A conspiracy from bad dreams. To prevent a bad dream from coming true: tips and conspiracies

A person becomes nervous, irritable, anxiety and obsessive thoughts begin to haunt him. However, this is far from the worst thing. Sometimes the dreamed horror becomes prophetic dream... You can save yourself from a waking nightmare using an effective technique.

Today everyone knows that thought is material. Therefore, the more time you devote to remembering a bad dream, the more likely it is that it will come true.

Therefore, the first thing to do if you have a nightmare is to let go of negative experiences and tune in to a positive wave.

Bad dream conspiracy

If you saw a nightmare, and especially if such dreams often haunt you, you should read a strong conspiracy. When you wake up in the morning, say the words:

“Good dreams - come true, nightmares and horrors - don't torment me anymore. Lord God, save and save your servant (name). What I saw / saw in a dream will never come to me. Amen".

This conspiracy will help you lock in all the negativity and prevent a bad dream from coming true. Say these words every time you have nightmares.

Nightmare Relief Ritual

If you had a bad dream and during the day obsessive thoughts about it do not leave you, an effective ritual will help, which with its power will save you from heavy thoughts, nightmares and dream embodiment. The most important rule is not to tell anyone about what you dreamed.

To perform the ritual, you will need a metal, wood or stone object. You must be completely alone or engage in magical activities while everyone is sleeping. Having touched the object that you have chosen as a talisman, you should repeat the words three times:

“Wherever it is night, there is a dream. Behind me is a holy Guardian Angel, capable of protecting against evil forces and bad thoughts. May the Lord help Him to intercede for my life and return a bad dream to where it came from. Let it be so. Amen".

Prayer for a bad dream not to come true

The Hieromartyr Cyprian will help you protect yourself from corruption, witchcraft and black magic. And prayers for the coming sleep will save you from the consequences of a bad dream. The prayer should be read before the icon of the great martyr, with sincere faith and trembling in the soul:

“Oh, saint of God, great martyr Cyprian. You respond to all prayers calling for your help and intercession. Hear the words of God's unworthy servants and forgive our sins before the Lord. Ask for me (name) before the Lord of Heaven for strengthening the soul, in the prayer of healing, in the sorrows of consolation.

You, Saint Cyprian, are able to guide us on the true path, to deliver us from the captivity of the devilish, wicked spirits and foreign influence. Do not renounce our prayers and descend with your light in our lives. We glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Sleep is an opportunity to replenish your energy supply and receive information from your subconscious.

From the point of view, dreams not only reflect the mental state of a person, but also govern real life. Due to stress and receiving negative information from the outside world, a person can have nightmares. On thin energy shells, bad dreams form holes over time, and when the energy weakens, changes occur in a person's life: failures begin to haunt, problems appear in personal relationships and the flow of new vital energy is blocked. If you have bad dreams for more than 2 weeks, this means that your energy shell has changed and requires correction. A person who is haunted by unpleasant dreams does not rest physically during sleep and receives an energy hit upon awakening. You do not always remember your dreams, but when you wake up, you feel specific physical sensations: pleasant or unpleasant.

In order to get rid of negative dreams, you need to work with your energy. Working with dreams also requires discipline and pedantry. The first thing to start with is analyzing the state after waking up. When you wake up with a bad mood or an unpleasant feeling, write on a piece of paper everything that comes to your mind when answering the questions: "Why do I feel this way?", "What causes my fear?", "How do I want to feel after sleep?" ... By carefully analyzing your answers, you will find the key to solving the problem, eliminating its root causes. A few must-have rules to get rid of bad dreams and their consequences:

  1. Change the pillow you sleep on often to neutralize harmful energy.
  2. Put a glass of water near the head of the bed overnight, pour it out in the morning. Thus, the information that came during sleep will go away forever.
  3. Place a bag made of natural fabric under the pillow, in which you pour salt, sage and pine needles in equal proportions. Change the bag once a week. This will help protect your subtle energy field while you sleep.
  4. Before bed, contemplate pleasing aesthetic objects.
  5. After waking up from an unpleasant sleep, collect all the bedding and replace it with a new one, then take a contrast shower and talk about your dream or sensations on running water.
To protect yourself from the harmful effects of bad dreams, keep a pyramid of serpentine, green jasper, or jade near your bed. The energy of the pyramid dissipates dark currents and restores the thin shells of the biofield. Write on paper the sensations, images and details of your unpleasant dream in the morning, look through this sheet during the day and mentally simulate other events within the dream plot. Burn the paper as the sun goes down. In this way, you will get rid of the influence of bad sleep on your real life, on. Remember that dreams are part of the energy that is hidden from our logic, but this subtle energy exists and can penetrate into the real world.

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A dream conspiracy is performed when a person dreamed of something bad or evil. After all, every dream can come true, become prophetic. And if something really bad is dreaming, then let it remain in a dream, and not come true in reality. And a conspiracy can help a person get rid of the bad thoughts associated with sleep, or even prevent constant nightmares.

Folk recipes for bad dreams

In ancient times, people believed that in a dream a person sees his past and future. And if you had a bad dream or a nightmare, then they did not try to forget it, as they do today - they tried to protect themselves from it, to eliminate the possibility of its realization.

Today, there are several known ways to protect yourself from bad dreams:

  • Trap bad sleep
  • Conspiracy from bad dreams so that they do not dream
  • Conspiracy from the nightmares that have already dreamed

Conspiracies were usually used, since they are instantaneous and simple, and their strength is enough to defeat a bad dream. But this method is more typical for the Slavs. On other continents, dream traps are more common, but this is more connected not with the effect, but with the mentality, culture of the population.

Slavic tribes associated with dreams the desires of deities, of which there were more than a hundred. And often it was they who were addressed in conspiracies (Sandman, Dream - Sandman's husband, and even Svarog), hoping that they would "cancel" their decisions in a dream, show mercy and the dream will not come true.

Conspiracies from bad dreams

  1. Going to bed, say: “My angel, sleep with me. I'm not afraid with you. I avoid bad dreams. Fly away in the morning, take your dashing sleep. In order not to dream, so that it does not come true. "
  2. If you had a bad dream, then immediately after waking up, go to the window, open it and say: “Where the night has gone, it took the dream there. I let go, I didn't leave a penny. " Throw a coin out the window and add: "Paid".
  3. For a good sleep, you need to say three times in the evening, referring to the light of the moon: “Like the moon, soft and kind, spreads over the bosom, dashing does not lead, - so would I, a slave<имя> a good dream dreamed, a dashing one rolled, the wicked one disappeared. I see the light, like a dream my cross. It spreads from it, warms itself with good. The key to the light, the lock on the moon horns, from the earth godparents. "
Several ways are also considered a good way from bad dreams:
  • If a dream is dreamed on Wednesday night, then until mid-Friday it cannot be told to anyone; on other days, be silent about sleep until noon;
  • If in a dream someone's death is dreamed, then you need to drink one water from morning to evening;
  • If in a dream there are devils or other evil spirits that scared, then you need to find a homeless cat on this day and feed it, and it is better to take it to the house;
  • If you have the same bad dream, you need to hang a crucifix over the bed or put a "seal" of water and your sweat at the head
A sleep conspiracy is performed either early in the morning or before bedtime. If the moon is growing, then the conspiracy is repeated within three days.