Vienna Classical School: Haydn. Joseph Haydn: biography, interesting facts, creativity Genres of works in Haydn's works

Joseph Haydn biography short for children and adults is outlined in this article.

Joseph Haydn short biography

Franz Joseph Haydn- Austrian composer, representative of the Viennese classical school, one of the founders of the symphony and string quartet.

Born March 31, 1732 in the small town of Rorau, Lower Austria, in the family of a coachman. His love for music was instilled in Joseph by his father, who was fond of vocals. The boy had excellent hearing and a sense of rhythm, and thanks to these abilities he was accepted into the church choir in the small town of Geinburg. Later he will move to Vienna, where he will sing in the choir chapel at the Cathedral of St. Stefan.

Haydn had a wayward character, and already at the age of 16 he was kicked out of the choir - at the time when his voice began to break. He is left without a livelihood. In such a hopeless situation, the young man takes on various jobs (he works as a servant for Nikolai Porpora).

Seeing such a young man's love for music, Porpora offers him the position of a companion valet. He has held this position for about ten years. As payment for his work, Haydn receives lessons in music theory, from which he learns a lot about music and composition. Gradually, the financial situation of the young man improves, and his musical works are crowned with success. Haydn is looking for a rich patron, which becomes the imperial prince Pal Antal Esterhazy. Already in 1759 the young genius composed his first symphonies.

Haydn married at the age of 28, to Anna Maria Claire. Anna Maria often showed disrespect for her husband's profession. They did not have children, but he was faithful to his wife for 20 years. But after so many years, he suddenly fell in love with 19-year-old Luigia Polzelli, an Italian opera singer, and even promised to marry her, but this passion soon passed away.

In 1761 Haydn became the second Kapellmeister at the court of the princes Esterhazy, one of the most influential families in Austria. During his rather long career at the court of Esterhazy, he composes a huge number of operas, quartets and symphonies (104 in total). He becomes famous not only in his homeland, but also in England, France, Russia. In 1781 Haydn met Mozart, who became his close friend. In 1792 he met the young Beethoven and took him as a student.


Haydn is a great Austrian composer. He lived a long life and was a contemporary of V.A. Mozart and L. Van Beethoven. He has written over 100 symphonies, 52 piano sonatas, 24 operas, concerts, quartets, oratorios and other works.

In his work, Haydn relied on folk music. He knew German, Austrian, Hungarian, Slavic well. The language of his works is national.

In his works, Haydn shows beautiful nature, peaceful, happy life, dances, round dances.

Haydn wrote in homophonic-harmonic style with clear, simple harmony, backed by clear functionality. His melodies, simple and light, are distinguished by a special light and joyful character with a predominance of dance rhythms.

Haydn, in comparison with other composers of Viennese classicism, most of all reflected the ideal of classicism. His music is almost completely devoid of drama and the world of complex feelings. There are no sharp contrasts in his works. Music is simple and easy to understand for a simple listener.

Haydn is called a Viennese classic because he lived near Vienna, and his works have a balanced form that served as a model for the work of other composers. In his work, there are classical examples of quartet, sonata, symphony.

Characteristics of creativity

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Like Haydn, Mozart belongs to the Viennese classics. His music is characterized by: high humanism, life truthfulness, optimism. They express faith in a high ideal, reveal the wealth of the soulful world.

Mozart continues Haydn's work in many ways, but also represents a new branch of Viennese classicist art. Haydn and Mozart gravitated towards a different range of images, different genres, and different themes.

Mozart is characterized by lyric-dramatic thematism, more subjective circle of images.

Mozart is the creator of a new type of symphony - lyric and dramatic.

The most important feature of creativity is the breadth of national and cultural ties: Austrian folk music, Italian opera melody, the achievements of French clavisinists.

For many tunes characterized by exquisite chromaticism, retention with a clear major or minor. Often there are melodies of a courageous character, saturated with great drama, contrasting within themselves.

Of great importance in the development of musical material is polyphony ... By its nature, it is close to Bach's, but is based on the homophonic-harmonic type of musical language.

Harmony Mozart emphasizes the expressiveness and beauty of the melody. It is based on the relationship of the main steps, but also the chords of the side steps of the scale, deflection and modulation are used.

The beauty of Mozart's music is largely due to his texture, always clear, transparent, subtle.

In the understanding of the nationality, Mozart is close to Bach, but shows him more subtly, deeply.

Mozart is a complex artistic phenomenon, it is very diverse. He perceived a person in all the diversity of his free personality, the richness of his feelings, in all life phenomena. Therefore, he is comic, and tragic, and lyrical.

Mozart's work is distinguished by the completeness of forms, immense direct beauty, and poetic spirituality.

Franz Joseph Haydn is one of the greatest composers of all time. A brilliant musician of Austrian origin. The man who created the foundations of the classical music school, as well as the orchestral and instrumental standard, which we observe in our time. In addition to these merits, Franz Josef represented the Vienna Classical School. There is an opinion among musicologists that the musical genres - symphony and quartet - were first composed by Joseph Haydn. A very interesting and eventful life was lived by a talented composer.

Short biography Joseph Haydn and a lot of interesting facts about the composer read on our page.

Brief biography of Haydn

Haydn's biography began on March 31, 1732, when little Joseph was born in the Rorau fair commune (Lower Austria). His father was a wheel master, and his mother worked as a servant in the kitchen. Thanks to his father, who loved to sing, the future composer became interested in music. Little Joseph was naturally gifted with absolute pitch and an excellent sense of rhythm. These musical abilities allowed the talented boy to sing in the Heinburg church choir. Later, due to the move, Franz Josef will be admitted to the Vienna Choir Chapel at the Catholic Cathedral of St. Stephen.

Due to stubbornness, sixteen-year-old Joseph lost his job - a place in the choir. This happened during the mutation of the voice. Now he has no income for subsistence. Out of despair, the young man takes on any job. The Italian vocal maestro and composer Nicola Porpora took the youngster as a servant, but Josef found benefit in this work as well. The boy delves into musical science and begins to take lessons from a teacher.

Porpora could not have noticed that Joseph had genuine feelings for music, and on this basis the famous composer decided to offer the young man an interesting job - to become his personal valet companion. Haydn was in this position for almost ten years. The maestro paid for his work mostly not with money, he studied the theory of music and harmony with the young talent for free. So the talented young man learned many important musical foundations in different directions. Over time, Haydn's material problems gradually began to disappear, and his initial composing works were successfully accepted by the public. At this time, the young composer wrote his first symphony.

Despite the fact that at that time it was considered "late", Haydn decided to start a family with Anna Maria Keller only at the age of 28. And this marriage was unsuccessful. According to his wife, Joseph did not have a decent profession for a man. During two dozen life together, the couple did not have children, which also influenced the unsuccessful family history. With all these troubles in mind, the musical genius was a faithful husband for 20 years. But an unpredictable life brought Franz Josef together with a young and charming opera singer Luigia Polzelli, who was only 19 years old when they met. They were overtaken by passionate love, and the composer promised to marry her. But the passion quickly faded away, and he did not keep his promise. Haydn seeks patronage among the rich and powerful. In the early 1760s, the composer got a job as a second conductor in the palace of the influential Esterhazy family (Austria). For 30 years, Haydn has been working at the court of this noble dynasty. During this time he composed a huge number of symphonies - 104.

Haydn did not have many close friends, but one of them was - Amadeus Mozart ... The composers meet in 1781. After 11 years, Joseph was introduced to the young Ludwig van Beethoven, whom Haydn made his student. The service at the palace ends with the death of the patron - Joseph loses his post. But the name Franz Joseph Haydn has already thundered not only in Austria, but also in many other countries such as Russia, England, France. During his time in London, the composer earned almost as much in one year as he did in 20 years as Kapellmeister of the Esterhazy family, his former employers.

The last work of the composer is considered the oratorio "The Four Seasons". He composes it with great difficulty, he was disturbed by a headache and problems with sleep.

The great composer dies at the age of 78 (May 31, 1809) Joseph Haydn spent his last days at his home in Vienna. Later it was decided to transport the remains to Eisenstadt.

Interesting Facts

  • It is generally accepted that Joseph Haydn's birthday is March 31st. But, in his testimony, another date was indicated - April 1. According to the composer's diaries, such a slight change was made in order not to celebrate their holiday on "April Fools' Day".
  • Little Josef was so talented that he could play drums at the age of 6! When the drummer, who was supposed to participate in the procession on the occasion of the Great Week, died suddenly, Haydn was asked to replace him. Because the future composer was short, due to the peculiarities of his age, then a hunchback walked in front of him, with a drum tied on his back, and Joseph could play the instrument calmly. The vintage drum still exists today. It is located in the Hainburg Church.
  • The young Haydn's singing voice was so impressive that he was asked to join the choir singing school of St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna when the boy was only five years old.
  • The choirmaster of St. Stephen's Cathedral suggested that Haydn be subjected to a certain operation to prevent the breaking of his voice, but fortunately the father of the future composer intervened and prevented this.
  • When the composer's mother died at the age of 47, his father quickly married a young maid, who was 19 years old. The age difference between Haydn and his stepmother was only 3 years, and the "son" was older.
  • Haydn loved a girl who for some reason decided that life in a monastery is better than family life. Then the musical genius called the elder sister of his beloved, Anna Maria, to marry. But this rash decision did not lead to anything good. The wife turned out to be grumpy and did not understand her husband's musical hobbies. Haydn wrote that Anna Maria used his musical manuscripts as kitchen utensils.

  • In the biography of Haydn there is an interesting legend about the name of the String Quartet in f-moll "Razor". One morning Haydn was shaving with a dull razor, and when patience ran out, he shouted that if they had given him a normal razor now, he would have presented his wonderful work for this. At that moment, John Bland was nearby, a man wishing to publish the composer's manuscripts that no one had ever seen. After what he heard, the publisher did not hesitate to hand over their English steel razors to the composer. Haydn kept his word and presented his new work to the guest. Thus, the String Quartet received such an extraordinary name.
  • It is known that Haydn had a very strong friendship with Mozart. Mozart greatly respected and respected his friend. And if Haydn criticized the works of Amadeus or gave any advice, Mozart always listened, Joseph's opinion was always in the first place for the young composer. Despite the peculiar temperaments and age difference, friends did not have quarrels and disagreements.

  • "Miracle" - this is the name attributed to symphonies No. 96 D-major and No. 102 B-dur. All this is due to one story that happened after the concert of this piece ended. People rushed to the stage in order to thank the composer and bow before him for the most beautiful music. As soon as the listeners were in front of the hall, a chandelier fell with a crash behind them. There were no casualties - and it was a miracle. Opinions differ at the premiere of which symphony this amazing event took place.
  • For more than half of his life, the composer suffered from polyps in his nose. This became known to the surgeon, and also to Joseph's good friend John Hunter. The doctor recommended to come to him for an operation, which Haydn first decided on. But when he came to the office where the operation was to take place and saw 4 big surgeon's assistants, whose task was to hold the patient during the painful procedure, the brilliant musician got scared, struggled and shouted loudly. In general, the idea of \u200b\u200bgetting rid of polyps has sunk into the summer. As a child, Joseph suffered from smallpox.

  • Haydn has a Symphony with timpani beats, or it is also called "Surprise". The history of the creation of this symphony is interesting. Joseph and the orchestra periodically toured London, and one day he noticed how some spectators fell asleep during a concert or were already watching beautiful dreams. Haydn suggested that this happens due to the fact that the British intelligentsia is not used to listening to classical music and does not have special feelings for art, but the British are a people of traditions, so they definitely attended concerts. The composer, the soul of the company and the merry fellow decided to act cunningly. After a short thought, he wrote a special symphony for the English public. The piece began with quiet, smooth, almost soothing melodic sounds. Suddenly in the process of sounding there was a drum beat and thunder of timpani. Such a surprise was repeated in the work more than once. So Londoners no longer fell asleep in the concert halls where Haydn conducted.
  • When the composer died, he was buried in Vienna. But later it was decided to re-bury the remains of the genius of music in Eisenstadt. When the grave was opened, it was discovered that Joseph's skull had disappeared. It was a trick of two friends of the composer, who took their own heads by bribing people in the cemetery. For almost 60 years (1895-1954) the skull of the Viennese classic was housed in a museum (Vienna). It wasn't until 1954 that the remains were reunited and buried together.

  • Mozart was delighted with Haydn and often invited him to his concerts, and Joseph reciprocated the young prodigy and often played with him in a quartet. It is noteworthy that at Haydn's funeral sounded "Requiem" by Mozart who died 18 years earlier than his friend and teacher.
  • Haydn's portrait can be found on German and Soviet postage stamps issued in 1959 for the 150th anniversary of the composer's death, and on the Austrian 5 euro coin.
  • The German anthem and the old Austro-Hungarian anthem owe their music to Haydn. After all, it was his music that became the basis of these patriotic songs.

Films about Joseph Haydn

Many informative documentaries have been filmed based on Haydn's biography. All these films are interesting and exciting. Some of them tell more about the composer's musical achievements and discoveries, and some tell different facts from the personal life of the Viennese classic. If you have a desire to get to know this musical figure better, then we present to your attention a small list of documentaries:

  • Film company "Academy Media" has shot a 25-minute documentary film "Haydn" from the "Famous Composers" series.
  • In the vastness of the Internet you can find two interesting films "In Search of Haydn". The first part lasts a little over 53 minutes, the second 50 minutes.
  • Haydn is described in several series from the documentary section "History from Notes". From episodes 19 to 25, each of which is less than 10 minutes long, you can study the interesting biographical data of the great composer.
  • There is a short documentary from the Chanel Encyclopedia about Joseph Haydn that runs for only 12 minutes.
  • An interesting 11-minute film about Haydn's perfect pitch can also be easily found on the Internet network "Perfect Pitch - Franz Joseph Haydn".

  • Gaia Ritchie's 2009 Sherlock Holmes features an adagio from string quartet # 3 D major during the stage, where Watson and his fiancée Mary dine with Holmes at a restaurant called "The Royal".
  • The third part of the concerto for cello is used in the 1998 English film "Hillary and Jackie".
  • Concerto for piano and orchestra is featured in Steven Spielberg's film "Catch Me If You Can".
  • The minuet from Sonata 33 is included in the musical accompaniment of the film "Runaway Bride" (a sequel to the famous film "Pretty Woman").
  • The Adagio e cantibile from Sonata No. 59 is used in 1994's The Vampire Diaries starring Brad Pitt.
  • The sounds of the B-major string quartet "Sunrise" are heard in the horror film "Relic" 1997.
  • Haydn's Quartet # 5 is featured in the excellent film The Pianist, which won 3 Oscars.
  • Also, string quartet # 5 is heard from the music to the films "Star Trek: Uprising" in 1998 and "Fort
  • Symphonies # 101 and # 104 can be found in the 1991 film Lord of the Tides.
  • The 33rd string quartet is used in the 1997 comedy "George of the Jungle".
  • The third movement of String Quartet No. 76 "The Emperor" can be found in the films Casablanca 1941, Bullworth 1998, Cheap Detective 1978, and The Dirty Dozen.
  • Concert for trumpet and orchestra sounds in "The Big Deal" with Mark Wahlberg.
  • In "Bicentennial Man" based on the book of genius science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, one can hear Haydn's symphony No. 73 "The Hunt".

Haydn House Museum

In 1889, the Haydn Museum in Vienna was opened, which is located in the house of the composer. For 4 years, Joseph was slowly building his "corner" from the money he earned during the tour. Initially, there was a low house, which was rebuilt at the behest of the composer, adding more floors. The second floor was the residence of the musician himself, and below he settled his assistant Elsper, who copied Haydn's notes.

Almost all the exhibits in the museum are the personal property of the composer during his lifetime. Handwritten notes, painted portraits, the instrument that Haydn worked on, and other interesting things. It is unusual that the building has a small room dedicated to Johannes Brahms ... Johannes highly respected and honored the work of the Viennese classic. This room is filled with his personal belongings, furniture and tools.

Unfortunately, when people talk about Viennese classics, first of all they remember Ludwig van Beethoven and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. But many musicologists are sure that if it were not for such a brilliant composer as Franz Joseph Haydn, we would not have learned about the other great talents of the era of classicism. Haydn's works and compositions stood at the origins of all classical music and gave it the opportunity to develop and improve to the present day.

Video: watch a film about Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn is one of the most prominent representatives of the art of the Enlightenment. The great Austrian composer, he left a huge creative legacy - about 1000 works in various genres. The main, most significant part of this heritage, which determined Haydn's historical place in the development of world culture, is made up of large cyclical works. These are 104 symphonies, 83 quartets, 52 keyboard sonatas, thanks to which Haydn won the fame of the founder of classical symphony.

Haydn's art is deeply democratic. The basis of his musical style was folk art and the music of everyday life. With amazing sensitivity he perceived folk melodies of various origins, the nature of peasant dances, the special coloring of the sound of folk instruments, some French song that became popular in Austria. Haydn's music is imbued not only with the rhythms and intonations of folklore, but also with folk humor, inexhaustible optimism and vital energy. “Into the halls of palaces, where his symphonies were usually sounded, fresh streams of folk melody, folk jokes, something from folk life performances burst with them” ( T. Livanova,352 ).

Haydn's art is related in its style, but the range of his images and concepts have their own characteristics. High tragedy, antique plots that inspired Gluck are not his area. The world of more ordinary images and feelings is closer to him. The sublime principle is not at all alien to Haydn, only he finds it not in the sphere of tragedy. Serious reflection, poetic perception of life, beauty of nature - all this becomes sublime in Haydn. A harmonious and clear view of the world dominates both in his music and in his attitude. He was always sociable, objective and benevolent. He found sources of joy everywhere - in the lives of peasants, in his works, in communication with close people (for example, with Mozart, friendship with whom, based on inner kinship and mutual respect, had a beneficial effect on the creative development of both composers).

Haydn's career lasted about fifty years, covering all stages of the development of the Viennese classical school - from its inception in the 1860s and up to the flowering of Beethoven's work.


The composer's character was formed in the working atmosphere of a peasant life: he was born on March 31, 1732 in the village of Rorau (Lower Austria) in the family of a coachman, his mother was a simple cook. From childhood, Haydn could hear music of different nationalities, since among the local population of Rorau there were Hungarians, Croats, and Czechs. The family was musical: my father loved to sing, accompanying himself by ear on the harp.

Paying attention to the rare musical abilities of his son, Haydn's father sends him to the neighboring town of Hainburg to his relative (Frank), who served there as the school rector and choir choir director. Later, the future composer recalled that he received from Frank "more cuffs than food"; nevertheless, from the age of 5 he learned to play the wind and string instruments, as well as the harpsichord, and sings in the church choir.

The next stage in Haydn's life is associated with the musical chapel at cathedral of st. Stephen's in Vienna... The head of the chapel (Georg Reuter) traveled around the country from time to time to recruit new singers. Listening to the choir in which little Haydn sang, he immediately appreciated the beauty of his voice and rare musical talent. Having received an invitation to become a choir at the cathedral, 8-year-old Haydn first came into contact with the richest artistic culture of the Austrian capital. Even then, it was a city literally filled with music. Italian opera has flourished here for a long time, concerts-academies of famous virtuosos were held, large instrumental and choral chapels existed at the imperial court and the houses of large nobles. But the main musical wealth of Vienna is the most diverse folklore (the most important prerequisite for the formation of the classical school).

Constant participation in the performance of music - not only church music, but also opera music - developed Haydn most of all. In addition, the Reuter Chapel was often invited to the Imperial Palace, where the future composer could hear instrumental music. Unfortunately, only the boy's voice was appreciated in the chapel, entrusting him with the performance of solo parts; the composer's inclinations, awakened already in childhood, went unnoticed. When the voice began to break, Haydn was fired from the chapel.

1749-1759 - the first years of independent life in Vienna

This 10th anniversary was the most difficult in Haydn's entire biography, especially at the beginning. Without a roof over his head, penniless, he was extremely poor, wandering without a permanent shelter and interrupting with odd jobs (occasionally he managed to find private lessons or play the violin in a wandering ensemble). But at the same time, these were happy years, full of hopes and faith in their vocation as a composer. Having bought several books on music theory from a second-hand bookseller, Haydn is independently engaged in counterpoint, gets acquainted with the works of the largest German theoreticians, studies the clavier sonatas of Philip Emmanuel Bach. Despite the vicissitudes of fate, he retained both an open character and a sense of humor, which never betrayed him.

Among the earliest works of 19-year-old Haydn is the singspiel Lame Demon, written at the suggestion of the famous Viennese comedian Kurz (lost). Over time, his knowledge in the field of composition was enriched through communication with Niccolo Porpora, a famous Italian opera composer and vocal teacher: Haydn served as his accompanist for some time.

Gradually, the young musician becomes famous in the musical circles of Vienna. Since the mid-1750s, he has been frequently invited to take part in home musical evenings at the home of a wealthy Viennese official (by the name of Fürnberg). For these home concerts, Haydn wrote his first string trios and quartets (18 in total).

In 1759, on the recommendation of Feurnberg, Haydn received his first permanent position - the place of conductor in the home orchestra of the Czech aristocrat, Count Morcin. For this orchestra was written haydn's first symphony - D major in three movements. This was the beginning of the development of Viennese classical symphony. Two years later, Morcin, due to financial difficulties, dissolved the chapel, and Haydn signed a contract with the richest Hungarian tycoon, a passionate music fan, Paul Anton Esterhazy.

Period of creative maturity

Haydn worked in the service of the princes of Esterhazy for 30 years: first as vice-conductor (assistant), and 5 years later as chief conductor. His responsibilities included more than just composing music. Haydn was supposed to conduct rehearsals, keep order in the chapel, be responsible for the safety of notes and instruments, etc. All Haydn's works were the property of Esterhazy; the composer had no right to write music commissioned by others, he could not freely leave the prince's possession. However, the ability to dispose of the excellent orchestra that performed all of his works, as well as the relative material and household security, persuaded Haydn to accept Esterhazy's proposal.

Living on the estates of Esterhazy (Eisenstadt and Estergase), and only occasionally visiting Vienna, having little contact with the wider musical world, during this service he became the greatest master of a European scale. For the chapel and home theater of Esterhazy, most of the quartets and operas were written (in the 1760s ~ 40, in the 70s ~ 30, in the 80s ~ 18).

The musical life at the Esterhazy residence was open in its own way. Distinguished guests, including foreigners, were present at concerts, opera performances, gala receptions accompanied by music. Haydn's fame gradually spread beyond the borders of Austria. His works are successfully performed in the largest musical capitals. So, in the mid-1780s, the French public got acquainted with six symphonies, called "Parisian" (Nos. 82-87, they were created especially for the Parisian "Concerts of the Olympic Lodge").

Late period of creativity.

In 1790, Prince Miklos Esterhazy died, bequeathing to Haydn a life pension. His heir dismissed the chapel, retaining the title of Kapellmeister for Haydn. Having completely freed himself from service, the composer was able to fulfill his old dream - to leave Austria. In the 1790s, he made 2 tours travel to London at the invitation of the organizer of the "Subscription Concerts" violinist IP Sálomon (1791-92, 1794-95). Written on this occasion completed the development of this genre in Haydn's work, confirmed the maturity of Viennese classical symphony (somewhat earlier, in the late 1780s, Mozart's three last symphonies appeared). The English audience was enthusiastic about Haydn's music. At Oxford he was awarded an honorary doctorate in music.

The last owner of Esterhazy during Haydn's life, Prince Miklos II, turned out to be a passionate art lover. The composer was again called up for service, although his work was now modest. Living in his own house on the outskirts of Vienna, he composed mostly masses for Estergas (Nelson, Theresia, etc.).

Under the impression of Handel's oratorios heard in London, Haydn wrote two secular oratorios - The Creation of the World (1798) and (1801). These monumental, epic-philosophical works, affirming the classical ideals of beauty and harmony of life, the unity of man and nature, crowned the composer's career with dignity.

Haydn passed away in the midst of the Napoleonic campaigns, when French troops had already occupied the capital of Austria. During the siege of Vienna, Haydn consoled his loved ones: "Do not be afraid, children, where Haydn is, nothing bad can happen.".

His younger brother Michael (who later also became a famous composer who worked in Salzburg), who had the same wonderful treble, already sang in the choir.

A total of 24 operas in different genres, among which the genre was the most organic for Haydn buffa... For example, the opera "Loyalty Rewarded" enjoyed great success with the public.

It is no coincidence that the composer Joseph Haydn is called the father of the symphony. It is thanks to the genius of the creator that this genre acquired classical perfection and became the basis on which symphonism grew from.

Among other things, Haydn was the first to create completed samples of other leading genres of the era of classicism - the string quartet and the clavier sonata. He was also the first to write secular oratorios in German. Later, these compositions were on a par with the greatest achievements of the Baroque era - English oratorios and German cantatas.

Childhood and youth

Franz Joseph Haydn was born on March 31, 1732 in the Austrian village of Rorau, bordering Hungary. The composer's father had no musical education, but in his youth he independently mastered playing the harp. Franz's mother was also not indifferent to music. From early childhood, the parents discovered that their son had outstanding vocal abilities and excellent hearing. Already at the age of five, Joseph sang loudly along with his father, then perfectly mastered the violin, after which he came to the church choir to perform the masses.

From the biography of a representative of the Viennese classical school, it is known that the far-sighted father, as soon as the son turned six years old, sent his beloved child to a neighboring city to a relative Johann Mathias Frank - the rector of the school. In his institution, the man taught children not only grammar and mathematics, but also gave them lessons in singing and playing the violin. There Haydn mastered string and wind instruments, retaining gratitude to his mentor for life.

Diligence, perseverance and natural sonorous voice helped Joseph to become famous in his native land. Once upon a time, the Viennese composer Georg von Reuter came to Rorau to select young singers for his chapel. Franz impressed him and Georg took the 8-year-old Joseph into the choir of Vienna's largest cathedral. There Haydn learned the skill of singing, the subtleties of composition, and even composed sacred songs for a couple of years.

The most difficult period for the composer began in 1749, when he had to earn a living through lessons, singing in church choirs and playing string instruments in various ensembles. Despite the difficulties, the young man was never discouraged and did not lose his desire to comprehend new things.

Franz spent the money he earned on the lessons of the composer Nicolo Porpora, and when Joseph did not have the opportunity to pay, the young man accompanied the mentor to the young students during the lessons. Haydn, like a man possessed, studied books on composition and analyzed the clavier sonatas, diligently composing music of different genres until late at night.

In 1751, Haydn's opera The Lame Devil was staged in one of the suburban Viennese theaters, in 1755 the creator got his first string quartet, and four years later - his first symphony. This genre in the future became the most important in all the work of the composer.


1761 was a turning point in the composer's life: on May 1, he signed a contract with Prince Esterhazy and for thirty years remained the court bandmaster of this aristocratic Hungarian family.

The Esterhazy family lived in Vienna only in winter, and their main residences were in the small town of Eisenstadt, so it is not surprising that Haydn had to change his stay in the capital for six years to a monotonous existence on the estate.

In the contract concluded between Franz and Count Esterhazy, it was stated that the composer was obliged to compose the pieces that would be required by his lordship. Haydn's early symphonies were written for the relatively small group of musicians at his disposal. After a couple of years of impeccable service, the composer was allowed to include new instruments in the orchestra at his discretion.

The main genre of creativity of the creator of the musical composition "Autumn" has always been a symphony. At the turn of the 60-70s, compositions appeared one after another: No. 49 (1768) - "Passion", No. 44, "Mourning", and No. 45.

They reflected an emotional response to a new style trend emerging in German literature, called "Storm and Onslaught". It is worth noting that during this period children's symphonies also appeared in the creator's repertoire.

After the fame of Joseph went beyond the borders of Austria, the composer wrote six symphonies by order of the Paris Concert Society, and after fulfilling the orders received from the capital of Spain, his works began to be published in Naples and London.

At the same time, the life of a genius was illuminated by friendship with. It should be noted that the relationship of artists has never been marred by rivalry or envy. Mozart claimed that it was from Joseph that he first learned how to create string quartets, so he dedicated a couple of works to the mentor. Franz himself considered Wolfgang Amadeus the greatest of contemporary composers.

After 50 years, Haydn's usual way of life has changed dramatically. The Creator received freedom, although he continued to be listed among the heirs of Prince Estergazi as the court bandmaster. The chapel itself was dissolved by the descendants of a noble family, and the composer left for Vienna.

In 1791, Franz was invited to tour England. The terms of the contract stipulated the creation of six symphonies and their performance in London, as well as the writing of an opera and twenty additional works. It is known that then Haydn was given an orchestra, in which 40 musicians worked. A year and a half spent in London became triumphant for Joseph, and the English tour was no less successful. During the tour, the composer composed 280 works and even became a Doctor of Music at the University of Oxford.

Personal life

The popularity gained in Vienna helped the young musician get a job with Count Morcin. It was for his chapel that Joseph wrote the first five symphonies. It is known that in less than two years of work with Morcin, the composer managed to improve not only his financial situation, but also to tie himself by marriage.

During that period, 28-year-old Joseph had tender feelings for the youngest daughter of the court hairdresser, and she unexpectedly went to the monastery for everyone. Then Haydn, either in revenge or for some other reason, married her sister Maria Keller, who was 4 years older than Joseph.

Their family union was not happy. The composer's wife was grumpy and wasteful. Among other things, the young lady did not at all appreciate her husband's talent and often used her husband's manuscripts instead of baking paper. To the surprise of many, family life in the absence of love, children and home comfort lasted 40 years.

Due to his unwillingness to realize himself as a caring husband and the inability to prove himself as a loving father, the composer devoted four dozen married life to symphonies. During this time, Haydn wrote hundreds of works in this genre, and 90 operas of the talented genius were staged at the theater of Prince Esterhazy.

In the Italian troupe of this theater, the composer found his late love. The young Neapolitan singer Luigi Polzelli charmed Haydn. Passionately in love, Joseph achieved an extension of the contract with her, and also simplified the vocal parts especially for a charming person, understanding her capabilities.

True, the relationship with Luija did not bring happiness to the creator. The girl was too arrogant and greedy, so even after the death of his wife, Haydn did not dare to marry her. It should be noted that at the end of his life, in the last version of the will, the composer halved the amount allocated to Polzelli.


In the last decade of his life, under the influence of the Handel Festival at Westminster Cathedral, Haydn developed an interest in choral music. The composer created six masses, as well as oratorios (The Creation of the World and The Seasons).

Haydn died on May 31, 1809 in Vienna, occupied by Napoleonic troops. The French emperor himself, having learned about the death of the eminent Austrian, gave the order to post a guard of honor at the door of his house. The funeral took place on June 1.

Sarcophagus of Joseph Haydn

An interesting fact is that when in 1820 Prince Esterhazy ordered the reburial of Haydn's remains in the Eisenstadt church, and the coffin was opened, it turned out that there was no skull under the surviving wig (it was kidnapped to study the structural features and protect it from destruction). The skull was reunited with the remains only in the middle of the next century, on June 5, 1954.


  • "Farewell Symphony"
  • "Oxford Symphony"
  • "Funeral Symphony"
  • "World creation"
  • "Seasons"
  • "Seven Words of the Savior on the Cross"
  • The Return of Tobias
  • "Apothecary"
  • "Acis and Galatea"
  • "Desert Island"
  • "Armida"
  • "Rybachki"
  • "Deceived Infidelity"