Orthodox guardian angels by date of birth

Teach me to pray
Good angel, teach:
Your lips are fragrant
Soften callous feelings!

Yes, they will penetrate deep into the soul
Eternal rays of the sun
Yes, they will clog in my chest
Keys of blessed tears!
Give my prayer wings
Let me fly high
Give me unconditional faith
Height and warmth!

Innocent, unrequited
Give babies purity
And high, holy
Poor in spirit simplicity!

Give, shaking off earthly bonds,
With the ashes of wandering feet,
Let the noise in me fade away
The battles of everyday life and worries.

May it be revealed by You
I have a prayer hall
Yes, thoughts will merge into one
Death, immortality and God!

Peter Vyazemsky

My good angel, sit on my shoulder!
Appear to me as a friend, not a servant ...
Love me as before, warmly
Lead forward ... through life, follow you!

Save from evil with your wing,
They shield me from all misfortunes,
To make enemies instantly powerless,
Bring them to me too, a piece of happiness.

Fate will take surprises together,
Over the years we have become stronger
And now we will survive with ease
All my troubles, grief and sorrow!

For life, two angels were given to us as companions
And as a spy behind us:
Each of them has wonderful whiteness
Notebook with flying sheets.

The good that we do is entered into one,
All that we are right before the conscience;
To the other, everything in which we sinned before our neighbors,
And every design is crafty.

Hastily lifts up his list of good deeds
One at the feet of the Father-Master;
The other is all waiting: maybe a tear of remorse
Will the evidence not wash away on us?

Peter Vyazemsky

I loved the quiet light of the golden lamp,
The reverent silence around her,
And, secretly full of anticipation,
How often have I thrown back my canopy,
I did not sleep, leaning my hand on the soft fluff,
And I thought: this night my guardian angel
Will he come to talk with me in silence? ..
And I dreamed: on a bed, near me,
In the tremulous glow of the lamp fire,
He sat in a pale silver robe ...
And quietly, in a whisper, I believed him
And thoughts, accessible to the mind of children,
And desires available to a child's heart.
Peace in its rays was sweet to me.
I was all imbued with divine power.
With a smile on fiery lips
The light-winged one listened thoughtfully to me;
But his meek eyes looked into the distance,
They read the future in my soul,
And some kind of sadness was reflected in them ...
And the Angel said: “Child, I'm sorry for you!
Child, will you understand the words of my sorrow? "
I did not understand them with my infant soul,
He caught and kissed the hem of his clothes,
And tears of joy sparkled in my eyes

Yakov Polonsky

In the crimson fog before dawn
Two beautiful angels danced
Gliding in streams of gentle wind.
Two angels: Delight and Sorrow.
The angel of delight was radiant and bright,
Like the sun in a gentle azure
Heaven. Sorrows angel like ashes
And wings the color of the sky before the storm.
And this is an unusual phenomenon
I watched with bated breath.
Interlacing of hands, touch
And the flutter of weightless wings.
Heavenly strings magic sound
A beautiful dance accompanied that.
Magic dance - farewell ritual
With a soul that completed her earthly path.
She stood in a light white dress,
Saying goodbye to what was dear to her.
And the angels, hiding her in their arms,
They gave her wings as a consolation.
Here is the first ray of the sun cut through the sky
And the wonderful vision dissolved.
What was it? Fiction, or maybe fiction
And the angels just dreamed of me ...
But it happened for years and centuries,
That we are led from birth to grave
Sadness angel with sad eyes
And with him a light-winged angel of delight ...

Don't stand at the door, don't hide in the shadows
I saw your face long ago ...
There is no one in the house, we are alone with you
I wanted to confess a lot ...

Come on in, don't be shy, let's sit
I'm tired, you're worn out too ...
Warm your wings, here's a chair, a fireplace ...
Let's summarize our life with you ...

Forgive me, my dear Guardian
I tried many times in the same river ...
And love and separation, you went with me ...
This is how I got you ...

Are you tired of me and folded your wings?
Do not leave, I will improve, maybe ...
Protect from betrayal and "friendly" lies
From human deceit too ...

Of those who were born from December 22 to January 20, will protect the icon of the Mother of God "Reigning", and their guardian angels are Saint Sylvester and the Monk Seraphim of Sarov.

Born from January 21 to February 20 Saints Athanasius and Cyril are guarded, and the icons of the Mother of God "Vladimirskaya" and "Burning Bush" will protect them.

The icon of the Iberian Mother of God is the intercessor of those who were born from February 21 to March 20. Their guardian angels are Saint Alexis and Milentius of Antioch.

Born from March 21 to April 20 it is necessary to ask for protection from the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, and they are guarded by Saints Sophrony and Innokenty of Irkutsk, as well as George the Confessor.

The icons "Guarantor of Sinners" and the Iberian Mother of God will protect those born from April 21 to May 20. Saints Stephen and Tamara, Apostle John Bogosolov are their guardian angels.

If the birthday falls on the period from May 21 to June 21, it is necessary to ask for protection from the icons of the Mother of God "The Seeking of the Dead", "Burning Bush" and "Vladimirskaya". Protected by the saints Alexei of Moscow and Constantine.

Icons "Joy of All Who Sorrow" and the Kazan Mother of God - the patron of those born from June 22 to July 22... Saint Cyril is their guardian angel.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet guard the born from 23 July to 23 August, and the icon "The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" protects them.

Those who were born should ask for protection from the icons "Burning Bush" and "Passionate" from August 24 to September 23... Their guardian angels are Saints Alexander, John and Paul.

The icons of the Pochaev Mother of God, the Burning Bush and the Exaltation of the Lord's Cross should seek protection for those who were born from September 24 to October 23... They are guarded by Saint Sergius of Radonezh.

Saint Paul - Guardian Angel of the Born from October 24 to November 22... The icons of the Mother of God "Quick to Hearken" and "Jerusalem" protect them.

Born from 23 November to 21 December should ask for intercession from the icons of the Mother of God "Tikhvin" and "Sign". Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Saint Barbara are their guardian angels.

In every house, it is desirable to have the Iberian icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Goalkeeper), which protects the house from enemies and ill-wishers.

Everyone has heard about the Angels, everyone knows about the faith of the Church in Guardian Angels, but, alas, in modern world the clear and pure teaching of the Church about the angels of God is distorted, often intentionally. The minds of people of the middle and older generation are corrupted by books like "Revelations of Guardian Angels", the fragile minds of teenagers absorb the blasphemous images from Hollywood blockbusters such as the movie "Constantine".

On the eve of the bright holiday of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, celebrated on November 21, it will be useful to present the true teaching of the Church about Angels, especially about the Guardian Angel.
The upcoming holiday is aimed at glorifying the Council, that is, the Assembly, of all the holy Angels under the leadership of their bright leader Archangel Michael.

This holy day can rightfully be called the day of the Angel of every Christian, therefore, it should be celebrated especially by making special prayers to your Guardian Angel.
To pray correctly, you need to understand to whom and why we are praying. You need to know who the Guardian Angels are, how to believe in them correctly.

Saint Innocent of Kherson told about all this in his sermon on the day of the Council of the Archangel Michael. The saint communicates the teaching about the Guardian Angels in the form of answers to questions.
This is very convenient at the high pace of modern life, because you can preach a sermon in parts, pondering every truth about the world of angels. After reading a few lines in the morning, you can return to them in thoughts throughout the day.

On the eve of the holiday, on Saturday evening, it is useful to attend a festive service in the church and pray to the holy angels, on the very same holiday on November 21, the festive Divine Liturgy will be performed, and after it a prayer service to the holy angels.

Having adequately prepared for this truly great holiday, we all have a great opportunity to become closer to our Guardian Angel.

Word on the day of the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael and other Fleshless Forces. About Guardian Angel

... This is the teaching of our Orthodox Church about the Guardian Angel, the teaching is simple and at the same time deep, as comforting as it is edifying ...

Who is called the Guardian Angel?

A Guardian Angel is an Angel that is given from God to a person when he enters the Kingdom of Grace - at Baptism, in order to preserve him throughout his life and lead him to the Heavenly Fatherland.

How is it known that every Christian has a Guardian Angel?

This is undoubtedly known, first, from the many testimonies of the word of God. Even Saint David sang about a man who loves God and His law: by His Angel, command about you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift thee in their arms, but not when they knock your foot on a stone (Psalm 90; 11-12). The Savior himself testified before the disciples and the people that the Angels of the children will see the face of the Father ... Heavenly (Matt. 18; 10). Finally, the apostle Paul says that angels are all ministering spirits sent into ministry for those who have to inherit salvation (Heb. 1:14).

Secondly, the presence of a Guardian Angel with a person is undeniably confirmed by many examples and experiments. So, even in the most ancient times we hear how the patriarch Jacob blesses his children on behalf of the Angel, who accompanied and kept him on all the paths of his life (Gen. 48; 16). In the ancient sacred history, we then see how the righteous Tobit is accompanied by the Guardian Angel on the way, relieves him of disasters, and finally hears from Him that he has long been his keeper and witness to all his actions (Tov. 12; 12-15).

As for the New Testament Church, from its beginning to our times, it presents so many examples of the action of Guardian Angels over the people they keep, that they should have been retelling not for an hour, but for the whole day.

Can you be convinced by your own experience that each of us has a Guardian Angel?

Not only is it possible, but it should be. It is possible, for the protection of us by the Guardian Angel, as a constant, powerful and varied action, therefore cannot but be very perceptible for everyone who is attentive. It should, for the lack of feeling of Angelic protection over ourselves always implies in us a lack of attention to him and the weakness of our spiritual union with the Guardian Angel.

Why is it that most people do not feel the actions of their Guardian Angel on themselves?

Because most of us do not pay any attention to our Guardian Angel; there are even many who do not know at all that they have a Guardian Angel. Others know by hearsay that a person has a Guardian Angel and would like to see the experience of Angelic protection over himself, but more out of curiosity than for the benefit of the soul, not trying in the least to make himself worthy of it; Is it proper for the Guardian Angel to satisfy the desires of such people?

Who is guilty that they know little of their Guardian Angel, and even less try to be in union with him?

This is the fault of our inattention to the work of our salvation, and the resulting inattention to the teaching of the word of God and the Holy Church about the Guardian Angel and our attitude towards him. The Holy Church does everything for her part to prevent us from being left in the dark about such an important person for us as the Guardian Angel. Every first day of the week is dedicated by her to the glorification and prayer invocation of Angels in general, and the Guardian Angel in particular. In addition, she has a considerable number of touching prayers to the Guardian Angel - for our home use.

What is the surest way to enter into live communication with the Guardian Angel?

Attention to yourself, to your life, conscience and your eternal destiny; frequent prayer appeal of the mind and heart to the Guardian Angel; a sincere desire to hear his voice and follow his suggestions; removing oneself from everything sinful and unclean and an angelic life; behold, according to the testimony of the holy fathers, the surest means of entering into a living union with the Guardian Angel!

What is the object of keeping in a person for the Guardian Angel?

The whole person: spirit, soul and body, - mind, will and conscience; and together with this and its external state, and moreover in all cases of life. Therefore, you can hope to receive any help from the Guardian Angel, you can resort to him with prayer in every need and situation. But mainly the Guardian Angel is vigilant over the preservation of our soul and conscience. For even if everything was lost, even health and life itself, if the soul and conscience are whole, then the person is whole; and the Guardian Angel rejoices in him as if he had been saved. On the contrary, at least the whole world was acquired by us, but if conscience and soul are ruined, then we have lost everything, and the Guardian Angel weeps for us as for the lost.

Is it possible to indulge in dangers in the hope of a Guardian Angel?

No way. The spirit of darkness once offered the Savior to return from the roof of the church, in the hope, as it is written: by His Angel, command about you (save thee); but the Son of God answered: do not tempt the Lord thy God (Matt. 4; 6–7). All the more, a Christian must answer to himself in this way if the tempting thought came to him to dare, without sufficient reason, to something dangerous and exceeding his strength, in the hope of the help of the Guardian Angel.

On one thing we are firm and always can and must decide, in the hope of the help of our Guardian Angel, or, something the same, the help of God; it is a battle with our sinful nature; here victory is always possible, for it is always necessary.

How is the effect of the Guardian Angel revealed on a person?

It is found, and miraculously, in those cases where natural remedies are insufficient, and the need for help is greatest, such as when three holy youths were thrown into a fiery furnace in Babylon. But in all other ordinary cases, the Guardian Angel acts in an ordinary, characteristic way. But we must remember that the Angelic and the ordinary are higher than many human extraordinary. Since the knowledge and powers of Angels far exceed all wisdom and all human power, the Guardian Angel without miracles can do a lot for the person he keeps that he himself could never do for himself; for example, it can invisibly deflect dangers from a person, or warn him in good time against them; can enlighten the mind with secret insights of thoughts, can breathe good desires into the heart, inspire, when necessary, with courage, comfort in sorrows, and so on.

What is the main organ for a person to communicate with his Guardian Angel?

The main organ for communication of a person with the Guardian Angel, as well as with the spiritual world in general, even with God Himself, is the heart and conscience. Therefore, attention to your heart and conscience is the first duty for someone who wants to hear the voice of the Guardian Angel.

What should each of us do in relation to our Guardian Angel?

First of all, to constantly remember that each of us has a Guardian Angel, for many, unfortunately, do not even think about this at all.

Secondly, one should try to come as much as possible into constant and lively communication with the Guardian Angel, using all the above means for this.

Thirdly, having achieved a living union with the Guardian Angel, one must maintain this blessed union with a purity of conscience and life; and in the event of a fall, it must be restored by quick and sincere repentance.

Is it possible to lose the Guardian Angel?

Although the Guardian Angel is given to a person for life and never leaves him completely until his death, but as soon as a person, repeating the same sins, completely surrenders to passions and, falling from one vice to another, finally comes to hardening in sin and impenitence, then the Guardian Angel, although he does not leave such a sinner at all, but, prompted by the incompatibility of his pure nature with sin, moves away from him, so that the sinner loses his Angelic cover.

What happens when his Guardian Angel moves away from a person?

Then the closest access to the person of the angel of darkness opens, for there is no Guardian Angel with him; with him the enemy is the destroyer; and where this enemy is, there is darkness for darkness, uncleanness for uncleanness, unrepentance for unrepentance, until death puts an end to man's sins.

Can a sinner reclaim his Guardian Angel?

The greatest sinner can do this and be reconciled with his Guardian Angel through sincere repentance for sins and forsaking them forever. In this case, according to the word of Scripture, great joy is not only for the Guardian Angel on earth, but also for all other Angels in heaven.

What prayers and offerings from our side are especially pleasant for the Guardian Angel?

Those in whom help is requested from him to accomplish good deeds, to feats of selflessness, humility and Christian love, to overcome temptations, to eradicate bad habits and passions in oneself. With such petitions, we open to the Guardian Angel all the convenience to bring down the grace of God on us with our prayers, for which it is especially given to each of us.

Will each of us ever see our Guardian Angel?

He will see at the hour of his death. For the Guardian Angel remains a single companion of the soul, which comes out of this world after separation from the body. It is here that every soul recognizes who is its Guardian.

But this date with the Guardian Angel is not the same for everyone. For good souls it is a source of mutual joy and thanksgiving, and for evil and unrepentant souls it is a source of shame, sadness and eternal remorse.

Such, brethren, is the essence of the teaching of the Orthodox Church about the Guardian Angel! Can anything be more gratifying and at the same time more edifying than this teaching? Let us give thanks to the Lord and our Savior, who loved us so much that he gave us such great and holy pestuns to us, as to little children.

Let us be grateful to the Holy Angels for the fact that, because of their love for us, they do not despise our uncleanness and infirmities, and take each of us into their own hands.

And thanks to the Lord of Angels and His heavenly servants, we will strive to turn their beneficial service to our salvation for our own good, so that when the time comes for us to leave this world and join the host of incorporeal spirits, the meeting of each of us with our Guardian Angel would not be reproachful and shame, but for eternal comfort and joy. Amen.


  • Archangel
  • Michael
  • angel
  • the keeper
  • Heavenly Forces ethereal
  • the cathedral
  • st. Innocent


  • Sermons