Write a postcard invitation in English. Invitations in English

Below you can find examples of postcards in English. We hope that the samples presented will help you in writing your own cards.

Example of a postcard in English No. 1

Postcard from a trip to Spain

We're in Spain and it's hot here. We arrived in Barcelona 2 days ago. Then we traveled to Madrit and stayed in a hotel. The food isn’t as good as in Poland, but it’s ok. We are having much fun here.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 2

Postcard from vacation in Italy

How are you?
I’m on holiday in Italy with two of two sisters. The weather’s wonderful so we’re spending the time swimming and sunbathing.
Yesterday we went on a fantastic trip to Rome. It was a bit hot, but we enjoyed it. I loved the beautiful architecture of the city and its atmosphere.
Hope you're having a great time in the mountains.

Wish you were here.


Example of a postcard in English No. 3

Postcard from holidays in Brazil

Hi Josh,
I'm on holiday in Brazil. I'm having a
great time. The weather is hot
and the sun's shining. At the moment
I’m staying on the beach, and read ing
a magazine. We arrived in Brazil yesterday
morning. The hotel is cool, and the
food is brilliant! I am coming back in a week.

Example of a postcard in English No. 4

Postcard from holidays in Africa

Hi Ada,
I’m having a great time in Africa.
I'm in a hotel now.
I traveled here by plane.
I’m traveling with my family and we’re staying here for two weeks.
We're going to the beach next.
The weather is wonderful. It's sunny and hot.
I hope you're having a great time too.
See you soon.

Example of a postcard in English No. 5

Postcard from the weekend in Russia

Hi Sonia!
I am on holiday in Russia with my family. We have stayed in a hotel for two days. The area is amazing and there is some beautiful architecture in here. We are spending time taking photos and eating in traditional Russian restaurants. Yesterday we visited the Red Square. I loved the atmosphere of this city and the beautiful monuments.

See you soon.

Example of a postcard in English No. 6

Postcard from a trip to France

Hi Lisa and Mathew
I’m on holiday in France and I’m having a great time. I have been to Paris for a week now. I’m going shopping and I’m eating in traditional French restaurants. Yesterday I saw the Eiffel Tower and took a lot of photos. I'm leaving Paris tomorrow.
Kisses, XYZ

Example of a postcard in English No. 7

Postcard from a trip to London

Hi Ola!
I’m writing to you from London. I stayed in a big, five-star hotel 2 days ago. Yesterday, I took a ride in the London Eye. It's amazing! It was a nice day, because it was sunny and cool.
Tomorrow, I’m visiting the Tower Bridge. I really want to see it. The food isn’t as good as in Poland, but it’s OK.
I'm having a good time here. I wish you were here.
Give my love to your parents.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 8

Postcard from the weekend in Poland

Hi Amy!
I’m on holiday in Poland. I'm having a great time. Last week I was in Warsaw. Tommorow I am visiting my friend. The weather is rainy. Every day I go to the cinema or go shopping. I'm back in three days.
See you soon,

Example of a postcard in English No. 9

Postcard from a weekend in Greece

Hi Jared
I’m on holiday in Greece and I’m having a great time. I was to Athenes two days ago, and tomorrow I’m going to Crete Island. The weather is beautiful, we swim every day in warm, clean water, and take sunbaths. I'm back in 2 weeks.

Example of a postcard in English No. 10

Postcard from the sea

Dear Tom,
How are you?
I'm fine. I'm at the seaside with my friends.
We go to the beach, the city center and to the restaurant every day.
We are having a great time!
The weather is sunny, hot and really beautiful.
Tell me about your holiday.
Write back soon!
Take care,

Example of postcard in English No. 11

Postcard from a tropical vacation

Hi Kaja!
I’m on holiday on the tropical island with my family. We’re staying in a hotel with a swimming pool. Today it is hot here. I'm going to sunbathe soon. Yesterday I went shopping. It's great. I'm back in a month.
See you,
Majka 🙂

You can write your card in the comments, and we will post it on our website, adding your name next to it 😉

Below you can find several sample invitations in English. These examples can serve as a template for writing your own invitations.

Example of an invitation in English No. 1


Dear Dexter,
I'd like to invite you to my birthday party
in my garden. The gardenparty starts at 8pm.
The party will be in gothic style.
You can't miss it!
I hope to see you there.

Example of an invitation in English No. 2

Birthday Party Invitation


I would like to invite you to my birthday party that will take place on March 20th. The party starts at 6 p.m. at my home. An awesome DJ will take care of music, and there will be something to eat and drink. You can't miss it! Let me know in advance if you are able to come. I hope to see you there!

Example of an invitation in English No. 3

Birthday Party Invitation


I would like to invite you to my birthday party, which starts at 7PM, October 9th in the local club. There will be a great DJ and something to eat and drink. It's going to be a great party. I hope to see you there.

Mike Tylor

Example of an invitation in English No. 4

Wedding Party Invitation


Tom and Sophie Johnson request the pleasure of your company in the occasion of their wedding at Saint Michael’s church near Long Street 51 on Saturday July 10th at 6PM.

Example of an invitation in English No. 5

Birthday Party Invitation


Please come to a party to celebrate my 18th birthday.
The party will start at 8 p.m. on Saturday, August 23rd.
You are welcome to bring a friend.
The party will take place at the Golden Rose restaurant, at the corner of Edelberry Avenue and Rose Road.
To get there, take bus 112 from the High Street and get off at the fifth stop.

See you there!

Example of an invitation in English No. 6

Birthday Party Invitation


Dear Alex,
I’m planning a party to celebrate the end of the school year. We’re having a barbecue on the beach on Thursday evening. It starts at 8 p.m. and finishes at 1 a.m. Don't miss it! Can you bring some food for the barbecue, e.g some burgers or sausages?
Please reply so I know who comes.
Best wishes,

If you know any interesting invitations in English, you can write them in the comments and we will post them on our website :)

Postcard– what could be more beautiful than a small card signed with your own hand? A unique design, monograms and magic words can give true pleasure to those who value real feelings.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with an electronic card, but the paper version will become the most memorable gift. Still don't know how to please your loved ones?

What should I write to you, my friend...What am I talking about? And I’m talking about what to write in a postcard, how to start and how to end, and should you generally adhere to any writing rules?

Dear Tom,

Next, you should indicate why you decided to write. If you are responding to a postcard you have already received, answer the questions, if there were any. Write your own text, after which write the final phrase on a separate line

Best wishes,
(own name)

Or Love, + name

And below is the address to which the postcard should be delivered in the following order:
first and last name of the addressee;
house number, street name;
city, postal code;
a country.

History of the postcard

Delving deeper into history, we note that there are several versions of the appearance of the first postcard. It is known that the first of them was created by the English artist Dobson in 1795. A little later, Henry Cole asked his friend John Gersley to help depict something New Year's, as a result of which a New Year's card with a winter landscape was born. Postcards began to gain popularity and were sold with notepaper.

The boom in postcard printing was gaining momentum in Europe, and these small cards migrated to Russia in the second half of the 19th century. It was then that famous artists began to make magnificent drawings, which became real works of art and were protected like the apple of the eye ( cherish as the apple of one's eye). But the word “postcard” itself comes from “open letter”. It is also known that the first postcards were called “congratulations”. Here is an old word in the Russian language that will still find a place in speech today.

Quite a price for a small card

If you have been to a flea market at least once, you have probably seen not only all sorts of antique beads, cameras, stones, wooden toys, but also postcards. By the way, one such card, issued in England in 1843, was sold for 22,000 pounds sterling. There are only 10 such examples left, and who knows how much it might sell for in 50 years.

When postcards had already become fashionable, they began to make them themselves, using maximum imagination. Thus, dried plants, tree branches, fabrics, beads and even boric acid were used to depict snow. Today, few people make postcards, although it is quite an exciting business. By putting your soul into a small work of art, you are giving a piece of yourself and your love.

Postcrossing: exchanging postcards around the world

It’s no secret that with the advent of smartphones, you can create a postcard online in a second and immediately send it to the recipient, so don’t waste time making and sending a little joy to your friends and loved ones. Modernity is quite changeable: just yesterday we all read electronic books, and today we again buy paper ones, because it is fashionable to read a real book, which, according to Ray Bradbury, is “bread for the hungry.”

The same thing happens with postcards. At the peak of popularity "postcrossing", which is an exchange of cards between residents of different countries. And this is truly a unique event that each of you can join. Agree, it’s quite nice to receive news from Japan, Mexico or the sunny Dominican Republic. You can join this movement here

An invitation letter in English can be written on the occasion of a birthday, wedding or any other holiday where you want to see the person you invite. So, let's see what expressions can be used in an invitation letter.

Useful phrases

- We would be delighted if you could attend...
— We would be very pleased if you could visit...

- Please come to our party on...
- Please come to our party...

— Can you make a meeting at 8 pm?
— Can you meet at 8 pm?

- Would you like to come to dinner on...
- Would you like to come for lunch at...


Often in letters you can find abbreviations and acronyms of established phrases that the inviter does not want to repeat every time.

R.S.V.P means you want a response, this acronym comes from the French language (Repondez s’il vous plait) and means “Request for a reply.” It may be important to the party host exactly how many people should be expected and who won't be able to attend.

ASAP (or A.S.A.P.) serves as an abbreviation for the phrase as soon as possible and translates as “as soon as possible.” This abbreviation can also be found in business correspondence.

Also, any invitation can contain the date and time. To accurately indicate the time, the Latin abbreviations AM and PM are used, the first means the time from 12 midnight to noon, and the second from 12 noon to midnight.

Invitation letter

Sample invitations

Read through a few sample invitations and note the differences in language style.

“Mr. and Mrs. Stone

Request the pleasure of your company on the wedding of their daughters Jennifer with Mark.

"Mr and Mrs Stone

They ask you to please them with your presence at the wedding of their daughter Jennifer and Mark.


Here is another party invitation, note the simple colloquial language used when addressing a friend.

Hello Jerry!

I am going to throw a party on Sunday, August 7, to celebrate my 16th Birthday! Don't forget your swimsuits! I’m planning a poolside party! Come to my place by 7 pm. Please RSVP, regrets only by August 4, so I can plan accordingly. I hope to see you.

“Hi Jerry!

I'm going to have a party on Saturday August 7th for my 16th birthday! Don't forget your swimming trunks! I'm planning a pool party! Come see me at 7 pm. Please confirm cancellations with regrets only until August 4th so that I can plan accordingly. Hope to see you.

All the best,

You are invited - You are invited

See how different an invitation letter in English can be for the same holiday.

"Dear Jane and Steve,

We cordially invite you to attend a party to celebrate Mike Gellar’s ​​16th Birthday. The occasion will be celebrated at his home at 7 pm. Please dress casually. Please, no gifts — we request only your company.

"Dear Jane and Steve,

We cordially invite you to attend Mike Gellar's 16th birthday party. The event will be celebrated at his home at 7pm on August 7th. Please wear casual clothing. Please, no gifts, we only ask for your presence.

You can also supplement your vocabulary with expressions from this video, which will demonstrate various options for wedding invitations:

Invitation letters are very popular among the British. It's always a pleasure to write and receive invitation letters, especially if it's on the occasion of a birthday. Although you are most likely not English, you may also need to invite someone to your birthday party in English. For example, if you study English abroad and it happens that on your birthday you will be surrounded by new friends who, in addition to their native language, only know English. Or if you want to invite your friends who live in another country far from you for a special occasion, then a written invitation in English is the best way to do this. Such a letter can be sent electronically or by paper mail.

Of course, you can always send an invitation card in English. But, despite the fact that such letters serve the same role as invitation cards, invitation letters are more personal and usually contain additional information or clarifications.

So, if you are writing an invitation in English to a birthday party, then at the beginning of the letter you must definitely mention where the recipient is invited. That is, the following details must be included: name (birthday party) and type (formal or not) of the event, date, time and location.

The letter can also mention the expected dress code for the occasion. You can also include details such as what the party program is expected to be and whether there will be lunch, dinner, appetizers, cocktails, etc. All these details will help the invitee come more prepared for the event.

Also, if desired, the invitation can be extended to personal friends, relatives or family members of the invitee. If for some reason you do not want to be given any gifts on the occasion of the celebrated event (which is very doubtful), this also needs to be mentioned.

Before finishing the invitation letter, do not forget to mention that you want to receive confirmation in return about whether the invited person will be able to come to your event and with whom he will come, if the invitation involves personal guests of the invitee. This way you will know exactly who will come and who will not, and how many guests you will ultimately have at your birthday party.

In previous articles it was already mentioned in general or, so in this case we will be interested only in the content of the English birthday invitation letter.

Examples of inviting relatives, friends and colleagues to a birthday party in English with translation

Invitation in English with transfer of friends to a restaurant on the occasion of their birthday

Dear Nicki, Dear Niki,
I am turning twenty three this coming Friday. I have arranged a small party on Sunday at the Black ‘n’ White restaurant that is close to your place at 17.00 hours. I wish your presence on the occasion. I'm turning 23 this coming Friday. I threw a small party on Sunday at the Black and White restaurant, which is located near your house, at 17.00. I would like you to be present for this occasion.
The party is an informal one and is a theme based one. So, you are requested to dress based on Hawaiian theme. The party would be a great time to catch up with all our old friends and have fun just like old times. There is a dance party in the beginning and after that there is arrangement of snacks and dinner. I will also mail you the details of the party. The party is informal and themed. Therefore, it is required that you dress in Hawaiian style. The party will be a great opportunity to see all our old friends and have fun like old times. First there is a dance scheduled, after which arrangements are made for snacks and dinner. I will also email you the party details.
I will look forward to meet you at the party and would appreciate if you could confirm your presence well before time so that I can make the arrangements accordingly. I look forward to seeing you at the party and would appreciate it if you could confirm your presence well in advance so that I can make the appropriate arrangements.
Warm Regards, From the heart,
Mandy Mandy

Family invitation in English for a birthday to your home

Clara and family. Clara and her family.
My birthday falls on 2nd May and I am counting the days of happiness. I am waiting for my friends and family to gather at my home on 2nd May and shower wishes on me. On this special occasion, I cordially invite you and your family to be present with me. Your presence will be most eagerly awaited. Looking forward to see you on that day. My birthday falls on May 2nd and I'm counting my lucky days. I'm looking forward to the day when my friends and their families will gather at my home on May 2nd and shower me with their wishes. On this special occasion, I invite you and your family to spend this day with me from the bottom of my heart. I will look forward to your arrival with great impatience. I look forward to your visit on this day.
Yours lovingly, With love yours,
Albina Chalmers Albina Chalmers

Friendly invitation in English to your home for a birthday party

Subject: birthday invitation letter Subject: birthday invitation letter
Dear Nessa, Dear Nessa,
As I am writing this letter to you, I am doing so with a heart full of incredible joy and happiness. Without much ado, the purpose of this letter is to serve as an invitation letter to my birthday. As you know, I will be turning a year older on the 30th of November. When I write this letter to you, I do it with a heart full of incredible joy and happiness. Simply put, the purpose of this letter is to serve as a written invitation to my birthday party. As you know, I will become one year older on November 30th.
Concerning the birthday party, it is scheduled to hold in our house, all programs will be starting by 9.00 am prompt, and the dress code selected is blue and red although any formal costume too will be okay. As we have been friends for quite a long time, I will deeply appreciate it if you can grace the occasion with your presence. Thanking you in anticipation of your favorite response. Regarding the birthday party, it is planned to be held at our house, all events will begin promptly at 9 am, the chosen color scheme is blue and red, although any formal suit will also work. Since we have been friends for quite some time, I will deeply appreciate it if you can grace the occasion with your presence. Thank you in advance for your positive response.
Yours faithfully, Sincerely,
Naomi Leslie. Naomi Lezley.

English invitation (with translation) to a dinner party at a hotel on the occasion of a birthday for friends with whom we studied at the academy, institute or university

Subject: Invitation for dinner Subject: Dinner Invitation
Dear Raymond, Dear Raymond,
I would like to invite you to join me over a dinner party which I have arranged on my birthday on June 7th, 2014 at Hotel Green Vale, Los Angeles. All our college friends are invited to my birthday party. Since, we all are working and running through busy office hours thus I have scheduled my birthday party in the evening at around 7 PM. I have enclosed a birthday party invitation for venue details. I would like to invite you to join me at the dinner party I hosted for my birthday on June 7th, 2014 at the Green Valley Hotel in Los Angeles. All our college friends are invited to my birthday party. Since we all work and rush through a busy day at work, so I scheduled my birthday party for the evening around 7:00 pm. I have included a birthday party invitation with details of the venue.
You need to show the dinner party invitation card at the hotel entrance so that the concerned hotel staff will escort to the dinner party banquet. I believe that it is going to be a great celebration with all of our friends. We all will surely have a great time. You must show your dinner party invitation card at the hotel entrance so that the puzzled hotel staff will escort you to the dinner party banquet. I believe it will be a great celebration with all our friends. We will all certainly have a wonderful time.
Hope to see you at the party. Hope to see you at the party.
Yours Friend, Friendly yours,
Victor Glen Victor Glen