Ostrovsky, "Dowry": analysis and characterization of heroes. Characteristics of the main characters of the work Dowry, Ostrovsky

A.N. Ostrovsky created an amazing gallery of the characters of the Russian person. The main characters were the representatives of the merchant class - from "domostroyevsky" tyrants to real businessmen. The playwright's images of women were no less vivid and expressive. Some of them resembled the heroines of I.S. Turgenev: they were just as brave and determined, had warm hearts and never gave up their feelings. Below is an analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", where the main character is a bright personality, different from the people who surrounded her.

History of creation

An analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" should begin with the history of its writing. In the 1870s, Alexander Nikolaevich was an honorary judge in one district. Participation in litigation and acquaintance with various cases gave him a new opportunity to search for topics for his works.

Researchers of his life and work suggest that the plot for this play was taken from his judicial practice. It was a case that made a lot of noise in the district - the murder of a local resident of his young wife. Ostrovsky began writing the play in 1874, but work progressed slowly. And only in 1878 the play was completed.

Characters and their brief description

The next point in the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is a small description of the characters in the play.

Larisa Ogudalova is the main character. A beautiful and impressionable noblewoman. Despite her sensitive nature, she is a proud girl. Its main drawback is poverty. Therefore, the mother tries to find a rich groom for her. Larisa is in love with Paratov, but he leaves her. Then, out of despair, she decides to marry Karandyshev.

Sergei Paratov is a nobleman over 30 years old. Unprincipled, cold and calculating person. Everything is measured by money. He is going to marry a rich girl, but does not tell Larisa about it.

Yuliy Kapitonich Karandyshev is a petty official with little money. Vanity, his main goal is to win the respect of others and impress them. Larisa is jealous of Paratov.

Vasily Vozhevatov is a young rich merchant. Familiar with the main character since childhood. A sly person without any moral principles.

Mokiy Parmenych Knurov is an elderly merchant, the richest man in the city. He likes young Ogudalova, but he is a married man. Therefore, Knurov wants her to become his kept woman. Selfish, only his own interests are important to him.

Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova - Larisa's mother, a widow. Sly, she tries to marry her daughter profitably so that they do not need anything. Therefore, he believes that any means are suitable for this.

Robinson is an actor, mediocrity, drunkard. Friend of Paratov.

One of the points of the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" is a short description of the plot of the play. The action takes place in the Volga town of Bryakhimov. In the first act, the reader learns from the conversation between Knurov and Vozhevatov that Sergei Paratov is returning to the city - a rich gentleman who loves to appear effectively in society.

He left Bryakhimov so hastily that he did not say goodbye to Larisa Ogudalova, who was in love with him. She was desperate about his departure. Knurov and Vozhevatov say that she is beautiful, intelligent and perfectly performs romances. Only her suitors shun, because she is a dowry.

Realizing this, her mother constantly keeps the doors of the house open, in the hope that a rich groom will woo Larisa. The girl decides to marry a petty official, Yuri Kapitonych Karandyshev. During the walk, the merchants inform them of the arrival of Paratov. Karandyshev invites them to a dinner party in honor of his bride. Yuliy Kapitonich makes a scandal for the bride over Paratov.

Meanwhile, Paratov himself, in a conversation with the merchants, says that he is going to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines. And Larisa is no longer interested in him, but the news of her marriage makes him think.

Larisa is quarreling with her fiancé because she wants to go to the village with him as soon as possible. Karandyshev, despite his financial constraints, is going to give a dinner party. Ogudalova has an explanation with Paratov. He accuses her of treason and asks if she loves him. The girl agrees.

Paratov decided to humiliate Larisa's fiancé in front of the guests. He gets him drunk at dinner, and then persuades the girl to go with him on a boat trip. After spending the night with her, he informs her that he has a bride. The girl realizes that she is disgraced. She agrees to become the kept woman of Knurov, who won her in a dispute with Vozhevatov. But Yuri Karandyshev shot Larisa out of jealousy. The girl thanks him and says that she is not offended by anyone.

The image of Larisa Ogudalova

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", one should also consider the image of the main character. Larisa appeared before the reader as a beautiful, educated noblewoman, but without a dowry. And, finding herself in a society where the main criterion is money, she was faced with the fact that no one takes her feelings seriously.

With an ardent soul and a warm heart, she falls in love with the treacherous Paratov. But because of his feelings, he cannot see his real character. Larisa feels lonely - no one even tries to understand her, everyone uses her as a thing. But despite her subtle nature, the girl has a proud disposition. And just like all heroes, she is afraid of poverty. Therefore, she feels even more contempt for her fiancé.

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry", it should be noted that Larisa does not have great fortitude. She does not decide to commit suicide or start living the way she wants. She accepts the fact that she is a thing and refuses to fight further. Therefore, the shot of the groom brought her peace, the girl was glad that all her suffering was over, and she found peace.

The image of Yuri Karandyshev

In the analysis of the play "Dowry" by Ostrovsky, one can also consider the image of the heroine's groom. Julius Kapitonich is shown to the reader as a small person who is important to earn the recognition of others. For him, a thing has value if rich people have it.

This is a proud person who lives for show and causes only contempt from others because of his pathetic attempts to be like them. Karandyshev, most likely, did not like Larisa: he understood that all men would envy him, because she was the dream of many. And he hoped to get the public recognition he desired after their marriage. Therefore, Julius Kapitonich could not come to terms with the fact that she left him.

Comparison with Katerina

Comparative analysis of "The Thunderstorms" and "Dowry" by Ostrovsky helps to find not only similarities, but also differences between the works. Both heroines are bright personalities, and their chosen ones are weak and weak-willed people. Katerina and Larisa have warm hearts and fall in love with men who correspond to their imaginary ideal.

Both heroines feel lonely in society, and the internal conflict is heating up more and more. And here the differences appear. Larissa did not have the inner strength that Katerina had. Kabanova could not come to terms with life in a society where tyranny and despotism reigned. She threw herself into the Volga. Larisa, realizing that for everyone she is a thing, cannot decide to take such a step. And the girl does not even think about the struggle - she just decides to live now like everyone else. Perhaps that is why the viewer immediately liked the heroine Katerina Kabanova.

Stage performances

In the analysis of Ostrovsky's drama "The Dowry", it can be noted that, contrary to expectations, the performances failed. The viewer found a boring story about a provincial girl who was deceived by a fan. Critics also did not like the acting: it was too melodramatic for them. And only in 1896 the play was staged again. And even then the audience was able to accept and appreciate it.

An analysis of Ostrovsky's "Dowry" allows us to show what a serious psychological implication the play has. How the characters' characters are thought out in detail. And, despite the sentimental scenes, the play belongs to the genre of realism. And her characters joined the gallery of Russian characters, masterfully described by A.N. Ostrovsky.

Sergei Sergeevich Paratov is one of the central characters in A. N. Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry". A bright, strong, wealthy, self-confident man, Sergei Paratov has always and everywhere been the center of attention. This thirty-year-old gentleman, a wealthy ship owner, possessing a spectacular appearance, could already conquer women's hearts by his appearance and tight wallet. But he also possessed other undoubted advantages that so attracted Larisa Ogudalova.

The first appearance of Paratov betrays him as a man who watches his appearance, realizing that he is "greeted by his clothes." He behaves decorously, nobly, with dignity, however, without arrogance. Sergei Sergeevich can afford to talk on equal terms with the servant or the owner of the coffee shop, generously pay people of the lower class for the services rendered to him.

Paratov is a joker and a merry fellow, loves to spend time in a carefree company, with wine and gypsies. In general, he loves to live beautifully, sparing no money for this. The external brilliance of his personality blinded the modest girl Larissa, tired of the dullness and squalor of her half-beggarly existence, carefully, but less and less successfully hidden from prying eyes. Falling in love and inexperience prevented Larissa from seeing the dangerous predator behind the outer brilliance, hiding its nature for the time being. Only belief in a miracle made her hope that this dazzling gentleman would marry her, a gray mouse, because of great and ardent love. Where could this girl know that all, without exception, people for Paratov are just toys or means to achieve his goals. And his main goal is wealth at any cost.

Sergei Sergeevich values ​​personal freedom, but only his own personality. He understands that only money can give this freedom. And he strives for them with all his heart, using any means. By his own admission, Paratov is ready to sell everything that will bring him a profit, without feeling the slightest feeling of pity. There is no doubt that he will sell not only everything, but everyone. Larissa, who loved him dearly, was no exception to this rule, the only one of all people who knew Paratov, who was unaware of this side of his nature. Throwing herself on the eve of her own wedding with Karandyshev into the arms of Paratov, the girl does not know that her love only flatters the master's vanity, flatters his vanity. Paratov cold-bloodedly destroys her, pushing the kept woman onto the slippery slope. He did not even think of marrying her, being engaged to a wealthy heiress of the gold mines, which saved him from bankruptcy.

Thus, the real, albeit indirect, culprit for the death of Larisa is Paratov, a ruthless, cynical predator who plays with other people's fates, like a cat with a mouse.

Sample 2

Who read the play by A.N. Ostrovsky? "Dowry" know the main character: a rich man, handsome and a favorite of women Paratov. That's really what men like. Charming, rich, knows how to win love, and even domineering.

Any provincial girl will consider it an honor just the fact that he glanced in her direction, and if she also invited her to spend the evening or drive down the street, then there is no longer any fantasy. Paratov is not only liked by the weaker sex, but also by men. Although not so much like it, how much they are afraid of him. Everything was bought from him, nature did not offend him by force and arrogance. Therefore, Sergei Sergeevich is not afraid of anyone and finishes everything that only his heart desires. It doesn't matter what happens, people are humiliated, hearts are broken. He doesn't care. The main thing is he and his desires.

The ability to stay in society, a full wallet, desire is liked by women, fearlessness, all these qualities allow him to be in the spotlight. At the same time, he can earn respect by giving a good tip to a servant in a tavern, keeping up a conversation with those who are lower in rank and poorer. For the sake of entertainment, he can spend money on the woman he likes. At the same time, not experiencing any respect or compassion for others, much less love. Yes, he's wasteful. By virtue of his character, he loves to lead a cheerful life. But for the sake of profit and the seizure of wealth, he will go to marry an unloved woman.

A provincial poor girl Larisa met with such a man. It never occurred to her that she was for him one of those with whom he could spend time and nothing else. His promises and vows of love mean nothing. He only speaks them because the girls want to hear it. He is capable of not only deception, but also betrayal. Larisa simply did not want to see the negative qualities of his character due to her youth. How can such a handsome man with clever speeches be a bad man?

Paratov is not one of the noble knights who dream of great and unique love. For him, the greatest love is wealth and he will never change this feeling.

Many friends knew about the cynicism and callousness of Paratov's character, but no one warned Larisa about the danger. All silently watched the girl die and did not lend a helping hand. From this she became completely unbearable.

Essay about Sergei Sergeevich Paratov

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky gave the whole world Sergei Sergeevich Paratov, who is one of the main characters in the sensational play "The Dowry", written on October 29, 1878.

Paratov is a middle-aged nobleman with a high social and material position, which he almost completely lost. His appearance was shrouded in a mysterious haze: he was dressed in a black frock coat and a white cap, wore a large travel bag on his shoulder. Probably the hero's most favorite pastime is spending money, which determines his habit of leading a cheerful and carefree life, no matter what the circumstances.

Paratov is often a terrible person, which shows his heartlessness and ruthlessness towards the people around him, who show some caution and apathy towards him.

Based on the qualities of the hero, it is safe to say that Paratov does not experience any special inner experiences, he does not care about the opinions of other people. Ostrovsky is not cold enough to the hero, which is expressed in remarks between other characters, because they do not have warm feelings for him, on the contrary, society does not have the best opinion about the hero.

Sergey is never shy in expressions and always says what he thinks. That is why there are moments when he goes beyond all boundaries and commits unthinkable and reckless acts that have very tragic consequences that can destroy the fate of other innocent people. Vileness, godlessness, pride, frivolity: all these qualities personify the personality of our protagonist, which are revealed throughout the entire work.

Thus, Paratov is not an example to follow and, most likely, he was conceived as an antihero. His actions are smitten with inhumanity, which manifests itself in his daily life. Deceptions and swindles accompany his character throughout the play. That is why my attitude towards this hero will never change, because it is impossible even to try to justify someone who does not have a single drop of humanity.

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dowry summary, dowry read

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky

Original language: Date of writing: Date of first publication: The text of the work in Wikisource

"Bridal girl"- a play by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky. Work on it lasted four years - from 1874 to 1878. The premiere performances of The Dowry took place in the fall of 1878 and aroused protests from spectators and theater critics. Success came to the work after the death of the author.

  • 1 History of creation
  • 2 Characters
  • 3 Plot
    • 3.1 Action one
    • 3.2 Second action
    • 3.3 Action three
    • 3.4 Action four
  • 4 Stage destiny. Reviews
  • 5 Artistic features
    • 5.1 Main characters
    • 5.2 City image
    • 5.3 Names and surnames of characters
  • 6 Screen adaptations
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Literature

History of creation

In the 1870s, Alexander Ostrovsky served as an honorary magistrate in the Kineshma district. Participation in the processes and acquaintance with the criminal chronicle gave him the opportunity to find new themes for his works. Researchers suggest that the plot of "Dowry" was suggested to the playwright by life itself: one of the resonant cases that stirred up the entire district was the murder of a local resident Ivan Konovalov of his young wife.

Coming to a new composition in November 1874, the playwright made a note: "Opus 40". The work, contrary to expectations, proceeded slowly; in parallel with "The Dowry" Ostrovsky wrote and published several more works. Finally, in the fall of 1878, the play was completed. Those days, the playwright told one of the actors he knew:

I have already read my play in Moscow five times, among the listeners there were persons who were hostile to me, and everyone unanimously recognized "Dowry" as the best of all my works.

Further events also indicated that the new play was doomed to success: it easily passed the censorship, the Otechestvennye Zapiski magazine began to prepare the work for publication, the troupes of the Maly Theater and then the Alexandrinsky Theater began rehearsals. However, the premiere performances in Moscow and St. Petersburg ended in failures; reviews from critics were rife with harsh assessments. Only ten years after the death of the author, in the second half of the 1890s, recognition of the audience came to the "Dowry"; it was associated primarily with the name of the actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya.


In the appearance of Kineshma, the features of the city of Bryakhimov are guessed
  • Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova is a middle-aged widow, mother of Larisa Dmitrievna.
  • Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova is a young girl surrounded by admirers, but without a dowry.
  • Mokiy Parmenych Knurov is a big businessman, an elderly man with a huge fortune.
  • Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov - a young man who has known Larisa since childhood; one of the representatives of a wealthy trading company.
  • Julius Kapitonich Karandyshev is a poor official.
  • Sergei Sergeich Paratov is a brilliant master, of the ship owners, over 30 years old.
  • Robinson is a provincial actor Arkady Schastlivtsev.
  • Gavrilo is a club barman and owner of a coffee shop on the boulevard.
  • Ivan is a servant in a coffee shop.
  • Ilya is a musician of the gypsy choir.
  • Efrosinya Potapovna is Karandyshev's aunt.


Action one

The action takes place on the site in front of the coffee shop, located on the banks of the Volga. Local merchants Knurov and Vozhevatov talk here. In the course of the conversation, it turns out that the ship owner Paratov is returning to the city. A year ago, Sergei Sergeevich hastily left Bryakhimov; the departure was so swift that the master did not have time to say goodbye to Larisa Dmitrievna Ogudalova. She, being a "sensitive" girl, even rushed to catch up with her beloved; she was returned from the second station.

According to Vozhevatov, who has known Larisa since childhood, her main problem is the lack of a dowry. Harita Ignatieva, the girl's mother, in an effort to find a suitable groom for her daughter, keeps the house open. However, after Paratov's departure, there were unenviable candidates for the role of Larissa's husband: an old man with gout, an ever-drunk manager of some prince and a fraudulent cashier who was arrested right in the Ogudalovs' house. After the scandal, Larisa Dmitrievna announced to her mother that she would marry the first person she met. It turned out to be a poor official, Karandyshev. Listening to the story of a colleague, Knurov notices that this woman was created for luxury; it, like an expensive diamond, needs an “expensive setting”.

Soon, the mother and daughter of the Ogudalovs appear on the site, accompanied by Karandyshev. Larisa Dmitrievna's fiance invites coffee shop visitors to his dinner party. Kharita Ignatievna, seeing Knurov's contemptuous bewilderment, explains that "it's like we have lunch for Larisa." After the merchants leave, Yuliy Kapitonovich arranges a scene of jealousy for the bride; to his question, what is Paratov good for, the girl replies that she sees in Sergei Sergeevich the ideal of a man.

When a cannon shot is heard on the shore, announcing the arrival of the master, Karandyshev takes Larisa out of the coffee shop. However, the institution is not empty for long: a few minutes later the owner of Gavrilo meets all the same merchants and Sergei Sergeevich, who arrived in Bryakhimov together with actor Arkady Schastlivtsev, nicknamed Robinson. The name of the book hero, as Paratov explains, the actor received because he was found on a deserted island. The conversation of old acquaintances is built around the sale by Paratov of the steamer "Swallow" - from now on, Vozhevatov will become its owner. In addition, Sergei Sergeevich reports that he is going to marry the daughter of an important gentleman, and takes gold mines as a dowry. The news of the upcoming marriage of Larisa Ogudalova makes him think. Paratov admits that he feels a little guilt towards the girl, but now "the old scores are over."

Second action

The events unfolding in the second act take place in the Ogudalovs' house. While Larisa is changing clothes, Knurov appears in the room. Kharita Ignatievna meets the merchant as a dear guest. Mokiy Parmenych makes it clear that Karandyshev is not the best game for such a brilliant young lady as Larisa Dmitrievna; in her situation, the patronage of a rich and influential person is much more useful. Along the way, Knurov reminds that the bride's wedding dress should be exquisite, and therefore the entire wardrobe should be ordered in the most expensive store; he takes care of all the expenses.

After the merchant leaves, Larisa informs her mother that she intends to leave immediately after the wedding with her husband to Zabolotye - a distant district, where Yuliy Kapitonych will run for magistrate. However, Karandyshev, appearing in the room, does not share the desire of the bride: he is annoyed by Larisa's haste. fervor, the groom makes a long speech that all Bryakhimov has gone mad; cabbies, taverns in taverns, gypsies - everyone is happy about the arrival of the master, who, having squandered in carousing, is forced to sell "the last steamer."

Next comes Paratov's turn to pay a visit to the Ogudalovs. First, Sergei Sergeevich mentally communicates with Kharita Ignatievna. Later, left alone with Larisa, she wonders how long a woman is able to live apart from her beloved. The girl is tormented by this conversation; when asked if she loves Paratova, as before, Larissa replies - yes.

Paratov's acquaintance with Karandyshev begins with a conflict: having uttered the saying that “one loves a watermelon, and the other loves a pork cartilage,” Sergei Sergeyevich explains that he learned the Russian language from barge haulers. These words cause indignation of Yuliy Kapitonovich, who believes that barge haulers are rude, ignorant people. Harita Ignatievna stops the growing quarrel: she orders to bring champagne. Peace has been restored, but later, in a conversation with merchants, Paratov admits that he will find an opportunity to "make fun" of the groom.

Act three

There is a dinner party at Karandyshev's house. Yulia Kapitonovich's aunt, Efrosinya Potapovna, complains to the servant Ivan that this event takes too much effort, and the costs are too high. It's good that we managed to save on wine: the seller released a batch of six hryvnias per bottle, re-gluing the labels.

Larisa, seeing that the guests did not touch the offered dishes and drinks, feels ashamed for the groom. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Robinson, who is entrusted with watering the owner to complete insensibility, suffers loudly due to the fact that instead of the declared Burgundy he has to use some kind of "kinder balsam".

Paratov, demonstrating affection towards Karandyshev, agrees to have a drink with his rival for brotherhood. When Sergei Sergeevich asks Larisa to sing, Yuliy Kapitonovich tries to protest. answer Larissa takes the guitar and sings the romance "Don't tempt me unnecessarily." Her singing makes a strong impression on those present. Paratov confesses to the girl that he is tormented by the fact that he has lost such a treasure. He immediately invites the young lady to go beyond the Volga. While Karandyshev is proclaiming a toast in honor of his bride and looking for new wine, Larisa says goodbye to her mother.

Returning with champagne, Yuliy Kapitonovich discovers that the house is empty. The desperate monologue of the deceived groom is dedicated to the drama of a funny man who, being angry, is capable of revenge. Grabbing a pistol from the table, Karandyshev rushes in search of the bride and her friends.

Action four

Alexander Lensky - the first performer of the role of Paratov on the Moscow stage

Returning from a night walk along the Volga, Knurov and Vozhevatov are discussing the fate of Larisa. Both understand that Paratov will not exchange a rich bride for a dowry. To remove the question of possible rivalry, Vozhevatov proposes to solve everything with the help of a lot. A thrown coin indicates that Knurov will take Larissa to the exhibition in Paris.

Meanwhile, Larisa, climbing up the hill from the pier, has a difficult conversation with Paratov. She is interested in one thing: is she now a wife to Sergei Sergeyevich or not? The news that the beloved is engaged becomes a shock for the girl.

She is sitting at a table not far from the coffee shop when Knurov appears. He invites Larisa Dmitrievna to the French capital, guaranteeing, in case of consent, the highest content and execution of any whims. Next comes Karandyshev. He tries to open the bride's eyes to her friends, explaining that they see only a thing in her. The found word seems to Larissa to be successful. Telling her ex-fiancé that he is too small and insignificant for her, the young lady ardently declares that, not finding love, she will look for gold.

Karandyshev, listening to Larissa, takes out a pistol. The shot is accompanied by the words: "So don't get it to anyone!" To Paratov and the merchants who ran out of the coffee shop, Larisa informs in a fading voice that she is not complaining about anything and is not offended by anyone.

Stage destiny. Reviews

The premiere at the Maly Theater, where the role of Larisa Ogudalova was played by Glykeriya Fedotova, and Alexander Lensky was Paratov, took place on November 10, 1878. The excitement around the new play was unprecedented; in the hall, as the reviewers later reported, “all Moscow gathered, loving the Russian scene,” including the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. The expectations, however, did not come true: according to the testimony of the observer of the newspaper "Russkiye vedomosti", "the playwright tired the entire audience, even the most naive spectators." This was the most deafening failure in Ostrovsky's creative biography.

The first production on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater, where the main role was played by Maria Savina, caused less derogatory responses. Thus, the St. Petersburg newspaper "Novoye Vremya" admitted that the performance based on "Bride" made a "strong impression" on the audience. However, there was no need to talk about success: a critic of the same publication, a certain K., lamented that Ostrovsky spent a lot of effort on creating an interesting story about a "silly, seduced girl":

Those who expected a new word, new types from the venerable playwright are cruelly mistaken; instead of them, we got updated old motives, got a lot of dialogues instead of actions. Vera Komissarzhevskaya as Larisa Ogudalova

Critics and actors who participated in "Dowry" were not spared. The capital newspaper "Birzhevye Vedomosti" (1878, No. 325) noted that Glykeriya Fedotova "did not understand the role at all and played badly." The journalist and writer Pyotr Boborykin, who published an article in Russkiye Vedomosti (1879, March 23), remembered in the work of the actress only "the imagination and falsity from the first step to the last word." Actor Lensky, according to Boborykin, when creating the image, put too much emphasis on the white gloves that his hero Paratov put on "unnecessarily every minute." Mikhail Sadovsky, who played the role of Karandyshev on the Moscow stage, presented, in the words of the Novoye Vremya observer, "a poorly conceived type of official-groom."

In September 1896, the play, which had long been removed from the repertoire, undertook to revive the Alexandrinsky Theater. The role of Larisa Ogudalova played by Vera Komissarzhevskaya at first caused the familiar irritation of the reviewers: they wrote that the actress "played unevenly, in the last act she hit melodramaticism." However, the audience understood and accepted a new stage version of The Dowry, in which the heroine was not between the suitors, but above them; the play gradually began to return to the theaters of the country.


  • 1932 - Drama Theater "Comedy" (former Korsh Theater). Fast. Vasily Sakhnovsky and Elizaveta Telesheva. Larisa - Vera Popova, Karandyshev - Anatoly Ktorov, Paratov - Nikolai Sosnin, Ogudalova - Nadezhda Borskaya, Knurov - Semyon Mezhinsky, Vozhevatov - Mikhail Bolduman, Robinson - Boris Petker, Evfrosinya Potapovna - Maria Blumenthal-Tamarina.
  • 1935 - Bolshoi Drama Theater. Fast. Sergey Morshchin, thin. Alexander Samokhvalov, comp. Mikhail Chulaki.
  • 1936 - Yaroslavl Theater. Fast. Arkady Nadezhdov, thin Nikolay Medovshchikov. Larisa - Chudinova.
  • 1937 - People's Theater (Sofia). Fast. Nikolai Massalitinov, thin. Milenkov and Georgiev. Larisa - Petran Gerganova, Karandyshev - Konstantin Kisimov, Paratov - Vladimir Trandafilov.
  • 1939 - Theater. M. Azizbekova (Baku). Fast. Sharifova, thin. Efimenko. Larisa - Kadri, Paratov - Afganly, Knurov - Aliev.
  • 1940 - Theater of the Revolution. Fast. Yuri Zavadsky, artistic director Vladimir Dmitriev. Larisa - Maria Babanova, Karandyshev - Sergey Martinson, Paratov - Mikhail Astangov, Knurov - Osip Abdulov, Ogudalova - Anna Bogdanova.
  • 1944 - Saratov Drama Theater. Karl Marx. Fast. Andrey Efremov, thin. Konstantin Kisimov; Larisa - Valentina Soboleva, Karandyshev - Ivan Slonov, Paratov - Muratov, Knurov - Karganov, Robinson - Petrov.
  • 1944 - Theater. K. A. Mardzhanishvili (Tbilisi). Fast. Tabliashvili, thin Sumbatashvili. Larisa - Veriko Anjaparidze, Karandyshev - Georgy Gotsireli, Paratov - Kabakhidze, Ogudalova - Cecilia Takaishvili, Knurov - Shalva Gambashidze.
  • 1944 - Theater. Hamzy (Tashkent). Larisa - Ishanturaeva, Paratov - A. Khodzhaev.
  • 1946 - Theater. G. Sundukyan (Yerevan). Fast. Gurgen Janibekyan, artist Lokshin, Larisa - Rozanna Vartanyan, Paratov - David Malyan, Ogudalova - Olga Gulazyan, Robinson - Avet Avetisyan.
  • 1948 - Maly Theater. Fast. Konstantin Zubov, dir. Lev Prozorovsky and Boris Nikolsky, thin. Vladimir Kozlinsky, musician design by S. M. Boguchevsky. Larisa - Konstanzia Roek, Karandyshev - Alexander Afanasyev, Paratov - Boris Telegin, Ogudalova - Sofya Fadeeva, Knurov - Vladimir Vladislavsky, Robinson - Nikolai Svetlovidov, Evfrosinya Potapovna - Varvara Ryzhova.
  • 1948 - Bolshoi Drama Theater. Fast. Ilya Shlepyanov, thin. Vladimir Dmitriev. Larisa - Nina Olkhina, Karandyshev - Vitaly Poliseimako, Paratov - Bruno Freundlich, Vozhevatov - Pavel Pankov, Ogudalova - Anna Nikritina, Knurov - Alexander Larikov, Robinson - Vasily Sofronov. Guitar part - Sergey Sorokin.
  • 1948 - Latvian Drama Theater (Riga). Fast. Vera Balun. Larisa - Velta Line, Knurov - Alfred Amtmanis-Brieditis.
  • 1948 - Theater. A. Lakhuti (Stalinabad).
  • 1950 - Lithuanian Drama Theater (Vilnius).
  • 1951 - Kyrgyz Drama Theater (Frunze). Larisa - Kydykeeva, Karandyshev - Sargaldaev, Knurov - Ryskulov.
  • 1952 - Bolshoi Drama Theater. Resumption of the production by Ilya Shlepyanov. The director of the renewal is Isai Sonne. Renewal artist Illarion Belitsky.
  • 1953 - Bashkir Drama Theater (Ufa). Dir. Brill, thin Kalimullin. Larisa - Bikbulatova.
  • 1953 - Theater. K. S. Stanislavsky. Dir. Mikhail Yanshin, art director Boris Volkov. Larisa - Lilia Gritsenko, Karandyshev - Sergey Markushev, Paratov - Boris Belousov, Robinson - Boris Lifanov.
  • 1953 - Theater "Powshechny" (Warsaw).
  • 1954 - People's Theater (Plovdiv).
  • 1973 - Odessa Drama Theater. Fast. Matvey Osherovsky. Larisa - Svetlana Pelikhovskaya.
  • 1983 - Tatar State Academic Theater named after G. Kamal (Kazan). Dir. Marcel Salimzhanov, thin. Rashit Gazeev, muses. Fuat Abubakirov. Larisa - Alsu Gainullina, Ogudalova - Halima Iskanderova, Karandyshev - Rinat Tazetdinov, Paratov - Nail Dunaev, Knurov - Shaukat Biktemirov, Vozhevatov - Ildus Akhmetzyanov, Robinson - Ravil Sharafeev.
  • 1997 (?) - Voronezh Drama Theater. Fast. Anatoly Ivanov, art director Larisa and Mikhail Kurchenko.
  • 2002 - Baltic House. Production by Anatoly Proudin, artist Alexander Mokhov.
  • 2008 - Workshop of P. Fomenko. Production by Pyotr Fomenko, artist Vladimir Maksimov.
  • 2012 - Theater on Vasilievsky (St. Petersburg). Production by Denis Khusniyarov, artist Nikolai Slobodyanik, choreography by Yegor Druzhinin.
  • 2012 - Maly Theater
  • 2014 - Moscow Academic Theater. V. Mayakovsky. Production by Lev Ehrenburg, production designer Valery Polunovsky.

Artistic features

Literary critic Boris Kostelyanets, studying the history of The Dowry, came to the conclusion that the negative reaction of Ostrovsky's contemporaries was associated both with the “innovative nature of the play itself” and with the difficult relationship that developed between the playwright and the audience. Literary critic Alexander Skabichevsky wrote in the mid-1870s that Ostrovsky is one of the authors whose works the theatrical community has always studied with particular scrupulousness. "The Dowry" became for Ostrovsky a "questing play"; she "kind of anticipated the poetics of Chekhov's drama." The same accusations about the lack of dynamics will later be heard from critics by both the author of The Seagull and Leo Tolstoy, who presented the play The Living Corpse to the public.

main characters

Larissa, included in the gallery of notable female images of literature of the second half of the 19th century, strives for independent actions; she feels like a person capable of making decisions. However, the impulses of the young heroine collide with the cynical morality of society, which perceives her as an expensive, refined thing.

The girl is surrounded by four fans, each of whom is trying to get her attention. At the same time, according to researcher Vladimir Lakshin, it is not love that drives Larissa's boyfriends. So, Vozhevatov is not very distressed when the lot in the form of a thrown coin points to Knurov. He, in turn, is ready to wait for Paratov to enter the game in order to later "take revenge and take the broken heroine to Paris." Karandyshev also perceives Larisa as a thing; however, unlike his rivals, he does not want to see his beloved someone else's thing. The simplest explanation of all the troubles of the heroine, associated with the lack of a dowry, is broken by the theme of loneliness, which the young Ogudalova carries in herself; her inner orphanhood is so great that the girl looks "incompatible with the world."

Critics perceived Larisa as a kind of "continuation" of Katerina from Ostrovsky's play "The Thunderstorm" (they are united by ardor and recklessness of feelings, which led to a tragic ending); at the same time, traits of other heroines of Russian literature were found in her - we are talking about some Turgenev girls, as well as Nastasya Filippovna from The Idiot and Anna Karenina from the novel of the same name:

The heroines of Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Ostrovsky are brought together by their unexpected, illogical, reckless actions dictated by emotions: love, hatred, contempt, repentance. Mikhail Sadovsky - the first performer of the role of Karandyshev in Moscow

Karandyshev, like Larissa, is poor. Against the background of the "masters of life" - Knurov, Vozhevatov and Paratov - he looks like a "little man" who can be humiliated and insulted with impunity. at the same time, unlike the heroine, Yuliy Kapitonovich is not a victim, but part of a cruel world. Wanting to connect his life with Larisa, he hopes to settle accounts with former offenders, to demonstrate to them his moral superiority. Even before the wedding, he tries to dictate to the bride how to behave in society; her retaliatory protest is incomprehensible to Karandyshev, he cannot delve into the reasons for their disagreements, because he is "too busy with himself."

Drawing a parallel between Karandyshev and Dostoevsky's "humiliated" heroes, the researchers emphasize that Yuliy Kapitonovich is infinitely far from Makar Devushkin from the novel "Poor People" and Marmeladov from the novel "Crime and Punishment". His “literary brothers” are the hero of the story “Notes from the Underground” and Golyadkin from “The Double”.

Karandyshev's shot is a complex action in its motives and in its results. You can see here just a criminal act of an owner and an egoist, obsessed with one thought: not for me, so for no one. But you can see in the shot and the answer to the secret thoughts of Larisa - in a complex way they penetrate the consciousness of Karandyshev, the only one of the four men who did not want to transfer her into someone else's hands.

City image

Maria Savina - the first performer of the role of Larisa on the St. Petersburg stage

If the fate of Larisa in many respects repeats the story of Katerina, carried over from the middle of the 19th century to the 1870s, then Bryakhimov is the development of the image of the city of Kalinov from the same "Thunderstorm". During the two decades separating one Ostrovsky's play from another, the main types of townspeople have changed: if previously the tyrant merchant Dikoy was dominant in the outback, now he was replaced by Knurov, dressed in a European costume, "a businessman of a new formation". Kabanikha, etching all living things around her, also became a character of the outgoing era - she gave up her place to the "trading daughters" Kharita Ignatievna Ogudalova. Dikiy's nephew Boris, who succumbed to the realities of life, according to the trends of the times, turned into a brilliant master Paratov.

At the same time, the pace of urban life has not changed. Life in Bryakhimov is subject to the usual rituals - every day mass, vespers and long tea drinking near samovars. Then, according to the bartender Gavrila, the city is covered with a feeling of "first melancholy", which is removed by long walks - so, Knurov "every morning the boulevard measures back and forth, as if according to a promise."

All the characters in the play are connected by a "common interest": they find it unbearable in this city. Even Knurov's silence is evidence of the "conflict situation" into which he entered with the hated Bryakhimov. And Vozhevatov? He is also in "conflict with Bryakhimov's boredom." Larissa is oppressed not only by the situation in her house, but by "the whole atmosphere of Bryakhimov."

Names and surnames of characters

Boris Kostelyanets is convinced that Ostrovsky put a special meaning in the names and surnames of his heroes. So, Knurov, according to the author's remarks, is "a man with an enormous fortune." The character's surname enhances the feeling of power coming from the "big businessman": "knur" (according to Dal) is a hog, a wild boar. Paratov, whom the playwright characterizes as a "brilliant master", also did not accidentally find his surname on the pages of the play: "paratym" was called a particularly impetuous, irrepressible breed of dog.

Kharita Ignatievna, who knows how to deceive and flatter if necessary, bears the surname "Ogudalova", based on the verb "ogudat", meaning "to braid", "to cheat".

Screen adaptations

  • The first film adaptation of "Bride" took place in 1912 - the film was directed by Kai Ganzen, the role of Larisa Ogudalova was performed by Vera Pashennaya. Among the most famous film versions of the work is the film by Yakov Protazanov, released in 1936.
Larisa in the film is not endowed with features of tragic doom.<…>In accordance with Ostrovsky's plan, Larisa is presented by the director of the film as a cheerful, until the last minute, reaching out to life with all the forces of her sensitive nature. To show just such a Larissa, the authors of the film reveal her life long, a whole year before the events with which the play begins and which last only twenty-four hours.
  • The 1984 adaptation of Eldar Ryazanov's "Cruel Romance" caused controversial criticism. In an effort to protect the director, Nina Alisova - the performer of the role of Larisa in the Protazanov tape - reminded from the pages of Literaturnaya Gazeta that "Ostrovsky's plays are limitless, and every artist has the right to stage him in his own way."

Notes (edit)

  1. 1 2 Alexander Ostrovsky. Plays. - M .: Olma-Press Education, 2003. - S. 30-31. - 830 p. - ISBN 5-94849-338-5.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kostelyanets, 2007
  3. 1 2 3 4 Eldar Ryazanov. Unsummed results. - M .: Vagrius, 2002 .-- P. 447.
  4. 1 2 Dramaturgy, 2000, p. 215
  5. // Russkie vedomosti. - 1878. - No. 12 November.
  6. 1 2 Eldar Ryazanov. Unsummed results. - M .: Vagrius, 2002 .-- P. 446.
  7. 1 2 3 Vladimir Lakshin. Theatrical echo. - M .: Vremya, 2013 .-- 512 p. - ISBN 978-5-9691-0871-4.
  8. Lotman L. M. Ostrovsky I. - M .: Nauka, 1991 .-- T. 7. - P. 71.
  9. Drama, 2000, p. 228
  10. 1 2 Drama, 2000, p. 229
  11. Derzhavin K. N. Ostrovsky. - M., L .: Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1956 .-- T. 8. - P. 469.
  12. Isakova I. N. Own names in the plays by A. N. Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" and "Dowry". Linguistic and cultural thesaurus "Humanitarian Russia". Retrieved April 30, 2015.
  13. Dowry. Encyclopedia of Russian cinema. Retrieved April 30, 2015.
  14. Eldar Ryazanov. Unsummed results. - M .: Vagrius, 2002 .-- S. 451.


  • Kostelyanets B.O. Drama and Action: Lectures on Theory. - M .: Coincidence, 2007 .-- 502 p. - (Theatrum Mundi). - ISBN 978-5-903060-15-3.
  • Ostrovsky A.N.Dramaturgy. - M .: Astrel, 2000 .-- ISBN 5-271-00300-6.

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Dowry Information About

The famous play "The Dowry", which Ostrovsky wrote over the course of four years from 1874 to 1878, was considered by the author himself to be one of his best and most significant dramatic works. Although shown on the stage in 1878, it caused a storm of protest and indignation from both audiences and critics, the play gained its well-deserved share of popularity only after the death of the famous Russian playwright. A visual demonstration of the main idea that the author wanted to show people that the world is ruled by money, and in modern society they are the main driving force that allows their owners to dispose of the fate of others who depend on them, many did not like. Like other innovations in the play, incomprehensible to the general public, all this caused a rather harsh assessment of both readers and critics.

History of creation

In the early seventies of the nineteenth century, Ostrovsky worked as an honorary magistrate of the Kineshma district, on duty he participated in various high-profile trials and was well acquainted with crime reports of that time, which gave him as a writer a rich literary material for writing works. Life itself threw him plots for his dramatic plays, and there is an assumption that the tragic death of a young woman who was killed by her own husband, Ivan Konovalov, a local resident of the Kineshemsky district, became the prototype of the plot line in "Bride".

Ostrovsky begins the play in late autumn (November 1874), making a mark on the margins "Opus No. 40", stretching its writing for four long years, due to parallel work on several more works, and finishing it in the fall of 1878. The play was approved by the censorship, preparation for publication began, which ended with its publication in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1879. This was followed by rehearsals of theatrical corpses in Moscow and St. Petersburg, who wanted to play the play on the stage, presenting it to the audience and critics. The premieres of "The Dowry" both in the Maly and in the Alexandria theaters were disastrous and caused harsh negative judgments from theater critics. And only ten years after Ostrovsky's death (the second half of the 90s of the XIX century) the play finally came to the well-deserved success, largely due to the huge popularity and fame of the actress Vera Komissarzhevskaya, who played the main role of Larisa Ogudalova.

Analysis of the work

Story line

The action of the work takes place in the Volga town of Bryakhimov, which looks like the town of Kalinov from the play "The Thunderstorm" only after 20 years have passed. The time of such tyrants and tyrants as Kabanikha and Porfiry Dikoy has long passed, the "finest hour" has come for enterprising, cunning and dodgy businessmen, such as the millionaire Knurov and the representative of a rich trading company Vasily Vozhevatov, who are able to buy and sell not only goods and things, but and human destinies. The first act of the play begins with their dialogue, which tells about the fate of the young woman Larisa Ogudalova, deceived by the rich master Paratov (a kind of version of the matured Boris, Diky's nephew). From the conversation of the merchants, we learn that the first beauty of the city, whose artistry and charm has no equal, is marrying a poor official, absolutely insignificant and pitiful in their opinion, Karandyshev.

Larisa's mother, Khariton Ogudalova, who herself raised three daughters, tried to find a good match for each daughter, and for the youngest, the most beautiful and artistic daughter, she predicts a wonderful future with a rich husband, only one simple and well-known fact for all spoils everything: she is a bride from a poor family and has no dowry. When the brilliant, young master Paratov appears on the horizon among her daughter's admirers, the mother is trying with all her might to marry her daughter to him. However, he, having played with Larisa's feelings, leaves her for a whole year without any explanation (during the dialogue it turns out that he squandered his fortune and is now forced to marry the daughter of the owner of the gold mines in order to save his position). Desperate Larisa tells her mother that she is ready to marry the first person she meets, who becomes Julius Kapitonich Karandyshev.

Before the wedding, Larisa meets with Paratov, who has returned after a year's absence, confesses his love for him and escapes from his unloved groom to his steamer "Swallow", which the hapless bankrupt also sells for debts. There Larissa is trying to find out from Paratov who she is now: his wife, or someone else, then she learns with horror about his future marriage to a rich bride. The millionaire Knurov, who wins this right from Vozhevatov, turns to the heartbroken Larissa with a proposal to take her to the Paris exhibition, and in fact become his mistress and kept woman (after consulting, the merchants decide that such a diamond as Larissa should not be wasted, they play her coin toss fate). Karandyshev appears and begins to prove to Larisa that for her fans she is only a thing, a beautiful and refined, but absolutely soulless object, with which one can do as its owner wants. Crushed by life's circumstances and the soullessness of people-businessmen who so easily sell and buy human lives, Larisa finds this comparison with a thing very successful, and now in life, having not found love, she agrees to look only for gold, and nothing else. Offended by Larisa, who called him miserable and insignificant, Karandyshev, in a fit of jealousy, anger and infringed pride, with the words "So do not get you to anyone!" shoots Larissa with a pistol, she dies with the words that she does not blame anyone, and forgives everyone everything.

main characters

The main character of the play, Larisa Ogudalova, a young woman without dowry from the city of Bryakhimov, is a slightly matured Katerina from the play "The Thunderstorm" previously written by the same author. Their images are united by an ardent and sensitive nature, which ultimately leads to their tragic ending. Just like Katerina, Larisa “suffocates” in the dull and musty town of Bryakhimov, among its inhabitants, who are also bored and dreary here.

Larisa Ogudalova finds herself in a difficult life situation, characterized by some ambivalence and undoubted tragedy: she is the first clever woman and the beauty of the city cannot marry a worthy man, because she is a dowry. In this situation, two options are outlined before her: to become the kept woman of a rich and influential married man, or to choose a man of a lower social status as her husband. Grabbing the last straw, Larisa falls in love with the image she created of a handsome and brilliant man, bankrupt landowner Sergei Paratov, who, like Boris, Dikiy's nephew in The Thunderstorm, turns out to be a completely different person in real life. He breaks the heart of the main character and with his indifference, lies and spinelessness literally "kills" the girl, that is, becomes the cause of her tragic death. The tragic death becomes a kind of "boon" for the main character, because for her the current situation has become a life tragedy, which she could not cope with. That is why, in her last moments, the dying Larisa does not accuse anyone of anything and does not complain about her fate.

Ostrovsky portrayed his heroine as an ardent and passionate nature, who survived a severe mental trauma and betrayal of a loved one, who, nevertheless, did not lose her sublime lightness, did not become embittered and remained the same noble and pure soul that she was throughout her entire life. Due to the fact that the concepts and aspirations of Larisa Ogudalova fundamentally differed from the value system prevailing in the world around her, she, although she was constantly in the center of public attention (like a beautiful and graceful doll), in her soul she remained lonely and not understood by anyone. Absolutely not understanding people, not seeing lies and falseness in them, she creates for herself the ideal image of the man that Sergey Paratov becomes, falls in love with him and pays cruelly for her self-deception with her life.

In his play, the great Russian playwright surprisingly talentedly portrayed not only the image of the main character Larisa Ogudalova, but the people around her: the cynicism and unprincipledness of the hereditary merchants Knurov and Vozhevatov, who played out the fate of the girl with a simple lot, the immorality, deceit and cruelty of her failed bridegroom Paratov, greed her mother, trying to sell her daughter as profitable as possible, envy, pettiness and narrow-mindedness of a loser with heightened pride and a sense of ownership of the jealous Karandyshev.

Features of the genre and compositional construction

The composition of the play, built in a certain way in a strict classical style, contributes to the growth of mental tension among the audience and readers. The time interval of the play is limited to one day, in the first act the exposition is shown and the plot begins, in the second act the action gradually develops, in the third (a dinner party at the Ogudalovs') - the culmination, in the fourth - the tragic denouement. Thanks to such a consistent linearity of compositional construction, the author reveals the motivation of the characters' actions, which becomes well understandable and explainable for both readers and viewers, who realize that people act one way or another not only because of their psychological characteristics, but also because of the influence of social Wednesday.

Also for the play "The Dowry" is characterized by the use of a peculiar system of images, namely, the "speaking" names invented for the characters: the name of an exalted nature, Larisa Ogudalova in translation from the Greek "seagull", the name Kharita is of gypsy origin and means "lovely", and the surname Ogudalova comes from the word "ogudat" - to deceive, to cheat. The surname Paratov comes from the word "paraty", which means "predator", Knurov - from the word "knur" - a wild boar, by the name of the groom Larisa Julia Karandyshev (The name is in honor of the Roman Gaius Julius Caesar, and the surname is a symbol of something small and insignificant ) the author shows the incompatibility of desires with the capabilities of this hero.

In his play, Ostrovsky wanted to show that in a world where money rules and everyone has a certain social stigma, no one can feel free and do what he really wants. As long as people believe in the power of money, they will forever remain hostages of social clichés: Larisa cannot become the wife of a loved one, because she is a dowry, even rich and influential merchants, just like the bankrupt Paratov, are tied hand and foot by social dogmas and cannot marry at will, to receive love and human warmth just like that, and not for money.

It is thanks to the enormous power of the emotional impact, the scale, the topicality of the problems raised and the indisputable artistic value that Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry" takes an honorable place among the classics of world drama. This work will never lose its relevance, each generation of readers, plunging into the world of experiences of the characters of the play, will discover something new and find answers to eternal spiritual and moral questions.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky is a brilliant Russian playwright. His famous play The Dowry was written in 1878. The author worked long and hard on the work for four years. "Dowry" caused many questions and controversy among critics and spectators, who were the very first to see the play on stage.

As is often the case, the recognition of people for "Dowry" came only a few years after the death of the author himself. The first performances staged in the St. Petersburg and Moscow theaters, unfortunately, were very disastrous, critics gave poor ratings and wrote conflicting reviews. However, the play quickly and easily passed the censorship and was immediately published in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1879.
It is believed that Ostrovsky wrote the drama based on real events that he had to observe during his life, as a magistrate in Kineshemsky district.

The idea of ​​this work was conceived by the author in the fall of 1874, but the work on it went on for a long time and painstakingly. During the time of her writing, the author released several more works, and finished "The Dowry" only in January 1879. The play, which was not accepted and recognized at the time, has now become a classic and has gained real respect and immortality.

The essence of the work

To begin with, it is worth deciding who is this dowry? So in the old days they called poor girls and did not have a dowry, which was supposed to go into the capital of her future family. A woman in those days did not work, therefore, the man took her as a dependent, and, apart from the money received from his parents, he had nothing to hope for, his wife could not help him in financial matters, and her children were automatically left without an inheritance with one of the parties. As a rule, such girls diligently tried to win the attention of grooms with their beauty, pedigree and inner virtues.

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky in his play describes the real inner state of an ordinary homeless woman who stubbornly searches for real, sincere love on earth, but realizes that it does not exist. No one dared to look into her soul and show a sincere interest in her, so a girl becomes an ordinary thing for a rich man, she simply has no other choice or even a chance to get a decent attitude. Another option to arrange your life is to marry a pitiful, selfish and unassuming Karandyshev, a petty clerk who, again, marries Larisa for the sake of self-affirmation. But she rejects this option too. The author demonstrates all the contradictions in life that surround us, using the example of the fate of the heroes. The essence of the play "Dowry" is to show the reader how mercilessly and despicably people change true love and friendship for an ordinary deal, from which one can only draw their own benefit.

main characters

  1. The characters in the play are:
    Larisa Ogudalova is a young beautiful girl with no dowry. She feels extremely humiliating in this world because of her difficult position in society. Unfortunately, few people were interested in such girls during the writer's life. The heroine loves to dream very much, so she falls in love with a rich nobleman and hopes for happiness next to him. With Karandyshev, the girl feels like a thing, her personality becomes insignificant, she directly tells him that she cannot love him the way she loves another. She is gifted with musical and choreographic talents. Her disposition is meek and calm, but at the bottom of her soul she is a passionate person who wants mutual love. Hidden willpower manifested itself in her character when she flees from an engagement towards the risk of being disgraced and misunderstood by her surroundings. But for the sake of a sincere feeling, she is ready to sacrifice her life, shouting out to her mother a farewell ultimatum: either she will become Paratov's wife, or she should be looked for in the Volga. As you can see, a desperate woman is not devoid of passion, she puts both honor and herself on the line. we made out in the essay.
  2. Kharita Ignatievna - Mrs. Ogudalova, mother of Larisa Ogudalova, a poor noblewoman, a widow who was distinguished by her special dexterity in household matters, but could not give her three daughters a dowry, since her fortune was not great. She herself can hardly make ends meet, but manages to roll up dinners and evenings in order to find a party for her last married lady.
  3. Yuri Karandyshev - a poor official, the groom of Larisa Ogudalova, was distinguished by excessive narcissism and obsession. A selfish eccentric who was often jealous and looked silly. Larissa was a toy for him that he could brag to others. He feels on himself all the contempt of the Ogudalovs' entourage, but, nevertheless, does not give up the idea of ​​proving to them that he is equal to everyone. His ostentatious arrogance, attempts to please and win respect irritate society and the heroine herself, in comparison with the dignity and strength of Paratov, this little man hopelessly loses. He finally sinks in the eyes of the bride when he gets drunk at an engagement dinner. Then she realizes that it is better to go to the Volga than to be his wife.
  4. Sergei Paratov is a respected nobleman, a wealthy man who often threw money down the drain for his own pleasure. He lived, drank and looked after women beautifully, so after gradual ruin he managed to take possession of the heart of a rich heiress. It is obvious that he is the same soulless egoist as Karandyshev, he just lives on a grand scale and knows how to make an impression. The soul of the company and a joker, above all, loves to have fun and throw dust in the eyes, and therefore chooses a marriage of convenience, and not sincere feelings.
  5. Vasily Vozhevatov is a friend of Larisa Ogudalova, a very rich, but immoral and vile person. The hero has never been in love and does not know what it is. He was distinguished by his wit and cunning. Vasily is not going to marry the girl, although he pretends to take her for maintenance. He loses it by lot, but consoles himself that he has saved, which makes him an immoral and empty person. He is a merchant, a native of serfs, who achieved everything himself. For him, the most important thing is not to lose the position he has achieved, so he refuses to help the young woman, not wanting to break the merchant's word given to Knurov.
  6. Mokiy Knurov is a rich man of old age. He shows sympathy for Larissa, although he is married. A very specific and detailed person, instead of everything and immediately promises the girl, whom he wants to make his kept woman, material benefits, specifying: "For me, the impossible is not enough."
  7. Arkady Schastlivtsev (Robinson) is an acquaintance of Paratov, a failed actor who often liked to drink, but did not know how to control his condition.
  8. Gavrilo is a barman and runs a coffee shop on the boulevard.
  9. Ivan is a servant in a coffee shop.
  10. Main theme

    The drama of the human soul in an immoral society is the main essence of the main tragic theme in Ostrovsky's play "The Dowry", which the author widely reveals through the heroine Larisa Ogudalova. She did not receive a dowry from her mother, so she will have to suffer in this inhuman world. Grooms who are fighting for a girl do not take her seriously, she becomes for them either a subject for bragging, or just a toy and thing.

    The theme of disillusionment with the world is also present in the work. A terrible end awaits the main character: devastation, despair, dishonor and death. The girl believed in a better and new life, believed in love and kindness, but everything that surrounded her could prove to her that there was simply no love or a hint of enlightenment. All storylines in the work touch on social topics. Larisa lives in a world where everything can be found for money, even love.


    Of course, a tragedy cannot do without controversial and complex questions. The problems in the play by Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky are quite extensive and multifaceted.

    1. The main in the work are the problems of morality: Larisa commits a dishonorable act in the eyes of society, but the background fully justifies her. A real immoral act is to deceive Karandyshev and marry without love. It is not better to go to the merchants as a kept woman. Therefore, Larissa and thank the jealous groom for her death.
    2. The author raises the problem of duty and honor, the purchase of the human soul. Morality in society is ostentatious, it is enough for him to simply preserve the semblance of decency, but the dishonest bargaining of its elected members remains without condemnation and without attention.
    3. We also see in the work the problem of finding the meaning of life. The girl despaired and lost her meaning in everything, Vozhevatov and Knurov use her as a bright toy, which is not even scary to betray. Paratov reports that he will soon marry another girl because of material wealth, he betrays her and changes love for comfort. Larisa cannot understand and endure the complete absence of a soul and the indifference of those around her all her life. All the men who were next to her disappointed the heroine, she did not feel the respect and attitude that she was worthy. For her, the meaning of life was love, and when she was gone, like respect, Larisa preferred death.

    What is the meaning of the play?

    Ostrovsky wrote a very emotional drama that will not disappoint even an experienced and fastidious reader with its ideological and thematic content. The main idea of ​​Ostrovsky's drama "The Dowry" is to condemn the too high value of wealth and money in society. Material goods play the most important role in life, a person who does not have them can only be a toy in the hands of a rich man who does not have the right to sincere feelings. Poor people become the target of the sale of the heartless barbarians who languished over their fortunes. Around Larisa Ogudalova, everything is saturated with coarse cynicism and cunning, which are ruining her pure, bright soul. These qualities determined the value of a woman's life, reselling it among themselves as a faceless and soulless thing. And this price is not high.

    Using the image of the heroine as an example, the writer shows how the heart of a homeless woman suffers, who is only to blame for the fact that she does not have a fortune behind her shoulders. So the fate is dishonest and unfair in relation to the poor, but very bright and intelligent people. The girl loses faith in humanity, in her ideals, experiencing numerous betrayals and humiliations. What is the reason for the tragedy of the homeless woman? She could not come to terms with the collapse of her dreams, with the destruction of her convictions and decided to get from reality that she would be located the way she needed, as it should have happened in natural conditions. The heroine from the very beginning knows that she is taking a mortal risk, this is evidenced by her farewell remark to her mother. She set conditions for the whole world: either her dream comes true, or she dies without demeaning herself to marriage and cohabitation of convenience. Even if Karandyshev had not killed her, she would have fulfilled her own warning and drowned herself in the Volga. Thus, the young woman became a victim of her illusions, her pride and irreconcilability with the vulgarity of the environment.

    Before us is a classic clash of romantic dreams and harsh, vulgar reality. In this battle, the latter always wins, but the author does not lose hope that at least some people will come to their senses and stop creating and maintaining unfair conditions of social relations. He focuses on true virtue and true values, which must be learned to distinguish from the vain squabbles of empty and petty scoundrels. The heroine's rebellion instills the courage to fight for her beliefs to the end.


    Drama, as a genre, presents to the reader the fate of the hero in a contradictory and cruel world, an acute conflict between the human soul and the society in which he lives. The purpose of a psychological drama is to show the dramatic position of a person in a hostile environment. As a rule, a tragic fate, spiritual suffering, and internal contradictions await the characters in the drama. In a work of this type, you can find many lively emotions and experiences that are inherent in many of us.

    So, in Ostrovsky's play, the internal state of Larisa Ogudalova is vividly described, who rebelled against the inhuman order in society, sacrificing herself in order not to sacrifice her principles. The heroine hardly accepts the circumstances that overtake her, she endures with horror all the trials prepared for her by fate. This is Larisa's personal tragedy, which she cannot survive. The psychological drama ends with her death, which is typical of a work in this genre.

    Life and customs of the province

    In Ostrovsky's play, the life and customs of the Russian province, nobles and merchants are highlighted. They are all very similar and, at the same time, different from each other. The heroes behave quite liberally and are not at all afraid to show others their true face, it does not matter to them that sometimes they look rather stupid. They are not afraid not because of courage or openness of character. They just don't realize that they look ignorant, stingy, suspicious, or insignificant.

    Men do not shy away from open communication with women, for them cheating is not considered shameful. For them, this is an element of status: a mistress becomes a reflection of wealth. One of the heroes of the work, Mr. Knurov, offered Larisa to become his kept woman, although he himself had been married for a long time, he did not care what the heroine felt, in the first place was only his own profit and lust.

    A girl in the provinces of that time, as we have already found out, must have a good fortune in order to successfully marry and live well. In such a world it is very difficult to find true love and respect, in a world where everything is saturated with the power of money and the bad customs of greedy people, an honest and intelligent woman simply could not find a proper place for herself. Larisa was literally ruined by the cruel and dishonorable customs of her contemporaries.

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