Acquaintance with the fiction of Nosov “Thirty grains. Evgeny Nosov Doll (collection) Nosov thirty grains read in full

The composition “Who am I? Why am I?"

What should a real person be? People have been trying to find an answer to this question for a long time. Modern people, just like the ancients, sacredly believe that sooner or later they will have to answer to God for all their bad deeds. Therefore, all people need to live so as to remain always human. This is perhaps the most difficult thing for each of us - to remain human throughout our lives. So everyone thinks: who am I? Why am I? What am I? Why do I live? Books play a very important role in a person's life. They help us understand ourselves, understand each other, teach us to reflect and analyze. There are a lot of us people, we are all different. Therefore, it is difficult for us to understand each other. But all together we are humanity, which means we must live according to the laws and rules, bear responsibility for the world in which we live. Each of us should always evaluate the consequences of our actions.

The famous writer Yevgeny Ivanovich Nosov also reflects on the fact that man is responsible for the world. E. Nosov was born in 1925. When he was 16 years old, he survived the Nazi occupation. In 1943 he went to the front, joining the artillery troops, becoming a gunner. He took part in Operation Bagration, in the battles at the Rogachevsky bridgehead beyond the Dnieper, and fought in Poland. In one of the battles near Königsberg on February 8, 1945, he was seriously wounded. On May 9, 1945, he met at a hospital in Serpukhov. After the war he finished high school and left for Kazakhstan. He worked as an artist, decorator, literary collaborator. He started writing prose. For his work he was awarded the highest award - the Golden Star of the Hero of Socialist Labor, many orders and medals. Having survived a terrible war, E. Nosov forever realized the value of life and the responsibility of each person for all life on earth. In his stories, he reflects on the great role of man in the world, on his responsibility for the world.

In E. Nosov's story "Thirty Grains" a dialogue takes place between a man and a bird. This is not just a conversation, it is a dialogue of souls. There is a high degree of trust between the bird and the person. This trust did not arise immediately, but gradually (anxiously - did not dare - timidly - anxiously). To a little chilled titmouse, the room in which the person is located seems to be a whole world filled with light and warmth, where there is greenery and sun. And man is the master, the master of this world. He can light the sun, plant greenery. It was he who put her grains. But owning the world is not so easy. This is a huge responsibility. A person explains to a titmouse that a person must work, without work a person cannot in any way. This is such a duty of every person. All people have to do something. In this way they help each other. And to the titmouse's question: who are you? the answer sounds: I am a man. Books taught him how to be a man: how to grow flowers, light the sun, why you need to pour seeds for a bird. And also do not pull the thread and close the window.

Titmouse asks:

How do you help people?

I want to write a book. Such a book, so that everyone who reads it would put thirty hemp seeds on his window ...

What is E. Nosov thinking about when he says these words? The writer tells all of us about the responsibility that each of us bears for the world in which he lives. Responsibility to oneself, to society, to humanity.

The whole world is in our hands. And his fate depends on each of us. This must not be forgotten. This must always be remembered in order to bear the proud title - MAN!

Composition by a student of grade 5 Kozlov Roman

Supervisor: teacher of the Russian language of literature

Fedorshina Nadezhda Ivanovna

It snowed all night, covering the branches. They bent down from the weight of the wet snow, and the frost that struck made the snow hard and frozen. He was holding on to the branches as tightly as cotton candy.

The writer, sitting at the window, saw a titmouse flying to a tree to feast on. But she could not find food for herself on a frozen branch. The snow was very hard. Taking pity on the bird, the man opened the window and put a ruler between the frames, securing it with buttons. For each centimeter of the ruler, he put one hemp seed, it turned out exactly thirty of them. The first seed was on the edge of the ruler on the street. The last one, number thirty, was in the room.

The bird watched the man and seemed to understand everything, but did not dare to take the first grain.
Finally, the titmouse flew up to the window and grabbed the hemp. Carrying it to a tree, she broke the shell with her beak to pull out the nucleolus.

After waiting a little, the titmouse again flew up to the window and took the second seed.

Sitting in his room, the man looked at the bird, which flew up and took the seeds one by one, getting closer and closer to the room where anything could wait for it. The titmouse seemed to ask permission to eat another seed.

When the last seed remained, it turned out that it was at the end of the line, in the room. The bird was scared, but nevertheless it crept into the house. Surprisingly, in the middle of winter she was surrounded by warmth and green plants of an unknown world.

The man explained to the bird who he really is, why the room is warm and there is no snow, what books are. That it is thanks to books that people can learn everything: grow plants, light an electric lamp instead of the sun, and even pour grain for birds. The writer explained to the bird who he is, and that he could have slammed the window, but he would never do that, because he is a Man.

Allowing the titmouse to eat the last hemp seed, the writer asked her to fly in every day and help him work. The man said that he wants to help people and write a book, after reading which everyone would want to leave thirty grains on their window. But the bird no longer listened to him, she enthusiastically devoured the last grain.

This story teaches people to love and respect books, because they have everything in order to be a real Human.

Picture or drawing Thirty grains

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At night, snow fell on the wet trees, bent the branches with its loose damp weight, and then it was seized by the frost, and the snow now held firmly on the branches, like candied cotton wool.

A titmouse flew in, tried to pick it open. But the snow was hard, and she looked anxiously around, as if asking: "How can we be now?"

I opened the window, put a ruler on both crossbars of the double frames, secured it with buttons and placed the hemp seeds every centimeter. The first seed was in the garden, seed number thirty in my room.

The titmouse saw everything, but for a long time did not dare to fly to the window. Finally, she grabbed the first hemp and carried it to the branch. Pecking at the hard shell, she plucked out the kernel.

Everything turned out well. Then the titmouse, seizing the moment, picked up seed number two ...

I sat at the table, worked and glanced at the titmouse from time to time. And she, still shy and anxiously looking into the depth of the window, centimeter by centimeter approached along the ruler on which her fate was measured.

Can I peck another grain? The one and only?

And the titmouse, frightened by the noise of its own wings, flew away with the hemp onto the tree.

Well, please, one more thing. Okay?

Finally the last grain remained. It lay at the very tip of the ruler. The seed seemed so far away, and it was so scary to follow it!

Titmouse, squatting and guarding its wings, crept to the very end of the line and ended up in my room. With fearful curiosity she gazed into the unknown world. She was especially struck by the fresh green flowers and the very summer warmth that swept her chilled legs.

Do you live here?

Why is there no snow here?

Instead of answering, I turned the switch. An electric light flashed brightly from the ceiling.

Where did you get the piece of the sun? And what's that?

It? Books.

What are books?

They taught how to light this sun, plant these flowers and those trees that you jump on, and much more. And they also taught you to pour hemp seeds for you.

It is very good. You're not scary at all. Who are you?

I am human.

What is Man?

It was very difficult to explain this to the silly little titmouse.

Do you see the thread? She is tied to the window ...

The titmouse looked around in fright.

Do not be afraid. I will not do this. This is what we call - Man.

Can I eat this last grain?

Oh sure! I want you to come to me every day. You will visit me and I will work. This helps the Human to work well. Agree?

Agree. What does it mean to work?

You see, this is such a duty of every person. You can't live without it. All people have to do something. In this way they help each other.

How do you help people?

I want to write a book. Such a book, so that everyone who reads it would put thirty hemp seeds on their window ...

But it seems that the titmouse does not listen to me at all. Grasping the seed with her paws, she slowly pecks it at the tip of the ruler.

Thirty grains main characters
Page of the anime "Spice and Wolf (first season)" (Ookami to Koushinryou) - 12 episodes, which. Evgeniya Nosova Thirty Seeds. Main characters, Main idea I give 13 points. Latest posts jgawpd. You searched for: eugene nosov thirty grains composition DOWNLOAD also found in the archives: SERVER Female images in M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" The protagonist of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". 15 Jan 2016. A plant seed storage facility has been built in the Arctic. ... Errors of the head of Nikolayevshchina215. Partners news. Opponents of building on Heroes of the Dnieper force broke through into the KSCA - special correspondent Opponents. Evgeniya Nosova Thirty Seeds. Main characters, Main idea I give 13 points. Such a book, so that everyone who reads it would put thirty hemp seeds on their window ... I think the main problem is the difference between animals and humans. Main tabs. thirty hemp seeds each. E. Nosov. Emotional immersion in the lesson. In the work "30 grains", with which I came to your lesson today and which I love very much, there is a simple and at the same time difficult question - Who are you? A public grain storage barn. The main characters in the picture are actors, the rest of the characters are ordinary residents of the village of Nizhnie Yuri. home page content is the next tale. Thirty grains. At night, snow fell on the wet trees, bent the branches with its loose damp weight, and then it was seized by the frost, and the snow now held firmly on the branches, like candied cotton wool. You are here: Home → Presentations → Literary reading → Literary reading - 4th grade. Lesson-presentation on reading grade 4 Thirty grains (Noses). We will keep the commandments of God and men and everything will become even better. This is taught by the hero of the story, who. Home. THIRTY GRAINS. At night, snow fell on wet trees, bent the branches with its loose damp weight, and then frost grabbed it, and the snow now held firmly on the branches Born: 1861 Alexey Kaledin - Russian general, hero of the First World War, participant. 17 Dec 2014. Certificates are issued only for the supply of grain to Turkey. On Monday, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Nikolai Fedorov promised that V. All events and activities of the city of Vologda in the most complete poster How do you assess the options now offered? Do they correspond to the character of the main character of A. Green's story? A discussion of written works opens the next lesson based on the story of E. Nosov Thirty grains. 28 Apr 2008. Pithos for storing grain and other products (from Knossos) 45. Chapter IV. ... Chapter V. Homeric (prepolis) period. .. about the voyage of Greek heroes led by Jason on the ship Argo to distant shores. 25 Sep 2016. Election results, new production, grain export. Russia 1 .. Good luck and bad luck, as well as the main characters and antiheroes of this week. July 20, 2016. RF becomes the leader in the grain market - Bloomberg. So, France, which is one of the main exporters of wheat,. Opponents of building on Heroes of the Dnieper force broke into the Kyiv City State Administration - special correspondent. 17 Dec 2014. Certificates are issued only for the supply of grain to Turkey. On Monday, the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Nikolai Fedorov promised that V.