pleased to receive a tasty gift, especially if it is made with their own hands. How and from what to make such an original gift?

Candy figures

Chocolate, caramel, toffee - candies are considered the most versatile material for making gifts. After all, even if they don’t have a candy wrapper, you can make it yourself from paper with the desired design and receive a gift of a certain color.

What can you make from sweets, what shape can you give to a sweet present? Often there are “candy” cars, ships, fruits, fairy-tale characters and just bouquets. They are usually made on a hard base, with candies glued onto it.

One of the most difficult, but at the same time the most original crafts is a house. It is appropriate to give it or as an additional gift. But such a surprise is also suitable for other holidays. How to “build” a candy house?

  1. First, you need to stock up on rectangular and square-shaped sweets in candy wrappers. It's good if they are dense enough.
  2. You definitely need to think about what will be the basis of the house - a cardboard box or several bars of chocolate. In any case, you should end up with a cube, which will be decorated with candies.
  3. It is best to paste over the “walls” so that it looks like brickwork. Square candies will be used as the “foundation”, and the roof should be made sloping and goodies glued to it one under the other - so it will look like a tiled roof.
  4. You can complement the structure with a door and a bench made of a chocolate bar, a pipe made of candy, etc.

In general, not only a house is made from square sweets. This material is suitable for any crafts with corners: cars, locomotives, airplanes, tanks, turrets, etc. And if you need to make something round, then you will need round candies, but with a flat bottom to make it easier to glue them.


A cake made from different sweets looks impressive. You can “build” 2, 3 and even 4 tiers. It depends on the amount of starting material. The base, of course, should be made of cardboard, rather than sticking the sweets on it using a glue gun.

  1. In order not to have to worry about dragees, marmalades, caramels and other small items, for the very bottom layer you can take boxes of juice, rectangular packages of cookies or biscuits. They are glued and tied with a ribbon for reliability and beauty.
  2. The gap between the edge of the lower tier and the base of the second needs to be filled with something. Here you should rely only on your imagination and the combination of colors of the wrappers. Chocolate eggs, multi-colored dragees (since they are without wrappers, they are glued to sugar syrup), and even small chewing gum are suitable.
  3. The base of the second tier is best made from thin chocolates or small bars. They are lighter than juice or cookies, so there is no need to tie them with ribbon.
  4. If a third tier is planned, then it can be made, for example, from lollipops. They are stuck into foam or floral sponge, glued to the cardboard base of the cake and decorated at your discretion.

If you don’t want to use cardboard as a frame, then you can take something solid, such as glass jars of puree (for kids) or muesli bars (for adults with a sweet tooth).

How to decorate such a cake? As for edible decor, you should pay attention to multi-colored chewing marmalade, airy Raffaello candies in transparent packaging, small meringues, candied fruits, glazed nuts, etc. Ribbons, candles, paper flowers, tinsel, colored foil, etc. can also be used as decorations. beads and so on.

Original sets

Sets of sweets, unlike cakes and figurines, are easier to make. But this does not make them any less cute and original. They are often given just like that, without any special reason, with an emphasis on showing attention. What is required for such kits?

  • capacity;
  • sweets;
  • decor;
  • paper.

Goodies can be the same type or completely different. This will affect how the gift will end up looking.

Multi-colored dragees or marmalades will look good in a small transparent jar, and large chocolate bars and candies in a drawer.

The most elegant set, of course, will be the sweets in the basket. You can put not individual candies in it, but packages with different goodies, “dilute” them with a can of good coffee or a bottle of wine. A cardboard box is suitable for presenting cookies, macaroons, muffins, handmade chocolate that cannot be turned over, as well as any fragile product.

You will need paper to wrap sweets or write small notes with wishes. Notes not only decorate such homemade sets, but also serve as postcards.

There is another option for a sweet gift - this is a panel. It is made from cardboard or even a piece of plywood by gluing goodies to the surface. Next to each chocolate bar, candy or chewing gum, a wish is written, somehow linking it with the name of the sweet.

In general, making gifts for those with a sweet tooth with your own hands is not so difficult. But to make them look beautiful, you need to do them slowly, preferably according to a pre-drawn layout. And then they will turn out no worse than designer work!

Candy as a gift for a festive mood is the most successful surprise in which you can’t go wrong, because every person enjoys small candy wrappers that reveal their sense of taste. The expectation of that same taste from melted chocolate on the tongue is sometimes unbearable, and if you also give candy in an original way with a special approach, then the holiday is set in no time.

The solemn mood and spirit of celebration is not only a beautiful elegant table, but also good gifts made with all the heart. And if they are tasty and tailored to the individuality of each hero of the occasion, then the mood of the recipient of the surprise will be better.

Sometimes even sets of chocolates as a gift can be presented in an interesting and unusual way, which will affect the recipient’s emotions.

It would seem like an ordinary package of store-bought sweets, but this set consists of handmade goodies. Here, each candy is made using an interesting filling that is not repeated in other types. One may be nutty, the other with fruit filling.

It is important for your loved one to present unusual sweets that will be hidden inside the cookies. On the outside they look like balls, but inside lies the milky taste of melting chocolate. By the way, some of them have fudges and popsicles. Top with sesame and nuts.

This is how you can present an ordinary box of chocolates, wrapping each of them in an immodest wrapper. An intimate gift store sells such goodies and would be a great gift to give to your significant other or spouse.

Read also:

Let it be a game - whoever eats the candy and guesses the filling does everything shown in the picture.

A set of holiday candies is suitable as a gift for the New Year, March 8, or for a children's party. The shape and filling of the candies are interesting, each one is unique and decorated with a designer pattern.

Read also:

It’s easy to make such a basket with your own hands, and its price will be lower in finished form than ordering it from a master who specializes in origami or making such masterpieces. All you need is a little imagination, sweets and a good mood to complete the present.

Baskets of candy gifts can consist of simple candies, flowers with candy canes, and even paper designs that hide goodies inside. Baskets can be given as gifts to colleagues or boss, friends and relatives for almost any occasion. Such a gift is appropriate as an addition to a postcard or the main gift.

No matter how delicious the candies are, the external image is also important - beautiful ribbons, interesting packaging or edible boxes. The following are some presentation design options that will serve as an excellent addition to even simple sweets.

Decorating a candy gift

And it doesn’t matter what’s inside – don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. The main feature of such short-lived surprises is that they are pleasant to receive and open.

How to give a gift of locally produced sweets that are inexpensive and have no surprises in terms of filling? They make a beautiful globe, especially when the candy wrappers play in the light. You can still come up with many such ideas with other sweets.

If your choice fell on jelly candies with or without filling, then you can decorate the gift with something unusual. Let it be a grocery basket taken from a children's play set, a crib from a doll that the child has not played with for a long time, or something unusual. Any original container will do.

An edible original box of chocolates as a gift to accompany the goodies will complement the present itself with joyful emotions. Gingerbread cookies can be made in 30 minutes, glued in 2 minutes, and will bring endless hours of joy and admiration.

If you like to make candy at home, don’t forget about decoration and decoration. So we see that unnecessary skins from oranges and tangerines are suitable as a container for sweets, as well as for adding an unusual aroma.

In such tasks, the main thing is to know how to fold the package correctly. The sketch can be found on the Internet, and the video in this article will suggest alternative packaging options. Each set can be decorated with ribbons, fabric or decor from the field of designer items for origami and scrapbooking.

But here is the pressing problem: how to decorate candies as a gift if they are small in size and light in filling? A flower mold and glue will come to the rescue, with which we will place the caramels on the workpiece.

Of course, you want to present expensive sweets in factory packaging, but when you prepare them at home, you want to come up with something extraordinary and beautiful. And the next master class will just help in resolving such issues.

Use the photo sketch to make candy wrappers.

Attach the cut piece to the paper to form a wrapper.

Straighten the cut out piece and place it in the center of the candy.

Bring the sides of the paper together on top of the candy and tie with a ribbon.

Tip: You can use different edge shapes, from rounded lines to sharp corners on the ends of the paper.

How to present candy?

The packaging and beauty of the chocolates on the outside, as well as the wonderful and incomparable taste inside, will not be able to show the completeness of the present, even if the most expensive and luxurious boxes of chocolates are presented just like that - right from the doorstep into your hands in a cardboard box. Yes, and roses in countless quantities will not be able to complement the sincerity of your intentions, nor will they create a romantic hint of surprise.

And with this donation option, any candy will be perceived as something individual. It is immediately obvious that the donor tried to surprise. How to give candy if there is no packaging? That's right, use mastic, make a bag and fill it.

A jack of all trades or just a mechanic can make a similar package from wood. But the point is not in it, but in the gift - the recipient of the gift will think that a book has been prepared for him, and when he opens it, he will receive an incomparable surprise that will cause a smile and joy in his eyes.

A photographer will appreciate such a gift, as will any creative person. Nowadays you can make almost any pattern and design from sweets, the main thing is to choose sweets of the correct suitable shape. And then it’s a matter of practice.

Gifting candy to children can be fun and playful with the help of a toy. If the sweets run out, the toy will last for several years in memory of the donor. Also, some stores sell ready-made chests and toys for filling them with sweets, since boxes with an assortment of sweets are no longer fashionable - the expiration date is unknown, and children are not particularly happy with them.

Why is it important to present gifts beautifully? Yes, because any delicacy should leave memories. And the color of the packaging is not important, like containers for sweets. The glass jar will then be used to store tea, coffee, sugar or other healthy products.

You can surprise teenagers and children with these bracelets, who will first wear the jewelry, bite off a piece a day, and then figure out how to renew the gift. Interest and fun for the brain are the main things a child needs these days.

Here's how to beautifully give sweets to your beloved woman, mother or sister. It will be too individual for your boss or colleague - it’s not a fact that someone will be able to surprise her as well, and other employees will expect the same from you.

“Their” women will still try to replace the candies with something else in order to leave such a craft for decoration in one of the rooms.

This color of candy is ideal for building a pineapple plantation. They can be used to decorate a bottle of champagne or wine. You can complement the design with the help of inedible leaves, or you can make them from parsley and dill (for a humorous snack). Other types of candies and fillings will work.

In the same way, you can make a wrapper for each candy yourself, then beautifully arrange everything in a gift bouquet:

Cut strips from corrugated paper for future snowdrops.

Make a twist in the middle of each strip so that later the candy does not fall out of the paper.

Bend the strip where it is twisted.

We wrap each candy in transparent paper (you can use cling film), then attach it to a skewer.

We decorate each resulting snowdrop with tape under the base.

Let's put the candies aside so that the petals don't get wrinkled.

We cut out “greenery” from organza for each flower.

We pierce a hole in the middle of the material with a skewer and insert a flower there.

We install polystyrene foam or oasis into the basket; you can also use polyurethane foam. We place flowers with candies in it.

Decorate the basket to your taste - use:
  • Beads and seed beads;
  • Natural branches for the handle;
  • Nets and cling films;
  • Decorative paper and corrugated material;
  • Paints and colored paper products;
  • Ribbons for gift wrapping.

From all this you can make an unforgettable present, and your wishes and congratulations in words can complement it.

Tip: Instead of a basket, you can use a jar or vase, which is easy to make yourself. Don't forget about the color scheme; The theme of the holiday depends on this. Here's how to give sweets in an original way and make the surprise unusual and mysterious.

This is how you can give candy as a gift for any occasion. If on the eve of a wedding anniversary, a friend’s anniversary, or any national or international holiday, decor will help to distinguish the same gift from each other - ribbons and the tonality of the design will create an atmosphere that one can only dream of, because that’s what inconspicuous decorations were invented for to create brighter and more original surprises.

Useful tips

Children and adults are always pleased to receive gifts and treats for the New Year.

Or you can combine gifts with treats and make something with your own hands original, beautiful, and at the same time delicious.

Such gifts can be given to anyone. Without a doubt, the one who receives a sweet gift will be delighted and receive charge of good mood for the future.

When creating sweet gifts with your own hands, you you can involve children so that they also make small delicious gifts for family and friends.

Sweet New Year's gifts. Cocoa in a New Year's toy.

You will need:

Transparent plastic or glass ball (Christmas tree decoration)

Confectionery topping

Chocolate chips (preferably white)


1. Prepare transparent Christmas balls. Remove the top part with the Christmas tree loop from the balls, wash them and dry them.

2. Prepare all the ingredients and start pouring them one by one into each ball (first cocoa, then confectionery sprinkles, chocolate chips and crushed marshmallows).

3. Put the fastener back on.

4. Now you can give such a gift to friends or relatives so that they can hang it on the Christmas tree, and anyone can remove the Christmas tree decoration, remove the mount and pour the entire contents into a cup, adding only warm milk or hot water.

Sweet New Year's gift for children. Candy sleigh.

Making such a sled is very simple - you just need to collect the necessary ingredients. You can make several sleighs and give them to children who definitely won’t refuse sweets.

You will need:

Sweets (sweets, chocolates, lollipops in the shape of a staff)

Glue (preferably a glue gun)

Satin ribbon

When constructing the sleigh, add a drop of glue to each package of candy and chocolate to keep everything in place.

Assemble the sleigh according to the pyramid principle: large sweets from the bottom and then in descending order (see picture).

Wrap a ribbon around the gift, tie a bow and you're done!

Sweet gift for children. Ice cream set.

You will need:

Packaging for sweet gifts (regular or gift box)

Confectionery topping (several types)

Chocolate syrup

Waffle cones


Small glass jar

Small piece of fabric

1. Divide the confectionery topping into several plastic bags (according to the type of topping).

2. Place the chocolate syrup in a glass jar, cover it with a lid, then wrap it in a small piece of cloth and tie it nicely with a ribbon.

3. If necessary, wrap the gift box in pretty wrapping paper.

4. Place all ingredients neatly in a gift box.

5. Close the box and wrap it with tape. Tie a bow.

*If desired, you can attach a greeting card to the ribbon.

Sweet gifts for the new year. Sweet rainbow.

You will need:

Glass jar

Chocolate medals


1. Place a few gold-wrapped chocolate medals at the bottom of the jar.

2. Prepare the dragees and divide the candies by color.

3. Start carefully pouring the dragees into the jar by color - first one color, then another, etc. You can start with cool shades (blue, green, purple, brown) and move on to warm ones (orange, yellow, red).

4. Place small pieces of marshmallows on top of the last word (try to pour the marshmallows all the way in and apply a little pressure before closing the lid so that the dragees lie tightly in the jar and do not mix).

5. You can tie a ribbon and add a greeting card.

Sweet New Year gifts for children. Snowman.

Try to find three small jars and put different sweets in them, then close the lid and stack the three jars on top of each other.

* Using acrylic paint or gouache, draw eyes, nose and buttons.

* You can make a hat or cone out of paper or fabric.

* Wrap a piece of red fabric around the top jar - this will be a scarf.

Your snowman is ready!

Sweet gifts made from candies. Marmalade candies on a skewer.

The most interesting thing about this sweet gift option is that you can put gummy candies on a skewer on a specific theme, such as animals or fruits.

You will need:

Marmalade candies

Decorations (bright thread, ribbon, paper figurine to match the theme of the composition)

Transparent bags


Hole puncher, if desired

1. Thread the gummy candies onto a skewer. Use about half of the entire skewer so that you can slide the bag onto it and secure it.

* The topmost candy should not be put on the skewer all the way. The point should not peek out, otherwise it may perforate the bag.